Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
What’s up with Desolation this week?
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lag
Looking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
SFR couldn’t win without PRX back then, and couldn’t win without bandwagon guilds now. Your server is the type to collapse if you don’t have a chance of winning.
RUIN is insignificant history – Deso climbed back to T1 without them and have stayed here consistently.
you wanna talk about bandwagoning after votf,gh,afterlife and the others joined your server? don’t feel atleast bit stupid?
your server will be remembered as THE server who got most silver and bronze medals,as long as VZ is in T1 you will never ever win,you do understand that?
you can take some comfort in SFR being bellow you atm ,but our 8 gold medals is something you can only dream about. even if we drop to T8 lol (which will never happen no matter how much you wish for it)
Unlike you, personally speaking, winning at any cost simply doesn’t plague us; we know what lies down that route.
Yeah keep telling that to yourself We just caught an IRON spy in our teamspeak a few nights ago and due to that I had to create a channel with password.
You were everywhere where we went, even if we switched map. When caic told the spy that he’s gonna kick the guy out of the channel for spying (2nd teamspeak on), he just left and never came back. Guess what?
IRON didn’t know anymore where we went and the night crew was back to normal.
Trolling as always……SiN ,please dont reply or quote trolling attempts. You know why you joined Sfr and Sfr guilds know also . We have one of the best WvW community and coorporation. If piken guilds wanted to join the upper dog , they had plenty of time to do it when we were non stop in T1 as a middle server , or to pick Deso.
And another competitive server destroyed with the help of, hate, backstab and jealousy…
And let`s not forget Anet.
Good job all!!
We’re lucky hate and Anet didn’t destroy Vizu.
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
Please teach frenchies how to troll, I missed this kind of jpg
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
Magically this wasn’t the problem last week, huh?
Oh my god, this is the second time a 2nd tier 1 server stops playing because SFR wants to drop tiers. I think you are just scared of fighting Visva Square alone without SFR.
This thread has more drama than a housewives afternoon soap-opera
What’s up with Desolation this week?
We’re playing for fun & loot bags, since we are almost guaranteed 2nd this week.
A lot of people pulled all nighters the past week.
If you think we can’t fight Viz without SFR… check back over the last few months of T1.
RG have joined our new home Vizunah Square!
Please teach frenchies how to troll, I missed this kind of jpg
If you really miss Quality I strongly suggest staying away from terrible French community websites like JeuxOnLine, filled mostly with angry clueless people or petty delusional liars, and take a look at for example. Quality people, Quality discussions, what more could you possibly want ? That, my friend, would be a pristine start in your personal quest for Quality.
The Invasion is planned. the masses of troops are gathered. . .But the invasion is cancelled because two tank drivers are ill (the unit cant operate without them!!)- Do you realize how kittening silly that is. Yet that is the sf excuse. Do you really think REAL wars are like this? Of course not. The ability to adjust to the situation at that moment is crucial. IF your expecting 30 of your guild to show up in wvw but only 15 make it, then a good leader would be able to use those 15 in the best way possible- not say *cancelled due to not enough players"
Personally i’ve found that the vz zerg mostly leaves me alone (as a solo roamer) on their way to an objective (even a couple of 1 vs 1 invites) yet most of the sfr guilds i’ve encountered just see me as a loot bag.
OH and the guild parties that love to 5 vs 1 on soloers (who never accept a 1 v 1 invite) you might wanna turn your guild tag off- cos its nothing to be proud of – especially when you run when it turns into a 5 v 10. Perhaps these guilds are the ones that jumped to sfr with the free transfer
(edited by Moderator)
Video games – not quite the same as <insert random situation in real life here>.
Just sayin’
Getting a bit bored of the arguement “Do you think this happens in real war?!”
(edited by Moderator)
Video games – not quite the same as <insert random situation in real life here>.
Just sayin’
Getting a bit bored of the arguement “DO YOU THINK THIS HAPPENS IN REAL WAR?!?!?”
Oh my!Shush there.You might burst someones bubble
(edited by graverr.6473)
Even worse cos its a video game (played for fun?) but you cant cos half the people dont turn up – yep sounds great fun
Even worse cos its a video game (played for fun?) but you cant cos half the people dont turn up – yep sounds great fun
Yeah m8.Sorry we don’t have fun not being able to play with our guildies/friends.
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
Magically this wasn’t the problem last week, huh?
Oh my god, this is the second time a 2nd tier 1 server stops playing because SFR wants to drop tiers. I think you are just scared of fighting Visva Square alone without SFR.
Tbh I don’t think people are burned out from last week for me its just been a long and boring week, involving terrible skill lag. The most frustrating thing about this week has been the 2v1 on our keeps on vizunah borders, not because we have to fight 2 zergs but that we have to just leave in the end because of the unplayable skill lag it brings. The amount of times last week we’ve been fighting sfr in our keep and then vizunah come with there pathetic zergs just to bring skill lag rather than any threat of killing us. To say we can’t take vizunah on without sfr is laughable, when are borders are active your zergs are like giant pinata’s….The only respect I have for vizunah is WL but I’ve not seen them for a while…
I really hope sfr can sort out there problem without dropping a tier because it is fun fighting you guys, I can’t believe RG have left tho…just hibernating I mean all those kills they would be missing from t1? Will see.
The Nightsbane – Necromancer lvl80
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
What a coincidence. No comments about that.
Also, why do you keep blobbing up if you don’t like skill lag? You’re creating it with your massive blobs, if you didn’t know.
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
What a coincidence. No comments about that.
Also, why do you keep blobbing up if you don’t like skill lag? You’re creating it with your massive blobs, if you didn’t know.
Well I don’t follow the big blob pressing 1 skill to win blob all the time, I rather find the smaller fights around the blobs. Everytime I was in a blob group and the enemy showed up I don’t like pressing only 1 and I Alt+F4 most of the time.
And I agree, blobs are made by guilds that recruit the whole server with a recruiter every 5 minutes in the chat. Its nice that these guilds wanna try to to make a good WvW community but they really need to split their forces in different groups ( what sometimes is the case )>
For me Skill lag = Alt F4
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
What a coincidence. No comments about that.
Also, why do you keep blobbing up if you don’t like skill lag? You’re creating it with your massive blobs, if you didn’t know.
have you seen your blob in EB today, quick holiday lol
Asura – Desolation
AWW vs, 2 walls down in redlake on vs BL, why u no come
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
Magically this wasn’t the problem last week, huh?
Oh my god, this is the second time a 2nd tier 1 server stops playing because SFR wants to drop tiers. I think you are just scared of fighting Visva Square alone without SFR.To say we can’t take vizunah on without sfr is laughable
How is it laughable? Now it’s your time to prove it 1v1. Do it or don’t brag about that you could do it. At the moment I see desolation hibernating, trying the same like SFR only because Deso is scared of fighting. I bet if we would start pushing now, we would see the same action happening from the red side.
I cant believe SFR have moaned for 5 weeks, whats wrong with you people on there??
Asura – Desolation
Video of the GvG: RG vs VoTF. Enjoy! (:
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
Magically this wasn’t the problem last week, huh?
Oh my god, this is the second time a 2nd tier 1 server stops playing because SFR wants to drop tiers. I think you are just scared of fighting Visva Square alone without SFR.To say we can’t take vizunah on without sfr is laughable
How is it laughable? Now it’s your time to prove it 1v1. Do it or don’t brag about that you could do it. At the moment I see desolation hibernating, trying the same like SFR only because Deso is scared of fighting. I bet if we would start pushing now, we would see the same action happening from the red side.
Another Ex PS telling us how great he is
Asura – Desolation
Of course it’s going to be much tougher fighting a server alone in a 3 way environment, if SFR in it’s previous state didn’t have Deso bl and Deso forces in EB you too might struggle to keep up with Viz flooding you with pugs.
WvW has never been about 1v1 the 3 way action helps to spread forces out and prevent concentration of numbers on one map,when there’s a queue on bl’s it’s a case of which side can switch forces around efficiently to exploit situations, and this is something Viz is good at.
(edited by Axle.5182)
hahaha,i love how IRONblob is attacking the only blue objective on a map while they don’t have anything of their own.. you having some personal vendetta against SFR hehe?
Very handy aint it, Going gets though for SFR so all of a sudden its throw in the towel time. Lets drop a tier. And ofc if anyone brings up the fact they are doing bad or not coming 1st well we will get the we are dropping tiers routine.
Its easier to not try and have excuses then to try and fail and have none.
As part of IRON I can say that most people in out guild don’t like blobbing. We also hate the skill lag that we get from it… The problem is that blobbing is the only way to win right now. If you split up into smaller groups you get rolled over from the blobs that then come to defend.
[IRON] Commander
I am from Deso and I can say.
~ Burned out from WvW
~ Waiting for changes to WvW
~ Tired of the skill lagLooking at the community I can say everyone feels the same.
Magically this wasn’t the problem last week, huh?
Oh my god, this is the second time a 2nd tier 1 server stops playing because SFR wants to drop tiers. I think you are just scared of fighting Visva Square alone without SFR.To say we can’t take vizunah on without sfr is laughable
How is it laughable? Now it’s your time to prove it 1v1. Do it or don’t brag about that you could do it. At the moment I see desolation hibernating, trying the same like SFR only because Deso is scared of fighting. I bet if we would start pushing now, we would see the same action happening from the red side.
Another Ex PS telling us how great he is
Yeah, ex PS for sure. Good you know things I dont. Stop throwing the towel like players from your server say we do and get the game on!
Skill lag is like Christmas morning for iron.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Very handy aint it, Going gets though for SFR so all of a sudden its throw in the towel time. Lets drop a tier. And ofc if anyone brings up the fact they are doing bad or not coming 1st well we will get the we are dropping tiers routine.
Its easier to not try and have excuses then to try and fail and have none.
i wonder what you would say if IRON,VOTF,GH and COIN left at the same time …
easy to throw big words on the forum now.
Good thing is that deso still trying their best.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Come on guys, I logged in today expecting to see we are 5k points due to our holiday and I see our pugs are owning the place….Can u push a bit harder, this way we will never make it into T2.
Seafarer’s Rest
Come on guys, I logged in today expecting to see we are 5k points due to our holiday and I see our pugs are owning the place….Can u push a bit harder, this way we will never make it into T2.
I just heard that we have queue in some maps. No idea who is playing.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Come on guys, I logged in today expecting to see we are 5k points due to our holiday and I see our pugs are owning the place….Can u push a bit harder, this way we will never make it into T2.
I just heard that we have queue in some maps. No idea who is playing.
Yea me neither, but i think this guys will end up proper SFR material since they are holding up to deso on points unorganized
Seafarer’s Rest
Funny hoe SFR are still beating Deso even though they are throwing the game. They are giving deso 2nd and deso are incapable of holding it…..
Victrixx [xVx]
(edited by Runty Choir.4893)
15 minutes in EB, roaming around.. killed a few 1v1, was chasing a running Mesmer and wanted to change my skills.. then skill lag ruined my fun, nothing worked. And I as usual press Alt F4 and now complain in a forum..
Now am going to play with a zerg without lag. StarCraft 2
Fix it or lose me as valuable player thanks.
hahaha,i love how IRONblob is attacking the only blue objective on a map while they don’t have anything of their own.. you having some personal vendetta against SFR hehe?
I love people that start a sentence with " hahaha" you know that something pathetic follows shortly after…. Edit: that goes for everyone that starts a sentence in a similar fashion. Dont get me angry! >.<
That is a huge insult to SFR.
O rly? insults in this topic? What you give is what you get.
Funny hoe SFR are still beating Deso even though they are throwing the game. They are giving deso 2nd and deso are incapable of holding it…..
Funny how RG is still here in this topic and i still didnt see any gvg vs WL.
Come on guys, I logged in today expecting to see we are 5k points due to our holiday and I see our pugs are owning the place….Can u push a bit harder, this way we will never make it into T2.
We will do everything you dont want. And if you read all the comments about deso from sfr… We cant do any better if i have to believe sfr.
The reason why we focused SFR’s Brior on Viz BL?
We can spawn camp SFR & loot Viz from the way point they have in bay. Simple.
All we are looking for this week is fun & loot bags. Nothing more
Thank you for supplying that
The reason why we focused SFR’s Brior on Viz BL?
We can spawn camp SFR & loot Viz from the way point they have in bay. Simple.
All we are looking for this week is fun & loot bags. Nothing moreThank you for supplying that
Seems to me that you get spawn camped.
Oh sorry you managed get one tower.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
The reason why we focused SFR’s Brior on Viz BL?
We can spawn camp SFR & loot Viz from the way point they have in bay. Simple.
All we are looking for this week is fun & loot bags. Nothing moreThank you for supplying that
Seems to me that you get spawn camped.
Oh sorry you managed get one tower.
You just don’t understand how to have FUN in this game :o
Being spawn camped is great ! You don’t have to travel far to find ennemies !
The reason why we focused SFR’s Brior on Viz BL?
We can spawn camp SFR & loot Viz from the way point they have in bay. Simple.
All we are looking for this week is fun & loot bags. Nothing moreThank you for supplying that
Seems to me that you get spawn camped.
Oh sorry you managed get one tower.
It was fun watching all the green and blue die. Over and over.
The reason why we focused SFR’s Brior on Viz BL?
We can spawn camp SFR & loot Viz from the way point they have in bay. Simple.
All we are looking for this week is fun & loot bags. Nothing moreThank you for supplying that
Seems to me that you get spawn camped.
Oh sorry you managed get one tower.
Indeed! Thank you
Is this all u could get by using AC? lol u suck m8. They’re not reason to show off, I get much more in open field fight and don’t even make screenshot. My advice to u: do not disgrace your guild. No offence))
Is this all u could get by using AC? lol u suck m8. They’re not reason to show off, I get much more in open field fight and don’t even make screenshot. My advice to u: do not disgrace your guild. No offence))
you angry bro? Enhanced image shows ur name on one of them bags? Also can you get all your loot bags to circle you as nicely as the picture above from your open field fighting? i think not :P
you angry bro? Enhanced image shows ur name on one of them bags? Also can you get all your loot bags to circle you as nicely as the picture above from your open field fighting? i think not :P
Yeah, i’m angry. Frog in Super Adventure Box is too strong for me
And i’m fast enough to push F every time i get wxp :P If ur not, well… try to learn
SFR: Search For Rank
DSO: Dangerous Strong Outsiders
VIZ: Vacationless Irritating Zerg