We're doing PvP for nothing

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824


It they would at least have left the alliance bags as a reward for winning , but nah – if they screw something they do it right ….

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Alex.9268


The reward IS the GOLD. Once they merge pvp armor with pve armor, it’s ALL buyable/craftable with relationship to GOLD.

getting the big picture?

Gold is OK…

That thing you can make 10 times faster in pve?

A credit card works even better!

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


You know, back in my day people pvp’d just because it was fun. Maybe I’m getting old.

Back in my day people had to start the game over from Level 1 if they died. Unless you’re deleting characters on death, I don’t see your point.

My point is that there’s incentives to playing the game aside from just e-items. My incentive to play is that I just plain like pvp. Of course I was being facetious earlier though, I know everyone doesn’t share my sentiment.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Matisse.9356


You know, back in my day people pvp’d just because it was fun. Maybe I’m getting old.

Back in my day people had to start the game over from Level 1 if they died. Unless you’re deleting characters on death, I don’t see your point.

My point is that there’s incentives to playing the game aside from just e-items. My incentive to play is that I just plain like pvp. Of course I was being facetious earlier though, I know everyone doesn’t share my sentiment.

If peoply do pvp, I am pretty sure that they enjoy it (besides maybe some hardcore AP hunters – but they enjoy it as part of a different gaming experience).
From my point of view, the issue is not pvp itself.
Given that someone only does pvp, why even bother with pve stuff?
The thing is that hardly anybody exclusively does pvp.
Therefore a lack of rewards that can be used for pve and wvw penalises pvp-players.

Player A plays 100 hours of pvp.
Player B does 100 hours of pve.

Player A decides that he wants to do some dungeon and fractal runs.
Player B decides that he wants to do some pvp.

Requirements for player A: Purchase exotic equipment.
Requirements for player B: None.

Player A wants something from gem store: Buy gems for cash.
Player B wants something from gem store: Exchange gold for cash.

What it breaks down to is that pve nets you much more gold than pvp, so if you do both game modes, you are at a disadvantage compared to pure pve players in terms of gold and everything that comes with it.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


I just completed daily PvP (the next day after patch). I received 1 Arcane Sliver.

My newbie question: Why did I just received something totally and absolutely unusable any more, that should have been removed from rewards?

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: joonasp.9217


I just completed daily PvP (the next day after patch). I received 1 Arcane Sliver.

My newbie question: Why did I just received something totally and absolutely unusable any more, that should have been removed from rewards?

I’m getting arcane orbs. Sweet arcane orbs. Really, Anet? Daily achievement REWARDS.


- JanS Löllykkä – www.jansguild.tumblr.com -

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Luigi.1584


Okay, lets see:

• Rank-up rewards have been changed.
(So, “Added small, medium, and large rank-up chests based on rank achieved.”. I can understand it like – if you are low rank level, you get crap, if you are high rank level you get something cool.)

• Removed the PvP armor/weapon chests.
(Okay ?)

• Glory boosters have been removed, and the ability to gain glory has been turned off.
(Yeah, sad is fact, you cant buy anything from vendors, becouse you do not have ability to gain glory.)

• Added the PvP-specific back pieces to the glory reward vendor.
(Actually I don’t understand it. ANet removed ability to gain glory, and they added back pieces to buy for glory. Seem legit.)

• Removed the chest rewards given at the end of competitive game modes (Solo and Team Arena).
(AKA. Removed the only pvp reward for winning Team Arena and Solo Arena)

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


So there is literally no point in playing the game until the new patch hits?

rank points.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: joonasp.9217


So there is literally no point in playing the game until the new patch hits?

rank points.

Rank points lost their meaning during Skyhammer exploiting.

Any better ideas?

- JanS Löllykkä – www.jansguild.tumblr.com -

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Duran.3196


This is one of the worst thought out decisions ever at ANET.

I’ll give them a big hint as I told them BEFORE they implemented this.


The smart approach would have been:
1. Keep giving glory
2. Stop giving glory on the day the new rewards are ready
3. Keep the glory vendors in place for 1 month following the removal of glory.

Most obvious solution!

As someone already mentioned, the problem is GW1 had a really great PvP-System
and ppl expected something equally great and got dissappointed.
And now a Patch like this doesnt make it any better.
Not Speaking about balance.

In GW1 PvP was my favourite mode …. in GW2 I often only do it for dailies now


We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: meichor.7809


So there is literally no point in playing the game until the new patch hits?

rank points.

Rank points lost their meaning during Skyhammer exploiting.

Any better ideas?

So you stop doing something as soon as some cheater found a better way?
1. Be a cheater yourself and might face consequence
2. Do it the right way

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


At OP, you’re doing it wrong – just go ‘casual competitive’ and play it for the F.U.N. (of winning).
Well, minus the fun part (unless! you land in skybumm…hammer, which is actually a really good pvp map according to the grand majority of the playerbase [ignore them silly naysayers, which are the toxic, but extremely vocal minority spamming the forums]).
No joke.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Since when is gold nothing?

30 silver for serious effort in a TPvP match is tantamount to nothing. You get more silver selling the loot for afk auto-attacking most world bosses for 2-3 minutes in PvE.

I think 30 silver should be increased a bit but please think from a different perspective.

I play PvP 99% of my game time, to me, being able to earn some gold from spvp is nice.(Assuming gold is going to become the common currency for both pvp and pve, compared to only being able to spend glory on pvp only items, I will end up having choices, and choices is good, and it promotes PvE population trying out PvP and vise versa)

I don’t see TPvP as an effort, because, winning or losing, I’m enjoying the process a lot, on the other hand, I hate doing PvE content, so regardless of the rewards, I stay away from it.

Sometimes it’s not about how MUCH you earn, is about earning Enough while ENJOYING the process. And ANET’s first move is to attract more people who will eventually enjoy PvP as well….

you could craft dyes previously from PvP salvages and in turn make gold lol

I crafted ~50 dyes or so, made about 30G from it (all beit, 2 of them were 10G a peice lol, so I got a bit lucky)

but yea. you could make gold previous through dye crafting…

Right now, pvp is about as dead as I’ve ever seen it lol

Thanks, just what I needed, 2 months of rewardless PvP.

And don’t give me this gold reward nonsend

champ train = 40-45 champ bags an hour. If I want gold i go do that
If I want gold and FUN , than I can also go do high lvl fracs/wvw.

spvp? gold reward is laughable per hour…why on earth would THAT of all things be the reward? we can’t get some tokens or something here? i mean seriously?

But Hey ! They do things based on player feedback you know … ! ;d

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Ayame.3120


That “long terms” part clearly means “we still don’t know how to”, i hope this effort to change spvp will lead to something that will give as a true motivation to make spvp, coz since the release, except some initiative like the single map rotation on team arenas in the early 2013 to let people learn every map and strategy, i didn’t see any valid purpose, we lost progressively any effort we put into it, QP, glory, chests, to me those ladders are useless, i play games like gw2 coz i like team cooperation, i don’t care to be good for myself, they took the knowledge luggage from GW1 and throw it directly into the trash, i don’t know were they wanted to lead spvp but after 19 months the result it’s quite clear.

And speaking about maps, don’t make me laugh, majority off people can’t even manage 3 points, they just panic on batlle of khylo coz there’s another element (treb), and you pretend the cannon map and orb map to be good, original maps are the best for spvp formula plus temple of silent storm which is rly good aswell to me.

When the official GW2 release?

(edited by Ayame.3120)

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


The question is rank points alone don’t give jack, and the ability to only get something when you rank up means it is even worse to get something palpable (wich really isnt because you wont get rewards retroactively)

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Static.9841


Don’t understand Anet’s logic if the new revamp pvp reward system isn’t ready…. why remove chest/glory from the existing system and kitten it more?

They are just phasing out the glory. This is the next step. This way you don’t receive anymore glory, but you still have time to spend all your glory.

Can you imagine the noise if they removed glory and the glory vendors at the same time? That would be loud.

Plus the balance patch isn’t ready.. blah blah blah.

When does this ever happen in PVE? When something gets added, you still have a couple weeks to use whatever is going to be phased out, we straight up got everything taken away with nothing else put in place except for more rank points which without rewards equates to exactly nothing.

They could have added the new rewards and kept glory vendors for a week or two and phased it out that way so that PvP players could actually be rewarded for their efforts instead of wondering if they should bother right now or not.

The reward IS the GOLD. Once they merge pvp armor with pve armor, it’s ALL buyable/craftable with relationship to GOLD.

getting the big picture?

Gold is OK…

Gold is not ok.

My friends and I play for PvP not PvE, why would we care about gold rewards? PvP should be given PvP specific rewards

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


Oi, did somebody steal your sweetroll?

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Kicast.1459


I’m getting arcane orbs. Sweet arcane orbs. Really, Anet? Daily achievement REWARDS.

Yes Sooon !!! That’s it !!!
“Let’s cross finger ?”
“Hold your breath” ?
“Next Feature Patch” ?
“To soon to talk about it” ?
“In the horizon” ?

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


My friends and I play for PvP not PvE, why would we care about gold rewards? PvP should be given PvP specific rewards

they’re changing it so pvp items can be used in pve and pve items can be used in pvp. there’s only going to be one currency in the future and that’s gold. you’re going to care about gold in the future. if you’re goin to complain, at least complain about something relevant, like the fact that the gold rewards from pvp are terrible. in 15 minutes i can find a group for ac and finish it with 1.5g and random loots. 15 minutes in pvp and maybe my queue will pop and then i have to play a game that will last anywhere from 10-20 minutes for a few pieces of silver IF we win. if the merging happens, pvp players will still be left in the dust just because the amount of gold gained from pve is so much greater.

idk why people are complaining about rewards. it’s not like pvp gave good rewards anyway before this patch.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

(edited by ellesee.8297)

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Look at all the people feeling morally superior saying “Play for fun!” or “You shouldn’t want a reward!” or “Look at xyz game” (usually mobas).

What they don’t realize is that GW2 is an MMO which from the time the genre was created has come to be almost synonymous with one thing – PROGRESSION. And not progression of skills, but progression of characters. Better skills, cooler weapons or armor, just getting richer, titles etc.

Saying “Play for fun” is not enough because for most people, getting rewards is the fun part! Otherwise you’re just wasting time because you put in all that effort for nothing.

The only reason I PvP is because I liked the rank system allowing me to get higher and higher ranks that were difficult to achieve. Progression. Improvement of characters. That is the motivation for playing.

People need to get off their high horse and realize that they can play for “pure fun” if they want. No one is stopping them. The rest of us need a nice juicy fat carrot to put in the effort.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


I had so many glory boosters, that I had to keep some in my inventory. They weren’t deleted I still have 31 or so. (The ones in the pvp locker and bank are gone)

Today I got a mystic coin and an arcane orb from my pvp daily. Please tell me that these will have some relevance to pvp in 2 weeks.

(Im under the impression that the arcane orb will be deleted and the mystic coin is only relevant for crafting PvE legendaries and pvE non ascended gear and hardly worth anything)..

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Look at all the people feeling morally superior saying “Play for fun!” or “You shouldn’t want a reward!” or “Look at xyz game” (usually mobas).

What they don’t realize is that GW2 is an MMO which from the time the genre was created has come to be almost synonymous with one thing – PROGRESSION. And not progression of skills, but progression of characters. Better skills, cooler weapons or armor, just getting richer, titles etc.

Saying “Play for fun” is not enough because for most people, getting rewards is the fun part! Otherwise you’re just wasting time because you put in all that effort for nothing.

The only reason I PvP is because I liked the rank system allowing me to get higher and higher ranks that were difficult to achieve. Progression. Improvement of characters. That is the motivation for playing.

People need to get off their high horse and realize that they can play for “pure fun” if they want. No one is stopping them. The rest of us need a nice juicy fat carrot to put in the effort.

I would have fun if there was true form of diversity and balance in pvp
You honestly believe playing agaisnt the same hambow warriors, MM necros, decap engis and spirit rangers over and over again is fun?

There hasn’t even been a new game mode SINCE RELEASE, you call playing the same game mode for that long FUN? That shows me one thing – anet doesn’t care about pvp. Right now, Gw1 is head and shoulders better than gw2 in pvp and its not even debatable

Look, I love the combat , no doubt its enjoyable and fluid, but its completely stale and leaves a bad taste in my mouth after a short period of time.

I see no diversity, I see no different game modes, I see no balance. That is not fun, you must have some other definition of fun compared to majority of the other players.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Look at all the people feeling morally superior saying “Play for fun!” or “You shouldn’t want a reward!” or “Look at xyz game” (usually mobas).

What they don’t realize is that GW2 is an MMO which from the time the genre was created has come to be almost synonymous with one thing – PROGRESSION. And not progression of skills, but progression of characters. Better skills, cooler weapons or armor, just getting richer, titles etc.

Saying “Play for fun” is not enough because for most people, getting rewards is the fun part! Otherwise you’re just wasting time because you put in all that effort for nothing.

The only reason I PvP is because I liked the rank system allowing me to get higher and higher ranks that were difficult to achieve. Progression. Improvement of characters. That is the motivation for playing.

People need to get off their high horse and realize that they can play for “pure fun” if they want. No one is stopping them. The rest of us need a nice juicy fat carrot to put in the effort.

I would have fun if there was true form of diversity and balance in pvp
You honestly believe playing agaisnt the same hambow warriors, MM necros, decap engis and spirit rangers over and over again is fun?

There hasn’t even been a new game mode SINCE RELEASE, you call playing the same game mode for that long FUN? That shows me one thing – anet doesn’t care about pvp. Right now, Gw1 is head and shoulders better than gw2 in pvp and its not even debatable

Look, I love the combat , no doubt its enjoyable and fluid, but its completely stale and leaves a bad taste in my mouth after a short period of time.

I see no diversity, I see no different game modes, I see no balance. That is not fun, you must have some other definition of fun compared to majority of the other players.

I don’t think you read my comment.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: SonofNoob.3102


I don’t agree with removing glory gain while there is nothing to replace it!

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Phadde.7362


counter strike >>>> gw2

I kind of agree. But those are two very different games, so I’ll ultimately disagree.

OT: They shouldn’t think that this is ‘just fine’. If anything, they should rather reward us a bit too much, than. . . well, doing this.

ANet are a wonderful company, but I can’t take them serious most of the time. Wth?

Vote for/against <dueling>: http://strawpoll.me/1650018/
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Zenjii.6819


what did people even do with glory lol

Burneth —Elementalist--Empyrean Knights [EK]— Sea of Sorrows

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


why bother making a QQ post about others QQing?
These are public forums, if people want to discuss something , they are free to do so within rules.

If you don’t like it, just ignore it dude lol

I understand theres QQ and hate spewing left and right on these pvp forums, but its warranted.

People want to see it improve and so far what have we gotten?
after 1.5 years, everything is being tossed aside and starting from scratch… it should not have taken that long to figure out what a terrible state pvp was in.

GW2 pvp has taken a major step back from the GW1 pvp that players thought they were going to get… now we are at a state where we have no clue whats about to happen to pvp and its going to be at least 2 months before we see anything drastic change and in the mean time what do we get as a place holder? a few coins, some mats/greens from rank up chests.
That’s just embarassing.

The priorities on pvp are by far the lowest imo..that needs to change

well im enter the forum to see if there is some good discussion. but constant qq, some hide behind normal topics, are 80% of the first page always. and no, qq are not discussions.

i think the player or the community is embarassing, not anet. they told us the plan. embarassing is that constant qq about always the same. acting like a little kid, screaming and kicking, until it gets what it want, ignoring that the wanted was maybe already on the way or something better was prepared.

the community always doesnt know what the next patch will bring and when it comes. thats the history of gw2-pvp balancing. to act like a kid now is confusing.

the solution is so easy if u really think gw2 is in a state u cant tolerate anymore – stop playing. if u think u can still play, then play it and stop that constant qq. the constant qq will nothing change. all it does is to suck attention away from better topics.

It somehow feels like the reaction by Anet to the complaints about a half-empty glass is to just take away the glass with the promise that the glass will be full again someday.
Yet we’re not told when we will get a full glass and what will be in it.

Whilst I tend to defend the actions taken by Anet as I do know that making a game – especially a MMO – is very complex and I am aware that we only see the results of it from the (convenient) customer point of view, I have to say that specifically for the pvp changes, the communication from Anet seems chaotic at best.

no wonder, this thread is a perfect example why we have no communication. always the same qq. always players who knows it best from outside. and so on…

Look at all the people feeling morally superior saying “Play for fun!” or “You shouldn’t want a reward!” or “Look at xyz game” (usually mobas).

What they don’t realize is that GW2 is an MMO which from the time the genre was created has come to be almost synonymous with one thing – PROGRESSION. And not progression of skills, but progression of characters. Better skills, cooler weapons or armor, just getting richer, titles etc.

Saying “Play for fun” is not enough because for most people, getting rewards is the fun part! Otherwise you’re just wasting time because you put in all that effort for nothing.

The only reason I PvP is because I liked the rank system allowing me to get higher and higher ranks that were difficult to achieve. Progression. Improvement of characters. That is the motivation for playing.

People need to get off their high horse and realize that they can play for “pure fun” if they want. No one is stopping them. The rest of us need a nice juicy fat carrot to put in the effort.

u know what? its all still there. u get richer (no gold sink), rank is increasing, titles. they just remove 1 tiny currency what some never used ( just watch the other threads ) and that was used to buy armor. so either u have followed the advice and bought your armor before the removal or u wait some weeks.

im not defending anet. but u all act like that was new behaviour.

(edited by hooma.9642)

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865



no reward but i still like playing pvp though, had a few tpvp runs with my guildies

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Don’t worry folks something called a feature patch is coming soon. We really don’t know exactly what is in it and when its coming but gosh we are all going to be apologizing when the splendor that is this magical patch hits. Also, remember you are only a small percentage of the player base and your opinions are probably off base on a lot of things because of that. It never hurts to move very slowly and be as cautious as possible!

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Gern.2978


The reward IS the GOLD. Once they merge pvp armor with pve armor, it’s ALL buyable/craftable with relationship to GOLD.

getting the big picture?

Gold is OK…

That thing you can make 10 times faster in pve?

That an adjustment ANET has to make to increase the reward for it to attract more players to PvP and play to win! Once GOLD is involved, people start trying harder. Because GOLD can get MORE than just PvP rewards.

That’s all fine and dandy, but they didn’t up the amount of gold you get when they removed glory. So the point of this thread still stands. If you want to make gold, for the next two weeks, doing dungeons and other PVE content makes far more sense, it is really pointless to do SPvP for the next few weeks.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: FearedbytheGods.8617


We’re not saying we are going to do nothing because we said we would do nothing.

We’re saying we won’t change direction

Feel the wisdom in his words.

My friends father was in the Korean War.
He said to me “Listen, we never retreat in the army”.
So upon explaining what happened when US troops were overwhelmed and forced back down the peninsula he explained, “That wasn’t retreating, it was advancing in an entirely different direction”.

I hope this clears everything up.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Gern.2978


why bother making a QQ post about others QQing?
These are public forums, if people want to discuss something , they are free to do so within rules.

If you don’t like it, just ignore it dude lol

I understand theres QQ and hate spewing left and right on these pvp forums, but its warranted.

People want to see it improve and so far what have we gotten?
after 1.5 years, everything is being tossed aside and starting from scratch… it should not have taken that long to figure out what a terrible state pvp was in.

GW2 pvp has taken a major step back from the GW1 pvp that players thought they were going to get… now we are at a state where we have no clue whats about to happen to pvp and its going to be at least 2 months before we see anything drastic change and in the mean time what do we get as a place holder? a few coins, some mats/greens from rank up chests.
That’s just embarassing.

The priorities on pvp are by far the lowest imo..that needs to change

well im enter the forum to see if there is some good discussion. but constant qq, some hide behind normal topics, are 80% of the first page always. and no, qq are not discussions.

i think the player or the community is embarassing, not anet. they told us the plan. embarassing is that constant qq about always the same. acting like a little kid, screaming and kicking, until it gets what it want, ignoring that the wanted was maybe already on the way or something better was prepared.

the community always doesnt know what the next patch will bring and when it comes. thats the history of gw2-pvp balancing. to act like a kid now is confusing.

the solution is so easy if u really think gw2 is in a state u cant tolerate anymore – stop playing. if u think u can still play, then play it and stop that constant qq. the constant qq will nothing change. all it does is to suck attention away from better topics.

It somehow feels like the reaction by Anet to the complaints about a half-empty glass is to just take away the glass with the promise that the glass will be full again someday.
Yet we’re not told when we will get a full glass and what will be in it.

Whilst I tend to defend the actions taken by Anet as I do know that making a game – especially a MMO – is very complex and I am aware that we only see the results of it from the (convenient) customer point of view, I have to say that specifically for the pvp changes, the communication from Anet seems chaotic at best.

no wonder, this thread is a perfect example why we have no communication. always the same qq. always players who knows it best from outside. and so on…

Look at all the people feeling morally superior saying “Play for fun!” or “You shouldn’t want a reward!” or “Look at xyz game” (usually mobas).

What they don’t realize is that GW2 is an MMO which from the time the genre was created has come to be almost synonymous with one thing – PROGRESSION. And not progression of skills, but progression of characters. Better skills, cooler weapons or armor, just getting richer, titles etc.

Saying “Play for fun” is not enough because for most people, getting rewards is the fun part! Otherwise you’re just wasting time because you put in all that effort for nothing.

The only reason I PvP is because I liked the rank system allowing me to get higher and higher ranks that were difficult to achieve. Progression. Improvement of characters. That is the motivation for playing.

People need to get off their high horse and realize that they can play for “pure fun” if they want. No one is stopping them. The rest of us need a nice juicy fat carrot to put in the effort.

u know what? its all still there. u get richer (no gold sink), rank is increasing, titles. they just remove 1 tiny currency what some never used ( just watch the other threads ) and that was used to buy armor. so either u have followed the advice and bought your armor before the removal or u wait some weeks.

im not defending anet. but u all act like that was new behaviour.

The removal of the chest was new, and they didn’t up the amount of gold you get, like they said they would. So right now there is no means of getting new armor in SPvP, and you get vastly more gold from doing PvE. So, there isn’t really any reason to even do SPvP for several weeks. Or however long it takes them to implement all the SPvP changes, which they haven’t said.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: ramorambo.6701


So there is literally no point in playing the game until the new patch hits?

you could play for fun. weird idea i know shouldn’t have said anything. bry i’ll fight you in counter strike.

MMO’s need rewards, they are repetitive, yes even the pvp part is repetitive at some point, there need to be REWARDS to make more people play / try it, ESPECIALLY if the pvp community is small and the pvp itself is imbalanced/lame and all, hell if i only wanted to play for fun i would have gone playing dota or some other game that is actually in a good state even w/o vertical progression.

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Chrono.6928


Don’t understand Anet’s logic if the new revamp pvp reward system isn’t ready…. why remove chest/glory from the existing system and kitten it more?

They are just phasing out the glory. This is the next step. This way you don’t receive anymore glory, but you still have time to spend all your glory.

Can you imagine the noise if they removed glory and the glory vendors at the same time? That would be loud.

Plus the balance patch isn’t ready.. blah blah blah.

except they also took out the bonus win chest in solo/team que… so now its literally impossible to get more pvp armor. Even the rank up chest I got today at lv 31 just gave me low tier mats, steel harvesting items (not even max…) and a crude (15 slot basic use lol) salvage kit…wth.

So now I just get rank points… that’s it. The gold is laughable. I can farm 20-50g easily a day just doing simple dungeons I can play all day on pvp and get basically nothing.

granted i like rank points and emotes but still.

Its not all about the glory. Its about taking away all the rewards with nothing new in its place. They should have waited till the new system was closer to being ready (like a week or two beforehand) Now we have to wait for months or longer… and have no incentive to pvp (outside of just for fun…which i do pvp still bc i enjoy it)

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: muscarine.5136


Since the rank chests aren’t retroactive, that maybe because they consider the past reward chests to be valuable.

Which could mean that every “veteran” pvper may get to keep all the skins he earned into the pvp locker, for pve use ?

We're doing PvP for nothing

in PvP

Posted by: MailMail.6534


As someone that has always given ANET the benefit of the doubt, I must sincerely say I’m disappointed.

I come onto these forums and try to be positive among the trolls and posters who only spit vitriol at the devs. I think it’s undeserved, but this recent update personally makes me feel like I was slapped in the face.

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”