Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
I’m hoping to find some good small skirmishes with SOS this week. It’s been quite some time since we last met.
I recall the last match ending on good terms and some classy good tidings.
TC: at this point I consider you a neighbour. We tend to share a good amount of real estate but you cut your grass funny. Please stay off my lawn. However, your baking smells fantastic and I require a care package.
SOS: I hear you guys lift, so maybe we can hang out
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
Haha. Fa is strong. It is fun to fight them. …
Stack and range. hmmm.
Shout out to the Toasties that helped in the defense of North, NW and NE camps and towers last night in TCBL! Many good small skirmishes, lots of laughs and fun!
Keep fighting the good fight!
I’m hoping to find some good small skirmishes with SOS this week. It’s been quite some time since we last met.
I recall the last match ending on good terms and some classy good tidings.
TC: at this point I consider you a neighbour. We tend to share a good amount of real estate but you cut your grass funny. Please stay off my lawn. However, your baking smells fantastic and I require a care package.
SOS: I hear you guys lift, so maybe we can hang out
You heard it kind of wrong, we actually luft and then /flez
Getting wiped by TC’s and FA’s organised zergs non stop. Tier 4 has made SoS soft….
But, I am having way more fun than I did in the uneven SoS/CD/SBI matchup.We’ll all have fun making you harder than you’ve ever been before.
Ewwwww, just ewwwwww ok
I prefer Mif’s score updates. it comes with cookies
sooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuch coooookies!
:3. Keep it up sos.. Keep fighting like you mean it
I only request one thing and that is for TC and FA to show some small respect. I have noticed today so far there are a few guilds on TC one with tag INCV I believe that will /laugh when they kill players. This will be like a 40 man zerg versus 15-20 people on SoS. Granted were not as strong as we used to be because of players migrating to other servers. When I kill players and it was a good fight they deserve respect. Please /bow
All servers have their less desireable players. Your server does as well as you can see by the post a few above yours. I think for 99% of the time both FA and TC are respectable.
As for TC and INCV, I’ve been on TC since launch and I’ve never heard of them. So, they are either new, or some really small group.
I only request one thing and that is for TC and FA to show some small respect. I have noticed today so far there are a few guilds on TC one with tag INCV I believe that will /laugh when they kill players. This will be like a 40 man zerg versus 15-20 people on SoS. Granted were not as strong as we used to be because of players migrating to other servers. When I kill players and it was a good fight they deserve respect. Please /bow
All servers have their less desireable players. Your server does as well as you can see by the post a few above yours. I think for 99% of the time both FA and TC are respectable.
As for TC and INCV, I’ve been on TC since launch and I’ve never heard of them. So, they are either new, or some really small group.
No they’re reasonably new to TC and so far have been a great addition to the server. The guild leader was notified about this, you shouldn’t see this happening again, hopefully.
SOS: I hear you guys lift, so maybe we can hang out
We totally luft…Especially the cool kids. BRING IT! So much fun
I only request one thing and that is for TC and FA to show some small respect. I have noticed today so far there are a few guilds on TC one with tag INCV I believe that will /laugh when they kill players. This will be like a 40 man zerg versus 15-20 people on SoS. Granted were not as strong as we used to be because of players migrating to other servers. When I kill players and it was a good fight they deserve respect. Please /bow
Pot, I would like you to meet my friend kettle. Yes, I know he is black in color…
I was in SoSBL last night and it seems you guys love your emotes too from what I seen. Only real difference is you do them to people who are still alive then run back into the garrison.
Edit; Not that any of this matters, since it is probably done for laughs, just saying, don’t call out the two other servers when you guys are doing it too.
(edited by Banono.4597)
I don’t see any FA towers on TC bl. I don’t see any TC towers on FA bl. I see plenty of both on SoS bl. It’s fun having a tier 4 (should have gone to tier 3) server in tier 2 isn’t it? Let’s not pretend anyone on either side is looking for a good fight.
If SoS stood a chance of rallying this weekend, the approach both FA and TC have taken to SoS bl is preventing it from happening.
I only request one thing and that is for TC and FA to show some small respect. I have noticed today so far there are a few guilds on TC one with tag INCV I believe that will /laugh when they kill players. This will be like a 40 man zerg versus 15-20 people on SoS. Granted were not as strong as we used to be because of players migrating to other servers. When I kill players and it was a good fight they deserve respect. Please /bow
Tell the same to your server mates, i haven’t seen much respect from them as of yet….
Haven’t been; wouldn’t know. I have run into plenty of SoS in EB and (previously, then it got quieter) TCBL during the few hours I was playing, and if their pop was bad they seemed to be doing pretty well for it.
Not sure why you think you actually need your borderlands though…?
From myself, being from the TC server, I am personally rooting for SoS. Bring your A-game. Don’t get discouraged. I promise to always /bow or /salute if I get killed or kill someone. Remember this is a game, we all are people on the other side of the screen. I look forward to glorious battles, from both FA and SoS. So from this little insane asura ranger, I wish for SoS not to get discouraged but fight against us like the tigers I know y’all can be!! I know y’all may feel as if you are getting backed into a corner, but make sure to wound us and leave our troops bleeding. Much respect to your server and love.
Wait… you can emote even if you die?
Wait… you can emote even if you die?
Nono, if I know I am on the verge of dying or outnumbered (I roam a lot) I will gracefully emote /bow before the last blow is struck against me. I know when the better player has beaten me, or when I have foolishly walked into a group.
We had a really good water fight with SoS today.
Hell of a day guys. Hell of a day. It’s very enjoyable for me.
greetings from FA , PRO.
Wait… you can emote even if you die?
Nono, if I know I am on the verge of dying or outnumbered (I roam a lot) I will gracefully emote /bow before the last blow is struck against me. I know when the better player has beaten me, or when I have foolishly walked into a group.
Ah, fair enough. I’m never really sure when that is, I just keep fighting or running or fighting to keep running until the buttons stop working. Sometimes I’ve survived and escaped when I never thought it was possible, or held on just long enough for backup to arrive and the situation to reverse itself.
I’d probably misspell it the first time anyway though.
word of advice SoS, don’t complain about a 2v1…it will make worse.
Good luck out there Sea of Sorrows, last time I fought you guys, was when I was on Jade Querry, you guys rocked. Dont worry about TC, last night was many of our militia and a few of our organized guilds. Those you saw focusing SoS prolly was militia. Afterall, our favorite enemy (With all the utmost reapect for them) is Fort Aspenwood, so look forward in the days to come that they will most likely be target 1, well, that is unless you SoSer bring on the pain, then we will have two favorite enemies.
Folly Dragon
Tarnished Coast
word of advice SoS, don’t complain about a 2v1…it will make worse.
It’s not a 2v1. FA/TC are smart servers, they know we don’t have the all around numbers and whatnot to defend all of our maps (being a server with smaller population), it’s the same issue ET has. Pushing us is “easier points”. Would I like to see the 2 T2 servers pick on someone their own size? Of course, but this is a good wake-up call for SoS and I’m excited to be here.
word of advice SoS, don’t complain about a 2v1…it will make worse.
It’s not a 2v1. FA/TC are smart servers, they know we don’t have the all around numbers and whatnot to defend all of our maps (being a server with smaller population), it’s the same issue ET has. Pushing us is “easier points”. Would I like to see the 2 T2 servers pick on someone their own size? Of course, but this is a good wake-up call for SoS and I’m excited to be here.
Thank you SO MUCH for a reasonable, logical post about the situation.
After weeks of Dragonbrand this is soooo refreshing
To be honest, I’d be more insulted if you folks went easy on us.
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Well s*** common anet, I know we need something more to W3 mixup. T4 server vs two T2 servers dont stand a chance day one we already know how this match up is going to end 1st=TC 2nd =FA 3rd = SoS. Something does need to be done to get more people playing W3 but this new “random” twist on W3 matchups is not gonna work out for the smaller severs. I feel for SBI who dont stand a chance vs DB and Mag, not sure what else Anet can do, but this system just doesnt work to make it more fun for sure.
Oh hey again FA btw miss some of ya but stop taking my maps hahaha
To be honest, I’d be more insulted if you folks went easy on us.
I like the way you think
Let’s not pretend anyone on either side is looking for a good fight.
You probably just offended a large number of people on FA and some on TC. Just to catch ya up, some of them aren’t all about the PPT. The ones I speak of really really really LOVE a good fight.
Its nice not having wagonbrand around crying about 2v1 every other post. SoS keep up the good fights. Last night in FA bls we ran into your grps quite alot.
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Dont get lazy, if you slingshot to T1 on the backs of your 695 SEA, it’s gonna be a VERY dramatic swing.
But you know this already no?
Well s*** common anet, I know we need something more to W3 mixup. T4 server vs two T2 servers dont stand a chance day one we already know how this match up is going to end 1st=TC 2nd =FA 3rd = SoS. Something does need to be done to get more people playing W3 but this new “random” twist on W3 matchups is not gonna work out for the smaller severs. I feel for SBI who dont stand a chance vs DB and Mag, not sure what else Anet can do, but this system just doesnt work to make it more fun for sure.
Oh hey again FA btw miss some of ya but stop taking my maps hahaha
Sigh, I don’t know why it is so hard to understand.
SoS is not expected to win the matchup. I don’t think anybody believes otherwise. The point is for SoS to show their relative strength to TC and FA, based on rating – currently, SoS are showing that they are BETTER than their rating, which corresponds to the fact that you guys dominated tier 4 for months but couldn’t move up. SoS is too strong for tier 4 and this matchup allows SoS’s rating to increase such that there is a higher chance of being placed in the tier 3 matchup in the future.
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Dont get lazy, if you slingshot to T1 on the backs of your 695 SEA, it’s gonna be a VERY dramatic swing.
But you know this already no?
Their SEA doesnt want t1 and lets be honest the last week their sea was so lackluster cause of actually having to fight people. 80% of their zerg consist of upscales looking for tht easy PvD exp. They must be loving this weeks matchup atm. BTW whenever their sea does bad or get held to +200 we are told they are taking a break from WvW.
Honestly, I saw SoS out in force last night, and I know we had a few instances of “RUUUNNNNNN” – one time when almost 30 of you were escorting yak into the NE tower. A group of us went up to get it.. and BOOM.. Sea of.. SoS? We hightailed it out there. Not to mention the more then few times you all killed me at the water camp. You guys just don’t stop coming either! Props to SoS for the good fights.
FA – we really need to break up. My heart belongs to Blackgate anyway! (Even though we still get those drunk texts from SoR every now and then.)
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Dont get lazy, if you slingshot to T1 on the backs of your 695 SEA, it’s gonna be a VERY dramatic swing.
But you know this already no?
Their SEA doesnt want t1 and lets be honest the last week their sea was so lackluster cause of actually having to fight people. 80% of their zerg consist of upscales looking for tht easy PvD exp. They must be loving this weeks matchup atm
I really like how DB’s SEA would turn up regardless of how they were doing, even back in T3 when they were being stomped.
It’s just ridiculous how the flexing is coming from their transfers who are just hiding behind their SEA.
Enough about DB, they arent even in our matchup, well till someone from over yonder decided to hop over here and flex.
HI JAYNE i knew you couldnt stay away from me.
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Its Ironic… your pounding your opposition, but probably getting less bags
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Its Ironic… your pounding your opposition, but probably getting less bags
wait wait who gave them lootbags here!?!?
I will add this about SoS and what I have seen of them. You will likely loose the match up as far as PPT goes, but you can win in so many other ways. Not giving up is one of them. I have seen some really skilled groups so far with our short time with you so keep it up. Just know you are not losing to lack of skill, but lack of numbers, and that my friends is nothing to be ashamed of.
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Its Ironic… your pounding your opposition, but probably getting less bags
wait wait who gave them lootbags here!?!?
Guards, moas, wolves, harpies, wurm, spiders, yaks….
I should know, i farm them everyday!
word of advice SoS, don’t complain about a 2v1…it will make worse.
It’s not a 2v1. FA/TC are smart servers, they know we don’t have the all around numbers and whatnot to defend all of our maps (being a server with smaller population), it’s the same issue ET has. Pushing us is “easier points”. Would I like to see the 2 T2 servers pick on someone their own size? Of course, but this is a good wake-up call for SoS and I’m excited to be here.
Wasn’t FoE one of the first servers to jump ship before SoS dropped from tier one? What are you guys doing posting in this thread?
We’re bored. Can we come back to TC and FA?
Its Ironic… your pounding your opposition, but probably getting less bags
wait wait who gave them lootbags here!?!?
Guards, moas, wolves, harpies, wurm, spiders, yaks….
I should know, i farm them everyday!
ahahahaha….I think FoE is on SOS i saw a few of their tags last night in FA bls.
They’re on SoS, yes.
A lot of fairweather commanders like mez and guildchat complaining about the match up because they’re not used to suddenly losing.
Was some good fights last night on SoS borderland. ZN had low numbers last night due to this or that but was a fun night regardless. Cant wait to get back out there later today, Lil McGinley good to see FoE back among the land of the living.
word of advice SoS, don’t complain about a 2v1…it will make worse.
It’s not a 2v1. FA/TC are smart servers, they know we don’t have the all around numbers and whatnot to defend all of our maps (being a server with smaller population), it’s the same issue ET has. Pushing us is “easier points”. Would I like to see the 2 T2 servers pick on someone their own size? Of course, but this is a good wake-up call for SoS and I’m excited to be here.
We did, they whined about it for 3 weeks.
A lot of fairweather commanders like mez and guildchat complaining about the match up because they’re not used to suddenly losing.
LOL i dont mind losing, well not as much as not standing any chance from the onset, I’ve came from FA also been on CD Ebay etc i’ve had my exp of losing matchups. Ofc its great to finish 1st at the end of a matchup week (we all want that for our servers). But the most fun is in the fights when its 25 vs 70+ there is no fun in playing. We all are prob working on titles as well as trying to win the weeks match up, and again thats currently almost impossible with the numbers issue. Yes ofc i would complain about this current match up being on sos and the server what cant win this week due to the sear numbers against us, BUT honestly even if we had a fairer matchup i still would be against this new matchup system. When you have two t2 servers with 50+ each per bl vs 20-30 you know this is going to last a few weeks before anet admit themselves it just isnt working. And for the t2 servers it will get even more stale and boring and you will be agreeing with me not too long.
But yes we will still put up a fight and hopefully farm FA/TC a few times at least, be a thorn in their sides this week if nothing else, so lube up TC/FA and get ready.
(edited by Night Hawk Ix.7360)
Well we decided to go to Blue borderlands last night hoping it would be our home borderland. Loading… Loading… TC! Again…… Oh well we might as well just get married… Then we went for hills encountered PINK Then I realized after 30 mins…. wait! We’re fighting SOS of dear lord those poor souls. Realized how bad this is going to go for SOS when i pushed back 20 of them from the bridge to ruins by going into plague and the fact that we held their garrison for what i can remember was at least 3 hours :S I hope that SOS doesn’t give up though; they learn from us and grow as a server!
P.S. Sunspots i saw you twice last night I was the necro that started to chase you some at SE garrison after a small engagement :P
TC: That’s how we do
In spite of being outnumbered, SOS has brought some skillful competition so far. Fun battles!
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