Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Frejn, the troops that weren’t on EB were fighting the huge dzag zerg while your team was capping camps and sniped towers, its not like we were all fighting 5 GH on our borders.

Oh I know and not suggesting we were somehow causing an immense problem, just saying that to feel like BOTH servers were targetting you by going to your BL is a bit much, because it was really only Dzag and a small group of opportunists

Every time you pushed Dzag back at garrison they seemed to come for Briar though >.> much to our annoyance.

I mostly ment EB when it came to getting targetted by both really.
I didn’t mean that comment in the sense that I think your acting as if your the only reason for us being on Rof at the time. If anything you guys were doing a really good job with your small team since you managed to cap a nice amount of stuff and held it for quite a while. Opportunist would be the correct word and its a smart, yet annoying for us, way of having a pretty big impact with a small team.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


I mostly ment EB when it came to getting targetted by both really.



Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Are you honestly going to show a pic of losing EB once the whole week to disclaim Rof being a target at times, which you admit yourself a few posts up?

I didn’t say there were any alliances, I specifically said I was sure there wasn’t.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


I’m merely showing that every side gets doubleteamed sometimes, regardless of their position on the box. No reason to take everything as a personal attack, or an attack on RoF, chill =)


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I didn’t feel like it was an attack I was just pointing out it wasn’t making much sense. :P

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Lert.6287


Since we stay in the same Matchup next week.

Lets do some Groupfights/ Duells next Friday. 1v1 3v3 5v5, 2v2v2 5v5v5 etc what ever we can arrange with the people that will attend ^^

That is just for fun so don’t expect any premade Pro groups from our side :p

Time: 20:00 ( UTC+1 )
Place: Windmill south of south supply Camp. Borderland most likly RoF since before RoF didn’t participated and so shorter ways for the others :p

Just contact me or Nubuela ingame.

Looking forward to see that. My guild is always willing to do some ballanced fight. We’re rather tiny and not so active guild, so if you would be up to, we can offer fights max. to 5 players (probably 3-4).

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


Since we stay in the same Matchup next week.

Lets do some Groupfights/ Duells next Friday. 1v1 3v3 5v5, 2v2v2 5v5v5 etc what ever we can arrange with the people that will attend ^^

That is just for fun so don’t expect any premade Pro groups from our side :p

Time: 20:00 ( UTC+1 )
Place: Windmill south of south supply Camp. Borderland most likly RoF since before RoF didn’t participated and so shorter ways for the others :p

Just contact me or Nubuela ingame.

I mentioned something similar a few posts up for tonight Although more in the sense of Guild fights than duels. But certainly in small numbers so I’m glad you said that part

Love the video intro’s btw :P

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Ok this is getting boring now. I spent 3 evenings straight in Dzag border with 2 other guilds and have been to ROF once. It seems our server hits who is in 2nd as in your own words guys “Is the tactical thing to do”
If anything our server has focused Dzag much more imo. But they are also a lot more defensive and have better coverage so its harder to affect points.

Anyway its been a lot of fun and ill see you all at reset

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


^As Yorric said, It’s tactically smart to hit 2nd place when in the lead or behind, I think I’ve only been to RoF BL once this week! and even then we had small numbers.

Been having some great fun in DZ borderlands this week, Always get a few laughs from small groups of DZ waypointing away before combat -_-

Great week though everyone, looking forward to round2!

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Gunnars hold does not owe us any kind of thanks. If anything we owe them a thanks for taking us in and giving us welcomes and respect as we settle into our new home. The community here is outstanding and the “day crew players” are outstanding and do a great job keeping the fights balanced. To take away from what they do is unfair. To the RoF and DZ that are on when we are, i salute you all, your dedication to defending is outstanding and your will to hold onto every last objective is great to see.

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Magus.6543


Thanks for the great fights this week.

Personally, I’ve taken [PRXM] to the 2nd place’s Borderland, mostly DZ, during this week. Would love to go EB some more though, but it’s a bit laggy there on the GH side.

Missing some reps from DZ on this forum, are you out there? Would like to hear your view on the week.

[Krew] you are spot on the type of friendly WvW-guild, that fits with GH, thank you.

CU all next week.

Insky | Commander
Praxium [PRXM] | WvW guild on Gunnar’s Hold – Video collection under “Forum”

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Thanks to [SWAT] guild from Dzag for some awesome 1v1’s and small scale fights. Hopefully we will so more of you at reset

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Wanze.8410


I also think it has been a great match up and even though GH is gonna win with more than 50.000 points it has always been a close battle.

I dont think anybody can argue that their lead didnt come from night capping and by no means I want to belittle their achievements. In the end a day has 24 hours and capping an objective is worth as much at 8 pm as at 8am. The only difference is that you propably only need 5 more players than your opponents on the map at 8 am to improve your points per tick by 100 while at 8 pm you need 50 more players than your opponents.

But as I already stated, the battlefield was very even during prime time when I usually play with each server sometimes leading in points per tick.

And this made this week a whole lot of fun because I always had the feeling that I can do whatever I wanted to do.

I could find a place to solo roam, kill some yaks and try out some new builds in order to faster solo-flip camps.
If I ran in a small group, we could always find enemy towers with upgrades that would suit our size.
There would also always be a decent sized zerg that i could follow, when I felt like i needed some quick WXP without too much thinking. Sometimes, thats just what I was capable of after an exhausting day at work.
And most of the time, there were also a couple of commanders online. And good ones too!

I learned alot this week as well, defense for example. That mini-game that nobody wants to play because they think the mindless zerg yields better loot and faster WXP.
For those that are still complaining that you cant stop mindless zerging and Anet doesnt do anything about it:
They already gave you the opportunity to do so: Siege weapons!

Nothing stops a zerg better than some well placed siege weapons and some able bodies behind it. Fire an arrow cart into an 80 man zerg that will be wiped within 2 minutes and you will know what i mean. Lootbags all around and a blue cloud of WXP in the middle of your screen. There is nothing better than defending a lord room with some siege in it for a couple of hours against waves of invaders pouring in. You better put on your MF gear.

Dont get me wrong, I dont mean to say that either GH or DZ are mindless zerglings and I am the best siegemaster around. I died quite often as well this week because i didnt pay attention, if that zerg was still behind me. And I ran into the lord room plenty of times and got killed by the same guy on a ballista over and over again during one of those epic 2 hour sieges of bay.

Personally I dont care much what tier I am playing in and what rank I am as long it is as much fun as this.

Cheers to round 2!

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Dzagonur folks – you might want to ask a guild with [SE] tag why are they building some odd siege in EB all the time. Today it’s the same as yesterday:

There were also rams on top of Quentin walls.


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Maltegreif.3209



i`m the leader of SE and we claimed Quentin,but the rams we didn`t build. it was one single player,who did this about more than 12 hours. Also in our keep!

Excuse my bad english … we build the nice things inside Quentin for nice damage,when you will try get the Tower!

Estoria Greifenauge

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


And this made this week a whole lot of fun because I always had the feeling that I can do whatever I wanted to do.

This is very much what made this week fun for me, it has been the first time in a long time that my guild and I are able to enter a zone and try push it without needing to call for a zerg to assist. But we can always join one if we want to.

I do love defending, and I’ve had some cracking ones at Briar in RoF BL these past 2 evenings As well as being the lone defender on Dza BL yesterday morning when they came to recap all the towers and keeps that [Krew] had upgraded for us, just trying to be as much of a thorn in their side as I could

I agree with you also on night capping, the world exists 24 hours and so it should. We were just beginning to get the edge when [Krew] joined us, but I cannot say for certain we would’ve continued to progress our lead because whilst people will start to duck out the fight when losing they will often do so sooner when it’s due to circumstances they don’t feel they can do anything about.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Xaklok.2390


Someone complained that not enough germans are showing up here so:
What Wanze said – I could just copy and paste his post ;].
Thanks for a funny week and greetings from Dzag Homelands

[XAK] Xyrophobe Archäologen Krytas

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Having quite a good time in this Matchup. Looking forward to Week 2!
Also thanks for the praise, Intro can get annoying if you watched it a couple of hundred times though :p
Some small Scale Fights from Friday. Espcially a thanks to Psy for the nice Fights.
Edit: Music kinda broke on Video, have to reupload -.-

Jathres BNF
Piken Square

(edited by Jathres.7236)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Dear Dzago,
I am truly puzzled.



Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Maltegreif.3209



take a look at this…after reset….no komment,you stay and see him build,but can`t do anything!


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

just droppin in to say hi, we miss you Krew!

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Hey hows it going goat! Dw once you get ME and CL from yaks bend you will have even more coverage then what we provided

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


/salute [Krew]

Gunnar’s Hold – you guys got a good group of people fighting for your side. Dragonbrand will miss you guys.

P.S [Krew] Doesn’t leave many alive, get your WxP when you can lol. /bow

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Jathres.7236


Jathres BNF
Piken Square

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I’m guessing we will keep this topic?

Reset was nice but it seemed both GH and Rof suffered from it being later, Dzag had a nice amount of people on.
I actually met (and killed allot) of [Krew] for the first time as I’m usually sleeping when they play. :p
We managed to hold our borders pretty well but everytime we wanted to make a move on Dzag a group of GH would come on our borders again which ended up giving Dzag a free pass on their borders.
Also shoutout to Arather and [HT] for allowing us to farm them this morning!

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Being attacked by both servers at both keeps atm again, lovely! We are obviously the biggest threat atm.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


^Wasn’t ment as an “omg being double teamed” post. Not sure why I don’t have the option to edit my posts?

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Laurelinde.4395



LOL we had someone do the same thing ourselves in EB last week, there must be some weird new flu virus that induces a strange Ram building sickness in GW2 players

Perhaps it’s an outbreak of hoof and mouth? Rams…hoof…

…I’ll get my coat.

Laurelinde & Cookie/Beorna Bearheart
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Kodel.4871


Ahh so Krew moved from tier 3 U.S to tier 7 EU? Odd decision IMO at this level your opponent servers have little to no night time coverage so you’re going to be hitting alot of doors and not much else, maybe Krew doesn’t leave many alive but here that’s because there was no one around in the first place

Maybe you can boost GH to higher tiers who also have U.S transfers and fight uhh exactly the same people you were fighting in the first place but for better ping.

Sorry i’m trying my hardest not to be an kitten but I don’t really get it, but then again I felt EU and U.S servers should be separate, either that or no more free transfers, because RoF is High population yet Dzagonur and Gunnars Hold are medium which is only taking into account PvE population which means only bad things and more unbalance for WvW hence the 50k lead last week.

I’ve not seen any teaming up ar anything personally, red has always been easier or more natural to attack from both blue and green but they should be changing that soon and rotating the colours regardless of rank placement.

Ceda Bloodeye – Ranger
Trullsengar – Elementalist
Arapay – Mesmer, Guild Leader RCG / Ring of Fire

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Krosan you say this every week. If you were us last night you would have a real reason to moan. Every time we push Dzag or they push us you guys come as opportunists scavenging easy points. Dont be all kittenty when it happens back to you once in a while.
There are no alliances and favorite enemy’s i assure you. Once again have spent my today attacking Dzag. Maybe ROF should learn to defend better then we wouldnt be at your keeps

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


We held them against that attack… Pretty snide remark considering the only reason you take our keeps “easily” during the day is because of your night capping team taking all the upgrades off…
And you say yourself you never come on ROF borders but then start calling us out on our ability to defend? Make up your mind.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

By “we” i mean our server not me individually bit if you want to keep kittening i can start leading our raids to you guys instead. Ill be able to test your ability to defend then as well lol.

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Stop acting so superior seriously.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Stop acting like such a poor victim all the time then.

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


How am I? I’ve said tons of positive things about the matchup and about GH, yet all you ever do is comment on one sentence in a 20 sentence post that slightly mentions a certain situation where one team was ganged up on. Even if I say in that same post I am sure there is no agreement or anything, you will end up posting how theres no alliance when no one ever said there was.
Then you proceed to act as if Rof can’t defend like your some top dog or something. “I will bring my guild to your borders” acting as if we are suppose to be begging you not to. Not sure if you have noticed, but your in the same tier as us and its not like your dominating it, so stop acting like you are.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


Thanks for proving my point on GH’s attitude Arathor! =)

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

[HT] Are a law unto themselves please dont tarr us all with the same brush. They are even rude and speak like that about guilds on GH so dont take it personally. They are genaraly rude to anyone that is better than them.

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


[HT] Are a law unto themselves please dont tarr us all with the same brush. They are even rude and speak like that about guilds on GH so dont take it personally. They are genaraly rude to anyone that is better than them.

Basically they’re rude to everyone is what he’s saying.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: pejot.4806


I’m wondering if you are talking about my guild… as I don’t recall any guild [tag] in RoF. I If so, could you exactly tell, why do you think we suck? Maybe you will tell us what exactly we are doing wrong, as you seem to be really pro to judge guilds like this. I’m pretty sure you also proved this in a fair fight.

</sarcasm> for those that didnt get it

Anya of the Mists
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Last nights reset was a huge let down, We had 40 members on ready to go. Then we were getting server disconnect,s 10min loading screens and massive lag spikes. Once i was disconnected i wasnt able to log back into my main acct. for 2 hours because my chars were stuck loading into a map. Within 15mins of reset 30 logged off for the night and the grp of 10 of us on RoF bls were just lagging all over and freezing up we couldnt get anything done at all. Hopefully ANET fixes this problem soon. Next time PI we will bring a tougher fight when we are not freezing up

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Krosan.2890


I’m sure you will! We tend to have our official guild events evening GMT so I’m not sure when we will meet again, but I’m looking forward to it!

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Krew’s already making a difference over here. Servers kill for a night crew.

Best of luck, GH. And best of luck to the other servers as well, I know from experience that Krew does not sleep.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: DarkusRogue.3027


[HT] Are a law unto themselves please dont tarr us all with the same brush. They are even rude and speak like that about guilds on GH so dont take it personally. They are genaraly rude to anyone that is better than them.

And please don’t put all [HT] members in with those who are generally not very nice. There are those who have fun in WvW and get along with the community.

I see no point in bickering on a game. Just have fun.

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


[HT] Are a law unto themselves please dont tarr us all with the same brush. They are even rude and speak like that about guilds on GH so dont take it personally. They are genaraly rude to anyone that is better than them.

And please don’t put all [HT] members in with those who are generally not very nice. There are those who have fun in WvW and get along with the community.

I see no point in bickering on a game. Just have fun.

Sadly when it’s the leaders and/or commanders, it reflects far worse on the guild than if it was just a random player and becomes much harder to separate.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


And please don’t put all [HT] members in with those who are generally not very nice. There are those who have fun in WvW and get along with the community.

This is true. [HT] does have a number of nice people there, but why – that’s beyond me. I wouldn’t stay a day longer under a constantly rude and childish leadership, as it would deal me some collateral damage from the storm they’re rightfully getting.

So yeah, guys, keep in mind that not all of [HT] is full with muppets, it’s ‘just’ their leaders and commanders.

Also sad to see Yorric fighting in the forums rather than flipping stuff again.

Huge bow to ICON for your Hills defense 2h into the reset. If not for that wall upgrade getting done and cutting our catas for a bit too long…


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: judge.8754


[HT] Are a law unto themselves please dont tarr us all with the same brush. They are even rude and speak like that about guilds on GH so dont take it personally. They are genaraly rude to anyone that is better than them.

And please don’t put all [HT] members in with those who are generally not very nice. There are those who have fun in WvW and get along with the community.

I see no point in bickering on a game. Just have fun.

I’ve seen what it could do in gw1. I actually was in such a guild. In time i got tired of all the hate created in it. The actions of some reflected on the whole guild.

It’s even why our guild is called: Playing A Game [TaG]. We play the game to have fun!

Nice fights yesterday. Some big zerg fights on gunnar’s. Unfortunately in a while we were needed for a RoF hills defend vs dzago’s. But such is WvW. :P

Mesmers Are Evil / Miss Judge WvW junky
Playing A Game [TaG]
Gunnars Hold

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Runty Choir.4893

Runty Choir.4893

Hard to flip stuff when im not on my home comp drkn. Gotta contribute somehow.

Victrixx [xVx]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


Much fun and entertainment in RoF BL earlier today. 4h of constant fights, pushes, flips and skirmishes. Awesome fun, and a threeway from time to time, altho mostly with RoF, especially with ICON, PI and TaG.

Started small, outmanned, taking just some guildies on a spontaneous WvW trip, random call on /g:

Managed Bay while still outmanned:

Tried Garri, still outmanned, but it didn’t go well:

Burrowed in Cliff for some time, trebbed Garri, finally got inside, reinforced by Praxium, but got wiped at the gap in the wall. Great fight, great resistance from RoF:

Took Hills in the meantime, though, and after a great fight with RoF. Shame it got later ninjad by an outmanned Dzago team:

Finished just like we started, in Bay and then Briar:

Hopefully some RoF players will recognise themselves in the screenies above, for even more fun \o/


Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


Had a nice time tonight on DZ borders turning it a nice shade of green! lots of action to be had and looking forward to punching DZ and RoF in the face some more this week!

-Dishammer, CHvc

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

Gunnar's Hold vs Dzagonur vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: drkn.3429


RoF paying GH a payback visit at Hills.
When commanding, i find stomping the enemy commanders to be one of the most rewarding moments.

Thanks for the fun, this time we held it =)


(edited by drkn.3429)