Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


I stood their and watched you take turns attacking our ONLY supply camp. The only thing we owned, and Tc attacked, backed off, Mag attacked, backed off. The hand holding was sickening. Denying you are working together (for the most part) is a waste of time. So what if we played late into the night, at least we played clean. Your little skirmishes don’t count when your main zergs specifically don’t attack each other.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


Wow this thread has become hilarious. The tin foiling and narrative building would make a conspiracy convention proud.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Hix.8925


Well having just been in eternal bg for the last 2 hours, I gotta say EB doesn’t know wtf they are talking about. Lost SM because Mag took both our supply camps then cut off our reinforcements coming from keep, and then EB attacked N SM at the same time as Mag attacked S SM, resulting in a 3 way battle in the castle lord room. Then EB took Wildcreek while Mag simultaneously attacked Klovan, and we only saved Klovan by getting a treb up in our keep.

Also on TC we can barely communicate with each other, much less somehow coordinate with Mag.

(edited by Hix.8925)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: zTales.4392


There may be some bias because Maguuma is having a lot of fun with Tarnished Coast, and not so much with Ehmry Bay. Mag and TC are just really great matches for each other. I mean they seem to be at almost the exact same skill level, while EB seems to be at a different skill level (probably just because of when everyone queues up), which is probably why this argument is going to keep going on … and on … and on… lol

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


I am a part of the Alliance War Council on TC ( Over 30 guilds in it ) and there has been no mention of any kind of truce with Mag. I was on for quite a bit last night and I fought against Mag and EB people.

Do we have a healthy respect for Mag after last week’s beatdown? Sure do! Are we organizing some kind of treaty with them? Nope. This is fairly competitive right now, and I think we would all agree that this is the kind of matchup we all want.

So.. in other words… stop complaining. This is working so far.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

Lies, its so obvious. Hell, look at this thread. TC is in the lead and Mag continues to push us every time we attack TC. Hilarious

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Martin.1906


Maybe if EB didn’t spend so much time in this thread throwing out conspiracy theories and more time in W3….

Level 80 Mesmer – Jordrith
Malum Factum [MF]
Tarnished Coast

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: BigPopov.9743


I guess this is EB’s “thing,” the victim mentality. Everyone’s out to get them. When they had a huge lead, poor us! And now that TC has a extremely small lead (which can be overrun in less than an hour), they’re really the victims!

Here’s the thing, having played Maguuma for over a week now, they do what they want.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290


How can you claim EB is playing the victim. Did we start this thread? No.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Manjo.1230


I don’t know why so many people are so worried about this. Ehmry’s already been pushed completely off eternal and we still have bounced back into the game. I get the feeling that most the people who feel powerless in wvw have no idea what they are doing past stabbing other players.

Manjo – Ehmry Bay – Pink-Booted Mesmer

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


Sum up this thread.

Page 1. TC Mag alliance called for
page 2. Mag confirms participating in said alliance.
Page 3. All is denied. EB is whining. Meanwhile Red Briar is being hit from east by TC and west by Mag. They have NO other point on map.

I hope this week gets shut down and none of the servers get bonuses.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Antinoobian.7259


Wow, If I hadn’t been fighting Mag for the last few hours tooth and nail I would’ve believed the guys at EB. The funny thing to me is that right now it looks from my point of view from the fight in Mag Borderlands like TC and EB are ganging up on Mag… when Mag is in last place.

They’re fighting back pretty well though. Can’t count how many times I defended Greenlake from EB from the west and Mag from the east, although I strongly suspect that Mag and EB have been fighting elsewhere in Mag’s borderlands.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

Wow, If I hadn’t been fighting Mag for the last few hours tooth and nail I would’ve believed the guys at EB. The funny thing to me is that right now it looks from my point of view from the fight in Mag Borderlands like TC and EB are ganging up on Mag… when Mag is in last place.

They’re fighting back pretty well though. Can’t count how many times I defended Greenlake from EB from the west and Mag from the east, although I strongly suspect that Mag and EB have been fighting elsewhere in Mag’s borderlands.

-1. You obviously weren’t here this morning.

Btw, if you are TC i totally understand why you accepted this alliance. Basically a free win. Mag though…Playing for second. Should be ashamed.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


Sum up this thread.

Page 1. TC Mag alliance called for
page 2. Mag confirms participating in said alliance.
Page 3. All is denied. EB is whining. Meanwhile Red Briar is being hit from east by TC and west by Mag. They have NO other point on map.

I hope this week gets shut down and none of the servers get bonuses.

1.) In regards to preventing a situation like last weeks blow out. This turns out to be not the case. Fighting among all three ensues.

2.) Mag confirms strategic focus on top scoring team. This is taken as collusion. Tin foil hats are put on.

3.) True. Maybe. I wasn’t there, I don’t know.

Anyways, it sounds like a viscous three way fight now, exactly what WvWvW should be.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


Look at it this way. By playing for second and not letting rankings change too much, there is a good chance they will be able to screw over another server next week. Go team Tarnished Maguuma!!!!

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Wow this thread has become hilarious. The tin foiling and narrative building would make a conspiracy convention proud.

It makes me laugh because I personally think this has been a very exciting and generally goodnatured fight all around, save for a few folks causing trouble but that’s the case for any server. Mag actually seems a bit more organized this time around, which is cool. Ehmry’s faltered a bit but they’re still pretty decent opponents, I’d say. Coast, I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but we’ve been trying to get things locked down tight. Playing a bit more aggressively than we could manage against DB. And we’re keeping to pretty clear roles for zones.

I actually think a lot more people from all the servers have a been hold on things and their strategies. Spent most of the afternoon preventing Mag from starving our supplies and building up our own locations for solid defense. Had a dedicated team working the north of the borderlands, which organized and started to really get rolling defensively while we had a larger forces moving to the south.

You can see it with other servers too. Ehmry’s been pretty good about routing teams that are taking towers, letting them do a lot of them legwork first, and then swooping in. It’s smart play. I think everyone’s exhibiting their own tactical/strategic acumen.

So, this thread? Seems silly. Conspiracy theories seem silly because there’s been way too much fighting to dispel the notion of truces and, more importantly, there’s still a long way to go until the finish and things are far more balanced than last week.

PS. It also makes me laugh because having one person say “Well, our commander said to focus on Red for now and not Green” means, well, that they wanted to focus on Red first and not green. Pretty much what it says on the tin.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

Wow, If I hadn’t been fighting Mag for the last few hours tooth and nail I would’ve believed the guys at EB. The funny thing to me is that right now it looks from my point of view from the fight in Mag Borderlands like TC and EB are ganging up on Mag… when Mag is in last place.

They’re fighting back pretty well though. Can’t count how many times I defended Greenlake from EB from the west and Mag from the east, although I strongly suspect that Mag and EB have been fighting elsewhere in Mag’s borderlands.

-1. You obviously weren’t here this morning.

Btw, if you are TC i totally understand why you accepted this alliance. Basically a free win. Mag though…Playing for second. Should be ashamed.

This morning? You mean after EB nightcapped the entire map and upgraded everything? I guess it would look like we were teaming up. When our two servers wake up, see the whole map capped, and the losing server in the lead by 4k points, you better expect both sides are going to be very, very focused on you. There’s no coordination needed. We went through this crap with DB last week.

There may be nothing you can do about the fact you have a large amount of night players, but don’t be surprised when the other two servers unofficially gang up on you to offset it. And certainly don’t pretend that lead you guys got had anything to do with player ability.

Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: tarian.5190


Grats Maguuma, Tarnished Coast played you guys for fools and made you buy into an Alliance, so that way you get stuck in skirmishes all night with Ehm Bay (which was nothing but a small low ranked server that happened to go up against two extremely low population servers in the previous week) while Tarnished Coast steals everything and stabs you in the back. Truly an honestly wonderful alliance, hope you guys have fun getting continually screwed over by Tarnished Coast for this whole match up. You’ve turned into the laughing stock of Tarnished Coast’s LA chat.

What are you willing to sacrifice?

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


This thread is not a complain thread. IT IS A CALL TO ALLIANCE. Made by your players. We are not complaining about an unofficial focusing. We are complaining about an official documented call to ruin a servers quality of game play simply because they have players who stay up late.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Illushia.3721


I was just in the EB for about two hours, and though you guys(over at EB) can’t see the battle lines shifting, in the southern part of the map there’s been some constant back and forth between TC and Mags. Mostly that supply camp down there flipping.

There have been some EXTREMELY difficult pushes at Klovan that we’ve barely managed to fend off, and then we’ve never been able to capitalize on it and take out whatever Tower that is just below the SE corner of SM.

TC and Mags are definitely fighting, but you guys decided to go take out a bunch of Mags’ towers and camps instead of ours because you kept getting pushed back.

You could have had a 2v1 against us, but instead you went after Maguuma and brought on a 2v1 against you.

Any double teaming against you is your own fault, not ours.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Roland, calls have to be answered. I’ve killed every Mag attacker I’ve seen. Taken as much Mag holdings when the chance has presented itself as I have Ehmry. I spent an afternoon doing it. In fact, all territory I attacked and defended this afternoon was against Mag. And this was not part of some large, Machiavellian scheme but because they were attacking TC territory.

What makes you think, for an instant, that the entirety of our server has read this thread? Cares about this thread? Or even decided to listen to the OP, except for the fact that you can’t hold on to what you take?

You realize that you made yourselves the prime target by taking as much as you did, right? That’s how it works. You have to prevent major periods of uncontested holding or else the lead someone has gradually snowballs.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: BigPopov.9743


I’m not sure if some of you realize this, but just because one person on one huge server posts something doesn’t automatically make it true. (in reference to there being an official alliance against EB and we’re all now out to get them for no good reason)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: AlietteFaye.7316


Hey, Maguuma. You team up and still have less points than one of the worst servers at WvW? Stay free, doods. <3

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


Thats pathetic. Ehmry doesnt even have a great night presence.

You may certainly claim so, but those of us playing late last night saw otherwise.

Y’all are sad. Bet you guys were picked last at kickball in elementary school.

Ehmry gets nightcapped in our matchups not the other way around.

the stats back this up. This is just an excuse for you guys to punk out of real pvp.

Structured PvP’s that way. /points to the forum above this one

Says the guy supporting his server allying with their enemy. playing for second place is pathetic no matter how you slice it.

you do know this type of stuff is what A-net wanted right??? this is what the EBG are all about, sort of a game of thrones .

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Current totals:

Tarnished 35,519
Ehmry 33,182
Maguuma 26,433

Current situation:

Tarnished +340
Ehmry +215
Maguuma +140

I don’t have any illusion that all of Maguuma agreed to an alliance with all of Tarnished. You can’t control the zerg. They don’t even read chat, much less the forums. But it does look like a few key guilds agreed to something, and the Maguuma guys got played. Tarnished basically said, “Let’s you and him fight” and Maguuma said “Ok!”

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Illushia.3721


I think it’s detestable that a server would call for an alliance against another server, for the express purpose of limiting or completely derailing another server’s chances at winning WvW.

HOWEVER, when an opportunity presents itself on the battlefield, you have to take it, or someone else will. A lot of what people are probably pointing at as ‘evidence’ of an alliance of some sort is probably just an example of EB(Or even Mags or TC) taking ground they can’t hold.

If you overextend yourself, the lines will be weak somewhere, and places are going to fall. In the last little bit before I got kicked from WvW, we were trying to rein TC’s zergs back before they took something we couldn’t hold(We were barely holding onto that M-place in the northern area of eternal against EB) because we didn’t want to end up losing what we didn’t need to lose.

I know I wasn’t the only one annoyed when SM got taken, because with the point total for it being lowered, SM is basically the EotS idiot stick in castle form.

It’s too big, everyone wants it, it’s a giant drain on supply, and noone can hold it because -both- other teams are going to be gunning for it while it’s yours.

Leave it alone and take the rest of the map, and you’ll be a lot better off.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Hix.8925


We held SM fine for bout an hour with both teams attacking it, and we didn’t lose any other part of the map other than our supply camps during all that.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


I don’t have any illusion that all of Maguuma agreed to an alliance with all of Tarnished.

You should. At least insofar as that there’s not really a lot to show this. Mag still attacks TC and there’s been no mention, any time I’ve be on (from any major leadership for that matter) of such a thing. So, if all of Maguuma made this decision, they made it alone. And if that’s the case, then that’s not really great thinking.

But here’s the thing: I’m pretty sure that Mag’s smarter than that. So…yeah.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Edewen.8304


The problem is not over extension. While the evening crew may have ended this alliance. the morning crew definitely, with admission see page 2, honor an alliance that resulted in 2 servers spawn camping one server calling it punishment for being greedy.

I understand, server populations are large and this does not represent everyone. However, people follow the commanders like lost puppies and the morning commanders were instructing them not to attack their allies. I would love for this week to continue as 3 way fight like this evening is turning out to be, but I would not be shocked if the morning teams kept doing this all week.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Illushia.3721


The problem is not over extension. While the evening crew may have ended this alliance. the morning crew definitely, with admission see page 2, honor an alliance that resulted in 2 servers spawn camping one server calling it punishment for being greedy.

I understand, server populations are large and this does not represent everyone. However, people follow the commanders like lost puppies and the morning commanders were instructing them not to attack their allies. I would love for this week to continue as 3 way fight like this evening is turning out to be, but I would not be shocked if the morning teams kept doing this all week.

Part of that may simply be because this morning Emrhy owned most of the map.

And I’m not saying that they shouldn’t try to gain points whenever possible, but after Dragonbrand last week, both TC AND Mags are probably going to drop a bus on anyone who caps everything(or nearly everything) overnight.

And if they have to collectively drop that bus, they probably won’t hesitate to do so.

I’m not saying it’s right, but that’s how it seems to be.

The Treesong Calling. Tarnished Coast RP.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Wait, wait. Let me get this straight. One person says that Mag decided to ignore TC in order to get back their holdings this afternoon and this is an alliance? Even though that information isn’t correct and the two servers have been fighting? Even thought TC never has reciprocated upon this?

That doesn’t sound like an alliance. It sounds like Mag made a strategic decision to focus on a particular foe. And that foe was the one that held more of the map and thus, had more potential points to give up. Alliance, again, implies communication and coordination between two forces. Yet, I’ve killed more Mag today than Ehmry, overall. So either your definition of alliance is not what any dictionary is telling me or something is really, really off here.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: fadswaffer.5140


There is no alliance. just a lot of people mad becuase they lost from some sort of “hack.” which the hack was…. being on at a different time.

This is a game right?? Oh yeah! And what’s the prize? there isn’t one…

So please, just play the game, and if you don’t think it is fair, then go play pve or pvp.

Necromancer | Warrior

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Hix.8925


The new theory is that Mag thought that there was an alliance but TC ate Mag. But then Mag continued the alliance while TC continued to eat it. Or something.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


To the people who keep saying there was admittance to an alliance, show us the quotes.

I was in Eternal for a good portion of the morning, supposedly when this “alliance” was in effect. Reread one of my earlier posts and you’ll see we were clearly attacking each other.

To recap briefly however: They were trebbing us and harassing our supply in the south. They succeeded in wiping us on numerous attempts to take Ehmry Keep, seriously you guys should be thanking TC for allowing you to hold onto the keep for as long as you did, otherwise we would’ve had it much sooner. We made an attempt on TC’s keep, got to the inner courtyard before being wiped, but then had to turn our attention back to Ehmry because they started pushing into our territory.

There was no alliance, just TC capitalizing on our big push into Ehmry territory.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Roland Falantyr.3290

Roland Falantyr.3290

The new theory is that Mag thought that there was an alliance but TC ate Mag. But then Mag continued the alliance while TC continued to eat it. Or something.

Anyone who was on in the early afternoon knows TC and Mag didnt start attacking eachother until their combined efforts ran Ehmry completely off of Eternal Battlegrounds. Of course the alliance fell apart after you wiped us from the map lol..

Just stop. we all know what happened.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Hix.8925


Lol I was on in the early afternoon when TC took the points lead. I posted about what happened earlier in the thread.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Antinoobian.7259


The new theory is that Mag thought that there was an alliance but TC ate Mag. But then Mag continued the alliance while TC continued to eat it. Or something.

Anyone who was on in the early afternoon knows TC and Mag didnt start attacking eachother until their combined efforts ran Ehmry completely off of Eternal Battlegrounds. Of course the alliance fell apart after you wiped us from the map lol..

Just stop. we all know what happened.

Correction. You all know what you think happened.

I can see why you would suspect a truce from the point of view of Ehmry Bay. But guess what: At most, there was a bit of informal focus-fire to account for the advantage you get every time the sun sets. I would rather play against two allied worlds then be accused of alliance.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: bwookie.3807


The Skinny

Tarnish Coast spymaster, Mittens, walked into the dive off Lion’s Arch known simply as “The Dive” gripping his cloak around him mysteriously. His eyes looked askance at the great GOON general and approached him with dread.

“Good Evening, Sir.”

“And who might you be?” Thundered, GOON general, Jerk Jerk, as he gripped his mug of ale and peeked at Mittens quailing in his boots.

“I’m but a humble messenger, of the residents of Tarnished Coast. We have a proposal of pppp-r—rr—rropitious proportions, my lord. We ask of you to refrain from attacking our keeps and towers so we may win this weekly battle of the mists.”

“WHAT!!?!” bellowed, mighty Jerk Jerk as he threw his mug into the hearth with a crash. “What perfidy is this? You ask for us to join with you in this scurrilous undertaking. Ask the mighty GOON forces to serve your cause?!? Inconceivable!?!?”

The bar suddenly grew still at the crash and only the sounds of the creaking of chairs and the noise of the street could be heard as all talk quieted. Mittens could be heard exhaling sharply in a gasp as his eyes darted nervously from the sudden attention of all eyes and ears.

“B-b-b-bbbut, my lord, it would be advantageous for us to join together. We are but weak during the nocturnal hours of the moon and Ehmry Bay is strong with the drink of Mountain Dew and cheetos. We do not ask it freely but offer you a thousand badges of honor for each keep and tower you take from Ehmry Bay.” Mittens reached into his cloak and retrieved a large bag which clinked with a metallic solidity as he laid it onto the table.

“A thousand badges of honor you say?”, said fat General Jerk Jerk as he leaned his bulk into the back of his chair with a bemused expression. His chubby fingers pulled at the short hairs of his beard as he scratched the underbelly of his neckbeard. “A thousand badges of honor sounds like a fine sum indeed. Perhaps we do indeed, can do business. Serious business.” He looked at the bag at the table and swept it up in his mighty hamfist and tucked it under his belt.

“Myy-y-y-y lord?” quailed, Mittens as his fingers nervously plucked at his cloak strings.

“Very well! My good man! We shall be your huckleberrys in this dastardly deed.” The awesome GOON General rose to his feet with the floorboards creaking ominously under the enormous weight of a goon in armor. “I shall summon a CONCLAVE of my goon brothers and we shall plan for this early mornings assault on Ehmry Bay. By tonight you will have won through the weight of our forces.” He held out a meaty hand and Mittens did all he could to grasp but a meaty forefinger in his tiny delicate hands.

“Th-h-t-ht-h-ank you, my lord. I will make haste to my masters and tell them that the GOONs are with Tarnished Coast!” Mittens could not take his leave quickly enough and could not wait to be out of the dusty and grimy bar. He hurried out of the bar and into the night.

(edited by bwookie.3807)

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Just stop. we all know what happened.

We do. Two “losing” teams decided, having dealt with a large zergfest from their prior match up, to deny the dominant team the map control necessary to keep their lead. Alongside this, in various Borderlands, these two teams continued to harass each other. This largely took the form of sabotaging supply lines in the hope of weakening the other force for later attacks. A larger push was attempted by one of these teams on a rival’s valley keep in the Eternal Battlegrounds but the line held, convincing the (for lack of a better term) defeated team that continued attack wasn’t tenable and to focus attacking a different front that would yield better results

This was done without major forms of communication, with continued skirmishes at camps and towers between these two forces, while they also attacked the dominant force with significant results.

This setback led certain individuals to concoct not one, but two separate explanations from what occurred that appear to have little grounding in the actual beyond the fact that this apparently beleaguered and aggrieved homeworld faced attack on two fronts and could not muster sufficient defense to defend the large holdings they’d claimed, which made them into a target to begin with.

Am I missing any details?

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Glaucon.6298


The Skinny

Tarnish Coast spymaster, Mittens, walked into the dive off Lion’s Arch known simply as “The Dive” gripping his cloak around him mysteriously. His eyes looked askance at the great GOON general and approached him with dread.

“Good Evening, Sir.”

“And who might you be?” Thundered, GOON general, Jerk Jerk, as he gripped his mug of ale and peeked at Mittens quailing in his boots.

“I’m but a humble messenger, of the residents of Tarnished Coast. We have a proposal of pppp-r—rr—rropitious proportions, my lord. We ask of you to refrain from attacking our keeps and towers so we may win this weekly battle of the mists.”

“WHAT!!?!” bellowed, mighty Jerk Jerk as he threw his mug into the hearth with a crash. “What perfidy is this? You ask for us to join with you in this scurrilous undertaking. Ask the mighty GOON forces to serve your cause?!? Inconceivable!?!?”

The bar suddenly grew still at the crash and only the sounds of the creaking of chairs and the noise of the street could be heard as all talk quieted. Mittens could be heard exhaling sharply in a gasp as his eyes darted nervously from the sudden attention of all eyes and ears.

“B-b-b-bbbut, my lord, it would be advantageous for us to join together. We are but weak during the nocturnal hours of the moon and Ehmry Bay is strong with the drink of Mountain Dew and cheetos. We do not ask it freely but offer you a thousand badges of honor for each keep and tower you take from Ehmry Bay.” Mittens reached into his cloak and retrieved a large bag which clinked with a metallic solidity as he laid it onto the table.

“A thousand badges of honor you say?”, said fat General Jerk Jerk as he leaned his bulk into the back of his chair with a bemused expression. His chubby fingers pulled at the short hairs of his beard as he scratched the underbelly of his neckbeard. “A thousand badges of honor sounds like a fine sum indeed. Perhaps we do indeed, can do business. Serious business.” He looked at the bag at the table and swept it up in his mighty hamfist and tucked it under his belt.

“Myy-y-y-y lord?” quailed, Mittens as his fingers nervously plucked at his cloak strings.

“Very well! My good man! We shall be your huckleberrys in this dastardly deed.” The awesome GOON General rose to his feet with the floorboards creaking ominously under the enormous weight of a goon in armor. “I shall summon a CONCLAVE of my goon brothers and we shall plan for this early mornings assault on Ehmry Bay. By tonight you will have won through the weight of our forces.” He held out a meaty hand and Mittens did all he could to grasp but a meaty forefinger in his tiny delicate hands.

“Th-h-t-ht-h-ank you, my lord. I will make haste to my masters and tell them that the GOONs are with Tarnished Coast!” Mittens could not take his leave quickly enough and could not wait to be out of the dusty and grimy bar. He hurried out of the bar and into the night.

This is great! I love my server. This is obviously TC work.

For the Coast!

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


Just stop. we all know what happened.

We do. Two “losing” teams decided, having dealt with a large zergfest from their prior match up, to deny the dominant team the map control necessary to keep their lead. Alongside this, in various Borderlands, these two teams continued to harass each other. This largely took the form of sabotaging supply lines in the hope of weakening the other force for later attacks. A larger push was attempted by one of these teams on a rival’s valley keep in the Eternal Battlegrounds but the line held, convincing the (for lack of a better term) defeated team that continued attack wasn’t tenable and to focus attacking a different front that would yield better results

This was done without major forms of communication, with continued skirmishes at camps and towers between these two forces, while they also attacked the dominant force with significant results.

This setback led certain individuals to concoct not one, but two separate explanations from what occurred that appear to have little grounding in the actual beyond the fact that this apparently beleaguered and aggrieved homeworld faced attack on two fronts and could not muster sufficient defense to defend the large holdings they’d claimed, which made them into a target to begin with.

Am I missing any details?

Yes. The word for this is strategy.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Yes. The word for this is strategy.

I knew there was a one word answer! I knew it!

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Glaucon.6298


Just stop. we all know what happened.

We do. Two “losing” teams decided, having dealt with a large zergfest from their prior match up, to deny the dominant team the map control necessary to keep their lead. Alongside this, in various Borderlands, these two teams continued to harass each other. This largely took the form of sabotaging supply lines in the hope of weakening the other force for later attacks. A larger push was attempted by one of these teams on a rival’s valley keep in the Eternal Battlegrounds but the line held, convincing the (for lack of a better term) defeated team that continued attack wasn’t tenable and to focus attacking a different front that would yield better results

This was done without major forms of communication, with continued skirmishes at camps and towers between these two forces, while they also attacked the dominant force with significant results.

This setback led certain individuals to concoct not one, but two separate explanations from what occurred that appear to have little grounding in the actual beyond the fact that this apparently beleaguered and aggrieved homeworld faced attack on two fronts and could not muster sufficient defense to defend the large holdings they’d claimed, which made them into a target to begin with.

Am I missing any details?

Stop. You’re making too much sense in your arguments! We’ll have to cancel production of all the conspiracy posters we’ve been designing:

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Humpink.2306


TBH, as long as there are hostile players to kill that’s really all that matters. Last week EB completely obliterated the other two servers on all maps and we didn’t even get a t-shirt to prove it. The rewards for dominating the map are kind of pointless at this time, all that matters is that there are enough other players to kill for badges.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Martin.1906


So, here’s the two things that supposedly have possibly occurred in this match:

1) A single person calls for an alliance, and two servers are wholly complicit for the destruction of another.


2) Absolutely no alliance, it’s simple strategy to go after the team with the most points in this early stage of the game.

Now, my question to EB is this. What are you going to do about it? It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things which of the above are true. And truthfully, neither scenario is likely 100% accurate. But, how you handle your present situation is what really matters.

Level 80 Mesmer – Jordrith
Malum Factum [MF]
Tarnished Coast

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Celestea.4105


Don’t worry guys, TC and Maguuma are just butthurt over the stomping we gave them last week. This entire nocturnal excuse they have been throwing around is equally as laughable.

It doesn’t really matter though, this just goes to show how bad the two servers are if they formed an alliance and still have lower scores than EB. There will come a point the two servers are separated and will continue to stroll in third place, against other servers.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Who are you? And why are you talking if you don’t know what you’re talking about?

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: cimon.5798


i dont know what all this ally talk is about but im from maguuma and all day me and my guild been fighting both of the other servers. and also tbh i dont really read the server names i come from the land of red name players just get killed indiscriminitly. side not : fighting TC is kinda really fun EB not bad but there zergs kinda fall apart rather quick but had some great fights with them too

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: Spongehunter.1743


Were arent working togther. No – We just did an orb transfer with TC following the orb given to MAg to there keep. LOL @ mag going to finish 3rd in a 2 on 1 . Nut cup TC so you can finsh 3rd.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: AlecFair.1270


I don’t know what I am gonna enjoy more. Having more people to fight, or watching two sides back stab each other until they stop holding each others hands and start slap fighting each other because one is taking over a tower on the others end. Thus why server alliances hardly ever work. Its just more entertaining for the victim than the team conspiring. Plus this is two servers conspiring against a server with the cooperation of a colony of ants. I am sure if both servers just fought normally rather than try to form the super friends, EB would just fall normally.

And EB hardly has much of a night cap. Also not surprised European players are moving to american servers since they are tired of the “French/Canada” alliance servers.

Tarnished Coast – Got mah Toast on. :V
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]