12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Not sure if CD has that much to share, since you guys are obviously advanced in your tactics. One of which is using ele focus skill 4 to protect siege and keep walls. I don’t know why our eles hardly ever do that. We just sit there and let the siege get hit by other ballista.

Well there’s always something new we can learn, either from each other or something new that might be the result of ever-changing circumstances in a battlefield. Wars are always evolving; play styles always change. Tactics should evolve based on the fight as long as it is within the game’s rules.

Tee See

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


Are elementalists supposed to be able to target inside of enemy towers using Dragon’s Tooth? I’ll assume that’s a no, right?

Dragon’s tooth kinda auto targets, so it can hit things that are not in line of sight. There are several skills like that.

Used to be the Mesmer greatsword 4 worked like that. People hated having to actually kill things outside of walls when they hate otherwise untouchable trebuchets and such. Throw a big fit about it and maybe ele’s will get nerfed to need LoS for that.

Crystal desert Guild Leader? I need to talk to you about a CD/FA alliance to take down TC. This alliance will be public becuase if we do not make an alliance, TC will thrash us like they did to FA and Yak’s for the past 3 weeks.

Honestly I don’t think that outright communication is necessary. We just need to pay attention to when the other server is hitting TC and then go take something else from them. They don’t handle WvW very well when they have multiple fronts they have to defend- they actually can’t split the zerg up very much for some reason. Maybe all of their melee is glass cannon build?

Unfortunately, the game designers don’t seem to understand game theory so what they want players to do and what players will actually do because of game design doesn’t match.

Actually this week game theory plays to the advantage of both of us magnificently. TC is significantly easier to fight if we are both hitting them than fighting each other, even if TC is focusing on one of us. Their class makeup, numbers, and general strategy aren’t grown from “underdog” tactics (at least not that I can see) so in situations where they have fewer players their goal is only to delay until they can pull large numbers into the fight- which works magnificently (maybe too strong a word?) when they are assaulting a borderland but then need to defend their holdings against a single group. It largely demoralizes small groups on the 2nd and 3rd place servers because there is so little time to try and capture anything.

They will need to modify this system greatly to handle small groups that actually coordinate with each other to go places at the same time and actually tell each other decent estimates of how big the enemy group is then it becomes easy to run them around in circles. Multiplying this so that there are actually several forces large enough to actually take towers from skeleton crews (well not so much about size as having somebody that knows how to do it and handle priorities,) simply taxes this tactic beyond the breaking point. Add in the boon of motivation because our servers are doing well and our numbers in WvW will swell to the point that we can make even more simultaneous combat locations happen.

So in summary game theory makes us it better to attack each other while there is only one active group at a time, makes TC a viable target as soon as they can’t play whack a mole fast enough simple event rewards make TC the more desirable target for both of us.

Several other dominant servers have static groups doing serious defense so this doesn’t apply and knocking them off of the top position would have to be purely for the sake of competition, and thus you don’t see it very often.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Hekatombaion.4320)

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Furienify.5738


I don’t know about anyone else in TC, but it was disheartening to see SOR/Blackgate wiping us off our own borderland back then. That’s why I also prioritize it first, its also the reason why we dont mind you guys double-teaming us. We want to be prepared just in case we have to face these two again…

Yep. While nobody really likes playing Supply Camp Raiders Deluxe or Spawn Camping 4000, the home borderlands are key. It’s a huge morale-boost to see that your home BL is painted its intended colour. This lets your pubs know that everything is fine, and it’s safe to go on the offensive in the other borderlands.

Not sure if CD has that much to share, since you guys are obviously advanced in your tactics. One of which is using ele focus skill 4 to protect siege and keep walls. I don’t know why our eles hardly ever do that. We just sit there and let the siege get hit by other ballista.

Just keep setting an example, I’ve learned. A month ago I felt like I was the only one on the server bothering with it. Even on my own it bought our groups a significant amount of time. Elementalists in my guild caught on, and now we’re regularly chained to trebs and keep walls like slaves. Pubs end up cluing in not long after, though the awful wages and living conditions usually deter them.

I can see it being nerfed some time in the future, honestly. That will be a sad day. I think it adds a certain element of strategy, as it is, which is a good thing. Plus, there’s nothing more satisfying than catching four treb shots in a single block. Nothing.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: nyaonyao.8402


Score and map update~!


12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Great job tonight Crystal Desert!

We finally got into the TC borders and started pushing the fight to them! Great to see FA in there holding the right side of the map for quite a while too. TC has been fighting hard all night and the battle has been awesome.

A special shot out to the KH guild for holding that tower and doing a great job all night long. Excellent work!

Great job to all three servers!

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


Just keep setting an example, I’ve learned. A month ago I felt like I was the only one on the server bothering with it. Even on my own it bought our groups a significant amount of time. Elementalists in my guild caught on, and now we’re regularly chained to trebs and keep walls like slaves. Pubs end up cluing in not long after, though the awful wages and living conditions usually deter them.

I can see it being nerfed some time in the future, honestly. That will be a sad day. I think it adds a certain element of strategy, as it is, which is a good thing. Plus, there’s nothing more satisfying than catching four treb shots in a single block. Nothing.

Yup, it looked so good when TC blocked all our trebs, it inspired me to create my ele just to do that, but still low-level and squishy.

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: KamikazKid.4872


Hats off to KH of CD. They are a wrecking ball when they start moving. Crashed to us a few times.

Thanks, we’ve had some great fights on TCBL tonight, thanks for the fights PINK especially. I feel good about facing off against TC, I think a lot of us were mad that FA decided to focus our BL initially. Honestly we’re surprised we’re 2nd in points since we haven’t had the luxury of keeping our BL keeps locked down like everyone else.

Thanks for being classy guys also, we had the Z-word hurled all over us last week so it’s nice having someone recognize our guys by name.

Anzor Anak – Guardian
Kwisatz Haderach – For the Toast!

(edited by KamikazKid.4872)

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


Today we’ve taken SMC four times and I’ve personally stayed all four times with dozens of other to sweep it thoroughly. I killed quite a few mesmers but then all four times there was suddenly a TC zerg inside the lord room and a few seconds later SMC was lost.
I also heard multiple reports of mesmers going through walls or under the ground but I was always looking for mesmers on the upper parts of the castle so I never saw anything personally.

I’m not gonna say that TC is full of hackers or exploiters, but considering the size of the zerg which kept suddenly appearing in SMC out of thin air taking advantage of this and considering that they did it four times while I was playing….I’ll just say that TC’s gameplay leaves a lot to be desired.
If this is how they’re planning to win this week’s match then it’s really sad because I know that there are a lot of good players and good commanders in TC who are capable of fighting for the first place without resorting to these “tactics”.

And in case someone from Anet reads this I’d like to request that they have a look at what’s happened today and find a fix for it

TC’s playstyle probably amplifies the player culling issue somewhat. I very rarely encounter it with groups just running around in the fields anymore but do still see it with TC groups semi-frequently.

Outside of chaining mesmer portals I don’t think groups can really make it happen for combat advantage anymore, and having a chain of those isn’t something many groups can set up fast enough.

I love how this entire topic has devolved into pot shots against Tarnished Coast. And here I was about to complement our opponents for keeping us busy in our EB third all morning/afternoon. Typical.

CD player here….. If you want my opinion, all I see is TC playing smart and using top tier tactics that might eventually get them there as well.

In the meantime, FA and CD continue to waste man power fighting each other.

TC kind of wins using what I think of as early starcraft strategy. People are probably somewhat aware of the later crazy stuff that emerged in starcraft and how those strategies beat the earlier ones, but actually pulling these things off is much more challenging when trying to orchestrate so many players, many of which don’t have any particular interest in listening to you, unless you have a reputation of running effective karma trains.

*Not to say that early starcraft strategy is bad. The best players could do it well enough to defeat experienced players trying to do all of the “advanced” tactics and such without any fancy extras. Lots of room to optimize all the things we do in this game.

…I’ll hold out on talking about what exactly I think each server does poorly since that kind of criticism is too difficult to distinguish from just being an kitten. Happy to ask specific questions anyone has though.

Not sure if CD has that much to share, since you guys are obviously advanced in your tactics. One of which is using ele focus skill 4 to protect siege and keep walls. I don’t know why our eles hardly ever do that. We just sit there and let the siege get hit by other ballista.

The high cost of having a bag slot devoted to a focus.
Really. It’s frustrating trying to find an ele with a focus on our server. Bunch of times we’ve had to hunt down an ele to try and get them blocking shots but it’s always the same story. I don’t get how we (as a server) don’t know about this after all this time.


Where’s our oceanic crew tonight though? The late late night NA people are all succumbing from exhaustion trying to wait for the next shift to come relive us.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Hekatombaion.4320)

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970



I’m confident in saying TC are legit on this, we’ve seen their mesmers using a very good hiding spot within inner SMC that only a few of us seem to catch. It’s up top and a quick run around the upper area, just scanning the top as you do a lap, will not spot them.

Thank you. Rather then making baseless claims, nice to see someone realize what was going on from past experience. It was highly amusing that SM kept flipping between FA and TC 6-7 times. Then CD finally stepped in again and took it. They found the mesmer. SM stopped the rapid flipping. Of course, that apparently wasn’t noticed, and that’s much easier to spot then a good mesmer.

Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Andre Teixeira.7581

Andre Teixeira.7581

Haha yeah yesterday’s battle was awesome … really good battle CD/FA.. specially FA for being impossible to block you guys from retaking SM lol …

Props for tha fun !!

Slashy The Sieger – Mesmer
Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast
Also Known as .. The Hottest Asura evah .. True Story

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Navras.7265


ty tc (PINK)for the awesome brawling drinking and dueling yesterday.i had an awesome time!

<3 it was super fun

Edgan – Ranger of [PiNK] – Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


So, [NAGA] from CD marched a couple golems at Hills in FA BL while we were in TC BL. This made people in my guild mad, they took Bay in an awkward long siege in CD BL then took it even a step further to CD in EB taking towers and at one point hit their water gate at CD overlook. Now they log off and CD’s peak force logs on who has every right to demolish FA who is outmanned. I hope you wipe us off all the maps, tbh. Pretty disillusioned right now.. haha.


12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970



So, [NAGA] from CD marched a couple golems at Hills in FA BL while we were in TC BL. This made people in my guild mad, they took Bay in an awkward long siege in CD BL then took it even a step further to CD in EB taking towers and at one point hit their water gate at CD overlook. Now they log off and CD’s peak force logs on who has every right to demolish FA who is outmanned. I hope you wipe us off all the maps, tbh. Pretty disillusioned right now.. haha.

I don’t know what you guys did to them, but you pissed CD off real bad. As in this bad:


Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Renny.6571


I don’t know what you guys did to them, but you pissed CD off real bad. As in this bad:

We got within 1k of their score. :P

elite specs ruined pvp.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vagrant.1094


It all comes down to score. Like Fittle says, FA were within 1K of overtaking CD. Would I, if TC were in 2nd, want the 3rd placed server to surpass my score? Nope! I’d shift my focus to making sure they stayed several K below TC.

And that’s what has happened. Rather decisively. But that’s the strength of having your ‘strong’ period in an entirely different timezone to the other 2 servers involved in the match

~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


Being underestimated is the best thing about being on TC. As long as people continue to write paragraph upon paragraph of well-written forum posts about our supposed “zerg” strategy, we will continue to be underestimated.

TC does have great guilds. We have great, skillful players. We work together and we don’t give up. If you think our strategy is as simple as sending a massive zerg to the hotspot then you are sadly mistaken.

I respect CD for having great groups and good strategy. I respect FA for having one of the better guilds I have faced (The Unlimited folks). I don’t respect these posts from people who don’t have any understanding of our server and attempt to belittle our accomplishments. The only thing I can say bad about our server is that some of our people have grown complacent and aren’t playing with their usual focus because we have been in this tier for weeks. I don’t think we are ready quite yet for tier 2. Still, if we ever end up there, we won’t give up.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: TruNoobie.4983


I write this as a disgruntled member of Fort Aspenwood and the guild [PRO]:

The past few weeks became increasingly irritating because Yak’s Bend was repeatedly choosing to fight us rather than TC. All this served to do was secure victory for TC and incite our retaliation. With them being dropped a tier and CD being bumped up for the week, the potential for change was there. Sadly, it appears that we’ve become the new YB. Rather than attempting to challenge TC, we instead have chosen another week of futility.

The most disturbing part however isn’t the result, but rather the cause. YB simply refused to play ball with us and instead undermined every attempt we made to hit TC. It was easy to blame them for the lackluster outcome. This week, CD was clearly cooperating with our efforts the vast majority of the time. Sure they would have small groups that would periodically flip our supply camps, and once in a while flip a tower if we were asleep. But once it became apparent that TC was the primary threat, they did not make all out assaults into our territory.

Unfortunately, as a server, we did not do the same. We constantly had zergs in their lands, led by handfuls of commanders, and would entrench in one of their keeps and hold that land for great lengths of time. And while our guild was not the cause, we also were not the solution. Our server continues to lack any effective means of communication, and fail to deter counterproductive efforts such as this. So long as we simply stand by while this occurs, we will always find ourselves fighting for second place.

But even this is not our biggest problem. It was, until today when a poor decision by CD was unnecessarily escalated by us. CD’s decision to take the keep in TCBL with golems was misguided. But in their defense our server has been making similar misguided decisions in CDBL all week, so their sentiment is understandable (though still a mistake). It was made by a small group, and was by no means a large-scale act of aggression. And our response? Rather than being mature about it, and thinking about it for a moment, we reacted. While we had absolutely no reason to be happy about their actions, we had great reason not to retaliate.

Instead, we proceeded to walk right into CD’s house while their server was mostly asleep, and just started kicking them over and over again. Vindication always feels good, especially when you then log off before having to face the future consequences. Unfortunately, as our night crew sleep, the rest of us are left to face CD’s response now that they are awake. As a result, we now find ourselves under 100 ppt with CD having taken our entire side of EB and pushing for both of our keeps in FABL. Meanwhile, TC simply grabs their popcorn and has a good laugh while they enjoy another week of uncontested victory.

I’m sure by this evening we will have recovered somewhat from the recent events. CD’s peak will pass and their manpower will decline. We will slowly get more people on and be able to re-establish a presence in EB. If nothing is said, those of you not on right now will go on thinking that nothing happened. But the truth of the matter is that our blunders are costing us any opportunity at truly competing. No server has 100% control over every person or group. We can never stop small rogue groups for stepping foot into CDBL. Nor can they stop theirs from doing the same to us. But those are merely annoyances. What plagues us as a server is our inability to stop full-scale, commander-led zergs from diving into ally lands; Or our guild-led escalation of a small mistake into a giant, counterproductive debacle.

What we need is the opposite. We need to improve our overall communication and unity as a server. We don’t need to have every commander and guild being subservient, but we do need the majority working towards the same overall goal. That goal should be first place, and the implication is that we should not be focusing our large-scale efforts against anyone but the top team. What we need is inter-server communication. Of course we will never be able to perfectly get 100% of our manpower to cooperate with 100% of CD’s manpower. But if we can get the majority of the commanders and guilds on the same page, we can overlook the small annoyances that are uncontrollable. But if we simply say that it cannot be done and make no effort whatsoever, of course the result will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And to anyone from CD, my apologies for what happened last night. And now we’re getting what we deserve.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: fade.8603


The 1st placing will always want to ensure they have a healthy lead of 2nd place, where 2nd place will think of reducing that lead. 3rd placing will want to be more objective and aim where 2nd place is at. Therefore, being in the middle will always suffer a 2 pronged attack.

We had a healthy lead from 3rd placing yesterday but when the score is this close, seeing that TC has gotten themselves a bigger lead and FA closing on us, the next logical thing to do is to safeguard our own interest first which is to maintain 2nd before aiming for 1st. Speaking just for myself tho, not a commander or guild leader~ Just a capt obvious!


12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: TruNoobie.4983


That’s flawed logic. Can’t really give out a game theory lesson in this environment, but you’re playing a 1-time game rather than a repeating game. You fail to consider the consequences for your actions. Cooperation is the best long-term strategy for the two weakest teams until one of them overtakes the strongest. Then the cooperation switches to the new weakest. Repeat.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Serelisk.6573


I write this as a disgruntled member of Fort Aspenwood and the guild [PRO]:

The past few weeks became increasingly irritating because Yak’s Bend was repeatedly choosing to fight us rather than TC. All this served to do was secure victory for TC and incite our retaliation. With them being dropped a tier and CD being bumped up for the week, the potential for change was there. Sadly, it appears that we’ve become the new YB. Rather than attempting to challenge TC, we instead have chosen another week of futility.

The most disturbing part however isn’t the result, but rather…

Wow, o.o… How you managed to express all that concisely and not go over the posting limit is a skill I will never possess.

But yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what I and the leadership of my guild would agree on. This kind of stuff has costed us an assault on Hills keep in TC BL, where CD pulled out completely after their keep on their own BL was taken (by us) and TC focused us and kicked us out of their BL.


12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Renny.6571


Without mutual acceptance from every factor of both parties it’s absurd to think servers 2 and 3 will work cohesively to attack first place. Although it was Anet’s plan to have WvW function that way, the established mechanics and lack of incentive don’t allow for it to happen unfortunately.

elite specs ruined pvp.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Feydra.6318


Id like to adress something i think all three servers experience, i wont point fingers and say omg you alt-f4. couse honestly i think its most likely its done on all sides, but please, if you see this kind of behavior talk to your own, i certainly will tell those among TC that alt-f4 and then get their guild leaders, we probably cant stop it fully, but atleast we can agree on that its poor gameplay, and FA, CD and TC are better then that !

And now to some more fun stuff…

Thanks for some amacing fighting in our beloved TCbl…

And to earlier FA commander that said something about eating popcorn, i shall admit, i told a few of us to pull back, and let CD hordes tear you apart, since they were obviously upset, and as i said “dont attack CD, its far better they fight FA, then fighting us… beside then FA will need to spend hours taking their towers back”, ya it was something like that, i can understand your frustration, at times taking something might not be the best in the long run, but its also a game and its about to have fun, in any case FA keep up the spirits and the fight !

Lastly about eles with focus, im a support ele with 1.7k healing power, i have a focus only so i can defend out trebs and walls, i ewen save focus i find to mail to people that dont have, and ewen a low level ele can grab a focus and stand and block trebs… earlier today when CD had like 4-5 trebs bombing Bay, we had four Eles in line stopping almost every shot, i think one of the eles were lvl 20 or something, he went and bought a focus, so he could help out !

Miriel de Clavo – Elementalist
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Without mutual acceptance from every factor of both parties it’s absurd to think servers 2 and 3 will work cohesively to attack first place. Although it was Anet’s plan to have WvW function that way, the established mechanics and lack of incentive don’t allow for it to happen unfortunately.

I’m reading what looks like a repeat of the last 3 weeks in this tier. I wish we (YB) could have just played FA straight up the last 3 weeks, and now this week it looks like FA and CD are pretty even, but TC is the odd duck, too good for T3 maybe not ready for T2.

Doesn’t mean there aren’t still fun fights, but the overall competition for winning leaves a lot to be desired in their 3 way mechanic.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: TruNoobie.4983


Without mutual acceptance from every factor of both parties it’s absurd to think servers 2 and 3 will work cohesively to attack first place. Although it was Anet’s plan to have WvW function that way, the established mechanics and lack of incentive don’t allow for it to happen unfortunately.

What you are eluding to is the idea of perfect cooperation; Where every single person does so. However in practice the concern is going from splitting your manpower from 50/50 against both opposing teams to something like 60/40 or 70/30 etc. There is lots of margin for error. The key lies with the commanders and large guilds. The fact of the matter is that there is a lot of manpower which simply follows the blue hats or the crowds. Perfect cooperation will never occur. But partial cooperation is very possible if its given some amount of priority.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: drtoph.4857


Just wanted to put things in perspective for everyone complaining about how untouchable TC is. Right now they have a 20k lead, 20k is nothing. Has everyone already forgotten all the weeks where it was common to see a server end Sunday with 100k+ points on the other two servers? Heck, last week we came back from a 15k deficit to beat out Yaks for 2nd. A few weeks ago we made a decent run at coming back from a 100k+ deficit. All I am saying is this is still anyone’s game. This match is close, its close enough where we could all still give TC a run for its money. So, why don’t we do that, or am I the only one getting tired of reading the condescending posts by these TC forum jockey’s about how they have out grown this tier and we can all learn from their shining example?

80 Elementalist

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: nyaonyao.8402


Score and map update~!


12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Karuna.1357


So FA . . . I see that CD has wiped you off the face of Eternal Battlegrounds. How is that supposed alliance working out for you?

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


So FA . . . I see that CD has wiped you off the face of Eternal Battlegrounds. How is that supposed alliance working out for you?

You sound bitter.

Are you one of those people who fail to realize that alliances like that are precisely what arena.net intended? And that without them the brackets run the risk of becoming hopelessly imbalanced and broken?

The only way things will be fresh and interesting is if the two smaller servers combine against TC, because TC has a huge population advantage. Presumably everyone, TC included want’s a fresh and interesting matchup. Even if they do lose a match, TC isn’t going to get kicked down to tier 4. It would take weeks of losses for that to happen – by which point a new alliance would have been formed against the new lead server.

It’s all a nice beautiful self regulation self balancing system – the two weaker servers work against the stronger server so the outcome is always in doubt.

I’m both amazed and aghast that people think this is unintended or somehow foul play.

And as in any alliance, both sides have to be willing to be the bigger man. Random PUGs will always do something that looks like a deliberate provocation. Just ignore it.

You don’t even need formal coordination or synchronization or anything. Just don’t attack something of CD’s if there are things of TC’s you can still take. Defend your own BL, defend your turf in EB, and attack TC’s BL. How can this plan possibly go wrong? What you don’t do, is if CD steps on your toes in TC’s BL, ,is go to CD’s BL and kick stuff over.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


So FA . . . I see that CD has wiped you off the face of Eternal Battlegrounds. How is that supposed alliance working out for you?

You sound bitter.

Are you one of those people who fail to realize that alliances like that are precisely what arena.net intended? And that without them the brackets run the risk of becoming hopelessly imbalanced and broken?

The only way things will be fresh and interesting is if the two smaller servers combine against TC, because TC has a huge population advantage. Presumably everyone, TC included want’s a fresh and interesting matchup. Even if they do lose a match, TC isn’t going to get kicked down to tier 4. It would take weeks of losses for that to happen – by which point a new alliance would have been formed against the new lead server.

It’s all a nice beautiful self regulation self balancing system – the two weaker servers work against the stronger server so the outcome is always in doubt.

I’m both amazed and aghast that people think this is unintended or somehow foul play.

And as in any alliance, both sides have to be willing to be the bigger man. Random PUGs will always do something that looks like a deliberate provocation. Just ignore it.

You don’t even need formal coordination or synchronization or anything. Just don’t attack something of CD’s if there are things of TC’s you can still take. Defend your own BL, defend your turf in EB, and attack TC’s BL. How can this plan possibly go wrong? What you don’t do, is if CD steps on your toes in TC’s BL, ,is go to CD’s BL and kick stuff over.

I wouldn’t mind if we lost a match at all. We could use a lesson. The question is, will it silence all the ignorant posts or we will just be subjected to more chest-bashing and insults?

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Shinhwa.1604


Wow, o.o… How you managed to express all that concisely and not go over the posting limit is a skill I will never possess.

But yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what I and the leadership of my guild would agree on. This kind of stuff has costed us an assault on Hills keep in TC BL, where CD pulled out completely after their keep on their own BL was taken (by us) and TC focused us and kicked us out of their BL.

A) This is a recent change in even our thinking. In previous matchups even GODS has gone after #2 when we were #3. I love our current strategy of going after #1 and not fighting for second.

B) I am not the boss of anyone else in the game. Others have their own goals and their own strategy to accomplish them. I am not kidding when I say I met a guy in FA BL at the crafting area who was crafting his way to 80 with gold “some friend” had sent him. I asked him what he planned to do when he was 80. Go play some other game he responded. WTH? I don’t understand him, but he was happy (and naked) and he had paid his $60 so I don’t get to make him do what I want. Other guilds and militia on FA can do what they want. Just because a few guilds have decided on a different strat doesn’t mean everyone will go along with it.

C) I would bet virtually no one who plays WvW reads this forum. An even tinier population of those people read the specific FA web site we have. So even getting those who would be sympathetic to a change in strategy on board will take time.

So lets have a new FA strategy of going for 1st come what may. Lets get as many guilds and players to go along with that as possible. And lets give it a couple of weeks at least to get the boat reoriented on the new course before pronouncing it a failure. I mean, we can’t get people to stop taking supply from keeps/towers to repair walls that are being trebbed even when we are sitting in chat asking them not to. In that environment, if you expect a major change in tactics to take hold between Saturday afternoon and Monday morning, you’re going to have a bad time.

Fort Aspenwood

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


I think CD is fine with an alliance as long as FA doesn’t get too close to second place lol.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vagrant.1094


This is all silly. When you’re 1st, you focus on keeping 2nd below you. When you’re 2nd, you focus on climbing to first, ‘or’ keeping 3rd below you. When you’re 3rd, you focus on climbing to 2nd, and following the lead of 2nd when they wail on 1st. Just as 2nd should aid 3rd when they see them attacking 1st.

The fact of the matter is that no server, when in 2nd, wants to be overtaken and end up in 3rd. Regardless of how much 2nd wants 1st, 2nd will ‘always’ turn on 3rd when 3rd has the potential to become 2nd.

Some good fun in EB this morning during CD’s dominant period. With FA wiped off the map CD tried a variety of strategies to take SM and TC’s territory, having flipped Klovan some time overnight before I logged in. The golem rushes on SM were exciting, and I commend CD for trying to use OL to treb SM too, having stolen it away from FA.

I also liked your treb placement at Durios. I found them ^^, but that was a new, interesting spot for me to counter.

~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Karuna.1357


So FA . . . I see that CD has wiped you off the face of Eternal Battlegrounds. How is that supposed alliance working out for you?

You sound bitter.

Are you one of those people who fail to realize that alliances like that are precisely what arena.net intended? And that without them the brackets run the risk of becoming hopelessly imbalanced and broken?

The only way things will be fresh and interesting is if the two smaller servers combine against TC, because TC has a huge population advantage. Presumably everyone, TC included want’s a fresh and interesting matchup. Even if they do lose a match, TC isn’t going to get kicked down to tier 4. It would take weeks of losses for that to happen – by which point a new alliance would have been formed against the new lead server.

It’s all a nice beautiful self regulation self balancing system – the two weaker servers work against the stronger server so the outcome is always in doubt.

I’m both amazed and aghast that people think this is unintended or somehow foul play.

And as in any alliance, both sides have to be willing to be the bigger man. Random PUGs will always do something that looks like a deliberate provocation. Just ignore it.

You don’t even need formal coordination or synchronization or anything. Just don’t attack something of CD’s if there are things of TC’s you can still take. Defend your own BL, defend your turf in EB, and attack TC’s BL. How can this plan possibly go wrong? What you don’t do, is if CD steps on your toes in TC’s BL, ,is go to CD’s BL and kick stuff over.

Nice post, although I stopped reading after ‘you sound bitter’.

Guild Leader/Commander, the Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]
Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Endorin.3109


So, [NAGA] from CD marched a couple golems at Hills in FA BL while we were in TC BL. This made people in my guild mad, they took Bay in an awkward long siege in CD BL then took it even a step further to CD in EB taking towers and at one point hit their water gate at CD overlook. Now they log off and CD’s peak force logs on who has every right to demolish FA who is outmanned. I hope you wipe us off all the maps, tbh. Pretty disillusioned right now.. haha.

Salutation to your guild aswell for being able to counter it fast. We were outnumbered the whole way once you came as it was only my guild that appeared in your borderland at the time. Thanks for the massive fight near the lake and the hill’s keep. Well fought.

Vizard/Violét Darkheart .
Maestro of Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA].

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Just wanted to put things in perspective for everyone complaining about how untouchable TC is. Right now they have a 20k lead, 20k is nothing. Has everyone already forgotten all the weeks where it was common to see a server end Sunday with 100k+ points on the other two servers? Heck, last week we came back from a 15k deficit to beat out Yaks for 2nd. A few weeks ago we made a decent run at coming back from a 100k+ deficit. All I am saying is this is still anyone’s game. This match is close, its close enough where we could all still give TC a run for its money. So, why don’t we do that, or am I the only one getting tired of reading the condescending posts by these TC forum jockey’s about how they have out grown this tier and we can all learn from their shining example?

I doubt it, there is no coming back against TC. I predict by the end of the week they will have 1.5x the score of second place.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319


Not sure if CD has that much to share, since you guys are obviously advanced in your tactics. One of which is using ele focus skill 4 to protect siege and keep walls. I don’t know why our eles hardly ever do that. We just sit there and let the siege get hit by other ballista.

Well, I’m pretty new to the WvW scene, so this was news to me. I’ll be pickin’ myself up a focus tonight!

‘Course, I’m on Tarnished Coast, so that doesn’t really help you at all… >.> …but still! Uhm… thanks for the heads-up!

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


I doubt it, there is no coming back against TC. I predict by the end of the week they will have 1.5x the score of second place.

Come on, all of you can do it. Just get the team going again. Both FA and CD population must be greater than the TC pop. If you muster that guild teamwork that the other fellow so convincingly wrote you guys can practically take the maps and make them your own colours.

You have the numbers together

I don’t need no stinking signature.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Renny.6571


Not right now we don’t. lol.

elite specs ruined pvp.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: crystal.5930


So, Tarnished Coast player here who is relatively new to WvW. Am I to understand that we have a reputation for doing nothing but running ‘massive zergs?’ I find that confusing, especially after this past weekend where it seemed like every battle I was in against CD they had us outnumbered (which made for great fun!). I even noticed a mention in one thread of the idea that ‘TC has 24×7 queues?’ I certainly have not seen that. I think I’ve only ever queued once, and I play primetime EST and weekends. So am I misunderstanding, or have I got it right and this is the overall impression our opponents have?

Chosovi Rose, Thomas Thorn, Crystalbrier, Bracken Farstone, Crassul, on Tarnished Coast
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Karykarywook.2481


Its amazing to me how I continue to read threads for over the past few weeks with much belittling of FA whenever someone gets the chance… and then on top of that, claims that FA is pompous.

Seriously, none of you actually know what FA players are like. There are some jerks, there are some people who fail. There are also people who are nice, kind, helpful and knowledgeable.

I don’t think I’ve seen one post (beyond the bickering between some GODS and BLNT members) where FA has claimed to be high and mighty.

Although I personally am proud of FA for staying in the game for the past 4 weeks and playing well. We can use improvement, and we’re getting better every week.

KaryKarwook of Team Sarcasm – Fort Aspenwood
Representing RET in WvW

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Karykarywook.2481



Seriously? Did you selectively just read the posts in the thread? How many posts from your server do we have to read belittling us before we start firing back? In the end it just gets people infractions and the thread closed. Personally, Niim’s post sat badly with me, hence I made a point. I personally don’t think FA is a bad server, quite the opposite, you are in Tier 3 with us and we are having a blast every night. On the other hand, I’m also not going to sit here and let chumps talk about TC like that without putting my 2cents in.

Where was the belittling? Some people questioned methods for how TC was getting SMC back so quickly – where the answer was lrn2sweep noobs. And funny this coming from a poster whom was insulting FA in a post just before my last post.

My actual point is stop with the sweeping generalizations of FA people or any server for that matter. You obviously have a history with some FA players, its not exactly fair to lump everyone or use a specific situation to apply it across the board.

KaryKarwook of Team Sarcasm – Fort Aspenwood
Representing RET in WvW

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415



Seriously? Did you selectively just read the posts in the thread? How many posts from your server do we have to read belittling us before we start firing back? In the end it just gets people infractions and the thread closed. Personally, Niim’s post sat badly with me, hence I made a point. I personally don’t think FA is a bad server, quite the opposite, you are in Tier 3 with us and we are having a blast every night. On the other hand, I’m also not going to sit here and let chumps talk about TC like that without putting my 2cents in.

Where was the belittling? Some people questioned methods for how TC was getting SMC back so quickly – where the answer was lrn2sweep noobs. And funny this coming from a poster whom was insulting FA in a post just before my last post.

My actual point is stop with the sweeping generalizations of FA people or any server for that matter. You obviously have a history with some FA players, its not exactly fair to lump everyone or use a specific situation to apply it across the board.

I agree with everything you said. This should go for all three servers. Yeah, no doubt my bad experience on the forum is that one guild as evidenced by the responses from said guild.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

We have proceed to clean the thread up, since it was quickly derailing into a pool of negativity and showing very poor personal exchanges. This does not bring anything good to the thread and all the people involved in the match-up and the discussion, as you may understand.

Please, bear in mind that although a little bit of competitiveness in WvW is good and can be challenging, we are all here mainly to have fun and enjoy the battles. Shows of bad sportsmanship will not be permitted and will be subsequently moderated. If the discussion does follow again the same level of negativity, we will proceed to close the thread.

Thanks for your collaboration.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


TC undeniably has more population than either CD or FA. A glance at the server select screen, where TC is the only non tier 1/2 server listed as ‘Full’ is enough to confirm this.

That’s quite different from saying that ALL they do is run around in massive zergs. Every server that can scrape enough people together fields massive zergs whenever it can

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


No need to continue our conversation. I’ll take care of it in game, in FA BL tonight. See you there with bells on.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I write this as a disgruntled member of Fort Aspenwood and the guild [PRO]:


TC player here. I’ve bumped into [PRO] quite a bit over the past few weeks and honestly I feel like you guys are a mixed bag. Half of you are really cool to face off against and are willing to let passives be passives, while some of you guys are relatively tunnel-visioned when it comes to getting kills.

When I come up against you guys, I have one of three experiences. Either I come up against your better, more experienced players and I rightfully get my kitten thrashed; or I come up with your less experienced players and I win soundly; or I come up against someone (or a group) in between and have a great back-and-forth skirmish.

I wrote about this a few days ago. I bumped into 2-3 of you guys while trying to get a vista in your borderland, and I made it a point to /bow and /wave while shrugging off their attacks. After a minute or two of me not going down and not hitting them, someone noticed what was going on and two of you guys disengaged and let me be. The third guy was under level 80 and continued to whale on me for negligible damage — I was only annoyed because he was crippling me and causing me to fall.

I think this is a good thumbnail example of your guild. I was working hard to keep myself up against your level 80 players (and at one point almost downed), but they were polite enough and experienced enough to realize what I was going after. However, your less experienced player would have gotten himself obliterated had I been making a point not to fight back.

I’m not trying to be condescending (because apparently giving constructive feedback and encouragement is such) with this post, but rather trying to share my experience from the other side. If you are serious about getting your guilds to work better in tandem, then take a look at your recruits (or players on troll-alts) first. I have no idea what your guild is like outside of playing against you in WvW, but if you’re not doing it right now a good starting point would be some sort of buddy system or training system where a new player would learn from or apprentice with your better players and commanders.

I really and sincerely want you guys to do well against us, and only part of that can be attributed to your server being a familiar and comforting enemy at this point. I’m only a mediocre player from a small guild — I shouldn’t be able to massacre or potentially massacre players from a guild like [PRO]. It should be the other way around, and I am more than ready to admit to that.

The one non-80 vista example is just the most recent one, not the only one. There has been more than one occasion where I’ve been able to pull [PRO] players away from zergs or away from sieges/strategic locations just by making a big splash and then running away. It’s really funny from my end when that happens and when I kite 2-3 people across the zone, but from a “we want every player and every server to get better” perspective, you need to stamp that out.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vagrant.1094


Every server, in every match, has someone (or various someones) who will come into the match thread and post accusations of cheating, or whine about 2v1, or complain about zergs. So on, and so on, and so on. Every server.

Every server then has someone (or someones) who will respond to said post in a way which refutes said claims while at the same time purporting that the original poster is indicative of all players on said server, while simultaneously claiming their own server to be above such things, while insulting the original poster in a passive aggressive manner.

The solution is to avoid responding to useless posts. There’s no point. Let your response be found in game, where your presence is actually useful.

Those of us who read these threads for actual insight on the goings on of the match, and ‘genuine’ praise for our opponents, or ‘honest’ criticism of our own tactics will thank you for the sudden lack of pointless blather between posts of substance ^^

There are times I wish ‘I’ was part of FA, part of PRO or ULTD. Because they are ‘good’ guilds with ‘good’ tactics and I appreciate what they bring to FA’s table. ESF, over on CD, are capable of being sneaky and clever, and are a brilliant asset to their server.

We all have bad players. We all have whiners. We all have smart players. We all have people who will repair walls despite being told not to repeatedly. >.> Judging any server by the actions of a few, whether in game, or via childish posts on forums does a massive injustice to the rest of that server.

Now, back to work :p

~This message brought to you by Nyari Cil, the one and only Queen of the Eternal Battlegrounds, and rightful heiress to Quentin Lake.

(edited by Vagrant.1094)

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Honestly, i am proud to be on FA and having fun fighting every night with both of the servers. I used to get frustrated with TC for a while, but this week has been great fun and TC has also shown a great sense of humor.
I’ve had a great duel with a warriorfrom CD today (me, mesmer and you, fighting at the coast of bluelake this morning, we were both down in the end and i won by one hit) and gotta say u guys have some very skilled players too.
I will definitely not approve of any alliance as it is against everything we were complaining about last week and also against my pride. I’ll keep attacking both CD and TC the same way..and by the way namo u will hear what i gotta say about your comment here in the forum about forming an alliance,in TS tonight…as bludge tells u every single time….DEMOTED! xD

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

(edited by selan.8354)

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


In regards to the elementalists not carrying focuses:

I play a guardian and I have a copy of every weapon in my bag. Not all of them are exotic yet, but they’re all at least level 80 rares. You can’t run with the same 1-4 weapons and neglect your other tools/options. Switching weapons is like switching your utility skills, as half of your skill bar actually is your weapon.

If I’m playing in any group sieging towers/keeps/Stonemist, I make sure to have my scepter available to hit oil drums. If I’m playing defense, then I try to have a shield available to counter shelling from catapults and trebuchets. Being flexible with your weapons is important to every class. I didn’t really believe that until I started carrying things around, and I was shocked at how much I find myself using different tools for different strategies.

This is true for all of Guild Wars 2, not just W3. You’ll simply have a higher quality-of-life with your profession if you carry a toolbox. If elementalists in your group aren’t carrying foci to block trebuchets, then have them buy trash white level 1 foci off of the trading post for 20c just so that they have one. Same thing with guardians and engineers with shields and rangers with offhand axes. There’s a trading post on every WvW map so there’s no excuse not to have one.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


Let me start of by saying TC is as big as it was 4 weeks ago and their ability to cover 2 maps is not matched in this tier.

To FA: As one of the commanders I continually preached that we can’t fight FA, we need to focus TC. However that went out the window when for two days straight FA maintained a strong presence in our borderlands. While some people seem to be able to focus on the larger objective, the overall zerg is focused on “easier” points, so they attack us. We have to respond in kind.

If we continually see GODS and PRO pushing TC BL I’m sure most of us will get the hint.

As for CD, keep the fight going. 18k point differential is not big, we still have a chance to keep TC in our sights. As a competitive person, I want to keep TC back in t3 because if we don’t, it means they owned us. As a strategist, I’ve seen IoJ in tier 2 … none of us want to see them YET. (this includes YB).

Bring on the fight and above all please remember it’s a game, have fun.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.