Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Diablo.1384


Okay so the warrior profession, if anybody has played this in spvp/wvw they will know that it is pretty weak no matter what playstyle/build, anybody that says they’re not clearly hasn’t played a guardian,mesmer or elementalist.
Warriors feel suited to only be good in pve, due to their lack of survivability, this isn’t much of a problem against brainless npc’s but when you bring it to a self healing guardian in wvw… You won’t stand a chance.

This is down to how the warrior has been made, bad healing, low condition removal and boon hate leaves the warrior with bad survivability already. The only thing warriors really excels in is damage output/burst damage, this leaves warriors with only one build to go for in order to stand a chance and thats a glass cannon build? Bursting someone out before they manage to kill you. I’ve played warrior from the start ive tryed the tankiest of builds down to the hardest hitting kind of builds and i know what i’m talking about, it makes me wonder why guardians have it so easy, with all their blocks, protection boons and near enough the same damage?! And everyone knows that a good defence is the key to having great offense.

Take my self healing hammer guardian friend for example.. Never been beaten by a warrior in a 1v1 situation, berserkers can’t burst him enough, tanky warriors can’t outlast him… There is no build a warrior can play to beat a self healing guardian as long as they’re a good player and don’t hand over the fight easily. The guy doesn’t even need to dodge? Not to mention how he can hit a higher crit with his hammer whilst not being a berserker than i can with my full dps berserker eviscerate?
Fair? I think not.

Now i don’t mean to be all moans and complaints, Anet have done a great job with the game and how the warrior profession plays out in pve, and i certainly could not do a better job, although it is clear to a lot of spvp/wvw’ers that we need a buff/revamp to help us out in player vs player scenario’s, more protection boons… Healing options.. Something? The “shouts heal” trait just doesn’t cut it, 1500 health for a shout, nobody even wants to use shouts in wvw, well apart from shake it off as a cc break maybe.

I want to hear people’s idea’s on what would make the warrior profession more well suited, disclose the bugs and glitches we have with our skills such as the “bull’s charge” bug.. That makes running the skill sometimes a waste of a skill slot anyway, but besides that what would make a warrior much more powerful to bring to spvp/wvw i really want anet to do something before i end up making a guardian alt just to use for wvw/spvp, or even a elementalist? They seem to have good survivability and good damage, what gives? Why do warriors only have damage?

EDIT: I like the idea of being able to gain more survivability the stronger i fight focusing around adrenaline bar, maybe gaining automatic condition removal or a bigger health regen/protection the higher the adrenaline bar is, this could be implemented well as it would stop the warrior class from turning into a guardian, giving off that offensive strategy when running a warrior.

(edited by Diablo.1384)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


All warrior need is a good way to remove conditions. Stacking shout+soldier runes does not make it, it will only make shout build to be viable, and tbh it is not that good either.

First thing I’ll ask from the dev, is change Rush completely. I’m playing at SEA time and it suck for me to have a high ping due to client distance with server, thus making skills like Rush/Bull’s Charge to be very hard to land it. Maybe change the animation of rush to be like Elementalist fiery greatsword(at the end of it there is a leap thus it is easier to hit a target, unlike the buggy rush we have now). Next is a better way to remove condition, apart from shouts, or maybe make Shake it off remove 2 conditions instead of 1.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


I agree and disagree with many things on this topic. For one, Warriors aren’t bad in WvW, if anything they are extremely good. Well let me rephrase that, good warriors and by good I don’t mean decent I mean GOOD warriors can destroy the enemy in WvW. Yet the skill level needed to do so is far higher than any other class I played thus far, which is everyone except engineer lol.

I find the warrior itself not to be the problem, rather classes like guardian, elementalist, thiefs and some mesmers are the actual problem.

Guardian: They were designed to be a tank, healer in a game which is suppose to have no roles, this reminds me of a druid in WoW. He can do it all, aegis on passive is just stupid specially since you can spec it for retaliation and burning. Too many sources of healing and over all high damage. They have a bit less hp than a warrior in a balance spec but they pack a lot of fire power along with a lot of survivalbility. Where a warrior needs to spec and use a warhorn to transform conditions to boons, a guardian uses a simple utility and problem solved. Their signed heals them for about 80% of their health and removes conditions while our heals are horrible, all of them lack any real substance and our biggest heal relays on adrenaline so is just bleh.

Elementalist: Elements dancing is just op. Before anyone says “it takes skill!!!!” Well considering GW got way less key binds than most other mmos this is just going back to the basics in any way you see it. Their down state makes them pretty much the perfect gate defenders in WvW, they pack a punch, can take many many many hits and can heal, remove conditions and buff…oh and CC…eh yeah I don’t see problem with this class…

Thiefs problem lies in their absurd damage. Now if they didn’t had so many stealth skills, or more like the ability to keep stealth up about 80% of the time I wouldn’t mind this kind of damage as they are glass cannons, but any competent thief “I play thief sometimes when I feel like I need to face roll a bit” is nearly invisible, as they can pick who they fight and who they ignore.

Mesmers, really good ones won’t die end of it. Not so good ones are a face roll to kill once you know how they work.

Now how can we fix the warrior…

Let’s starts with the basics. Our burst skill. Similar to ranger’s problem our unique mechanic sucks for the most part. Some of them are excellent, such as rifle, long bow and hammer. But the rest…bleh or WTF. Example. My sword hits for about 1.7k in a normal hit, I use my burst and with some crits in I put a mighty damage of…900. Sure I put in some bleeds, which are always removed within secs. So yeah…I use this mainly as a snare to help my team.

GS: Bad damage, bad animation…useless.

Axe: USED to be really good, nerfed, now rarely deals competitive damage, short range, no sexyness here at all.

Mace: Hard as hell to hit people with it…

Now if they increased our burst to a point where they stood in similar ground with rifle for DPs weapons for example and well decent damage for sword I would be happy. Also reduce the rifle burst skill casting time…honestly people can see it coming from a mile away draw a point blank in their chest and then dodge and troll face your sorry kitten thanks to it.

Next point is our heals: They suck, plain and simple.

Signet = too low on active effect, barely any good regen.

Mending = Removes 2 conditions..barely heals for kitten.

I forgot the name of the healing with adrenaline…now this heals decently if you got full adrenaline but compared to our hp pool, it doesn’t heal enough. And before anyone says if we healed more we would be op then reduce our HP pool and give us some sort of protection/aegis mechanics as those > HP any day or any night…

We need many of our trait skills to be redone, many of them…specially those about reviving people…wtf…

Our main tree line needs to go back from 1% to 3% maxed burst to 30% burst damage maybeeee then burst will deal decent damage.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


Cool downs: Yep, many of our utilities and elites come with such a cool downs you might as well forget they exist.

Juggernaut: Jesus…when I first saw this skill I was like WOW can’t wait to get it omfg this sounds so awesome lalalala this is what a true warrior should be bla bla bla. When I saw it switched my skills into some super crappy slow animation CCs with no damage and long cool downs I asked myself….“What the f. is this s…t?”

And finally the true problem with warriors…


Yes, most of them are too predictable, too long, too cranky or bugged. When a guardian tele’s to the enemy we have to run and miss. We slash to the side to CC the enemy moves on the opposite way and dodges, we slash the air unable to move, the guardian spins around like a kitten shooting Guile’s sonic booms. So you can see the problem here.

I say our condition management should become an example of how conditions should be managed, you spec into it you got decent cool downs between removals, remove some leave some turn some into boons, this way condition builds are viable while not Op. While the whole remove all conditions or turn all conditions to boons or anything on the lines simply destroys condition builds while over powering some classes over the others.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Diablo.1384


I think warriors overall just need better survivability, but they need to implement this without turning the warrior class into a guardian, maybe a buff on the heal regen trait with adrenaline? something to keep us longer in fights, with automatic condition removal focused around the adrenaline bar, i like the idea that with a warrior class, the harder you fight back, the more survivability you get.

and to the person who made a comment on the juggernaut skill, i was exactly the same “aw cool look at this skill, its called juggernaut, that has to be an awsome rampage skill that i can use to kill various people”
put it on in spvp… i turned red, threw a rock and died.

(edited by Diablo.1384)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I’m glad some other people think guardians are just a bit ridiculous in comparison. I always laugh when I kill a guardian as my warrior. They should be ashamed.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I think solving the condition problem could be fairly simple. If they changed the tactics minor traits to something that reduce or cleanse conditions. In addition if they made the passive for signet of stamina reduce condition duration We could actually have some removal without being forced to completely spec into and making us weak in any other aspect.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


You mean condition removal without having to wear a full set of Melandru runes and/or chug down a million Bowls of Lemongrass Poultry Soup? Madness. THAT WOULD MAKE WARRIOR UNSTOPPABLE, OBVIOUSLY.


Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Thief are able to cleanse condition everytime they go invisible, why can’t us have it everytime we have full adrenaline? I’m not saying we should have a condition removal every 3 second when you have full adrenaline, but something that have the same concept as that will be better since Warrior really lack ways to remove conditions without speccing full shout+soldier rune, it’ll just make other utilities useless.

The only condition removal that I use atm is the signet, though it have a huge cooldown making it not really that viable.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Thief are able to cleanse condition everytime they go invisible, why can’t us have it everytime we have full adrenaline? I’m not saying we should have a condition removal every 3 second when you have full adrenaline, but something that have the same concept as that will be better since Warrior really lack ways to remove conditions without speccing full shout+soldier rune, it’ll just make other utilities useless.

The only condition removal that I use atm is the signet, though it have a huge cooldown making it not really that viable.

I had a suggestion on another thread where the 15 point minor tactics trait would cleanse 1 condition per adrenaline bar used, may be a bit too good if it was every time so possibly give it a 16 second cooldown so it’s only useable every 2 attacks.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Thief are able to cleanse condition everytime they go invisible, why can’t us have it everytime we have full adrenaline? I’m not saying we should have a condition removal every 3 second when you have full adrenaline, but something that have the same concept as that will be better since Warrior really lack ways to remove conditions without speccing full shout+soldier rune, it’ll just make other utilities useless.

The only condition removal that I use atm is the signet, though it have a huge cooldown making it not really that viable.

I had a suggestion on another thread where the 15 point minor tactics trait would cleanse 1 condition per adrenaline bar used, may be a bit too good if it was every time so possibly give it a 16 second cooldown so it’s only useable every 2 attacks.

I’ve just had a good idea about this too, and already posted it here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/Suggestion-on-how-Adrenaline-work/first#post1868968.

Just hoping dev will look at it and think about it since we really need a good way to remove condition without using shout build.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I disagree that they are weak in WvW.

Same goes for condition removal and healing when you build for it.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Diablo.1384


you disagree? well what do you play as? an unkillable warrior? they couldn’t kill a fly, also nice shouts, im sure they stack a lot of kills also…

Since they nerfed omnomberry pie, we need a new way to heal that is almost the same as that, where we can heal up on fighting harder and getting more hits, it wouldn’t be op considering we have no survivability at the moment, lets be honest shouts suck really. for great of justice.. pve skill, shake it off.. only shout i ever run with in wvw, that other adrenaline gaining shout? so useless that i dont even know the name of it.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: IDarko.4709


sPvP and duels in WvW, sure yeah. But WvW in general, na ah!! My warrior is brutal. 2.2k toughness, 26k HP, 50% crit chance with fury, 40 crit damage and 2k+ power. Crazy buffs and mobility with sword/warhorn + huge CC power with the hammer. Using healing shouts. fear me, shake it off and balanced stance. Soldier runes and conditions are a thing of the past. Using food that heals me on killing enemies, which happens A LOT if i run with my guild. Getting bloodlust stacks and then switching to hammer with restoration sigil, bumping my heal on a kill to 1600 HP without a cooldown. I can pretty much keep on trucking with this build.

Almost every serious roaming guild in WvW uses hammer warriors in the frontline. Stop thinking berserker is the only way to go. Berserker is one of the worst options in WvW, for ANY class. Sure, solo’ing and duelling people for fun can be decent but seriously, the warrior has a good place in WvW and PvE.

The major problem is sPvP. It’s so bad that i’m currently not playing sPvP anymore. When that is fixed, they can look at adding more options/builds/traits for warriors in all the formats again. I agree that they need more survivability. High passive stats doesn’t work in this game.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

(edited by IDarko.4709)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Well, to be fair. Guardians are Anti-melee. As a guardian I find it easy to fight warriors and thieves. Thieves especially are faceroll. That being said, I can’t kill a mesmer to save my life on guardian (Unless they are down right terrible) yet I can overpower them fairly quickly on my warrior, with all my mobile attack skills (1 whirlwind attack KOs happen a lot). I just think its a different niche. Guardians I believe were meant to tank out melee, hence all the blinds and blocks.

I’ve actually found the most pressure and hardest fights against full zerker warriors because even against my balanced guardian build i mostly run in WvW with 2.8-.2.9k toughness, they hit like trucks, forcing me to play way more defensively.

I don’t think warriors need super sustain, it would just make them lesser guardians with more dps. I think warriors need help definitely, but it needs to be something unique. Why not just make them full CC? Screw damage, I mean, thieves have that already and are more mobile to boot. Make the warrior have some condition removal+minimal sustain but a CC house, without janky movement controls like it does now. A better option then f1 burst skills (as much as I love eviscerate) would be stances. Make f1-f4 stance keys to switch in and out of stances to add more depth to warrior play, activating different stances for different situations like attunements on ele. Heck, add a trait that removes conditions on stance switch. That way, utilities can be more creative like, a Pull, or kick or stomp actually being used in niche situations.

These are my thoughts anyway.


Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


you disagree? well what do you play as? an unkillable warrior? they couldn’t kill a fly, also nice shouts, im sure they stack a lot of kills also…

Since they nerfed omnomberry pie, we need a new way to heal that is almost the same as that, where we can heal up on fighting harder and getting more hits, it wouldn’t be op considering we have no survivability at the moment, lets be honest shouts suck really. for great of justice.. pve skill, shake it off.. only shout i ever run with in wvw, that other adrenaline gaining shout? so useless that i dont even know the name of it.

Hammer shout is very survivable and still puts out good damage when you gear and set up correctly.

Shouts heal very well also when you set up your build correctly. You haven’t really tried it out fully untill you’ve worked out the gear set.

Often, the point is not necessarly to be the one that is doing the killing but to CC with your team comming in to mop up, but you should already know that since you are so great at a warrior.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


That’s the thing though, every class should be able to spec into roaming alone and be able to hold their own.

Warriors can’t really do it as good as others right now. They are invaluable in teams yes, as they provide a lot of offensive support through CC and such, and combo well, but that’s not the issue.


Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


That’s the thing though, every class should be able to spec into roaming alone and be able to hold their own.

Warriors can’t really do it as good as others right now. They are invaluable in teams yes, as they provide a lot of offensive support through CC and such, and combo well, but that’s not the issue.

And if you buff them too much, they will be even more powerful in groups. Mine is a beast right now.

I wouldn’t mind a buff, it will just make it even harder to kill me.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Diablo.1384


Im not saying certain builds aren’t “good” anything that’s tankier than an other profession is probably good, im just stating that warriors do need some sort of revamp to give them more survivability, there is no balance in the game when it comes to playing warrior.

why use shouts heal? elementalists can run the same type of build as you but heal x10000 better, the only way to beat a lot of professions in a 1v1 is to roll berserker and burst them out, the only way to pull off a possible 1v2, is by running berserker, yet take a berserker mesmer? same burst damage, more survivability, there are professions that play every warrior build better, for example.

Tanky warrior – guardians or d/d elementalists do it better.

Condition warrior – not enough conditions to kill professions with condition removal, necromancer for conditions

Berserker warrior – No survivability, berserker mesmer gives you survivability.

id say the only thing warriors excel in is pve. people state that i have “a lack of knowledge” but you’re also saying that to my friend Avlis, if anybody’s heard of him he’s probably the best warrior going, he uploads videos. I’ve spoken with him and had build tests, it is clear to me, him and anybody that has tried 1v1s with a warrior that the professions are unbalanced. Not interested in 1v1s? prefer to roll in big groups that outnumber every other zerg in wvw? well what use is it going to be when you’re in a 2v2 scenario and you let your friend down when you loose your fight?

I personally don’t want to only be effective in groups, too much of the time i don’t have a group around to help me whilst roaming, i prefer to be able to take out people on my own, im not asking for a OP class, just something that can at least stand up to Guardians, Elementalists and mesmers, sure i can kill noobs, but a lot of the time im finding players with no skill being able to kill me, simply because of their profession.

(edited by Diablo.1384)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: pot.6805


When you hear posters claim hammer warriors are amazing in large scale wvw you can tell they are just facerolling random pug zergs and aren’t fighting real competition.

Beast mode

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Exedore.6320


For reference, I was a warrior alt and guardian main.

The concern about condition removal is a bit overblown. Unless guardians spec for condition removal, they’re terrible at it as well. The difference is that guardian condition removal has multiple options, all of which fit nicely into most builds. That’s true for other professions as well. For warriors, condition removal is often viewed secondary to other goals like damage.

The biggest problems I’ve seen with warrior are
1. Burst abilities and Adrenaline. Some are good (axe), some aren’t (greatsword), some weapons build adrenaline quickly and some take a while. The 10 second cooldown restriction hurts some weapons as well where their burst ability could be used as a utility.
2. Bad traits and necessary traits. Practically every build I’ve seen or used takes fast hands, which uses up 15 trait points. Many of the master and grandmaster traits are limited to one weapon and do little for it. And this is the class with the biggest weapon variety.
3. Very few anti-group CC or escapes. Although some CC hits multiple targets, it often does so in a line or a cone. Those are easy to avoid and don’t help you in melee when you get swamped from all directions. In addition, a lot of it can’t be used while stunned and is susceptible to being interrupted.
4. Full recovery of HP is rare. Although warriors have the second most base HP of any profession, they rarely get it all back unless they drop out of combat for a while. Combined with few ways to self-heal in large amounts, this mechanic doesn’t do well to offset more limited defenses in a longer battle.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I feel like they could have done a lot more and been more creative with the adreanaline mechanic. All it really is is just an extra attack, and sometimes you may be reluctant to use it due to heightened focus and berserkers power, though it can regenerate fairly quickly if you spec into it.

Another thing that needs fixing is the dreaded 3% burst damage on the discipline tree, ridiculous how we get cheated there.

More viable routes for condition removal would be OK, we don’t necessarily need more. Condition Removal is not always a Warrior’s achilles heel, but to have decent and reliable at removal you need to be a shout build, or need to invest heavily into tactics and use a warhorn.

Our utility heals compared to most if not all classes are very subpar. We are given a really high base HP and in return we lack regeneration, protection, utility and reliable boon generation. But at least give us better scaling heals, or with a slightly lesser cooldown.

I would also like to see a bit more self-sustain for the warrior. Currently we rely on elementalists and guardians to do that for us so in a sense they are a lifeline that we are tied to, if they go down (if we don’t go down first) then we will go down shortly after. At least with me, often in big zerg scenarios I find myself having to break combat a few times just to get full HP. Too often is my HP pool permanently gone never to come back unless i break combat. Not really asking for a self-protection boons, but maybe some source of minor healing besides investing in shouts. Perhaps healing on adreanaline use, that makes the most sense, or better regeneration.

Overall we are decently balanced in WvW, we just need a few kinks and works here and there, but nothing really gamebreaking. We aren’t the best, but we are far from the worst when that is concerned. Ofc sPvP, it is a different story.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I feel like they could have done a lot more and been more creative with the adreanaline mechanic. All it really is is just an extra attack, and sometimes you may be reluctant to use it due to heightened focus and berserkers power, though it can regenerate fairly quickly if you spec into it.

Another thing that needs fixing is the dreaded 3% burst damage on the discipline tree, ridiculous how we get cheated there.

More viable routes for condition removal would be OK, we don’t necessarily need more. Condition Removal is not always a Warrior’s achilles heel, but to have decent and reliable at removal you need to be a shout build, or need to invest heavily into tactics and use a warhorn.

Our utility heals compared to most if not all classes are very subpar. We are given a really high base HP and in return we lack regeneration, protection, utility and reliable boon generation. But at least give us better scaling heals, or with a slightly lesser cooldown.

I would also like to see a bit more self-sustain for the warrior. Currently we rely on elementalists and guardians to do that for us so in a sense they are a lifeline that we are tied to, if they go down (if we don’t go down first) then we will go down shortly after. At least with me, often in big zerg scenarios I find myself having to break combat a few times just to get full HP. Too often is my HP pool permanently gone never to come back unless i break combat. Not really asking for a self-protection boons, but maybe some source of minor healing besides investing in shouts. Perhaps healing on adreanaline use, that makes the most sense, or better regeneration.

Overall we are decently balanced in WvW, we just need a few kinks and works here and there, but nothing really gamebreaking. We aren’t the best, but we are far from the worst when that is concerned. Ofc sPvP, it is a different story.

The sad thing about our class is, we had healing “On-par” with elementalist when we had omnom food available.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


The Omnom food nerf was one of the silliest ones made. Not only did it shut down all roaming capabilities of warriors, or at least the meta of it, but it was something any class could access, making it fair game. I didn’t even use it, and I think it was fine.


Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


The Omnom food nerf was one of the silliest ones made. Not only did it shut down all roaming capabilities of warriors, or at least the meta of it, but it was something any class could access, making it fair game. I didn’t even use it, and I think it was fine.

Warriors relying on a food for 90% of their sustain is pretty silly. Revolving entire builds, gear and traits around food is even more silly and you really think ANet was really going to keep it the way it was. Even if all classes have access to it it is like trying to justify hacking by saying “well, its fair game because everybody else is hacking”. It needed to be addressed, having a single food being the begin all/end all of sustainability issues is dumb. It reduces build diversity in PvE and PvP, it allows you to simply go full glass cannon builds without paying as much of a price as one should and bypass and ignore many defensive mechanics. If classes like Warriors need to resort to that food and that food being the overwhelming choice for a lot of people, it means that both: the food was OP and that the Warrior is lacking something that this food covered very nicely.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Exedore.6320


You can’t balance around extremely powerful food buffs though. They make some builds a lot more powerful than they should be, yet good builds that can’t take advantage of extremely powerful food buffs get left behind.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Warriors relying on a food for 90% of their sustain is pretty silly.


Even if all classes have access to it it is like trying to justify hacking by saying “well, its fair game because everybody else is hacking”.

That’s a bad example. You aren’t breaking any rules or cheating by using an available in-game service. Its like in a first person shooter such as Planetside 2 a gun being available, you can use it if you want, not use it if you don’t. A much better comparison.

It needed to be addressed, having a single food being the begin all/end all of sustainability issues is dumb. .

Indeed…That’s the issue… It’s not been addressed. Warriors still have sustainability issues, they just have even more so now.

, it means that both: the food was OP and that the Warrior is lacking something that this food covered very nicely.

Something available to all classes is hard to coin as OP. Food buffs in general seem very powerful, such as 10% crit damage and 100 precision? That goes a long way. Some foods lack anything useful while others have insane buffs. This food, yes I agree, helped warriors cover their faults because Anet failed to, why is that so wrong?

The food nerf wasn’t the issue, its that as you put it nicely, Warrior is LACKING something, and the food was a way players cleverly found to compensate.

On a side note: Why are so many people so critical of glass cannon builds? Its a viable way to play too, its a tactic. Maximizing damage is a choice that any of us can make and shouldn’t be penalized for when its down to solo play, I dislike this stigma. Should I tell people to go play something else if they play bunker now?


Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Hammer shout is very survivable and still puts out good damage when you gear and set up correctly.
Shouts heal very well also when you set up your build correctly. You haven’t really tried it out fully untill you’ve worked out the gear set.

Shout heal is average at best. Defense 30 and Discipline 15&20(Mobile strikes) is better and more universal choice. Def 30 can easily negate up to ~30k damage or give great source of retaliation, Disc 15 allow to utilize weapon sets alot more actively, and Disc 20 just godsend then you rooted and receive pile of conditions on top of that (so you can’t remove it just by shouts). Also, I appreciate much more Balanced Stance than the 3rd shout, serious WvW without stability for melee is very painful.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
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Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


You can’t balance around extremely powerful food buffs though. They make some builds a lot more powerful than they should be, yet good builds that can’t take advantage of extremely powerful food buffs get left behind.

Not true, and is a great misconception in the entire community. The specs that used food were on-par if not a little worse then the current meta.

D/D Elementalist does not use food, they are insane bunkers with insane healing/cc/condition removal.

P/D Condition Thief, wrecked by the reveal nerf, these guys used to be terrors. They did not use the food either. However were one of the best pvp classes in the game.

Condition Mesmer did not use the food, retaliation everywhere and 5-6 stacks of confusion will wreck anyones day, especially a warrior since they know we can’t clear conditions without using a very specific item/set.

It was mostly a playstyle choice, and the playstyle choice was actually harder to play then the current metas.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Diablo.1384


Overall warriors need balance, we’re useless to over 60% of professions in 1v1 scenarios, and thats not even speaking about builds, thats just professions, including skills, and playstyle, ive noticed that a lot of other professions are pretty noobish to infact get killed by warrior.

Mesmer can beat us with ease as it can survive long with all of its stealth, clones etc.

Guardian can tank harder, last longer in a fight, and still burst better due to the survivability they still have from blocks, heals etc.

Necromancer if played right they can busk on our ability to have no condition removal, well thats without rune of the solider, shouts or without using lemongrass/melandru they can kite a warrior whilst applying deadly conditions to kill us, i dont have so much of a problem with necromancers though, as i have to use lemongrass/melandru and i just burst them out.

Elementalist d/d bunker can kill any profession in the game due to their heals/survivability, close to unkillable, have to use confusion to do real damage to them, again only confusion warriors have are from a trait “3stack upon interupt” not good enough.

Engineer Can kill us by outlasting londer (more heals) and applying confusion.

Now i left out 3 professions these are warrior, ranger, thief. warriors have moral ground against these professions i feel, although p/d thief and a kiting ranger can have a better outcome.
Now this information has came from my own research, i’ve tried every profession in 1v1s and normal spvp tourns, now i really dont understand how most professions such as mesmer can be as dumb to be beat by a warrior, also guardian, they know they’re doing it wrong when a warrior wins.

i’ve already started to roll a mesmer after realising how easy it was for me to take on 1v3s against noobs in spvp.

now this post seems as though im a noob, i am expecting replies such as “OH I HAVE NO PROBLEM AGAINST ANY CLASS HURRHURR” which i know is total BS, warriors can beat any profession if the other player is just super bad or doesn’t know how to play the profession, i’ve killed a lot of mesmers, guardians, elementalists etc. but this was down to them being really bad or just having a crap build, anybody that knows how to play these professions kills warriors easily.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


Thief are able to cleanse condition everytime they go invisible, why can’t us have it everytime we have full adrenaline? I’m not saying we should have a condition removal every 3 second when you have full adrenaline, but something that have the same concept as that will be better since Warrior really lack ways to remove conditions without speccing full shout+soldier rune, it’ll just make other utilities useless.

The only condition removal that I use atm is the signet, though it have a huge cooldown making it not really that viable.

I like all the adrenaline centered ideas but I hate how its always based around the fact you must have FULL adrenaline. It makes the GS too much better than other warrior builds and makes every useful burst skill go unused. These traits that already exist should give the bonus for a time period AFTER the adrenaline has been expended (enough to keep the buff almost always active so long as they can continuously gain 3 stacks of adren) Dont know why we get these kittenty kitten heals and bad burst condition removals (well… one, if you wanna call it that)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Diablo.1384


well the warrior buffs in the new patch sound good, its feels good to know that anet have heard us out, after the patch it will be easier for us to take down guardians and elementalists, in general all bunker classes which is great, although i think we need some more survivability patches, we seem to all just be for dps, it’d be nice to see a trait that gives condition removal without having to shed out to certain armour or use shouts, maybe they should increase the amount of conditions shake it off cures? or lower the cd?

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Remove 1 condition per burst skill level. A full bar remove 3.

Someone mentionned that the issue with condition warrior is that they lack a bit of diversity. Add a poison on the third auto attack of sword and it would help a lot.

Heiann – NSP

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Godofallu.2935


Let me give some helpful advice for Warriors not in the know. Take Runes of Lyssa + minor trait that makes signets recharge faster. That (elite removes all conditions and gives all boons 45sec) plus the signet that clears all conditions and the heal which removes 2 conditions is a ton of condition removal.

Proud GW2 Esports Guild Admin and Coach. Whisper me for duels, help, or guild invites.

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Let me give some helpful advice for Warriors not in the know. Take Runes of Lyssa + minor trait that makes signets recharge faster. That (elite removes all conditions and gives all boons 45sec) plus the signet that clears all conditions and the heal which removes 2 conditions is a ton of condition removal.

Most warriors that are in the know know that is very risky. Especially vs necros, your trying to remove condis the necro gave you and you will only make the situation worst.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Let me give some helpful advice for Warriors not in the know. Take Runes of Lyssa + minor trait that makes signets recharge faster. That (elite removes all conditions and gives all boons 45sec) plus the signet that clears all conditions and the heal which removes 2 conditions is a ton of condition removal.

Most warriors that are in the know know that is very risky. Especially vs necros, your trying to remove condis the necro gave you and you will only make the situation worst.

What really sucks about Lyssa is that you’re taking precision when I think most warriors would much rather take strength.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior revamp to suit SPvP/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: fost.9167


The reason warriors are ok in www is simply because you meet lots of upranked players, can use terrain, and in the zerg pick people off.

Any class in www is fine