Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: floppy.4193


augury rock play white rubik cube ahahahaha LOOSER


Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Arthas Zeitgeist.9062

Arthas Zeitgeist.9062

frankly, I am fed up of being killed by a mob of people who are incapable, last night a friend and I against 5 people win in winning a flag, so they come back in 12 XD to be able to kill us. Where we go in our borderland or other, the situation is 1 gandara at 10-12 Ar . It is more a matter of skill, but only numbers.

Like to win easy?

I do not Say That in AR, there are strong players, but it is hard to find among 2000 people. At least have the decency not to dance or laugh about people who kill without any demonstration of skill.

(edited by Arthas Zeitgeist.9062)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


Obviously something changed since last time we found AR.
They were a lot, yes, but not so much.
Moreover, not having the 3rd W, completely destroys game’s mechanics.
As soon as Gandara takes a camp 20 to 30 AR come to take it back, and that’s because they have nothing else to do.
So Gandara, keep calm and carry on… friday will come

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


and where is the fun to zerg 13 of us with 30+ gnou+pug?

Hahaha, Is the first time Someone is accusing Gnou of zerging LoL.. so for you we were 30+ GNou+ some PU. LoL

I reckon we had some PU who were following us in this fight, but is more like 4-5 max and we do not play we Commandant token.. to avoid that..

I will say “Go back to school for math lesson, or buy some glasses m8.
You seem to see triple.”
And shame on you to have trashed the video..(wanted to see your POV) hopefully for us we have the record COMING SOON lol.. 30 gnou lol we are max 14 but usually 7-12..
I had a good laugh there but it wasn’t the first when reading your post.

i tryed many time to inc u without all the pug but always u all fled and i repeat we roam with 10man always and sometimes we are bit more,

LOOOL, You really of bad faith m8… you come and try a INC in fufu, clipping..
it didn’t work with us.. you fled and try again.. And i stopped counting after 5 times you tried that..

lol we fled.. xD you think we gonna wait quietly packed that you inc us to have you 2 second of fame.. with you fufu technic.. lolilol xD

After month of game i really dont undertand why many BIG guild continue say “yeah was fun fight” and they were 30 40,the fun thing is kill 30 40 ppl with 10 not otherwise.

First of all, we are not a big guild, as I said before.. we only 14 max..
and yeah It was a fun fight trying to chase you after all you push and fled back and try to inc us again in FUFU… I hoped you had enjoyed it.. and I wanted to see in video your perspective of the combat.. but you trashed it.. shame on you

You said you were 13.. so bad faith m8 proof in video.. ( I am waiting for it) but I can remember 2 SN + the CA.. you clearly outnumber us at the beginning.. but with you corrida and you back fufu you loosed all you PU support until it was only your team standing ready for extinction>> on the bridge.

Is lame to use pve potion (with nô skill bar) in wvwvw.. Specially to generate clipping Like rg, to have à shaDow inc….

you didn’t even bother to answer that lol..

Anyway.. there is still a few days for this match up.. and we are going to chase you
see you on the field tonight

Anyway.. there is still a few days for this match up.. and we are going to chase you
see you on the field tonight

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


yeah go back to school i said 30+ gnou+pug not 30 gnou+pug,and i u really think was same number fight u really have problem to your eyes because we have always the same number.

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Hello from Judge [JDGE]. We joined Gandara this evening, moving from Desolation. Looking forward to a fun matchup, although having faced Arbor at their peak it’s sad to see them gutted like this.

Sorry to see you and your misfits go, Gandarra have indeed gained a fantastic guild. Best of luck with your new home, I’ll miss bumping into Frou and seeing Osci in the strangest of places.

Agreed, it’s very sad to see you go as I really liked you guys. But I can fully understand your reasoning for leaving Desolation.

So I’d like to wish you all a very fond farewell and thanks for all the fun I had with you guys while you were on Desolation!! Gandara is very lucky to have you…

Thanks for the well wishes, and best of luck to [EXG] and [HOPE], keep fighting the good fight. Deso has some great guilds, excellent commanders and a community spirit that is hard to beat.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


All these french… help! I mean au secours!

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Dear Augury,

Come out of your keeps so we can kill you, because if you don’t we may be forced to come into your keeps… you know… to kill you… and tbh that’s a hassle. Building rams and stuff really gets in the way of the whole killing thing. So, be more than Vizunah. Be more than Arborstone.


P.S. Cannons makes you tuffguis.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


This is just what happens when wvw population from 5 french servers got stacked into 3 servers. There’s no 24h coverage on Gandara so there’s no way french can be countered in early mornings and daytime.
Gandarians just take it easy this week , collect some easy badges from endless zergs and focus on the next weeks matchup that should be good one Piken Square-Gandara-Aurora Glade.

All is vain.

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


well for me 30+ gnou = over 30 gnou lolilol and + pug mean + pug

so is even more insane lol you said that we were 30+ I don’t know AR i guess, our 10 gnou ( cause we were 10 last night) +PUG who should be include into the 30 ???


and I never said same number.. I said you outnumber us at begining.. and we killed your pug CA, SN don’t now the rest.. I ll send you the video by PM when My master Frapyvegas has done it.. so you can see by yourself the difference in video arbitration…

cause you seem to forgot quickly whatever you don’t roll steam on

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Llamure.7430


really sad to see that even you Gnou guyz converted to zerg; A-net fault if bringing in more and more people looks the only way to win despite of guild-based action.
Cannot blame you if after so many beats you too started play it this way.

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


I agree that there is a lot of zerg but I am not part of it ^^

and the lolilol crap is just because I was so lol, after the answer of nemesys that I didn’t know how to express it.
and fufu is fufu m8 is the technic of invisibility..

and btw my first post is not aggressive at all , is call an easy taunt.. and I said we enjoyed the fight, hope was the same on the opposite side but apparently not..

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

(edited by Seed.5714)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Nemesys.7251


i dont said we dont enjoyed it,i only said how ppl can enjoy kill 12/13 ppl with 30+
now u can continue talk how much u want i prefer play in game not on a forum,bye.

Nem Bloodworthy[XxX]

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


i dont said we dont enjoyed it,i only said how ppl can enjoy kill 12/13 ppl with 30+
now u can continue talk how much u want i prefer play in game not on a forum,bye.


Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Sandro.3694


i dont said we dont enjoyed it,i only said how ppl can enjoy kill 12/13 ppl with 30+
now u can continue talk how much u want i prefer play in game not on a forum,bye.

Why so serious ?

Just to make something clear: Gnou usually never stick any kind of zerg, so if they owned you, i kind of think they did…

Because the 30+ party your reffering to is us,and i do not recall having the Gnou following us ever, and what do you think ? you keep coming behind us and try killing us… what do you expect that we are all gonna throw our weapons, and give you directly our bags ?

You are a quite good guild, but sometime you just play like lamers IG :/

Dungeon Gaming –

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


This thread is getting quite amazing, i think most of u forget this isnt about guilds, its about server.
AR easily have zergs because they are everywhere, like i say on ts, u guys simple reproduce too fast, kill 5? no worries look behind u and u have 30 more.
It is easy to say a guild+ pugs cause sometimes when ur going with ur guild, some ppl just join ur group.
Sad about Arborstone…
AR ur on fire, this definetly isnt the same AR we fought before.

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Hello from Judge [JDGE]. We joined Gandara this evening, moving from Desolation. Looking forward to a fun matchup, although having faced Arbor at their peak it’s sad to see them gutted like this.

Sorry to see you and your misfits go, Gandarra have indeed gained a fantastic guild. Best of luck with your new home, I’ll miss bumping into Frou and seeing Osci in the strangest of places.

Agreed, it’s very sad to see you go as I really liked you guys. But I can fully understand your reasoning for leaving Desolation.

So I’d like to wish you all a very fond farewell and thanks for all the fun I had with you guys while you were on Desolation!! Gandara is very lucky to have you…

Cheers ppl. It was not a easy deccision, love deso to the bone and the quailty of the random ppl you run into on deso is fantastic. You can easy hit a stealth, shout gather on meand get 5-7 ppl from randomg guilds to join a portal attack on deso, will miss that

We have thu got a fantastic wc on Gendara, we in their forum and start to get to know some ppl.

Still as you say we had our reasons, so far the fights in T4 been fantastic, the zergs are 1 /3 of the t1 zergs and you find alot of guilds to fight in open with using tactics etc. And I have a feeling the ppl on Gend geting more and more used to organiced fighting.

Keep up the gj on deso, take care.


Ps To the commander in EB that helped us organice a treb attack on the tower under ogrie, cheers, good teamwork.

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Riselight.3695


well yeah, I hope the AS guilds who have moved to higher tier worlds to help them out, know that they have cursed AS forever with the free world transfer going away…

Riselight [WvW] – Elementalist
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


A big Hello to BLAK and BH from Augury Rock. Dius had great fun fighting you guys with our meager 20 people! (Meager in comparison to what you guys were throwing at us! ;P)

Might be a wash out, but fun smashing faces for the week!

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Brenwan.8304


i dont said we dont enjoyed it,i only said how ppl can enjoy kill 12/13 ppl with 30+
now u can continue talk how much u want i prefer play in game not on a forum,bye.

We were 10 Gnou on sunday evening. We don’t deny that we had some pu adding the fight, I would say 4 maybe 5 … but so you had, I saw some SN tag with you.

Gnou are used to play with a group from 5 to 12 people. And we try to roam on our own and avoid the zerg as much as possible.

Anyway, I don’t understand why so much anger, Seed’s first post was just to say that he enjoyed the fight.

So bad you deleted the recording of this fight … perchance, our guardian got it, full length.


CommandRoux – Gnou -

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Boborg.8914


Lose or win nevermind, we like play against gandara and XxX.

hoping for more fights against you. We have max 12 players , you 13, i pray for great balanced fights away from fort and tower.


RA invader – Gnou -

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


i would like to see that video, cause i see SN here, SN there and i dont remember any of this…. im getting old i think

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Ash.3641


Hello from Judge [JDGE]. We joined Gandara this evening, moving from Desolation. Looking forward to a fun matchup, although having faced Arbor at their peak it’s sad to see them gutted like this.

Sorry to see you and your misfits go, Gandarra have indeed gained a fantastic guild. Best of luck with your new home, I’ll miss bumping into Frou and seeing Osci in the strangest of places.

Agreed, it’s very sad to see you go as I really liked you guys. But I can fully understand your reasoning for leaving Desolation.

So I’d like to wish you all a very fond farewell and thanks for all the fun I had with you guys while you were on Desolation!! Gandara is very lucky to have you…

Cheers ppl. It was not a easy deccision, love deso to the bone and the quailty of the random ppl you run into on deso is fantastic. You can easy hit a stealth, shout gather on meand get 5-7 ppl from randomg guilds to join a portal attack on deso, will miss that

We have thu got a fantastic wc on Gendara, we in their forum and start to get to know some ppl.

Still as you say we had our reasons, so far the fights in T4 been fantastic, the zergs are 1 /3 of the t1 zergs and you find alot of guilds to fight in open with using tactics etc. And I have a feeling the ppl on Gend geting more and more used to organiced fighting.

Keep up the gj on deso, take care.


Ps To the commander in EB that helped us organice a treb attack on the tower under ogrie, cheers, good teamwork.

That commander was Prowie


Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Chancer.3716


Hello from Judge [JDGE]. We joined Gandara this evening, moving from Desolation. Looking forward to a fun matchup, although having faced Arbor at their peak it’s sad to see them gutted like this.

Sorry to see you and your misfits go, Gandarra have indeed gained a fantastic guild. Best of luck with your new home, I’ll miss bumping into Frou and seeing Osci in the strangest of places.

Agreed, it’s very sad to see you go as I really liked you guys. But I can fully understand your reasoning for leaving Desolation.

So I’d like to wish you all a very fond farewell and thanks for all the fun I had with you guys while you were on Desolation!! Gandara is very lucky to have you…

Cheers guys. Its been an absolute pleasure serving Desolation with you until our time there was up.

To the matters at hand. AR, be afraid and prepare to be judged

Overlord Cosmic / Cosmic Massacre / Chancer
Officer of [JDGE] – [EU] Gandara
Formerly [EU] Desolation

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


i would like to see that video, cause i see SN here, SN there and i dont remember any of this…. im getting old i think

Lol, i Like you Man. ^^
u ll see son enough :p, i m not sûre about thé 2sn but i trust my roux commander ^^ and definitly a few CA. I don’t know Who they are tough but they were à few taged CA

And i have report That the clipping is gone, what a great news, finally we will see our ennemies and ultimatly what we hit^^

No rvr for us tonight coz of thé patch, we ll see you on thé field tomorow

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

(edited by Seed.5714)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


A big Hello to BLAK and BH from Augury Rock. Dius had great fun fighting you guys with our meager 20 people! (Meager in comparison to what you guys were throwing at us! ;P)

Might be a wash out, but fun smashing faces for the week!

We d love to see you in open this week catch you on thé field

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


A big Hello to BLAK and BH from Augury Rock. Dius had great fun fighting you guys with our meager 20 people! (Meager in comparison to what you guys were throwing at us! ;P)

Might be a wash out, but fun smashing faces for the week!

We d love to see you in open this week catch you on thé field

We were in the open all day in your borderlands ;P

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


We do not play during the day, you know work, wife, irl thing,etc
We “gnou” are A kind of marginal casu in AR, we just play for fun roaming and specially not Zerging with our 12 man squad ( i said 14 before, cause we got some papy ultra casu in the guild^^) and our prime usually start very late, Like 21h30 22h till midnight 1 in the morning.

But i hope we ll get thé chance to fight you ^^ before the ens of thé match up.

Ps: sry for thé syntax of all my post.. I m not as good as my Roux for writing..

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

(edited by Seed.5714)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


@Seed: its easy to understand what ur typing and i think its pretty cute lol

@IDarko: awsome work guys, pretty well done. The ugly charr is ruining all the shine there though xD

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Luranni.9470


Perish [FLEE]

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: karkatune.3216


A big Hello to BLAK and BH from Augury Rock. Dius had great fun fighting you guys with our meager 20 people! (Meager in comparison to what you guys were throwing at us! ;P)

Might be a wash out, but fun smashing faces for the week!

Big Hello to you too, You were the toughest team we met yesterday before the system win ! We were also approximately 20 BH [Black Hope]
We hope to meet you again, funny story yesterday evening. See you soon!

Black Hope, Augury Rock
Zefirian – Necro

Black Hope ~ Augury Rock
Zefirian ~ Necro

(edited by karkatune.3216)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Deff.7903


cool vids Luranni

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Nifty videos, absolutely loved the fight against the humongous blob. Rock on!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Rookni.2469


Thanks to BLAK and BH for the fun last night before server took the better of us. When you guys came together to the camp there, oh my god. We was happy with almost wiping out the first push, then we turned around looking at a another charge, twice the size. Was good fun

Commander Yolo Oh Trollo. The power is in the moustache

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Tortun.5946


So Lur Lur, you would protect Bessie for all that time, accidentally AOE an untrained Bessie and then FINISH IT OFF AT THE END?!?!?! What sort of Gandaran are you?!?! I find this video offensive and inflammatory!

You lady, should be ashamed…. Ashamed!!!!

In other news, SoggyFrog made me stay up till 3am despite telling him a number of times I was tirrrrrrrred!!! There was always something big to do, Stonemis, omega golems, camping camps….

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: oblivious.8074


Nice video Luranni

Main: Combustible Lemon – Asura Engineer
on Piken Square and Gandara.

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


a bunch of shepherds ?

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Missy.7356


Caring for Bessie, culling the fake ones and I’m sure that untamed Bessie was falling to the darkside so Luranni saved it from the pain and indignity.

Its missing the Guild Catapult tho.

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


Nice video Luranni,

I didn’t know the doylak had a queen ^^ or a goddess I might say ^^

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@All Gendarians who helped this morning on the offensive in AR borderlands, ty for superb teamplay and server spirit. I see some growing ressitance from the non guilded aswell vs the fr horde, cheers.

<3 From

/Osicat <Judge>

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


@Seed: its easy to understand what ur typing and i think its pretty cute lol

^^ <3 ^^ I am cute I know ^^

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Re-uploaded. Should work now!

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


Awesome video mate, you guys really rocks ^^, finally a real10-15 man guild capable of something wihtout abusing the system.. clipping..
And you are not using wierd tactic like some( I would not point anyone) with PvE potion in WvWvW..
Respect Again

already copy past the video link to share it to my guildies ^^

really respect again.. more should take you as example ^^
congratz finish, I hope we met you before the end of the match up ^^

HS: BtW apparently there is a TAG [TE] something turkish elite using speed hacking in gandara playing thief.. someone just tell me that>> Bane them Anet ^^

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

(edited by Seed.5714)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Last night before we became Gendarians we did a salute raid. This is a short vid form it. Cheers from Judge:

Show the mid/smal group combat tactics we use.

/Osicat <Judge>

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Awesome video mate, you guys really rocks ^^, finally a real10-15 man guild capable of something wihtout abusing the system.. clipping..
And you are not using wierd tactic like some( I would not point anyone) with PvE potion in WvWvW..
Respect Again

already copy past the video link to share it to my guildies ^^

really respect again.. more should taje you re example ^^
congratz finish, I hope we met you before the end of the match up ^^

HS: BtW apparently there is a TAG [TE] something turkish elite using speed hacking in gandara playing thief.. someone just tell me that>> Bane them Anet ^^

Thank you for your kind words sir

I will admit, we do in fact use the Potion Of Ascalonian Mages sometimes. The reason isn’t to cull bomb you or anything, it has other purposes too, which I wont say.

Turkish Elite [TE]? I can try and find someone in game and let them know what’s going down.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


so what is it for ? this potion with no skill bar..

you re falling dawn in my esteem

edit just read that this one “Potion? Of Ascalonian Mages” keep the skill bar, but still don’t why is use for apart of a beacon in the blop..

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

(edited by Seed.5714)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Potion with no skill bar o.0?
That potion allows you to use your own skills.
Unless They changed it, then we wont use it.

Edit: They Haven’t. In answer to your question, we have reason too. Just note we don’t use enough to cull bomb.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Seed.5714


well I don’t know the utility, i guess I ll try out if there is a speed buff or an auto rez or something wierd like that -_-

Dee Namo/Oken Toshan, GNou, Augury Rock

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Ahaha, nothing like that :P Each guild who has use of it is probably for a different reason :P

Edit: it’s not like some sort of epic secret, it’s just no need to plaster everyones reason for using them on the forums ;P

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

(edited by KinkyWarrior.1879)

Gandara Vs Arborstone Vs Augury Rock (Tier 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Caid.4932


Think there was a report of turkish elite using speed hacks a week or two ago, as far as i remember tortun said he’d look into it.
Nice video Osciat, good to have you on the server.
