Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
I feel like my recruitment post kind of sums up nicely how “TC has earned it’s spot in tier 2”:
It’s fun to see TC being kitted by numbers being overwhelmed this time where FA have confronted so many times. But also in that process losing their keep/tower in process with litterally no defend. =/
here’s the key difference though. none of us are whining like little princesses about it. quite the contrary, if you bother to actually read through the thread. yes, we’re getting beaten, but we’re proud that we’re not backed up to our spawn like we were the last time we went against BG or SoR. i suppose you wouldn’t know about that, since FA was completely nonexistant during the match against BG. both of our servers showed our true colors during that match. we kept coming back after getting pounded into the dust, your server ran away with its tail between its legs. if you don’t believe me, ask the people from BG who were involved in that match as to their view of the situation. it wasn’t difficult to see.
perhaps if you spent less time being spiteful, and more time improving, you’d give your server a better chance in the future? and, just to make it perfectly clear, whining =/=winning. while they’re spelled fairly similar to each other, the two words very different. you may want to check websters again so you can change your approach.
I am orginal a Seafarers, but because of this boredom facing 3 weeks of same enemy server at time. I decided to join American highest tier in fastest way possibly and that was FA. Also check why people need to defend camp so badly. Because of this I understand there method. There is no effective play compared to EU I was facing all time. That is all. :p
I’m sure that was really helpful to your previous server. The thing is, we don’t really care if we win or lose. We don’t come here to complain if we are being outnumbered. Most of all, you won’t find any people originally from TC moving to another server. We have been beaten many times, and are being beaten again right now, but we will never stop fighting.
It’s fun to see TC being kitted by numbers being overwhelmed this time where FA have confronted so many times. But also in that process losing their keep/tower in process with litterally no defend. =/
here’s the key difference though. none of us are whining like little princesses about it. quite the contrary, if you bother to actually read through the thread. yes, we’re getting beaten, but we’re proud that we’re not backed up to our spawn like we were the last time we went against BG or SoR. i suppose you wouldn’t know about that, since FA was completely nonexistant during the match against BG. both of our servers showed our true colors during that match. we kept coming back after getting pounded into the dust, your server ran away with its tail between its legs. if you don’t believe me, ask the people from BG who were involved in that match as to their view of the situation. it wasn’t difficult to see.
perhaps if you spent less time being spiteful, and more time improving, you’d give your server a better chance in the future? and, just to make it perfectly clear, whining =/=winning. while they’re spelled fairly similar to each other, the two words very different. you may want to check websters again so you can change your approach.
I am orginal a Seafarers, but because of this boredom facing 3 weeks of same enemy server at time. I decided to join American highest tier in fastest way possibly and that was FA. Also check why people need to defend camp so badly. Because of this I understand there method. There is no effective play compared to EU I was facing all time. That is all. :p
I’m sure that was really helpful to your previous server. The thing is, we don’t really care if we win or lose. We don’t come here to complain if we are being outnumbered. Most of all, you won’t find any people originally from TC moving to another server. We have been beaten many times, and are being beaten again right now, but we will never stop fighting.
I was only one week at FA and now back to SFR. And the motive is not that. My reason to check is American still running their mouth and it is still true. The camp defend is is considering a valid tactic is like they though also a valid tactic in fps game only to being as history worst tactically settle by facing Europe again. Quite amusing if the history going repeat againg if Anet decide to put Intentonal as known WvWvW.
(edited by Choko.6821)
It’s fun to see TC being kitted by numbers being overwhelmed this time where FA have confronted so many times. But also in that process losing their keep/tower in process with litterally no defend. =/
here’s the key difference though. none of us are whining like little princesses about it. quite the contrary, if you bother to actually read through the thread. yes, we’re getting beaten, but we’re proud that we’re not backed up to our spawn like we were the last time we went against BG or SoR. i suppose you wouldn’t know about that, since FA was completely nonexistant during the match against BG. both of our servers showed our true colors during that match. we kept coming back after getting pounded into the dust, your server ran away with its tail between its legs. if you don’t believe me, ask the people from BG who were involved in that match as to their view of the situation. it wasn’t difficult to see.
perhaps if you spent less time being spiteful, and more time improving, you’d give your server a better chance in the future? and, just to make it perfectly clear, whining =/=winning. while they’re spelled fairly similar to each other, the two words very different. you may want to check websters again so you can change your approach.
I am orginal a Seafarers, but because of this boredom facing 3 weeks of same enemy server at time. I decided to join American highest tier in fastest way possibly and that was FA. Also check why people need to defend camp so badly. Because of this I understand there method. There is no effective play compared to EU I was facing all time. That is all. :p
I’m sure that was really helpful to your previous server. The thing is, we don’t really care if we win or lose. We don’t come here to complain if we are being outnumbered. Most of all, you won’t find any people originally from TC moving to another server. We have been beaten many times, and are being beaten again right now, but we will never stop fighting.
I was only one week at FA and now back to SFR. And the motive is not that. My reason to check is American still running their mouth and it is still true. The camp defend is is considering a valid tactic is like they though also a valid tactic in fps game only to being as history worst tactically settle by facing Europe again. Quite amusing if the history going repeat againg if Anet decide to put Intentonal as WvWvW purpose.
Who is running their mouth? I’m not sure I understand. I don’t see any TC players here running their mouth. We are just playing the game having some fun. Have a good one.
Whomever that dancing, naked, Norn, male TC guardian was at SM north gate area…well done =P
Lol now I want to know the story! Share with the class!
Some TC naked Norn ran up to SM north gate, maybe 3000 range out from the gate, and just started dancing. Was absolutely hilarious. Other BG killed him before I could get to him..I just wanted to stand next to him and get some screenshots =/
Uhhh… you edited that? =)
(edited about 7 minutes ago by Choko.6821)
I was only one week at FA and now back to SFR. And the motive is not that. My reason to check is American still running their mouth and it is still true. The camp defend is is considering a valid tactic is like they though also a valid tactic in fps game only to being as history worst tactically settle by facing Europe again. Quite amusing if the history going repeat againg if Anet decide to put Intentonal as known WvWvW.[/quote]
Yep, you got problem with that? =/
So it’s now Thursday — what’s the plans? We know who is most likely to win (BG) and who is most likely to take second (SoR). Shall we wind down the week with some sort of multi-server holiday celebration (giving that this week doesn’t exactly matter as much as next week will), or should we keep at each others’ throats for the next 24 hours?
I was only one week at FA and now back to SFR. And the motive is not that. My reason to check is American still running their mouth and it is still true. The camp defend is is considering a valid tactic is like they though also a valid tactic in fps game only to being as history worst tactically settle by facing Europe again. Quite amusing if the history going repeat againg if Anet decide to put Intentonal as known WvWvW.
Aren’t you the same guy that posted over 2 pages in TC/FA/YB that you got double-teamed by a TC guy and a YB guy and poured fuel into an already burning conspiracy theory fire called 2v1 against FA? You see the differences in attitudes here? We’re not whining about some non-existent alliances between servers nor are we crying about fighting 50+ Thai zergs during our off-hours. Are we losing the matchup? Yes. Are we gaining ratings? OH HELL YES.
I see IoJ is treating FA well, but oh wait! You’re not in FA anymore but just a server hopper for a week who bothered to post some rants about double teaming against a server you hopped onto but never gave a kitten about! What’s with the Americans running their mouth thing? I’m from Asia, India to be specific. We have lots other nations representing various other NA servers as well. Honestly your posts sound like you suffer from ADHD. Google it up if you’re not sure.
Edited this part hoping the point has been made across and seems pointless afterwards! :P
(edited by phaneo.4597)
Are we losing the matchup? Yes. Are we gaining ratings? OH HELL YES.
Don’t get too excited about that. History has shown that a server generally is expected to gain rating during its first week in a tier. We’ll probably either gain a small positive next week or dip anywhere from 0.1 to 20 points.
This week’s scoring doesn’t matter for two important reasons:
1. Blackgate has a new opponent, which means they can’t go as strongly positive this week as they’re no longer beating Isle of Janthir. This usually results in the top server in the tier tanking in points. TC experienced this when CD and YB swapped places in Tier 3.
2. It’s the holiday, and so population coverage has been shuffled around. We won’t get a realistic representation of how well Blackgate and Sanctum of Rall face up against Tarnished Coast until at least this coming Tuesday (when Blackgate is back in action after the weekend).
Due to these two factors, our score this week does nothing but confirm that we’ll be here next week. It doesn’t accurately represent our ability to play in the tier. We won’t understand how well we’re doing until this time next week when things are more normalized.
Whatever the end score, it has been a pleasure playing against TC. You guys are more than welcome in T2 and i’m rooting for you guys to take second place
Are we losing the matchup? Yes. Are we gaining ratings? OH HELL YES.
Don’t get too excited about that. History has shown that a server generally is expected to gain rating during its first week in a tier. We’ll probably either gain a small positive next week or dip anywhere from 0.1 to 20 points.
This week’s scoring doesn’t matter for two important reasons:
1. Blackgate has a new opponent, which means they can’t go as strongly positive this week as they’re no longer beating Isle of Janthir. This usually results in the top server in the tier tanking in points. TC experienced this when CD and YB swapped places in Tier 3.2. It’s the holiday, and so population coverage has been shuffled around. We won’t get a realistic representation of how well Blackgate and Sanctum of Rall face up against Tarnished Coast until at least this coming Tuesday (when Blackgate is back in action after the weekend).
Due to these two factors, our score this week does nothing but confirm that we’ll be here next week. It doesn’t accurately represent our ability to play in the tier. We won’t understand how well we’re doing until this time next week when things are more normalized.
Given the fact that both servers have faced us in the past, TC isn’t exactly a new server for them. As far as I remember we didn’t get many significant number of transfers since then (WvW guild transfers I mean). We got a few transfers which are again a mix of both PvE and WvW. But we’re able to hold onto our position since we’ve improved since the last time we faced off with either BG or SoR.
Am I excited that we’re doing good? Yes.
Am I over-confident about that? Definitely not.
Was my initial response apt for a troll that doesn’t belong in this thread? Depends on how badly he’s kitten :P
Its no surprise Europe is better than America at WvW. They have tons more real life Siege Warfare under their belt. They are used to taking towers and building trebuchets.
Whatever the end score, it has been a pleasure playing against TC. You guys are more than welcome in T2 and i’m rooting for you guys to take second place
The feeling is mutual. Most of us are having a great time. We don’t deserve to be in 2nd place yet, but we learned a lot this week. Either way, we could be third place for the next month and we would still come out and do our best. We have a lot of people on vacation right now as I’m sure both other servers do too. Next week will be brutal I bet. Some good times coming!
Whatever the end score, it has been a pleasure playing against TC. You guys are more than welcome in T2 and i’m rooting for you guys to take second place
It’s been fun playing against you guys as well, and hopefully we’ll be able to get more people back from vacations next week and make the fights even more fun. We did improve over the months since we faced you, but there’s still a lot of room for us to improve, and are learning more from you guys!
As long as we’re all having fun and enjoying the matches, end result shouldn’t really matter though! Servers win, servers lose; what matters is what happens between the two resets not what is written on the scoreboard.
It has certainly been a pleasure TC.
After 7 weeks of having IoJ only play for 2nd place, it was nice having another server in this matchup that is playing to win.
Given the fact that both servers have faced us in the past, TC isn’t exactly a new server for them.
That’s irrelevant to what I was saying — when I say ‘new opponent’ I don’t mean a totally new server. I mean a new challenger in the current tier. I’m speaking purely from a points/rankings perspective. When servers move through the tiers it doesn’t matter much what the actual server is, but rather who they faced the week immediately prior — at least in terms of initial point jumps. We’re gaining points this week not because we’re wizards Harry, but rather because Blackgate is not able to improve upon their victory over us last week (as we didn’t face Blackgate last week).
Am I excited to be in T2? Yes. Am I excited to see how well TC can hold up in this tier? Yes. The problem is that this week’s points can’t accurately gauge how justified my excitement is. I have to wait another 7-8 days, lol.
Hum. I’m looking forward to being back in EB on Sunday after this winter vacation.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
We’re not whining about some non-existent alliances between servers nor are we crying about fighting 50+ Thai zergs during our off-hours. Are we losing the matchup? Yes. Are we gaining ratings? OH HELL YES.
um… Thai is just a small guild. so I dont think Thai have that many.
Enemy zergs are always 30 more than what they really are while your own zergs are always half as many as you actually have. It’s how things work
It has certainly been a pleasure TC.
After 7 weeks of having IoJ only play for 2nd place, it was nice having another server in this matchup that is playing to win.
And for 7 weeks you’ve been using that BS excuse for your failings.
Did you even stop to wonder how IoJ stayed in T2 for so long despite being outmatched?
I’ll give you the answer: IoJ understands the Glicko rating system and tried to reduce BG’s overall weekly points so IoJ would either gain rating or minimize the loss.
In fact the only time IoJ actively targeted SoR on any notable scale was the week IoJ beat SoR.
(edited by Mif.3471)
We’re not whining about some non-existent alliances between servers nor are we crying about fighting 50+ Thai zergs during our off-hours. Are we losing the matchup? Yes. Are we gaining ratings? OH HELL YES.
um… Thai is just a small guild. so I dont think Thai have that many.
um…if you’ve seen the guys’ posts I was replying to or some of the posts of FA during our fights with them, they used to multiply our numbers by 5 and write here that those poor souls just got run down by our evil 200 something zerg.
Not that I mean it literally, but yeah Thai actually looks to have more, maybe not 50. Its difficult to count when enemy is hitting you left and right and everything looks red making the guild tags also difficult to read.
Also the reason I wrote that we’re NOT crying about getting run down by a huge zerg as we know their numbers aren’t that huge compared to us, its only that we are spread thin across the map during off-hours.
Also this:
Enemy zergs are always 30 more than what they really are while your own zergs are always half as many as you actually have. It’s how things work
(edited by phaneo.4597)
We made an record! 10 pages of posting in a single thread without being blocked by an moderator because of flamming/derrail!
We made an record! 10 pages of posting in a single thread without being blocked by an moderator because of flamming/derrail!
/high five!
It’s fun to see TC being kitted by numbers being overwhelmed this time where FA have confronted so many times. But also in that process losing their keep/tower in process with litterally no defend. =/
The difference is that FA whines about it more than any other server in the top 5 tiers, and uses it to take potshots at the server stomping them into the ground like they’re the gods of WvW handicapped by a small population.
Are we losing the matchup? Yes. Are we gaining ratings? OH HELL YES.
Don’t get too excited about that. History has shown that a server generally is expected to gain rating during its first week in a tier. We’ll probably either gain a small positive next week or dip anywhere from 0.1 to 20 points.
This week’s scoring doesn’t matter for two important reasons:
1. Blackgate has a new opponent, which means they can’t go as strongly positive this week as they’re no longer beating Isle of Janthir. This usually results in the top server in the tier tanking in points. TC experienced this when CD and YB swapped places in Tier 3.2. It’s the holiday, and so population coverage has been shuffled around. We won’t get a realistic representation of how well Blackgate and Sanctum of Rall face up against Tarnished Coast until at least this coming Tuesday (when Blackgate is back in action after the weekend).
Due to these two factors, our score this week does nothing but confirm that we’ll be here next week. It doesn’t accurately represent our ability to play in the tier. We won’t understand how well we’re doing until this time next week when things are more normalized.
Exactly this. You hit the nail on the head. We’ll have to see how things shape up next week.
(points TC on BGBL to SORBL) you do want to move up sometime yes? lol
we could get someone to dress up like santa clause, and have 9 people use tonics to become deer and run in front of him. he could go around the whole map and visit each of the towers and keeps on all 4, finally ending at SM.
Is this what you guys do in tier 3? End it in some cool way?
Pshh, BG ends it with doing pve, jump puzzles and saving up gold because we’re so far ahead.
Is this what you guys do in tier 3? End it in some cool way?
Pshh, BG ends it with doing pve, jump puzzles and saving up gold because we’re so far ahead.
TC was ~120k points ahead for three weeks. We still held parades and parties on Thursdays. I don’t see how it’s a big deal/bad thing lol. Why not join us?
Is this what you guys do in tier 3? End it in some cool way?
Pshh, BG ends it with doing pve, jump puzzles and saving up gold because we’re so far ahead.
Wondered how long we would go before someone on black gate had to point out the scoreboard.
Most of black gate can go do pve/jump puzzles/whatever at any time through out the week and it’ll barely change anything. Gotta love being carried by your night crew aye? =P
I heard the same with Piken Square when they facing Elona Reach. They can’t win on the kitten measure but in the end ER pve them to dead as they don’t understand a thing what PS what saying.
Is this what you guys do in tier 3? End it in some cool way?
Pshh, BG ends it with doing pve, jump puzzles and saving up gold because we’re so far ahead.
Wondered how long we would go before someone on black gate had to point out the scoreboard.
Most of black gate can go do pve/jump puzzles/whatever at any time through out the week and it’ll barely change anything. Gotta love being carried by your night crew aye? =P
The night crew is still the crew. We carry each other.
I also seem to remember a few all green EBs these past few weeks before 1am PST….:P
The night crew is still the crew. We carry each other.
I also seem to remember a few all green EBs these past few weeks before 1am PST….:P
I remember those nights when eb was all green early. They where the same nights both sor and bg bl where all blue. =P
I don’t think it would be wise to count SoR out yet.
I’ve seen them grind out 15k points pretty quickly before.
Is this what you guys do in tier 3? End it in some cool way?
Pshh, BG ends it with doing pve, jump puzzles and saving up gold because we’re so far ahead.
Wondered how long we would go before someone on black gate had to point out the scoreboard.
Most of black gate can go do pve/jump puzzles/whatever at any time through out the week and it’ll barely change anything. Gotta love being carried by your night crew aye? =PThe night crew is still the crew. We carry each other.
I also seem to remember a few all green EBs these past few weeks before 1am PST….:P
TC still has a really good chance at taking 2nd since SoR has little to no resistance in the late night NA time slot… Oceanic/EU/Asian guilds are what turn a T2 server into T1 material. We are almost there Blackgate, keep your eyes on the prize.
My question is this for ND. Did yall mass recruit when you got to BG? Because I have rarly seen ND groups be larger than 20 when yall where on SoR.
We do have new members recently.
Also Fate just gave a mobilization order after we trans to BG, cuz he receives trash messages everyday since then.
But we also lose some ppl who didnt trans to BG.
Also Fate just gave a mobilization order after we trans to BG, cuz he receives trash messages everyday since then.
Not sure what he expected when he decided to transfer to our opponent in the same tier.
I don’t approve of sending fate rude messages but I do understand why people would be so annoyed. You could of transferred to any of the tier 1 servers or to any of the lower tiered servers but you didn’t. You decided to transfer to the server that already has stronger coverage during your prime time and has won the last 6 weeks and is not moving up to tier one any time soon.
For some people it seems WvW isn’t about good fights but zerg rushing nearly empty maps for exp/karma/money. . .
Its no surprise Europe is better than America at WvW. They have tons more real life Siege Warfare under their belt. They are used to taking towers and building trebuchets.
That doesnt explain the need for the bail out in WW2. :p
Did you even stop to wonder how IoJ stayed in T2 for so long despite being outmatched?
I’ll give you the answer: IoJ understands the Glicko rating system and tried to reduce BG’s overall weekly points so IoJ would either gain rating or minimize the loss.
In fact the only time IoJ actively targeted SoR on any notable scale was the week IoJ beat SoR.
You have no clue what you are talking about. The entire match up we were constantly being pulled off of fights with BG to stop IOJ from taking our towers and stuff.
Really, stop posting such nonsense.
(edited by covenn.7165)
Let’s not defame ND here. They made a move that best suited their guild. It is my understanding that they were very much unappreciated on SoR because of the assertion that the NA towed the line there. I personally don’t care what the conditions were on SoR prior to their move, I am just glad to have them. Our goal as a server is to win Tier 1. In order to get there, we have to take little steps along the way. If no one had the courage to put their faith in something and take the first step, there would be no change in WvW. ND and many other guilds have decided that Blackgate is where they want to be. They are a guild of their own and no server can claim ownership of them, it is up to them to choose what server they want to call home. So let’s cool it with the hate messages. When DA went to SoS, we said nothing negative to them, nor when DiE or Agg jumped ship to them either when we dropped from tier 1. Have some class. Please.
Is this what you guys do in tier 3? End it in some cool way?
Pshh, BG ends it with doing pve, jump puzzles and saving up gold because we’re so far ahead.
There goes the scoreboard posturing. So sad.
It’s a move that skewed the balance of tier 2 even more in an already unbalanced fight just because maybe one day you might make it to tier one again.
How much rating did you gain last week again?
Btw whatever happened to that black gate person who wanted 6-9 balanced tier one quality servers instead of 4 tier one servers and several lower tiered ones?
A guild is not obliged to stay in a server where no one appreciated their effort. Choo has enough smart commanders to lead sor to success, by calling oceanic commander cough a*hole *cough on ts.
Plenty of people appreciated their efforts. Sorry I didn’t feel the need to send them a thank you note for showing up and fighting in wvw.
You will always find vocal rude people on the internet regardless of what server you are on.
It has certainly been a pleasure TC.
After 7 weeks of having IoJ only play for 2nd place, it was nice having another server in this matchup that is playing to win.
And for 7 weeks you’ve been using that BS excuse for your failings.
Did you even stop to wonder how IoJ stayed in T2 for so long despite being outmatched?
I’ll give you the answer: IoJ understands the Glicko rating system and tried to reduce BG’s overall weekly points so IoJ would either gain rating or minimize the loss.
In fact the only time IoJ actively targeted SoR on any notable scale was the week IoJ beat SoR.
I interpreted that as being the only one left playing after BG had such a lead on SOR that everyone quit for the week. And then as I recall, SOR focused on IOJ the next couple weeks and knocked you out of t2. So much for understanding the rating.
Let’s not defame ND here.
They don’t need anyone to defame them as they did quite a good job of it themselves. Jumping ship to an enemy server in a time slot where it already has superior coverage is the very definition of bandwagoning.
Anyways, we need guilds with the drive to keep fighting on SoR, and not guilds that turn and run when things get tough. They will fit in well on BG. I for one am glad they are gone.
A guild is not obliged to stay in a server where no one appreciated their effort. Choo has enough smart commanders to lead sor to success, by calling oceanic commander (cough) a**hole on ts.
No idea what you are talking about. Regardless, people get heated in TS all the time and this has been true on both servers I have played on. Are you saying that the ND commander got so upset about being called a name in a heated moment that he took his ball and went home? Wow, talk about losing even more respect for them. Geesh, grow some skin.
Edit: I am really glad they are gone now if this is the case. wow
I did not imply anything. Troll likes to troll.
Well played sir /salute
So what if a guild leaves? There is no reason to be loyal to any server. Play the game for yourself first, then your guild, then your server if that makes you happy. Its not like you get anything for winning WvW anyway.
So what if a guild leaves? There is no reason to be loyal to any server. Play the game for yourself first, then your guild, then your server if that makes you happy. Its not like you get anything for winning WvW anyway.
Though its not as much fun unless they make a big drawn out post rife with excuses drawing attention to it.
Honestly ND wasn’t under appreciated. However ND also made little effort to be part of SoR’s WvW community. So please don’t go around saying SoR didn’t appreciate them, because we did. Yes ND moved to better there guild, and Yes some in SoR feel betrayed by ND.
As for the choo who called one of their commanders a name, I’d love to know who, because the Choo I know doesn’t support trashing fellow SoR players.
As for the santa idea:
Well Caedas did have Santa in guild for a while. Knight of Flowers dressed as santa. Literally. We even had a sit on santa’s lap event coupled by Quaggan elves in LA before the WvW reset on Friday last week.
Hope everyone has been staying safe throughout the holidays! This week has been a blast
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