TC vs. CD vs. FA

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Lanthrudar.1437


…Sometimes people just say, “screw it,” and attack…. FA’s just doing what it naturally does….the fallout of the parade is friggin’ hilarious though, lol.

Yep, condensed that to the relevant points. And you’re exactly right! It is hilarious, the results, they are funnay!

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Team Dolyak avenged! Special Thanks to CD for watching

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


I took no part in the Dolyak walk, and yeah, it happened in a pvp area, nonetheless, it’s sad that they decided to group up and ruin everyone else’s fun.

What would be fun next week though (even though I know it couldn’t happen), would be TC and CD teaming up to see how badly we can deny FA.

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


We love zerging and don’t feel bad about it Odaman. If its red its dead right? Thanks for the bags at LV!

=p Not my bags, but grats on killing stuff. It’s fun right!?

Yes, because after you created the chaos, you ran from the map. Apparently nobody’s seen you guys on FABL all night.

I created the chaos. Why would we be in FABL when the fight was in CDBL? You’re making no sense.

Don’t use logic, it’s funny when they think they’re being clever.

So you stir things up, then don’t bother to defend your own land that’s being attacked as a direct result of your actions?

Interesting. Other FAers should probably take note and pass it along to others on your server … It appears to be only these two guilds. If it was on my server, I’d want to know.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


I took no part in the Dolyak walk, and yeah, it happened in a pvp area, nonetheless, it’s sad that they decided to group up and ruin everyone else’s fun.

What would be fun next week though (even though I know it couldn’t happen), would be TC and CD teaming up to see how badly we can deny FA.

right because FA wasn’t being pushed to begin with….

[BT] Black Talons

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


Odaman’s post makes it pretty clear though. If we are zergs that throw our bodies for our server, you guys are just farmers that don’t give a damn if your server loses. No wonder you guys keep losing. GG!

That’s pretty accurate actually. I’ve seen tc throw their bodies at keep gates for hours getting stomped over and over and never give up. Personally I’d rather have fun killing than hitting auto run for 3hrs just to win.

Nah, TC zergs are a hell of a lot smarter than that. Given the size of these groups they are extremely well coordinated.

I can grant that the players in their zerg would probably lose at 5v5 fights with random people from the zergs of the other servers but their elite guild crews are roughly on par with elite guild crews I’ve seen on CD (and I haven’t spotted the elites of FA since we seem to primarily fight each other while I’m not around.)

But it should be clear that excellent dueling skillz aren’t an important trait for the general zerg of any server. TC fields an impressive force that does a lot more than bang their heads on gates, and really shines defensively. Admittedly they also walk golem armies under burning oil pots fairly often but I don’t doubt the CD zerg would do the same given the chance.

And FYI: having some small coordinated groups go snipe yaks or take camps while the zergs are keeping things busy at a wall actually does quite a bit to undermind that position. Having those kinds of groups with a lot of immobilize type effects out a ways on the road in front of towers also really changes the game.

What you need to do is get off your kitten and actually put those kinds of groups together while your zerg swarms a location. If there aren’t parties like that put together then you are the one responsible for it just being a boring zerg. Don’t order people to do it in chat, just send invites to people and kittening explain the goal to them. You just need one person at the place telling you that it’s about to fall so you can rush back and not miss out on the karma- but you got more lootbags while you were waiting.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Kintari.4172


I commend FA for crashing the dolyak parade. True PvP is not about badges, numbers, gear, ranks, or recognition; it’s about denying the other guy the opportunity to do his stuff, about kicking his sand castle down. You understand this. Well played.

Kintari | Rintaki | Rin Taki | Kian Tir | Zahinn | Lith <<< Blackgate >>>

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


We tried to goto FA and there was a queue. Was the parade your idea? If so I’d like to thank you personally in game, i’ll give you a free kill. Btw if you really want revenge I do run around with the tag [ODA] guild name Odaman, so you can always try to hunt me, although I’m done for the night so you’ll have to wait until reset.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Slimshot.3251


Who cares, not everyone likes holding hands and walking yaks together. Some of us would rather just wvw. Plus not everyone even reads forums. Oh and are you really surprised that you where attacked holding a pve event in a pvp area?

(edited by Slimshot.3251)

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


We love zerging and don’t feel bad about it Odaman. If its red its dead right? Thanks for the bags at LV!

=p Not my bags, but grats on killing stuff. It’s fun right!?

Yes, because after you created the chaos, you ran from the map. Apparently nobody’s seen you guys on FABL all night.

I created the chaos. Why would we be in FABL when the fight was in CDBL? You’re making no sense.

Don’t use logic, it’s funny when they think they’re being clever.

So you stir things up, then don’t bother to defend your own land that’s being attacked as a direct result of your actions?

Interesting. Other FAers should probably take note and pass it along to others on your server … It appears to be only these two guilds. If it was on my server, I’d want to know.

Posting nonsense like this is hilarious, Plain and simple we defend. We have proven in the past we respond and defend. The FA player base knows this.

[BT] Black Talons

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.5024


Well I hope next time there is a truce in the jumping puzzle or a fight club in Ogres that BT and PD will come “play the game” then too. I’m so disgusted at FA right now. Specifically BT. They didn’t know about the event until I told them an hour before. They still went in and ruined it for everyone. In fact, see you guys in a few days. I guess its time to run some dungeons, or god help me, some fractals.

We also had a WvW event planned in CD before hand. It was an inevitable clash. We appologize for all the problems, next time maybe TCBL might be a good place for a TC RP party since it’s not as busy at night.

Black Talons Gaming [BT]

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Well I hope next time there is a truce in the jumping puzzle or a fight club in Ogres that BT and PD will come “play the game” then too. I’m so disgusted at FA right now. Specifically BT. They didn’t know about the event until I told them an hour before. They still went in and ruined it for everyone. In fact, see you guys in a few days. I guess its time to run some dungeons, or god help me, some fractals.

We also had a WvW event planned in CD before hand. It was an inevitable clash. We appologize for all the problems, next time maybe TCBL might be a good place for a TC RP party since it’s not as busy at night.

We don’t apologize. Mal is trying to be nice, but really we’re pretty amused by all the nonsense.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


haha i saw someone with the guild tag [FA] with the guild named Good Luck In Tier Four

lol if you still don’t realize it’s just a core of people who will continually transfer to whatever server is up against TC because of it’s reputation as people who role-play as charr and the connotations that entails. They’re on FA instead of CD because FA is a better meat shield for north american coverage.

TC will be up against the same group every week because the internet etc.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Shinhwa.1604


We also had a WvW event planned in CD before hand. It was an inevitable clash. We appologize for all the problems, next time maybe TCBL might be a good place for a TC RP party since it’s not as busy at night.

I wish you had planned your event for FABL. We’re banking 55 points right now and don’t hold Garrison, Hills, Bay, or basically anything south of citadel.

Fort Aspenwood

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


Well I hope next time there is a truce in the jumping puzzle or a fight club in Ogres that BT and PD will come “play the game” then too. I’m so disgusted at FA right now. Specifically BT. They didn’t know about the event until I told them an hour before. They still went in and ruined it for everyone. In fact, see you guys in a few days. I guess its time to run some dungeons, or god help me, some fractals.

We also had a WvW event planned in CD before hand. It was an inevitable clash. We appologize for all the problems, next time maybe TCBL might be a good place for a TC RP party since it’s not as busy at night.

We should have done that in the first place. It was only in CDBL because it was a CD who came up with it in the first place.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Saw some funny emotes today.
Tarnished Coast Invader cheers for Crystal Desert Invader.
Crystal Desert Invader disagrees with Tarnished Coast Invader.

TC people are taking this too seriously, lol. I think most of CD doesn’t care aside from a few. Most of FA doesn’t care and some think it’s funny. I’m somewhere in-between so I’ll say I find it amusing.

TC was pushing into FA BL before the event even began. Derv called for GODS to get into FA BL because Garrison was under attack. This was around the time of the Dolyak event so they were independent of one another. We defended it for hours until members got off since it’s late for most of us now. FA really needs more people on the West Coast. This population dip between our NA crew and Oceanic crew really hurts. Kinda silly that TC posters are attributing the taking of Garrison to revenge for crashing your event. But it seemed you guys wanted it anyway and were going to take it once FA went to sleep anyway. Oh well, I guess I’ll have some fun posts to read now.

Edit: There were around 10 new posts by the time I typed up this one. Serious business, lol!

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

(edited by Arcadio.6875)

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


We also had a WvW event planned in CD before hand. It was an inevitable clash. We appologize for all the problems, next time maybe TCBL might be a good place for a TC RP party since it’s not as busy at night.

I wish you had planned your event for FABL. We’re banking 55 points right now and don’t hold Garrison, Hills, Bay, or basically anything south of citadel.

so what your saying is we are still in third?

[BT] Black Talons

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


We love zerging and don’t feel bad about it Odaman. If its red its dead right? Thanks for the bags at LV!

=p Not my bags, but grats on killing stuff. It’s fun right!?

Yes, because after you created the chaos, you ran from the map. Apparently nobody’s seen you guys on FABL all night.

I created the chaos. Why would we be in FABL when the fight was in CDBL? You’re making no sense.

Don’t use logic, it’s funny when they think they’re being clever.

So you stir things up, then don’t bother to defend your own land that’s being attacked as a direct result of your actions?

Interesting. Other FAers should probably take note and pass it along to others on your server … It appears to be only these two guilds. If it was on my server, I’d want to know.

Posting nonsense like this is hilarious, Plain and simple we defend. We have proven in the past we respond and defend. The FA player base knows this.

And you’re equally hilarious …. If you respond and defend as you put it, you and your guilds would have been on fabl map.

And yes, quite the defence you guys pulled against non-agro players shooting off fireworks.

Why not just admit you were jerks and be done with it?

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Balzaimon.4895


It was fun while it lasted, just for the attempt. And yeah PvP happens in a PvP zone, no problem with that whatsoever. All in all the Dolyak Parade was a nice break for a moment in a weeklong grind for me to level my alt and get some badges, and the battles that broke out afterword were fun aswell. What gets me is people saying that “its just a game” or “Red = Dead” seem to be the ones taking it too seriously, and if you dont “Care” why are you reading the forums and remarking about how much you dont “care”. Just seems a bit disengenuous to me.

Sirruhk Saiikesh (Warrior)
Balzaimon (Gaurdian)
Tarnished Coast

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Score update.

FA is feeling the love!


Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: oltouch.2913


For the Dolyaks! ^ lol you beat me!



TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


We’re not jerks, we’re just upset we weren’t invited.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


We love zerging and don’t feel bad about it Odaman. If its red its dead right? Thanks for the bags at LV!

=p Not my bags, but grats on killing stuff. It’s fun right!?

Yes, because after you created the chaos, you ran from the map. Apparently nobody’s seen you guys on FABL all night.

I created the chaos. Why would we be in FABL when the fight was in CDBL? You’re making no sense.

Don’t use logic, it’s funny when they think they’re being clever.

So you stir things up, then don’t bother to defend your own land that’s being attacked as a direct result of your actions?

Interesting. Other FAers should probably take note and pass it along to others on your server … It appears to be only these two guilds. If it was on my server, I’d want to know.

Posting nonsense like this is hilarious, Plain and simple we defend. We have proven in the past we respond and defend. The FA player base knows this.

And you’re equally hilarious …. If you respond and defend as you put it, you and your guilds would have been on fabl map.

And yes, quite the defence you guys pulled against non-agro players shooting off fireworks.

Why not just admit you we’re jerks and be done with it?

Were you willingly in a pvp zone? and to say you did not attack back especially after the initial hit is crazy ignorant.

We are mostly an eastern time zone guild so I am so very sorry that that we usually log off at 11:30 or so most nights.

Killing a red name in a wvwvw zone doesn’t make me bat an eyelash. The outrage over it is great though

[BT] Black Talons

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


We love zerging and don’t feel bad about it Odaman. If its red its dead right? Thanks for the bags at LV!

=p Not my bags, but grats on killing stuff. It’s fun right!?

Yes, because after you created the chaos, you ran from the map. Apparently nobody’s seen you guys on FABL all night.

I created the chaos. Why would we be in FABL when the fight was in CDBL? You’re making no sense.

Don’t use logic, it’s funny when they think they’re being clever.

So you stir things up, then don’t bother to defend your own land that’s being attacked as a direct result of your actions?

Interesting. Other FAers should probably take note and pass it along to others on your server … It appears to be only these two guilds. If it was on my server, I’d want to know.

Posting nonsense like this is hilarious, Plain and simple we defend. We have proven in the past we respond and defend. The FA player base knows this.

And you’re equally hilarious …. If you respond and defend as you put it, you and your guilds would have been on fabl map.

And yes, quite the defence you guys pulled against non-agro players shooting off fireworks.

Why not just admit you we’re jerks and be done with it?

Were you willingly in a pvp zone? and to say you did not attack back especially after the initial hit is crazy ignorant.

We are mostly an eastern time zone guild so I am so very sorry that that we usually log off at 11:30 or so most nights.

Killing a red name in a wvwvw zone doesn’t make me bat an eyelash. The outrage over it is great though

Love that you avoid answering why you didn’t “respond and defend” your own server’s land after causing the whole mess. Hope your fellow FAers are taking note.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


I find it amusing that you find it amusing. I also want to say that it is exactly why we took Garrison and Hills in FA tonight. A bunch of people got mad, they told their friends and so on until TC was queued up. All good commanders showed up and we basically took your borderlands out of spite. It may have happened anyway, later, but who knows.

you see normally TC doesn’t play to conquer objectives and score points but when they’re angry that’s when they decide to get objectives and score points.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Vagrant.1094


Could someone from CD, who regularly plays in EB, and isn’t prone to fits of irrationality send me a PM on these forums?

Nothing to do with alliances, or dolyaks, etc etc.

I just need to talk with someone sensible about a certain something.

~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB.

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Oh, is this where [BT] was fighting? We are having a RP wedding in your Garrison. You are invited to try to ruin it.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Soba.3041


Of course, it’s FA that ruins the Dolyak walk. Hope you guys are ready for the repercussions.

I was not there and do not know much about this, but i hope you guys know that VERY few people actual read the forums…

Not much of an excuse. It’s not like they can’t be informed through map chat.

Yeah right. FA listening to a request in map chat. That’s a good one because that rarely happens when it is WvW relevant..:)

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Derv The Monkinator.4915

Derv The Monkinator.4915

If you want people to listen in chat, join a guild. Problem solved. GODS kicks insubordinates unless they’re scouting. People fill their role in a squad, and are all on a chat system, so they all know what they’re doing.

Derv The Monkinator – Fort Aspenwood
[GODS] Guild Leader

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


Yes your awesome “TC we have a new strategy…ZERG them with overwhelming numbers, that worked!”

you were in first place before…..and still are

[BT] Black Talons

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: sharkmegabyte.2859


I’d be all for showing FA what -actual- 2v1 looks like. Bets on how low we could hold their average point gain?

Tarnished Coast – Kirista, 80 Thief / Stormageddon Darklo, 80 Elementalist
/ Danykka Mistreaver, Guardian

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


Yes your awesome “TC we have a new strategy…ZERG them with overwhelming numbers, that worked!”

you were in first place before…..and still are

Its a lot better than hanging your own server out to dry because your guild is more interested in doing their own thing. Hence we are winning and you are losing.

your right because the wvwvw guilds on fa didn’t agree with what we did….

[BT] Black Talons

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.8193


Hey FAs, we did it.


TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: TIMMEH.8106


Hey FAs, we did it.

so we are in third place still……..We had so much to lose

[BT] Black Talons

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: killer.8235


Hey FAs, we did it.


God Hermes [GODS]-FA

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970


Some screenshots of the Dolyak Counterstrike:


Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Love that you avoid answering why you didn’t “respond and defend” your own server’s land after causing the whole mess. Hope your fellow FAers are taking note.

Maybe you missed it, but there was a queue. It does hurt that randoms didn’t see us defend though. I promise i’ll be there next time I get to kitten off roleplayers.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Derv The Monkinator.4915

Derv The Monkinator.4915

Look, good people of CD. We need to attack TC united because they’ll STOMP US and take your keep in EB and our boarderland like they did today. The solution is to work against the winning server so that one of us can win. It’s that simple.

TC rating in tier 3 = 10/10
FA rating in tier 3 = 7/10
CD rating in tier 3 = 7/10

CD + FA > TC or TC > FA and TC > CD

Simple math folks. Simple math.

Derv The Monkinator – Fort Aspenwood
[GODS] Guild Leader

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Hey FAs, we did it.

What did you do? What does the score board show?

~ AoN ~

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Yes your awesome “TC we have a new strategy…ZERG them with overwhelming numbers, that worked!”

you were in first place before…..and still are

This statement is a win. All TC does is zerg. They can’t portal bomb, they can’t build siege effectively, they can’t invis spike, they can’t stack might, they cant timewarp a group, and they have 0 tactical ability. When they fail to the point of exhaustion, they just have some guy drop, litterally, 100’s of golems and ZERG. They’d get PWNED in Tier 2. They should be thanking us for stopping them from going there to get ROFLSTOMPED.

41 Golems = dead. Bite me TC.


FA can’t get points.


TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Love that you avoid answering why you didn’t “respond and defend” your own server’s land after causing the whole mess. Hope your fellow FAers are taking note.

Maybe you missed it, but there was a queue. It does hurt that randoms didn’t see us defend though. I promise i’ll be there next time I get to kitten off roleplayers.

Was I addressing you in that post?

Or wait … Are you timmeh too and oda is your shadow puppet?

Honestly even if there was a queue, you’d have gotten there eventually …. Surely that would have been your number one priority? And yet …. Nobody saw anyone from your guild on fabl all night. Strange that.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Derv The Monkinator.4915

Derv The Monkinator.4915


FA can’t get points.



TC can’t get badges.


Derv The Monkinator – Fort Aspenwood
[GODS] Guild Leader

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Except.. We beat you for a month straight with better tactics

Having more people is not really a tactic.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunshine.3452



FA can’t get points.



TC can’t get badges.


Full set of invader jewelry on 2 toons, 2 gifts, and 3 invader weapons, countless siege bought with badges.. uhm your point? xD

Mesmer/Thief – PiNK – Garnished Toast Butterlands
T.O.A.S.T. The Organsiation Against Server Transfers

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Derv The Monkinator.4915

Derv The Monkinator.4915

GODS does not zerg bro. We run in multiple squads of 10-15, so yeah. Get your facts straight.

And on the portal thing: we portal bombed your mindless zerg ourside of our garrison like 6 times in the same fashion and had 0 casualties each time. Clearly you have not figured portaling out.

Derv The Monkinator – Fort Aspenwood
[GODS] Guild Leader

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: BladeBraverBureba.1052


Look, good people of CD. We need to attack TC united because they’ll STOMP US and take your keep in EB and our boarderland like they did today. The solution is to work against the winning server so that one of us can win. It’s that simple.

TC rating in tier 3 = 10/10
FA rating in tier 3 = 7/10
CD rating in tier 3 = 7/10

CD + FA > TC or TC > FA and TC > CD

Simple math folks. Simple math.

That’s right, appeal to the enemy of your enemy because you can’t beat either your enemy, nor the enemy of your enemy that you’re appealing to.

It’s fairly ironic that you complain about TC zerging, when CD does pretty much the same thing, and at very predictable times of the day. So it’s not cool when we do it, cause you can’t seem to stop us, but cool when they do it, even though you can’t seem to stop them either.


TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Yes your awesome “TC we have a new strategy…ZERG them with overwhelming numbers, that worked!”

you were in first place before…..and still are

This statement is a win. All TC does is zerg. They can’t portal bomb, they can’t build siege effectively, they can’t invis spike, they can’t stack might, they cant timewarp a group, and they have 0 tactical ability. When they fail to the point of exhaustion, they just have some guy drop, litterally, 100’s of golems and ZERG. They’d get PWNED in Tier 2. They should be thanking us for stopping them from going there to get ROFLSTOMPED.

41 Golems = dead. Bite me TC.


FA can’t get points.


True story, but we can apparently kitten other servers off like no other. I’d take the latter since we can always make points later.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: BladeBraverBureba.1052


By the way, as I type this, we’re on the verge of taking the FA keep in EB again. And CD owns half of FA’s EB territory.

Where are those superior tactics, and why aren’t they saving you?

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Awesomesauce.9528


I always look forwards to reading forum posts. The drama, man, the drama.

Also, here is a picture of animals sniffing each others’ butts and turning red for no explainable reason. Enjoy.


Famous last words
“You put WHAT in my drink?” – Socrates
“There’s only like eight of them over that hill.” – Custer

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251



FA can’t get points.



TC can’t get badges.


You do realize other servers call yours Altf4-penwood right?

L’enfer, c’est les autres