Knights of the White Wolf
Sanctum of Rall
My opinion on WvW, in any tier really, is that it severely lacks that certain something DAoC had.
I think it’s mostly the fact that there is no true loyalty to one’s team, what with the ease of changing sides, the lack of any true “goal”, i.e. relic raids, any sort or wvw “progression” like realm points, and the social adhesion that each server and team had in DAoC.
That Hib, Alb or Mid pride that drove the core of RvR isn’t present here. GW2 is a nice diversion, but someone really needs to make a DAoC 2. The market is ripe for it, given the rise in popularity in a 3 way competition.
ya its missing some AOE mez or AOE stun and some major PBAOE that hits more than 5 people.. the zerg busting you could do in DAOC with sick Pain trains or bomb groups is what i miss most..
Also complaining about my healers for letting me die and not using there perfect rez on me.
ohhh how i miss the good old days
This pretty much sum’s it up for me!
Go Hibs…wait, I mean…
Maybe it’s time to go back to ERPing?
Wait— what do you mean “go back to”…?
Uh oh, I think I might be doing this WvW thing all wrong. >.>
Maybe it’s time to go back to ERPing?
Wait— what do you mean “go back to”…?
Uh oh, I think I might be doing this WvW thing all wrong. >.>
Sooooooooo what % of TCers role play on team chat in WvW? I’m just curious
SoR does well in BGBL during NA primetime because TW forms the zerg, and Choo the 10-15 man off team. CDS is often in SORBL. If BG had the covereage everyone claims, we would be able to hit your BL while you hit ours.
BTW, i am much more worried about where Choo`s 15 are than TWs 40 lol. You have nice tactics gentlemen.
Sooooooooo what % of TCers role play on team chat in WvW? I’m just curious
100%! We roleplay as WvW players. We got the lingo down and everything.
Sooooooooo what % of TCers role play on team chat in WvW? I’m just curious
100%! We roleplay as WvW players. We got the lingo down and everything.
Funny. =P
I meant does anyone on your server role play as something else when in WvW? Like that tc commander who posts in pirate talk on this forum. Does he talk like that in team chat/vent/ts/whatever???
Sooooooooo what % of TCers role play on team chat in WvW? I’m just curious
100%! We roleplay as WvW players. We got the lingo down and everything.
Funny. =P
I meant does anyone on your server role play as something else when in WvW? Like that tc commander who posts in pirate talk on this forum. Does he talk like that in team chat/vent/ts/whatever???
Well, why don’t you come on over and find out! *bats eyelashes*
...We’ll make you a cake!
(edited by Hydrophidian.4319)
Funny. =P
I meant does anyone on your server role play as something else when in WvW? Like that tc commander who posts in pirate talk on this forum. Does he talk like that in team chat/vent/ts/whatever???
Most RP is done in /say. Though in the case of the Pirates, I’m not sure. I’m in EB mostly and I think they’re in one of the BLs.
That’s a very unambitious attitude.
Kinda like spending so much focus on pretendy-funtime-wars in a video game?
Let’s face it, none of us are exactly advancing civilization here (and no, playing Civ does not count either).
Well, why don’t you come on over and find out! bats eyelashes
…We’ll make you a cake!
Oh no I played portal, I know all about the cake >.>
Not interested in leaving my guild so no transferring for me, I am just simply curious how much role playing happens on TC in wvw.
Most RP is done in /say. Though in the case of the Pirates, I’m not sure. I’m in EB mostly and I think they’re in one of the BLs.
Interesting. Drunk WvW would certainly be more entertaining if everyone roll plays on a server voip.
Also is there a quaggan role play guild on TC? That would be awesome =P
We are not real WvWers on TC we only roleplay as them!
We are not real WvWers on TC we only roleplay as them!
That doesn’t count
We are not real WvWers on TC we only roleplay as them!
That doesn’t count
Does too!
(see, we’re doing it right now! Now you say: ‘Does not!’ Then we’ll be in total WvW immersion!)
TY Jared! We are trying to work on our ability to break into smaller teams and then quickly stitch back together into a big unit.
We are not real WvWers on TC we only roleplay as them!
That doesn’t count
Does too!
(see, we’re doing it right now! Now you say: ‘Does not!’ Then we’ll be in total WvW immersion!)
Nope, I’m off to bed. Until there is a quaggan role play guild on TC you guys will not be a proper role play server =P
TY Jared! We are trying to work on our ability to break into smaller teams and then quickly stitch back together into a big unit.
I giggled at “big unit”… because I’m apparently still in 4th grade.
I meant does anyone on your server role play as something else when in WvW? Like that tc commander who posts in pirate talk on this forum. Does he talk like that in team chat/vent/ts/whatever???
Yes. But in WvW, it’s pretty rare. Brevity and conveying information are more important. We’re much more likely to RP when meeting in PvE, thanking someone for an assist, or forming PvE pugs.
I’ve enjoyed the fights in Tier 2 this week, and it’s all been pretty classy. It’s nice to see a thread get to 12 pages without getting locked.
In honor of SoR and BG, I’m changing my motto from “Never capitulate” to “Only occasionally capitulate.”
I meant does anyone on your server role play as something else when in WvW? Like that tc commander who posts in pirate talk on this forum. Does he talk like that in team chat/vent/ts/whatever???
Yes. But in WvW, it’s pretty rare. Brevity and conveying information are more important. We’re much more likely to RP when meeting in PvE, thanking someone for an assist, or forming PvE pugs.
Not true, I was fighting an invader from TC on my mes, and she RP’ed death after about 4 minutes >_>
I meant does anyone on your server role play as something else when in WvW? Like that tc commander who posts in pirate talk on this forum. Does he talk like that in team chat/vent/ts/whatever???
Yes. But in WvW, it’s pretty rare. Brevity and conveying information are more important. We’re much more likely to RP when meeting in PvE, thanking someone for an assist, or forming PvE pugs.
Not true, I was fighting an invader from TC on my mes, and she RP’ed death after about 4 minutes >_>
Oh, that’s lame. I can drop in under a minute! I’m totally pro at dying. She needs to work on her technique, clearly.
TY Jared! We are trying to work on our ability to break into smaller teams and then quickly stitch back together into a big unit.
It’s definitely showing, there were a lot of really great fights yesterday.
This has been an intense, fun week, BG and SoR. Several times I have had to adjust strategies on the fly.
Alot of good fights. And for the life of me I can’t help but think I’m getting wrecked by a 12 year old
Looking forward to more!
Oh and I think it was in EB last night where my Engineer fought a Thief from BG…I honestly could not believe I lasted that long(average player with a few awesome moments on my end here )Nice fight! Hope you caught that /salute, and /bow that I threw at you
Always funny to see certain players trying to downplay someone elses success.
Also it is pretty easy to lose rating in a system that rewards losers and not winners. SoR is also losing rating this week.
(edited by pot.6805)
So I saw some BG’ers bragging about how they took over the map 6am server time…. really? Don’t get me wrong it is what it is but how on earth can you brag about taking over a map with no defenders. Good job?
Let’s not defame ND here. They made a move that best suited their guild. It is my understanding that they were very much unappreciated on SoR because of the assertion that the NA towed the line there. I personally don’t care what the conditions were on SoR prior to their move, I am just glad to have them. Our goal as a server is to win Tier 1. In order to get there, we have to take little steps along the way. If no one had the courage to put their faith in something and take the first step, there would be no change in WvW. ND and many other guilds have decided that Blackgate is where they want to be. They are a guild of their own and no server can claim ownership of them, it is up to them to choose what server they want to call home. So let’s cool it with the hate messages. When DA went to SoS, we said nothing negative to them, nor when DiE or Agg jumped ship to them either when we dropped from tier 1. Have some class. Please.
It is our gain and SoR’s loss if they flame ND. All of the GL’s on our old server Yaks Bend, told me that we are always welcome back if things don’t work out well on BG. And guess what, that would be the only server I would ever consider moving back to.
Don’t burn your bridges, people.
It’s a move that skewed the balance of tier 2 even more in an already unbalanced fight just because maybe one day you might make it to tier one again.
How much rating did you gain last week again?Btw whatever happened to that black gate person who wanted 6-9 balanced tier one quality servers instead of 4 tier one servers and several lower tiered ones?
Have you even looked at the scores lately for the top 4 tiers? There is no blow outs in any of the top 4 tiers (100k blowouts are a thing of the past in these tiers unless a server gives up for a week), the top 4 tiers are pretty well balanced. Each server has their very strong timezones and weak zones which keeps the scores from being blowouts.
Always funny to see certain players trying to downplay someone elses success.
Also it is pretty easy to lose rating in a system that rewards losers and not winners. SoR is also losing rating this week.
Aww, I wouldn’t take it to heart. In all honesty, BG is doing great. Your overnight crew is something fierce. I am jealous.
Just hope that you don’t get in a rut that TC did in tier 3. We only put in enough effort to win the match rather than all our effort. This caused our rating to remain flat-lined which caused us to stay in tier 3 for so long.
Always funny to see certain players trying to downplay someone elses success.
Also it is pretty easy to lose rating in a system that rewards losers and not winners. SoR is also losing rating this week.
You’re right that is wrong, it would be sorta like bragging about winning when you have a better coverage then the other two servers, but we all know no one in this tier does that.
Enemy zergs are always 30 more than what they really are while your own zergs are always half as many as you actually have. It’s how things work
Possibly the most intelligent thing I’ve ever seen written on a Tier two score thread. Well done good sir.
Always funny to see certain players trying to downplay someone elses success.
Also it is pretty easy to lose rating in a system that rewards losers and not winners. SoR is also losing rating this week.
Aww, I wouldn’t take it to heart. In all honesty, BG is doing great. Your overnight crew is something fierce. I am jealous
Just hope that you don’t get in a rut that TC did in tier 3. We only put in enough effort to win the match rather than all our effort. This caused our rating to remain flat-lined which caused us to stay in tier 3 for so long.
With the way the glicko system Anet uses works currently you have to win by blowout amounts to gain sizable amounts of rating each week. It isn’t feasible to win by 100k every week with how well the top tiers are balanced right now (unless one of the opposing servers fails to show up for the whole week). Regardless of what anyone says, the top 4 tiers are as balanced as they can be and it is much different then it was 2 months ago when blowouts were common.
There is no material incentive to win in WvW outside of the psychic benefit people receive from being on the winning side.
No one on Blackgate has gotten any special items or whatever for winning these past few weeks.
That being said, it’s probably better for people to play on a winning t2 server than a losing t1 server since winning always feels good whereas losing always feels bad.
If Anet implements some kind of system where the winning server gets actually gets some serious material rewards then I think that would change the way people play this game entirely.
There is no material incentive to win in WvW outside of the psychic benefit people receive from being on the winning side.
No one on Blackgate has gotten any special items or whatever for winning these past few weeks.
That being said, it’s probably better for people to play on a winning t2 server than a losing t1 server since winning always feels good whereas losing always feels bad.
If Anet implements some kind of system where the winning server gets actually gets some serious material rewards then I think that would change the way people play this game entirely.
I don’t think so, that would just make more people hop to the winning side. People would play how they are now, stack servers until you win.
If Anet implements some kind of system where the winning server gets actually gets some serious material rewards then I think that would change the way people play this game entirely.
They’ll never do that. Better rewards for participation and time yes. Better rewards for a server winning no. Not in WvW anyways where too much is outside of the individual player’s control. Winning in the highest tier possible should be a matter of pride and rewarded with satisfaction … nothing more.
Most RP is done in /say. Though in the case of the Pirates, I’m not sure. I’m in EB mostly and I think they’re in one of the BLs.
Ahoy, ye be callin’ fer a pirate?
They’ll never do that. Better rewards for participation and time yes. Better rewards for a server winning no. Not in WvW anyways where too much is outside of the individual player’s control. Winning in the highest tier possible should be a matter of pride and rewarded with satisfaction … nothing more.
Winning in general is satisfying, I don’t think it matters what tier one plays in. At least it hasn’t for me. Winning in t4 and t3 on Yak’s Bend felt good, winning in t2 with Blackgate feels good now.
If the only reward for winning in WvW is the smug satisfaction one gets for doing so then I think I’d rather win in t2 than risk losing in t1.
What I think big SoR guilds like Pain Train and Tempest Wolves should consider is that all their NA primetime work could be put to much more productive use on a server that has the overnight coverage their current server lacks.
Transfer over and make Blackgate even stronger.
BG/SoR: What’s up with not letting the level 17 player get up to the skritt skill point in BGBL the past hour? It’s Thursday — surely your zerg doesn’t need to jump the upleveled player /wave-ing at you when the week’s basically over.
What was I going to do, tell them how much supply was in the camp I couldn’t possibly take?
Hello I am nameless guild and nameless player from SoR.
Thx to fight with BG on Our SoR last night(or day time?) your BG is forceful assault and I am yell dam I give up for long time but still hold def on SoR BL you have very good command ND LLB and very nice tactic to use more effect on Atk.
And am respect your guy as noble fair fight it’s fun xD.
Oh TC am not fight with TC offen but fight you about 2-3time TC is brave fight without fear they commander march forwart to our SoR DEF in full scale ATK
Dam I like that!!Hope BG will not busy SoR alway I will junp to learn about you more and more.
ps.Gosh see my repair bill I will b VIP member repair club soon.
Oh and happy new year(forward) am not play GW2 I will go partyyyyyyyyyyyyy wooooo~~~!!
C u next week =p
They’ll never do that. Better rewards for participation and time yes. Better rewards for a server winning no. Not in WvW anyways where too much is outside of the individual player’s control. Winning in the highest tier possible should be a matter of pride and rewarded with satisfaction … nothing more.
Winning in general is satisfying, I don’t think it matters what tier one plays in. At least it hasn’t for me. Winning in t4 and t3 on Yak’s Bend felt good, winning in t2 with Blackgate feels good now.
If the only reward for winning in WvW is the smug satisfaction one gets for doing so then I think I’d rather win in t2 than risk losing in t1.
What I think big SoR guilds like Pain Train and Tempest Wolves should consider is that all their NA primetime work could be put to much more productive use on a server that has the overnight coverage their current server lacks.
Transfer over and make Blackgate even stronger.
I absolutely love winning. In fact, I win every time that my small group or I, stomp BG and TC players. This type of win is directly linked to MY ability and I feel that I worked for that win. I am sure a lot of the guilds on SoR feel the same way. We prefer winning based on our own merit as opposed to “winning” based on who has more people that can smack gates while there is a lack of opposition.
So winning to you may be the point tally at the end of the week that shows that your server has more players around the clock that can capture and hold points. If that makes you happy then kudos to you. You have every right to enjoy that type of victory.
A lot of players on SoR however would not be content with that type of victory. I know that I wouldn’t.
Hello I am nameless guild and nameless player from SoR.
Thx to fight with BG on Our SoR last night(or day time?) your BG is forceful assault and I am yell dam I give up for long time but still hold def on SoR BL you have very good command ND LLB and very nice tactic to use more effect on Atk.
And am respect your guy as noble fair fight it’s fun xD.Oh TC am not fight with TC offen but fight you about 2-3time TC is brave fight without fear they commander march forwart to our SoR DEF in full scale ATK
Dam I like that!!Hope BG will not busy SoR alway I will junp to learn about you more and see my repair bill I will b VIP member repair club soon.
Oh and happy new year(forward) am not play GW2 I will go partyyyyyyyyyyyyy wooooo~~~!!
C u next week =p
looks like your night crew isn’t exactly empty. Ha.
Way to take it for your team dude. SOR NA guilds should pay your repair bills.
What I think big SoR guilds like Pain Train and Tempest Wolves should consider is that all their NA primetime work could be put to much more productive use on a server that has the overnight coverage their current server lacks.
Transfer over and make Blackgate even stronger.
LOL! That will never happen. TW and Choo have no respect for and violently dislikes BG. According to the outspoken members that post on this forum anyways. To them, BG is just a big unskilled zerg that has to resort to cheating to win, and guilds that transfer to BG are just jumping on the zergwagon. Also, if BG ever sees T1 again, it will be because a T1 server flopped, not because BG was good enough to get there. Lots of hate over there in certain parts of SoRland.
I absolutely love winning. In fact, I win every time that my small group or I, stomp BG and TC players. This type of win is directly linked to MY ability and I feel that I worked for that win. I am sure a lot of the guilds on SoR feel the same way. We prefer winning based on our own merit as opposed to “winning” based on who has more people that can smack gates while there is a lack of opposition.
So winning to you may be the point tally at the end of the week that shows that your server has more players around the clock that can capture and hold points. If that makes you happy then kudos to you. You have every right to enjoy that type of victory.
A lot of players on SoR however would not be content with that type of victory. I know that I wouldn’t.
What makes you think you can’t have both?
I don’t see why small group pvp is mutually exclusive with being on a winning server.
BG has the coverage, but that’s all they have over SoR, why would they move there?
Since you were so kind as to state your opinion, care to comment on what SoR has over BG then?
BG has the coverage, but that’s all they have over SoR, why would they move there?
Because in WvW coverage is the name of the game.
Tight community, skilled player base, mature atmosphere, friendly and helpful people.
I mean ask yourself this, if SoR had the coverage that BG has, who would be #1? I think the answer is obvious to everyone.
You can build coverage, you can’t build the things listed above.
And what brought you to the conclusion that BG does not have the above things?
Props to T.C.
It’s refreshing to see a server come into tier two that not only post in a mature manner but in a light hearted fashion knowing that this is what it is, a game. The pirate talking guy had me cracking up. Good show T.C. , glad you are up here.
what you guys call coverage is in reality more tighter knitted guilds working together to cover all time slots, in fact we have more tight knitted community than you do as evidenced by hour round the clock “coverage”.
personally I would love to welcome Choo to BG you can keep TW though lol
Ah TW, you know we just love to hate you
Props to T.C.
It’s refreshing to see a server come into tier two that not only post in a mature manner but in a light hearted fashion knowing that this is what it is, a game. The pirate talking guy had me cracking up. Good show T.C. , glad you are up here.
Seconded. TC has been a breath of fresh air, both on the battlefield and on the forums.
In my opinion, they’re the real winners this week. Yeah, I know that sounds cheesy, but I don’t think many would dispute it.
Tight Community, skilled player base, mature atmosphere, friendly and helpful people.
I mean ask yourself this, if SoR had the coverage that BG has, who would be #1? I think the answer is obvious to everyone.
You can build coverage, you can’t build the things listed above.
I have no idea about the community or the atmosphere or the friendliness of the players so I can’t comment on that. Obviously communities can be built otherwise SoR wouldn’t have been able to build its community.
Skill can obviously be developed through practice and by learning theory otherwise no one would be skilled. People (except for exceptionally rare talents) don’t start out good at things, they develop skill over time. Even talented people have to practice.
My completely honest opinion after playing for several weeks against SoR is that there are some skilled players, a few really skilled players and a lot of really really bad players. But that’s just my opinion.
Yes SoR could build coverage. But then they could just get it by default by transferring.
Tight community, skilled player base, mature atmosphere, friendly and helpful people.
I mean ask yourself this, if SoR had the coverage that BG has, who would be #1? I think the answer is obvious to everyone.
You can build coverage, you can’t build the things listed above.
And what brought you to the conclusion that BG does not have the above things?
Players from BG have said it themselves.
Cite please.
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