Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


My request was a simple one. Turn off the trolling and remember you are playing a game with real people no matter what server they are on. A little respect and sportsmanship goes a long way.

I never claimed you to be bads, or that you need to do anything. I actually like what you do as a guild.

Unfortunately people today don’t like to respect their enemies or indeed even their allies. They are instead focused on their own E-peeens. I’ve enjoyed playing with everyone from all servers this week so far, it’s been a blast. I hope all servers continue and keep learning and upping their game so it can continue to be so.

Ignore the baddies from other servers, let people self police and they will eventually get tired of their lack of effectiveness trolling other servers and harassment from their own servers. As well as their general loss of credibility. Believe it or not all 3 servers seem to have a good core or good players who just want to play a good game and have fun. But we also each have some trolls.

I say baddies not as a relation to skill, but as a relation to personality btw.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

(edited by Ralathar.7236)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Also, I want to give one last Good Job to Borlis Rock. I hope you guys keep up most of the working together even if we will win with our superior population. I know you guys can’t match us capping you at night like now, but you can give us kitten during the daytime and have more fun fights.

I give yall full credit for being an equal match or better while working together during the day and even during our prime time when you can actually match our population.

Score update:

EB: +430
BP: +160
AR: +105

EB: 114,910
BP: 90,408
AR: 85,513

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noice.8730


A coordination between FTF, GH and pK.

took 3 fully fortified keeps in 15 minutes


Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hrolfr.6285


A coordination between FTF, GH and pK.

took 3 fully fortified keeps in 15 minutes

Taking AR’s keeps…must have been all that talent and not the population difference I have heard so much about. Not really something to brag about when there are 25 ppl defending a border land ^shrug^…good job??

Hrolfr Kuma
Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth. ~ Mike Tyson

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: tiramisu.8706


Funny cause while they were setting up to take your borderlands, AR had a decent sized zerg to take Ehmry garrison.

Wokfoo, Rokkasaurus, Not Daddy of [Rekz]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


Explain to me how my argument is a fallacy please. I know people who normally wouldn’t put in extra hours, putting in extra hours, does that mean everyone has? No, but it certainly contributes to my overall point. Do I think we have a larger population? Yes, but is it a significant population difference? Maybe, maybe not. As for BP and AR “kicking up their game”. Are you serious? 20-25 BP [WAR] players + pugs couldn’t even take lake yesterday, AR failed to take briar on numerous occasions as well. Furthermore, new commanders have been practicing in Eternal in order to learn, that doesn’t mean we are disorganized. Your argument that population = winning doesn’t hold either, considering servers such as Maguuma who overcame population and won many matches and are now a powerhouse in t3 (that’s not to say their population hasn’t grown since going there). Then there are servers like Jade Quarry, who had a huge population and are now getting decimated by equally populated if not less. In the end, I don’t care about their alliance, because it actually benefits me because more loot. But for you to come out here and say that our server isn’t doing well against 2v1, get out man.

tl;dr version of your post:

If I make a series of vague and subjective statements combined with a few very narrow and select examples I can make any situation sound as I wish without really saying anything of provable worth.

My reply:
I mean seriously. My observations are backed up by what is consistently happening over the last months as well as now. You are just throwing unsupported statements out there, of which some do not even make sense. Example: New commanders don’t know what they are doing but we are not disorganized. You are giving a reason for the disorganization but also denying it lol.

Also please don’t tell me what I’m saying. Overall Ehmry Bay is doing well vs this 2 vs 1. I never said/meant we were not. Are we performing up to our capabilities? Definitely not. Are we doing pretty well overall? Yes. You can give all the excuses you want of why we are not performing as well as we could be, but we definitely did not take the threat of both servers seriously and it bit us in the kitten. That hurt us more than any disorganization or anything else and magnified all our other issues.

It’s a fact that if we didn’t have the population advantage we have, regardless of how much you want to quantify it at, we would be in a terrible situation right now. Anyone that’s been on Ehmry for a long time knows how thin of a red line it is between challenging match-up and PUGs abandoning WvW leaving us terribly outmanned. If not the next time we are the underdogs they will see that in action. (We are not currently the underdogs even now, BP and AR still are)

Ok, let’s break it down once again. How exactly are your observations backed up btw, better start posting the proofs, where as my proof of people putting in extra hours is there. In fact I could name a few right off the top of my head right now. Obviously new commanders will create disorganization, but it is not intentional or purposeful disorganization to the point where it is detrimental. In fact, its good that they are putting themselves out there and learning, you can call it “disorganization” if you like.

Define performing up to our capibilities? I will tell you again and again, our population difference is not so significant to the point where we would be holding 300+ ppt all day. You seem to be living in the past. Yes I admit we do have a population difference, but to soley put blame on that is making an excuse however you spin it.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


A coordination between FTF, GH and pK.

took 3 fully fortified keeps in 15 minutes

Taking AR’s keeps…must have been all that talent and not the population difference I have heard so much about. Not really something to brag about when there are 25 ppl defending a border land ^shrug^…good job??

Kinda like how AR rushed Ebay Garri with 3 Omegas and 2 Alphas against 0 defenders? Must be that skill. Keep up the QQ.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noice.8730


A coordination between FTF, GH and pK.

took 3 fully fortified keeps in 15 minutes

Taking AR’s keeps…must have been all that talent and not the population difference I have heard so much about. Not really something to brag about when there are 25 ppl defending a border land ^shrug^…good job??

Admit it, you didn’t have the time and coordination to move your zerg back to your home

How can you lose all 3 within 15 minutes while you have a decent sized zerg at another server’s home borderlands and eternal battlegrounds?

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: tiramisu.8706


AR zerg made two attempts at Bay and lost their borderlands shortly afterwards. Only 25 decided to defend the BL. Could have been helped. AR just didn’t respond quickly enough or logged as soon as they got pushed out of Bay.

Wokfoo, Rokkasaurus, Not Daddy of [Rekz]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Ok, let’s break it down once again. How exactly are your observations backed up btw, better start posting the proofs, where as my proof of people putting in extra hours is there. In fact I could name a few right off the top of my head right now. Obviously new commanders will create disorganization, but it is not intentional or purposeful disorganization to the point where it is detrimental. In fact, its good that they are putting themselves out there and learning, you can call it “disorganization” if you like.

Define performing up to our capibilities? I will tell you again and again, our population difference is not so significant to the point where we would be holding 300+ ppt all day. You seem to be living in the past. Yes I admit we do have a population difference, but to soley put blame on that is making an excuse however you spin it.

I would go into that, but it would be pointless. Viewing it objectively you believe your view and I believe mine. Also viewing it objectively you make statement like “people putting in the extra hours” as a Ebay advantage when in reality we all know all sides did or “it’s not disorganization but it’s disorganization” lol.

Viewing your post history merely confirms what others are suggesting in relation to trolling and objectivity on your part.

So I will leave you to your own devices instead. Yes, you won, yes I couldn’t back up what I said, yes my silence means I have nothing to back up my stuff with, yes jmmies were rustled. All comments of that nature that you might make are expected. After all the last word means you are right……right? (ironic because you won’t be able to help yourself and will “rebut” this post)

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


A coordination between FTF, GH and pK.

took 3 fully fortified keeps in 15 minutes

Taking AR’s keeps…must have been all that talent and not the population difference I have heard so much about. Not really something to brag about when there are 25 ppl defending a border land ^shrug^…good job??

Admit it, you didn’t have the time and coordination to move your zerg back to your home

How can you lose all 3 within 15 minutes while you have a decent sized zerg at another server’s home borderlands and eternal battlegrounds?

I’d wager it’s the vast majority of their forces. AR has shown in the past that it has difficulty maintaining that zerg while still having appreciable population basically anywhere else during non-peak hours and sometimes even during peak hours.

It was a tactical mistake mind you to abandon their BL to go and hit things with such a large % of their people, but it’s also a mistake Ebay makes all the time. AR just has less cushion room to make that mistake because they have less people overall and zerging objectives quickly takes alot of people.

This is a weakness of AR we have taken advantage of many many times. Kind of sucks for them honestly because they are stuck between defending, which can be boring, and attacking. They don’t have the people to do both in current tier. With the Borlis Rock alliance we experienced the same situation during the day and prime time most of the weekend and we too lost things we shouldn’t have.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

(edited by Ralathar.7236)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


Ok, let’s break it down once again. How exactly are your observations backed up btw, better start posting the proofs, where as my proof of people putting in extra hours is there. In fact I could name a few right off the top of my head right now. Obviously new commanders will create disorganization, but it is not intentional or purposeful disorganization to the point where it is detrimental. In fact, its good that they are putting themselves out there and learning, you can call it “disorganization” if you like.

Define performing up to our capibilities? I will tell you again and again, our population difference is not so significant to the point where we would be holding 300+ ppt all day. You seem to be living in the past. Yes I admit we do have a population difference, but to soley put blame on that is making an excuse however you spin it.

I would go into that, but it would be pointless. Viewing it objectively you believe your view and I believe mine. Also viewing it objectively you make statement like “people putting in the extra hours” as a Ebay advantage when in reality we all know all sides did or “it’s not disorganization but it’s disorganization” lol.

Viewing your post history merely confirms what others are suggesting in relation to trolling and objectivity on your part.

So I will leave you to your own devices instead. Yes, you won, yes I couldn’t back up what I said, yes my silence means I have nothing to back up my stuff with, yes jmmies were rustled. All comments of that nature that you might make are expected. After all the last word means you are right……right? (ironic because you won’t be able to help yourself and will “rebut” this post)

It’s funny how people will use the word “troll” when the the proponent speaks the truth.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Which guild? I assume its LPC. I don’t run that tag in WvW. For the most part, that is the PvE players in the guild. And I would have to assume that would answer your question. As far as either guild though, you won’t see either with over 10 active at any given time, because, well, that’s all there are. KAOS was formed because we wanted to have dedicated WvW buffs and didn’t want to dip into the PvE pool.
If you ran into an LPC ranger, they were probably there for dailies. There is a difference between an LPC WvWer and a KAOS WvWer. KAOS spends 99% of the time in WvW. LPC goes in for dailies and to play about with KAOS. Man that’s confusing.

KAOS tag

Anyway I must say that Ebay is holding off both servers at the same time….and its not because of population

We are just better.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


KAOS tag

Anyway I must say that Ebay is holding off both servers at the same time….and its not because of population

We are just better.

Being part of an organized guild colors your view. As organized guilds we smash through pugs with regularity and in many cases even other organized guilds. However this is true of all sides. Naturally this is most of what we see of Ebay and we assume that the pugs are niche or the overwhelming minority. Sometimes we even assume this of other guilds.

This is merely a piece of the entire whole though and is not indicative of how good or bad a server is. Also, like it or not the pugs and lesser guilds set us up for a lot of the things that we do as organized guilds. We notice frequently when they are inept and fail, but we rarely acknowledge when they do well or provide us with opportunities to leverage the might of our own personal guilds.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Our organized guilds smash thier organized guilds….so your theory means nothing.

Either way my statement rings true

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Our organized guilds smash thier organized guilds….so your theory means nothing.

Either way my statement rings true

Just like theirs smash ours sometimes. Though we like to forget that happened and instead concentrate on the times we wipe them instead.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Lol, another action-shot score update.



Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Which guild? I assume its LPC. I don’t run that tag in WvW. For the most part, that is the PvE players in the guild. And I would have to assume that would answer your question. As far as either guild though, you won’t see either with over 10 active at any given time, because, well, that’s all there are. KAOS was formed because we wanted to have dedicated WvW buffs and didn’t want to dip into the PvE pool.
If you ran into an LPC ranger, they were probably there for dailies. There is a difference between an LPC WvWer and a KAOS WvWer. KAOS spends 99% of the time in WvW. LPC goes in for dailies and to play about with KAOS. Man that’s confusing.

KAOS tag

Would love to know where and when this was and what race. There are only 2 rangers in KAOS that WvW regularly, and they both run bunker(I’m one of them). Neither of us are known for running from a 1 v 1, especially from a thief. Leave after 10-15 minutes after fighting the really trolly s/d build maybe. And none of which that will ever come back with 10-15 people.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


To ebay forum warriors

LMFAO AT EBAY “we are winning by skills, not numbers”

Says the outmanned buff in eternal for kittening 24/7 to your queues, and your guilds “FTF – PK – GH – Sekz” that drops AT LEAST 20ish on their rides while BP and AR only have their pugs to handle your guilds and queues. No, dream on. Your not winning by skills, not even close to skills, not even half of T4 servers skills. Ebay will get destroyed in tier 4 IF they reached it. Facts…

Come at me bros

No one came at me to fight, im disappointed, Kalkz wins

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


Ohnommed so many Borliss golems yesterday. Becoming a dietary staple quite quickly.


Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


No one came at me to fight, im disappointed, Kalkz wins

D’aww, if I’d have known I’d have come to play, Kalkz! =D

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


Our organized guilds smash thier organized guilds….so your theory means nothing.

Either way my statement rings true

If this was true you wouldn’t have to stay up all night to get PPT. You are losing when faced with even numbers so you night cap.

It’s a valid strategy.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

(edited by Merkenary.9860)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PenguiNet.3420


AR + BP alliance is roughly on par with Ehmry pugs + Ehmry PvE commanders.

AR + BP alliance is no match for the MIGHT OF EHMRY.

BURN = tossed into the dumpster
BS = tossed into the dumpster
ALS = tossed into the dumpster
SoS = tossed into the dumpster with their ALS friends
BP and AR WAR = yawn, dumpster
WFD = wanted a GvG…we farmed them zerging with BURN on reset. WAYYY too early for you to man up. Keep running.
Saw this new AR guild out on Saturday doubleteaming us…Crit or something. Critical Failure. They died so fast. INTO THE DUMPSTER.
Every other guild and group just fairweathers so hard after we wipe them once or twice that I never get to learn their guild tag.

But thanks to all the bad guilds I just named…got over 1000 kills on Saturday and got downed a grand total of zero times. Bro, do you guys even WvW? It’s so rare that I die, I have to keep GW2Wiki’ing Warrior downed skills so I remember what button activates what skill…and what that skill does.

Bottom line. There exists not a single guild or organized group on BP or AR that is in the same universe as our organized squads.

Operation Bads-to-Badges all day everyday.

Brolis Rock are simply just not Renaissance Winners like Sekz.

Hope you had fun bullying our pugs all weekend. It’s hilarious how AR was zerging our Bay and lost all 3 of their keeps in 15 minutes…and failed to get our Bay. Epic fail.

If this was true you wouldn’t have to stay up all night to get PPT. You are losing when faced with even numbers so you night cap.

It’s a valid strategy.

We don’t lose when it’s even numbers lol. Two servers double teaming one server is not even numbers.

If you’re this bad at logic, it’s safe to assume that you’re bad at life in addition to being bad at the game. DEFINITELY not a Renaissance Winner like me. More like an ape banging two rocks together.

We clown every one of your guilds. Prison style.

Wake me up when you’re winning not by bullying our PUGs, baddie. And by “winning” I mean zerging our pugs with a doubleteam and winning in PPT…still losing by 35k though. LOL

You should think before you post.

Rawnblade Deathclaw – Warrior
Brorannosaurus [Rekz]
Chief Charr Forum Compliance Officer

(edited by PenguiNet.3420)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

AR + BP alliance is roughly on par with Ehmry pugs + Ehmry PvE commanders.

AR + BP alliance is no match for the MIGHT OF EHMRY.

BURN = tossed into the dumpster
BS = tossed into the dumpster
ALS = tossed into the dumpster
SoS = tossed into the dumpster with their ALS friends
BP and AR WAR = yawn, dumpster
WFD = wanted a GvG…we farmed them zerging with BURN on reset. WAYYY too early for you to man up. Keep running.
Saw this new AR guild out on Saturday doubleteaming us…Crit or something. Critical Failure. They died so fast. INTO THE DUMPSTER.
Every other guild and group just fairweathers so hard after we wipe them once or twice that I never get to learn their guild tag.

But thanks to all the bad guilds I just named…got over 1000 kills on Saturday and got downed a grand total of zero times. Bro, do you guys even WvW? It’s so rare that I die, I have to keep GW2Wiki’ing Warrior downed skills so I remember what button activates what skill…and what that skill does what.

Bottom line. There exists not a single guild or organized group on BP or AR that is in the same universe as our organized squads.

Operation Bads-to-Badges all day everyday.

Brolis Rock are simply just not Renaissance Winners like Sekz.

Hope you had fun bullying our pugs all weekend. It’s hilarious how AR was zerging our Bay and lost all 3 of their keeps in 15 minutes…and failed to get our Bay. Epic fail.

If this was true you wouldn’t have to stay up all night to get PPT. You are losing when faced with even numbers so you night cap.

It’s a valid strategy.

We don’t lose when it’s even numbers lol. Two servers double teaming one server is not even numbers.

If you’re this bad at logic, it’s safe to assume that you’re bad at life in addition to being bad at the game. DEFINITELY not a Renaissance Winner like me. More like an ape banging two rocks together.

We clown every one of your guilds. Prison style.

Wake me up when you’re winning not by bullying our PUGs, baddie.

You should think before you post.

In summary


Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Merkenary.9860


AR + BP alliance is roughly on par with Ehmry pugs + Ehmry PvE commanders.

AR + BP alliance is no match for the MIGHT OF EHMRY.

BURN = tossed into the dumpster
BS = tossed into the dumpster
ALS = tossed into the dumpster
SoS = tossed into the dumpster with their ALS friends
BP and AR WAR = yawn, dumpster
WFD = wanted a GvG…we farmed them zerging with BURN on reset. WAYYY too early for you to man up. Keep running.
Saw this new AR guild out on Saturday doubleteaming us…Crit or something. Critical Failure. They died so fast. INTO THE DUMPSTER.
Every other guild and group just fairweathers so hard after we wipe them once or twice that I never get to learn their guild tag.

But thanks to all the bad guilds I just named…got over 1000 kills on Saturday and got downed a grand total of zero times. Bro, do you guys even WvW? It’s so rare that I die, I have to keep GW2Wiki’ing Warrior downed skills so I remember what button activates what skill…and what that skill does.

Bottom line. There exists not a single guild or organized group on BP or AR that is in the same universe as our organized squads.

Operation Bads-to-Badges all day everyday.

Brolis Rock are simply just not Renaissance Winners like Sekz.

Hope you had fun bullying our pugs all weekend. It’s hilarious how AR was zerging our Bay and lost all 3 of their keeps in 15 minutes…and failed to get our Bay. Epic fail.

If this was true you wouldn’t have to stay up all night to get PPT. You are losing when faced with even numbers so you night cap.

It’s a valid strategy.

We don’t lose when it’s even numbers lol. Two servers double teaming one server is not even numbers.

If you’re this bad at logic, it’s safe to assume that you’re bad at life in addition to being bad at the game. DEFINITELY not a Renaissance Winner like me. More like an ape banging two rocks together.

We clown every one of your guilds. Prison style.

Wake me up when you’re winning not by bullying our PUGs, baddie. And by “winning” I mean zerging our pugs with a doubleteam and winning in PPT…still losing by 35k though. LOL

You should think before you post.

You really should get to bed you’re going to be up late again.

Seraphim Martyrs BURN
Borlis Pass

(edited by Merkenary.9860)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zerkles.8635


AR + BP alliance is roughly on par with Ehmry pugs + Ehmry PvE commanders.

AR + BP alliance is no match for the MIGHT OF EHMRY.

BURN = tossed into the dumpster
BS = tossed into the dumpster
ALS = tossed into the dumpster
SoS = tossed into the dumpster with their ALS friends
BP and AR WAR = yawn, dumpster
WFD = wanted a GvG…we farmed them zerging with BURN on reset. WAYYY too early for you to man up. Keep running.
Saw this new AR guild out on Saturday doubleteaming us…Crit or something. Critical Failure. They died so fast. INTO THE DUMPSTER.
Every other guild and group just fairweathers so hard after we wipe them once or twice that I never get to learn their guild tag.

But thanks to all the bad guilds I just named…got over 1000 kills on Saturday and got downed a grand total of zero times. Bro, do you guys even WvW? It’s so rare that I die, I have to keep GW2Wiki’ing Warrior downed skills so I remember what button activates what skill…and what that skill does.

Bottom line. There exists not a single guild or organized group on BP or AR that is in the same universe as our organized squads.

Operation Bads-to-Badges all day everyday.

Brolis Rock are simply just not Renaissance Winners like Sekz.

Hope you had fun bullying our pugs all weekend. It’s hilarious how AR was zerging our Bay and lost all 3 of their keeps in 15 minutes…and failed to get our Bay. Epic fail.

If this was true you wouldn’t have to stay up all night to get PPT. You are losing when faced with even numbers so you night cap.

It’s a valid strategy.

We don’t lose when it’s even numbers lol. Two servers double teaming one server is not even numbers.

If you’re this bad at logic, it’s safe to assume that you’re bad at life in addition to being bad at the game. DEFINITELY not a Renaissance Winner like me. More like an ape banging two rocks together.

We clown every one of your guilds. Prison style.

Wake me up when you’re winning not by bullying our PUGs, baddie. And by “winning” I mean zerging our pugs with a doubleteam and winning in PPT…still losing by 35k though. LOL

You should think before you post.

Quality post, would read again.

I can come to the defense of ALS / SOS. These are no fairweather guilds, as they are out commanding each and everyday. Post reset weekend, we have to work with a largly pug population, which anyone who has commanded will know is no easy feat with the response time that a server like Ebay has.

As for Crit, I have alot of respect for that guild because they really take care of the thankless jobs i.e. upgrading keeps, yak running, scouting..

I’m a no body on this server, but I have the pleasure of working with these people, and what you do not see, is the fight inherent in them and the server. Wiping us a few times isn’t going to stop kitten.

Professional PuG Commander – Anvil Rock

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Not sure where this impression that we’ve got a 24/7 queue on Eternal is coming from. 90% of the time I’m there, it’s just a haphazard mess of pugs and pug commanders, and almost never with a queue. Also, 90% of statistics are made up on the spot. It’s a vast majority of the time, I should say.

The only map that gets consistantly queued is home borderland, and even that is only when there’s a call for help (which drains the other maps we’re in).

Granted, we have more players, but BP and AR aren’t as outmanned as the forum posts have been claiming. Our players are just more mobile really. When there’s a call to arms or a call to defend, people respond — immediately. That’s what gives us our queues for the most part. It’s not like these players just magically spawned where we needed them like convenient NPC’s, and they don’t drop everything their doing and abandon their dungeon groups the moment someone asks for help in guild/map/TS chats. We barely keep half the numbers we have on reset night consistantly throughout the week. I’ve only ever seen maps queued like they were on Friday three times, and twice it has been in this matchup. The first time was the week after BP surprised us by winning (we queued all maps and had a 680 PPT), and then there was this time. Those are not normal numbers. Hugely based on fairweathers kind of like BP had fairweathers queueing two maps at a time when they first hopped into this tier.

So again… kind of confused with this “hugely outmanned” debate. I’m not saying you guys are wrong. I’m just saying that you guys aren’t entirely right. Where our people are at a given time isn’t quite as clear-cut as that. Instead of complaining about EBay’s larger numbers constantly, try to take it as a learning experience to improve. You don’t get better by stomping on people all the time. Take my word from our last ten matchups as experience. We didn’t have a night crew until we needed one…

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Hour Of The Mice.2910

The Hour Of The Mice.2910

sekz is hardly the “difference maker” in ebay. the true difference maker is rather that we have big wvw guilds that actually have the strong leadership necessary to herd pug cats and execute an overall wvw plan, something that is completely lacking on both AR and BP’s parts. twog from AR might have been able to help in this respect, but as we all know, he’s water under the bridge now.

on top of all this, ebay has many different lesser “difference makers” that add up to an overwhelming advantage. AR and BP have a grand total of zero guilds that are “aces in the hole.” several weeks into this stale, boring matchup and finally, brolis rock is a step in the right direction. there has been no appreciable improvement in play in any of the AR or BP “skill/zerg busting” groups, so a shift in strategic focus is a nice breath of fresh air, especially when losing on the tactical side.

finally, i think the real core difference between EBay and AR/BP is that we learn from our mistakes. sure, everyone has a good laugh about dumpstering, but in the end, we have learned much from this matchup (perhaps not from a combat perspective, admittedly) especially vis-a-vis our overall strategic picture. the biggest issue with ebay is/was our massive coverage gaps, highlighted by our good friend cupkalkz. over the weeks, we have advertised, trained, planned, and coordinated to address this weakness and it has certainly borne fruit (enough so that now BP’s night crew is no longer dominant and while we still have a long way to ago, we’re better able to stop BP from bleeding us out overnight). now, with doubleteaming, we have new strategic issues to suss out and i have no doubt that we will.

unfortunately, the same cannot be said of AR and BP. ebay eagerly, voraciously learns from our opponents (lessons in this tier for ebay are few and far between, however important they have proven), whereas it has seemed that AR and BP are content with their lot in life as badge pinatas over the weeks. this week is the first sign of life in an otherwise beaten down horse of a matchup.

i’m hoping the brolis rock paradigm continues and this proves to be the kick they need to make this tier competitive for once and that they make an effort to keep on learning. because, in the end, no one learns by curbstomping weaklings.

looking forward to this reset, see you guys out there.

Brave Little Ducky | Asura Warrior
Séraphine Eronaile | Human Necromancer
Ehmry Bay | Rekz/Sekz

(edited by The Hour Of The Mice.2910)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Noice.8730


It’s that Ehmry bay response time and mobility that makes you think that we have numbers everywhere.

Have you guys fought Maguuma? They’re really good at it.

Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

(edited by Noice.8730)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Darek.1836


EB confirmed is as most a. hole server in the game. Far beating out even the former black gate! I congratulate you guys! What do you plan to do with this enormous blowout of how much you can pound your chest and use “skill”?

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Wow, how bad did Ebay turned?

If you take forum as a valid sample, we could conclud that you guys have the worse ego between all the server we have fought yet.

You guys have good player, good premade, and a good population. In my opinion, you guys have better players skillwise, if you compare to BP or AR.

Yet I would never go on your server, just to be part of that ego parade.

You guys still talk about 2 on 1, yet the temporary alliance only lasted for some hours.

It’s a shame Ebay morphed in such trolling server. And it’s a shame that with all the skills/players/guild oyu guys have, you can’t completly shutdown us like Kaineng could with a similar population.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

(edited by Kardiamond.6952)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


Why do all rangers in your guild run away from a 1v1 to only come back with 5-10 buddies?

Just doesn’t make any kittening sense ya know?

Since you’re calling out a class from my guild, what class and guild are you from? Just based on your personality on these forums, I’m gonna take a guess that you’re probably a thief. If you are a thief, then I rarely see an Ebay thief without another thief around. Which guild?

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock

(edited by BrimstoneAshe.5043)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: nothing.7941


Instead of complaining about EBay’s larger numbers constantly, try to take it as a learning experience to improve. You don’t get better by stomping on people all the time. Take my word from our last ten matchups as experience. We didn’t have a night crew until we needed one…

I agree with this 100%. Anyone who does not recognize ebay’s overall skill level is kidding themselves. It’s pretty obvious they have numbers over each of the other servers too, which results in a very difficult opponent.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: oZii.2864


If you take forum as a valid sample,

Killed the post right there stopped reading at that point.

Lets see Kalkz is on BP and talks alot on the forums, don’t know Kalkz I just know what the character looks like and when its dead I am suppose to put a “Ram on it” uh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Peter aka Skullclamp is on BP. Peter is my homey

Richard Z Rhal and Necrethius (*SP) both on BP that I have met during this matchup both really cool people. Forum not valid sample

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: KnattyDreads.1856


This was a very rational and even keeled post and I enjoyed it. Until I reached this statement:

…you can’t completly shutdown us like Kaineng could with a similar population.

What? Beyond the misspelling and poor grammar. What?

-Emhry Bay-
Call of Fate [CoF]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Made you think twice about leaving it without a guard after that first Thieves guild rush burst your Cata though hm? :P And yeah you don’t know how tired I am of no one else leaving towers in this tier.

A lot of that fight was a matter of trying to balance stopping ebay from entering the tower, keeping at least 1 siege running at all times, getting people to bring more supply in without leaving too few behind to guard the siege, anticipating the range of current and future ebay arrow carts, and making sure the ebays who didn’t get in didn’t take the lowlands behind us. We had supply problems as you could guess as we had two catas up simultaneously for only a very short time :P

Still thanks for comin out to bust ‘em up if not for you and the troll prince(and that other guy) it just would’ve been a dull siege! Though we never took the tower at least there was a fight for it!

Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Hour Of The Mice.2910

The Hour Of The Mice.2910

It’s a shame Ebay morphed in such trolling server. And it’s a shame that with all the skills/players/guild oyu guys have, you can’t completly shutdown us like Kaineng could with a similar population.

while i won’t argue with the trolling part, you are really smoking something if you think we have anywhere near the population or coverage that kaineng has (or had, perhaps). numbers are often inflated, both ways. you’re kidding yourself if you think BP is THAT far behind EBay in average population and really insane if you think that BP + AR only match, rather than significantly exceed EBay’s pop.

Brave Little Ducky | Asura Warrior
Séraphine Eronaile | Human Necromancer
Ehmry Bay | Rekz/Sekz

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Why do all rangers in your guild run away from a 1v1 to only come back with 5-10 buddies?

Just doesn’t make any kittening sense ya know?

Since you’re calling out a class from my guild, what class and guild are you from? Just based on your personality on these forums, I’m gonna take a guess that you’re probably a thief. If you are a thief, then I rarely see an Ebay thief without another thief around. Which guild?

I run my own guild mate.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zepher.7803


This is why I think BP and AR should keep teaming up on Ebay.
BP and AR are going to be 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd forever, so let’s do something different; keep That Ebay score going down!


Sincerly, Me.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


I will give Ebay credit. They made a very well coordinated attack on our 3 keeps last night. Golems hit all 3 pretty much at the same time. And I don’t think AR could execute that as well as Ebay did. Just from an execution perspective, it was really well done. I mean that sincerely.

Thing is, there were AR people who saw it coming a good hour before it actually happened. I know I did as well as others. I made calls out. I saw your guys supplying up for a golem rush. I tried like like mad to fight for supply, but I was solo and failing for the most part. It was 1am my time, I was tired, and I had to get up in 4 hours, but I was there.

Ebay doesn’t just win with numbers. You guys clearly have guilds that communicate and work together. But numbers are still a factor to a significant degree. Maybe we did have a big force in Ebay BL at the time. I dunno. I live in AR BL and I know we didn’t have many. I know I had the outmanned buff for a good time. I think we finally had people coming in, but by then it’s too late.

But I do know we don’t have the numbers to make a significant assault on Ebay AND defend a significant assault from Ebay at the same time. We have to choose one or the other in most cases. One can say we made the wrong choice. /shrug.

If we did have numbers last night, then we failed. I mean commanders showed up but it was way too late. All the signs a golem rush was coming to our BL were there WELL in advance of it happening. And I know we had commanders that were told it was coming, but they didn’t react. We let you guys get a foothold in our BL. That was our failure.

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


If you take forum as a valid sample,

Killed the post right there stopped reading at that point.

Lets see Kalkz is on BP and talks alot on the forums, don’t know Kalkz I just know what the character looks like and when its dead I am suppose to put a “Ram on it” uh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Peter aka Skullclamp is on BP. Peter is my homey

Richard Z Rhal and Necrethius (*SP) both on BP that I have met during this matchup both really cool people. Forum not valid sample

I like Skullclamp. If every BP was like him and as good as him, we’d lose to you guys for sure and be happy doing it!

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: KnattyDreads.1856


+1 For Scullclamp

-Emhry Bay-
Call of Fate [CoF]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


Why do all rangers in your guild run away from a 1v1 to only come back with 5-10 buddies?

Just doesn’t make any kittening sense ya know?

Since you’re calling out a class from my guild, what class and guild are you from? Just based on your personality on these forums, I’m gonna take a guess that you’re probably a thief. If you are a thief, then I rarely see an Ebay thief without another thief around. Which guild?

I run my own guild mate.

So was I right? You’re a thief? Since you can’t answer a simple question, am I to take it your guild name is some sort of variant of Jinks? Is it like JNKS or something like that?

I think I remember a seeing a thief from a guild with a name like that Sunday night? If it was Sunday night, then that Ranger was me because Dovgan was on his warrior. And if it was Sunday night then there was never a 1v1 opportunity. We were dealing with like 3 or 4 thieves outside the tower and near the ruins and south camp. There were the two blue haired twin thieves from GF and a little Asura thief running with them. Then there was another thief from an Ebay guild who would jump in from time to time. Then there was you(if that was you). Hardly a 1v1.

And since Ebay kept hitting the two supply camps, it was getting the attention of other AR defenders and since the fights were happening in pretty high traffic areas — you’re going to run into them. No one needs to “call for help” when you’re server is hitting the south supply camp and fighting around the ruins and towers.

Por fa friggin vor.

I’m pretty much near Stargrove most every night. I’m generally solo or running with Dovgan. Either way, I’ll be happy to find a spot to fight you 1v1 so the camp guards don’t help. I might lose the fight(I make no claim to be a very good player), but I certainly won’t run from it.

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


Lol, another action-shot score update.


…lil too much exposure there as your firin’ your lazor.

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


EB confirmed is as most a. hole server in the game. Far beating out even the former black gate! I congratulate you guys! What do you plan to do with this enormous blowout of how much you can pound your chest and use “skill”?

To be honest, it’s a very small minority that do that on the forums, Darek. Because if we were to base all servers on their forum warriors, then BP could be declared worse due to Kalkz and Evilzara, and AR could have been declared worse for quite a while due to CHAR. Every server has its forum warriors, you just learn to ignore them and play the game.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pedra.4381


In summary

What I find amusing is that I’ve personally witnessed only one guild exploiting (on multiple occassions now) and it seems they (whoever they are), tend to be the most boastful. Hollow boasts to be sure, but still.

And the guy you’re quoting, Tetra, since he didn’t die once, I guess he must of skipped our defense of Jefferies (or however you spell it). He must of skipped it multiple times.

JonPeters.5630:]I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement…

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


If you take forum as a valid sample,

Killed the post right there stopped reading at that point.

That why I said If, because sadly, except the rare party invite, I can’t communicate with Ebay outside of forum.

If you take in game antic, lately I had a lot of laugh and jumping on corpse from Ebay when they zerged me with 20 players. Yet I find forum reputation more reliable then random player /emote in game.

Not that forum is that more reliable, but that’s the only thing I have.

This was a very rational and even keeled post and I enjoyed it. Until I reached this statement:

…you can’t completly shutdown us like Kaineng could with a similar population.

What? Beyond the misspelling and poor grammar. What?

Kaineng when they fought Anvil Rock (In T7 I think?) wasn’t as big as they are now. They used to be a bit bigger then AR, but nothing monstrous like they are right now. We could have been competitive, yet they outskilled us so much that we got stomped.

I have a similar impression from Embay. You guys have good number and good coverage. But yet you aren’t on skill part with kaineng. Those guys really kicked kitten ! With the number of premade and hardcore guild you have, I wondering how we stay in range. I have yet to see a big hardcore guild on AR or BP.

And about misspelling and poor grammar, english isn’t my native language. So ether we continu this in French, or you accept my limitation.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


Ladies and Gentlemen,
I bring a quick break from the chest thumping, trolling, flaming, lazr flashing and all around horrors of WvW. Enjoy “The Karma Express” by Jack McDaniel

You may now return to muderlizing each other.

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: KnattyDreads.1856


And about misspelling and poor grammar, english isn’t my native language. So ether we continu this in French, or you accept my limitation.

Duly noted, if only I spoke french nearly as well as you speak english. I know enough to get me through the streets of Quebec when I run north of the border.

-Emhry Bay-
Call of Fate [CoF]

(edited by KnattyDreads.1856)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Luzano.6983


Wow, how bad did Ebay turned?

If you take forum as a valid sample, we could conclud that you guys have the worse ego between all the server we have fought yet.

You guys have good player, good premade, and a good population. In my opinion, you guys have better players skillwise, if you compare to BP or AR.

Yet I would never go on your server, just to be part of that ego parade.

You guys still talk about 2 on 1, yet the temporary alliance only lasted for some hours.

It’s a shame Ebay morphed in such trolling server. And it’s a shame that with all the skills/players/guild oyu guys have, you can’t completly shutdown us like Kaineng could with a similar population.

There have been plenty of non trolling posts from Ebay people like Ralathar, Kstudios, and Faux Shaux. You should go back and read those to get a better understanding of Ebay :]

While there has been a whole lot of trolling/boasting/forumwarrioring these last few weeks, this is the internet and a gaming forum at that. These kinds of posts have been going on since WvW started. Check out some of Kalkz posts when this matchup first started. I would suggest some CHAR posts from AR, but a lot of the best and funniest stuff got deleted lol.

[GF] / [Guam] Alaiii – Jackie Lautchang – Luzano