4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


you keep talking about grim signet warriors, we have none. not even alts.

in regards to the cheating it was one person, and it was handled..

and just a pointer, this whole forum troll persona you have goin….thats not fun either.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


People that don’t know, WvW is a 24/7 thing, its not our fault we have more people on when your servers are quiet, dont complain when we capitalise on that.

Have a cup of concrete and harden the kitten up!

Dont hate on us for doing good one night a week lol, bad sportsmanship! Tsk tsk


Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: FishEB.2043


Nice job IoJ. While you guys were yappin here we were cappin. http://puu.sh/2FzXM.jpg http://puu.sh/2FA0N.jpg

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kyskythyn.6471


43 minutes later…

Yes, gj PvDooring your stuff back whilst we hit DR’s bl

I guess I didn’t realize DH and IoJ had PvDoor competitions while DR slept :/

Miss Kysie – S/F condi bunker ele
River of Tears – S/D glass ele
Solo and small group roamer

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


yeah, we see isle in there gettin some points. good for ya! ……but beware the incoming devona hate because you diddnt fight 6 thousand people for each point…and oh yeah…you cheated…or something…….and youre a signet warrior…..yeah..thats it!

Im happy for you guys! if ourselves and devona arent paying attention to our maps…head on in and get the goods!

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


People that don’t know, WvW is a 24/7 thing, its not our fault we have more people on when your servers are quiet, dont complain when we capitalise on that.

Have a cup of concrete and harden the kitten up!

Dont hate on us for doing good one night a week lol, bad sportsmanship! Tsk tsk

Bragging about PPT screenshots from taking uncontested maps is far worse than complaining about them. And then, to top it off, you have the audacity to belittle DH for PvDooring after just having done the same, yourself.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

yeah, we see isle in there gettin some points. good for ya! ……but beware the incoming devona hate because you diddnt fight 6 thousand people for each point…and oh yeah…you cheated…or something…….and youre a signet warrior…..yeah..thats it!

Im happy for you guys! if ourselves and devona arent paying attention to our maps…head on in and get the goods!

I’m not hating on people for not fighting 6 thousand people for each point.

I’m hating on people because they post screenshots about it.

Furthermore, I have definite proof that multiple people in GRIM runs signet warriors.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


yeah, we see isle in there gettin some points. good for ya! ……but beware the incoming devona hate because you diddnt fight 6 thousand people for each point…and oh yeah…you cheated…or something…….and youre a signet warrior…..yeah..thats it!

Im happy for you guys! if ourselves and devona arent paying attention to our maps…head on in and get the goods!

Here is the deal. If you are going to brag about something on the forums, how about bragging about something that is actually brag-worthy?

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Bah! its ok Oozo….let em run around and have some points in the last half of the grave shift. its cute, like watching special people play badminton.

im just happy to see them still in the game, looks like they are coming for devona! hehe

and in edit to your comment to my post…i wasnt bragging….i was commenting on isle actually getting some points.. (pssst…im not from isle)

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Wow really…Darkhaven whinging about ‘nightcapping’? They exact thing you lot have done all matchup to both us and DR? Really? lol

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Bah! its ok Oozo….let em run around and have some points in the last half of the grave shift. its cute, like watching special people play badminton.

im just happy to see them still in the game, looks like they are coming for devona! hehe

and in edit to your comment to my post…i wasnt bragging….i was commenting on isle actually getting some points.. (pssst…im not from isle)

The bragging comment wasn’t directed at you. I have a strong dislike for PPT screenshots taken from PvDooring. They remind me why this game has totally failed to deliver a good competitive game server versus server versus server.

The open field fighting is still fun though.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Ummmm…no one was whining.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Ummmm…no one was whining.

While that may be true, you weren’t accused of whining. You were accused of whinging. Of which, you are entirely guilty as charged. I think.


[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: mfernandez.4172


was a good night ioj :-)



4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


Ummmm…no one was whining.

While that may be true, you weren’t accused of whining. You were accused of whinging. Of which, you are entirely guilty as charged. I think.


you know oozo….your wit is appreciated this morning. / tip of the hat

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

Please tell me you were the GEN commander trying to take Hills in DHBL and got double Rager on. If not pleas tell that commander it was only because of his tag.

Also nice try against our hills and bay and soon we will be taking back our SM.
Also IoJ, where has these numbers been all match up, never been this much fun taking you guys on after work each day this week.


Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Please tell me you were the GEN commander trying to take Hills in DHBL and got double Rager on. If not pleas tell that commander it was only because of his tag.

Also nice try against our hills and bay and soon we will be taking back our SM.
Also IoJ, where has these numbers been all match up, never been this much fun taking you guys on after work each day this week.

Yes…yes that was me My guys scouted DR goleming north gate JUST as we were about to port our golems for south gate, the rush to get through north gate was poor on my part and got us wiped, i deserve the ram to the face!

I’ve logged for the night as our server is pretty much asleep at the moment for a few more hours, if only we had some European guilds we might actually stand a chance to hold SM. Its amazing to see it change so quickly in EB, DH going from about 10-15 people up to ~40 alone in EB just as the aussies log for the night, its pretty much perfect PvDoor time for both our servers.

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

Good fun in Drb and bl yesterday. Some fun fights with both ioj and dh.
Got run over by se mesmer/else swarms probably 15 times.
Nice duel with a necro at The island. I tried to go there later, but got run over by a zerg with golems. Hope to see you on the field again.

Not sure why everyone and their dog were trying to get SM. Oh and ioj, why do you need so many golems?
I mean 2 or 3 are nice. But that’s an overkill for a nightcap.

Oh and ty for Dusk,SW tower Guard.

Loot bag of the Wind

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


last episide guild of our lifes: isle of jambo host great jingle of christmas feast when bring a derk haven and debona’s rest guest to big roasted bird feast. a murderd man of fat and jolly, santa, wreck disorder to holiday of everyone. and so, a police or batman needed to deliver world children in happy and joy and present before debona’s rest labor in pregnants

Bah! I keep dying in your videos. (In my defense, I figured it was either jump down and die with friendlies, or stay up there and get pummelled by red names.)

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Good fun in Drb and bl yesterday. Some fun fights with both ioj and dh.
Got run over by se mesmer/else swarms probably 15 times.
Nice duel with a necro at The island. I tried to go there later, but got run over by a zerg with golems. Hope to see you on the field again.

Not sure why everyone and their dog were trying to get SM. Oh and ioj, why do you need so many golems?
I mean 2 or 3 are nice. But that’s an overkill for a nightcap.

Oh and ty for Dusk,SW tower Guard.

Loot bag of the Wind

if you watch our youtube videos you would know why lol xD I led the 21 golem raid on SM a few nights ago trying to beat another one of our commanders record of taking it in 45 seconds. Sadly it took me 145 seconds


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Well, outmanned in EB again, with a horde of Darkhaven attacking our keep, with barely any DR protecting it, so it’s pretty obvious what would happen, after they got the gates down with their many rams and…

…or wait somehow DR manages to rally an impressive defense in a hurry and my little engineer had a lovely path of shiny badges to nibble on.

Also, to that group of Darkhaveners hungering for my blood so much that they chased me from Lowlands to QL, I salute your determination to follow me right into my friendly reinforcements.


Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


Ah, that pic of all those golems confirms my suspicions. I have stated this for many months and now is the time for me to say “I told you so.”

Dear brothers and sisters of DR. James Games, the undisputed #1 wvw’er in the world, has not only transferred to IOJ, but has in fact changed his name to hide his true identity ( Well played sir. )

As you read this post, be aware that at this very moment a 1 bazillion golems force is being built. It’s purpose is to wipe out all we love in our beloved wvw. Cherish your last moments of basking in the glorious sun. Our time has come to an end.

In short. We are doomed. DOOMED! All hail our new supreme overlord and master… James Games FOREVER!

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


DH the reason you dont see a whole lot of respect is you move in a blob… im sure when im not on you have some wonderful small group players… but the smallest group I see on average is 10.

You pile 50 into a tower then treb the next spot and dont come out till you can swarm it… you will not fight in open field with remotely even numbers if you can help it (which isnt often since you have a much larger active wvw population than DR or IOJ) people are tired of fighting you because its kitteny boring…

I havent seen a single change in tactics out of you guys since we started fighting you, (obviously im talking about when I am on only) With your active population advantage you should be trying new tactics because your coverage advantage guarantees you a win.

But what ever keep doing the same thing eventually you will move up and then it will be brutal for you because you didnt take the time to learn new tictacs.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


While yes, DH’s tendency to run into rather large groups is a pain, and yes, it’s probably unlikely DR will be able to score first this week (So close yet so far), but…

I… actually don’t think we can complain all that much this week, if things keep up. With possibly the exception of Tier 8, this current tier fight is the most balanced one of all the other tiers. Who knows, maybe next week, DH’s fairweathers will finally call it quits, letting our fairweathers suddenly flock in.

Though I feel like I’m forgetting about someone in this matchup… /doesn’t notice IoJ’s flailing around

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Its frustrating to me because I wouldn’t mind seeing DH move up and do well… but until they learn a tactic other than Swarm lesser numbered enemy they will get crushed next tier let alone move any further.

And to me the fights have been insanely boring when I’m on, I cant wait till im off shifting at work so I can get some fun fights away from NA prime time.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Lovely night by IoJ, Great job guys!

Worth the two eye bags I’m wearing today. Totally worth it!

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


And to me the fights have been insanely boring when I’m on, I cant wait till im off shifting at work so I can get some fun fights away from NA prime time.

Aussie prime times where its at…well for IoJ anyways Do DH and DR have like no australian/oceanic presence?! Thats when our servers at its strongest/your servers are at their weakest

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

Its frustrating to me because I wouldn’t mind seeing DH move up and do well… but until they learn a tactic other than Swarm lesser numbered enemy they will get crushed next tier let alone move any further.

And to me the fights have been insanely boring when I’m on, I cant wait till im off shifting at work so I can get some fun fights away from NA prime time.

Try the banker shift, lots of fun and IoJ/DH are even but at times ioj seems to have more thjan us. DR is outmanned durning this time. you will see DH use tactics at time when you can get people to listen but that dosent happen alot.

Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Jaaded.1870


A lot of great really big fights and small fights in all the bls and eb tonight! Tx for fun :p

Yak’s Bend

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Krelkain.5418


last episide guild of our lifes: in the summer camp derk haven and debona’s rest earn tie knot merit badge but only one to have. in struggle to sharing, camp chairman [OINK] intervene with peace offering of marshmellow campfire and ghost frightstory in heroic cameo of good feel hug to campers

Bah! I keep dying in your videos. (In my defense, I figured it was either jump down and die with friendlies, or stay up there and get pummelled by red names.)

Could have happened to any one of us, considering the situation. It was awesome. Leg hugs.

Jezri | [NoQQ] Earmentalist & Guardkat
[NoQQ] Videos
Devona’s Rest

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


I am officially annoyed with how 9 times out of 10, DH will go for hitting Devona’s borderlands and not even touch IoJ borderlands. Same goes for IoJ, you won’t hit DH’s borderlands. Both IoJ and DH will go for hitting Devona’s borderlands, like they did again today. What was even more disappointing was when IoJ was hitting our Bay keep, DH entered Bay keep as well. DH just stood on the ridge and watched IoJ hitting Bay inner walls/gates, and then left.

Seriously, we are getting to the point were we are shocked when we find IoJ and DH fighting eachother. Case in point right now DH is hitting our borderlands full on and we only have garrison left, and only 1 tower in IoJ borderlands (no camps there, so it was seigerazor). And we have nothing in Eternal battlegrounds, but IoJ has their side of the map, and isn’t under attack at all.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


I am officially annoyed with how 9 times out of 10, DH will go for hitting Devona’s borderlands and not even touch IoJ borderlands. Same goes for IoJ, you won’t hit DH’s borderlands. Both IoJ and DH will go for hitting Devona’s borderlands, like they did again today. What was even more disappointing was when IoJ was hitting our Bay keep, DH entered Bay keep as well. DH just stood on the ridge and watched IoJ hitting Bay inner walls/gates, and then left.

Seriously, we are getting to the point were we are shocked when we find IoJ and DH fighting eachother. Case in point right now DH is hitting our borderlands full on and we only have garrison left, and only 1 tower in IoJ borderlands (no camps there, so it was seigerazor). And we have nothing in Eternal battlegrounds, but IoJ has their side of the map, and isn’t under attack at all.

Wait wait wait, have look again in EB…DH zerged your corner first, they now have 40+ people hitting our towers, Its not our fault they only run in one big derpzerg. And just earlier today we had the whole east side of DH’s map and were pushing dh in EB.

Every server cops a gangbanging, dont be so uppity when it happens to yours.

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, DarkHaven?


Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sage.5843


Charrcat very much liked many DH and many IOJ in DR BL. Big battles much destruction fighting rampage blood killing explosion death slaughter destroying*. Except even better because it one zone without annoying Eternal Battleground treb cannon siege interruption every five dead bodies.

Many cat treats all for Charrcat, Charrcat has a happy. Also save valuable time in find stuff to kill. Charrcat hate doing lots of cardio, even with much Swiftness boon and red Gatorade**. Much prefer fast food convenience, what other Charrcat friend call "target rich environment."


**Unfortunately not come in blood flavor

Member of [DAWN]
NA Dragonbrand Server

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Just wanted to share a little funny moment and the kindness and love I received from certain… ahem, Darkhavens.

It started like this….

(sorry had to edit again… the chat had a bad word)


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

(edited by MethaneGas.8357)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


…. and ended like this. Was a good laugh xP


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


What started off as one of the more enjoyable WvW weekends that DR has had in months has dissolved into the worst pvdoor competition since SBI.. Ah well, time to find enjoyment in other things until next reset.

Tarnished Coast

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, DarkHaven?

Oooh, you exposed my 2 cents! LOL!


Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, DarkHaven?

Oooh, you exposed my 2 cents! LOL!

You were’nt the only one giving your 2 cents!

I reckon we would have held OW if i wasnt supressed for 10 bloody minutes, we needed those trebs down but not many would listen!

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, DarkHaven?

Oooh, you exposed my 2 cents! LOL!

You were’nt the only one giving your 2 cents!

I reckon we would have held OW if i wasnt supressed for 10 bloody minutes, we needed those trebs down but not many would listen!

Oh sorry about that, I have to leave for work.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Has dh taken to running up level karma trains midweek now?

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


last episide guild of our lifes: in the summer camp derk haven and debona’s rest earn tie knot merit badge but only one to have. in struggle to sharing, camp chairman [OINK] intervene with peace offering of marshmellow campfire and ghost frightstory in heroic cameo of good feel hug to campers

Bah! I keep dying in your videos. (In my defense, I figured it was either jump down and die with friendlies, or stay up there and get pummelled by red names.)

Could have happened to any one of us, considering the situation. It was awesome. Leg hugs.

Jezri you have the uncanny knack of putting funny sayings in the right place. I had a really good chuckle at the very end of the vid. Keep up the good work ;-}

“I think we might be getting overwhelmed”……… (response) “A Little bit”

Stylii Elementalist (Sylvari)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
“I think we might be getting overwhelmed”……… (response) “A Little bit”

(edited by Zizanzi.4678)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I am officially annoyed with how 9 times out of 10, DH will go for hitting Devona’s borderlands and not even touch IoJ borderlands. Same goes for IoJ, you won’t hit DH’s borderlands. Both IoJ and DH will go for hitting Devona’s borderlands, like they did again today. What was even more disappointing was when IoJ was hitting our Bay keep, DH entered Bay keep as well. DH just stood on the ridge and watched IoJ hitting Bay inner walls/gates, and then left.

Seriously, we are getting to the point were we are shocked when we find IoJ and DH fighting eachother. Case in point right now DH is hitting our borderlands full on and we only have garrison left, and only 1 tower in IoJ borderlands (no camps there, so it was seigerazor). And we have nothing in Eternal battlegrounds, but IoJ has their side of the map, and isn’t under attack at all.

Your kidding right? I hope you realize DR had their zerg in IoJ borderlands and ninja’d our garrison WHILE Dh was taking your BL. In fact you kept your zerg in our borderland when all you had left was your garrison (who’s really playing for second? LOL) And 12pm central is usually the start of our primetime…going up against DH for a while has taught me that their zergball will attack the server left most undefended which 9 times out of 10 is always IoJ. but it just so happened to be DR for once which is why you lost your corner in EB. Also with the incident at bay..DH didn’t just come in and ignore us, they wiped us and then backed off (notice how they took redbriar from us)


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562



Skulls for the skull plush cat bed?

Also, shouldn’t it be Khârncat?


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lepew.7890


With DH’s numbers the only thing that makes sense is for IoJ and DR to attack DH. When we do this and ignore the IoJ homeland, IoJ goes and stirs stuff up in our borderland. If we defend in numbers on our borderland, the DH zerg shows up there with IoJ helping them out. If we press in EB, IoJ ignores DH and goes for our towers and assets in EB, or attacks our borderland.

The night capping crew the previous night for IoJ took most of EB, and made a point of capping almost all of DR, and laying off DH. Even at night it is clear the favored target of IoJ is DR.

This unmistakeable pattern of laying off DH and going for DR by IoJ is why we say you play for 2nd. You play for second because you never really attack DH (1st place). We don’t really understand it. Did they buy you flowers? Did they whisper sweet nothings in your ear? Are you expecting a love child this spring? It is clear DH and IoJ love is in the air.

Our only real move here is to defend DRBL and push IoJBL. The only time that can end is when it is obvious IoJ and DH have had a love spat and start to fight each other for a change.

McDingus – DDLG guild – Stormbluff Isle

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


So, I have been trying to implement some of these ideas into Darkhaven’s play without much success. Even with things like placing extra siege to educate on unresisted objectives are still called a “waste of supply.” To the short term, it may have validity, but when considering the long term strength of a server and its experience and education, it is a valuable concept.

I have been trying to do this from my first day on DH, to little avail. Doesnt mean I will stop trying, and it may be time, yet again, to throw some ideas out there. It isnt meant to be some ultra advanced tactics, or anything like that. The goal is to hopefully get everyone on the server to a basic understanding of WvW, and also importantly, be on roughly the same page and going from the same playbook.

I am aware most will not find this valuable, nor will they try out anything presented. Which is why I am posting it in this thread, because I want to see some of these things on the battlefield so we can truly start having some epic battles. The only way I believe that will happen is if we just start seeing its efficacy in short term battles, as well as long term success of the server. In the end, if there is just one thing of value to one person, then I will consider it a success on my part.

I do not have a commander title, nor do I have many that even know my name on the server. Even if I did though, to be the most successful, it will need as many people as possible to work as a team (which is a good thing in and of itself).

-The idea is NOT to get every single person in the zerg in communication and organized because that is a completely unfeasible goal even within a guild group, much less people from all over the world with different incentives. What should be attempted is to have enough people who are organized, and a zerg that will focus movement on a commander tag (which is natural behavior). Working this to our advantage can reap massive benefits. It hinders our success to solely focus on one type of play (organized group on voice comms). Taking into consideration the movement of a zerg is imperative for leading a large group of people. My ideas are to use an unorganized zerg in the most efficient way possible.

-Much like with the little tips that are put into loading screens on so many games, we can help educate our general populace by randomly giving out tidbits of information. The idea is to raise the base level of awareness and experience throughout the ENTIRE server. Tips like;
-Eles can lay down water fields like healing rain at the enemies front line to help heal their teams melee fighters.
-Engineers can provide good control and healing with their bomb kit and the proper traits
-Guardians can protect their team with shields, aegis, and even constant boons
-Warriors can provide excellent control with the leg specialist trait on an Arrow Cart
-Thiefs can help the fight quickly tip to your teams favor by picking off people who retreat to the back line of their forces to heal
-Mesmers can control an entire enemy zerg with one well placed Feedback Bubble, and can massively help their own team by one more skill; Null Field.
-Necromancers can take advantage of conditions and boons. Using something like “Corrupt Boon” on a guardian who just used “Save Yourselves,” then using epidemic can be devastating to an enemies front line. Same goes for finding a boon stacking ele. Anything with a lot of boons will work, in fact!
-Rangers can coordinate attacks with other rangers to have their pets focus down people on the back line or attempting to retreat


Henosis [ONE]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


-Try to keep a large group split into two units; the front line and the back line.
-Can be shaped with swiftness
-The more diverse the class makeup, the better
-The attached picture should be the basic template for most engagements. It can get as complicated as wanted, but should be based in this concept.
-The frontline controls the movement of the fight on the field
-The back line lays down range fire, combo fields, and watch for/prevent flanks
-The back line can also serve as scouts
-Control areas (CC zone) are done to funnel enemy forces into the kill zone. Basically, it is the creation of an artificial choke point. The unorganized part of the zerg itself will likely take care of the control in the kill zone itself.
-The kill zone that is the area of focused fire of the majority of the zerg
-The zerg naturally shapes itself in this way. We just try give it defined the edges with an organized few.
-Ideally the combo field line is the same kind at once, i.e.;
-“Lay down poison”
-“Lay down the ethereal”
-“Lay down smoke”
-Use the mesmer skill portal to quickly move each unit around
-Can be used to do anything from laterally kite enemy fire to instantly gain an elevation advantage
-With multiple mesmers, 50-90% of the units movement can be done with this skill
-Can be used to switch the units position
-The back line has one of their mesmers drop a portal then run to the front line and drop the other side of the portal. This allows the two lines to shift places quickly.
-Each unit should have several people capable of doing blast finishers and water fields for on demand area healing

-Commanders: when leading a large zerg of mainly new players and are not running into any resistance (i.e. PvDoor), try laying down one ram, one arrow cart, one balista, and one catapult in some of the best spots for each (there are always quite a few) so players are always learning where to look for these things
-people can also learn different placements that they may not have been aware of for when there arent any commanders on the field

Like I said, this isnt to come up with some super advanced “I win” button. The two main goals are to come up with some sort of semi-cohesive playbook and raise the base level of knowledge of the entire server.

So, to those who are new and just starting to read the forums as well, I hope you found some value in this. Hopefully, in time, we can start to work as a more cohesive unit and actually use the “red zoned” zergs to our advantage. And if another server picks it up and runs with it, well then DH, we will have to step our game up anyway.

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Formatting got all messed up, but I know better than to try to fix it on these forums, lol.

Henosis [ONE]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


Fallout is 100% correct.

DH did not wipe IOJ at the bay defense by DR. I was personally there for the entire event. DH came in, saw IOJ at inner door, tried to take out any DR defenders up on top, then left. IOJ got wiped in a kill box in inner bay, between door and lord. At that time, the demise of the IOJ zerg, DH was nowhere near bay.

Between 7-10pm cst, I personally watched as the DH zerg ball completely ignored any and all IOJ. We had commanders coming into our TS channel asking if we were seeing the same thing. Come on. If a 50+ man DH zerg ignores ( and I do mean gives them a pass by letting them walk right by ) a 10 man IOJ group, but attacks a 10 man DR group… well, Lucy, you got some splain to do.

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638



It seems that select groups from DH are either REALLY rooting for IoJ or DR. You will see this reflected in their actions on the field.

I would say that the larger percentage are those rooting for IoJ. That said, on one of the reset nights (before the reset), there was even a commander going around breaking down IoJ keep doors in their BL and then actually leaving it expecting the DR forces to come in and take it. So, it goes both ways.

I would be surprised if the same wasnt present on pretty much any server.

Henosis [ONE]