4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Because so many people are terrible players bucko. You think we magically became solid pvpers? We all paid dues in other games with time, energy, and preparation. Thanks to WoW you can now purchase game, download game, insta player vs player environment and win fights due to game mechanics…. And then forum post about how good you are.

The reason so few do it is because you want instant gratification… And fighting good people sitting at a computer and not npcs in a dungeon or keep does not grant you that result

There you go again, being insulting just because they do not do what you want. This is just sad now and since I have proven you do not actually want to talk about this but just be insulting and rude, I will take myself out of this conversation and let you go back to giving your guild and server a bad name. I have tried to engage you in a real discussion thinking you were mature and able to have objective thoughts. But the constant stream of insults and name calling is lame and getting tiring.

Good luck with finding people who want to small group pvp. You will need luck with your kind of attitude.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


Sorry, I am not going to re-read the same stuff you have posted before. You want others to listen to what you say but then you dismiss the people that do not see things your way as sheeple and suckers. Very mature.

You belittle others you claim have no skill because they do not do what you want them to do. It is immature, disrespectful, and just proves you are not here to make an actual point.

You are not promoting small group pvp, you are telling everyone else they suck because they do not play by your rules. You straight alienate them instead of fostering camaraderie and getting people to like your ideas.

It IS a literal meaning. We fight World vs. World vs. World. The scoring reflects that. There is no flaw because the point of World vs. World vs. World is for each world to fight the other two worlds. Whatever we get out of it is what we get out of it. Just because you get nothing out of it doesn’t mean other people don’t. You just think it is flawed because it is not what you want it to be.

But there are sheeple and suckers in this game. You don’t have to like the words I chose to use, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Is it mature of me, obviously not, but that’s not what I’m going for here. You see, I call it like I see it, and that’s what I’m doing here. You don’t have to like me, but I make a valid point, and you choose to blindly ignore it because I didn’t come across like a carebear.

There are many people in this game that have little skill, and I think most people can agree with that. A mass majority of this game runs with groups so large that they never have to mash more than a button or two. Not having to use a fraction of what your character can do is not exactly a key strategy in getting better. Not only that, but you get lazy and depend on the comfort of a zerg to achieve success. Not only are there bad players, but there are bad players who continue to get worse. Again, I’m not naming names, I’m just stating a fact that a good majority of the player base is not very good. I’m a Houston Astros fan, and the Astros are an atrocious baseball team right now. Does that make me any less wrong that I am saying that they are terrible, when they are actually terrible?

I’m not saying people suck because they choose not to engage in small-group PvP, simply that their preferred method involves a reward system that doesn’t actually reward you, and that their preferred method of playing simply relies on them being at their computer and in a large crowd. I’m not trying to foster camaraderie in my post, I’m just point out why we play the way we do and just how painfully obvious it is how irrelevant the score is. Again, you don’t have to like the way I come across, but what I say is true.

What people get out of WvW is certainly up to their own prerogative. There is quite a bit of score/tier talk and I’ve simply let people know that in the long run, there is absolutely no point in caring about it as it just a continuous loop of no actual reward. If despite that, you still want an update every half hour on the score, then power to you. We understand the need for a zerg and that it is going to appeal to certain people. I’m not telling people they suck for doing it, but it involves a nonexistent reward system and if continued on its current path will quickly lead to the demise of this game. I challenge people to realize that, and try something different. If they don’t want to, then it will be business as usual and I’ll keep doing my thing. I think when a larger group of the player base starts to realize how pointless the score really is and actually starts fighting for the sake of finding a good fight, they might be a bit surprised in just how much more fun they’ll have.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .


Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .


He (she?)‘s mine now.
He’s a really nice person. I’m glad he made the move.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

Wow. That was intense, nice portal bombs. A true display of skill… OUTPLAYED!!!

MoB videos were amusing too btw.

Yeah seeing how the old thread was closed with our awesome videos of yesterday…

Man that was fun! Had a blast and thank you to HoD for continuing to come! My favorite was the attempted portal bomb u guys used by the wall. That was intense! Would have loved to have read your map chat!

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


One type of player likes to challenge themselves and try to overcome impossible odds. They actually crave real competition and strive to master each class or whichever class they prefer as much as they possibly can.

Another type of player just wants to be on the winning team. They don’t care if it was a fair fight, or if they had any real contribution in the win. They just want the glory of being the winner.

Which type gets the most out of the game? Which type gets the greater sense of accomplishment when they win a battle? Which type has more fun? Well that’s a matter of personal opinion.

Being (the first type of player) who sometimes runs in zergs, but also does a lot of solo/small group action. I can say personally the gratification I get running with 5 people and taking on 10 and winning is 100x higher then being the last zerg standing in a auto-attack spam off.

I also, btw can get a lot of satisfaction by doing whatever it takes to have my team be the winner in a close hard fought week long match. HOD/NSP/GOM for a long time was like that and it was great trading wins and everyone actually having to try. Being on the winning team of a pre-decided matchup though , offers me little to no satisfaction at all. So keep getting them points, one day months from now you might have to try to win and finally get real satisfaction from it.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

(edited by dank.3680)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

But there are sheeple and suckers in this game. You don’t have to like the words I chose to use, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Is it mature of me, obviously not, but that’s not what I’m going for here. You see, I call it like I see it, and that’s what I’m doing here. You don’t have to like me, but I make a valid point, and you choose to blindly ignore it because I didn’t come across like a carebear.

There are many people in this game that have little skill, and I think most people can agree with that. A mass majority of this game runs with groups so large that they never have to mash more than a button or two. Not having to use a fraction of what your character can do is not exactly a key strategy in getting better. Not only that, but you get lazy and depend on the comfort of a zerg to achieve success. Not only are there bad players, but there are bad players who continue to get worse. Again, I’m not naming names, I’m just stating a fact that a good majority of the player base is not very good. I’m a Houston Astros fan, and the Astros are an atrocious baseball team right now. Does that make me any less wrong that I am saying that they are terrible, when they are actually terrible?

I’m not saying people suck because they choose not to engage in small-group PvP, simply that their preferred method involves a reward system that doesn’t actually reward you, and that their preferred method of playing simply relies on them being at their computer and in a large crowd. I’m not trying to foster camaraderie in my post, I’m just point out why we play the way we do and just how painfully obvious it is how irrelevant the score is. Again, you don’t have to like the way I come across, but what I say is true.

What people get out of WvW is certainly up to their own prerogative. There is quite a bit of score/tier talk and I’ve simply let people know that in the long run, there is absolutely no point in caring about it as it just a continuous loop of no actual reward. If despite that, you still want an update every half hour on the score, then power to you. We understand the need for a zerg and that it is going to appeal to certain people. I’m not telling people they suck for doing it, but it involves a nonexistent reward system and if continued on its current path will quickly lead to the demise of this game. I challenge people to realize that, and try something different. If they don’t want to, then it will be business as usual and I’ll keep doing my thing. I think when a larger group of the player base starts to realize how pointless the score really is and actually starts fighting for the sake of finding a good fight, they might be a bit surprised in just how much more fun they’ll have.

Of course there are sheeple and suckers, but you called everyone who doesn’t play WvW in your style those petty words. You have nothing constructive to say, and you know it. You can pile on as many words as you want but it is still the same.

I actually agree with many of the points you raise. Just not the being belligerent and a jerk. Of course, as you point out, it is up to others to like or not like what you say.

But, what you say it not true as far as the score goes. That is an opinion and nothing more.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


But there are sheeple and suckers in this game. You don’t have to like the words I chose to use, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Is it mature of me, obviously not, but that’s not what I’m going for here. You see, I call it like I see it, and that’s what I’m doing here. You don’t have to like me, but I make a valid point, and you choose to blindly ignore it because I didn’t come across like a carebear.

There are many people in this game that have little skill, and I think most people can agree with that. A mass majority of this game runs with groups so large that they never have to mash more than a button or two. Not having to use a fraction of what your character can do is not exactly a key strategy in getting better. Not only that, but you get lazy and depend on the comfort of a zerg to achieve success. Not only are there bad players, but there are bad players who continue to get worse. Again, I’m not naming names, I’m just stating a fact that a good majority of the player base is not very good. I’m a Houston Astros fan, and the Astros are an atrocious baseball team right now. Does that make me any less wrong that I am saying that they are terrible, when they are actually terrible?

I’m not saying people suck because they choose not to engage in small-group PvP, simply that their preferred method involves a reward system that doesn’t actually reward you, and that their preferred method of playing simply relies on them being at their computer and in a large crowd. I’m not trying to foster camaraderie in my post, I’m just point out why we play the way we do and just how painfully obvious it is how irrelevant the score is. Again, you don’t have to like the way I come across, but what I say is true.

What people get out of WvW is certainly up to their own prerogative. There is quite a bit of score/tier talk and I’ve simply let people know that in the long run, there is absolutely no point in caring about it as it just a continuous loop of no actual reward. If despite that, you still want an update every half hour on the score, then power to you. We understand the need for a zerg and that it is going to appeal to certain people. I’m not telling people they suck for doing it, but it involves a nonexistent reward system and if continued on its current path will quickly lead to the demise of this game. I challenge people to realize that, and try something different. If they don’t want to, then it will be business as usual and I’ll keep doing my thing. I think when a larger group of the player base starts to realize how pointless the score really is and actually starts fighting for the sake of finding a good fight, they might be a bit surprised in just how much more fun they’ll have.

Of course there are sheeple and suckers, but you called everyone who doesn’t play WvW in your style those petty words. You have nothing constructive to say, and you know it. You can pile on as many words as you want but it is still the same.

I actually agree with many of the points you raise. Just not the being belligerent and a jerk. Of course, as you point out, it is up to others to like or not like what you say.

But, what you say it not true as far as the score goes. That is an opinion and nothing more.

So sitting in tier 8 for 4 months…..40404040440404040404 points ahead of the other two “brothers?” apparently? Was winning for you guys? 4 months of no one to fight and taking a tower back 3 minutes after it was taken from you? And what Skarloc said is false about the scoreboard and tier system? Righhhhhhttttttttttt


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .


He (she?)‘s mine now.
He’s a really nice person. I’m glad he made the move.

Yes she’s a he, I’ve talked to him in vent. It isn’t permanent is it? I would be disappointed

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .


He (she?)‘s mine now.
He’s a really nice person. I’m glad he made the move.

Yes she’s a he, I’ve talked to him in vent. It isn’t permanent is it? I would be disappointed

Oh it’s permanent alright, and he loves his new home btw.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .


He (she?)‘s mine now.
He’s a really nice person. I’m glad he made the move.

Yes she’s a he, I’ve talked to him in vent. It isn’t permanent is it? I would be disappointed

Oh it’s permanent alright, and he loves his new home btw.

Oh thats low, now I have no roaming friends, thanks XOXO <\3

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

So sitting in tier 8 for 4 months…..40404040440404040404 points ahead of the other two “brothers?” apparently? Was winning for you guys? 4 months of no one to fight and taking a tower back 3 minutes after it was taken from you? And what Skarloc said is false about the scoreboard and tier system? Righhhhhhttttttttttt

LOL, that was the ranking system, not the scoreboard. Nice try on twisting my words though.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


So sitting in tier 8 for 4 months…..40404040440404040404 points ahead of the other two “brothers?” apparently? Was winning for you guys? 4 months of no one to fight and taking a tower back 3 minutes after it was taken from you? And what Skarloc said is false about the scoreboard and tier system? Righhhhhhttttttttttt

LOL, that was the ranking system, not the scoreboard. Nice try on twisting my words though.

I could be wrong, but the way I understood it was that the ranking system was directly tied to the scoreboard and that rank points were decided by the difference in the scoreboard scores at the end of a match.

Oh, btw way to completely avoid his relevant point and respond with nonsense.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .


He (she?)‘s mine now.
He’s a really nice person. I’m glad he made the move.

Yes she’s a he, I’ve talked to him in vent. It isn’t permanent is it? I would be disappointed

Oh it’s permanent alright, and he loves his new home btw.

Oh thats low, now I have no roaming friends, thanks XOXO <\3

Well, we can roam all together agains’t SF


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


1. Why so scared? I just want to hug…
2. Run back to that tower, man I must be super ugly or something..

Speaking of, you guys have a female human d/d ele. I see her/him every night just about and a lot of times it is at a tower doing the same thing, he/she is very good and we have some good fights but if I can ever hit him/her with Corrupt Boon then it is usually “ride the lightning” time back to the tower lol.

That would be Stalagta. To be clear I don’t have an issue with someone running in a tower 1v1 when they are losing, even though I usually don’t even spike people I down who stick around and fight 1v1 to the death.. I just found it amusing all of them ran like that.

But yes Stal is very good, we stole her from HOD .


He (she?)‘s mine now.
He’s a really nice person. I’m glad he made the move.

Yes she’s a he, I’ve talked to him in vent. It isn’t permanent is it? I would be disappointed

Oh it’s permanent alright, and he loves his new home btw.

Oh thats low, now I have no roaming friends, thanks XOXO <\3

Well, we can roam all together agains’t SF

sigh it’ll never be the same ;-;

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

So sitting in tier 8 for 4 months…..40404040440404040404 points ahead of the other two “brothers?” apparently? Was winning for you guys? 4 months of no one to fight and taking a tower back 3 minutes after it was taken from you? And what Skarloc said is false about the scoreboard and tier system? Righhhhhhttttttttttt

LOL, that was the ranking system, not the scoreboard. Nice try on twisting my words though.

I could be wrong, but the way I understood it was that the ranking system was directly tied to the scoreboard and that rank points were decided by the difference in the scoreboard scores at the end of a match.

Oh, btw way to completely avoid his relevant point and respond with nonsense.

What was the relevant point? Sorry, I must have missed what you are talking about.

As for the ranking system and scoreboard, that all became tweaked when the free transfers stop was announced and folks mass transferred to (I forget, think it was Kaineg) who then proceeded to win by triple or higher scores, crushing ET and FC rankings into oblivion. Thus, when we started winning in T8, our ranking was getting screwed due to the artificially low rankings of ET and FC. We could win by more than double their combines scores and barely gain ranking or even lose ranking.

So while they might be ties together, outside influences caused severe issues. I never said all that was perfect, I just said what he is saying about the scoring as other people believe being worthless is his opinion, not fact or true. I never even said he was wrong, but it is an opinion, nothing more.

Edit: Also, if you want a true discussion do not try to call me out as avoiding his relevant point and answering with nonsense. What I said made sense in that the scoreboard, the point keeping system for the match-up (which is what we were discussing, not the rankings), is separate from rankings. And he added the Tier system into his post, we had not been discussing that before then.

As for his relevant point, I did not see anything else worth addressing in his post because the rest was obvious sarcasm and him just being obnoxious.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

(edited by Cantur Soulfyre.5409)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


Which brings up the most unsatisfying fact of them all…. Of the hundreds of people in each tier logging in to wvw…. We can count the groups of them that want to FIGHT OTHER players and use their character builds testing what works best and what doesn’t on one hand. It’s an impossible shame.

Sorry, I am not understanding that. Do you mean the number of groups that want to small group pvp are limited in number or there is a large amount?

Do people facing a door or sitting on some siege pressing 2 buttons desire to fight in “non-guaranteed” outcome fights or keep facing the door and pressing 2 buttons?

It’s absurd almost the entire population of every tier every server every map would rather face that awesome door and press those 2 wicked abilities on the arrow cart to “snare” and mass Aoe arrows down……

their r alot of newawnses 2 arow carts that u cleerly dont undorstand…


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


So sitting in tier 8 for 4 months…..40404040440404040404 points ahead of the other two “brothers?” apparently? Was winning for you guys? 4 months of no one to fight and taking a tower back 3 minutes after it was taken from you? And what Skarloc said is false about the scoreboard and tier system? Righhhhhhttttttttttt

LOL, that was the ranking system, not the scoreboard. Nice try on twisting my words though.

I could be wrong, but the way I understood it was that the ranking system was directly tied to the scoreboard and that rank points were decided by the difference in the scoreboard scores at the end of a match.

Oh, btw way to completely avoid his relevant point and respond with nonsense.

What was the relevant point? Sorry, I must have missed what you are talking about.

As for the ranking system and scoreboard, that all became tweaked when the free transfers stop was announced and folks mass transferred to (I forget, think it was Kaineg) who then proceeded to win by triple or higher scores, crushing ET and FC rankings into oblivion. Thus, when we started winning in T8, our ranking was getting screwed due to the artificially low rankings of ET and FC. We could win by more than double their combines scores and barely gain ranking or even lose ranking.

So while they might be ties together, outside influences caused severe issues. I never said all that was perfect, I just said what he is saying about the scoring as other people believe being worthless is his opinion, not fact or true. I never even said he was wrong, but it is an opinion, nothing more.

Edit: Also, if you want a true discussion do not try to call me out as avoiding his relevant point and answering with nonsense. What I said made sense in that the scoreboard, the point keeping system for the match-up (which is what we were discussing, not the rankings), is separate from rankings. And he added the Tier system into his post, we had not been discussing that before then.

As for his relevant point, I did not see anything else worth addressing in his post because the rest was obvious sarcasm and him just being obnoxious.

Ok, I guess I’ll spell it out. You say you play to win(play for points on the scoreboard). He pointed out that SF spent 4 months in t8 “winning” against 2 servers who had no chance to do anything other then lose, even if half your population decided not to play. You are now in a tier where you have no chance to lose, and likely will remain here for a long time judging by the current matches and rankings in t-6/7/8. So basically you are playing for an ‘artificial win’. He was pointing out that what you are calling “winning” is no more “winning” then not even playing.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

So sitting in tier 8 for 4 months…..40404040440404040404 points ahead of the other two “brothers?” apparently? Was winning for you guys? 4 months of no one to fight and taking a tower back 3 minutes after it was taken from you? And what Skarloc said is false about the scoreboard and tier system? Righhhhhhttttttttttt

LOL, that was the ranking system, not the scoreboard. Nice try on twisting my words though.

I could be wrong, but the way I understood it was that the ranking system was directly tied to the scoreboard and that rank points were decided by the difference in the scoreboard scores at the end of a match.

Oh, btw way to completely avoid his relevant point and respond with nonsense.

What was the relevant point? Sorry, I must have missed what you are talking about.

As for the ranking system and scoreboard, that all became tweaked when the free transfers stop was announced and folks mass transferred to (I forget, think it was Kaineg) who then proceeded to win by triple or higher scores, crushing ET and FC rankings into oblivion. Thus, when we started winning in T8, our ranking was getting screwed due to the artificially low rankings of ET and FC. We could win by more than double their combines scores and barely gain ranking or even lose ranking.

So while they might be ties together, outside influences caused severe issues. I never said all that was perfect, I just said what he is saying about the scoring as other people believe being worthless is his opinion, not fact or true. I never even said he was wrong, but it is an opinion, nothing more.

Edit: Also, if you want a true discussion do not try to call me out as avoiding his relevant point and answering with nonsense. What I said made sense in that the scoreboard, the point keeping system for the match-up (which is what we were discussing, not the rankings), is separate from rankings. And he added the Tier system into his post, we had not been discussing that before then.

As for his relevant point, I did not see anything else worth addressing in his post because the rest was obvious sarcasm and him just being obnoxious.

Ok, I guess I’ll spell it out. You say you play to win(play for points on the scoreboard). He pointed out that SF spent 4 months in t8 “winning” against 2 servers who had no chance to do anything other then lose, even if half your population decided not to play. You are now in a tier where you have no chance to lose, and likely will remain here for a long time judging by the current matches and rankings in t-6/7/8. So basically you are playing for an ‘artificial win’. He was pointing out that what you are calling “winning” is no more “winning” then not even playing.

Right. To which I replied, that is his opinion, nothing more. Everyone has their idea of what winning (or not winning) is (points on the board, ranking, 5v5 pvp, whatever). Nobody is really right, nobody is really wrong. I never said he was wrong, I just said it is his opinion, not fact or truth. I guess I also keep pointing that out but I do not know of a way to spell it out better.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


So sitting in tier 8 for 4 months…..40404040440404040404 points ahead of the other two “brothers?” apparently? Was winning for you guys? 4 months of no one to fight and taking a tower back 3 minutes after it was taken from you? And what Skarloc said is false about the scoreboard and tier system? Righhhhhhttttttttttt

LOL, that was the ranking system, not the scoreboard. Nice try on twisting my words though.

I could be wrong, but the way I understood it was that the ranking system was directly tied to the scoreboard and that rank points were decided by the difference in the scoreboard scores at the end of a match.

Oh, btw way to completely avoid his relevant point and respond with nonsense.

What was the relevant point? Sorry, I must have missed what you are talking about.

As for the ranking system and scoreboard, that all became tweaked when the free transfers stop was announced and folks mass transferred to (I forget, think it was Kaineg) who then proceeded to win by triple or higher scores, crushing ET and FC rankings into oblivion. Thus, when we started winning in T8, our ranking was getting screwed due to the artificially low rankings of ET and FC. We could win by more than double their combines scores and barely gain ranking or even lose ranking.

So while they might be ties together, outside influences caused severe issues. I never said all that was perfect, I just said what he is saying about the scoring as other people believe being worthless is his opinion, not fact or true. I never even said he was wrong, but it is an opinion, nothing more.

Edit: Also, if you want a true discussion do not try to call me out as avoiding his relevant point and answering with nonsense. What I said made sense in that the scoreboard, the point keeping system for the match-up (which is what we were discussing, not the rankings), is separate from rankings. And he added the Tier system into his post, we had not been discussing that before then.

As for his relevant point, I did not see anything else worth addressing in his post because the rest was obvious sarcasm and him just being obnoxious.

Ok, I guess I’ll spell it out. You say you play to win(play for points on the scoreboard). He pointed out that SF spent 4 months in t8 “winning” against 2 servers who had no chance to do anything other then lose, even if half your population decided not to play. You are now in a tier where you have no chance to lose, and likely will remain here for a long time judging by the current matches and rankings in t-6/7/8. So basically you are playing for an ‘artificial win’. He was pointing out that what you are calling “winning” is no more “winning” then not even playing.

Right. To which I replied, that is his opinion, nothing more. Everyone has their idea of what winning (or not winning) is (points on the board, ranking, 5v5 pvp, whatever). Nobody is really right, nobody is really wrong. I never said he was wrong, I just said it is his opinion, not fact or truth. I guess I also keep pointing that out but I do not know of a way to spell it out better.

A win is not a win when there was no competition to begin with. How can this concept be any simpler? It’s not opinion. We are only calling it a win because there is a scoreboard in the game, but it is really not.

It’s like I could challenge my 8 and 9 year old kids to a basketball game with a regulation hoop and dunk it on them for a 21-0 shut out and say I won. But is this really a “win”?

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

A win is not a win when there was no competition to begin with. How can this concept be any simpler? It’s not opinion. We are only calling it a win because there is a scoreboard in the game, but it is really not.

It’s like I could challenge my 8 and 9 year old kids to a basketball game with a regulation hoop and dunk it on them for a 21-0 shut out and say I won. But is this really a “win”?

A win is a win when a game that requires a winner is played and said winner satisfies the rules to end the game as the declared winner. That is also what you would call a simple concept. There is no tie mechanism as far as I know.

We still win gold medals in Olympic Basketball even though the competition is non-existent. Do you win in video poker?

That is why it is an opinion and not fact. You can keep talking about simplicity or no competition all you want, but that does not negate that what you consider a win (or not a win) is an opinion.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


A win is not a win when there was no competition to begin with. How can this concept be any simpler? It’s not opinion. We are only calling it a win because there is a scoreboard in the game, but it is really not.

It’s like I could challenge my 8 and 9 year old kids to a basketball game with a regulation hoop and dunk it on them for a 21-0 shut out and say I won. But is this really a “win”?

A win is a win when a game that requires a winner is played and said winner satisfies the rules to end the game as the declared winner. That is also what you would call a simple concept. There is no tie mechanism as far as I know.

We still win gold medals in Olympic Basketball even though the competition is non-existent. Do you win in video poker?

That is why it is an opinion and not fact. You can keep talking about simplicity or no competition all you want, but that does not negate that what you consider a win (or not a win) is an opinion.

There’s a prize at the end of everything u compared it to, hmm a medal and money. Where is the prize here in gw2? There isn’t.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Sorry, have to run, work is over. I really am not trolling, I just think the attitude that only his opinion counts, everybody that doesn’t small man group are terrible players (he said it, look it up), all the insults, rudeness, etc. is pretty lame. It is a detriment to the gaming community as a whole. But as I have said before, that is an opinion and not a fact.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

There’s a prize at the end of everything u compared it to, hmm a medal and money. Where is the prize here in gw2? There isn’t.

Only because the rules for those games and the tournaments/organized sport that they are played in require a prize. WvW does not, therefore a winner is declared and the WvW rules are applied.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


There’s a prize at the end of everything u compared it to, hmm a medal and money. Where is the prize here in gw2? There isn’t.

Only because the rules for those games and the tournaments/organized sport that they are played in require a prize. WvW does not, therefore a winner is declared and the WvW rules are applied.

There you go no prize. Thx. So points in here mean wait for it …. nothing. YAY!

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


Check mate.

Been an interesting read.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


Check mate.

Been an interesting read.

Does my server get points for this?

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


Check mate.

Been an interesting read.

Does my server get points for this?

Same benefits as going 4-0 in the NFL Preseason, lol.

It was just funny to watch the back and forth, neither side giving an inch, and then all of a sudden, a cut in communication due to having to go home from work. Almost looks like a white flag to me.

BTW, down with the zerg, HOD VLK for life, etc.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


In all honesty, they have a point about the scoreboard meaning nothing. But when I play madden or an nhl game online or omfgcodblkopz. I get nothing for winning… Yet , I still want to win. That’s how I feel about this game.

As a matter of fact I want to win at every game I play for the sole fact that I’m just……. Winning.

Does this game cater to zergs , yep! Do I prefer to run in zergs , nope!

But if my server needs me or anyone in XOXO to crank up the timewarp/taxi service for golems.. well we bring all 10 mesmers to help!

I guess I suck , but hey, I do have TW and portal bound to keys!

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


Which one of yall XOXO fellers did I fight to a standstill a couple hours earlier at HoD waypoint in NSP? that was a great fight, lol.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


In all honesty, they have a point about the scoreboard meaning nothing. But when I play madden or an nhl game online or omfgcodblkopz. I get nothing for winning… Yet , I still want to win. That’s how I feel about this game.

As a matter of fact I want to win at every game I play for the sole fact that I’m just……. Winning.

Does this game cater to zergs , yep! Do I prefer to run in zergs , nope!

But if my server needs me or anyone in XOXO to crank up the timewarp/taxi service for golems.. well we bring all 10 mesmers to help!

I guess I suck , but hey, I do have TW and portal bound to keys!

My point is would that win in Madden mean anything to you if you were playing against a 2 year old who could barely press the buttons let alone provide any kind of strategic or technical challenge. And would you still try as hard to pull off that win rather then just having fun playing against said 2 year old and just messing around.

I use this example because that is essentially what is happening in WvW matchups due to number/coverage imbalances. And not in just tier, but in almost all of them. This week there is only 1 match NA that resembles anything to being a close fight anyone could win.

If the majority of the players continue with the mindset that the only reason for playing is to win, then this game will die (at least the wvw part) sooner then later. Remember that these types of people are the majority even on servers who never stand a chance and eventually they just give up and quit, or transfer to another server causing another imbalance.

After we get past all that – We realize the only reason to run in massive zergs is to win, which we now realize is pointless and actually detrimental to the game. Then we start having more fun, challenging and engaging PvP in a large world scenario.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


My point is would that win in Madden mean anything to you if you were playing against a 2 year old who could barely press the buttons let alone provide any kind of strategic or technical challenge. And would you still try as hard to pull off that win rather then just having fun playing against said 2 year old and just messing around.

Not ashamed of admitting I would still try hard against a 2 year old just to win.

Meaningless scoreboard or not, just knowing that at least one person feels disappointed or hurt from not winning makes it worth it to me.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


My point is would that win in Madden mean anything to you if you were playing against a 2 year old who could barely press the buttons let alone provide any kind of strategic or technical challenge. And would you still try as hard to pull off that win rather then just having fun playing against said 2 year old and just messing around.

Not ashamed of admitting I would still try hard against a 2 year old just to win.

Meaningless scoreboard or not, just knowing that at least one person feels disappointed or hurt from not winning makes it worth it to me.

Well sir that is pretty pathetic and you have my condolences. Have fun out there.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


I’d blitz and cover 2 the hell out of my 2 yr old!! Then use my patented cheap goal over and over in NHL!

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Well sir that is pretty pathetic and you have my condolences. Have fun out there.

No need for condolences — toxic outlook on life or not regarding how it affects others, I still feel great about it and have tons of fun doing it.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Well sir that is pretty pathetic and you have my condolences. Have fun out there.

No need for condolences — toxic outlook on life or not regarding how it affects others, I still feel great about it and have tons of fun doing it.

You may not think I should feel bad for you now. Eventually you will grow up and realize why I do though. Saying you want to win just because it makes someone else feel bad is absolutely sad and I would not want to have your conscience later in life.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


My point is would that win in Madden mean anything to you if you were playing against a 2 year old who could barely press the buttons let alone provide any kind of strategic or technical challenge. And would you still try as hard to pull off that win rather then just having fun playing against said 2 year old and just messing around.

Not ashamed of admitting I would still try hard against a 2 year old just to win.

Meaningless scoreboard or not, just knowing that at least one person feels disappointed or hurt from not winning makes it worth it to me.

That’s horrible thinking like this.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Hi [Gore] ! We had fun fighting you by Astral in your BL. It was memorable (for us at least).
And [BRO], you guys are very good !


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


Congrats on finally sweeping your Hills keep HoD, was fun ninja’ing it twice in a row.

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Bizzy asked me to post his vid for him – He says sorry for potato quality.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Just explain then why the cap for everything is 5 then. Aoe/group etc.

Since I do not work for Anet, I can not explain that. Neither can you.

My best guess without really thinking on it is that it keeps the slew of commands running every nanosecond lower but that is just a wild guess. I would need to look into it more to give you a better answer. Such as, is this AoE cap also in PvE? How does the game choose which five targets get the damage? Does this cap extend only to players or would it also affect any NPC/mob type creatures that happen to be in the middle of all the players? They might have just used the framework from the Mists so they didn’t have to code a whole new module just for WvW.

That is just not a question I can answer without knowing a lot more. And since I really do not AoE with my toons, I have never had to look into that.

Just a FYI, at 1 time in this game there wasn’t a aoe cap.

Really? When was it taken out?

From what I remember the AoE cap was put into place for balance, and to aid & hinder zergs…Meaning that one person who was glass couldnt drop on AoE on a zerg and mow half of them (upscales likely) down, or more importantly classes with DPS AoE couldn’t drop 50 people with 2-3 of them in a tower defending it etc. And on the other hand the zerg couldnt drop AoE buffs and cover everyone with one buff, pull every condition from 50 people with one cast, etc…Also you have to take into account CC skills (pulls/pushes etc) it would be crap if all you needed to defend the water gate (2nd gate) at garrison on BL was one GS mesmer to jump down WOOOOOSH all 50 the zerg off the side, or focus pull them for that matter.

As far as the “5” goes, probably has something to do with 5-man parties and working combo fields etc, but at best it is an arbitrary number, because if they made it 10 people would kitten, if they made it 4 it wouldnt make any kittening sense and people would kitten, if they made it 7 people would kitten 5 made sense….Me personally I just think when they looked at it back then 5 just made sense, not necessarily that ANET devs sit around now though and go: “oh man they ruined the game, theyre wasting my combo fields, awwww look they buffed that upscale instead of his party member…zerging sucks”

Just like now when you golem rush you have to move people out of the AoE field for the golems to soak it up not someone making a video of him pressing 1…Imagine 10+ golems and 3 mesmers with no AoE cap, and I think you could probably start to understand the logic.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


My point is would that win in Madden mean anything to you if you were playing against a 2 year old who could barely press the buttons let alone provide any kind of strategic or technical challenge. And would you still try as hard to pull off that win rather then just having fun playing against said 2 year old and just messing around.

Not ashamed of admitting I would still try hard against a 2 year old just to win.

Meaningless scoreboard or not, just knowing that at least one person feels disappointed or hurt from not winning makes it worth it to me.

rofl how old are you?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


Bizzy asked me to post his vid for him – He says sorry for potato quality.

fuq thats embarrasing

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


Bizzy asked me to post his vid for him – He says sorry for potato quality.

fuq thats embarrasing

i saw it was 30 minutes and it was potato so someone give me a summary of what happened because i cant watch more than 10 potato frames

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Well sir that is pretty pathetic and you have my condolences. Have fun out there.

No need for condolences — toxic outlook on life or not regarding how it affects others, I still feel great about it and have tons of fun doing it.

You may not think I should feel bad for you now. Eventually you will grow up and realize why I do though. Saying you want to win just because it makes someone else feel bad is absolutely sad and I would not want to have your conscience later in life.

Not really directed at you in particular Dank, but your post made me think about it again…I am semi-amazed at the people that post on here griping about some kinda semblance of morals/ethics/honor etc…I mean if you do that stuff then that is awesome and odds are you are a cool person.

But if you don’t it doesnt mean that you are evil, just like how RP people aren’t really charr from a warband…And doubtful that any of us are going to hell for GW2…

Sometimes it is kinda fun to be honorable in a game, and others its fun to be bad…As long as you arent truly being a kitten (IE: scamming people, stealing from them, etc.) then I say just let people play how they want…If you (generic person) want to run around looking for duels and /bow at everyone then fine, and on the other hand if you like running around spiking people and /dance then hey at the end of the day you pressed some buttons better and your pixel beat that persons pixel….

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

My point is would that win in Madden mean anything to you if you were playing against a 2 year old who could barely press the buttons let alone provide any kind of strategic or technical challenge. And would you still try as hard to pull off that win rather then just having fun playing against said 2 year old and just messing around.

Not ashamed of admitting I would still try hard against a 2 year old just to win.

Meaningless scoreboard or not, just knowing that at least one person feels disappointed or hurt from not winning makes it worth it to me.

rofl how old are you?

Mira is old enough to remember when the world wasn’t giving everyone a participation trophy for showing up.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


My point is would that win in Madden mean anything to you if you were playing against a 2 year old who could barely press the buttons let alone provide any kind of strategic or technical challenge. And would you still try as hard to pull off that win rather then just having fun playing against said 2 year old and just messing around.

Not ashamed of admitting I would still try hard against a 2 year old just to win.

Meaningless scoreboard or not, just knowing that at least one person feels disappointed or hurt from not winning makes it worth it to me.

rofl how old are you?

Mira is old enough to remember when the world wasn’t giving everyone a participation trophy for showing up.

they just start doing that in the last 12 years?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: modDW.4187


I also tried this whole “winning” thing that everyone keeps mentioning and made a video of it for anyone interested. You guys are lucky I don’t care about winning or else you’d all be screwed!


pls exempt me from? ur burst!!!~!!` Also you should try keyboard turning, I find it frees up my mouse hand so I can click faster and more furiously.

-Your Big Horse

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


A win is not a win when there was no competition to begin with. How can this concept be any simpler? It’s not opinion. We are only calling it a win because there is a scoreboard in the game, but it is really not.

It’s like I could challenge my 8 and 9 year old kids to a basketball game with a regulation hoop and dunk it on them for a 21-0 shut out and say I won. But is this really a “win”?

A win is a win when a game that requires a winner is played and said winner satisfies the rules to end the game as the declared winner. That is also what you would call a simple concept. There is no tie mechanism as far as I know.

We still win gold medals in Olympic Basketball even though the competition is non-existent. Do you win in video poker?

That is why it is an opinion and not fact. You can keep talking about simplicity or no competition all you want, but that does not negate that what you consider a win (or not a win) is an opinion.

Here is a fact we are all losers. There can be only one winner and since all the servers are directly linked if you are not winning T1 you are in fact a total loser. Keep playing for 19th place.

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


In all honesty, they have a point about the scoreboard meaning nothing. But when I play madden or an nhl game online or omfgcodblkopz. I get nothing for winning… Yet , I still want to win. That’s how I feel about this game.

As a matter of fact I want to win at every game I play for the sole fact that I’m just……. Winning.

Does this game cater to zergs , yep! Do I prefer to run in zergs , nope!

But if my server needs me or anyone in XOXO to crank up the timewarp/taxi service for golems.. well we bring all 10 mesmers to help!

I guess I suck , but hey, I do have TW and portal bound to keys!

Madden what a nub try some Super Tecmo Bowl

XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer