Gunnar/Piken/Riverside - 31/5
Classic Riverside lol
With a good group of 30-35 you can beat RS blob everytime, there a not very tank usually, you will get plenty of rally.
For the Ac try to don’t fight there is useless, the people in the blob don’t do damage but Ac is way too much, Hills is always very tragic, because Ac hit everywere.
Most of them play for points, so let them have it.
If you want to split them Just attack Top left tower with cata they will port the entire blob to spawn to deal with 5-10 guys and you can take the rest of their stuff, and they never fight if they don’t need too.
They play a different game, let them play, we ask them to split more but only some guild ( DW <3 ) do that.
And trust me now is MUCH better than like 1 month ago.
Hope next week you don’t fight AM is like old RS so bad
Guild Leader
Our Guild was yesterday on your BL with 15 – 20 against one BLOB of GH GOW and a random zerg i only say ruins so don´t cry all the time you blob as well. ( i know its was only per accident that you met there ^^ )
drink less necessary, even with the GoW do not overlap
not only that cowards, so more and liars
jeep + 20 – 25 from GH and 20 from your random zerg = 48 – . . .
congratulations! your diagnosis – congenital strabismus
teamspeak to sit no more than 15
GH 20-25? Oh my God, when it becomes a reality, I happen to orgasm
Unfortunately, we departed and I was uncomfortable doing full Zerg screenshot
(edited by JoiLink.5084)
Classic Riverside lol
With a good group of 30-35 you can beat RS blob everytime, there a not very tank usually, you will get plenty of rally.
For the Ac try to don’t fight there is useless, the people in the blob don’t do damage but Ac is way too much, Hills is always very tragic, because Ac hit everywere.
Most of them play for points, so let them have it.
If you want to split them Just attack Top left tower with cata they will port the entire blob to spawn to deal with 5-10 guys and you can take the rest of their stuff, and they never fight if they don’t need too.
They play a different game, let them play, we ask them to split more but only some guild ( DW <3 ) do that.
And trust me now is MUCH better than like 1 month ago.
Hope next week you don’t fight AM is like old RS so bad
That’s useful information thank you.
It also confirms what we were beginning to suspect. When we hit them, they tend to go down very fast. we were speculating that many are in Berserker gear but can’t really use it.
I hope that they do have some decent guilds though because that’s all we’re interested in. ‘Blob on blob’ fights are just boring. The AC stuff is just childish, may as well play (spit) PvE (/spit).
Can’t beat them 3vs1. Let’s beat them AC style, 1 ac per 20 meters guys!
I loled a lot.
Who started building Ac’s? Right, you guys. You had 2 trebs on the tower and another treb + 2 ac’s 20 meters behind the ac in the pic. So what?
Is it our fault that you are not able to protect your trebs vs. 3ppl attacking them with range attacks?
(edited by Apfelschorle.6472)
Less Crying and more Killing
made me lol hard – has to be some kind of self irony i guess
btw – this thread is pure gold , even for someone not involved
Bonzi – Ranger / Onizuka Kenji ~ Ele
Badhabbits – Thief / Meíster ~ Guardian
Most of Pikenguys are crying. Why hate everyone Riverside?
Momekas Namu
you DO realize, that you both play on the same server, which is: Piken
And what about that ? If you think that I use it, think again.
I reported this exploit already to, My post was there only for show that there is something wrong with this, and some ppl (with siege experience ofc) probaby used this before – maybe not the best place to show that, nvm already deleted by moderators.
Why hate everyone Riverside?
because you so pathetic you afraid to fight with Piken without cheating, prefer to sitting in t3 keeps with 60+ ppl inside
@Contiguous More than berserker Gear is just underlevel people, pve spec stuff like that, if you want to attack them on full scale map the best method is Full the map with your people run at least 1 group of 30-35 people this need to be good, avoid their main charge and attack their backline, and remember to kite away the blob, in many position you can’t beat them, but in open field if you a bit more then 1:2 you can crush them everytime.
After 5 wipes, you will take anything they have but it will still take a lot time because of the AC stuff.
Groups of 5 work also very well aganist them because they need usually 10 or more before attacking anything.
This is you want to play their game(Points and Prizes!!!!)
Watch out for Dw, they are the strongest guild the i encounter on Riverside but they don’t blob so is all good.
The biggest victory that i had on riverside is when they don’t engage unless 1:3 or in Ac range that means they Fear you, at that point they already lost they battle long time ago, let them go up and win all the points they want, they will find server who like points and not fight BUT try to honor them everytime they engage with 1:1 numbers or even less because that can bring the change in Riverside and help WvW status it self.
When somebody has a reputetion to defend they will not blob and they will get better and have fun with Fights.
Golden rule when they outman you 1:5 wipe them 5 times they go to bed.
Guild Leader
Had some nice duels at the Piken Spawn in RSBL this morning, thanks to those i fought and thanks to those who let us fight without getting involved, it was much appreciated. Sorry to the Charr warrior from HoB who i was picking on with Magnet i was bored and you were big and easy to spot (even if you did change your armour colour) – thanks for the adventure box of fun
LOL you, the annoying Engi
Hand of Blood [HoB]
Piken Square
Watch out for Dw, they are the strongest guild the i encounter on Riverside but they don’t blob so is all good.
We played with them at about 6 weeks ago. Good guild, but not too strong to be remembered like siN or RG
@qweman they are not strong has siN or RG but they are the best that riverside can offer for now, i hope many other guild choose that way in wvw
Guild Leader
Tonight was great, thanks to everyone we fought, we’ll see you tomorrow at the same time
. The numbers we’re seeing are crazy but i imagine RS and PS are used to it. Anyway, here’s some pictures of us running away from you tonight.
I see Smokey Elyment trying to sneak off in that first screen! Sounds like GH is having fun! I do hope next week you take Ring of Fire away from us though.
Riverside are just not fun to fight against, individually and in small groups they are just awful and too easy to fight. They only ever engage in the open if they massively outnumber you or they just turtle up into keeps/towers and fill the place with AC’s even if they outnumber you 3:1. The playstyle is just boring/irritating and no fun, basically :p And gunners seem non-existing this matchup, all I ever see is GH gank groups, picking on solo players or uplevels, I haven’t seen them in the borders actually pushing for an objective, they just run around ganking.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
Riverside are just not fun to fight against, individually and in small groups they are just awful and too easy to fight. They only ever engage in the open if they massively outnumber you or they just turtle up into keeps/towers and fill the place with AC’s even if they outnumber you 3:1. The playstyle is just boring/irritating and no fun, basically :p And gunners seem non-existing this matchup, all I ever see is GH gank groups, picking on solo players or uplevels, I haven’t seen them in the borders actually pushing for an objective, they just run around ganking.
Of course we just run ganking. And towers and keeps that are red just changed color on their own
We don’t have PS and RS numbers so we’re a bit more careful about choosing our fights. When I was playing on reset night we had some nice fights against both RS and PS though.
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
just something you could think about:
1. why is only RS useing ACs like that? if its soooo easy to hit things deep inside towers, why is not everyone doing it?
2. you rly think that every server that normally acts nice to other servers just says you are cheating and whatever without reason? you rly think everyone is just hateing you?
i just have to laugh ^^
We don’t have PS and RS numbers so we’re a bit more careful about choosing our fights.
3 hours ago PS still had the outmanned buff on GH borderland.
Either we are less than you think or you are more than you think :p
(RS is of course another story)
We don’t have PS and RS numbers so we’re a bit more careful about choosing our fights.
3 hours ago PS still had the outmanned buff on GH borderland.
Either we are less than you think or you are more than you think :p
(RS is of course another story)
Well I have yet to visit PS borderland Prolly we would be outmanned there too
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
We don’t have PS and RS numbers so we’re a bit more careful about choosing our fights.
3 hours ago PS still had the outmanned buff on GH borderland.
Either we are less than you think or you are more than you think :p
(RS is of course another story)
Earlier this afternoon GH had outmanned buff on GH borderland..!
It’s been a tough few days in the homelands. Though we are holding our own in EB.
Unfortunately we don’t have two full-size forces to compete on two maps except during primetime.
Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia
We actually ticked top in prime time tonight… for about a minute. Still, given what we’re up against i’d say we’ve performed pretty kitten well. Sorry if you think we’ve been neglecting you PS, but we really don’t have the numbers to push you, even if we’d like to.
[Re] Rerolled
We don’t have PS and RS numbers so we’re a bit more careful about choosing our fights.
3 hours ago PS still had the outmanned buff on GH borderland.
Either we are less than you think or you are more than you think :p
(RS is of course another story)
You need to realise that Riverside has had a constant big zerg on GH bl since reset, if you see big group of GH it’s usually because we were hunting for them. The Piken I saw earlier today in GH BL were just unlucky enough to get in the way of those battles.
Hopefully now weekend is over we see the usual dropoff in German numbers, so can be more smallscale.
@Amelia knox ty:)
My guild don’t want to fight blob and arrowcart battles. There’s no skill in it and mothing to learn so we’re just not interested.
We hope that maybe there might be some decent guild fighters in RS and maybe we can get some GvG going.
Unfortunately, our own members are pretty well kittened off at the tactics being used. Large groups attacking singles who’re just trying to cross the map, ganking thieves hiding at every crossing – stuff like that.
Feelings are running pretty high so it’s going to take a serious diplomatic move from RS to make us think any better of them.
How about it guys – any of you got the gonads to meet us on level ground, 15v15 or thereabouts?
Great afternoon/evening fighting. ALOT of loot, and we even hit a +245 tick at one point \o/.
In the end it all got a bit blobby in RS bl, we must have been somewhere between 30 and 50 at our highest. So much skill lag.
Warrior roaming vid, it has quite a few fights of this new matchup
And for ze germans who wont be able to watch that.
Had to split it into two parts, and comment on youtube vid not on the other if you do : P
Oh and 2nd part on dailymotion isnt full quality rendered just yet.
Edit: And thanks for all the great fights!
(edited by Gathslan.1870)
Why hate everyone Riverside?
because you so pathetic you afraid to fight with Piken without cheating, prefer to sitting in t3 keeps with 60+ ppl inside
Haha funny. VM and other Guilds always look for fights on Borderlands! But most Pikenguys today run away.
Nice Duells on PS BL today
Momekas Namu
geez. so much crying. searched a lot in the morning for fair 1o1 and just found a lot of ps grps not rly holding what they`re wishing for.
my highest respect to the gunnars in generall. found it amusing to see, how you took the ps sieges behind their back on rs bl tonight. i got the Feeling they were chatting in the rs middlekeep about blobbing rs blobs not noticing anything.
blob blob sounds like tears to me..
@gathslan nice vid! wish you the best to find more of those fights
(edited by Moderator)
Thx FURY for the GvG, hope we didn’t bore you too hard the first 5 rounds.
Thx INC and GoW for the fights right after that.
And shoutout to the resilient gunnars-ppl in their northern supp camp, especially the annoying white guardian from MM
(edited by Drizzy.1268)
Fo serious, the only server that hasn’t had a problem with your playstyle RS was AM, and that’s only cos they’re worse, but of course the fault lies on everyone else.
In all fairness you guys have gotten a lot better than what you used to be, but taunting everyone isn’t really necessary, try some 1v1s, it can actually be quite fun not outnumbering your opponent. <—— to all of the RS with the ‘basking in the e-tears’ attitude.
Anyways salutes to dw and the immortal Myrmi, no offense but enjoying a week with less ACs, we love you really <3
Greets Ezekiel
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Thanks to the ranger from ANGL for the duels tonight, it was a lot of fun.
[Re] Rerolled
Thanks for all the fights in GH BL on sunday, I havent seen camps flipping that often before. What was Piken up to in Garri inner, why didnt you just kill the lord, too eager to farm? We eventually managed to push you out but I died twice and could wp back
I ressed that kittening lord 3 times in that fight lol. We really kept that by the skin of our teeth lol.
Victrixx [xVx]
Oh that explains it, the 2nd time I died I went for a smoke as I thought that was it but got back and WP was up again and we were winning
Thanks for all the fights in GH BL on sunday, I havent seen camps flipping that often before. What was Piken up to in Garri inner, why didnt you just kill the lord, too eager to farm? We eventually managed to push you out but I died twice and could wp back
We killed the lord about 5 times it just got ressed constantly, but didn’t manage to keep you out of the cap zone, we weren’t fast enough to clear the lord room and you guys kept WP’ing back. Riverside being annoying again decided to attack Hills at the same time so all our reinforcements and anyone who died went straight to Hills.
Good stuff tho.
Of course Gunnars are going to run mainly gank groups… because being a T7/8 server the server mostly only HAS guilds of that size. There’s very few large ones.
I’ve not played too much this week yet, altho more than last 2 weeks. Been some decentish small fights but mostly running from large numbers unless playing during night. Doesn’t look like good chance for 4v4/5v5 on thursday
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:
That’s all those pesky Greens kicked out of Eternal Battleground – now kindly stay out and take your arrow carts with you.
That’s all those pesky Greens kicked out of Eternal Battleground – now kindly stay out and take your arrow carts with you.
Hope you had fun at your PvD-
lol yeah we only faced about 50 RS trying to take it with our 35, i know you guys need a 3:1 ratio to win a fight but we don’t. PvD is when theres noone around to defend just to let ya know, not when the defenders still have more than the attackers.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
We’re still holding out in our keep. Was really close a little earlier.
[Re] Rerolled
Good night, long time since i had so much to laugh while the hours where [IF] was running with around 10 ppl in our BL.
I would deinstall the game seriously. 10v10 → they run 5v10 → they still run.
at some point i met 6 of them at a not upgraded camp…k you guys where only 6 lvl 80 (maybe 1 upleveled one) and the unbuffed supervisor can hit pretty hard, but still i laughed so much after they all died.
vote [IF] for best guild in this matchup!
i’m interested to see who is going to win. riverside was very very powerfull on weekend, or at least on start of weekend. but piken doesnt seem out of the game at all, their comeback on sunday evening was madness and i expect them to have the tick lead throughout most of the week. might be a close game if riverside can secure their lead for a bit. we gunnars are going to enjoy the show and try to hit whoever is busy in the back GG!
Tnx IF for the GvG, and a few nice fights with Dw in PS Bl
Servant of Dhuum
Thx FURY for the GvG, hope we didn’t bore you too hard the first 5 rounds.
Thx INC and GoW for the fights right after that.
And shoutout to the resilient gunnars-ppl in their northern supp camp, especially the annoying white guardian from MM
One minor correction, I am a member of Cry Havoc [CHvc] Being a big fat, slow Norn, it was far easier waiting at the supply camp for RS to visit, usually just as an upgrade was started
Some great fights last night on RS bl, mainly with HoB. Won some, lost some and enjoyed all of them. Even managed to draw some RS out of Cliffside for a bit of fun
Definitely an ‘interesting’ matchup requiring us to adapt to the unusual circumstances and the ‘silent majority’ are just getting on with business the best we can
Tich (The annoying White Guardian) proud member of Cry Havoc
Gunnar’s Hold
i’m interested to see who is going to win. riverside was very very powerfull on weekend, or at least on start of weekend. but piken doesnt seem out of the game at all, their comeback on sunday evening was madness and i expect them to have the tick lead throughout most of the week. might be a close game if riverside can secure their lead for a bit. we gunnars are going to enjoy the show and try to hit whoever is busy in the back
oh I think everyone knew Riverside would win since we saw we faced them. Unless they somehow stop playing entirerly, they will probably still have the nights and the days. Outscoring them a couple of hours isnt enough.
Don’t normally post on these forums but I just wanted to add something to the conversation. We on Gunner are used to fighting against the odd’s, getting stomped is nothing new for us, but we pride ourselves on dusting ourselves off and trying again.
We, in my opinion, have some of the best PUG commanders anywhere who come into WvW day after day and sacrifice their guild runs and 10v10 time without any thought for themselves and I wanted to pay tribute to that.
Everyone knew we would not win this matchup but I don’t think anyone thought we would do so well either. We have the weekend out of the way now, always the hardest time fight wise and now we have the war of attrition that is the rest of the week to come. If we do as well for the rest of the week then we can hold our heads high and have the satisfaction of knowing we did our best against two hard charging servers.
Over the weekend we have fought number’s double what we can raise ourselves and come out swinging, hell a couple of time’s we managed to wipe those numbers too.
I’m enjoying the fight and hope it continues for the rest of the week.
If any fair weather WvW Gunner’s read this, well get your arses into WvW, we need you lol.
Good luck for the rest of the week all.
[MM] Midnight Mayhem-Gunner’s Hold
And shoutout to the resilient gunnars-ppl in their northern supp camp, especially the annoying white guardian from MM
I was there on my upscaled norn guardian! you guys were very persistent, ty for a good fight.
Also Piken [FG] great fight inside Gunnar’s garri yesterday, that waypoint totally saved us!
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.
Vote for most epic flamethread ever.
Insulting, flaming and taunting on right now 6 pages. This is beyond ridiculous.
Obviously no forum mod has an interest in stopping this behaviour.
Name calling of guilds, stupid accusations and repetitive prejudices.
The whole thread is definitly a shame.
I really enjoy the current bracket. We have had a lot of nice fights yesterday on Gunnar. There has been a well lead bigger group of Gunnies we fought with our ~25 man squad a couple of times. Especially in the northen camp we faced after 10 Minutes of fights (WE dit not build ACs or ballists! ) the whole Gunnar server … a flood of red names. That was really funny.
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)
(edited by Pheppo.9286)
Few moments from yesterday – RS bordeland
Watch in hd
hope we will see more nice fights this week (and more ppl instead of arrowcarts xD)
Thanks for great fights
Hand of Blood [HoB]
Aurora Glade
Pheppo, haha yeah that was some good action, you guys wielded heavy punch. we could keep that circle red, though! endless stream of gunnars died for the red circle untill finally the whole server came to kick you out