3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Alright then so why complain about getting destroyed while people are playing the game the way it was intended rather than by the way others try to make it? Might I suggest a better place to do your mini events? To not only cry about it but to call another guild who was out killing people from the other server has made this nothing but a simple joke. FEAR did not preemptively plan on attacking. They just saw a bunch of red names and killed them.

I am not in AGG or SF. I do not GvG or duel, I was simply correcting your misconception(s).

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

HMM any examples because we all respect one another here. Disrespect for our opponents like by talking trash? That’s called being competitive buddy…

What group home did you grow up in where the definition of competitive is to talk trash totally unprovoked? Having a competitive mindset and playing competitively are one thing. Being disrespectful without provocation is another.

As far as sportsmanship goes, I spoke in the context of the disrespect shown by so many PvP guilds to their opponents, not in reference to the GvG incident. A good sport relays some semblance of “good game” to their opponents after a fight, if any kind of communication is made at all, and doesn’t make an effort to troll/talk trash to/in any other way offend for no better reason than that the offending player is a generally crummy person.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: BakaOniiChan.9564


Score update good work everybody

wrong thread

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: BakaOniiChan.9564


Alright then so why complain about getting destroyed while people are playing the game the way it was intended rather than by the way others try to make it? Might I suggest a better place to do your mini events? To not only cry about it but to call another guild who was out killing people from the other server has made this nothing but a simple joke. FEAR did not preemptively plan on attacking. They just saw a bunch of red names and killed them.

I am not in AGG or SF. I do not GvG or duel, I was simply correcting your misconception(s).

I wasn’t in the group that wiped the people setting up this GvG… Just stating that what they did was just them playing the game.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Score update good work everybody

Operation: Total Red Suppression is a success.

Lets break out the Champagne!


Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Oh crap, wrong thread sorry guys

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


I wasn’t in the group that wiped the people setting up this GvG… Just stating that what they did was just them playing the game.

And I’m stating that house rules are rules, even if they aren’t “official” or binding, and that a community isn’t just a server its a collection of people.

The 1v1 and GvG community does exist, and the “neutral zone rule” does exist albeit unofficially.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: BakaOniiChan.9564


HMM any examples because we all respect one another here. Disrespect for our opponents like by talking trash? That’s called being competitive buddy…

What group home did you grow up in where the definition of competitive is to talk trash totally unprovoked?

So you have to be trashed first to start trash talking? NAH BRAH! I’m asking you for proof or examples of this unprovoked trash talk. Because when I came on here I see other servers, guilds, and individuals “trash talking” people of FEAR for them just playing the game. As for your facts about what SoR is really about I can say they are pretty invalid. Apparently a lot of us are 16 year olds that talk down on one another and our opponents… Now to answer your question my group home. That is a great question! Obviously it wasn’t the one that are just talked nice to each other and gave in to everyone’s wishes into wanting to play nicely.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: BakaOniiChan.9564


Oh crap, wrong thread sorry guys

all good man

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Pmetheus.5397


Score update good work everybody

Operation: Total Red Suppression is a success.

Lets break out the Champagne!

I lol’d

Alyssa Frost
Leader of Empërium [EMP]
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

I don’t know why you think I’m talking about FEAR.

The exact incident I’m referring to was several months ago (when I was first getting into WvW) and dueling was a big thing between BG and SoR. I was invited to several PvP guilds while I was still indecisive about my home in GW2. I spent some time with them in the SoR TS and found the number of younger members to be a little too high. I assume they were younger because they talked A LOT and had that voice; you know the one.

Aside from reports of trash talking and lack of civility I’ve received from other players and seen here on the forums (not just in this tier, mind you), I’ve been the target of unprovoked verbal attack more than a few times. I assume it’s because of my videos and whatnot, but many “hardcore” PvPers seem to think that they have to call out anyone they 1) happen to beat under any circumstance, 2) see produce any form of public PvP/WvW content, or 3) so much as see in chat. It’s an irritating trend that I see almost exclusively in self-proclaimed pro/dedicated/hardcore PvP players and guilds.

An example of good sportsmanship is HB, just off the top of my head. Extremely good players, solid leadership, and they aren’t kittens about it.

I also said nothing about what “SoR is about.” I have a ton of respect for the majority of the WvW guilds there, it’s just that a few of them haven’t given me a reason to respect them yet. For example, I can respect FEAR for how talented some of their members are, but I can’t respect them for their uncivil behavior as a group a lot of the time.

I’m no longer participating in this conversation. I have a bunch of “PvPers” to make look like PvE heroes on YouTube.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Genesis Notch.1905

Genesis Notch.1905

lol FEAR trying to be kitten is really fun to watch.

grabs moar popcorn

I am in charge of gas tanks. Tink Tink.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

One thing though I wonder, does [TW], [Choo]…hell even [CDS], [Hel] ever wish [FEAR] can hold thier own map with pugs so they can go do productive things with the other maps? Because seriously, you left a lot of SoR behind in BG BL, out maned buff didn’t pop for SoR until they lost bay and [SF] was the only organized offense group for JQ on that map…there was an out-maned buff when we got in BG BL for the GvG, eventually took bay from BG too.

Why can’t your guild do that with what ever you had on the map? Stand on your own for once with what ever SoR you had on the map that wasn’t a major guild instead of leaving because there was no major guild and maybe then, you can spark a memory for us too invite you and yes this is a calling card for you Absinth.6917, i hope you’re not the GM of [FEAR]

[SF]The Menu

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


Another update from the LOVE Asuras!

For we are tiny, but highly effective! :P



The LOVE asura <3

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I like the part where you completely ignore the moral of the story and continue on with your kitten

Just because something isn’t in the rules, doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do.

RIGHT THING TO DO? YOU ARE IN WvW correct? WHAT DO U DO? YOU FIGHT THE OTHER SERVERS. There is a reason why names are red… BECAUSE THEY ARE YOUR ENEMY!… If ANet intended for you not to kill them then they wouldn’t make your oppositions name red. I don’t get what you guys are getting at here. You guys set up a place to fight an unofficial place an “unwritten rule” and expect people not to go there to kill you guys. No place is off limits. Players can be anywhere at any time. If you saw 40 red names in front of you, you aren’t going to go see what they are doing… you are going go there and prepare to fight.

Calm the kitten down kiddo. You’re embarrassing your server. That being said, if you are that adamant about not following a general code of conduct that we in the guild wars community abide by, maybe this game isn’t for you. I hear there are certain games in the genre of FPS that caters to your demographic.

Edited for spelling

Maybe it isn’t but I’m here anyways playing the game the way it is intended. I’m not embarrassing anyone. No code of conduct anywhere states no one can interrupt a GvG going on. So when you are done trying to play mommy, how about actually playing WvW the way it is intended and give us more loot bags?

To be fair, the degree of self-righteous indignation you’re displaying over being called for what many consider an act of bad sportsmanship could easily be seen my many associated with you by server as embarrassing indeed. You forget the example set in World War II in Germany. On Christmas day, troops from both sides laid down arms, came together and celebrated Christmas together on the field of battle. There were no “written rules”, they just did what was the right thing to do.


3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Rogi.8720


I hope JQ and BG know that SoR’s WvW community does not condone FEAR’s action. How anyone in an organized WvW guild could argue that they did not know it was the unofficial GvG area is beyond me. I cannot speak for individual guilds on SoR, but I know a lot of people are pretty embarrassed by this incident.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


I used to call SoR home. I have moved on, but I still had respect for the guild involved in this incident. But interrupting a clearly pre-organised group activity between the other two servers intentionally, for their own entertainment, ruining everybody’s good day? I’m not so sure about that guild’s reputation anymore. I love talking to their members and they are a formidable WvW force. I love fighting them in WvW. But this action is really beyond my understanding.

I know that one individual does not represent the SoR WvW community. But because nobody responsible for this is stepping up to say whether they loved the bags or apologising for their selfish actions, we are left here to judge you by ‘that guy’.

GvG is fun, and many people enjoy doing it, and it’s becoming more and more of a trend in higher tiers nowadays. All the major WvW guilds in T1 knows about the location where this happens, and I am 100% sure that the guild involved in this knew this as well. This is absolutely embarrassing for them and their allies, and I am very, very sure that many other guilds on SoR are not happy about this.


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[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Talentless.5708


In Summary. FEAR is an embarrassment to their server; bad players and consist of players who would all die to me 1v1 or to my 5man squad with ease. They spend too much time on the forums, hence why they are bad in-game, and no one cares.

Can we move on now? There are actually nice people and talented players we should be talking about.

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

Now it just got weird. How does manners fit in with your first lines?. Now it’s just a contradiction of terms.
And poor sportsmanship?. How does that for example fit in with SF leaving SBI to join JQ?. That skewed a little of the sportsmanship to say the least.
Remember, anger is your enemy.

Truth is, i did get a lil angry and my manners drop some bit when i’m angry, but please show others respect or you’ll get none in return, and how does [SF] transferring out of sbi come into sportsmanship? Sorry, but it’s a term used for having integrity and respect for the opposing teams in real life sports and yes, as hard too believe and fabled in legend as it may seem, in video games too.

There’s just a line you don’t cross, when engaging the opposing team. Opposing your own team has a different term not sportsmanship. Get it? It’s called inner strife and it has other names too, but not sportsmanship, that’s for opposing teams.

Again, point is why didn’t [FEAR] stay for what they caused? We were throwing bags at them right? Why did they leave the map? After being bored for so long when they couldn’t find any one too fight?

[SF]The Menu

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


So what happened to that enthusiasm last week from BG? They came in hard, riding JQ day and night without compassion and this week they’ve waned off a lot. There was a lack of guilds on the field yesterday during US prime time and I saw JQ with 400 score numerous times.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Voicer.8239


In Summary. FEAR is an embarrassment to their server; bad players and consist of players who would all die to me 1v1 or to my 5man squad with ease. They spend too much time on the forums, hence why they are bad in-game, and no one cares.

Can we move on now? There are actually nice people and talented players we should be talking about.

I agree with you man, this was an act of despair and rage and ppl like this just dont have a place in here. Now, moving on


3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


I know that the internet is about never admitting you’re wrong and all, but some of you should just post a quick “Okay, my bad” and save what little of your reputation is left.

Maybe if certain guilds spent less time farming badges and more time taking objectives (especially when your two opposing servers are busy doing and watching GvG), maybe your server would be doing a little better than they are.

I am an SoR defender in the fact that I have always found them to be hard working and pretty good on the field of battle. It’s a shame when one guild can make an entire server look bad.

If you want to play the whole ‘Red is Dead’ and ‘PvP zone anything goes!’ card, maybe BG and JQ should show you why that is a bad policy. If anything goes, then perhaps BG and JQ should spand the next few days spawn camping every exit of your home waypoint. We need bags too. If your going to leave your starting area, it’s your own fault.

There are many ways to draw out this match that you wouldn’t like…

Calm Little Buddy

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Talentless.5708


7pm EST tonight – SOR BL between NE bay and SW garrison my crew will be roaming. Ya’ll welcome to try to zerg us down (our main force would love for you to waste your time), but if you’re actually roaming with a 5man, you’ll have a haven up there for some fun.

Talentless Necro – Talentless Engineer
Jade Quarry – Strike Force | Wilsonian Institute
new video pending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVc34_SFKM&feature=youtu.be

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


bad form FEAR zerging a casual gvg with their full map 60 person zerg…..

south of south camp is pretty much a guarantee spot for gvg. and your FEAR scout told you it was 15 SF vs 15 Agg? so you could come and roll us with 60? lol so sad hahahaha you must have been bored to interrupt a gvg like that. pathetic.

Hey, I warned you they were coming. :P

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: globe.7238


Regardless of them zerging your GvG session, if they want to play that way then so be it. Stop flaming them already and get over it. You guys constantly complaining about them is just as bad as them rolling over your GvG. You talk about “respect” and “manners”, well learn to be the bigger person and move on. Getting on the forums and throwing hissy fits isnt going to do anything, roll them on the field when you see them and maybe they’ll think twice before doing it again.

Imminent Demise » [iD] « Blackgate

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


bad form FEAR zerging a casual gvg with their full map 60 person zerg…..

south of south camp is pretty much a guarantee spot for gvg. and your FEAR scout told you it was 15 SF vs 15 Agg? so you could come and roll us with 60? lol so sad hahahaha you must have been bored to interrupt a gvg like that. pathetic.

1st off we only had about 15 and the rest were random. At most we had 25-30 total. Might have seemed like more due to how quickly you died. So I can forgive your blatant exaggeration.

2nd – FEAR was not invited to your little “casual” event so we felt slighted and acted accordingly. Next time it would behoove you to possibly send us an invite.

3rd – We were farming badges all evening (all week for that matter) and seeing that the map was rather quiet we went to where the badges could be found. It’s WvW my friend so complaining about being killed in any BL is rather pointless.

4th – yes we were bored. Thank you for providing us with a laugh before we logged for the night.


Map was quiet? We had Hills; we had our tower, camps, plus NE tower. Our PuGs were wiping you time and time again last night. Maybe not at first, but you would die just the same.

In fact you sat next to S camp for a good 2-3 minutes before finally heading south into the GvG. You must’ve been waiting for the most opportune time. Stay classy!

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


Regardless of them zerging your GvG session, if they want to play that way then so be it. Stop flaming them already and get over it. You guys constantly complaining about them is just as bad as them rolling over your GvG. You talk about “respect” and “manners”, well learn to be the bigger person and move on. Getting on the forums and throwing hissy fits isnt going to do anything, roll them on the field when you see them and maybe they’ll think twice before doing it again.

You’re kinda ‘throwing a hissy fit’ yourself, there…

Calm Little Buddy

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Your asian timezone update


Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Smokee.1754


Now it’s bad to work with the other guilds on your server? Or is it just bad when even when you are working with them you can’t beat your opponents who are also working together.

I mean everyday you see PRX/SF super zergs, or SF/EMP super zergs or AoS/PRX/ACO.



The list goes on and on.

Give me a break.

You will never see HB and LotD run together and roam the map as one big blop. We do communicate alot and sometimes meet up to flank a map sized zerg, simply because the 15-20 HB or 20-25 LotD wont be enough on its own.

What we are trying to communicate is that there is 0 reason for any server to run around with map sized zergs when you have more than 1 guild on the map. It causes ability lag, culling and takes away the fun for anyone involved.

Like I said in a previous post, we do understand that you have to meet up to take heavely fortified and defended keeps. We are only talking about roaming here.

[HB] Herfolge Boldklub – Competitive online gaming since 2001
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Eurlin.4256


Sooooooooooooooo What small 5 man groups were out there looking for some fights?

Commander Eurlin [VNG]
Sanctum of Rall Server

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

Regardless of them zerging your GvG session, if they want to play that way then so be it. Stop flaming them already and get over it. You guys constantly complaining about them is just as bad as them rolling over your GvG. You talk about “respect” and “manners”, well learn to be the bigger person and move on. Getting on the forums and throwing hissy fits isnt going to do anything, roll them on the field when you see them and maybe they’ll think twice before doing it again.

True statement, I usually don’t post on the GW2 WvW forums, but after reading what “BakaOniiChan.9564” and “Absinth.6917” said “uuuuooohhh!!!”.

We’re not complaining to be honest, just asking them to have at least the integrity to stay on the map if they had the balls too do that because oohhhhh, we brought out the “Hulk” after that with [AGG]. It was just that [Fear] was no where too be found…so we didn’t have any [Fear] too “Smash”(get the “Hulk Smash” refrence? d":D ) which was a tad bit annoying, hell we even fought with BG and [AGG] a few times on the Middle Ruins because we brought out the angry zerg and had a lot of “angry” still, that was fun.

But this is going to be my last post on this thread, so again I ask…why didn’t [FEAR] stay on the freaking map? If anything, have at least enough manners/integrity (for those that don’t know, when i say that i really mean have the “balls”) too ZergvZerg with us after that. We wanted to do what “globe.7238” said that’s all. T-T Ohh well maybe next time, I hope we see each other in-game, bc any [FEAR] I see, lowbie or not, I’m going to run through a zerg and die just too get a hit off of you, maybe even kill you? Just to do it like when we ZergvZerg against J E R I C O and [AGG]

[SF]The Menu

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sanxxx.5126


Whether FEAR are good or not they were just playing the game.

If only the G(imp) v G(imp) forum warriors put that effort into WvW we’d probably have some better fights.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


Whether FEAR are good or not they were just playing the game.

If only the G(imp) v G(imp) forum warriors put that effort into WvW we’d probably have some better fights.

Ah the anonymity of the internet spawns another digital hero! Bravo, sir! You have made such an excellent point, we will now be closing the internet permanently as there is nothing left to be said.

As far as good fights go, you have to actually stick around to have one.

Calm Little Buddy

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


So far, this week is really depressing for me compared to the last week. Last week alone i got two precursors in two consecutive days [Dawn] [Dusk] in wvw. Now its tuesday, and i haven’t even got any exotics yet. This is so sad.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


So far, this week is really depressing for me compared to the last week. Last week alone i got two precursors in two consecutive days [Dawn] [Dusk] in wvw. Now its tuesday, and i haven’t even got any exotics yet. This is so sad.

Thank you for your contribution to the topic.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


You will never see HB and LotD run together and roam the map as one big blop. We do communicate alot and sometimes meet up to flank a map sized zerg, simply because the 15-20 HB or 20-25 LotD wont be enough on its own.

What we are trying to communicate is that there is 0 reason for any server to run around with map sized zergs when you have more than 1 guild on the map. It causes ability lag, culling and takes away the fun for anyone involved.

Like I said in a previous post, we do understand that you have to meet up to take heavely fortified and defended keeps. We are only talking about roaming here.

There is 0 reason for any server to run 20-man zergs just to “roam” around. It causes a lack of needing skill and completely removes the ability for even fights when you guys decide to zerg down small groups.

The BG and JQ players complaining about SoR zergs are quite hypocritical in this manner. They have absolutely no issue with forming zergs to roflstomp small groups, but when someone decides to make a zerg bigger than theirs, they complain.

This issue of hypocrisy extends to the group v group interrupt by Fear. I have encountered both SF and AGG interrupting good group fights that I’ve been in, just so that they could zerg us for some easy kills. Do not try to take the morale high road, as your actions are the same as those you criticize.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


Even if they were running in a ‘60 man zerg’ there is always a counter to every strategy so why complain.

It’s not their fault if you can’t counter their strategy.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


In big need for more precursors. If i don’t get one exotic at least for this week.. I’m done.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497



Regardless of them zerging your GvG session, if they want to play that way then so be it. Stop flaming them already and get over it. You guys constantly complaining about them is just as bad as them rolling over your GvG. You talk about “respect” and “manners”, well learn to be the bigger person and move on. Getting on the forums and throwing hissy fits isnt going to do anything, roll them on the field when you see them and maybe they’ll think twice before doing it again."

Well said. I think I was there with Fear at the time and there was no indication that anyone knew about this. I would have never known if I didn’t read all this. You need to realize that quite a few in SoR love battles and believe that wvw should be more about actual fighting than worrying about each other real estate. Having said that we are actively looking for a fight and when we do it is like shoot first and maybe ask questions later. I do apologize for any misunderstanding.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


So far, this week is really depressing for me compared to the last week. Last week alone i got two precursors in two consecutive days [Dawn] [Dusk] in wvw. Now its tuesday, and i haven’t even got any exotics yet. This is so sad.

Thank you for your contribution to the topic.

Besides that I was ill-informed. I thought it was Wednesday.

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Wow, this thread went downhill quick in the last couple of pages all because some people died in WvW. It boggles the mind…

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


So far, this week is really depressing for me compared to the last week. Last week alone i got two precursors in two consecutive days [Dawn] [Dusk] in wvw. Now its tuesday, and i haven’t even got any exotics yet. This is so sad.

Thank you for your contribution to the topic.

Besides that I was ill-informed. I thought it was Wednesday.

I dont consider today as wednesday, since i haven’t played for wednesday bag fest yet.

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


Wow, this thread went downhill quick in the last couple of pages all because some people died in WvW. It boggles the mind…

If that boggles the mind, I’d hate to see what the real world does.

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Miiaah.5416


So what happened to that enthusiasm last week from BG? They came in hard, riding JQ day and night without compassion and this week they’ve waned off a lot. There was a lack of guilds on the field yesterday during US prime time and I saw JQ with 400 score numerous times.

I can’t speak for everyone but I know spring hit the Pacific Northwest in NA and sunny +60 in Oregon, Washington and Northern California means there’s a lot of fun stuff to do in Gods Country!


3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


So far, this week is really depressing for me compared to the last week. Last week alone i got two precursors in two consecutive days [Dawn] [Dusk] in wvw. Now its tuesday, and i haven’t even got any exotics yet. This is so sad.

Thank you for your contribution to the topic.

Besides that I was ill-informed. I thought it was Wednesday.

I dont consider today as wednesday, since i haven’t played for wednesday bag fest yet.

I consider it Wednesday only because I went to bed at some point, and woke up to go to work the next day. Yes, I am ashamed.

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: globe.7238


Regardless of them zerging your GvG session, if they want to play that way then so be it. Stop flaming them already and get over it. You guys constantly complaining about them is just as bad as them rolling over your GvG. You talk about “respect” and “manners”, well learn to be the bigger person and move on. Getting on the forums and throwing hissy fits isnt going to do anything, roll them on the field when you see them and maybe they’ll think twice before doing it again.

You’re kinda ‘throwing a hissy fit’ yourself, there…

The truth hurts dont it? I wasnt there, and I didnt get zerg’d, nor did I come to the forums complaining about it. This thread is for score updates, not server drama.

Imminent Demise » [iD] « Blackgate

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


I can’t speak for everyone but I know spring hit the Pacific Northwest in NA and sunny +60 in Oregon, Washington and Northern California means there’s a lot of fun stuff to do in Gods Country!


Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


The truth hurts dont it? I wasnt there, and I didnt get zerg’d, nor did I come to the forums complaining about it. This thread is for score updates, not server drama.

Is that what this is for? Man that would be one boring read. In fact I think some people tried that, and it lasted all of 16 replies.

BTW in our own server forums they said that they went looking for them later but couldn’t find them. So they wiped off all the red on the map. To this I can attest.

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Miiaah.5416


I can’t speak for everyone but I know spring hit the Pacific Northwest in NA and sunny +60 in Oregon, Washington and Northern California means there’s a lot of fun stuff to do in Gods Country!


Just the Pacific Northwest,, We also include Vancouver BC-Whistler and Northern Idaho in Gods country! We aren’t greedy


3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


Update from the cute asuras on BG!

Welcome to the LOVE of BG <3

Goodnight everyone!


The LOVE asura <3