Okay so the warrior profession, if anybody has played this in spvp/wvw they will know that it is pretty weak no matter what playstyle/build, anybody that says they’re not clearly hasn’t played a guardian,mesmer or elementalist.
Warriors feel suited to only be good in pve, due to their lack of survivability, this isn’t much of a problem against brainless npc’s but when you bring it to a self healing guardian in wvw… You won’t stand a chance.
This is down to how the warrior has been made, bad healing, low condition removal and boon hate leaves the warrior with bad survivability already. The only thing warriors really excels in is damage output/burst damage, this leaves warriors with only one build to go for in order to stand a chance and thats a glass cannon build? Bursting someone out before they manage to kill you. I’ve played warrior from the start ive tryed the tankiest of builds down to the hardest hitting kind of builds and i know what i’m talking about, it makes me wonder why guardians have it so easy, with all their blocks, protection boons and near enough the same damage?! And everyone knows that a good defence is the key to having great offense.
Take my self healing hammer guardian friend for example.. Never been beaten by a warrior in a 1v1 situation, berserkers can’t burst him enough, tanky warriors can’t outlast him… There is no build a warrior can play to beat a self healing guardian as long as they’re a good player and don’t hand over the fight easily. The guy doesn’t even need to dodge? Not to mention how he can hit a higher crit with his hammer whilst not being a berserker than i can with my full dps berserker eviscerate?
Fair? I think not.
Now i don’t mean to be all moans and complaints, Anet have done a great job with the game and how the warrior profession plays out in pve, and i certainly could not do a better job, although it is clear to a lot of spvp/wvw’ers that we need a buff/revamp to help us out in player vs player scenario’s, more protection boons… Healing options.. Something? The “shouts heal” trait just doesn’t cut it, 1500 health for a shout, nobody even wants to use shouts in wvw, well apart from shake it off as a cc break maybe.
I want to hear people’s idea’s on what would make the warrior profession more well suited, disclose the bugs and glitches we have with our skills such as the “bull’s charge” bug.. That makes running the skill sometimes a waste of a skill slot anyway, but besides that what would make a warrior much more powerful to bring to spvp/wvw i really want anet to do something before i end up making a guardian alt just to use for wvw/spvp, or even a elementalist? They seem to have good survivability and good damage, what gives? Why do warriors only have damage?
EDIT: I like the idea of being able to gain more survivability the stronger i fight focusing around adrenaline bar, maybe gaining automatic condition removal or a bigger health regen/protection the higher the adrenaline bar is, this could be implemented well as it would stop the warrior class from turning into a guardian, giving off that offensive strategy when running a warrior.
(edited by Diablo.1384)