4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: ganeshori.6309


I’m one of the GMs of CO, and honestly the trolling doesn’t really bother me that much. I’ve played WvW for months and I’ve seen a ton of it in game and match threads alike. There was indeed some trash talking in LA, but I probably wouldn’t have even mentioned it had I been the only person in the guild to read it.

I can’t speak for everyone, but for my part I want out because there is no cohesion or strategic execution. I often have to command when I don’t want to, for longer hours than I would otherwise like because no one else will tag up or because our only other NA guild on in force is busy fighting on another map. It’s also discouraging to know that literally everything we capture as a guild will be gone within 30 minutes of us logging out. The coverage just isn’t good enough to hold territory anymore; weeks of losing our entire home BL every day is starting to take its toll. We can only mount sporadic offensives on FA or (rarely) TC BL anymore. EB is still fun, I guess, but we want more options and a less stressful role in server strategy.

There is a reason a lot of us opt out of putting to much effort on the importance of PPT, this is a major one of them. I think T3 would meet your needs and suggest you try it for a week before making a move off of KN (assuming KN does go down this week).

Playing for PPT, in my opinion, is for those who have not yet been in T1. I know not all of FA originally started on HOD with TA, but may like myself did and we know all to well how ugly and ultimately boring (for all sides) the game gets when you focus solely on Meta. I realize FA’s casual approach to the meta game annoys TC to no end but please realize that many of us don’t care for the mega zergs and long queues which are the necessary evil of getting to and “winning” T1 for a week.

So instead we just focus on good fights and having fun. I’m not meaning anything derogatory toward TC for focusing on the PPT aspect of the game, it is certainly your prerogative to do so. Stacking your server to avoid any coverage gaps is the key to advancing the meta game as everyone already knows and it will give you the best chance of advancing to T1. I wish TC luck in their quest for tier 1, but please stop the rhetoric on how FA “should be” playing the game. Many of us have either already been through that or already understand the toxic nature of that mentality. After all, this is just a game, have some fun.

You’d think that if people on TC werent having fun we’d stop playing no?


let us know once ya spend a weee bit o’ time in T1

Sgt Rock / Necrotic Charm —- Dcon
2nd Battalion / 5th Marines – Hotel Company – Fort Aspenwood

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


TC has been through weeks of being stomped by BG, then SoR, then KN, thing is that doesnt really matter.

We dont stop playing, so assuming we arent going to have fun whichever tier we are in is more than a little presumptuous.

Hey but im not a l33t t1 vet so what do I know.

Meega Kweesta

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Troop.1369


Hey but im not a l33t t1 vet so what do I know.

Exactly. See you on the field tonight.

Black Talons – We make you nervous.

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970


FA is definitely losing coverage…

Just now TC golem rushed our keep in EB. There was a total of three people inside to defend it… with one arrow cart… and they Golem rushed us…

As 20-30 TC players bashed down one door, I ran through another and right into another 20-30 TC players.

During the daytime hours, FA just doesn’t have the numbers. We might be able to get 10-15 players per map; including the one or two spies that call out “TC zerg at bravost get here fast!” while TC takes langor and kain takes QL…

All in all, it’s just getting old

Spies? >_<

Well, at least its confirmed now. We’ve always thought they were there. Sometimes thier squads respond faster than we do. Pretty sure they are on the voice server too.

Pretty kitten pathetic.

Shrug yeah I know we’ve known about the spies. Just surprised at the slip. Also, really now, there’s no confusing spies and scouts.

Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Alilinke.7690


lol get over yourselves, it’s obvious he meant scouts.

[nA] Professional Guild Hall Decorator

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Forget this post.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

(edited by CHIPS.6018)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Insignia.6345


Did all the CD guilds transfer over already?

Not everyone got tranferred yet, according to what someone told me earlier today, but most are on TC.

One of those guilds had their first ‘official WvW day on TC’ today (their words, not mine). They took all of FABL: each keep and tower was green.

They seemed nice, altough not very chatty in /map or /team, but I guess that’s shyness from being new, hehe.

yeah pretty easy with a zergball of 60+.Darn lag couldnt even move.

These kitten gem prices with the recent spike have slowed us down, hate to break it to you but that zergball is going to get bigger, very very soon. Muahahah!

Asuranaut Tarnished Coast

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Alodar.5794


I think it is pretty funny that TC is accused of running away… never fighting… etc.

Based on the map, I’d say we go on the offense a fair amount.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


I think it is pretty funny that TC is accused of running away… never fighting… etc.

Based on the map, I’d say we go on the offense a fair amount.

Would you guys like to GvG? It’s an easy way to remove population imbalances and just have some fun fighting.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Grimpaw.7493


I’m a TC that gets annoyed by any server not playing to win. (To be clear, I think in general FA does play to win, like every server, but the community has a lot stronger GvG focus than servers that haven’t had the bad luck to be facing overwhelming odds so many times.)

I understand FA’s position, and don’t envy it. They have spent a lot of time behind in coverage and one of the ways to deal with that is to move the goal posts so you can feel like you’re winning to keep your morale up. Regardless, choosing to play following your rules is not playing to win, and is disrespectful to your competition. However, given the state of things (so far), it just isn’t that big a deal. I expect once FA has more coverage it won’t be an issue.

re: T1 no fun: I heartily disagree that you have to ruin the fun of the game while playing to win. Heck, PtW is how I think everyone has the most fun. I think the trouble with a lot of (especially T1) players is confusing playing to win with winning at all costs. The latter is no fun, and does horrible things to the people involved.

~ Sleight of Mind ~ mesmer
~ Ann Du Lance ~ guardian
Tarnished Coast

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Praetorian.3948


Intense fights last night in TCBL. Lots of maneuvering to different objectives. I was having a lot of fun commanding with Swift. FA you were pressing us hard and kept us guessing a lot. You made us really have to balance offense and defense. Thank you for the chance to learn. I normally am just a glory seeker.

To the Norn warrior commander that came to north camp, I am sorry for not knowing your guild, awesome friggin fight. I dealt like everyone around us spread out and ignored us. Like a 1v1 commander fight of legend. Let me know if you want to set up some duels.

That is all for now. The Emperor protects, I am His wrath.

Bjorn The Greatwolf 80 Warrior
80 – Warx2/Guardx2/Necro/Ranger/Thief
Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


VK and RET:

Fun fights south of Bay on TC BL just now! It was awesome how you guys kept restacking and charging back at us no matter what. Fun fights! Sorry that we ended up spawn camping you guys :/ I tried to tell our militia to stop but you know how that goes.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


VK and RET:

Fun fights south of Bay on TC BL just now! It was awesome how you guys kept restacking and charging back at us no matter what. Fun fights! Sorry that we ended up spawn camping you guys :/ I tried to tell our militia to stop but you know how that goes.

lol – you must be new to WvW. That’s a supply camp, not a spawn point. Also, just because a mixed group has a few tags in it doesn’t mean it’s a “guild’s” group. I think I counted 7 different tags in that screen shot.

However, as always, if DIS would like to GvG [VK] is always happy to oblige. I know I’ve asked a bunch in the past, but since you seem to be directly calling my guild out I thought I would bite.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


If you couldn’t tell, he was being nice and he isn’t new to WvW.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


If you couldn’t tell, he was being nice and he isn’t new to WvW.

So was I. I figured he was new based on his post so I was helping him understand the vernacular of WvW.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

Dontcare Aboutnames.9284

To get this thread somewhat back on topic, here is a score update and yes that is me sitting in a tree!


No Tears
Just Dreams

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


Wowzers! The last few pages have been AWESOME in this thread. It’s great to see everyone getting along.

I suggest [CO] stick through and try out a break in T3 before deciding to leave. T3 is a GREAT opportunity to bolster your server’s morale and to train your Militia. That’s what we did in T3, we had soooooo many “training days” and advertisements (that appealed to our RP/PvE/PvX/XX players) in main towns/zones where our Commanders got together and trained untrained Militia, or even players who have NEVER done WvW ever. Mumble was HILARIOUS with people asking questions that even trumped some of us, of course, they were corrected and enlightened in WvW etiquette (by our server’s standards in-game.) It was a blast, it was so fun hearing so many “thank you!’s” and all sorts of non-commanders helping out. It was very fun. Some guilds got new members of all calibers, our Militia bolstered in so many ways, our Commanders had a nice vacation, AND everyone got their map completion on so many alts.


All servers, this is for you if you’re playing to win.


Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

(edited by Ketharius.9018)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


VK and RET:

Fun fights south of Bay on TC BL just now! It was awesome how you guys kept restacking and charging back at us no matter what. Fun fights! Sorry that we ended up spawn camping you guys :/ I tried to tell our militia to stop but you know how that goes.

lol – you must be new to WvW. That’s a supply camp, not a spawn point. Also, just because a mixed group has a few tags in it doesn’t mean it’s a “guild’s” group. I think I counted 7 different tags in that screen shot.

However, as always, if DIS would like to GvG [VK] is always happy to oblige. I know I’ve asked a bunch in the past, but since you seem to be directly calling my guild out I thought I would bite.

Most people… maybe not yourself but most people will see what guild a zerg is primarily comprised of and call it as that just to generalize it. I think that’s what he was doing. Mind you I wasn’t there. Just going off the pic like you.

Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


FA is definitely losing coverage…

Just now TC golem rushed our keep in EB. There was a total of three people inside to defend it… with one arrow cart… and they Golem rushed us…

As 20-30 TC players bashed down one door, I ran through another and right into another 20-30 TC players.

During the daytime hours, FA just doesn’t have the numbers. We might be able to get 10-15 players per map; including the one or two spies that call out “TC zerg at bravost get here fast!” while TC takes langor and kain takes QL…

All in all, it’s just getting old

Spies? >_<

Well, at least its confirmed now. We’ve always thought they were there. Sometimes thier squads respond faster than we do. Pretty sure they are on the voice server too.

Pretty kitten pathetic.

Shrug yeah I know we’ve known about the spies. Just surprised at the slip. Also, really now, there’s no confusing spies and scouts.

I hate to agree with the enemy here. But don’t cause drama where there need be none. He meant scout. It is not hard to read it and know what he meant. Are there spies? Probably. But I do not believe he was talking about one.

Hell when I do my little command thing(Dont have a tag yet = (.. )I generally find a brave thief to go and tail the enemy zergs.

Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


VK and RET:

Fun fights south of Bay on TC BL just now! It was awesome how you guys kept restacking and charging back at us no matter what. Fun fights! Sorry that we ended up spawn camping you guys :/ I tried to tell our militia to stop but you know how that goes.

lol – you must be new to WvW. That’s a supply camp, not a spawn point. Also, just because a mixed group has a few tags in it doesn’t mean it’s a “guild’s” group. I think I counted 7 different tags in that screen shot.

However, as always, if DIS would like to GvG [VK] is always happy to oblige. I know I’ve asked a bunch in the past, but since you seem to be directly calling my guild out I thought I would bite.

I wasn’t trolling. I was being serious because I had fun fighting you guys.

And I know that screenshot was of a supply camp -_- If you were actually there then you’d know that our skirmish ended up at your spawn.

I keep getting asked personally through whispers to GvG with VK but I am extremely put off in doing so because of this toxic forum attitude displayed before me.

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


What I find amusing is how people can speak for an entire server in this forum. When you open your sentence like “FA/TC/KN does this and that…” you lose all your credibility because you can never truly speak for the rest.

I also find it dumb that people judge an entire server based on a few outspoken forum warriors. This being said, the picture is quite simple. TC is winning, FA and KN is trying to hold on the 2nd to avoid going down to Tier 3, no more if’s and but’s. This is WvW, not Deathmatch PVP.

I know how to take a loss, and we are losing. FA, if you really believe that we are truly better than TC, then be better, take a loss graciously. If you do this, I guarantee you, we’re automatically the better men/women. Please do your best and try not to engage in this silly word war, we will get our turn someday, a couple of months ago, we wouldn’t even consider being in this spot. Let TC throw all the sarcasm, witty remarks, and other stuff they usually do (I don’t read much)…and show the rest of our server what we’re truly made of.

Just my 0.02 cents.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Huygens.4075


VK and RET:

Fun fights south of Bay on TC BL just now! It was awesome how you guys kept restacking and charging back at us no matter what. Fun fights! Sorry that we ended up spawn camping you guys :/ I tried to tell our militia to stop but you know how that goes.

lol – you must be new to WvW. That’s a supply camp, not a spawn point. Also, just because a mixed group has a few tags in it doesn’t mean it’s a “guild’s” group. I think I counted 7 different tags in that screen shot.

However, as always, if DIS would like to GvG [VK] is always happy to oblige. I know I’ve asked a bunch in the past, but since you seem to be directly calling my guild out I thought I would bite.

Or you could learn to take a compliment?

Whatever, drama!


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: oltouch.2913


  • When you open your sentence like “FA/TC/KN does this and that…” you lose all your credibility because you can never truly speak for the rest. *

Let TC throw all the sarcasm, witty remarks, and other stuff they usually do (I don’t read much)…and show the rest of our server what we’re truly made of.


Good fight to everyone who showed up this week and props to you from kn and fa that are battling through the tough times!


(edited by oltouch.2913)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


That particular group was composed solely of fools following my magnetic personality into a death trap.

However, we were successful in our goal! We set out to answer the question, how many trebuchets does it take to get an open field fight?


That said I was impressed with what we got when you guys finally showed up, it was a different sort of comp than what I was expecting.


Zoel – GM of [coVn]

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Not really. I was referring to the future banters that TC will say, if and when it happens, I’m simply calling out to FA not to respond to it (as if they’ll listen to a random FA-er like me, I just felt like posting something). Just as a fellow FA-er. If TC decides not to spew anything anymore, then all the better, right? Apologies if it came across as a general insult, that was not my intention at all.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Toxic.4320


I have a question; has TC ever had the outmanned buff ever?!

Yes. This morning when I logged in until about 1130am.

Ethos Mores [KWBH] Commander, Ranger
Nontoxicwench [KWBH] Guardian
Gefarhlich Madchen [KWBH] Mesmer

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

OOOOOOH CO and WM. You each owe me a soda now. <3 love it.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Quite a bit has happened while I’ve been gone over the weekend I see. I will miss Sarabi and the rest of CO. Unlike some, I have respect for them. Same for WM.
As to “spies”, I can tell you that a good scout is equal to or better than any spy. I recall more than one occasion in the last 2 weeks when I sounded the alarm. And a quite often, a massive fight ensues. This happened earlier at Mendons, when I came around the corner to find 30+ TC knocking on the gate. Yes, I’m the suicidal eng that tries to get through TC zergs. I don’t recommend doing what I do, but my eng is the best equipped for WvW, so I use her and not a thief. In any case, guessing where a zerg or raiding group will go or using sentries to keep an eye on them is one of those strategic type things not always appreciated in WvW.
In this, I must say that TC, for all their alleged numbers, is often easy to scout (though quite dangerous for my eng, I’ve found). To their credit, they seem to make use of scouts and roaming groups of 2-3 ppl to prevent scouting of their positions. This, combined with their numbers and good communications, seems to partially be the reason they are doing so well.
Of course, this is just some observations and I likely don’t have all the data, so if I’m wrong, feel free to correct me.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: UCF Knight.8095

UCF Knight.8095

I keep getting asked personally through whispers to GvG with VK but I am extremely put off in doing so because of this toxic forum attitude displayed before me.

Just remember, similarly to how the perception we attain from the few on this forum isn’t indicative of the entire server, the attitude you receive from one or two isn’t indicative of an entire guild.

Most of us are pretty chill people just looking to have fun.

Most of us don’t get into this whole TC vs FA nonsense anyway. I’ll be glad when the tier changes up a bit, but that’s only because I don’t like fighting the same people forever.

[VK] Stryder Aragon
[VK] Arwen Evenstar
Fort Aspenwood

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Darkhart.4769


Did all the CD guilds transfer over already?

Not everyone got tranferred yet, according to what someone told me earlier today, but most are on TC.

One of those guilds had their first ‘official WvW day on TC’ today (their words, not mine). They took all of FABL: each keep and tower was green.

They seemed nice, altough not very chatty in /map or /team, but I guess that’s shyness from being new, hehe.

Sorry about that, we were warn not to used map/team chat much for the duration of our first wvw outing to prevent spies knowing what we were doing or going especially building those golem :P (whispering is key if you want to communicate to help)

We were all using our own VoIP so communication was easy to instruct for my own guild mate unfortunately left out outsider on the plan. All in all great job from all TC and their teamwork while we golem their garrison majority of AWE was keeping FA reinforcement zerg occupy at the northwest of garrison on the open field, making the door easy smashing

Right now some small number haven’t transfer yet (don’t know about the other guild), we’re trying as fast as we can to help them but slowly and surely they’ll arrive in the future

(edited by Darkhart.4769)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


OOOOOOH CO and WM. You each owe me a soda now. <3 love it.

What the…really?


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: SchuMidas.4782


all server were great.
but like hydrogen and oxygen have their own uses.
but a bad idea to try mixing it together with fire

what am i talking…

SchuMidas – Guardian
Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Dead Island is surprisingly fun. ^^

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Feels like old-school kaineng again

Apathy Inc [Ai]

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Escthiil.3210


VK and RET:

Fun fights south of Bay on TC BL just now! It was awesome how you guys kept restacking and charging back at us no matter what. Fun fights! Sorry that we ended up spawn camping you guys :/ I tried to tell our militia to stop but you know how that goes.

lol – you must be new to WvW. That’s a supply camp, not a spawn point. Also, just because a mixed group has a few tags in it doesn’t mean it’s a “guild’s” group. I think I counted 7 different tags in that screen shot.

However, as always, if DIS would like to GvG [VK] is always happy to oblige. I know I’ve asked a bunch in the past, but since you seem to be directly calling my guild out I thought I would bite.

Most people… maybe not yourself but most people will see what guild a zerg is primarily comprised of and call it as that just to generalize it. I think that’s what he was doing. Mind you I wasn’t there. Just going off the pic like you.

Your troll attempt seems to be a little lacking of the standard TC.

FA has a tower there. You don’t call that spawn camping if they have a tower. Thought I would just point that out so maybe, MAYBE, you can learn to brush up your inferential skills.

Just saying.

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Garreth MacLeod.4158

Garreth MacLeod.4158

Great fights all around tonight. I got ran over by the FA and KN zergs a couple times because i was looking the other way. haha.

KN won’t be the same without WM and CO, they made an impact and I always enjoyed going up against them when I could. Good luck to WM, CO, and KN as they move in different directions.

My first game was on a Magnavox Odyssey. I’m surprised I didn’t see that machine mentioned. Living in the country, we didn’t get internet for years and I played a lot of single player strategy games growing up. Not even sure I can think of titles at this point. Several Revolution, Civil War, and WW2 games IIRC.

Leader, Phantom Coven – GW1 & GW2
Garreth (Ra), Elizabeth (El), Fiona (Me), Morrigan (N)
Ceana (G), Briana (Th), Snowbourn (Eng), Onchu (W)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


Great fights all around tonight. I got ran over by the FA and KN zergs a couple times because i was looking the other way. haha.

KN won’t be the same without WM and CO, they made an impact and I always enjoyed going up against them when I could. Good luck to WM, CO, and KN as they move in different directions.

My first game was on a Magnavox Odyssey. I’m surprised I didn’t see that machine mentioned. Living in the country, we didn’t get internet for years and I played a lot of single player strategy games growing up. Not even sure I can think of titles at this point. Several Revolution, Civil War, and WW2 games IIRC.

Hey! Civil War was fun. Old turn based strategy, along With Civ II, etc. Also Shogun Total War was quite engrossing.



4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Mayoken.9851


So, this is an interesting turn of events. Kaineng is disappointing me over and over. [CO] is looking to transfer, unsure about our destination. Open to options. Contact me here or shoot me a mail in-game if you would like to propose your server and why.

We have our preferences but our open to hearing about your “pitch”.
In reference to the match up with FA and TC it’s probably been the best WvW I’ve had the last 7 months. I’ve really enjoyed and learned a lot from both servers and so has [CO] as a whole. We’re looking for a chance of pace, more of a server with stability and average time zone coverage (nothing too crazy).

Cheers to everyone, lets end the first year of Gw2 with a bang.

Mayoken [PLX] Plexity – Lieutenant – 7nth lvl 80 WW
Blackgate – www.plexity.guildportal.com –
Founder of [CO] | Nov ’12 2012 – May ’13 2013

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Pervin.5036


I’m one of the GMs of CO, and honestly the trolling doesn’t really bother me that much. I’ve played WvW for months and I’ve seen a ton of it in game and match threads alike. There was indeed some trash talking in LA, but I probably wouldn’t have even mentioned it had I been the only person in the guild to read it.

I can’t speak for everyone, but for my part I want out because there is no cohesion or strategic execution. I often have to command when I don’t want to, for longer hours than I would otherwise like because no one else will tag up or because our only other NA guild on in force is busy fighting on another map. It’s also discouraging to know that literally everything we capture as a guild will be gone within 30 minutes of us logging out. The coverage just isn’t good enough to hold territory anymore; weeks of losing our entire home BL every day is starting to take its toll. We can only mount sporadic offensives on FA or (rarely) TC BL anymore. EB is still fun, I guess, but we want more options and a less stressful role in server strategy.

Best of luck to you guys wherever you may end up. Always enjoyed fighting against you and loved the open field competition. Hopefully our paths will cross again soon.

Edit: Thought you were going to SoR but apparently its not decided yet.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Yeah, mad respect for WM, CO, and the entire KN. Amazing run, and in my opinion, will never be replicated again given the same circumstances. Though I’m not counting KN out yet as they have a lot of fight in them. May the loots be with us in the race for 2nd spot in T2, and whoever goes down to Tier 3 will surely get a well deserved break and even time to recoup and bounce back harder than ever. Personally, I think we need the rest too and getting a dose of high rating in Tier 3 that will give a morale boost from our fair weather players will surely be appreciated. But, it’s going to be a long and rough week for us for sure.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


So, this is an interesting turn of events. Kaineng is disappointing me over and over. [CO] is looking to transfer, unsure about our destination. Open to options. Contact me here or shoot me a mail in-game if you would like to propose your server and why.

We have our preferences but our open to hearing about your “pitch”.
In reference to the match up with FA and TC it’s probably been the best WvW I’ve had the last 7 months. I’ve really enjoyed and learned a lot from both servers and so has [CO] as a whole. We’re looking for a chance of pace, more of a server with stability and average time zone coverage (nothing too crazy).

Cheers to everyone, lets end the first year of Gw2 with a bang.

Would be nice to have Thustlewhumber here with me (and the rest of you guys too! ) .. lord knows he’s trucked his way over to our side of the map to help so often with various “issues,” he almost feels like an honorary member.

Best of luck to you guys, wherever you wind up. It’s been a pleasure meeting you all out on the battlefield. Will definately miss that.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

[CO] is looking to transfer, unsure about our destination. Open to options. Contact me here or shoot me a mail in-game if you would like to propose your server and why.

Want to move up?
Go to BG. SoR is stacked in NA and JQ is just simply stacked period.
(besides… Epic Matchup Thread! You already know BG are teh awesomez!)

Want to stay in T2?
Go to DB. They just got a small influx to their NA but it is their weakest timezone. They are a fun group.

Want to try something lower?
Yak’s Bend are awesome, absolutely loved facing them. They have “T1 Hearts” but have always lacked numbers.

I’m sure there are many other great Servers I didn’t name but these are my suggestions based on personal experience fighting them.

Best of luck wherever you end up.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


So, this is an interesting turn of events. Kaineng is disappointing me over and over. [CO] is looking to transfer, unsure about our destination. Open to options. Contact me here or shoot me a mail in-game if you would like to propose your server and why.

We have our preferences but our open to hearing about your “pitch”.

Cheers to everyone, lets end the first year of Gw2 with a bang.

Mayoken. Thank you for all your efforts on Kaineng’s behalf. KN is not a prison and you are free to choose your own destiny. If you’re leaving please consider our friends of BG.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: xxNiiKo.1543


Yes! From a fellow kaineng player I think CO should seriously consider blackgate. They are just a bunch of classy people . And besides SoR and JQ is an already stacked server.

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Vespirisa.1497


Yes! From a fellow kaineng player I think CO should seriously consider blackgate. They are just a bunch of classy people . And besides SoR and JQ is an already stacked server.

Most people are leaning towards SoR though.

Scrub D/D Ele. What’s server loyalty?

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


You gotta give Blackgate a try if you’re all going to T1.

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Atrophied.8725


Hey FA… you, um, have a lot of superior ACs in there, huh? I think I counted 17 total? Ow.


Xandra – 80s in all classes – Ele/Guard mains – [TL] – NSP

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Yes! From a fellow kaineng player I think CO should seriously consider blackgate. They are just a bunch of classy people . And besides SoR and JQ is an already stacked server.

Most people are leaning towards SoR though.

If your fear is having to assume a leadership role or carry BG NA that isn’t the case.

They still have a very solid NA just not as strong as SoR.


4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


I think both of those servers will have the sort of wvw community stability you are looking for. I know it means a lot when you are able to trust the guys on every map to pull their weight. I’m really proud to see how much our own TC guilds have developed since we first hit Tier 2 so long ago and with the addition of a new stable community in their own right, it feels very comfortable.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Most of us don’t get into this whole TC vs FA nonsense anyway.

Oh it goes way back.

In the beginning, there were dolyaks