Tee See
2013 - BG-Kain-TC
So, regarding coverage gaps and 10v1 and all that, here’s what a great man has to say:
“The typical number of young in the litter is usually equal to half the number nipples on the animal. The number of nipples being the maximum litter size. Humans, for example, one child is the typical. Maximum, twins. Barring extraordinary cases when the young exceed the number of nipples.”- Walter Bishop’s one-half nipple rule.
Wait, I thought it’s relevant here :/…
Tee See
To the TC group that chased my poor little asuran ranger around KNBL earlier: I have no idea how I survived that. O.o
Everything is a Nemesis plot.
To the TC group that chased my poor little asuran ranger around KNBL earlier: I have no idea how I survived that. O.o
Maybe they just wanted to hug a cute lil asuran (cute since you’re not a certain class…asuran certain class are just … nvm)
Tee See
(edited by phaneo.4597)
To the TC group that chased my poor little asuran ranger around KNBL earlier: I have no idea how I survived that. O.o
Maybe they just wanted to hug a cute lil asuran (cute since you’re not a thief….asuran thieves are just … nvm)
I’m not an anklebiter, but what do you have against thieves?
To the TC group that chased my poor little asuran ranger around KNBL earlier: I have no idea how I survived that. O.o
Maybe they just wanted to hug a cute lil asuran (cute since you’re not a thief….asuran thieves are just … nvm)
I’m not an anklebiter, but what do you have against thieves?
Nothing, Sir, absolutely nothing!
Really, I mean it!
Just Asuran thieves…
I swear!
I once had an asuran thief alt, which I just found wrong. He was lil, cute and he felt being a thief that backstabs ppl to their death is just not so HIM. So a human thief took his place.
Tee See
If BG got WM you would be T1 and we would be T2/3
If Kain got HB we would be T1 and you would be T2/3
If TC got WM and HB they would set them on dolyak patrol and still be T2, although with lovely upgraded keeps.
lol I couldn’t agree more with this especially that third one
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
I knew these servers were no match for us, hah!
Look if TC got HB, I would just faint and die.. because then I would get all those cute Blackgate Boys to myself.. and I would never get anything done! Sheesh.
HB – you are the cream in my coffee, and my Dexter on my Showtime…
WM I’m sure you are cute and all… but I have a preference for HB. I dunno why!?!
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Look if TC got HB, I would just faint and die.. because then I would get all those cute Blackgate Boys to myself.. and I would never get anything done! Sheesh.
HB – you are the cream in my coffee, and my Dexter on my Showtime…
I’m sure you are cute and all… but I have a preference for HB. I dunno why!?!
I know how you feel…
Tee See
Look if TC got HB, I would just faint and die.. because then I would get all those cute Blackgate Boys to myself.. and I would never get anything done! Sheesh.
HB – you are the cream in my coffee, and my Dexter on my Showtime…
I’m sure you are cute and all… but I have a preference for HB. I dunno why!?!
You must have one of those euro fetishes… I’m pretty sure TC has a nice euro dolyak somewhere that you can drool over instead since ya’ll seem to really be into that type of thing
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
TC only had themselves to blame or they could have had HB ‘roleplaying’ this week. Bet was, first one to have all 3 keeps capped at the same time and the other one has to roleplay.
KnT had the 3rd keep down to the final 50% tick in the lord room, all Kain’s dead and guess who comes in and ruins everything… yeah, you’re terrible. Not terrible at kicking our kitten but terrible because we so nearly had the bet.
Least we didn’t lose it either I suppose :o
KnT Blackgate
To the TC group that chased my poor little asuran ranger around KNBL earlier: I have no idea how I survived that. O.o
Maybe they just wanted to hug a cute lil asuran (cute since you’re not a thief….asuran thieves are just … nvm)
Fine…edited the post. Now smile !
Tee See
Well friends, here is a new video “Tales From Tier Two” and I do hope you enjoy it. Due to whine from my last video, this one contains NO METAL. It features Blackgate guilds RIOT, AAO, Invidious and even an HB member from the Mesmer POV.
Also, it’s edited to make me look awesome, even though I’m not.
Hope ya dig!
Noooo! I missed having pot or smokee roleplay with me?! Sadness!
As for the euro Dolyaks we have hidden, we may have pony or two, but no yaks! We don’t hide our yaks how else would you kill them, silly Icoa
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Hypothetically if TC were to get HB and WM we could make a genuine push for T1, our NA is pretty solid imo.
By the same token just HB and WM would probably not make us competitive in Tier 1 (i.e. 2nd place or keeping it close) , we would need another medium sized NA Pacific guild (late NA) and another European crew to work HB.
But with those two awesome guilds we could push for T1.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
I’ve got a couple bored [DIS] guys at Windmill on BG BL looking for duels. If interested, whisper Rhyme in game.
Everything is hypothetical but what you have to remember with BG is that there are a ton of super solid WvW guilds that show up and Do work nightly that either take points or hold them. And while the top guilds get the recognition the blue collar backbone of BG is what makes us as good as we are in our tier. So with that I give props to my brothers in Urge,Thai,RK,EA,FA,LoTD,GoF,LW,Lazy, and all the other guys who give it everything every time! I salute you.
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)
Krakah said:
If the goal of the format is true 24/7 fights. Then the whole system would need to be rebuilt from scratch. Since the chances of that happening are zilch, I’d settle for top 6 as defacto PvP servers and T3 – T8 just merge up.
I am pretty sure t3-t8 are happy where they are, the majority anyway. The players who like the 24/7 zerg fests in t1 and t2 are in the minority in this game if the threads from the other tiers are any indication.
Thanks to both TC and KN for some good fights on TC BL tonight!
We <3 Haters
The Prophet of Aggression
Just wanted to say /salute to PINK on TC. oPP had a lot of fun running into you guys tonight and the great duels we had two nights ago in the BL.
(edited by Jado Cast.1805)
Another video from the great fights we had vs TC and BG
More soon!
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro
People discussing coverage etc:
Who cares, we’re having fun right?
If you’re on TC and think we’re going to win, I’ll save you some stress: we’re not going to win. Again though, who cares? We’re up against two good servers who both like us and (more importantly) like playing against us. There is a difference between being realistic and settling — recognizing you’re not going to win allows you to focus on stuff other than the score (such as fine-tuning our defense, trying out new professions, things of this nature).
If you’re on Kaineng and think you’re going to win, great! You have a chance of doing so this week, but it’ll depend on how well you prepare your forces during coverage gaps. You guys should be focusing on getting as much defense ready as you can in the hour before your gap windows open to help minimize losses, which is what’s going to be needed to beat Blackgate. Don’t worry about lacking coverage, worry about being the best you can be with what you currently have.
If you’re on Blackgate and want to continue winning, great! Just like with Kaineng, don’t worry about the score; don’t worry about lacking coverage during certain time zones. Worry about having fun and being the best that you can at what you do, and focus on preparing yourselves an hour or so in advance of your coverage gaps. Turtling and fortifying to help your smaller populations hold onto stuff is going to keep you in the lead.
Coverage isn’t an excuse to be angry/smug, and the score isn’t important. I understand that if someone is greatly outnumbered they’re going to lose, but that’s nothing to get upset about. Worry about having fun and worry about improving as an individual, as a guild, and as a server.
Just stop complaining and have some fun out there. This is a game; if you’re complaining or getting frustrated with it, then try a different game for a while instead. The greatest waste of time and the greatest waste of a life isn’t playing games and isn’t being competitive — it’s doing artificial and fake work. When games become work to you, then you need to walk away for a while and do something else.
I recommend baking a cake , which is fun, delicious and awesome. Don’t like cake? Then try Eda’s Apple Pie .
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
It’s an interesting thought as to what it will take for either BG or Kain to get to tier 1 and be successful. I imagine if BG had more guilds HB-caliber or Kain had more WM-caliber guilds that might tip the scales as well and even overcome some gaps.
On the Kain side we’re seeing a lot of improvement this second week of tier 2. We’re holding BG closer even though BG had the fresh transfers from Agg. Not only are we learning to counter strats we haven’t seen in the lower tiers, we’re also learning to fight better in groups. I think at least half of RE have tuned their builds in the last two weeks. We can all agree we’re having fun playing at a higher level
Glad you are having fun, we are sort of “relaxing” here in t2, practicing new builds, and helping the few still in SoS make the move to BG. I think we’ve switched our build like 9 times so far this week.
To the TC two thieves and mesmer playing hide n seek with us in KBL hills. LOL is all I have to say. After we cleared you from the hills I hear ppl saying mesmer thief..and I’m like eh they can handle then I hear maybe 30mins later. Got the thieves down but mesmer is still running around. I’m like WTF still -_- So I head over there find the mesmer at vista. Start chasing the little asura then he uses that speed and stops by the edge of the cliff. I already knew what was coming to me, as my main is a mesmer. Its all slow motion to me as I’m about to dodge and bam right off the edge of the hills…lol I dont think anyone found you, guess you just gave up and left lol. Too bad it was a time you didn’t have enough people to infiltrate again… lol anyway hilarious!
Nyx Petalouda – Mesmer
Let’s play nice kittens<3
It’s an interesting thought as to what it will take for either BG or Kain to get to tier 1 and be successful. I imagine if BG had more guilds HB-caliber or Kain had more WM-caliber guilds that might tip the scales as well and even overcome some gaps.
On the Kain side we’re seeing a lot of improvement this second week of tier 2. We’re holding BG closer even though BG had the fresh transfers from Agg. Not only are we learning to counter strats we haven’t seen in the lower tiers, we’re also learning to fight better in groups. I think at least half of RE have tuned their builds in the last two weeks. We can all agree we’re having fun playing at a higher level
Glad you are having fun, we are sort of “relaxing” here in t2, practicing new builds, and helping the few still in SoS make the move to BG. I think we’ve switched our build like 9 times so far this week.
Hey Jerico, yeah its been fun fighting Agg, we have to be flawless when we see you guys, if not = wipe really fun
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro
After a long strategy meeting tonight, RUN decided that we were approaching Borderland meta-strategy all wrong. We were focusing on the cool objectives like “gates” and “walls” and “points” and “killing things”, and missing the real prize… the BRIDGE.
After hours of scouting and planning our approach, we struck hard and fast with a point blank catapult and destroyed the linchpin of BG’s strategy on TC BL: http://tinyurl.com/a2veqbt
We were surprised to find that destroying the bridge also netted us the tower. We made sure to let the guys who put a ram on the front gate know how silly they looked: http://tinyurl.com/atvkea9
But we had to make sure that the pesky yak fornicators wouldn’t take it back, so we prepared a defensive gauntlet: http://tinyurl.com/bzzcmnj
By this time they had taken BG’s last tower, no doubt thanks to us, so we deployed some stuff for them to trip on to slow their momentum: http://tinyurl.com/b7ctmjn
Turns out ballistas do not in fact trip people. This has been noted for discussion in future tactics meetings: http://tinyurl.com/asparbc
We fell back into the tower to defend the only objective that really mattered. What followed was, objectively and undoubtedly, the best single defensive stand by any military force, real or imaginary, in recorded or unrecorded history (note the inspiring speech): http://tinyurl.com/b8aq36r
And then we died. But we’ll be back with a vengeance. No bridge is safe.
(Also, to the player who asked in chat in the last pic “Sooo, is this a real plan?”… of course it was a real plan, don’t be ridiculous. It was possibly the greatest, most realest plan ever conceived by mankind. Well, second greatest, the greatest was whoever decided that everything which isn’t bacon should be wrapped in bacon.)
(edited by Jacbo.7598)
I’m a clicker too xD most ppl are shocked when I tell them this. I can’t help it, my left hand is pretty much useless. I even hold guitars like a left handed person would xD LEAVER THE CLICKERS ALOOONEEEE LEAVE THEM ALONEEEE. On the other hand my bf tells me its because I’m a girl sometimes when he is feeling not sexist he says its because this is my first game… hohoho
It takes about 2 weeks for muscle memory to build up, it wasn’t natural for any player when they first changed, but once you do you will never look back
Taugrim has a good guide for keybindings you can have a look at and adapt to your own playstyle, plus a few general guides for strafing and keybinding
It will feel really weird for about 2 weeks but give it a chance
I’m not going to say its not fun to theorize about what could happen between server transfers. But I will say this:
Big servers come and go. They flash bright for awhile, then fade away. BG has survived two forays into Tier 1 and back again without losing more than one placement in the rankings each time. No other server has done this even once, or even by two placements. In fact, no server that has dropped from Tier 1 is even still relatively alive. There is a reason for BG’s tenacity and determination.
It is because of our a core of dedicated guilds that are the foundation of BGs WvW presence. We have an integrated communication system and work a as a team throughout all timezones. We know each other, rely on each other and share the common goal of excellence in WvW against whoever our opponent happens to be at the time. No one wants to leave what we have built and take a chance anywhere else. We are all on the same page here.
None of the main guilds are going anywhere. Thanks for asking though. :P
I’m not going to say its not fun to theorize about what could happen between server transfers. But I will say this:
Big servers come and go. They flash bright for awhile, then fade away. BG has survived two forays into Tier 1 and back again without losing more than one placement in the rankings each time. No other server has done this even once, or even by two placements. In fact, no server that has dropped from Tier 1 is even still relatively alive. There is a reason for BG’s tenacity and determination.
It is because of our a core of dedicated guilds that are the foundation of BGs WvW presence. We have an integrated communication system and work a as a team throughout all timezones. We know each other, rely on each other and share the common goal of excellence in WvW against whoever our opponent happens to be at the time. No one wants to leave what we have built and take a chance anywhere else. We are all on the same page here.
None of the main guilds are going anywhere. Thanks for asking though. :P
+1. That is what I love about BG, it has been my only server in this game and will be my only server (unless they merge servers in the future of course!).
Beast mode
None of the main guilds are going anywhere. Thanks for asking though. :P
The topic was started by a BG asking for a couple of Kain guilds to switch to get BG to T1… I don’t think anyone doubts the loyalty of the BG guilds.
Kain on the other hand is still young and it is hard to tell how much loyalty there really is, although I was pleasantly surprised nobody left during last week as some people seemed to assume would happen.
Hopefully Kain can build a community similar to BG and keep its core guilds here forever.
Don’t forget TC got to where they are with barely any guilds joining the server. Got to T2 with our core community and guilds since launch.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
I’m not going to say its not fun to theorize about what could happen between server transfers. But I will say this:
Big servers come and go. They flash bright for awhile, then fade away. BG has survived two forays into Tier 1 and back again without losing more than one placement in the rankings each time. No other server has done this even once, or even by two placements. In fact, no server that has dropped from Tier 1 is even still relatively alive. There is a reason for BG’s tenacity and determination.
It is because of our a core of dedicated guilds that are the foundation of BGs WvW presence. We have an integrated communication system and work a as a team throughout all timezones. We know each other, rely on each other and share the common goal of excellence in WvW against whoever our opponent happens to be at the time. No one wants to leave what we have built and take a chance anywhere else. We are all on the same page here.
None of the main guilds are going anywhere. Thanks for asking though. :P
100% this.
Each time BG lost, the bandwagon guilds leave but instead of getting weaker, this brings the remaining guilds closer together. Respect between guilds is there. Server pride is there. It’s looking good on BG.
Now it’s time for another excited score update with…As the Yak Runs!
Peta is doing his best to distract Ellie from her grief with games of Miniature Present-Laden Dolyak Brawl, and she seems to be feeling better. Even though he always wins. kitten you Peta and your tiny crown! :P)
Meanwhile in Blackgate, Tryce is feeling even more confused. Apparently, as he heard it from his guildies down the grape vine, he had done something rather naughty with Sophie and got caught at it. But he doesn’t remember that, and a stud like him would definitely remember messing around with a babe like Sophie.
At least that horrible bout of scaleyhoof finally went away. When did humans start getting scaleyhoof anyway? Sophie’s explanation of dolyak-to-human scaleyhoof contamination didn’t really make a lot of sense to him, but his specialty is not infectious disease – but battle! He feels lucky to be alive, but miserable seeing Ellie running around the north camp of TCBL with that stupid plant boy. Especially since Peta keeps spotting him and kicking his kitten Can’t a man spy on his girlfriend in peace? He’s seriously considering becoming a thief. But if he did that then Ellie would definitely hate him. He rubs his temple a little; this complicated stuff makes his head hurt.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Don’t forget TC got to where they are with barely any guilds joining the server. Got to T2 with our core community and guilds since launch.
This is prob. the funniest quote I’ll have for a week or so.
Can TC please inform us how you just took a t3 bay in BG BL? The inners were never down yet you somehow get a mesmer to port ppl into inner. And then KN caps it less then 5 minutes later? A fully sieged up T3 bay gone with no inner breaches.
Beast mode
Can TC please inform us how you just took a t3 bay in BG BL? The inners were never down yet we watched a mesmer port ppl into inner. And then KN cap it less then 5 minutes later?
It’s patience my friend, a friend and I hid inside for 2hours, that’s when the gate and walls were down.
Don’t forget TC got to where they are with barely any guilds joining the server. Got to T2 with our core community and guilds since launch.
This is prob. the funniest quote I’ll have for a week or so.
Well, we had one guild comming to TC (and we’re glad they’re here) but just one, so that is ‘barely any’
And it’s true that TC never gotten any guilds that joined us just cause we were high in rankings, like other servers got int he past. I think the roleplay-element scares some people, which makes it even nicer if we, roleplay-softiesh, win from PvP servers
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
Can TC please inform us how you just took a t3 bay in BG BL? The inners were never down yet we watched a mesmer port ppl into inner. And then KN cap it less then 5 minutes later?
about 2-3 hours ago commander Azel from [MoM] knocked down your gates, trebed down your inner wall and wiped on inner.
you may also have noticed a large number of corpses that hung around after, they were not afk, and neither was the thief that rezed them.
due to the large amount of time spent dead, most of us dc’d or got kicked for inactivity so the Mesmer had to port us back in.
basically, it was a ninja hours in the making
and i forget,
all hail Sam, Scumbag Ninja thief extraordinaire
Lexx Kahern – 80 Midget Warrior
Member of PiNK and Newby Commander
Can TC please inform us how you just took a t3 bay in BG BL? The inners were never down yet you somehow get a mesmer to port ppl into inner. And then KN caps it less then 5 minutes later? A fully sieged up T3 bay gone with no inner breaches.
As Sam said, patience.
Ah, so that must be why KN took every single thing in TC BL.
Beast mode
Ah, so that must be why KN took every single thing in TC BL.
We are settled for third place, anything we do in T2 atm is just for kittens and giggles.
Can TC please inform us how you just took a t3 bay in BG BL? The inners were never down yet we watched a mesmer port ppl into inner. And then KN cap it less then 5 minutes later?
about 2-3 hours ago commander Azel from [MoM] knocked down your gates, trebed down your inner wall and wiped on inner.
you may also have noticed a large number of corpses that hung around after, they were not afk, and neither was the thief that rezed them.
due to the large amount of time spent dead, most of us dc’d or got kicked for inactivity so the Mesmer had to port us back in.basically, it was a ninja hours in the making
and i forget,
all hail Sam, Scumbag Ninja thief extraordinaire
LOL @ this. Sam (from PiNK) has proven to me yet again that he IS the most patient thief there is around.
I would have hung around to help you guys out some more on BG BL but TC BL was taking a hammering from Kaineng and we had to leave fast. I did arrive a bit too late to help TC BL because we lost our garrison not long afterwards.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Ah, so that must be why KN took every single thing in TC BL.
We are settled for third place, anything we do in T2 atm is just for kittens and giggles.
Ah okay, thats cool. Thanks for the explanation!
Beast mode
(edited by pot.6805)
I’m a clicker too xD most ppl are shocked when I tell them this. I can’t help it, my left hand is pretty much useless. I even hold guitars like a left handed person would xD LEAVER THE CLICKERS ALOOONEEEE LEAVE THEM ALONEEEE. On the other hand my bf tells me its because I’m a girl sometimes when he is feeling not sexist he says its because this is my first game… hohoho
It takes about 2 weeks for muscle memory to build up, it wasn’t natural for any player when they first changed, but once you do you will never look back
Taugrim has a good guide for keybindings you can have a look at and adapt to your own playstyle, plus a few general guides for strafing and keybinding
http://taugrim.com/2012/06/27/guide-to-guild-wars-2-keybinds/It will feel really weird for about 2 weeks but give it a chance
Hmmm, thanks. I may give it a try. Thanks for the info
Nyx Petalouda – Mesmer
Let’s play nice kittens<3
Ah, so that must be why KN took every single thing in TC BL.
We’ll get it back.
Ah, so that must be why KN took every single thing in TC BL.
Because four people would’ve made a huge difference right? C’mon.
Ah, so that must be why KN took every single thing in TC BL.
Because four people would’ve made a huge difference right? C’mon.
To be fair there were five of us.