Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: thoorne.6125



I’m a guildmaster of a french guild, playing on a french server, Jade Sea. This week we are facing an uk server (Piken Square) and a german server (Riverside).

We are facing the following problem : since the patch, the WvW queues seem totally bugged : we are like 50 players in any of the 4 WvW zones instead of 166, and people are facing 3-4h queues long.

We (all french GMs) contacted GMs from Piken Square and Riverside and they reported that they are actually facing exactly the same problem.

We spent several days counting how many people were in WvW zones and it’s very far from the 166v166v166 players limit).

It looks like we are playing 50v50v50, zones feel very very empty.

Is A.Net aware of this ? (we can’t have a decent answer of the french CM)

Are you facing the same problems on US servers ?

We (guild GMs) won’t be able to keep our members playing GW2 if things continue like this.

I hope there is a real solution incoming to this matter fast.

(edited by Moderator)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Ironvos.9014


I have been thinking about that too this week.
I don’t know exactly how many people can be on a wvw map, but sometimes the que’s seem odd.
Once i’ve seen the que pop up when i wanted to go to my own borderland, even though all that we had lost there was one tower to a breakout, and i can be pretty sure we didn’t have a 60man zerg there just to take it back cause we had more intense fights on the other borders at that moment. About 10 mins later the que was gone, the tower was still in enemy hands and there was just one commander with about 20/30 ppl there.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Snowstorm.3897


Hello, raid leader for GG, on Piken Square here. Just thought I’d give my view on this from last nights action.

We’d decided to go and hit JS BL for the night, and when we arrived in the map, TUP were also forming up. Between the 2 guild raids we had in the map, it totalled maybe 40-50 players. It seemed to us we had maybe 5 non guildies running with each warband, meaning a total of 30 players in the large organised groups on the map, 60 overall. We had a guild member stuck in queues for 3 hours last night, with only a total organised force of 60 on the map. If we add maybe 20 other players idling,/doing their own thing, that still only totals at 80 players on the map. What the hell ANet? You give us numbers like 500 players per map, meaning 166 per server, and there’s only most likely half of that in the zone?! Fix this please. The insane queue times, and not to mention bugged queue system, is fracturing our community, and Piken is one of the only server that plays WvW as it was intended, as guilds.

Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Emikodesuyo.5941


The thing is, the ques are bugged. It would really help if you could ‘see’ in what place you are in the que so you notice when it’s bugged. I don’t mind requeing.. but nowadays you dont know if the que is bugged or just really long.. Anyhow, Anet should really find a solution to at least make the ques more bearable if they are not able to make ’em shorter…

Tsukinoo – Guardian
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Just want to throw Desolation into the list as well. At first I thought it was a result of transfers but the queue has been extremely fishy the last week. Longest I sat in queue was 2.5 hours only to arrive on a map that appeared to be at 2/3 capacity.

This latest perception has thrown organised WvW guilds into disarray being unable to get full raid rosters into maps.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Wanna.7153


Same for Augury Rock, extrem queues with empty maps when you are in…..
Please fix this asap

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Grischu.3869


Only thing i know about, is after the last reset. Elona with outmanned buff on EB and most of Teamspeak in queue….

Grischu – Wächter 80 / Ertiki – Necromancer 80 / Risana Mortis – Messmer 80
Good old Days [GD] Elona

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Toumai.4812


Since the last patch it seems that Arena reduces again the number of players in WvW …

That is the policy of Arena regarding the WvW queue ? This problem could be fixed in the new patch or not ? Is it normal to wait serveral hours to join a map that contains only 50 players ???

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Same constatation on Vizunah Square. 2 hours in queue and only 50-60 players on each map since 2 days.

(edited by Kayato.9178)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

I’ve had similar things happen to me after the patch. Was in a queue for ten minutes, now we’ve had an influx of new guilds and players on our server, but we’ve never had queues for all the maps before.

Well after 10 minutes I clicked again and got in a borderland straight away. So question is why did I get in on my second attempt when I had been queuing for 10 minutes beforehand?! Surely my first attempt should have priority, but it didnt.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: vipeout.2485


Had the same on EB 2 days ago. Had 20+ people from my guild and the other commander couldn’t see even 15 more players on the map (he checked puzzles it was so weird). Yet quite a few friends were in queue for 20mins +.

Piken Square | Xiana [XT]

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


ArenaNet did small mistake . Add “1” to the m ap limit: "1"60 not 60

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Draknor.8403


Arena Net, we’re getting crazy here. 6 months after the launch, it’s getting worse and worse. And even worse when you patch your game to “solve” something. Did you reduce the max number of players able to enter a WvW map? You’re telling us you’re doing your best to improve the in-game experience, but actually, you’re just putting us off your game.

Do you understand people are leaving your game because of the many problems with WvW? We paid, we are customers, but can’t play like we want. You could just, for example, add one or two new WvW maps, it would help to face the huge flow of players willing to play what they paid for, and would be less buggy than the queue system.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


I think i have seen this kinda tread already before..
Someone of Anet responded that people still in queue but the border not full was because people not pressing oke when the timer start to enter the border

/taking troll potion

People of europe are just slackers.. shouldnt watch porn while they wait in queue.. so they dont miss the timers with 1000 at the same time

./troll skin gone

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Please keep this thread clean, it’s the better way to have an answer from Anet.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


I’ve posted a couple times this week in other threads about this same subject. Tarnished Coast has had queues for every map during prime time this week, but when you get in, there’s nowhere near a full complement of players in there.

Good to see it’s other servers as well. Would be nice if someone from ANet would look into this.

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Seasha.2915


I don’t play on the Euro servers but I’ve experienced simular things on my own server.

THIS is a post from Habib Loew Gameplay Programmer :

  • *Habib Loew

Gameplay Programmer

Hi all,

Queues are per map, per team – so there is a queue for TC players on the Eternal Battlegrounds and a different queue for TC players on each Borderlands, and a different queue for each of the other teams on each of the maps.

During the time it takes for players to change maps it is possible for there to be a queue even if there are less players in a map than the maximum capacity because the players taking up those empty slots are still “in flight” between maps. It’s also possible for a slot to take a while to fill if e.g. people see the queue pop, wait until the progress bar for the automatic transfer is almost empty, and then choose to renter the queue. At that point the system will move on and look for other players to fill that slot but all of that takes a bit of time. We’ve watched the queue numbers a lot and generally it’s only a few slots that are in this reserved state at any time.

Just to be sure I ran a quick database query for the last few days and all the queue numbers look quite reasonable.

So I don’t know where in the map those players are when you’re looking for them, but they’re definitely in there somewhere!

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer* ****

You can find this thread HERE https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Any-Tarnished-Coast-citizens-agree/first#post1338329

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


Just to be sure I ran a quick database query for the last few days and all the queue numbers look quite reasonable.

So I don’t know where in the map those players are when you’re looking for them, but they’re definitely in there somewhere!

Sure, the queue numbers may look reasonable, but what about the number of people actually on the map? Is that reasonable?

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Toumai.4812


I don’t play on the Euro servers but I’ve experienced simular things on my own server.

THIS is a post from Habib Loew Gameplay Programmer :

  • *Habib Loew

Gameplay Programmer

Hi all,

Queues are per map, per team – so there is a queue for TC players on the Eternal Battlegrounds and a different queue for TC players on each Borderlands, and a different queue for each of the other teams on each of the maps.

During the time it takes for players to change maps it is possible for there to be a queue even if there are less players in a map than the maximum capacity because the players taking up those empty slots are still “in flight” between maps. It’s also possible for a slot to take a while to fill if e.g. people see the queue pop, wait until the progress bar for the automatic transfer is almost empty, and then choose to renter the queue. At that point the system will move on and look for other players to fill that slot but all of that takes a bit of time. We’ve watched the queue numbers a lot and generally it’s only a few slots that are in this reserved state at any time.

Just to be sure I ran a quick database query for the last few days and all the queue numbers look quite reasonable.

So I don’t know where in the map those players are when you’re looking for them, but they’re definitely in there somewhere!

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer* ****

You can find this thread HERE https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Any-Tarnished-Coast-citizens-agree/first#post1338329

Thank’s for the link.
But there is absolutly nothing about the reducing WvW players since the last patch. What about the real numbers of players actually per map (certainly not 166) ? And the bug in WvW queue ? etc …

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Rake.7169


I think there was a line somewhere in that recent statement on wvw basically stating: max. player numbers are not fixed to 166 per server/map, they are dynamically adjusted and might be lower.
I’m pretty sure I’ve hardly ever seen more than 80 payers from our server on one map.

EDiTH found it…

Sure, I’ll spill dome details!

- How many players can one map contain?

As many as we can fit without causing too much stress on the servers. We can’t be more specific than that, but I can assure everyone that the cap is definitely split equally between all three worlds.

We have heard multiple reports for months about people being queued for a map and entering it only to have the outmanned buff, but unfortunately we’ve never been able to verify ways that could be occurring. I’m not saying it isn’t happening, but we haven’t ever been able to reproduce the problem, and if we can’t reproduce the core problem, it makes it basically impossible for us to find and fix the bug


(edited by Rake.7169)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: ilmau.9781


I agree there.. I cannot really see the 166 players limit it really seems like 60 or so. Then since we payed and we payid a lot with all this cash u may go buy better servers and mantain what u primised about this game. Coz here really to me seems u taking low the numbers of players in a map to a ovoid major culling probs..

[Hell] Kresh Bloodghast
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


I dont mind they lower the max players on each map, since the maps are not that big.
Just add some more borders and the problem is fixed.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: hugemistake.5317


I have to add my voice with the rest. The only reason i’m playing gw2 is wvw. I’m home after 9pm in general so at my server prime time which means i can’t log until midnight most of the nights (because of the 2/3 hours queues, no exaggeration)

It wasn’t this bad before the patch, it would be great if anyone at anet could look into this ? Thanks.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Maybe thier culling fix really just reduced max players on the field. Pretty kittens if you ask me. The thing I don’t understand is why some servers seem unaffected by it. Why hasn’t JQ commented? SoR is also a packed server and seems to be able to field well more than this as well. I think with this post it’s pretty clear it is real and not a figment of tc’s imagination.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: ladyfabulous.1403


It is quite bizarre indeed and it seems like TC is the only non-european server affected.
In any case thanks Anet for showing how much you value your european customers.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


No I think other NA servers are seeing this too … one of my teammates actually speculated as to whether this new culling system may be the culprit .. as it creates bodies/rudimentary placeholders ahead of time to battle the culling issue … wonder if it’s a bug in that coding that’s making the map think there’s more people there than there actually is?

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


I wait with impatience to see what fake pretext Anet will say this time.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: waeren.9743


I wait with impatience to see what fake pretext Anet will say this time.

The one guy working on WvW ran out of testing time?

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: taKeshyy.6014


So…this was their “fix” afterall?


Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Same here ( Desolation ) i can only play in Midday or at night, on prime time all the borders are full and the queue goes over 1 hour ( then i change char for PVE or exit the game )

But i cant say if there are really 100+ ppl per map>

Would be really nice to see some numbers of how many ppl your own server have for each map, but dont show the enemy numbers cause that will make things unfair.

And a number to see how many ppl are waiting in Queue

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


As Jayne said, and as a EU player on a US server, we’ve noticed the same thing on TC. We’ve talked about it just here – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Any-Tarnished-Coast-citizens-agree/first

Something does feel wrong. I don’t know if that’s just my perception though.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Chambered.7135


I still think there’s something bugged with queues or map limits myself. I’ve been WvWing since launch and have continually run into the issues posted here. Even accounting for people running around doing world completion, the people doing jumping puzzles, and the people standing around at spawn / various keeps – there’s just no way you get to 166 players most the time there is a queue. There have been plenty of times I’ve been on a ‘full’ borderland where there’s obviously only 60-80 actual players.

It makes me wonder if there’s some sort of bug that doesn’t remove players from the queue. Like if you switch borderlands, or crash out, it doesn’t free up your ‘spot’ for others to get in.

Maybe they just need to shorten the amount of time people have to click ‘OK’ in queue, and be more aggressive on booting AFK players.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Hey.1859


Less people, more queues, more clipping.

Really awesome patch.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Phule.1968


Now I know why they believe they fixed the culling bug, it all makes sense, no really it does. Yeah!

mm… yup.


Never mind.

Fix the wvwvw for gods sake, I’m sick of hearing stuff about how Anet devs says things like,
– “We’re monitoring the forums for player feedback and act accordingly to what we get to know from them and their feedback.”

So, it would be nice to actually see some improvements on the “real” battlefield for once.

Where’s my X-ray goggles when I need em?

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


I’ll raise a hand to add Gandara to the list. 2 days ago we had no more than about 30 of us actively playing in our borderlands. Even once you allow for people idling around spawn or gathering / doing vistas etc. and even allowing for the fact that everyone tends to see fewer allies and more enemies than there actually are, there can’t have been more than 60 or so on our borders. And yet there was a half hour queue.


Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Maybe transfers are still counting to their old worlds population in wvw instead of their new one.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Limited place for WvW is a joke anyway…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: will.2105


It’s happening in all servers, a friend on tier 5 in NA complained about queue to me yesterday. There’s something wrong, hope they figure it out and fix it soon.

[RET] Miss Petit Pois 80 Thief

Fort Aspenwood

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Tygra.4570


It makes the queues really bad here on Vizunah.
I couldn’t log into one of our bordelands without a queue at 4pm GMT+1.
This has never happened, even the week GW2 was launched.

The French Flair [FF]

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Check out this related thread:


It is looking more and more as though players who simply quit or log out of the game while they are still in WVW (as opposed to leaving WvW first and THEN logging out) are still showing as being active on the map. Lots of us are still seeing dots on the map of party members that we know for a fact have left the game.

If this is indeed the problem, it is pretty sad that ANet couldn’t have quickly caught it on their own.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: browolf.3825


Just to be sure I ran a quick database query for the last few days and all the queue numbers look quite reasonable.

maybe there’s people falling out of the server side of the queue but the client still thinks they’re in the queue or keeps resetting their position. That could explain why some people’s queue is significantly longer than other people’s.
Or people leaving aren’t registered as left properly.

it seems obvious there’s a problem(s) somewhere….

Piken Square forever

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Saros.4968


7:55 pm on Jade Sea server, Piken Square map :

After 20 minutes of queue, I entered the zone.

Quick tour of the map, checking connected people (afk at warcamp + players), less than 40.

Checked with other servers : same numbers.

How the hell can you tell us that your system isn’t currently totally broken ?

We want to play the game we paid for, FIX IT !

Sarosk – lvl 80 Norn Warrior
<Joke> Guildmaster – Arborstone

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Torkaal.7439


I agree with Saros, since the last patch, the conditions of play are very bad.
More queue, culling worst than before…
Plz Anet, do something or you will lost your WvW community…

Furya [Fry] Jade Sea

(edited by Torkaal.7439)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


Bah i want to play this game the normal way, not with bugs everytime or with 1 hour+ waiting times. Maybe stop making every month new stuff or stories.. use the comming 2 months for game repair please, nobody would complain!

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

(edited by Magnetron.5823)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: WhiskeyJack.5839


I`m on Aurora Glade server and can confirm that the queueing seems inconsistent perhaps broken. Guild members can queue for 45 mins plus, I can log into gw2, queue and get in before them.

We also had a queue for EB at 3pm this afternoon…3pm! We only used to fill maps at primetime.

Can we get confirmation that this is seen as an issue? I don’t want an immediate solution but the reassurance its being taken seriously.

Gunnars Hold
Furious Cookies[FURY]

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Rake.7169


Sure, I’ll spill dome details!

- How many players can one map contain?

As many as we can fit without causing too much stress on the servers. We can’t be more specific than that, but I can assure everyone that the cap is definitely split equally between all three worlds.


why won’t anybody read before posting?
there it is, the “old” 500 or 166 per map/server doesn’t really exist, it’s lower. thus those queues even with low player numbers and it has been that way for quite some time.

(edited by Rake.7169)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


We at RoS can confirm the same thing.
We don’t even have enough people to fill 2 BL’s with queues, yet we had Queue’s in 2 BL’s…
Today, I gathered everyone on the map in EB and we barely had 30 and apparently we had queues!

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: insanesu.3965


when russians starting at JS border we have ~60ppl (INS 15 + RuNL 20-25 and Nug 20-25) and map is full. Not sure that map can admit 166ppl. 100 or less, I think.

Jolly Insane | Insane Empire [INS] | www.insaneempire.com
Piken Square (unofficial roletrollplay server)

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Katiechops.6807


Yeah not been able to raid with my guild since patch, give up each nigt tafter a 1.5 hour wait and the 20 mins I did get in a map since patch the map felt dead and had more members quing than in the map!

Just logged tonight after a hou, lost will to play atm tbh.


Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


Yep today during defense on Bay around 21 GMT we hardly count 50 people on map including solo players, that time DT had 16 ppl, VII 11, and just few from Necrosis plus not more like 20 solo players maybe other 100 was on jumping puzzle we don’t know but that time other 6 players from my guild was still in queue so there is something wrong after path for sure. Also forum is full of posts from other servers which have same problem.

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow