4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Doesn’t really matter who double teams who to be honest.

Neither DR, IoJ or DH will be in this tier forever, and the only server that will be in a better place because of it is DR.

In T5 against Ehmry Bay DH will get absolutely smashed, and without a dominant server that DR has to deal with during prime time we can easily kick IoJ’s kitten in T7.

You lose some you win some. But when ratings finally settle soon I expect DR to win more than we lose. Especially against a weak IoJ prime time.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


Doesn’t really matter who double teams who to be honest.

Neither DR, IoJ or DH will be in this tier forever, and the only server that will be in a better place because of it is DR.

In T5 against Ehmry Bay DH will get absolutely smashed, and without a dominant server that DR has to deal with during prime time we can easily kick IoJ’s kitten in T7.

You lose some you win some. But when ratings finally settle soon I expect DR to win more than we lose. Especially against a weak IoJ prime time.

Lol just stomp IOJ that easily? Haha, quite the confidence i see… Thats good, keep it up champ!

IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


Totally agree with both of you. My point, and from conversations last night in TS it’s more than just my observastion, is that this current trio is being prolonged beyond what it should have been.

We are currently looking at another week of this matchup and the gap isn’t in place to make any of the 3 servers move in either direction. I stated weeks ago that I could see this being a long drawn out matchup, and that seems to be whats happening. If there is an answer to this, it’s above my paygrade.

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Here is my question if there is no kind of agreement or alliance of any sort how the heck has the points swing in the last 24-36 hours occurred… Last night I go to sleep (sick and exhausted so I could remember wrong) we still had a slight lead on IOJ..

I get off work… IOJ has a 6 k lead on us???

Im not blaming entire servers but that kind of swing would require large transfers of people to IOJ or agreements between some of the larger guilds on both DH and IOJ… is there a third possibility?

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

Last night we were in IoJ BL with our “massive” zerg (10-15 players). As the night went on in IoJ BL, we did accumulate more people though, because of the commander (he’s pretty popular).

After the map turned green (around 12-1 am PST) our “zerg” of 10-15 people went into DR BL, ONLY to take Garrison, Bay and Hills (people left after we changed maps). You know why? Because of all the whining on this forum, and your gates (except for one) were paper (must have just gotten them back). I saw maybe 5 DR coming to defend what was yours!

When we were in IoJ, there were probably between 20-40 who came to defend what was theirs. What’s the deal with that? Don’t want to fight, or not paying attention to the maps?

I can’t say much for EB, since I hardly ever go in there, too laggy.

I would say the people in my guild pretty much just go where there is the least amount of green on the map, and we go to have fun! You might see the whole group jumping off a cliff, just because. We like to enjoy our time out there running around, and do a lot of laughing. If we see something happening in our BL, we WILL go back right away (we spend a lot of money on upgrading those keeps).

P.S. To the IoJ thief out there trailing us last night…..You are good at your profession! We got a giggle out of seeing the “fallen/dead” icon on the screen for whoever was falling behind. We did manage to catch you in the water when we took DR’s Bay, but that was after an hour or so of you creeping on us.


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lepew.7890


Hey Tuluum,

Not sure what you can really do without a commanders tag and TS/Ventrilo. Your playerbase has to seriously want something more to improve. Right now the mindless uncoordinated zerging is working, and there is no need to stretch. If you can simply throw more and more bodies at the enemy, and run back from spawn after you die for another try, why should you ever need advanced tactics?

You are in luck with respect to DR, which will fight DH (unlike IoJ). We have several commanders who have worked tactics to defeat superior numbers with mindless zerging. Our central problem though is we are stretched for coverage and can not be everywhere at once. If we can defeat superior numbers of you guys often enough so the average zergling starts wanting a different outcome, that may be the spark that encourages better WvW on DH.

It is only when those mindless zerging tactics fail that you will find people open to the idea of doing complex strategies. You then can work to build up coordinated WvW guilds.

The answer to your problem is probably something you wont like. You guys need to go up a tier and get the snot beaten out of you by better organized, equal sized servers. Or you will have to fight and push IoJ out of this bracket so someone else will come up that will give you a fight rather than a wave, and stretch your people with a (2+3) v. (1) fight. At that point your tactics will have to change, and your player base will be in a receptive state of learning.

You can see this sort of thing on the PvE side. You run an instance. You have a brilliant idea on how to EZmode the next boss. Nobody listens and bulls ahead with brute dumb tactics. Only when you wipe are they in a receptive state of learning. Failure is the motivator for better play.

McDingus – DDLG guild – Stormbluff Isle

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Hey Tuluum,

Not sure what you can really do without a commanders tag and TS/Ventrilo. Your playerbase has to seriously want something more to improve.

Well, my entire goal for a while now is to be able to shape that zerg with as little communication as possible. There is a lot to learn there.

The answer to your problem is probably something you wont like. You guys need to go up a tier and get the snot beaten out of you by better organized, equal sized servers.

On the surface, this may seem like a solution. But, given that this has happened to DH more times than I can count at this point (at least relatively close numbers), I am not so sure a real solution is of any relation to the specific strength of the server faced.

Henosis [ONE]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Saybur.4532


After the map turned green (around 12-1 am PST)…

I think that’s your problem. That’s 3-4 am EST, and you said AFTER. What kind of response are you expecting at that hour?

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


@MoW Warrior, don’t be upset bro, there is literally nothing you can do to win. Just out comped.

Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


Here is my question if there is no kind of agreement or alliance of any sort how the heck has the points swing in the last 24-36 hours occurred… Last night I go to sleep (sick and exhausted so I could remember wrong) we still had a slight lead on IOJ..

I get off work… IOJ has a 6 k lead on us???

Im not blaming entire servers but that kind of swing would require large transfers of people to IOJ or agreements between some of the larger guilds on both DH and IOJ… is there a third possibility?

IoJ was the second Oceanic server since launch. Mr Starkk only comes out when NA is at work and when I’m at work…

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) : http://bit.ly/1lWH6T8

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sobiech.9613


If i had the gold, i’d totally donate to you for a tag. This also illustrates the problem with the Commander tag completely and Anet needs to relook at that. Regardless, you see the problem and are willing to work to change the status quo. I don’t see that in others.


Dependence on zerging in DH needs to change.

Reine Tovar [HoTR] – Mesmer
Aerika [HoTR] – Necromancer

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


Hey Tuluum,

Not sure what you can really do without a commanders tag and TS/Ventrilo. Your playerbase has to seriously want something more to improve. Right now the mindless uncoordinated zerging is working, and there is no need to stretch. If you can simply throw more and more bodies at the enemy, and run back from spawn after you die for another try, why should you ever need advanced tactics?

You are in luck with respect to DR, which will fight DH (unlike IoJ). We have several commanders who have worked tactics to defeat superior numbers with mindless zerging. Our central problem though is we are stretched for coverage and can not be everywhere at once. If we can defeat superior numbers of you guys often enough so the average zergling starts wanting a different outcome, that may be the spark that encourages better WvW on DH.

It is only when those mindless zerging tactics fail that you will find people open to the idea of doing complex strategies. You then can work to build up coordinated WvW guilds.

The answer to your problem is probably something you wont like. You guys need to go up a tier and get the snot beaten out of you by better organized, equal sized servers. Or you will have to fight and push IoJ out of this bracket so someone else will come up that will give you a fight rather than a wave, and stretch your people with a (2+3) v. (1) fight. At that point your tactics will have to change, and your player base will be in a receptive state of learning.

You can see this sort of thing on the PvE side. You run an instance. You have a brilliant idea on how to EZmode the next boss. Nobody listens and bulls ahead with brute dumb tactics. Only when you wipe are they in a receptive state of learning. Failure is the motivator for better play.

Are u guy’s seriously this mindless? IOJ does’nt fight DH? lmao just give it up for the love of god. I can verify all day with screenshot’s, i’ve followed Counter Barrier into larger DR AND DH zerg’s then us and wiped em, and we’ve been wiped as well. Maybe your talking about a different population that for some odd reason we don’t communicate with(highly unlikely), but we fight DR/DH equally.. We ourselve’s work tactics for larger zerg’s as well, WELCOME TO THE CLUB (were outnumbered a majority of the time!). Cut the whiney bullkitten, it’s so freaking old, go PLAY THE GAME (and by play the game i mean actually take action, not jump off wall’s of keeps your defending to get away, when u outnumber that little s/d asura thief 3v1 lmao DDLG).

TL:DR – DH has MORE players/coverage, IOJ fight’s both servers, stop whining.. Such is life, it’s not fair deal with it.

IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Here is my question if there is no kind of agreement or alliance of any sort how the heck has the points swing in the last 24-36 hours occurred… Last night I go to sleep (sick and exhausted so I could remember wrong) we still had a slight lead on IOJ..

I get off work… IOJ has a 6 k lead on us???

Im not blaming entire servers but that kind of swing would require large transfers of people to IOJ or agreements between some of the larger guilds on both DH and IOJ… is there a third possibility?

IoJ was the second Oceanic server since launch. Mr Starkk only comes out when NA is at work and when I’m at work…

Yea we knew you guys had better off hours coverage… just seems weird that all of a sudden DH is afraid to go near your borderland… Im sure you can understand why some people are skeptical.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


After the map turned green (around 12-1 am PST)…

I think that’s your problem. That’s 3-4 am EST, and you said AFTER. What kind of response are you expecting at that hour?

No, no, it’s DR’s fault that we don’t have enough oceanic’s to stop DH’s skillful attempts to defeat our doors. I’m embarrassed to admit that I totally got outplayed by them… granted I was in pillow and blanket spec at the time, but still, that’s hardly an excuse for me.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: cyranstar.3425


Last night we were in IoJ BL with our “massive” zerg (10-15 players). As the night went on in IoJ BL, we did accumulate more people though, because of the commander (he’s pretty popular).

After the map turned green (around 12-1 am PST) our “zerg” of 10-15 people went into DR BL, ONLY to take Garrison, Bay and Hills (people left after we changed maps). You know why? Because of all the whining on this forum, and your gates (except for one) were paper (must have just gotten them back). I saw maybe 5 DR coming to defend what was yours!

When we were in IoJ, there were probably between 20-40 who came to defend what was theirs. What’s the deal with that? Don’t want to fight, or not paying attention to the maps?

I can’t say much for EB, since I hardly ever go in there, too laggy.

I would say the people in my guild pretty much just go where there is the least amount of green on the map, and we go to have fun! You might see the whole group jumping off a cliff, just because. We like to enjoy our time out there running around, and do a lot of laughing. If we see something happening in our BL, we WILL go back right away (we spend a lot of money on upgrading those keeps).

P.S. To the IoJ thief out there trailing us last night…..You are good at your profession! We got a giggle out of seeing the “fallen/dead” icon on the screen for whoever was falling behind. We did manage to catch you in the water when we took DR’s Bay, but that was after an hour or so of you creeping on us.

Those two IoJ thiefs! omg….I hate them only because they were so good. Teach me to stop for gold nodes again!
“Myro! Come save me!” lulz

Several very loud DR have been giving us a lot of grief for kitteny things and QQ’ing while IoJ has been pretty good sports about it all and showing up for good fights and good competition. IoJ keeps a good presence in their BL most of the time we go there and we ran into some pretty large forces chasing us around in IoJ last night which was quite fun. They are good at fighting us off with strategic siege when they’re outnumbered. I think IoJ has great potential and will be a force to contend with if they have some more numbers. Having said that, I have mad respect for DR’s Btsy, NoQQ guys and their other friends.
There is no overt agenda or alliance but when it comes down to whose BL we’re going to raid it’s a pretty easy choice at the moment. You reap what you sow.

SBI/Abys/Mes-Anyaleska, Engi-Scarlett Rogue, Guardian-Anyalyssa

(edited by cyranstar.3425)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692



Really your going to claim the boards are why you guys go to Our BL every night..

thanks for the laugh… at least BP had the stones to admit what was going on..

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: cyranstar.3425



Really your going to claim the boards are why you guys go to Our BL every night..

thanks for the laugh… at least BP had the stones to admit what was going on..

For the server? No.
For some of us in my guild? Yes. And our commander draws in the pugs like moths to a flame.

SBI/Abys/Mes-Anyaleska, Engi-Scarlett Rogue, Guardian-Anyalyssa

(edited by cyranstar.3425)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I go to DR because I <3 u my DR playmates!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Doesn’t really matter who double teams who to be honest.

Neither DR, IoJ or DH will be in this tier forever, and the only server that will be in a better place because of it is DR.

In T5 against Ehmry Bay DH will get absolutely smashed, and without a dominant server that DR has to deal with during prime time we can easily kick IoJ’s kitten in T7.

You lose some you win some. But when ratings finally settle soon I expect DR to win more than we lose. Especially against a weak IoJ prime time.

you do know we’re kicking your butt’s during YOUR prime time right now, right? Don’t underestimate our aussies either..they’re what closed the 12k gap and actually gave us a lead of 5.5k. DR is just a bitter server, there is always an excuse as to why you lose be it zergs/double team/or exploits (not valid reasons since DR has double teamed and zergstomped IoJ plenty of times; although atleast from what I’ve seen you guys have the integrity to not use exploits) still however DR and DH have a far larger WvW population then IoJ does and the reason we’re beating DR right now is proof of our superior tactics.

and for a side note: DH is actually a good server, they know how to use their numbers and disperse them into remote groups to hit multiple fronts all at once. As far as tactics go they are just plain better then the ones in DR


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059


Really your going to claim the boards are why you guys go to Our BL every night..

thanks for the laugh… at least BP had the stones to admit what was going on..

For the server? No.
For some of us in my guild? Yes. And our commander draws in the pugs like moths to a flame.

Of course you are going to go to DRBL. The least effort for the most amount of points right? It will serve your server well in T5 where your PvD tactics may not be so relevant anymore.

I’m done discussing scoreboards, double teaming and PvDooring. Enough has been said about it already, and everyone has made their point. DR is outmanned 12-16 hours a day and so I guess we reap what we sow.

I knew we should have paid some Oceanic guilds to transfer here…

Doesn’t really matter who double teams who to be honest.

Neither DR, IoJ or DH will be in this tier forever, and the only server that will be in a better place because of it is DR.

In T5 against Ehmry Bay DH will get absolutely smashed, and without a dominant server that DR has to deal with during prime time we can easily kick IoJ’s kitten in T7.

You lose some you win some. But when ratings finally settle soon I expect DR to win more than we lose. Especially against a weak IoJ prime time.

you do know we’re kicking your butt’s during YOUR prime time right now, right? Don’t underestimate our aussies either..they’re what closed the 12k gap and actually gave us a lead of 5.5k. DR is just a bitter server, there is always an excuse as to why you lose be it zergs/double team/or exploits (not valid reasons since DR has double teamed and zergstomped IoJ plenty of times; although atleast from what I’ve seen you guys have the integrity to not use exploits) still however DR and DH have a far larger WvW population then IoJ does and the reason we’re beating DR right now is proof of our superior tactics.

and for a side note: DH is actually a good server, they know how to use their numbers and disperse them into remote groups to hit multiple fronts all at once. As far as tactics go they are just plain better then the ones in DR

Was writing a lengthy post describing why you are horribly wrong but then I realized you are just angry because I and others call out your server on their obvious flaws. The last paragraph proves that.

You are just another sub-par forum warrior, nothing I haven’t seen before.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Fallout is 100% correct.

DH did not wipe IOJ at the bay defense by DR. I was personally there for the entire event. DH came in, saw IOJ at inner door, tried to take out any DR defenders up on top, then left. IOJ got wiped in a kill box in inner bay, between door and lord. At that time, the demise of the IOJ zerg, DH was nowhere near bay.

Between 7-10pm cst, I personally watched as the DH zerg ball completely ignored any and all IOJ. We had commanders coming into our TS channel asking if we were seeing the same thing. Come on. If a 50+ man DH zerg ignores ( and I do mean gives them a pass by letting them walk right by ) a 10 man IOJ group, but attacks a 10 man DR group… well, Lucy, you got some splain to do.

I think I would know why my server’s attack on bay failed considering I was not only there but I was personally downed by DH’s SE commander…and guess which server took your bay 10 minutes after IoJ got wiped by DH? It was DH!!

Also just another thing I should mention DH were the ones that got down bay’s south outer gate. So we took advantage of the opportunity and tried to ninja it from DH but quickly we found out it was impossible due to us getting outzerged/portal bombed from them.

Fallout is 100% WRONG! oh, and enjoy 3rd place


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


I dont go to DR/EB because I dont like walking further than portal→island to find fights

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


I keep hearing About darkhaven only running in zergs. I can tell you this is 100% false. While the zergs are running a muck rattling their sabers. Grim and a couple other smaller wvw guilds are running around taking camps and towers aswell as fighting the other small enemy forces that we come across. Very similar to what i see people from DR and Isle doing. Any server that only rolled in zergs would be demolished because the enemy could…just go behind them and take everything back.

In regards to Tullum and talking about what people should be doing in a group. I agree with you 100% which is why when im in a larger group im constantly in water trying to do as much healing and cond removal as possible. ive noticed others that see me do this also switch over and try to help out on the support end….lets see if it truly catches on!


Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


and for a side note: DH is actually a good server, they know how to use their numbers and disperse them into remote groups to hit multiple fronts all at once. As far as tactics go they are just plain better then the ones in DR

Does this include the repeated sending of 20 people into se supply, and to their death, while the entirety of the south borderland is blue? Cause I see that a lot.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


I keep hearing About darkhaven only running in zergs. I can tell you this is 100% false. While the zergs are running a muck rattling their sabers. Grim and a couple other smaller wvw guilds are running around taking camps and towers aswell as fighting the other small enemy forces that we come across. Very similar to what i see people from DR and Isle doing. Any server that only rolled in zergs would be demolished because the enemy could…just go behind them and take everything back.

In regards to Tullum and talking about what people should be doing in a group. I agree with you 100% which is why when im in a larger group im constantly in water trying to do as much healing and cond removal as possible. ive noticed others that see me do this also switch over and try to help out on the support end….lets see if it truly catches on!


I will give that to you. I see groups of <10 grim quite often, keep it up. Only other group I see is PD’s A-team who also happens to be the only group to even remotely put up a challenge 5v5.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


“proof of our superior tactics.” + “our aussies either..they’re what closed the 12k gap”

… hehehe…. Haahahahaahaaaahahaa. My sides… My sides ache so bad…. Lollolollll

So, let me get this stright. Your superior tactics involve oceanic hours ( that includes Aussies for the thinking impaired ) using a whole lot of PvD. As far as complaining about exploits… Hmmmmm, I guess all the screen shots of said exploits, I mean “tactics”, in use were what exactly?

As far as bay. You got rofl stomped in a kill box by DR. As far as your previous posts, it would appear you don’t know much about what’s actually going on, or who killed you. Might want to adust your video setting.

If you want to keep this story, great. But I do have screen shots. Like this one right before the door went down in inner. Please do point out the DH. And do take note of number of IOJ v.s DR and then tell me about tactics. Much love.


Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Hello everyone.

I’d just like to sincerely apologise to Devona’s Rest and Darkhaven.

The reason for this is that I am Australian, and I have to play on empty servers during the time that I can play. It is with the deepest regret that I take your fully upgraded towers and keeps with minimal or no resistance.

Please forgive me.

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Hello everyone.

I’d just like to sincerely apologise to Devona’s Rest and Darkhaven.

The reason for this is that I am Australian, and I have to play on empty servers during the time that I can play. It is with the deepest regret that I take your fully upgraded towers and keeps with minimal or no resistance.

Please forgive me.

Why apologize? I don’t apologize for being a better player than everyone else.

That being said, if people could stop bragging about how they PvD’d our entire map, it would be really nice.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


You know, I would argue with my esteemed DR colleagues, but… if their complaining will have DH and IoJ (continue) to stomp around in our borderlands, I’m all for it. None of us are going to squeeze up a tier any time soon, so someone might as well drop a tier and let Sorrow’s Furnace strut their stuff.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564


last episide guild of our lifes: in the summer camp derk haven and debona’s rest earn tie knot merit badge but only one to have. in struggle to sharing, camp chairman [OINK] intervene with peace offering of marshmellow campfire and ghost frightstory in heroic cameo of good feel hug to campers

Bah! I keep dying in your videos. (In my defense, I figured it was either jump down and die with friendlies, or stay up there and get pummelled by red names.)

Could have happened to any one of us, considering the situation. It was awesome. Leg hugs.

So glad Bane and I got a little cameo .. in this most excellent clip!

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest

(edited by Sepsis.1564)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564


@MoW Warrior, don’t be upset bro, there is literally nothing you can do to win. Just out comped.

Someone got OiNk’ed?

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

I keep hearing About darkhaven only running in zergs. I can tell you this is 100% false. While the zergs are running a muck rattling their sabers. Grim and a couple other smaller wvw guilds are running around taking camps and towers aswell as fighting the other small enemy forces that we come across. Very similar to what i see people from DR and Isle doing. Any server that only rolled in zergs would be demolished because the enemy could…just go behind them and take everything back.

In regards to Tullum and talking about what people should be doing in a group. I agree with you 100% which is why when im in a larger group im constantly in water trying to do as much healing and cond removal as possible. ive noticed others that see me do this also switch over and try to help out on the support end….lets see if it truly catches on!


I will give that to you. I see groups of <10 grim quite often, keep it up. Only other group I see is PD’s A-team who also happens to be the only group to even remotely put up a challenge 5v5.

If you played the banker shift, then you would see SotD in small numbers rolling in small groups. We will roll with the zerg for xp but we tend to break off to get other targets.

Ex: When DH was retaking SM from IoJ, our group of 9 SotD broke off and went to the NW inner gate of SM and started attacking there while the rest of our zerg were at south inner gate. Zerg fell back to outer gate and then IoJ saw us at nw gate and their zerg came. at that point our zerg went back to the south gate and got it down while IoJ fired on us.

Gab theres some tactics for ya since it work. DH dose use tactics but maybe when your playing they are not or you dont see them.

Also this IoJ dont fight DH…. Banker shift, DH tends to only fight IoJ since they have a SEA crew thats huge like our prime time. But around 6-7am pst we get rolling and we roll hard. Not ours/IoJ fault that DR dont have a great SEA crew to fight and force us to PvDoor.

Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584




I keep hearing About darkhaven only running in zergs. I can tell you this is 100% false. While the zergs are running a muck rattling their sabers. Grim and a couple other smaller wvw guilds are running around taking camps and towers aswell as fighting the other small enemy forces that we come across. Very similar to what i see people from DR and Isle doing. Any server that only rolled in zergs would be demolished because the enemy could…just go behind them and take everything back.

In regards to Tullum and talking about what people should be doing in a group. I agree with you 100% which is why when im in a larger group im constantly in water trying to do as much healing and cond removal as possible. ive noticed others that see me do this also switch over and try to help out on the support end….lets see if it truly catches on!


I will give that to you. I see groups of <10 grim quite often, keep it up. Only other group I see is PD’s A-team who also happens to be the only group to even remotely put up a challenge 5v5.

i dont agree that its the only group. Because more often then not, when we are on our 80’s and not lvl 15up levels Grim ends up on their feet more often then not in evenly matched skirmishes.

I do recall being beaten by you oinks, you guys move really well and work as a unit to achieve a common goal. which is one thing we work on nightly, using fields/finishers and support abilities to change the ebb and flow of a battle, we get a lil better each time.

Looking forward to seein ya out there again!

Jaxx —--Not a signet warrior…lol

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


Doesn’t really matter who double teams who to be honest.

Neither DR, IoJ or DH will be in this tier forever, and the only server that will be in a better place because of it is DR.

In T5 against Ehmry Bay DH will get absolutely smashed, and without a dominant server that DR has to deal with during prime time we can easily kick IoJ’s kitten in T7.

You lose some you win some. But when ratings finally settle soon I expect DR to win more than we lose. Especially against a weak IoJ prime time.

you do know we’re kicking your butt’s during YOUR prime time right now, right? Don’t underestimate our aussies either..they’re what closed the 12k gap and actually gave us a lead of 5.5k. DR is just a bitter server, there is always an excuse as to why you lose be it zergs/double team/or exploits (not valid reasons since DR has double teamed and zergstomped IoJ plenty of times; although atleast from what I’ve seen you guys have the integrity to not use exploits) still however DR and DH have a far larger WvW population then IoJ does and the reason we’re beating DR right now is proof of our superior tactics.

and for a side note: DH is actually a good server, they know how to use their numbers and disperse them into remote groups to hit multiple fronts all at once. As far as tactics go they are just plain better then the ones in DR

Easy reason why. We at Devona are getting worn out and tired of in wvw seeing over and over again, Darkhaven map mostly green with no IoJ on it, and of seeing no Darkhaven on IoJ map. We see on eternal battlegrounds DH pounding Devona’s side on the map and not touching IoJ (add in the fact that instead IoJ keeps on raiding our side of the map as well). Then finally we see our borderlands, both DH and IoJ on it. We see again and again Dh and IoJ mostly avoiding each-others borderlands, and we are tired of it.

Case in point right now both IoJ and DH are on our borderlands, and IoJ and Dh borderlands are under full control of said teams.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

(edited by Fallout.1798)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


The reason we have been focusing on devona is because i think as a whole, Darkhaven feels that IoJ just isnt a threat….and besides that. Why would we attack the team that has almost nothing. If we take it from Devona its like double points….10 away from you and 10 to us. SO its simple math when you get down to brass tacks.

if we see isle with something shiny , we stroll over and try to take it..but for the by and large..devona has our cookie..and we want to Om nom nom.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


As much as I want to believe that Darkhaven’s reason is because we are more of a threat than IoJ, I just don’t. Devona’s has been focused on regardless of if we are in 2nd place or 3rd place. If in 3rd place, the reason is cause its easier for the 1st place server to battle instead of the 2nd placer.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


I keep hearing About darkhaven only running in zergs. I can tell you this is 100% false. While the zergs are running a muck rattling their sabers. Grim and a couple other smaller wvw guilds are running around taking camps and towers aswell as fighting the other small enemy forces that we come across. Very similar to what i see people from DR and Isle doing. Any server that only rolled in zergs would be demolished because the enemy could…just go behind them and take everything back.

In regards to Tullum and talking about what people should be doing in a group. I agree with you 100% which is why when im in a larger group im constantly in water trying to do as much healing and cond removal as possible. ive noticed others that see me do this also switch over and try to help out on the support end….lets see if it truly catches on!


Everytime I’ve ever even seen grim, which in the 5 weeks we’ve been in the matchup i could count on 1 hand, they have been with a group of 20+. I dont know if that constitutes as small man to you, but I guess everyone has their own opinion. Literally the only consistent <15 man “roaming” group that I have ever seen more than once is swindler and his group of mesmers.

Tarnished Coast

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Mini Me Three, turn your [HARD] tag on!

It’s a shame that IoJ brags about getting second because of PvD on the forums, but that isn’t enough for them. Now they’re sending spies to DR because they are so scared of us!

This guy was a definite spy. Guildless, level 1 (a guildie partied with him for a brief moment), didn’t say a word. He just stood at the waypoint moved around sometimes to keep from logging out. Everywhere we went, HARD would follow us. We were going to ninja the garrison on IoJ BL, but we were left in complete confusion when we were met by a massive HARD zerg. We kept going for objectives but every time we were greeted by the same HARD zerg. We knew certainly that this guy was a spy, so we left to go to DRBL..

And he followed us. I didn’t get a screenshot, but several other guildies did. Just as we all left to go to DRBL, we found him chilling in our garrison! What a scrub. Then, we went back to IoJ BL and a few moments later, who pops up? That’s right, good ol’ Mini Me Three. After Dark dropped his tag and stopped communicating through /map chat, we found no more problems with HARD.

It really is disgusting that a guild that brags so much about beating us needs to cheat to win. If there was a shred of respect for HARD within me, it has all been lost. You guys are so bad it’s laughable.


The Art of Roaming [gank]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Oh now I see the thread here. So it’s always #1 and #2 having a secret alliance to take out #3.

So that means in the last months DH and DR have secret alliance.

And now DH and IoJ have secret alliance.

Wow! I totally get this pattern.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


lol , you only see grim in zergs…thats funny because the only time we run in the zerg is if they are taking a big objective . once its taken we go right back to humping your camps.

lol…we spend more time in camps than Yogi Bear….So give us your kitten picnic basket!

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


It’s a pic-a-nic basket, and you can’t have it!

Fun times today, especially the pita thieves DH has that keep 15 ppl busy trying to kill them!

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: melodey.4652


Elementalist Owner, you must not be aware of Gab’s 23 side accounts parked in the spawn of each and every NA server. Don’t they inform [DDLG] of anything over there?

Actually, I’m pretty sure that was your own server, spying on itself. Because Devona’s Rest Tears needs to lengthen the vendetta list against their new foe, IOJ.

  • Playing for second? Check.
  • PvDoor? Check.
  • Spies! Definitely spies! Check.
Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: SiLENT.2346


Mini Me Three, turn your [HARD] tag on!

It’s a shame that IoJ brags about getting second because of PvD on the forums, but that isn’t enough for them. Now they’re sending spies to DR because they are so scared of us!

This guy was a definite spy. Guildless, level 1 (a guildie partied with him for a brief moment), didn’t say a word. He just stood at the waypoint moved around sometimes to keep from logging out. Everywhere we went, HARD would follow us. We were going to ninja the garrison on IoJ BL, but we were left in complete confusion when we were met by a massive HARD zerg. We kept going for objectives but every time we were greeted by the same HARD zerg. We knew certainly that this guy was a spy, so we left to go to DRBL..

And he followed us. I didn’t get a screenshot, but several other guildies did. Just as we all left to go to DRBL, we found him chilling in our garrison! What a scrub. Then, we went back to IoJ BL and a few moments later, who pops up? That’s right, good ol’ Mini Me Three. After Dark dropped his tag and stopped communicating through /map chat, we found no more problems with HARD.

It really is disgusting that a guild that brags so much about beating us needs to cheat to win. If there was a shred of respect for HARD within me, it has all been lost. You guys are so bad it’s laughable.

Talk about conspiracy theorist forum warriors. He isn’t with [HARD], So before you come to the forum trying to make us look bad, get legitimate proof that he reps hard.

Just because we have IOJ members all over the map when we’re in ANY BL keeping an eye on all movement, doesn’t mean we have spies on your server.

[HARD] – IoJ
Huntser – Ranger
Jayce Of Piltover – Warrior

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


Elementalist Owner, you must not be aware of Gab’s 23 side accounts parked in the spawn of each and every NA server. Don’t they inform [DDLG] of anything over there?

Actually, I’m pretty sure that was your own server, spying on itself. Because Devona’s Rest Tears needs to lengthen the vendetta list against their new foe, IOJ.

  • Playing for second? Check.
  • PvDoor? Check.
  • Spies! Definitely spies! Check.

Very funny, no really. If we have spys on all these other servers, then me, Dark, Blue, and other commanders have no clue about this. I and the other commanders I work with do NOT tolerate cheating or spying of any form.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Mini Me Three, turn your [HARD] tag on!

:( Why so much hate on IoJ this week? And now our specific guilds? Before you make any accusations, it’s probably a good idea to have some evidence. You’re making yourself look bad.

But alas, I suppose it’s time to spill the secret that DH and IoJ have got going on. We’re desperately trying to get DR out of this tier; as they’re the only thing that’s stopping our “secret alliance” from riding the ladder to glory and victory!

T1 ahoy!

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Divrocks.5718


Just how many times did we spread DDLG’s faces in between our kitten cheeks today? Ive always thought DR had really well coordinated guilds like NoQQ, AD, BsTY etc. but whenever i see DDLG i can’t help but grin and just say “just bumrush this group” your whole guild sucks balls. kitten at least provide some proof it’s from my guild

Now you’re talking trash about my guild? Today’s Guild event was a karma train. I have many pictures of DDLG wiping your garbage zergs with 10 or less people.

Now divert your eyes to this nice picture of DDLG spawn camping IoJ with a flame ram after capturing your whole map.


Night Nighttt the Necro
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: bellrang.1628


Just how many times did we spread DDLG’s faces in between our kitten cheeks today? Ive always thought DR had really well coordinated guilds like NoQQ, AD, BsTY etc. but whenever i see DDLG i can’t help but grin and just say “just bumrush this group” your whole guild sucks balls. kitten at least provide some proof it’s from my guild

Now you’re talking trash about my guild? Today’s Guild event was a karma train. I have many pictures of DDLG wiping your garbage zergs with 10 or less people.

Now divert your eyes to this nice picture of DDLG spawn camping IoJ with a flame ram after capturing your whole map.

Or that time 14 DDLG wiped the entire IoJ zerg of easly 40+ on there own map


Commander Bluevalle
[DDLG]- Co-Leader of Deadly Legends
[Bags]- Rally Bot

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Divrocks.5718


But it’s fine now since we talked it over with one of HARD’s leaders about the spy. IoJ goodluck in T6. Devona’s Rest will have a massive tea party with NSP and HoD while you guys wreck this tier:)!

Night Nighttt the Necro
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Dear NOX zergling outside hills in DR BL. Thanks for rage emoting at me by dancing and laughing at my corpse and having me on block already. Thats pretty impressive, just wish I could remember you, lol.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kenneth.8496


Just wanted to give my respect to the DH Asuran Guardian who I fought with for about 20 minutes just now (I was the IoJ Sylvari Ranger).

Btw, DR’s [DDLG] decided to interrupt a really obvious duel. Very classy.