Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq
based on spvp… Anvil Rock has the most skilled players from this match up.
AR skill > Ebay skill.
However, ebay is a zerg server with 4 zerg guilds holding it together. Ebay is just winning due to population. No skill required.
You’re correct that AR’s skill may be greater than EBay’s skill. However, we’re not just winning due to numbers, we’re winning due to the fact that BP’s strategy is pretty bad, and more than a few of their players don’t have anywhere near the skill both Ebay players and AR players have…plus AR doesn’t have the numbers BP and EB have (this would change the server power significantly).
I’ll outright say it…BP is the weakest link in the skill and strategy department, and are seemingly only making ground due to numbers. Imagine what would happen if AR got a lot more numbers…they’d probably wipe the floor with BP easily and we’d have a REAL fight on our hands since the odds here would change significantly.
I vote for this to be the T5 Post of the year
never laughed like this before
based on spvp… Anvil Rock has the most skilled players from this match up.
AR skill > Ebay skill.
However, ebay is a zerg server with 4 zerg guilds holding it together. Ebay is just winning due to population. No skill required.
You’re correct that AR’s skill may be greater than EBay’s skill. However, we’re not just winning due to numbers, we’re winning due to the fact that BP’s strategy is pretty bad, and more than a few of their players don’t have anywhere near the skill both Ebay players and AR players have…plus AR doesn’t have the numbers BP and EB have (this would change the server power significantly).
I’ll outright say it…BP is the weakest link in the skill and strategy department, and are seemingly only making ground due to numbers. Imagine what would happen if AR got a lot more numbers…they’d probably wipe the floor with BP easily and we’d have a REAL fight on our hands since the odds here would change significantly.
I vote for this to be the T5 Post of the year
never laughed like this before
What a dull life you must have lived.
To those trying to destroy the truce between BP and AR by stating that AR “gains nothing” from it: perhaps you haven’t caught on to the notion that AR doesn’t really care about ratings
If this truly was the case that AR doesn’t really care then either AR or BP would just give their stuff away to their partners.
If you really don’t care and its about having us lose ratings and you don’t care about ratings. AR just give BP all of your keeps and your home bl. All you do is push Ehmry home Bl and if you lose stuff to BP don’t worry about it by combining your lands as one then you can triumph. This is of course as you say you don’t really care.
Vice versa BP gives all of their home bl to AR so that either BP or AR actually can come in first of course that means faster that darkhaven will catch up to either of you but that shouldn’t matter if you don’t care.
While it may not be explicitly stated, I believe it isn’t presumptuous of me to posit from numerous AR posts discussing the matter that they prioritize fun over rating. Whether or not one is playing for rating, one can’t just ignore PPT and give it all away to an ally. This lacks any long-term fun consideration.
1) AR would drop tier and end up with dissatisfying fights against a bunch of punching bags (a situation that may hit close to home for people on EBay, perhaps?).
2) Position defense, resource optimization, and waypoints are all integral parts of the strategy and fun of WvW, and would all be lost with the abandonment of camps, towers, and keeps.
3) From a “coming in first” prospective, which your argument drifts to at the end of your post, it is also unsound to allocate two BL’s to one server’s control. The coverage that would be required to hold that against the numbers and (more importantly) coordination of EBay is currently out of reach of either of our servers.
Pretty much this. In my mind we didn’t make the truce to lower your score, you have been doing that yourself pretty reliably. We did it to change the pace of the game.
Ego Bay was bored and every other post was “DUMPSTER! DUMPSTER! DUMPSTER!” like having tourettes was a requirement to be in [Rekz].
BP was complaining that we weren’t hitting you hard enough. (I’d still wager it was because of Kalkz’s trash talk that they targeted you guys.) We knew that we could team up with them, but because of our history we usually don’t. Its fun fighting them as they are the most evenly matched server we have ever come across. however, when they get focused we get bumped, when we get focused they get bumped.
Yes, Ego Bay is still winning. I would posit its due to more large guilds in WvW and coverage, especially considering the majority of your points come from 2-6AM. Please note I’m not discounting your coordination. But the fact that you haven’t used these coordinated 3 keep assaults before now tells me the alliance has been making you change and adapt your tactics to exploit the inter server communication barrier by attacking 3 keeps in one server’s BL instead of previously dividing your forces to face us both at the same time.
The alliance did what it set out to do. It made you change the way you play the game, and challenged the faceroll day to day you were going through. I sincerely hope you try those 3 keep assaults if you do move back up, because I’m very interested on its effectiveness against larger numbers.
Keep it up guys. I like what I’ve been seeing lately from all three of us. Might as well turn this tier into a tactician’s playground to experiment while we’re locked in and the conditions are constant.
What the EBay forum trolls fail to realize is that they may be contributing to the efforts of their server in the game, and that’s great, however if they were to log off for a week, the match outcome would have little variation. The forum trolls ego doesn’t allow them to get past the fact that as an individual they have very very little overall impact. What wins the match ups is coordination, teamwork, and over all coverage. Currently EBay is showing the best of these three categories. But superior individual skill and/or “dumpstering baddies”, yeah, no. 2 Rekz Guardians 1 Rekz warrior in their supply camp having a difficult time downing one solo ranger while he is also dealing with the camp guards doesn’t show me an excessive amount of “individual skill”. Fighting a thief in ARBL who after an amount of time that had to call for help, also not much a display of how skilled your individual player base is. If you want to claim higher individual skill, you may want to try and display it.
Hrmm I’ll just leave this right here mmkay
An online album with in game up skirts? Is this so I can feel sorry for you? Because if it is, it’s working…
Attempt to deflect and look kewl
Jinks 6 KAOS 0
LOL I can finally actually see that pic. Uh, that was Drak, and I don’t think he posts on the forums. I still feel sad for you taking video game upskirts. But congrats on killing one of my guildies I’m super impressed. Hard to kill a group built necro with a D/P thief. Hope you didn’t strain yourself.
Getting better…
Might as well turn this tier into a tactician’s playground to experiment while we’re locked in and the conditions are constant.
If you’re not doing this already, then I don’t know what to tell you. Always something to learn from your losses (and victories), even if it isn’t readily apparent. But yes, as long as ANet wants to lean on Glicko to determine a 3-way free-for-all system, might as well make the best of it, no?
Why do all rangers in your guild run away from a 1v1 to only come back with 5-10 buddies?
Just doesn’t make any kittening sense ya know?
Since you’re calling out a class from my guild, what class and guild are you from? Just based on your personality on these forums, I’m gonna take a guess that you’re probably a thief. If you are a thief, then I rarely see an Ebay thief without another thief around. Which guild?
I run my own guild mate.
So was I right? You’re a thief? Since you can’t answer a simple question, am I to take it your guild name is some sort of variant of Jinks? Is it like JNKS or something like that?
I think I remember a seeing a thief from a guild with a name like that Sunday night? If it was Sunday night, then that Ranger was me because Dovgan was on his warrior. And if it was Sunday night then there was never a 1v1 opportunity. We were dealing with like 3 or 4 thieves outside the tower and near the ruins and south camp. There were the two blue haired twin thieves from GF and a little Asura thief running with them. Then there was another thief from an Ebay guild who would jump in from time to time. Then there was you(if that was you). Hardly a 1v1.
And since Ebay kept hitting the two supply camps, it was getting the attention of other AR defenders and since the fights were happening in pretty high traffic areas — you’re going to run into them. No one needs to “call for help” when you’re server is hitting the south supply camp and fighting around the ruins and towers.
Por fa friggin vor.
I’m pretty much near Stargrove most every night. I’m generally solo or running with Dovgan. Either way, I’ll be happy to find a spot to fight you 1v1 so the camp guards don’t help. I might lose the fight(I make no claim to be a very good player), but I certainly won’t run from it.
We’ve been fighting for weeks…that wasnt the first time I’ve encountered your guild
Unfortunately then, you aren’t as memorable as we seem to be to you. Over the weeks, I’ve had some fun fights with some really good EBay thieves, you aren’t one of them.
That was an absolute awesomely witty reply……except your guildie already contradicted you a few posts back………
Ya thx try again
Actually I didn’t contradict anything. Since you haven’t confirmed anything. Unless you are saying that was you with the other thieves from Ebay that I recollected. Which just reinforces my earlier statement that I rarely see an Ebay thief alone and doesn’t support the “KAOS Rangers run from 1v1” accusation.
And the only reason I recall the other night was because I was on the AR TS while we skirmishing the [GF] thieves and someone had made a comment about your lack of skill compared to theirs(the GF thieves). I thought they were slaggin the GF thieves and was gonna disagree(they may be my enemy, but I give credit to their skill), but then they said “No, no… not the GF thieves… that one from the guild that starts with a J…” And I think I targeted that person once while they were at the ruins with the GF thieves… and I thought their guild was like JNKS or something close to that. I can’t say for sure, because once I saw the guild tag that started with J I thought “Oh, that’s the one they were talking about.” And then targeted a GF thief.
I really don’t see many Ebay solo roamers in AR BL. I see more solo BP roamers. So I tend to take note when I do see one from Ebay.
*Note my statements above aren’t complaining about EBay’s lack of solo roamers. Its the smart thing to do is team up. Just an observation from my perspective and a bit of explanation on why a solo Ebay roamer would stand out to me.
*Note my statement above about the TS chat is in no way saying you’re not skilled. Just recollecting what someone else said and why I even remembered the guild tag. As I’ve said before, I may very well lose a 1v1. In fact I have – quite a few times. But I’ve never ran from one. And since you called out specifically KAOS Rangers… odds are that would be either me or Dovgan. And I know Dovgan doesn’t run from 1v1 or 1v5 for that matter haha – crazy ranger.
Ok mate get whooped lie on forums to save face.
based on spvp… Anvil Rock has the most skilled players from this match up.
AR skill > Ebay skill.
However, ebay is a zerg server with 4 zerg guilds holding it together. Ebay is just winning due to population. No skill required.
You’re correct that AR’s skill may be greater than EBay’s skill. However, we’re not just winning due to numbers, we’re winning due to the fact that BP’s strategy is pretty bad, and more than a few of their players don’t have anywhere near the skill both Ebay players and AR players have…plus AR doesn’t have the numbers BP and EB have (this would change the server power significantly).
I’ll outright say it…BP is the weakest link in the skill and strategy department, and are seemingly only making ground due to numbers. Imagine what would happen if AR got a lot more numbers…they’d probably wipe the floor with BP easily and we’d have a REAL fight on our hands since the odds here would change significantly.
I vote for this to be the T5 Post of the year
never laughed like this before
Kalkz, I blame the lack of strategy and skill for BP on you. Why? Because well…you ARE BP apparently~
based on spvp… Anvil Rock has the most skilled players from this match up.
AR skill > Ebay skill.
However, ebay is a zerg server with 4 zerg guilds holding it together. Ebay is just winning due to population. No skill required.
You’re correct that AR’s skill may be greater than EBay’s skill. However, we’re not just winning due to numbers, we’re winning due to the fact that BP’s strategy is pretty bad, and more than a few of their players don’t have anywhere near the skill both Ebay players and AR players have…plus AR doesn’t have the numbers BP and EB have (this would change the server power significantly).
I’ll outright say it…BP is the weakest link in the skill and strategy department, and are seemingly only making ground due to numbers. Imagine what would happen if AR got a lot more numbers…they’d probably wipe the floor with BP easily and we’d have a REAL fight on our hands since the odds here would change significantly.
I vote for this to be the T5 Post of the year
never laughed like this before
Kalkz, I blame the lack of strategy and skill for BP on you. Why? Because well…you ARE BP apparently~
based on spvp… Anvil Rock has the most skilled players from this match up.
AR skill > Ebay skill.
However, ebay is a zerg server with 4 zerg guilds holding it together. Ebay is just winning due to population. No skill required.
You’re correct that AR’s skill may be greater than EBay’s skill. However, we’re not just winning due to numbers, we’re winning due to the fact that BP’s strategy is pretty bad, and more than a few of their players don’t have anywhere near the skill both Ebay players and AR players have…plus AR doesn’t have the numbers BP and EB have (this would change the server power significantly).
I’ll outright say it…BP is the weakest link in the skill and strategy department, and are seemingly only making ground due to numbers. Imagine what would happen if AR got a lot more numbers…they’d probably wipe the floor with BP easily and we’d have a REAL fight on our hands since the odds here would change significantly.
I vote for this to be the T5 Post of the year
never laughed like this before
Kalkz, I blame the lack of strategy and skill for BP on you. Why? Because well…you ARE BP apparently~
I’ll raise you’re +1 with another +1, we are at +2 for those of you following at home.
Yes, Ego Bay is still winning. I would posit its due to more large guilds in WvW and coverage, especially considering the majority of your points come from 2-6AM. Please note I’m not discounting your coordination. But the fact that you haven’t used these coordinated 3 keep assaults before now tells me the alliance has been making you change and adapt your tactics to exploit the inter server communication barrier by attacking 3 keeps in one server’s BL instead of previously dividing your forces to face us both at the same time.
The alliance did what it set out to do. It made you change the way you play the game, and challenged the faceroll day to day you were going through. I sincerely hope you try those 3 keep assaults if you do move back up, because I’m very interested on its effectiveness against larger numbers.
Keep it up guys. I like what I’ve been seeing lately from all three of us. Might as well turn this tier into a tactician’s playground to experiment while we’re locked in and the conditions are constant.
We actually used to do those a lot more. I’m not really sure why we stopped… might be because we felt we could conserve the golems. I really don’t know though.
But yeah, those happened a lot in T4. There were some harsh words in the past, but for the most part, there’s good karma between these three guilds.
I love people calling other people stuff then turning around literally a sentence later and doing the same thing. So much hypocrisy in this thread lol.
There are precious few in this thread that can claim any level of objectivity.
How long did it take you all to organize and consistently execute above maneuvers?
Our current level took months of slowly building upon the bad and mostly PUG server we were left with. I wasn’t just a single guild, but a collective effort of several guilds and the better PUG commanders. TS helps alot to speed that along.
I imagine there is a core group that is good at this and the pugs just follow them.
While this is true, over time that core group gets bigger as you recruit and train up more pugs.
Do the guilds accomplish “training” runs for new WvW players?
We definitely do training runs on various things as well as a class of the week type information/play session. Many times this is in WvW, sometimes we might dip into sPVP so they can play with builds and stuff they don’t have yet.
How do you convince someone to dolyak-sit or stay behind and defend?
Tactically minded people like myself do this naturally. It’s actually the reason I got invited into PK because that night I ran dolyaks and upgraded Quentin for over an hour straight easily. I had been studying the supply game and was convinced a strong base of operations and secure supply lines were necessary for overall success against a competitive opponent. PK’s guild leader noticed my contribution (especially when things turned sour and the momentum change came from the successful defense of Quentin :P) and invited me that night.
Other people however must be convinced into it and sometimes promised shinies or rotated out. Not everyone is a tactical player and while you can improve people you must also work with what you have the best you can. That means knowing the limits and mentalities of your players and changing tactics accordingly.
Getting people to defend is incredibly important but just as difficult as convincing them to dolyak sit unless the action is positively never-ending. They are always ready to farm. It’s slightly selfish, but people play for fun. It’s to be expected.
If you can get people into the habit though, it becomes easier to keep them doing it over time. But it can still be incredibly frustrating and every bit like herding cats sometimes as everyone goes "OOOoooOOO SHINEY and tries to do everything but what they should be doing.
based on spvp… Anvil Rock has the most skilled players from this match up.
AR skill > Ebay skill.
However, ebay is a zerg server with 4 zerg guilds holding it together. Ebay is just winning due to population. No skill required.
You’re correct that AR’s skill may be greater than EBay’s skill. However, we’re not just winning due to numbers, we’re winning due to the fact that BP’s strategy is pretty bad, and more than a few of their players don’t have anywhere near the skill both Ebay players and AR players have…plus AR doesn’t have the numbers BP and EB have (this would change the server power significantly).
I’ll outright say it…BP is the weakest link in the skill and strategy department, and are seemingly only making ground due to numbers. Imagine what would happen if AR got a lot more numbers…they’d probably wipe the floor with BP easily and we’d have a REAL fight on our hands since the odds here would change significantly.
I vote for this to be the T5 Post of the year
never laughed like this before
Kalkz, I blame the lack of strategy and skill for BP on you. Why? Because well…you ARE BP apparently~
I’ll raise you’re +1 with another +1, we are at +2 for those of you following at home.
Zara, can we make this a +3 way?
We get that you guys dont care about rank, thats what we respected. Straight up about the fight. But why be BPs lap dog? If you are going to fight for the sake of fighting then why be used by a group you could (and were) just as easily beat. This is what we don’t get.
Perhaps because AR despises you more than they despise BP?
The Concerned Citizens of Ebay worrying about AR getting the short end of the stick come across about as sincere as a Fox Newscaster’s mock outrage.
Ebay has been insulting AR and BP players on this forum for however many weeks, and even your more moderate posters have begun to show signs of drinking the Ebay Kool-Aid. It is the interwebz and we are talking about a video game so smack talk is a given and all… but eventually you Reap what you Sow.
Yes, Ego Bay is still winning. I would posit its due to more large guilds in WvW and coverage, especially considering the majority of your points come from 2-6AM. Please note I’m not discounting your coordination. But the fact that you haven’t used these coordinated 3 keep assaults before now tells me the alliance has been making you change and adapt your tactics to exploit the inter server communication barrier by attacking 3 keeps in one server’s BL instead of previously dividing your forces to face us both at the same time.
That’s not entirely true… Yes, we have been getting big ticks during those hours, but that’s not because we cap stuff during those hours and then give them away. Reset night is a prime example. A bunch of people posted full map domination at around 2:20am, but we already had 500+ before midnight. Saturday and Sunday, even when you guys were ticking 200 points more than us, we minimized the impact of the point ticks to our lead by employing precisely timed small group tactics that never let you get the full benefit of what you were taking and letting us walk away without losing our lead.
Fast forward to Tuesday when we took AR Hills. We held it all day. We also capped all of AR by around 11:30am/2:30pm. We took BP BL with that epic 3 guild strike during a heavy playtime period – as you can tell by the last shot in the video of the “late” BP zerg. It wasn’t that it was nightcapped, it was because no one was left to scout, and BP wasn’t quick enough to respond. We held that BL until something like 2AM when BP took it back, all the while we continued to hold AR’s keeps right up until some point today.
That’s a far cry from a 4 hour window of nightcapping to quickly build a lead on ARBP. I’m not the kind of guy that needs to brag or needs recognition for accomplishments, but I believe that credit is due where credit is due. These points span something like a 36-40 hour period… so exclaiming ‘numbers, coverage’ isn’t really fair to us, and is denying yourself the opportunity to learn and better yourself from what you saw.
I sincerely hope you try those 3 keep assaults if you do move back up, because I’m very interested on its effectiveness against larger numbers.
We have, although that was the best I’ve seen it done. We have many strategies that you guys haven’t really seen. For all of our forum warriors complaining, we spent a good 5-6 weeks fielding some pretty tired tactics ourselves. We’re not blameless in this match being stale and boring.
Relevant to this thread
Beyond the trolling, if anyone actually wants to know the answer to that question:
1) Read this: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/news/884-the-math-behind-wvw-ratings/
2) Then read Akaji.1296’s post near the top of this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Remove-the-Score-Make-WvW-Interesting-Again/first#post1819994
3) Then, assuming you understand the concept, apply what you’ve learned here: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sin%28%28%28196860+%2F+%28196860+%2B+205080%29+%E2%80%93+0.5%29+*+Pi%29+%2B+1%29+*+0.5
Then you can use #3 to kind of see the point spread is required in our ratings hell to make any kind of impact when all that you can do is steal points from a much lower rated opponent and never have an opportunity to pair with a higher rated or evenly rated opponent.
Or, TL;DR – 1 word: Glicko
Excuse ? …….. lmfao
You keep blaming it on numbers, coverage…and now pve content? lmao
[The rest of the rant deleted]
It’s fairly uncommon to get a queue for anything on Borlis and almost unheard of Monday-Thursday. But, last night Southsun Cove was queued the entire time I was there from 6pm server time until I logged at 11pm. I don’t know how much longer it remained queued.
I would think that someone of at least average intelligence would realize that a small server with a low percentage of PVP players vs. total population would be adversely affected by new PVE content the first few days after the patch. Your laughing off the idea calls into question your credibility.
last night Southsun Cove was queued the entire time I was there from 6pm server time until I logged at 11pm.
Serious question, what’s Southsun Cove? I saw it mentioned after the patch a few times but I have no idea what it’s supposed to be. New zone? New dungeon? Do I have to go there to get ascended gear now?
We get that you guys dont care about rank, thats what we respected. Straight up about the fight. But why be BPs lap dog? If you are going to fight for the sake of fighting then why be used by a group you could (and were) just as easily beat. This is what we don’t get.
Perhaps because AR despises you more than they despise BP?
The Concerned Citizens of Ebay worrying about AR getting the short end of the stick come across about as sincere as a Fox Newscaster’s mock outrage.
Ebay has been insulting AR and BP players on this forum for however many weeks, and even your more moderate posters have begun to show signs of drinking the Ebay Kool-Aid. It is the interwebz and we are talking about a video game so smack talk is a given and all… but eventually you Reap what you Sow.
You give an honest answer and that is all I was looking for. But before you point at me with your troll label lets be clear, I have never had a harsh word for AR. I have in fact attempted to show respect on more them one occasion. my respect for your server is why I was so surprised by this decision. I know my server is deep with the all mighty troll but most of it has been aimed at the worst player on the server you guys gave second place to. That was all I was attempting to point out.
I am still not sure why EBay believes they have more skill than everyone else in T5. They do excel at zerging in T5, but get rolled in T4 and have zero chance in T3. Are T4+ servers more skillful? Maybe I should transfer back to T3 so I would have more skill.
Kalkz, I blame the lack of strategy and skill for BP on you. Why? Because well…you ARE BP apparently~
As for Kalkz… he fights well, he leads from the front, knows when to toggle the commander flag and keeps going despite the odds. There are a lot of forum warriors around here, but at least he has the WvW stats to be knowledgeable on the subject and a value to a server in the game.
It is the interwebz and we are talking about a video game so smack talk is a given and all… but eventually you Reap what you Sow.
what, exactly, are we reaping? i’m going to take a page out of the ARBP playbook and post this: http://mos.millenium.org/#NA. or do you mean eventually we’ll run into opponents that actually make us/force us to try to play at our best? GOOD. i certainly hope to refine our play by playing people like adqqsty rather than throwing the same people who won’t bother learning to work together in the dumpster week after week after week.
the biggest mistake was patting yourselves on the back over saturday and sunday, not realizing that you were simply fighting half strength stragglers and pugs. funny how that comes around, right Dio.2394?
honestly, i enjoy it when ARBP teams up. it’s like they’re running straight into my coin purse to pay for the upgrades of all the real estate we hold in their zones. it’s delicious, having them subsidize their own domination.
I just entered the twilight zone. AR more skilled than Ebay? I couldn’t laugh harder, I really couldn’t. There isn’t a single person on AR who beats me, literally no one, none of their top sPvPers come even close. BP isn’t even in the category of "average"outside of Kyle and Skullclamp.
i certainly hope to refine our play by playing people like adqqsty
I love irony to bad you transferred servers.
last night Southsun Cove was queued the entire time I was there from 6pm server time until I logged at 11pm.
Serious question, what’s Southsun Cove? I saw it mentioned after the patch a few times but I have no idea what it’s supposed to be. New zone? New dungeon? Do I have to go there to get ascended gear now?
I will take you at your word and tell you its the pve island zone added with the karka one time event deal a few months back. The May 14 patch added some more content to that. No dungeons; pve in the extreme (like some crab toss or grab or something like that).
last night Southsun Cove was queued the entire time I was there from 6pm server time until I logged at 11pm.
Serious question, what’s Southsun Cove? I saw it mentioned after the patch a few times but I have no idea what it’s supposed to be. New zone? New dungeon? Do I have to go there to get ascended gear now?
I will take you at your word and tell you its the pve island zone added with the karka one time event deal a few months back. The May 14 patch added some more content to that. No dungeons; pve in the extreme (like some crab toss or grab or something like that).
You know you live in WvWvW when…
I am still not sure why EBay believes they have more skill than everyone else in T5. They do excel at zerging in T5, but get rolled in T4 and have zero chance in T3. Are T4+ servers more skillful? Maybe I should transfer back to T3 so I would have more skill.
Kalkz, I blame the lack of strategy and skill for BP on you. Why? Because well…you ARE BP apparently~
As for Kalkz… he fights well, he leads from the front, knows when to toggle the commander flag and keeps going despite the odds. There are a lot of forum warriors around here, but at least he has the WvW stats to be knowledgeable on the subject and a value to a server in the game.
They’re saying that because they apparently teaching pugs in Ebay schools about Kalkz
Kalkz : an Evil creature came from the darkness and sold his soul to the devil and he gave him the ugly shield in return and an Army of 100 Golems
Kalkz must be destroyed, Targetted, Hunted, throw rams at his/her dead body
Kalkz Guild Bounty is only available in Ehmry Bay between all Gw2 servers, I was playing wvw then the game glitched or something happend idk they summoned in a field and i was surrounded by 50+ Ebay.
Come on Ebay, Im trying to make the game more interesting for you
Admit it, without me you would have never made a night crew, and once u came to t5 anyone could have capped any of your keeps with few Rams and 10 people, now it takes some golems and 20ish
And this is what i get in return, trash talk me 24/7 >_<
If you’re going to leave this tier soon i know you will miss me …….
Also Evilzara is terrible at commanding and she order zergs to jump off cliffs
I just entered the twilight zone. AR more skilled than Ebay? I couldn’t laugh harder, I really couldn’t. There isn’t a single person on AR who beats me, literally no one, none of their top sPvPers come even close. BP isn’t even in the category of "average"outside of Kyle and Skullclamp.
In my experience the average AR 1v1 is more of a challenge than the average 1v1 Ebay player. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of 1v1 skilled EBays, just your average seems to be adjusted to zerg play and not skirmish as well as simply having more players so numbers wise EBay will have more bad players.
Yall do have some scary good mesmers though. I don’t like to use the OP phrase but some of the ebay ones certainly border on it. Our team has started calling it mesmer wars because about 50% of the EBay skirmishing population seems to be mesmer. AR seem to be heavily thief based.
last night Southsun Cove was queued the entire time I was there from 6pm server time until I logged at 11pm.
Serious question, what’s Southsun Cove? I saw it mentioned after the patch a few times but I have no idea what it’s supposed to be. New zone? New dungeon? Do I have to go there to get ascended gear now?
It’s not a new zone, it has been around for awhile. But it is a level 80 zone with no hearts and lots of events and lots of tough mobs.
The patch released a new part of the living story where the refugees are being relocated to Southsun and mayhem ensues.
There are a couple of backpack pieces (you may have seen the tentacles) available for completing the achievements and one of them, the tentacles, can be transmuted to an ascended version via the forge and lots of items you farm in the zone.
There is also a hot blonde woman in a bikini mini available as drop.
Can we please start a new thread come reset? the whole Q A thing is ridiculous.
Can we please start a new thread come reset? the whole Q A thing is ridiculous.
Then make a new one
Can we please start a new thread come reset? the whole Q A thing is ridiculous.
Yes. Please. I don’t care what the other tiers want…
I love people calling other people stuff then turning around literally a sentence later and doing the same thing. So much hypocrisy in this thread lol.
There are precious few in this thread that can claim any level of objectivity
If I wanted to be objective, I wouldn’t bother posting on the forums. There are few things that make someone look more a conceited kitten than playing the white knight with every post.
It’s not a new zone, it has been around for awhile. But it is a level 80 zone with no hearts and lots of events and lots of tough mobs.
Interesting, thanks nothing and Dio for the answers. Maybe I’ll go find a PvE group sometime and check it out.
I did map completion while leveling my ranger before discovering WvW, I haven’t gone back since October really. I’m FoTM lvl 5 and when we had that dungeon monthly back at the beginning of the year I actually didn’t complete it because I put it off till the last day and then got kicked out of 2 dungeon groups for not knowing wtf was going on. :|
There is also a hot blonde woman in a bikini mini available as drop.
If you’re going to leave this tier soon i know you will miss me …….
Also Evilzara is terrible at commanding and she order zergs to jump off cliffs
I’ll miss the forum antics. But let’s be real, you aren’t truly a commander until you’ve led a zerg off a cliff to it’s death…
I just entered the twilight zone. AR more skilled than Ebay? I couldn’t laugh harder, I really couldn’t. There isn’t a single person on AR who beats me, literally no one, none of their top sPvPers come even close. BP isn’t even in the category of "average"outside of Kyle and Skullclamp.
In my experience the average AR 1v1 is more of a challenge than the average 1v1 Ebay player. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of 1v1 skilled EBays, just your average seems to be adjusted to zerg play and not skirmish as well as simply having more players so numbers wise EBay will have more bad players.
Yall do have some scary good mesmers though. I don’t like to use the OP phrase but some of the ebay ones certainly border on it. Our team has started calling it mesmer wars because about 50% of the EBay skirmishing population seems to be mesmer. AR seem to be heavily thief based.
You know the funny thing about being a “troll”, is that you acquire super troll detection radar. Ebay is now known as a zerg server guys. Shoulda Rolled Ebay~
I am still not sure why EBay believes they have more skill than everyone else in T5. They do excel at zerging in T5, but get rolled in T4 and have zero chance in T3. Are T4+ servers more skillful? Maybe I should transfer back to T3 so I would have more skill.
Well, we don’t know how they would do now in T4 as it has been awhile since they have been there and they have improved in several areas while here so I wouldn’t assume they will automatically get rolled. EBay has a lot of good players and commanders and they definitely use more and varied tactics than BP. They are extremely well organized.
EBay’s big blind spot is that they don’t understand (or want to admit) that the numeric advantage affects more than just the size of the zerg. Having a significant numeric advantage makes it easier to scout, defend everything, create specialized groups like their great thief/mesmer combos, and use more advanced tactics.
I never see BP run 20 people at one objective in order to draw people away from another that they hit with 30-40. We don’t do a lot of pincer movements or feints and we should, but then again we rarely have enough people to field a feint large enough to be considered a credible threat while still fielding a main force with enough people to take the primary objective.
I think that overall, EBay is better than BP or AR, but by no where near the margin that they think they are.
Why are suddenly people going on and on about skill. Individual skill doesn’t mean anything in wvw. Its a team game after all.
I say this picture and thought of all the posturing and chest thumping and I had to post it.
That’s not entirely true… Yes, we have been getting big ticks during those hours, but that’s not because we cap stuff during those hours and then give them away. Reset night is a prime example. A bunch of people posted full map domination at around 2:20am, but we already had 500+ before midnight.
Unless we are looking at different income evolutions, millennium has you at 335 ppt at midnight, and 500 at 2:20 AM. peaking your 100% map at about 4AM and slowly declining after that. Perhaps I’m looking at the wrong one?
Saturday and Sunday, even when you guys were ticking 200 points more than us, we minimized the impact of the point ticks to our lead by employing precisely timed small group tactics that never let you get the full benefit of what you were taking and letting us walk away without losing our lead.
Now I’m really begining to suspect you are looking at a different score evolution. Sat and Sun we were never more than 200 ppt above you. Tuesday primetime was the first time we had that much of a lead on you.
Fast forward to Tuesday when we took AR Hills. We held it all day. We also capped all of AR by around 11:30am/2:30pm. We took BP BL with that epic 3 guild strike during a heavy playtime period – as you can tell by the last shot in the video of the “late” BP zerg. It wasn’t that it was nightcapped, it was because no one was left to scout, and BP wasn’t quick enough to respond. We held that BL until something like 2AM when BP took it back, all the while we continued to hold AR’s keeps right up until some point today.
What time zone are you in, out of curiosity? I’m trying to follow what you’re saying, but again millennium is giving me a vastly different story. Yes, you held a lot of stuff on Tuesday, but that was, again, the first 10 hours of Tuesday. By 11 AM you had 150 ppt and spent the vast majority of primetime below 125 ppt. Where are you getting these numbers?
I believe that credit is due where credit is due. These points span something like a 36-40 hour period… so exclaiming ‘numbers, coverage’ isn’t really fair to us, and is denying yourself the opportunity to learn and better yourself from what you saw.
Like I said, I don’t mean to belittle you. I think you guys are at least as skilled as us. Coverage and numbers just means your scores are higher, not that you guys are worse than us. Looking at the numbers, the only times you have been below us in score evolution has been during our prime time, when AR and BP actually have people on to match you, and midday by a very small margin, when no one is on. Not every primetime has seen you at the bottom. As we have seen by every server having at least 1-2 days when they have been top dog, primetime is still anybody’s game in this tier.
As for my comments on coverage, I stand by them unless I am either looking at the wrong information or you can prove otherwise. I mean no offense by them, and I’m glad that we can discuss this in such a civil manner. I understand that what I said could have been misconstrued as insulting, but coverage =/= skill. And by no means was I intending to state that your abundance of coverage resulted in a lack of skill. Had that been the case, you would have the same score as us.
I see so much chest thumping from EBay and so much dumpster talk from Rekz, but when I think of Rekz, I think of this picture.
I see so much chest thumping from EBay and so much dumpster talk from Rekz, but when I think of Rekz, I think of this picture.
Man, writing at the bottom is too small. Can you post it here please?
This is silly arguing over who is more skilled seriously guys we already know it’s Archer because he says so the most on the forums and calls everyone else bad
This is silly arguing over who is more skilled seriously guys we already know it’s Archer because he says so the most on the forums and calls everyone else bad
Someone’s got to drill it into your bad skulls. Is it too much to ask for a challenge?
Can we please start a new thread come reset? the whole Q A thing is ridiculous.
Why? I like the Q and A thing. If people want an updated score picture, they don’t have to search the thread to find it but rather look at the top. Instead of making new threads every week with the same servers, why not just stick to one. It makes sense.
And so far we’re on a huge streak for thread not being closed.
And so far we’re on a huge streak for thread not being closed.
Zara makes a good point … EBay! AR! BP! Who among you is up to the challenge!
I love people calling other people stuff then turning around literally a sentence later and doing the same thing. So much hypocrisy in this thread lol.
There are precious few in this thread that can claim any level of objectivity
If I wanted to be objective, I wouldn’t bother posting on the forums. There are few things that make someone look more a conceited kitten than playing the white knight with every post.
I’m just a guy. I post what I believe to be right and if anything I’m a Grey Knight since there are sides involved here so White/Black is perspective based and I’m not saving anyone.
Also, I do believe you managed to rustle your own jimmies.
Getting jiggy wit it with Rekz in ARBL.
That’s not entirely true… Yes, we have been getting big ticks during those hours, but that’s not because we cap stuff during those hours and then give them away. Reset night is a prime example. A bunch of people posted full map domination at around 2:20am, but we already had 500+ before midnight. Saturday and Sunday, even when you guys were ticking 200 points more than us, we minimized the impact of the point ticks to our lead by employing precisely timed small group tactics that never let you get the full benefit of what you were taking and letting us walk away without losing our lead.
Fast forward to Tuesday when we took AR Hills. We held it all day. We also capped all of AR by around 11:30am/2:30pm. We took BP BL with that epic 3 guild strike during a heavy playtime period – as you can tell by the last shot in the video of the “late” BP zerg. It wasn’t that it was nightcapped, it was because no one was left to scout, and BP wasn’t quick enough to respond. We held that BL until something like 2AM when BP took it back, all the while we continued to hold AR’s keeps right up until some point today.
That’s a far cry from a 4 hour window of nightcapping to quickly build a lead on ARBP. I’m not the kind of guy that needs to brag or needs recognition for accomplishments, but I believe that credit is due where credit is due. These points span something like a 36-40 hour period… so exclaiming ‘numbers, coverage’ isn’t really fair to us, and is denying yourself the opportunity to learn and better yourself from what you saw.
To be fair we DO plainly get most of our points when their population is down way way further than ours and people typically sleep for more than 4 hours. Also when people come back things are typically upgraded so until they amass enough people to actually start taking them back it’s difficult to start accumulating points again.
Ebay has been in this exact situation before. It’s incredibly frustrating to do well during the day, stay up late fighting, then go to sleep and see the point score jump up a crazy amount over night. Then during the day trying to close that gap is far harder because you are earning points at roughly half the rate it’s possible to overnight.
People pretty much give up hope after a few days of this. You can see both the night spikes and the slow giving up of hope and loss of pugs pretty clearly in that site that was linked: http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/44/. This matches my experience. I’m actually surprised they have fought as hard as they have for this long.
If they had the man-power to do more than que EBG and defend their own bordlerlands we would have been in serious trouble. I can verify for a fact during this weekend we had EBG qued for most of the weekend and our BL qued many times during the weekend. On top of this we had at least 20-30 in each of their BL’s.
I also want to do a general PSA to all 3 sides because I don’t really think any of the 3 sides really practice this:
It doesn’t matter what you take and hold, what matters is what you take and hold vs what you give up to achieve this. I’ve seen countless posts of people bragging about taking X, Y, or Z while forfeiting alot of points elsewhere. For example if you take someone’s tower, bay, and a few supply camps while losing a couple towers and some supply camps in your own BL because you left it you have in reality achieved a net of nearly nothing. Possibly a significant loss if the towers were upgraded and the bay was not.
Things are not as simple as taking and holding things. It’s always relative to what you are keeping and losing as well.
I tried to type it out so that I’d answer each part of your post, but between you quoting me and me quoting you it got messy, so I’ll just type my answer. Sorry.
I’m in PST, and it’s habit to communicate everything in server time in my guild because we span so many time zones. Server time is also PST, so that’s what we use as our reference. You are obviously EST, which is why you see the world so differently to me. It’s something I’ve pointed out previously in this matchup too, BP is heavier in EST while EBay’s primetime is a bit offset to yours because we are CST/PST heavy.
I will say that your post had me doubting my sanity for about 15 minutes. But to be honest I didn’t reference MOS when writing it, I’m just going off of memory. I went back and found this picture of 100% on reset night that shows it from my point of view… It was actually before 2am for us when we finished it off, not 2:20 as I posted. I think I actually might have gone to bed at 2:20, which is what I was mixing up.
For the second part, I apologize because I messed up my am’s and pm’s, and the timeline I was explaining wasn’t very clear beyond that so let me fix:
We took AR hills on Tuesday night at some point – I believe it was around 11:30pm/2:30am but I can’t find the post on our forum at the moment with the timestamp so that’s give or take. I know we had the WP set at around 8am PST Wednesday morning because that’s when I got up and started helping with the rest of AR’s BL. By roughly noon Wednesday we owned the whole BL. At around 4pm we started the WP upgrade in AR garrison, and by the time I got home from work we owned all of BP as well with a waypoint in their Bay from that 3 guild golem rush. That was held until around 2am when BP took back the majority of their BL, however we held AR for the rest of the night and all the way up to roughly noon of Thursday.
That makes a long stretch of capture and hold in enemy borderlands that spans from late night Tuesday all the way to midday Thursday during which time we also captured EBG and held everything of importance at home. So that’s my whole point. The 80-100k lead we currently hold isn’t possible simply by holding big leads for small 4 hour windows when your crew isn’t online, and then drawing even for the rest of the time. Those windows are part of the story, but it’s not fair to say that they are THE reason why we are leading.
I understand that what I said could have been misconstrued as insulting, but coverage =/= skill. And by no means was I intending to state that your abundance of coverage resulted in a lack of skill. Had that been the case, you would have the same score as us.
Not insulting at all. And I hope you understand that this isn’t bragging. I’m just not on board with the idea that we gain our lead only when the other two servers are defenseless. Those timeframes pad the lead for sure, but without them there would still be a lead.
There are still a few more in here AR. Hehehe.
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