1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

That’s not an exploit, that’s spawn camping.

Spawn camping? As far as I am aware there are three exits from your cute little border spawn isn’t there?

He tried to take the camp. We prevented him. He went back and sat in invulnerable spot. As soon as we went out of sight he came back to take the camp (not that he succeeded, we were of course only hiding and stomped his kitten once he came close).

If that is an exploit, then please explain how that is any different than just running back into spawn through the main spawn exit. I will admit it I am the person in that screen shot. Until anyone with at least half a brain can give a decent reason explaining how that is exploiting, I will continue to do the same thing. I will also admit it is a dick move to sit in an invulnerable spot, but it is no worse than jumping one person 5v1.

Look at the design of the map. It’s obvious you are NOT supposed to be able to run back through there. Why do you think they put a cliff there?

And are you really complaining about being ganked in WvWvW? You came onto our turf and we didn’t like it, so we proceeded to annihilate you. Did you think we would just let you walk around our camp without retribution?

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


It’s really no different than walking back into the middle exit spawn. You become invulnerable there too.

There’s no reason, at all, that people should feel entitled to be able to kill people beside the legendary guards. Just chill in the supply camp. That’s what the invaders are there for anyway.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

It’s really no different than walking back into the middle exit spawn. You become invulnerable there too.

There’s no reason, at all, that people should feel entitled to be able to kill people beside the legendary guards. Just chill in the supply camp. That’s what the invaders are there for anyway.

And that’s what we did

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Congrats…now can we please stop talking about exploits?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Razgriz.2590


Well that was a lot of fun, Never thought I’d end up using that much gold in WvW. See you all in the morning.

Borlis Pass
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: DKz Lux.4125

DKz Lux.4125

There are two possible outcomes for this matchup it seems.

1. DR and BP attack each other and Maguuma wins by a landslide.
2. DR and BP focus on Maguuma and we have a balanced match.

I’ll put my money on #1, unfortunately.

Daiosho – The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


There are two possible outcomes for this matchup it seems.

1. DR and BP attack each other and Maguuma wins by a landslide.
2. DR and BP focus on Maguuma and we have a balanced match.

I’ll put my money on #1, unfortunately.

DR has been fighting in our BL all night, so the ball is in your collective court, I think

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


OG would like to thank BP for there Omega Golem.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I managed to get 250 badges in about 2-3 hours of gameplay thanks to DR.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


There are two possible outcomes for this matchup it seems.

1. DR and BP attack each other and Maguuma wins by a landslide.
2. DR and BP focus on Maguuma and we have a balanced match.

I’ll put my money on #1, unfortunately.

Reset only began 8 hours ago. Surely people aren’t thinking of making predictions already. Fight for your right to party fools.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Well, I think he’s right that most of the time that’s what happens…certainly it does for us when we’re in that position :P

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Never give up. Never surrender.

~Tim Allen.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Devona’s Rest. How many beatings does it take to make you realize that zerging Stonemist for hours isn’t going to get you Stonemist.
Then again you did eventually get Stonemist but my people did get many many loot bags. So thank you for that.

Glad you said it. Maybe they’ll listen to you. I’ve been trying to stop the DR zerg mentality for going on 3 months. No luck as yet. Warning after warning after warning fell on deaf ears that such strats in the lower tiers may work, but fails miserably the higher you go. I predicted DR kitten spanked this tier and it so far it’s started out as foretold.

1: stop zerging
2: upgrade correctly..why heck do you want a WP before you even have reinforced walls? then follow the WP with oil, cannons, 2nd worker, extra guards, merchants….as yet..no walls…sigh
3: Take something..upgrade it, siege it, DEFEND IT
4: 1 scout stays at all towers/keeps/garrison to ensure no ninja happens
5: “look map all red..lets ALL go somewhere else”….sigh…bad panda..baaaaad panda

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Well I was put in charge of the defense in Eternal Battleground. Perhaps not as exciting as offense but still challenging nonetheless and still had some great battles against both Maguuma and Devona’s Rest.

Always nice to go to bed with all 4 towers, as well as the Keep, fully upgraded and with full supply. Here’s hoping I can wake up to the same thing lol

War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Razgriz.2590


Well I was put in charge of the defense in Eternal Battleground. Perhaps not as exciting as offense but still challenging nonetheless and still had some great battles against both Maguuma and Devona’s Rest.

Always nice to go to bed with all 4 towers, as well as the Keep, fully upgraded and with full supply. Here’s hoping I can wake up to the same thing lol

Hopefully right

Borlis Pass
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: WrathOfGod.4695


Devona’s Rest. How many beatings does it take to make you realize that zerging Stonemist for hours isn’t going to get you Stonemist.
Then again you did eventually get Stonemist but my people did get many many loot bags. So thank you for that.

Lol, both Magumma and BP zerged SM over and over and over and yet we are targeted here, you expect us to sit back and watch while they have all the fun? We were trebbing north SM for hours, we were retaking towers, getting supply camps all over the map just like the other servers. Yeah we enjoy the loot bags the other servers give out as well.
Oh and btw, we have SM now, holding it, reinforced and causing havoc on maguumas side of the map.

On a side note, I’m loving this matchup, so even and everything about it is why I wanted to come to WvW in the first place, ty mag + BP.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


I managed to get 250 badges in about 2-3 hours of gameplay thanks to DR.

I got about the same number of badges and about 3 gold from Mag so guess we are even ;-) Following around your zerg and picking off the people trailing behind is pure $$

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

(edited by Laiboch.4380)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Here’s a score update to those people at work or who don’t feel like playing because of stress in WvW.


Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Keep calm and chive on.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Raific.4652


SAnD and WAR has some great fights last night in BP BL. Thank you all who were there. BP, man you guys pushed us out of Garrison tons of times just when we thought we had it! Excellent job. DR guys were doing well too. We had a great time. Keep up the good work all servers!

Guild Officer, Supply and Demand [SAnD]
Kot Thaed – Warrior
Maguuma Server

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Good job hanging in there DR. We had the outmanned buff in both BPBL and MBL an hour or two into reset. Not a good sign.

Unfortunately, we also have a bunch of people who don’t know there are three ways out of the spawn point. They actin’ like they never been spawn camped before.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

Not really, good fighting so far from everyone

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

lol @ the guy who said DB’s oceanic crew underperforms. Learn to troll better.


1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


Well, it appears that our overnight presence transferred back apparently. As of an hour ago, BP was actually still competitive. They also must get along better than all of the day guilds and work together as a team.

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

lol @ the guy who said DB’s oceanic crew underperforms. Learn to troll better.

lol @ the guy who failed to read I said NA crew

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

lol @ the guy who said DB’s oceanic crew underperforms. Learn to troll better.

lol @ the guy who failed to read I said NA crew

u still are a twihard.

once your server improves then troll. but, eh, lol, your server currently is just benefiting from hop-along-cassidies who will hop later.


1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


There are two possible outcomes for this matchup it seems.

1. DR and BP attack each other and Maguuma wins by a landslide.
2. DR and BP focus on Maguuma and we have a balanced match.

I’ll put my money on #1, unfortunately.

That’s curious advice coming from a BP player, since at almost the exact same time (about 1:30 AM server time) that you posted this BP was repeatedly (wave after wave) trying to sandwich DR while we were attacking (and eventually taking) the inner wall and Lord’s Room of SM. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the intent of that was because BP didn’t appear to have the numbers there to take SM themselves even if they killed us all off. I just found it pretty odd.

All in all, though, it’s been great fun so far.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

Mag didn’t pick up 100+ new transfers the day we went to T5 like EBay. Numbers wise, the fights are pretty even.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


Shout out to Ukune of [OG] from Mag. Great 1v1s, I have a lot to learn Sorry we couldn’t get a 4th one in there.


Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

lol @ the guy who said DB’s oceanic crew underperforms. Learn to troll better.

lol @ the guy who failed to read I said NA crew

u still are a twihard.

once your server improves then troll. but, eh, lol, your server currently is just benefiting from hop-along-cassidies who will hop later.

Looks like were better than Mag atm.

Maybe you fellas should of tried harder on the double team?

Either way i see BP/DH giving you a decent fight….Good for those guys I say

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: DKz Lux.4125

DKz Lux.4125

There are two possible outcomes for this matchup it seems.

1. DR and BP attack each other and Maguuma wins by a landslide.
2. DR and BP focus on Maguuma and we have a balanced match.

I’ll put my money on #1, unfortunately.

That’s curious advice coming from a BP player, since at almost the exact same time (about 1:30 AM server time) that you posted this BP was repeatedly (wave after wave) trying to sandwich DR while we were attacking (and eventually taking) the inner wall and Lord’s Room of SM. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the intent of that was because BP didn’t appear to have the numbers there to take SM themselves even if they killed us all off. I just found it pretty odd.

All in all, though, it’s been great fun so far.

You’re gonna find “clever” guys in every server unfortunately. Also Eternal is the land of the noob. Those things happen.

Daiosho – The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


I’d almost forgotten what player culling, thanks for reminding me maguuma!

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


I’d almost forgotten what player culling, thanks for reminding me maguuma!

Surely you must be used to it with BP. BP had 40-50 members huddled together in our BL at all times, never splitting up ever.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Please just ignore and report trolls, the thread is going very well without them. Reset last night was the most fun I’ve had in one in quite awhile, so thanks for the fights!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Has the turnout for Maguuma increased since we’re in first? A few of us are doing a little experiment to see if more people show up when we’re winning. I saw there were 90+ people in mumble this morning at around 2am EST, I smiled.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Mag should be running away with this.

Specially since playing BP off DH is soo kittening easy right now

lol @ the guy who said DB’s oceanic crew underperforms. Learn to troll better.

lol @ the guy who failed to read I said NA crew

u still are a twihard.

once your server improves then troll. but, eh, lol, your server currently is just benefiting from hop-along-cassidies who will hop later.

Looks like were better than Mag atm.

Maybe you fellas should of tried harder on the double team?

Either way i see BP/DH giving you a decent fight….Good for those guys I say

Not really. You guys only flew ahead of Mag from dropping to T5. And we handled YB and DB without mass recruiting like some servers lmao.



1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Has the turnout for Maguuma increased since we’re in first? A few of us are doing a little experiment to see if more people show up when we’re winning. I saw there were 90+ people in mumble this morning at around 2am EST, I smiled.

4PM and we should have more on but don’t.


1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Yeah I’d say our numbers are about average atm, if even slightly lower.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


And there goes my smile.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

“As of an hour ago, BP was actually still competitive. They also must get along better than all of the day guilds and work together as a team.”

Akshully, it’s the same folks. We just don’t sleep.

This is the most even match up we’ve had in weeks. Props to both teams for a fun and exciting new match up.


1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


I’d almost forgotten what player culling, thanks for reminding me maguuma!

Surely you must be used to it with BP. BP had 40-50 members huddled together in our BL at all times, never splitting up ever.

Nah we experienced that too. It wasnt until they got down to around 25-30 that my 10 man was able to wipe them out repeatedly =P

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Has the turnout for Maguuma increased since we’re in first? A few of us are doing a little experiment to see if more people show up when we’re winning. I saw there were 90+ people in mumble this morning at around 2am EST, I smiled.

Willing buy 90+ DR folks in coordinated Wv3!! From what i saw last night DR had like 9 folks in coordinated action and that was in PvE events. (ie: "Oh man the breakout event is bugged and wont spawn) (sad panda)

Until then you are NOT allowed such atrocious actions! You are to stop playing Wv3 for the rest of the week in contemplation on what you did wrong.

Aside from the huge breakdown in DR communication/teamwork on reset. Fun fights from both servers. Keep it up, DR’s been needing an eye opener for over 10 weeks and hopefully this week will be the one to force some changes.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.9532


Hello everyone, as a reminder – keep the discussion on topic, respectful and productive. Personal attacks or any discussion not related to the WvWvW fight will be removed.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


We worked hard to build our Mumble community…you can too :P

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Has the turnout for Maguuma increased since we’re in first? A few of us are doing a little experiment to see if more people show up when we’re winning. I saw there were 90+ people in mumble this morning at around 2am EST, I smiled.

Willing buy 90+ DR folks in coordinated Wv3!! From what i saw last night DR had like 9 folks in coordinated action and that was in PvE events. (ie: "Oh man the breakout event is bugged and wont spawn) (sad panda)

Until then you are NOT allowed such atrocious actions! You are to stop playing Wv3 for the rest of the week in contemplation on what you did wrong.

Aside from the huge breakdown in DR communication/teamwork on reset. Fun fights from both servers. Keep it up, DR’s been needing an eye opener for over 10 weeks and hopefully this week will be the one to force some changes.

I see this as more of a population issue. Every server is going to have people who kind of float around with no real objective in mind. IMO, DR needs a couple more large to midsize PvP-centric guilds to overcome the roadblock we are going to hit.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I see this as more of a population issue. Every server is going to have people who kind of float around with no real objective in mind. IMO, DR needs a couple more large to midsize PvP-centric guilds to overcome the roadblock we are going to hit.

Or, or… you could come to Maguuma! Don’t you want to help my experiment?!

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


We worked hard to build our Mumble community…you can too :P

Not sure which server you are from but last night is the FIRST time I ever saw a huge group of people with different guild tags ignore and avoid chasing a smaller group and stick to their objective. And that occured more than once.

It’s typically easy to derail such a group and take advantage of the zerg mentality. That did not happen. Impressive discipline and communication for a mixed guild group.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I don’t know what this is all about since I was on Maguuma BL defending all night, but commanders make mistakes (if it was a mistake). Give him a break. People don’t learn through public humiliation, PM him with your criticism and don’t be a jerk about it.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


We worked hard to build our Mumble community…you can too :P

PRO uses teamspeak. We have bout 10-15ish guilds on it now. Relatively new though, so still working on actual teamwork coordination on it vs the “we’re just on same TS server” perk. We’ll get there! But until we do…you’re allowed to keep using Mumble, you just have to ensure everyone mutes their mic, and they MUST abide by that rule.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood