3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: IRSyKo.5843


I think FA will ride the tier 2 roller coaster for a while until we get stronger in our weak time zones. Once TC rejoins tier 2 I could see us taking more 3rd place finishes. Last time we faced TC we couldn’t beat them.

I disagree. Even back when we first hit T2, I think we were better than TC. We were leading them by 10k points up until a day in the mid-week when the queue in our own BL bugged out. We had 10 people defending with an hour long queue.

We lost everything. Dropped 20k pts and couldn’t make up the ground before reset.

Quite true.

TC only has coverage. Much like Tier 1 servers. Which isn’t anything bad, it’s just a reality of what it takes to be in Tier 1. Numbers + enough time zone coverage.

Otherwise, there hasn’t been a moment vs TC where BT hasn’t roflstomped through their forces. They are full of delicious bags, so tender, so sweet. Their tears on the forums are like nectar, almost as good as Maguuma’s. A hint of roleplay instead of trolling. Distinct. Delicious. Coupled with some dolyak meat, quite tantilizing a meal.

I remember the first time seeing the BT zerg in TC borderlands. You guys absolutely destroyed our pugs over and over again. It was pretty cool.

But then ofcourse KH started their raid night, came out of the garrison, absolutely stomped your entire BT zerg and every single one of you magically dissapeared from the borderland leaving us to PVdoor for the rest of the night. It was pretty dissapointing.

I can’t wait to see you guys again hopefully in T2 – it would be nice to see you actually stay and fight.

And if you don’t want any TC to take part in your thread, then maybe you should guys should stay out of our thread. But ofcourse that’s not how it works around here, everyone is just looking for their opportunity to troll after all.

I know your trolling.

We would never leave a BL if we were to wipe, simply means that there is a worthy opponent on the BL.

With that said I don’t recall seeing KH with more than 10 or so people last matchup.

Hopefully I am wrong and we can have some good fights!

Shut up wigz

Through discipline, we prevail.
Fort Aspenwood

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


I think FA will ride the tier 2 roller coaster for a while until we get stronger in our weak time zones. Once TC rejoins tier 2 I could see us taking more 3rd place finishes. Last time we faced TC we couldn’t beat them.

I disagree. Even back when we first hit T2, I think we were better than TC. We were leading them by 10k points up until a day in the mid-week when the queue in our own BL bugged out. We had 10 people defending with an hour long queue.

We lost everything. Dropped 20k pts and couldn’t make up the ground before reset.

Quite true.

TC only has coverage. Much like Tier 1 servers. Which isn’t anything bad, it’s just a reality of what it takes to be in Tier 1. Numbers + enough time zone coverage.

Otherwise, there hasn’t been a moment vs TC where BT hasn’t roflstomped through their forces. They are full of delicious bags, so tender, so sweet. Their tears on the forums are like nectar, almost as good as Maguuma’s. A hint of roleplay instead of trolling. Distinct. Delicious. Coupled with some dolyak meat, quite tantilizing a meal.

I remember the first time seeing the BT zerg in TC borderlands. You guys absolutely destroyed our pugs over and over again. It was pretty cool.

But then ofcourse KH started their raid night, came out of the garrison, absolutely stomped your entire BT zerg and every single one of you magically dissapeared from the borderland leaving us to PVdoor for the rest of the night. It was pretty dissapointing.

I can’t wait to see you guys again hopefully in T2 – it would be nice to see you actually stay and fight.

And if you don’t want any TC to take part in your thread, then maybe you should guys should stay out of our thread. But ofcourse that’s not how it works around here, everyone is just looking for their opportunity to troll after all.

I know your trolling.

We would never leave a BL if we were to wipe, simply means that there is a worthy opponent on the BL.

With that said I don’t recall seeing KH with more than 10 or so people last matchup.

Hopefully I am wrong and we can have some good fights!

Shut up wigz

Darnit, I was trying to give you guys the trolling that you asked for but it didn’t work!

KH has a later schedule than most people – we tend to be starting our raid nights as others are ending theirs. I think BT was at the end of it’s stretch for the night (after completely destroying everyone else in the BL for hours), so after we finally all got in I think it was just too late for you guys to stay.

If we get together again we will try to put together an earlier group to get some open field combat with some of you guys – we wouldn’t mind dieing to a worthy opponent a few times. We got bored fighting the same PRO and GODS late night crew over and over again (even though they never gave up and kept fighting no matter what unlike many of the t2 guilds we fought),

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

(edited by TheFug.5278)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: coronbale.3894


Awesome time dancing with your commander last night RISE, your team moves very well! Well be out there on SoS BL again today if yall are interested in a few more friendly bloodbaths.

GJ to all this match-up, TSYM has had a blast so far this week. Something that T2 has that T1 will simply never grasp, is the proper allocation of personnel. When you have enough coverage to cap all 4 maps, you don’t have to think beyond the fight you are in, where as T2 keeps good communication between all maps involved in the battle. Several time we would hit a map and see a guild show, and then the guild would return to its previous map. Keep up the great work, were getting an education here as well!

And lastly to my TSYM haters. We were considered the best of SoS for LONG before you crybabies started bawling up a storm. Maybe now that we might meet across the field, you’ll realize that maybe YOUR team could have used a little more training, and a little less whining. See you on the field, and know that if… Sorry WHEN we wipe your team, well be rollin in our TS. Your negativity is gone, but your bags will remain!

Best of luck to all competitors in this matchup. It has truly been an honor fighting your teams here. T1 coattail riders dont know what they are missing!

Leader of [TSym]
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Torqky.3682


Be nice to TC. BG, who we and TC both respect, had an influx of transfers. This lead to them beating both of us with a larger margin than usual. This effectively lowered TC’s rating enough so FA could show up in time to leach rating from SoS who had the people transfer to BG in the first place. (CONSPIRACY I TELL YA!) lol j/k

That aside, all three servers seem to be competing well for the numbers they have! Much Respect!!!

Also TSym is a very good opponent. Nice to see SoS doing their thing!

Torqky-80 Necro-Blackgate [HB]

(edited by Torqky.3682)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: novi.6421


From the Score Ratings, FA will stay in tier 2 for a while. Even though TC has a huge point margin in tier 3 they will not move back up to tier 2 unless SOS point rating drops below FA, which this week has dropped over 100 points. If SOS can pull it together this reset and stay roughly the same point margin as everyone else in Tier 2 then TC will not move back up a tier for at least 2-3 weeks. The only chance they have is if a Tier 2 server screws up 2-3 consecutive weeks.

In about 2-4 weeks it will be FA vs KAIN vs TC.

The only thing TC can do is pretend they are on Tier 2 server forums.

BTW MAG and DB wants there forum back from I’ve been seeing in Tier 3 forums.

(edited by novi.6421)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


Check again. TC got their points this week from Mag, and Mag and Yaks are switching spots, giving TC a new red team to take points from. If TC keeps up the same pressure, they’ll be back in 2 weeks, maybe 3.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


I miss TC, I enjoy the things they taught me as an opponent and the out of the box strategies. Still giving props to Sam and friend for the 2 hour nap in bay. Never … never … did I see that type of patience in game. Done twice that week to both opponents.

On top of it, sometimes you would be dormant, and almost on a whim, you guys who be in full formidable force enough to out power both opponents. On a whim, like the wind. I get why they call ya the zombie coast now.

With FA in this current match up, gotta say … it’s been good, and SoS. There are plenty of good battles. You guys can bring strong forces too, but it doesn’t feel like the epic battles. they don’t last forever an a day, there’s little open door policy. you guys all bring it. Hell last night my 36 was dirt napping to a team of SoS roamers, twice in 1 run. teaches me for feeling overconfident and roaming solo at that level. I should know better.

I believe TC will in the end pull up a tier. The progression scale it’s going to happen, matter of when. Until then, we have 2 formidable opponents, and plenty of good battles over the map. Looking forward to the learning curves.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I came here to talk about a little wvw action between Fang, BT, and GODS last night but I think I stumbled into the TC/FA chat.

Even though you got us repeatedly with your numbers and a couple of well placed choke points BT, I still think you for the couple kills I got before going down, and the glorious exotic warhorn you gave me.

RIP in peace Robert

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


TC. Lets stay out of their matchup thread. I’m as guilty as anyone else but there is really no need to clash forum swords in a tier we are not in. Lets save it till we are back and let our actions speak, not our words. Good to see you again Kain. Carry on.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Check again. TC got their points this week from Mag, and Mag and Yaks are switching spots, giving TC a new red team to take points from. If TC keeps up the same pressure, they’ll be back in 2 weeks, maybe 3.

I say 3-4 weeks with way things are going, and SOS pulls it together. If not, then 2 weeks See FA vs KAIN vs TC at that time.

A lot of strong WvW guilds left SoS for BG and others. I wouldn’t really say we need to pull it together, but just balance off. We have a couple of guilds left, but with the beating we started talking the casual- WvWers are hiding at dragons and dungeons until we start to win again.

I’m predicting a fall to tier 3 or 4 then a bounce back up a tier.

RIP in peace Robert

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Lot of trash talking…but it’s not being done quite right.

The words “wipe”, “bags” and “badges” are not being used enough. See the tier 1 thread for how to do this properly.

HA-HAH! The five of us wiped the 84 of you 15 times and I never died!

OH yea, I got a ton of bags from you. Bags everywhere. I can’t count nubmer the of bags I got from wiping you over and over. Farming (this word needs to appear as well from time to time).

I got 65323 badges this weekend from farming you. We wiped you so many times bags were pouring out of my DVD drive. My grandkids will be collecting bags from us wiping you. They’ll be able to buy a Mercedes Benz with the badges there’s so many of them.

And so on.

Please strive to do better. Remember…wipe, bags, badges.

P.S. Extra credit for using “2v1” or “coverage” in a way that makes sense and fits seamlessly into the bag farming bravado.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

(edited by Porky.5021)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Lot of trash talking…but it’s not being done quite right.

The words “wipe”, “bags” and “badges” are not being used enough. See the tier 1 thread for how to do this properly.

HA-HAH! The five of us wiped the 84 of you 15 times and I never died!

OH yea, I got a ton of bags from you. Bags everywhere. I can’t count nubmer the of bags I got from wiping you over and over. Farming (this word needs to appear as well from time to time).

I got 65323 badges this weekend from farming you. We wiped you so many times bags were pouring out of my DVD drive. My grandkids will be collecting bags from us wiping you. They’ll be able to buy a Mercedes Benz with the badges there’s so many of them.

And so on.

Please strive to do better. Remember…wipe, bags, badges.

P.S. Extra credit for using “2v1” or “coverage” in a way that makes sense and fits seamlessly into the bag farming bravado.

Your server is gonna be SO drunk now … lol:


L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Silke.1695


Your server is gonna be SO drunk now … lol:


Oh noes!!! you’ve re-intro’d the drinking game and we’re not even at mid-week yet! Perhaps I should write a “call in to work” template for all of our WvW players. You know, something about barley n’ hops flu or some such. LOL

As for you Jayne! How dare you say I am too educated! The ‘hubris’ of you!! ;p
(* see her sig line.)

Toasted Coaster

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: SquirtyMagoo.8321


I think every server could say the other is full of wipable pugs, because the reality is that every top guild on each server will regard the other server as easily wipable. It’s tempting to say ‘lol we wiped ur forces 8 times in one night’, but if you are on any kind of organised guild then that is what should be happening.

What speaks more to a server or guild’s class is the ability not to gloat on the forums afterwards. And remember FA, this is a T2 thread, if you want to say something bad about another server you need to sandwich it between 2 compliments and make them read between the lines.


3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


As for you Jayne! How dare you say I am too educated! The ‘hubris’ of you!! ;p
(* see her sig line.)

Clever girl!

+10 points for you.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


I think every server could say the other is full of wipable pugs, because the reality is that every top guild on each server will regard the other server as easily wipable. It’s tempting to say ‘lol we wiped ur forces 8 times in one night’, but if you are on any kind of organised guild then that is what should be happening.

What speaks more to a server or guild’s class is the ability not to gloat on the forums afterwards. And remember FA, this is a T2 thread, if you want to say something bad about another server you need to sandwich it between 2 compliments and make them read between the lines.


No way. You can always tell whose classier by who has farmed more bags. And badges.


Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Silke.1695


There once was a group uber great
They wiped everyone at the gate
after all the chest thumping
and bags they were humping
they realized they’d fought only the Krait.

How’d I do Porky? ~grins~

Toasted Coaster

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


There once was a group uber great
They wiped everyone at the gate
after all the chest thumping
and bags they were humping
they realized they’d fought only the Krait.

How’d I do Porky? ~grins~

HAHA I like it.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: crystalpink.2487


Lot of trash talking…but it’s not being done quite right.

The words “wipe”, “bags” and “badges” are not being used enough. See the tier 1 thread for how to do this properly.

Please strive to do better. Remember…wipe, bags, badges.

I’ve seen those words from some Mags before lol

I guess some Mags know how to do trash talking properly, with T1 quality. ^-^

I’ll give trash talking a try. Hopefully, this is a proper or T1-quality one.

“Wow, guys, we wiped your big zerg multiple times under that white giant tree.
Thanks for the bags and badges~”

Euphemia Hime (Elementalist), Pinky Pearl (Mesmer), Avicenia (Ranger), Vanille Morgana (Necromancer)
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry

(edited by crystalpink.2487)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Quenta.2978


I came here to talk about a little wvw action between Fang, BT, and GODS last night but I think I stumbled into the TC/FA chat.

Even though you got us repeatedly with your numbers and a couple of well placed choke points BT, I still think you for the couple kills I got before going down, and the glorious exotic warhorn you gave me.

You’re welcome and good fights. And I thank you for providing some excellent footage for the weekly recap video.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: nomdeplums.5780


I’m suddenly reminded of why I don’t browse through this board very often. The server-bashing and chest-thumping is embarrassing. I nearly cut myself on all of this edginess.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

A large number of the “hardcore pvp guilds” couldn’t take losing 2 or 3 weeks so they transferred to Blackgate.

This pretty much hits the nail on the head, which sucks. Bandwagoners are rather lame.

i can bet all the guilds that jumped ship from Dragonbrand for SoS left for blackgate

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


I’m suddenly reminded of why I don’t browse through this board very often. The server-bashing and chest-thumping is embarrassing. I nearly cut myself on all of this edginess.

Whenever your bragging or chest thumping about killing TC Zergs you make yourself look stupid. I’m embarrassed as well with my server. Seriously guys pull it together and if you need to chest thump, do it when you kill a worthy opponent.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: crystalpink.2487


There’s a new way to trash talk the enemies, by using the term: Ambient creature.

Some players on EU servers already used that term to call/trash talk their enemy players.
However, I have yet to see that term being used in any trash talking by people playing on NA server lol

Euphemia Hime (Elementalist), Pinky Pearl (Mesmer), Avicenia (Ranger), Vanille Morgana (Necromancer)
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


There’s a new way to trash talk the enemies, by using the term: Ambient creature.

Some players on EU servers already used that term to call/trash talk their enemy players.
However, I have yet to see that term being used in any trash talking by people playing on NA server lol

I was farming ambient creatures for bags all day yesterday. And wiping them.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


i don’t know if it is just me, but i’m seeing a lot of lowbies on FA/SoS side…..

am i hallucinating ?

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

(edited by azizul.8469)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

A large number of the “hardcore pvp guilds” couldn’t take losing 2 or 3 weeks so they transferred to Blackgate.

This pretty much hits the nail on the head, which sucks. Bandwagoners are rather lame.

i can bet all the guilds that jumped ship from Dragonbrand for SoS left for blackgate


[and those guilds moved from DB in early October – 5 months ago – so I think it is time to let go…]

Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Actinotus.6410)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: crystalpink.2487


There’s a new way to trash talk the enemies, by using the term: Ambient creature.

Some players on EU servers already used that term to call/trash talk their enemy players.
However, I have yet to see that term being used in any trash talking by people playing on NA server lol

I was farming ambient creatures for bags all day yesterday. And wiping them.

Now, this is the most proper trash talking.
It contains EU T1 and NA T1 trash talking style xDDD

Euphemia Hime (Elementalist), Pinky Pearl (Mesmer), Avicenia (Ranger), Vanille Morgana (Necromancer)
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


ah , there are more types of ambient creatures to kill for dailies now ?

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


Check again. TC got their points this week from Mag, and Mag and Yaks are switching spots, giving TC a new red team to take points from. If TC keeps up the same pressure, they’ll be back in 2 weeks, maybe 3.

I say 3-4 weeks with way things are going, and SOS pulls it together. If not, then 2 weeks See FA vs KAIN vs TC at that time.

A lot of strong WvW guilds left SoS for BG and others. I wouldn’t really say we need to pull it together, but just balance off. We have a couple of guilds left, but with the beating we started talking the casual- WvWers are hiding at dragons and dungeons until we start to win again.

I’m predicting a fall to tier 3 or 4 then a bounce back up a tier.

SoS is doing really well considering the last few weeks and especially some are taking it a bit easy at the moment from WvW. According to MoS with the +ppt we pretty much match FA/Kn in NA and are slightly ahead during oceanic. Of course Kaineng puts up huge points during Asian timezone, and FA during Europe.

I think probably T2/upper T3 is where we sit at the moment – we’re not going lower than that for a while. Personally I would love to see an SoR/TC/SoS match.

The TC/FA thing is funny too – I always have these two paired together – although I didn’t know there was such a rivalry there.

Sea of Sorrows

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

TC. Lets stay out of their matchup thread. I’m as guilty as anyone else but there is really no need to clash forum swords in a tier we are not in. Lets save it till we are back and let our actions speak, not our words. Good to see you again Kain. Carry on.

Now now, there’s a very good reason for us to come here. Aside from the chance to say “Hi!” to our friends on Kaineng, the trolling from Mags just feels like 12 year olds looking up at their T1 older brothers and hoping they are doing it right even though they don’t really know what the words they are saying mean.

It makes many of us on TC nostalgic for the special kind of trolling we became so familiar with from FA. And I personally have too much respect for FA to want to pull their “pro trolls” down into the T3 thread as that’s kinda like a high school student getting sentenced to detention… in middle school.

The TC/FA thing is funny too – I always have these two paired together – although I didn’t know there was such a rivalry there.

First Yak Parade… they crashed the party and slaughtered our yaks. We wiped them off the map. It’s been war ever since.

(Seriously, being in T3 makes me miss FA – we have to get back up to T2 soon)


3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


just an update here :


Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: nibbles.2408


The FA/TC rivalry that started way back when wasn’t even a true rivalry. It was more like TC pushing us around any which way they desired because FA had yet to receive the glorious gift of IoJ awesomeness. Now that we are more evenly matched we get to start up the real war and fight it to the death =) This is just the warm-up round.

(That being said MOST of us here on FA are just in it for the spirit of competition, we don’t really hate TC, it’s just our history and the fact that they are the server closest to us in strength that makes it such a good matchup.)

Wechlas [Echo]
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Pervin.5036


Just wanted to say those were from great fights with TSYM today in Kain BL.. Became even more fun and interesting with the large Kain force joined in and we had a three way the hard way…

Keep up the great battles. Made it an amazing night.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: coronbale.3894


I agree, I am loving the competition and sportsmanship of T2. Think we might stay a bit

Leader of [TSym]
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I thought this was the SoS vs Kain vs FA thread, but skimming down this page, I see a lot of “TC this and TC that”, from posters with FA in their signature O_o..

yeah,it’s getting old…
my 5 cents, every server we’ve faced so far has it’s pros and cons.yes. tc facerolled us in t3,now that we have numbers we can actually face them again.I have to say, that i had some epic fights and duels with tc.
same with KN we do not have to coverage to win against u guys yet as we lack SEA guilds, but the fights this week are epic.

So, can we all move on and stop trolling each other?TY

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Baroness.9506


Awesome time dancing with your commander last night RISE, your team moves very well! Well be out there on SoS BL again today if yall are interested in a few more friendly bloodbaths.

GJ to all this match-up, TSYM has had a blast so far this week. Something that T2 has that T1 will simply never grasp, is the proper allocation of personnel. When you have enough coverage to cap all 4 maps, you don’t have to think beyond the fight you are in, where as T2 keeps good communication between all maps involved in the battle. Several time we would hit a map and see a guild show, and then the guild would return to its previous map. Keep up the great work, were getting an education here as well!

And lastly to my TSYM haters. We were considered the best of SoS for LONG before you crybabies started bawling up a storm. Maybe now that we might meet across the field, you’ll realize that maybe YOUR team could have used a little more training, and a little less whining. See you on the field, and know that if… Sorry WHEN we wipe your team, well be rollin in our TS. Your negativity is gone, but your bags will remain!

Best of luck to all competitors in this matchup. It has truly been an honor fighting your teams here. T1 coattail riders dont know what they are missing!

Nothing like Coron to put a spin on his own guild. I spent last night fighting you guys but most of the time you ported home ;/

Today on Kaneing you could say you beat us, but having a 5 man party VS TSym 20 man isnt exactly fair with a 5-10 second delay on skills. (Fix Kaneing BL for crying out loud, the crashes and constant lag makes it unplayable).

We were waiting avidly for you guys to come join us on SoS BL where no one has any lag, but we only saw some small man groups. You must have logged off? Because you allowed us to full cap your home BL ;/ We are thoroughly looking forward to meeting TSym on the field…

The real fights have been between Kaneing and FA, which have been unreal. Some awesome tactics from Meow and WM make the game very interesting and fun. Rise is also a guild i like to go against in small ops combat, they have some decent PvP’ers. Hopefully SoS can step it up a notch next week because at the moment it really feels like its a 1v1. Some new blood as in Tarnished Coast should amplify tier 2 again!

It is great to play in a tier where the guilds arent massive zergs abusing culling ;/


(edited by Baroness.9506)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


Some new blood as in Tarnished Coast should amplify tier 2 again

Oh, we’re not new blood.

Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


I think TC is going to make it harder on us, I do think we’ve grown enough to beat them just they have a strong na side and ATM we are gaining lots of points at that time. It will be interesting to say the least. Hopefully most of the fighting will be on the battlefield and not the forums

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: taek.9386


I think he has a thing for Coron, judging from previous post and he was an ex SOS’er GM of DiE? I didn’t know they left, that’s why I hardly see them on anymore

But let me explain, we simply lost all the dedicated WvW guilds and don’t have the coverage to compete in T2, at best we can only cover 1.5 maps, and only 1 map during AUS/SEA timezone. That’s the reason why it feels like 1v1, so no we can’t step up unless some guilds want to transfer to us lol

btw on fri/sat/sun reset we had no queues what so ever

(edited by taek.9386)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: dagneyandleo.6378


Had a ball tonight playing on SoS and KA BL with [RUN]. Lots of really fun and entertaining fights. Shout-out to [RET] in particular… You guys were hard to kill and fun to play against, even if you confused our commander who seemed to think [RE] had transferred to FA as he kept calling you ‘Rethesis’. Honorable mention goes to [TSYM], you guys are always a challenge to go up against. Extra credit goes to the FA pugs who were determined to take back our supply camps and kept us running around the map like madmen.

((Side note: FA has one guy with the guild tag [BRA]. I assume all the members run support builds?))

[KnT] Blackgate
Lythereal Fields, lvl 80 mesmer, Lythiele, lvl 80 ele, and Lythigrr, lvl 80 guard

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Oni.2536


I miss TC :(
Forum was always nice, in game we always had good fights.

FA talk too much and already showed us some “bad things” a few days ago. :(

(edited by Oni.2536)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Extra credit goes to the FA pugs who were determined to take back our supply camps and kept us running around the map like madmen.

Not sure what you’re talking about. We had the supply camps. You had to take them back. Probably should’ve done more of it rather than take back briar…

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: dagneyandleo.6378


Extra credit goes to the FA pugs who were determined to take back our supply camps and kept us running around the map like madmen.

Not sure what you’re talking about. We had the supply camps. You had to take them back. Probably should’ve done more of it rather than take back briar…

We got ’em for the tick, while we were on. You guys certainly got them a few times… kudos to ya. Our seven man group was running around at every sign of swords. Briar was cause we were bored, tbh.

[KnT] Blackgate
Lythereal Fields, lvl 80 mesmer, Lythiele, lvl 80 ele, and Lythigrr, lvl 80 guard

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Baroness.9506


I think he has a thing for Coron, judging from previous post and he was an ex SOS’er GM of DiE? I didn’t know they left, that’s why I hardly see them on anymore

But let me explain, we simply lost all the dedicated WvW guilds and don’t have the coverage to compete in T2, at best we can only cover 1.5 maps, and only 1 map during AUS/SEA timezone. That’s the reason why it feels like 1v1, so no we can’t step up unless some guilds want to transfer to us lol

btw on fri/sat/sun reset we had no queues what so ever

I have a thing for people who turn up to server wide meetings and do nothing but talk about themselves and their guild. I have a thing for zerg guilds. I have a thing for arrogant people who constantly have to reassure themselves (and the rest of the GW2 community) how good they are.

Sea of Sorrows had problems. But one of the biggest problems still sits on the server, and thus, is why people will continue to leave.

I got nothing but love for TSym members, takes some serious discipline and self regulation a long with a very high pain tolerance to be in that guild. All ex members know exactly what i mean.

But, this is rather slow today, so i might go over to Guru and see what the ‘Coron Show’ is putting on over there.


3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I got nothing but love for TSym members, takes some serious discipline and self regulation a long with a very high pain tolerance to be in that guild. All ex members know exactly what i mean.

Eh…Still the best guild on SoS.

We’ve liked what we saw when we played them. Well…maybe the speed of which they initiate contact with us.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: SpitFire.4690


Awesome time dancing with your commander last night RISE, your team moves very well! Well be out there on SoS BL again today if yall are interested in a few more friendly bloodbaths.

Hi, leader of RISE here.. Who was the commander you were dancing with? Because I’ve never seen TYSM primetime when RISE primetime is in EBG, also perhaps a bloodbath battle of 5v5 10v10 20v20 and 40vs40 GvG on Thursday evening?

Primordus Virtus [RISE] Prime Leader – Prince Járvan
Our greatest strength lies in never failing,
But we [RISE] each time we fall.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Well, judging by this thread – FA gonna FA. I don’t think we will ever learn not to make both servers mad and kick every wasp nest we can. That’s why I love this server.
We’re the angry ginger stepchild with a huge chip on his shoulder and a hair trigger.
FA doesn’t metagame or play the diplomat, we sure as hell ensure we bite off more than we can usually chew; at least it’s a target rich environment. Pretty sure even our fairweathers smoke PCP and club baby seals.

Hmm, thinking about it.. maybe I could lace some cookies and ruminant tonics for the carebear matchup ..

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: UberLander.8326


Last night was intense! SoS was a beast last night is some major battles in K BL. We don’t have exact numbers but we had 17 at the cliff of inner hills when you flipped it. and 22 at south supply. Did you guys get a head count? A+ job! Think it was wipe 3-4 times.

I’m sure neither of us could see the other.

I think FA will ride the tier 2 roller coaster for a while until we get stronger in our weak time zones. Once TC rejoins tier 2 I could see us taking more 3rd place finishes. Last time we faced TC we couldn’t beat them.

I disagree. Even back when we first hit T2, I think we were better than TC. We were leading them by 10k points up until a day in the mid-week when the queue in our own BL bugged out. We had 10 people defending with an hour long queue.

We lost everything. Dropped 20k pts and couldn’t make up the ground before reset.

Quite true.

TC only has coverage. Much like Tier 1 servers. Which isn’t anything bad, it’s just a reality of what it takes to be in Tier 1. Numbers + enough time zone coverage.

Otherwise, there hasn’t been a moment vs TC where BT hasn’t roflstomped through their forces. They are full of delicious bags, so tender, so sweet. Their tears on the forums are like nectar, almost as good as Maguuma’s. A hint of roleplay instead of trolling. Distinct. Delicious. Coupled with some dolyak meat, quite tantilizing a meal.

I remember the first time seeing the BT zerg in TC borderlands. You guys absolutely destroyed our pugs over and over again. It was pretty cool.

But then ofcourse KH started their raid night, came out of the garrison, absolutely stomped your entire BT zerg and every single one of you magically dissapeared from the borderland leaving us to PVdoor for the rest of the night. It was pretty dissapointing.

I can’t wait to see you guys again hopefully in T2 – it would be nice to see you actually stay and fight.

And if you don’t want any TC to take part in your thread, then maybe you should guys should stay out of our thread. But ofcourse that’s not how it works around here, everyone is just looking for their opportunity to troll after all.

WIGZ.. I will stab you man…

Uber Lander
Black Talons

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Fencehoppa.9506


This is Senior Commander of [RISE] saying that to all you SoS guilds, Kaineng is a great WvW oriented server with a fantastic community. If y’all are interested in transferring let us Know!! we would be happy to have you