11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2
Wowzers this weeks posts sure are entertaining. I’m thrilled everyone is so controversial on the EB JP as I had been fighting there for a large chunk of the weekend (got 600 kills toward my Ultimate Dominator achievement in that time believe it or not). I know most of you on here are complaining about camping or w/e of my CD server. However the puzzle is not some cheap source of blue prints and badges for some of you lazy legendary farmers. This puzzle is more like a Indiana Jones themed area that meets the TV show Wipeout, where you play Alien vs Predator. It is some of the most intense adrenaline pumping pvping you can get when your fighting and running through the jumps and traps being shot at you. Basically you not only have to know how to fight other players, but use the environment to your advantage (no I am not talking about camping up top the arena that is borring). This is where I can find out who can play their class to the potential instead of sitting in zergs of 30ppl. These people are far and few between so its a real treat to fight them. Anyways props the dozen or so people this weekend that were fun challenges (they got personal whispers from me for the most part they know who I am). To the rest that want to push and shove into the EB JP you can face the Carebear Crusaders [BEAR] in there again later tonight. (FYI, I’m the asura thief in TA armor if you wanna make me a target, and have some fun :P ).
Also props the the Charr Commander on CD friday night (one of the few times I saw a commander lead and play smart on our server, keep up the good work it was fun fighting with you)
Wowzers this weeks posts sure are entertaining. I’m thrilled everyone is so controversial on the EB JP as I had been fighting there for a large chunk of the weekend (got 600 kills toward my Ultimate Dominator achievement in that time believe it or not). I know most of you on here are complaining about camping or w/e of my CD server. However the puzzle is not some cheap source of blue prints and badges for some of you lazy legendary farmers. This puzzle is more like a Indiana Jones themed area that meets the TV show Wipeout, where you play Alien vs Predator. It is some of the most intense adrenaline pumping pvping you can get when your fighting and running through the jumps and traps being shot at you. Basically you not only have to know how to fight other players, but use the environment to your advantage (no I am not talking about camping up top the arena that is borring). This is where I can find out who can play their class to the potential instead of sitting in zergs of 30ppl. These people are far and few between so its a real treat to fight them. Anyways props the dozen or so people this weekend that were fun challenges (they got personal whispers from me for the most part they know who I am). To the rest that want to push and shove into the EB JP you can face the Carebear Crusaders [BEAR] in there again later tonight. (FYI, I’m the asura thief in TA armor if you wanna make me a target, and have some fun :P ).
yeah we’ve traded some kills Finally, someone who gets it. I personally am utterly sick of the whining over the JP, if people want to camp there, I really don’t care, I just get fed up of the crying in team chat over a completely non-strategic point, as if it’s the be all and end all for some people – if there was meant to be no PvP in there, they wouldn’t place player activated traps OR be in a PvP environment.
Side note: Leave the JP once in a while, your server needs the numbers on the field!
Funny you should mention the arrowcarts at the top of the arena! That is exactly where I always die. I can get through the rest of the jumping puzzle with little to no issue, occassionally coming across a CD player who I have a little fight with.
But that arena, no way to get through the arrowcart barrage. Last time I checked there were four arrowcarts there.
Personally I do not care about being outnumbered, getting zerged, or some of our people camping the jumping puzzle. All I care about are the times when (such as last night) a five man team can roll up to ~20-25 attacking a tower and roll their back lines. Just as the wall was breached we follow them in and kill everything as they try to kill the lord. And then our little 5 man team proceeded to take the tower for ourselves. Of course we quickly got the heck out of there because retaining the tower or even being able to capture it wasn’t the true objective.
Having FUN was the objective. And we had a blast.
To TC and YB – I tip my hat to both of you. We from CD could/should learn a few things from this matchup. Oh….and thank you for the target rich environment.
Haiku FTW
(edited by Absinth.6917)
As an avid CD World defender…
CD made a tactical decision to fight TC because we see them as the strongest server in this group. YB was not aware of that because they thought from two weeks ago that we are their main rival.
This has been a pretty even fight. Now that the server rankings are evening out the 3 way fight leads to much more balanced fights.
I think it may have seemed like we were double teaming CD because one of our most competent commanders ended up on your borderlands at the start of the match. The other two borderlands were full. It’s all perception.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
This has been the best three way match up I’ve been part of since release, I expected a fight out of CD for revenge from last match, but YB has been as good if not better. The epic battle for DB in YBBL was especially hard fought. Good fighting folks, see you out there.
played on CD BL today to try increase the divide in points to secure YB a second place finish to remain in tier 3. I imagine it does look we are hitting you from both sides but its only because we know your Oceanic will just take it all back so the more we can limit your score during NA times the harder it will be for them to bridge the gap. But i can tell you we fought off plenty in the south to keep TC from pulling a fast one on us and we often fought for the camp between us just not as much as we fought you for the bigger point tic spots.
Its the same that is going on in any other boarder lands your homeland becomes one big defend the north and push one side out that is weaker then focus other side.
This is an excellent post and really shows an analytical mind at work. Like I said earlier, I think YB’s organized Zergs really know what they’re doing here. I don’t think it’s good for the game, but it is good for their short term.
(edited by ilr.9675)
As an avid CD World defender…
CD made a tactical decision to fight TC because we see them as the strongest server in this group. YB was not aware of that because they thought from two weeks ago that we are their main rival.
This has been a pretty even fight. Now that the server rankings are evening out the 3 way fight leads to much more balanced fights.
I think it may have seemed like we were double teaming CD because one of our most competent commanders ended up on your borderlands at the start of the match. The other two borderlands were full. It’s all perception.
For us it just depends on how many people are logged. We continue to have very low que times on our own borderlands and basically zero que times on all other maps. So we are limited in what we can accomplish. It is purely a matter of perception relative to population.
We felt like the underdogs coming into this match and were probably viewed as such considering our very close match with FA last week and our loss to CD the week before. We also knew we had to come out of the gate swinging hard against both TC and CD to even have a chance at second place.
The greater majority of coordinated players have been on YBBL trying to keep control of our own server, let alone TC or CD borderlands. Players have come into the YBBL mumble channel and begged for help on other maps with some note of frustration in their voice. Believe me, if we could have grabbed more of TC’s or CD’s borderland over the weekend we would have.
Overall the battles this week have been truly fantastic and we thank TC and CD. We have nothing but respect for both servers. We have learned a lot from you both. Looking forward to the rest of this great match. I’m so sleep deprived and it’s only Monday :P
Also, I am incredibly proud of the people on the Yak’s Bend server. We are incredibly lucky to have several very good commanders. Even in defeat we discuss how a battle or match was lost and what we have learned from the experience. It’s a great group of mature and calm indivduals working together to become a team. Each week we improve in some aspect of gameplay due to the great competition we have had the pleasure to be matched against. In my opinion, we continue to play above our numbers. Keep it up Yaks!
The battle of commanders last night on YBBL was just incredible. Hats off to both YB and TC commanders for that truly epic engagement.
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]
One slightly annoying thing that YB people are doing now more and more as opposed to two weeks ago is logging out.
I have had 10 people who were about to die just log out to avoid death in this matchup. Very disappointing.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
Those dishonorable kittens!
You know, you can fix this problem by upping the amount of people you kill right? Who cares if one or two log out, soon Anet will patch that BS out (like the OP Orbs) and they will know who the victor is the next time the pointy end comes calling.
Hey guys, just wanted to say I love this week’s match. Awesome fight from both CD and YB and I love that we’ve got a very balanced match up going.
To my fellow TCers, looks like we’re stuck in the third tier for another week :P
One slightly annoying thing that YB people are doing now more and more as opposed to two weeks ago is logging out.
I have had 10 people who were about to die just log out to avoid death in this matchup. Very disappointing.
And we have seen people over the last two weeks doing it, every server we have played against.
I don’t do it. Most people don’t do it.
Some people do it regardless of server. So why feel the need to point out YB or any server for that matter? People on your server do it, also very dissapointing.
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]
It’s been a fun weekend…whenever I could stomach waiting out the queue to get in. I was only able to spend maybe a total of 3 hours in WvWvW over the entire weekend, but it was definitely fun times whenever I managed to get on.
It certainly is nice to have a 3-way fight after what seems an eternity of 1 vs 1. CD is as scrappy as ever, and YB reminds me of a younger TC from a month ago. I’m looking forward for the rest of the week…and it seems next week will be equally exciting.
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer
So – in YBBL – Holy kitten cat (lol) TC, my lord you guys zerg – Rolling around in map population size group??? I am confused as hell as to what you guys are doing – you just ran buy longview.. ran in circles for a few mins.. then dropped a treb that got off 2 shots (in the open field at that…) before it got hit by our 4 + a cata…. I think ur commander is drunk.
Yaksbend Commander
I’ve had so much fun with the three way encounters this week. Best time was probably when we had holed up in RedVale Supply turtling and whittling down the Bay walls. We faced alternating waves of TC and CD. Great fun.
Also one point one how I personally decide where to WvW. It’s nothing to do with targetting one side or another. I look at a map and if say TC owns their border, there’s probably fewer defenders, so I can probably take objectives with fewer allies.
TC Borderland => West camp tower and keep (Bay)
Total 7hours fighting
Camp held that long both keep and tower taken from TC after 2hours.
Bay under siege north from TC south from Yak’s during 5hours.
Number of zergs taken down in the siege : 7times TC zerg died and 4times Yaks Bend^^
Thanks guys that was some fun and like always and it provided us plenty badges and we love it. (Wonder how much you spent in repairs )
AND WE HAD THE OUTMANNED BUFF (this useless buff ya know!) !!! But well we bring our skills ^^
[LORD] Omega Warlord CD guild Titan War
“It’s been a fun weekend…whenever I could stomach waiting out the queue to get in.”
Yeah…..we here at CD have virtually no queue.
Best of luck in your next tier.
See ya again in a couple of weeks
Haiku FTW
As of right now…YB and TC will stay tier 3, and FA will move up. We at CD will fall to the top spot in tier 4. They (TC & YB) should hope to stay in tier 3 :p CD being in tier 2 for so long is what killed us, and caused lots of transfers. We were large enough to hold our spot, and had much more uniform coverage, but after a few bad weeks/match-ups of tier 1 servers dropping down, stomping us, lots left for the greener pastures.
Tier 2 was alright, extremely competitive and organized, but it felt more like a chore. An inch really was a mile. It may have seemed a little less zergy though, since all the BLs were full most of the time, so 20-30 v 20-30 was the norm.
There are quite a few commander’s names I don’t see anymore, and haven’t seen in some time, along with their guild tags. Whether they only PvE now (saw 5 PvE commanders in cursed shore today? wtf), and have truly left, kinda sucks. The main one I can think of, that I liked to follow, was Housin. No idea where he ended up, but seemed pretty legit.
Hopefully when we roll over tier 4, we can steal some transfers away from those servers, and have a bit better coverage This has been my favorite match-up yet, by far, and i’d like to get into it again, if CD ends up in 3rd.
Zergish tendencies or not, TC is tenacious when they know they have the element of surprise, and/or the upper hand. They fight just as hard as anyone i’ve faced, and i’ve been doing a lot of running! They have lots of lowbies though…but guessing that’s mainly due to them being in the lead. Not complaining, helped me buy 2 more pieces of invaders armor
YB is not much different from the last time we faced them: awesome. I’ve had fun butting heads so far, and you all are good sports from what i’ve experienced. seconds place is still a battle to be fought, but it’ll be hard to gain ground with YB in our way.
Had a lot of fun in TC borderland defending the bay keep today, as well as the constant back and forth in EB in(side) and around langor and quentin towers.
Win or lose, we still booze!
Happy Tree of w0t0 [w0t0] -Crystal Desert-
After reading most of the posts here, there’s a few things I’d like to say.
1) I absolutely love this match-up. There’s so much action everywhere and I honestly don’t know what to do because there’s so many things to do that I’m spoilt for choice! It’s been fun playing in WvW this week and I’m putting in extra hours to it.
2) However, after many battles, solo against groups of YB and CD, I think YB people tend to carry themselves better. They don’t gloat like CD players do which started to irritate me. I started to leave YB people alone and focus on CD players. Even in a 3-way fight, it has become a habit for me to kill off CD first. It is just that the players I’ve come across from CD don’t act honorably.
3) CD people need to stop spamming whispers when they get wiped… It is really annoying. Just because a thief clears the CD jp campers solo doesn’t mean you need to spam him for griefing a puzzle when you guys were clearly the ones… I had to fight off a mortar spamming the entrance…
4) Numbers wise, so far, I’ve only had queue times when the match-up just started. Every other time, I’ve entered the BGs immediately and even had outmanned buff a few times. So I don’t think it is a valid criticism that TC only has mindless zergs. My guild also prefers to operate separately from the zergs anw. I’ve also noticed that there are a few WvW guilds from CD, I think they were HAX and EDMW? Can’t remember the rest.
2) However, after many battles, solo against groups of YB and CD, I think YB people tend to carry themselves better. They don’t gloat like CD players do which started to irritate me. I started to leave YB people alone and focus on CD players. Even in a 3-way fight, it has become a habit for me to kill off CD first. It is just that the players I’ve come across from CD don’t act honorably.
3) CD people need to stop spamming whispers when they get wiped… It is really annoying. Just because a thief clears the CD jp campers solo doesn’t mean you need to spam him for griefing a puzzle when you guys were clearly the ones… I had to fight off a mortar spamming the entrance…
Yeah, I’m with you on these. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but I haven’t once seen a YB person gloating/corpse dancing/whatever after they’ve killed someone, more and more I’m seeing it from CD players which makes me actively seek them over YB simply for bad behaviour; if I see you corpse dance on a guy, you’re next, just so I can ram that garbage back down your throat and frankly, it’s just absolutely priceless destroying some idiot too busy dancing to notice you right behind him.
What I seem to be experiencing a lot lately however, which was mentioned before, was rampant logging out before a kill is made; I’ve had no less than 11 YB log out when downed just over the course of the weekend. Now, I’m sure this comes from all 3 sides, so I don’t want to just point the finger at one side, I do however hope this gets raised so that Anet can do something about people just logging whilst in combat in PvP/WvW because that’s just poor sportsmanship no matter who executed it.
I do sometimes salute a dead enemy, this however, isn’t intended as griefing in any way, if you get a salute from a TC thief, it’s because I enjoyed the fight and I’m showing respect – I’m also far too lazy to click report and screw around with the account name just to whisper you! :p
(edited by Static.9841)
Thank you Titan & friends in the TC BL map for the epic quality time with our rival servers. May the badges be with you.
Sidenote: Somehow I charged into a hill and fell through the land/terrain models. Apparently underneath the terrain its all water…like the entire map is just water in volume and a bit of textured terrain on top. Apologies to the Yakkers and TC for the hours of harassment while I hit you with water based weapons from underground. I don’t think I was able to kill anyone? I was able to kill some npc’s and hit the keep gates. Someone messaged me about being reported? I enjoy the WvW matchup and don’t want to cause trouble. Lucky for you my team ported out and it was just Yak vs TC. I suppose I could have abused that a lot more via invulnerable scouting for a few hours. You guys were able to damage me with some skills! Isn’t that strange? I thought it was fascinating.
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate
Plenty of emoting, JP camping Yak’s bend players today. Every server has them, not just CD.
(edited by TheFug.5278)
Yak’s just playing for 2nd place at this point?
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Yak’s just playing for 2nd place at this point?
Unless they pull something out of the bag, I’m not sure they can make first, I doubt YB are settling for anything, they’re fighting pretty hard out there
I read Sharpclaw’s statement concerning the match up, and couldn’t agree more. It’s been a fun week. CD and YB you guys are awesome.
The one thing I can say about TC is that we communicate extremely well(at least from my perspective), and as someone said earlier, have quick mobility. For me, these are the two key factors for any sound strategy.
As for CD and your numbers, you do a great job! I only have issues with 3 or 4 on 1(the times I got caught with my britches down, hehe), but I tend to laugh and have a good time.
YB? You can be downright VICIOUS, which is cool! Healthy competition only makes you and your server BETTER!
All in all, just a fantastic match up. I salute both of you, Crystal Desert and Yak’s Bend.
Eijofor Suun, Engineer (Mortar/Grenades/Elixir B/Elixir H/Dual Pistols)
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China
This alt-F4 thing is getting out of hand quickly. Die with honor people.
This alt-F4 thing is getting out of hand quickly. Die with honor people.
Or just don’t come to a PvP environment. Honestly, I don’t understand the pride in your own character death, I’ve had some epic moments where groups have caught me off guard around SM and mowed me down, I WP straight away, run off the walls and exact revenge. It’s all part of the game.
I don’t think I’ve ever raged when I’ve been killed, sometimes I’m actually laughing about it – especially when you bump into the invisible rendering zerg and just watch your guy go from full health to 0 before the whole force is even showing on your screen. My favourite however, has to go to Mesmers, I don’t kow what it is, but that Moa spell just tickles me, even when it’s done to me, I’m just lolling over it, it’s like the ultimate touché!
Whatever the score is on Friday, I just want to thank CD and YB for a great week of WvWvW. I think this has been the best week thus far in terms of prime time competitive play and close scores. We’ve had some really epic battles and I’ve learned quite a bit playing against such aggressive and unrelenting adversaries.
I hope the somewhat bitter views expressed by a few on this forum aren’t representative of the majority on your servers. I wish you both the best, look forward to the rematch, and hope that next week’s match-up is half as fun as this one!
Transcendent Veneration (TV)
Tarnished Coast
I would like to commend commanders Snurff and Kaeleth on TC. You guys have done a great job leading, organizing / communicating with the masses and a lot of this weeks win is a credit to your efforts.
Additionally, this is the best week of WvW I have had since the release of GW2. All 3 sides have fought some very tough battles. Thank you to Yaks and CD for all of your efforts and both of your servers have been great to play against. I would love nothing more than to see this same match up week in and week out with how close the 3 servers fought all weekend.
[ACEN] Ascension | Tarnished Coast
I don’t know who this guy is, but his guild tag was EsF, this is a screenshot I took of a CD mesmer in TC Borderlands at Sunnyhill, this guy literally just phased through our gate during the CD assault that is currently still happening.
possible hes standing in front of the door when he died
possible hes standing in front of the door when he died
No, I didn’t kill him on the other side, I fought him on OUR side of the gate, he was moving around. I understand people want to look for a softer explanation first, but this was blatant cheating.
Right… Tarnished Zerg. How ironic.
I think you guys were having outmanned buff, no idea where your guys are… not many in your own BL
Which is fine. I think the irony comes from all the CD players complaining about TC “zerging everything” then a 80 man zerg runs through TC BL in the early morning and steamroll the 10 defenders.
It’s the CD prime time overlapping with TC’s down time. I’m sure CD doesn’t need to be reminded, but over the past weeks this is the time where they routinely go +500 against hopelessly outnumbered opponents. It’s just the nature of our servers’ coverage patterns. It’s just that we don’t scurry to the forums to whine about mindless zergs when we lose our entire map, we just wait to take it back.
That post was directed at everyone who said we zerg all over the place. It’s ironic.
And yup, we had the outmanned buff. Don’t get comfy though. Toast called. They want their Garrison back.
I don’t know who this guy is, but his guild tag was EsF, this is a screenshot I took of a CD mesmer in TC Borderlands at Sunnyhill, this guy literally just phased through our gate during the CD assault that is currently still happening.
I was involved in the assault on the tower @ Sunnyhill, and I must say, it was in no way intentional. One moment he was outside standing infront of the door and hitting the door, went into a down state, died, and suddenly ended up on the inside. All of us there were equally puzzled that he suddenly appeared on the other side of the tower.
Ele, guardian
Ultimate Dominator
This alt-F4 thing is getting out of hand quickly. Die with honor people.
i wish the people i fight would do it more often.
i have no problem with them adding a game restart to their run times back to the objectives.
On my thief, I utilized my #5 bow ability to teleport to the gate of a keep over the weekend (once). This placed me partially in the gate. This didn’t immediately lead to anything fruitful, in fact I was now frozen in place and dying quickly to arrow carts. Fortunately, my group was able to bring me back to life, and to my excitement I was no longer stuck in place – in fact, I walked into the keep through the still closed door……………..
I have never attempted this again because I do not condone or enjoy exploiting, however I say this because the first thought people always have when something happens is that they’re “hacking”. In many cases, it probably is, but I am willing to bet others have been as surprised as I was when something similar happened to them.
The question is, what did he do once in? I myself quickly died and went to WP. If he uses this to portal his team in, then that is cheap. If he did not, then chalk it up to a potential accident and everyone move on with their lives and enjoy the close battles that TC, Yaks, and CD are having!
[ACEN] Ascension | Tarnished Coast
On my thief, I utilized my #5 bow ability to teleport to the gate of a keep over the weekend (once). This placed me partially in the gate. This didn’t immediately lead to anything fruitful, in fact I was now frozen in place and dying quickly to arrow carts. Fortunately, my group was able to bring me back to life, and to my excitement I was no longer stuck in place – in fact, I walked into the keep through the still closed door……………..
I have never attempted this again because I do not condone or enjoy exploiting, however I say this because the first thought people always have when something happens is that they’re “hacking”. In many cases, it probably is, but I am willing to bet others have been as surprised as I was when something similar happened to them.
The question is, what did he do once in? I myself quickly died and went to WP. If he uses this to portal his team in, then that is cheap. If he did not, then chalk it up to a potential accident and everyone move on with their lives and enjoy the close battles that TC, Yaks, and CD are having!
He was dead before he went in. he just waited for resurrect because the gate was below 10%.
Ele, guardian
Ultimate Dominator
On my thief, I utilized my #5 bow ability to teleport to the gate of a keep over the weekend (once). This placed me partially in the gate. This didn’t immediately lead to anything fruitful, in fact I was now frozen in place and dying quickly to arrow carts. Fortunately, my group was able to bring me back to life, and to my excitement I was no longer stuck in place – in fact, I walked into the keep through the still closed door……………..
I have never attempted this again because I do not condone or enjoy exploiting, however I say this because the first thought people always have when something happens is that they’re “hacking”. In many cases, it probably is, but I am willing to bet others have been as surprised as I was when something similar happened to them.
The question is, what did he do once in? I myself quickly died and went to WP. If he uses this to portal his team in, then that is cheap. If he did not, then chalk it up to a potential accident and everyone move on with their lives and enjoy the close battles that TC, Yaks, and CD are having!
Agreed. It was mentioned that the Mesmer fought inside the tower before dying – never put a portal or anything. That indeed sounds like an accident – I’ll be skeptical if a portal went up immediately but nothing of the sort happened, or so it seems. In addition, EsF has been a respectable opponent with a lot of organization so I won’t be so fast in pointing the abuse accusation at them.
We didn’t want it to seem like camping the Yak spawn last night in CDBL, but man any time we got like 20’ away from Red Briar they’d jump all over it again. so we had to extend the perimeter. Persistent buggers.
I think we had a three way fight going on at Godslore at one point? Mass hysteria!
<Bloodgale Vanguard>
I wanna give an shout to the CA (chaos angels?) in EB representing CD. You guys are by far the biggest threat in EB. Its probably the reason why CD dropped a bit in points(third place now?) cause yall seem to focus allot on the strongest server(big respect!).
I tend to bring our forces more into the blue area. If CD gets to much space theyll be up at klovan or jeff within 15minutes.
Also I honestly havent seen much what the yaks been doing but i know their also putting up a real good fight, i just kinda miss their presence in EB.
Overall a great experience for all 3 servers! Keep up the nice fights!
All this negative talk is souring what has been, and will be, a great weeks worth of fighting. I am from TC and have never heard any mention of not fighting Yaks. I have fought many players from both servers this week, and have had some hilarious interactions from members of both servers as well. Just remember, the loudest voice isn’t always the most common voice, there are plenty of us out there who have much respect for those we are fighting on CD and Yaks. Keep up the good fights, and remember… have fun, it is just a game!
And we have seen people over the last two weeks doing it, every server we have played against.
I don’t do it. Most people don’t do it.
Some people do it regardless of server. So why feel the need to point out YB or any server for that matter? People on your server do it, also very dissapointing.
Honestly I haven’t seen it until this week. And so far the only ones that have done it have been a few YB people. I understand it’s empirical evidence so I stated MY observations.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
I want to apologize in advance. I did my first closing of the client during a battle today. Not that I don’t die honorably. (I will gladly allow the last blow) Just was fussing with someone over the phone and ended up in anger shutting down my pc because they went to fussing at how I was on the PC. lol
So I apologize in advance if it seemed like I did so, first time I have ever done that, and I felt like crap. (I did come back online dead so hopefully that person got the kill)
BTW, I have to say CD, whoever came up with the mesmer bomb and is using it, VERY effective. Nice tactic! Definitely gives us TC players a “Oh dear god” moment! =D
Keep up the fight everyone!
Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency
BTW, I have to say CD, whoever came up with the mesmer bomb and is using it, VERY effective. Nice tactic! Definitely gives us TC players a “Oh dear god” moment! =D
Keep up the fight everyone!
I believe that was guild ARMA. I saw them using a lot of mesmer portals to move their team around the battle field to artifically create flanking situations. it was a brilliant move that I am most definitively going to have my guild steal from them and use ourselves.
[ACEN] Ascension | Tarnished Coast
BTW, I have to say CD, whoever came up with the mesmer bomb and is using it, VERY effective. Nice tactic! Definitely gives us TC players a “Oh dear god” moment! =D
Keep up the fight everyone!
I believe that was guild ARMA. I saw them using a lot of mesmer portals to move their team around the battle field to artifically create flanking situations. it was a brilliant move that I am most definitively going to have my guild steal from them and use ourselves.
Same here, it is definitely creative and works like a charm. Very impressive!
Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency