Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: MidoriMarch.8067


Warrior is far more superior with everything now than any other classess and those adrenaline nerf is not even a nerf compare to others. Warrior is easiest and requires most less skills to play than any other class + much forgiving on mistakes and u can still easily faceroll. stop QQing already for gods sake

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903



I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


And for a good year the Warrior pretty much was at the bottom of the barrel of sPvP and pretty much a free kill 1v1.

Even in the recent tourney’s you mostly saw only 1 warrior, some teams had no warriors. Most of the teams that featured 2 warriors lost. If they were far more superior than any other class then why don’t we see a 5 man warrior team at the highest level? Why are guardians and eles more represented?

Stop QQing about Warriors in general.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


warriors “better stop” QQing about nerf?

or else? you going to spank them?

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


or else? you going to spank them?

hes just gonna QQ about Waqqiors QQing about Waqqior nerf.

coz he zays Waqqiorz IZ zo OPz..

(edited by Juba.8406)

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


My HB deals 300k damage.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Xae.7204


And for a good year the Warrior pretty much was at the bottom of the barrel of sPvP and pretty much a free kill 1v1.

Even in the recent tourney’s you mostly saw only 1 warrior, some teams had no warriors. Most of the teams that featured 2 warriors lost. If they were far more superior than any other class then why don’t we see a 5 man warrior team at the highest level? Why are guardians and eles more represented?

Stop QQing about Warriors in general.

Warriors were never ‘bad’ in SPvP.

They were a mid tier class at the highest levels of coordination and individual skill at launch. But they completely dominated the metagame for the average player since release.

Just like they have in PvE and WvW.

After the nerfs Warriors will be one of the strongest classes in the game, probably still the strongest.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

And for a good year the Warrior pretty much was at the bottom of the barrel of sPvP and pretty much a free kill 1v1.

Even in the recent tourney’s you mostly saw only 1 warrior, some teams had no warriors. Most of the teams that featured 2 warriors lost. If they were far more superior than any other class then why don’t we see a 5 man warrior team at the highest level? Why are guardians and eles more represented?

Stop QQing about Warriors in general.

Warriors were never ‘bad’ in SPvP.

They were a mid tier class at the highest levels of coordination and individual skill at launch. But they completely dominated the metagame for the average player since release.

Just like they have in PvE and WvW.

After the nerfs Warriors will be one of the strongest classes in the game, probably still the strongest.


Before the old buffs to Warrior healing, the entire class was nothing but sandbags in pvp.

this is the patch that took them from low-tier pvp to high-tier.


So much happened at that time for Warrior that they jumped the entire middle tier. The community has never really recovered from that revamp, and now those changes are slowly being cut back, due to qq as shallow as the OPs.

At launch, anything with CC ate warriors. Namely, everything.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


And for a good year the Warrior pretty much was at the bottom of the barrel of sPvP and pretty much a free kill 1v1.

Even in the recent tourney’s you mostly saw only 1 warrior, some teams had no warriors. Most of the teams that featured 2 warriors lost. If they were far more superior than any other class then why don’t we see a 5 man warrior team at the highest level? Why are guardians and eles more represented?

Stop QQing about Warriors in general.

Warriors were never ’bad’ in SPvP.

They were a mid tier class at the highest levels of coordination and individual skill at launch. But they completely dominated the metagame for the average player since release.

Just like they have in PvE and WvW.

After the nerfs Warriors will be one of the strongest classes in the game, probably still the strongest.

You couldn’t be any more wrong. This was just one of the many threads/polls from back in the day assessing the meta for tPvP. Sure, some of them might of been just random casuals commenting but still this was one of the great indicators to how abysmal the Warrior was in structured.


As you can see, Warrior was in Tier C (some have even suggested that they are 2 tiers lower than the next class, that was how bad Warriors were). Even popular and high end PvP streamers from back in the day like Defektive admitted that his team couldn’t really justify him taking his warrior to tPvP.

And it was true. D/D elementalists not only had 10x the sustain that Warriors did, but also did really good damage. They completely took the warrior’s spot as that tanky, melee bruiser type with good damage. They simply had no role. Warriors were probably the worst bunkers back when stealth capping was a thing. Because you can easily target them, condition bomb them and it was over as well as kite them for days.They had no sustain either. Even mesmers and thieves could hold points better and this wasn’t an exaggeration. And when it came to glass cannon builds, Mesmers and Thieves did that better anyway.

If this wasn’t the case, the Devs wouldn’t of buffed Warriors like they did over a year ago. They acknowledged that sustain and condition removal was a problem keeping Warriors from high level play. I will admit that in the context of big nerfs to other classes, that they did buff Warriors too much. However, I don’t think they are this massively OP juggernaut that people make them out to be. This will definitely be less true after this patch. You are already seeing people not running Warrior comps and they have been pretty successful. You are seeing more double Ele comps and they are the most diverse in terms of builds. You see Staff, D/D and S/F builds in the highest level of play.

Any time you make changes to a class’ main profession mechanic, no matter how little or big it is, in the long run it can have a very significant impact.


Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Xae.7204


99% of Warrior whining from release was because they couldn’t 100B everything in one shot.

Once Warriors starting adapting to the reality that every other class was dealing with it was very clear Warriors were competitive at all but the highest levels.

People forget the “highest levels” caveat. Warriors have always been a brutal pub stomping class, regardless of how the top 1% of the competitive scene has viewed them.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


99% of Warrior whining from release was because they couldn’t 100B everything in one shot.

Once Warriors starting adapting to the reality that every other class was dealing with it was very clear Warriors were competitive at all but the highest levels.

People forget the "highest levels" caveat. Warriors have always been a brutal pub stomping class, regardless of how the top 1% of the competitive scene has viewed them.

That is a very narrow-minded viewpoint. Nobody asked to be able to hundred-blade everything in one shot as you say, nor can you even do that to this day. We only asked for a purpose, role and viability in structured and tournament level play is that too much to ask for?

So pretty much according to you most of what was wrong with this class can be viewed as nothing but whining and complaining. That this class had virtually nothing wrong with it at launch and that everybody else just had to learn to play right? Just like people had to learn how to play other classes? But somehow people learned how to play other classes far better than they had learned to play a warrior Problem is, even if you did learn to play the Warrior at launch was underperforming compared to other classes. There was a point where I switched to Mesmer, never playing it before and "pub-stomping" everybody in sight. Even in WvW back in the days of pre-nerf confusion I would take a mesmer and 1v4 people with ease. Something which I could never do on my warrior.

Warriors were never that brutal "pub-stomping" class at launch or even a year since launch. So basically according to you we are going to base balance off of which class pub-stomps the best? I am so glad that you are not a developer. Even between the 2-80% scene of competitiveness they were outclassed. In other words A warrior facing another class like an Elementalist or Mesmer at the same skill level would be highly outmatched.

Your viewpoint is an interesting one. You take that extreme viewpoint that Warriors are OP and always have been OP, and that since launch they weren’t underpowered, it is just people needed to learn how to play.

Which is from an extreme standpoint no different from somebody saying that Warriors were never OP, people just need to stop whining and learn to play the other classes.

Pretty much you are just grasping at straws and making blanket statements that don’t have a shred of truth or evidence to back it up.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Xae.7204


99% of Warrior whining from release was because they couldn’t 100B everything in one shot.

Once Warriors starting adapting to the reality that every other class was dealing with it was very clear Warriors were competitive at all but the highest levels.

People forget the “highest levels” caveat. Warriors have always been a brutal pub stomping class, regardless of how the top 1% of the competitive scene has viewed them.

That is a very narrow-minded viewpoint. Nobody asked to be able to hundred-blade everything in one shot as you say, nor can you even do that to this day. We only asked for a purpose, role and viability in structured and tournament level play is that too much to ask for?

So pretty much according to you most of what was wrong with this class can be viewed as nothing but whining and complaining. That this class had virtually nothing wrong with it at launch and that everybody else just had to learn to play right? Just like people had to learn how to play other classes? But somehow people learned how to play other classes far better than they had learned to play a warrior Problem is, even if you did learn to play the Warrior at launch was underperforming compared to other classes. There was a point where I switched to Mesmer, never playing it before and “pub-stomping” everybody in sight. Even in WvW back in the days of pre-nerf confusion I would take a mesmer and 1v4 people with ease. Something which I could never do on my warrior.

Warriors were never that brutal “pub-stomping” class at launch or even a year since launch. So basically according to you we are going to base balance off of which class pub-stomps the best? I am so glad that you are not a developer. Even between the 2-80% scene of competitiveness they were outclassed. In other words A warrior facing another class like an Elementalist or Mesmer at the same skill level would be highly outmatched.

Your viewpoint is an interesting one. You take that extreme viewpoint that Warriors are OP and always have been OP, and that since launch they weren’t underpowered, it is just people needed to learn how to play.

Which is from an extreme standpoint no different from somebody saying that Warriors were never OP, people just need to stop whining and learn to play the other classes.

Pretty much you are just grasping at straws and making blanket statements that don’t have a shred of truth or evidence to back it up.

99% of people aren’t in the competitive scene. Balancing exclusively for it is a bad idea. Balancing for it is what has broken the Warrior.

The entire Metagame for the first 6 months of SPvP was: “Can you survive a 100B Warrior?”.

Go back and read the PvP forum from around release. Every single build is judged based on that criteria. When you define the metagame, you are not underpowered.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


And how easy was it to shut down that build? For most classes all it would take is 1 single skill that had a stun break.

And build shut down. Completely.

All warrior had was 100b. No sustain, no condition clear, just 100b.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


99% of Warrior whining from release was because they couldn’t 100B everything in one shot.

Once Warriors starting adapting to the reality that every other class was dealing with it was very clear Warriors were competitive at all but the highest levels.

People forget the “highest levels” caveat. Warriors have always been a brutal pub stomping class, regardless of how the top 1% of the competitive scene has viewed them.

That is a very narrow-minded viewpoint. Nobody asked to be able to hundred-blade everything in one shot as you say, nor can you even do that to this day. We only asked for a purpose, role and viability in structured and tournament level play is that too much to ask for?

So pretty much according to you most of what was wrong with this class can be viewed as nothing but whining and complaining. That this class had virtually nothing wrong with it at launch and that everybody else just had to learn to play right? Just like people had to learn how to play other classes? But somehow people learned how to play other classes far better than they had learned to play a warrior Problem is, even if you did learn to play the Warrior at launch was underperforming compared to other classes. There was a point where I switched to Mesmer, never playing it before and “pub-stomping” everybody in sight. Even in WvW back in the days of pre-nerf confusion I would take a mesmer and 1v4 people with ease. Something which I could never do on my warrior.

Warriors were never that brutal “pub-stomping” class at launch or even a year since launch. So basically according to you we are going to base balance off of which class pub-stomps the best? I am so glad that you are not a developer. Even between the 2-80% scene of competitiveness they were outclassed. In other words A warrior facing another class like an Elementalist or Mesmer at the same skill level would be highly outmatched.

Your viewpoint is an interesting one. You take that extreme viewpoint that Warriors are OP and always have been OP, and that since launch they weren’t underpowered, it is just people needed to learn how to play.

Which is from an extreme standpoint no different from somebody saying that Warriors were never OP, people just need to stop whining and learn to play the other classes.

Pretty much you are just grasping at straws and making blanket statements that don’t have a shred of truth or evidence to back it up.

99% of people aren’t in the competitive scene. Balancing exclusively for it is a bad idea. Balancing for it is what has broken the Warrior.

The entire Metagame for the first 6 months of SPvP was: “Can you survive a 100B Warrior?”.

Go back and read the PvP forum from around release. Every single build is judged based on that criteria. When you define the metagame, you are not underpowered.

You pretty much haven’t made any attempt to refute any of my arguments, or offer any shred of evidence to boost yours.

Why were Warriors considered the bottom tier? According to many comprehensive polls? Keep in mind this wasn’t in just competitive tPvP, but in general.

And lol @ the meta game being hundred blades, a stationary, channeled skill that even a blind man can avoid. That was never the meta game at ALL due to how laughable it was to dodge and still is. What happened in those first 6 months that caused it to stop being the “meta” according to you. It is funny you mention meta-game because what is the basis of the “meta”. You guessed it high level competitive tPvP play. The meta is dictated by the highest level of play for the most part. Yet you dismiss competitive play because it only encompasses 1% of the population. What is run by this 1% of the population has a huge impact on lets say what 50% of people run in modes like soloQ or even hotjoins? So why is balance on that level such a bad thing?

And besides balance shouldn’t be something that is completely based around player skill level, but should take into consideration the concept of risk vs reward in an objective manner as well as the skill floor/ceiling, overall effectiveness, how they are used, role, diversity, how they impact other classes, how often they are used in teams, etc. Just because somebody can’t dodge hundred blades and it does 12K damage to them doesn’t mean it should be nerfed.

So pretty much you are going to balance the game for people who don’t know how to dodge hundred blades? Apparently cuz it was so kitten OP at launch. Only meta that Warriors defined were the how obtain free loot bags meta, evidenced by being “Tier C” and developers making such a drastic change to the class a year into the game.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Xae.7204


>> You guessed it high level competitive tPvP play. The meta is dictated by the highest level of play for the most part.

This is the only point I can really address. The rest is just non-constructive negative attempt to rewrite history.

Metagame is is bottom up, not Top Down

Refinement is Top down.

What does this mean?

The metagame shifts when someone with out a clue tries something new, and fails. But someone better sees the potential, refines the Build/Execution/Whatever and improves on it. Someone better than them then refines it further, etc, etc.

The meta is driven from the Bottom up, not the top down. Look at any of the Dota-likes. Look at the third party stat sites, they show up the pick rate of heroes tends to “progress” up the Rankings, not the other way around. With the exceptions being Fads after a major tournament game.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: HiddenFlames.7258


Metagame is is bottom up, not Top Down

Refinement is Top down.

I am baffled by the stupidity of this.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: AnonMD.7263


Can we talk about the new Brawler’s Recovery? Kitten seems cash, yo.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Xae.7204


Metagame is is bottom up, not Top Down

Refinement is Top down.

I am baffled by the stupidity of this.

Maybe I can explain it in a way that is simple enough for you.

We’ll switch gears to StarCraft2 to remove some of the high emotions.

A new/bad player comes into the scene. He tries a Void Ray Rush, because he liked them in the campaign. It fails. But a slightly better player (Bronze) tries it. He manages his economy better and it turns out to be ok. The bronze player uses the strategy until he is ready to move up strategies.

Then a Gold league player sees it and improves it. He uses it until he runs into Diamond League players. One of the Diamond league players makes more refinements, adding Oracle harass to slow down queen build up in PvZ.

Then he runs into a Master league player. The Master realizes that he can shuffle the upgrades and hit with the death push a minute or two earlier. He rides the new strategy to he runs into a Grand Master. The grand master sees the strategy and realizes that if he cuts 3 probes in the 4-5 minute mark he can hit before a 2/2 timing and crush the current Zerg Roach Banling timings.

The idea of using Voidrays came from the bottom, the build order to reach it came from the top.

The metagame (Void Rays) came from the bottom, the Refinement came from the top.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: kikojak.7051


Warriors will be much better now. Don’t ruin this with QQing instead do the maths on the power changes and see the improvement than u will notice that its more of a buff than a nerf. To all those attention seeking former WoW whiners.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Warriors will be much better now. Don’t ruin this with QQing instead do the maths on the power changes and see the improvement than u will notice that its more of a buff than a nerf. To all those attention seeking former WoW whiners.

You cannot hide an obvious dps nerf across the board due to the adrenaline and GS changes with “do the math.” maintaining current dps will require you to always hit with your high windup, one hit bursts, which is not going to happen given Blinding powder, blocks, evades, and the like.

That doesn’t mean I do not welcome the challenge though. I’m happy to hear that the other class mains are more or less pleased with the nerf. Lets just hope that it helps them discern between a bad warrior and a good one, rather than dumping opinions of everyone that plays the class into the “op facetank autoattack” bin.

while I am placated with the update to arcing slice, not everyone (read: barely any-warrior outside of pve/PVD, where their dps loss is actually more substantial) uses GS as an offensive weapon.

Instead of skirting what is happening here, I’d just like to point out that warriors went from unplayable to playable since launch, and are slowly being coaxed toward the unplayable side again. Far from the tipping point, but slowly getting there. Hopefully Anet will realize Warrior is being used as a nerf-scapegoat due to them being kind-of-decent at the one thing that they’re supposed to do (deal high close range damage), while some classes can easily do better (elementalist, for instance), and have relatively no complaints against their efficiency.

Because apparently “good warriors” do not exist and all victories by them are due to mindless button mashing. I’m interested to see how quickly the community reneges on its “-Finally- Warriors get a nerf” to “Warr op pls nerf” when the players with a bit of sense simply manage their adrenaline better and lose almost nothing in terms of effectiveness.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Maxwell.7843


I’m interested to see how quickly the community reneges on its “-Finally- Warriors get a nerf” to “Warr op pls nerf” when the players with a bit of sense simply manage their adrenaline better and lose almost nothing in terms of effectiveness.

There already are threads requesting for additional nerfing, so the answer you are looking for is “very quickly”…

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Warrior is far more superior with everything now than any other classess and those adrenaline nerf is not even a nerf compare to others. Warrior is easiest and requires most less skills to play than any other class + much forgiving on mistakes and u can still easily faceroll. stop QQing already for gods sake

What on earth game have you been playing?

Warriors can’t under any circumstance (doesn’t matter what build) beat the following class/builds being used by equally skilled players in a 1v1.

Condi and power thief
Condi and power mesmer
Condi engineer
Condi Necro
Condi Ranger
DPS/Meditation Guardian
D/D Ele

You think playing a warrior against any of the above is easy? You’re funny.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


Warrior is far more superior with everything now than any other classess and those adrenaline nerf is not even a nerf compare to others. Warrior is easiest and requires most less skills to play than any other class + much forgiving on mistakes and u can still easily faceroll. stop QQing already for gods sake

What on earth game have you been playing?

Warriors can’t under any circumstance (doesn’t matter what build) beat the following class/builds being used by equally skilled players in a 1v1.

Condi and power thief
Condi and power mesmer
Condi engineer
Condi Necro
Condi Ranger
DPS/Meditation Guardian
D/D Ele

You think playing a warrior against any of the above is easy? You’re funny.

Hm. While I see your point idk if you’re right. I do, often, have trouble with these classes/builds but I don’t think there’s NO CHANCE AT ALL of winning.

I mean with that argument we could all just agree that if we win to some of these classes, we are the better player, but if we loose they are OP/impossible to kill. It’s the same mentality that everyone has against the warrior and it doesn’t belong in these here forums mate.

If this is the case and opinion of all (which seems to be the case) the classes we can just agree that in the end there’s just good and bad players, since every class seem to have toruble with every class in some way. Just proves that Anet did a good job balancing.

Conditions need a slight nerf though. To duration, I’d say.

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Ok I need to say a few things here. Warriors have not been the meta game wide since launch. They were meh and wvw and considered the second worst class in wvw for a fair bit of time. So anyone saying the warrior has always been the most desired class in all aspects is full of kitten

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: AnonMD.7263


Can we talk about the new Brawler’s Recovery? Kitten seems cash, yo.

And also, have you guys heard that there’s gonna be some sigil that removes condis on weapon swap? That’s also pretty awesome sounding.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Vermillion.4061


You know the adrenaline nerf wouldn’t be such a problem if it was with the warrior from day 1, now it’s just going to be somewhat hard to adjust to it and get used to a complete rework of how the class works.

But I’ll be playing my longbow ranger for a bit, those changes seem good.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I mean with that argument we could all just agree that if we win to some of these classes, we are the better player, but if we loose they are OP/impossible to kill. It’s the same mentality that everyone has against the warrior and it doesn’t belong in these here forums mate.

It’s not a mentality thing. It’s just the way the game is. If it’s two equally skilled players dueling each other, those classes and builds will beat a warrior 99.9% of the time.

My guild does mostly duels and we’ve been doing it since the game has been released. We’ve dueled hundreds of players, each other, and I have used those classes/builds to fight REALLY good warriors and it’s easy mode beating them and I’m NEW to those classses/builds.

It’s not my opinion.

Conditions need a nerf for sure. You can spec full out condition cleanse (shake it off, zerker stance, stamina signet, cleansing ire, melandru runes, minus condi foods) and you will lose every time to a good condi engineer.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Ergolicious.1507


Warrior isn’t my main, I play every class besides Necro. And I gotta say that those nerfs will be way too harsh. The fact you lose 100% of adren when you miss your f1 is ok, I mean it makes perfect sense. But coupled with the fact adren goes away BETWEEN fights aswell will render this class a LOT less strong, if not underpowered again, to be honest.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Morsus.5106


“Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf”
Or what?

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


OP works for ANET.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


I mean with that argument we could all just agree that if we win to some of these classes, we are the better player, but if we loose they are OP/impossible to kill. It’s the same mentality that everyone has against the warrior and it doesn’t belong in these here forums mate.

It’s not a mentality thing. It’s just the way the game is. If it’s two equally skilled players dueling each other, those classes and builds will beat a warrior 99.9% of the time.

My guild does mostly duels and we’ve been doing it since the game has been released. We’ve dueled hundreds of players, each other, and I have used those classes/builds to fight REALLY good warriors and it’s easy mode beating them and I’m NEW to those classses/builds.

It’s not my opinion.

Conditions need a nerf for sure. You can spec full out condition cleanse (shake it off, zerker stance, stamina signet, cleansing ire, melandru runes, minus condi foods) and you will lose every time to a good condi engineer.

And yet alot of people says the exact same thing about us warriors. If every class is considered OP by the playerbase, can’t we agree that balance isn’t right out of order as people try to say?

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: AnonMD.7263


Can we talk about the new Brawler’s Recovery? Kitten seems cash, yo.

And also, have you guys heard that there’s gonna be some sigil that removes condis on weapon swap? That’s also pretty awesome sounding.

So nobody wants to talk about these tidbits, eh? Lets look at that list of builds that warriors have a good bit of difficulty with…

Condi and power thief
Condi and power mesmer
Condi engineer
Condi Necro
Condi Ranger
DPS/Meditation Guardian
D/D Ele

Alright, so you’ve got issues with condis. Got it.

First Step: Stop using Healing Signet.

Second Step: Use Healing Surge, as it hits several birds with one stone if you’ve got Cleansing Ire still.

Third Step: Take Signet of Rage

Fourth Step: Grab Brawler’s Recovery and that new sigil I mentioned on both weapons.

With this, you build up to a burst quickly, pop it, swap weapons, heal if wanted, burst again, build a little adrenaline, change once the sigil is off cd then rinse repeat, adding in whatever weapons or utilities you want.

tldr; Warriors are condi rubber, you’re the training dummy. What you throw on them bounces off and look here comes another burst.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Atticus.7194


You know the adrenaline nerf wouldn’t be such a problem if it was with the warrior from day 1, now it’s just going to be somewhat hard to adjust to it and get used to a complete rework of how the class works.

But I’ll be playing my longbow ranger for a bit, those changes seem good.

The adrenaline nerf is just sooo harsh, I’m amazed after playing on mine for just a little bit that there is absolutely no grace period between fights before your adrenaline just vanishes. It’s super unforgiving, if you’re not constantly pulling to constantly stay in combat you constantly have to start building your adren all over again.

It also wouldn’t be so bad if Arcing Slice wasn’t complete garbage as well, honestly that is one of the most cobbled together worthless redesigns I’ve ever seen. And for a skill that’s been garbage since day one it’s adding insult to injury.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: HiddenFlames.7258


Maybe I can explain it in a way that is simple enough for you.

We’ll switch gears to StarCraft2 to remove some of the high emotions.

A new/bad player comes into the scene. He tries a Void Ray Rush, because he liked them in the campaign. It fails. But a slightly better player (Bronze) tries it. He manages his economy better and it turns out to be ok. The bronze player uses the strategy until he is ready to move up strategies.

Then a Gold league player sees it and improves it. He uses it until he runs into Diamond League players. One of the Diamond league players makes more refinements, adding Oracle harass to slow down queen build up in PvZ.

Then he runs into a Master league player. The Master realizes that he can shuffle the upgrades and hit with the death push a minute or two earlier. He rides the new strategy to he runs into a Grand Master. The grand master sees the strategy and realizes that if he cuts 3 probes in the 4-5 minute mark he can hit before a 2/2 timing and crush the current Zerg Roach Banling timings.

The idea of using Voidrays came from the bottom, the build order to reach it came from the top.

The metagame (Void Rays) came from the bottom, the Refinement came from the top.

That by no means is metagame…
Metagame is basically FOTM, what everyone is playing. Like how top is bruiser, mid is ap, bot is support and adc, and a jungler that’s metagame.

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Wirinus Satinus.8246

Wirinus Satinus.8246

I just sow ranger insta kill Veteran giant in orr i had to fight him over 3 minutes cmon this is not right really ppl

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: unlucky.9285


And for a good year the Warrior pretty much was at the bottom of the barrel of sPvP and pretty much a free kill 1v1.

Even in the recent tourney’s you mostly saw only 1 warrior, some teams had no warriors. Most of the teams that featured 2 warriors lost. If they were far more superior than any other class then why don’t we see a 5 man warrior team at the highest level? Why are guardians and eles more represented?

Stop QQing about Warriors in general.

Warriors were never ‘bad’ in SPvP.

They were a mid tier class at the highest levels of coordination and individual skill at launch. But they completely dominated the metagame for the average player since release.

Just like they have in PvE and WvW.

After the nerfs Warriors will be one of the strongest classes in the game, probably still the strongest.


Before the old buffs to Warrior healing, the entire class was nothing but sandbags in pvp.

this is the patch that took them from low-tier pvp to high-tier.


So much happened at that time for Warrior that they jumped the entire middle tier. The community has never really recovered from that revamp, and now those changes are slowly being cut back, due to qq as shallow as the OPs.

At launch, anything with CC ate warriors. Namely, everything.

have you ever played a necro?

Warriors betters stop QQing about the nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

And for a good year the Warrior pretty much was at the bottom of the barrel of sPvP and pretty much a free kill 1v1.

Even in the recent tourney’s you mostly saw only 1 warrior, some teams had no warriors. Most of the teams that featured 2 warriors lost. If they were far more superior than any other class then why don’t we see a 5 man warrior team at the highest level? Why are guardians and eles more represented?

Stop QQing about Warriors in general.

Warriors were never ‘bad’ in SPvP.

They were a mid tier class at the highest levels of coordination and individual skill at launch. But they completely dominated the metagame for the average player since release.

Just like they have in PvE and WvW.

After the nerfs Warriors will be one of the strongest classes in the game, probably still the strongest.


Before the old buffs to Warrior healing, the entire class was nothing but sandbags in pvp.

this is the patch that took them from low-tier pvp to high-tier.


So much happened at that time for Warrior that they jumped the entire middle tier. The community has never really recovered from that revamp, and now those changes are slowly being cut back, due to qq as shallow as the OPs.

At launch, anything with CC ate warriors. Namely, everything.

have you ever played a necro?

I am well aware of the necro plight. as support vs a warrior you guys were and are a death sentence.

1v1, I’m sorry for your loss, unless best minion master.

Point is, I know underpowered. that doesn’t mean nerf everyone else when you guys could just get a mobility buff on top of what you just got.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.