Rate the Charr Name Above You
9/10, Shadowrend kinda seems a tad too poetic for a ruthless ash killer though,but you never know with these charr females
The generic warband charr names are too mainstream for me xD mine’s Valyrian Fang<—Targaryen approved yo
Doesn’t feels ’’charry’’ enough to me, sure Fang is charr-related but in my opinion it’s not creative enough to get a higher rating. I’m sorry.Mine >-Galvar Ironheart, Engineer of the Iron Legion.
Yep,you need to be a fan of the ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series for the deeper meaning behind the name to click
just because a baby can’t chew it’- Censored.
9/10, Shadowrend kinda seems a tad too poetic for a ruthless ash killer though,but you never know with these charr females
The generic warband charr names are too mainstream for me xD mine’s Valyrian Fang<—Targaryen approved yo
Doesn’t feels ’’charry’’ enough to me, sure Fang is charr-related but in my opinion it’s not creative enough to get a higher rating. I’m sorry.Mine >-Galvar Ironheart, Engineer of the Iron Legion.
Yep,you need to be a fan of the ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series for the deeper meaning behind the name to click
It is exceptionally sharp, tremendously strong, and extravagantly expensive.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
9/10, Shadowrend kinda seems a tad too poetic for a ruthless ash killer though,but you never know with these charr females
The generic warband charr names are too mainstream for me xD mine’s Valyrian Fang<—Targaryen approved yo
Doesn’t feels ’’charry’’ enough to me, sure Fang is charr-related but in my opinion it’s not creative enough to get a higher rating. I’m sorry.Mine >-Galvar Ironheart, Engineer of the Iron Legion.
Yep,you need to be a fan of the ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ series for the deeper meaning behind the name to click
It is exceptionally sharp, tremendously strong, and extravagantly expensive.
Well I wasn’t really thinking of the expensive nature of the remaining Valyrian blades,but the essence of old Valyria when the dragonlords were alive…but yeah that’s it deviated from the topic didn’t we…someone set it right again :|
just because a baby can’t chew it’- Censored.
7.5 I charry name but I’ve heard so many “Iron-”somethings >.<
Cadov Blazeherald
Flamethrower wielding engineer of the Iron Legion
I shall give this a 9.35
I like how Cadov rolls off tongue, and Blaze + flamethrower is nice
As for my Charr Engineer: Dextarr Thunderfuse.
Dextarr is a name of a charr NPC from guildwars 1 and I have always liked the name. (yes I stole a name, I’m sorry, minus points for originality). Thunder for the warband because we make a lot of noise with our war engines and guns etc. and" fuse" is the nickname because my Charr Engineer is the demolitions expert.
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior
7/10 Thunderfuse sounds great for Charr Engi, but Dextarr sounds a lot like “Dexter” and it sounds like Dexter’s laboratory (would be cool for Asura).
- Bjornen Bloodclaws, Thief. A little too hotblooded for stealth operations, but still a valuable member of Ash Legion.
First name sounds a bit like he is a norn
Skar Scorchblade. A Warrior that loves his fiery dragon sword!
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
9.6/10 That’s a Charr’s name! I’d love me a fiery sword, too, but I honestly never got tot he Hall of Monuments to fully open my rewards. I should, I know, but GW2 is so much better than GW1 that I just don’t find myself with the time to do it.
I’ll put out one of my other Charr since I’ve been playing him more: Palak Warmaster of the Master Warband. Palak’s a M/Sh – S/T Guardian. Heavy Support/Healer.
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
7/10, Palak doesn’t seem very charr-ish to me.
I have a charr warrior named Blayd Snowfoot. I’m now making an engineer named Zirc, but I can’t figure out a surname. Was thinking of Powdercloud. Suggestions?
Blayd Snowfoot – Blayd looks cool written, but ‘Blade’ is kinda unoriginal to me. I like Snowfoot, but kinda sounds like it should be for an agile class like thief. But still, I quite like it, 7/10.
My female charr necromancer, Kapera Dustborn.
8.5/10, Kapera sounds really good for a Female charr name, original. Dustborn also has a neat ring to it.
I already did my Engineer so I will now do my warrior, then later the rest of my charr (1 at a time, I have 8 haha)
Anyways, Male Charr Warrior: Rragar Ragehammer He is part of the Rage warband, they are so called due to their aggressiveness on the battlefield, his nickname is hammer because he loves to bash in peoples heads with a hammer.
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior
8.5/10, Kapera sounds really good for a Female charr name, original. Dustborn also has a neat ring to it.
I already did my Engineer so I will now do my warrior, then later the rest of my charr (1 at a time, I have 8 haha)
Anyways, Male Charr Warrior: Rragar Ragehammer He is part of the Rage warband, they are so called due to their aggressiveness on the battlefield, his nickname is hammer because he loves to bash in peoples heads with a hammer.
A lore friendly name indeed. Rragar to me sounds like a Norn name, but is also fitting enough for a Charr I suppose. I would assume he is a Blood Legion Warrior. XD
My two most recent Charr characters are the following.
Mufasa Onyxclaw, Iron Legion, Warrior. ‘Onyx’ being the warband’s name and ‘Claw’ because he is the claw of his warband, the only martial member. As a cub he wanted to be conscripted into Blood Legion but ended up in Iron Legion. Despite being an excellent marksman he takes any chance he can to prove his martial prowess. He often challenges Blood Legion soldiers to either a fight or some for of contest. He desires nothing more than to prove his abilities.
Maximus Padeous, this name is of course not Lore friendly, nor was it intended. Kitius Maximus Padeous is a nickname we use to use for my senior cat Max who died earlier this week. The character was made before he died, roughly a day or so.
He is Ash Legion, which gives me a Charr character in each legion. Maximus, the one above, and my guardian whose name I posted earlier in this thread months ago. Demetri, his faithful Stalker companion is with him always. Demetri being the name of this kitten my sister found and adopted a year or two ago. He use to pounce on Max all of the time, trying to get the old man to play with him.
(edited by Invellous.6057)
Mufasa Onyxclaw – 9/10 I really love this name and your back story behind it too, ‘Onyx’ is unusual but it seems to fit pretty well c:
Maximus Padeous – 7/10 Really sorry to hear about your cat :< It’s a nice, thoughtful name, I particularly like the sirname Padeous It has a nice ring to it c: Love the though behind the pet name too
Heres two of mine
Nesk – A rough around the edges, male, Iron Legion Engineer. (I was supposed to put him in Blood Legion..but made him at launch and can’t bring myself to re-make him)
Aerynn Shadowfang (The only Charr I have with a lore friendly name >.< and that’s only because Aerynn alone was taken) – Female Charr Mesmer Again part of the Iron Legion c:
I like Nesk. Simple, slick name.
My charr is named Mornheim.
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)
8/10. It reminds me of some sort of scandanavian name..also reminds me of frankenstein haha. I would picture you as a necromancer? ") Name really suits that.
My charr name is Khan Ra.
Solid 8, Khan instantly makes me think of Khan-Ur though.
Khala Bloodgrave- blood legion warrior
9/10. Sounds Charr-y all right.
My Ranger goes by Dolyak Jones. Not his given charr name, but something he adopted being out in the wilds for so long
8/10 because it made me smile:)
Deathgrin, a lone necromancer finding his own way in life and death.
9/10 because for a Necro it suits them well, and with a Charr with a pointy grinny mouth it fits perfectly. I see it sounds like he’s a Gladium, and we all could benefit from their actions outside the Citadel and outside the matters of the Legions.
Mine is called Vargos Fleshmender, from the Flesh Warband, a Warband centered on healing and supporting in the battlefield (medik!). He’s over protective, Euryale’s BFF, to the point he takes his time off at the Priory’s library seeking for ways to resurrect his dead friends, without the emaciated and mindless side effects :P
9/10 because for a Necro it suits them well, and with a Charr with a pointy grinny mouth it fits perfectly. I see it sounds like he’s a Gladium, and we all could benefit from their actions outside the Citadel and outside the matters of the Legions.
Mine is called Vargos Fleshmender, from the Flesh Warband, a Warband centered on healing and supporting in the battlefield (medik!). He’s over protective, Euryale’s BFF, to the point he takes his time off at the Priory’s library seeking for ways to resurrect his dead friends, without the emaciated and mindless side effects :P
8/10 The name feels strong, the role your charr has, is a fondation for the warband to stand on and be supported , feels as the strongest link of the warband. The score is not 10/10 because I think , ressurecting the dead is kinda against the charr social understanding. I might be wrong but that’s how I feel it.
Rengar Goreclaw is mine, new warrior brough to this world, lusting for battle and seeking glory and to challange the best fighters out there. The blood legion is his family, stands amongs loyal soldiers and friends. Respecting those who deserved it and loyal to those who have proven themselves worthy. Always charging with his hammer first and bashing foes to oblivion and making them cry out for their gods.
Rengar Goreclaw – 8,5/10 I really like the first name, somehow it sounds Charrish to me. Goreclaw is nice and classic combination.
My new warrior’s name is Grizz Thunderblade.
Member of Thunder warband which earned it’s name by exceptionaly loud roaring during battles. Called blade due to the fact that he spends most of his free time by shaprening his blades. He’s is a loyal and honorable soldier which would rather die than sacrifice his honor or friends …
8/10 – Grizz sounds a little too Asura, and Thunderblade is just a tad too long, but the backstory is good.
‘Black’ Marris Forgefire – Guardian and Iron Legion artillery captain from the Forge warband, currently on detached duty with the Durmand Priory (the Whispers were too sly for her tastes, and the Vigil too eager to cross blades with foes into whom they had little to no insight). The Forge warband were named for their tendency to hang around the Black Citadel smithies (‘You cubs going to be useful, or just hang around like sides of beef!’), the ‘fire’ part of her name started out as a jibe against her traitorous ancestry, but was made her own in due time (a forge is nothing without fire, after all). Marris is methodical, logical, prefers to tackle a problem akittens roots, and wields a really big sword (walking softly optional, though you probably won’t hear her coming over the roar of Ghosbore cannons). She actually likes Magister Sieren, especially after that incident with the ogres and the All-Citadel drinking contest.
9/10- Marris sound a little strange for a Charr: need more hard sillabes.
Name: Raksha Pyreguard (former Pyrespark warband)
The Blood Legion is her mother. Clement Forktail her father: she was born in the Flame Legion’s Fahrar and she will do everything in her power to erase the stigma.
She needed to kill twice the score of Flame legionnaires just to earn the command of a warband and Legionnaire Steelbane send her to the Pyrespark. A sad joke: Pyrespark was the cesspool of the Blood Legion, where every loose cannons and rebel soldiers were expected to die soon, sparing headaches to the higher ups (the life expectancy in the Pyrespark was literally that of a spark)
She survived: because she’s tough and she didn’t want to die. Because she don’t want to see her companions die anymore.
After killing Steelbane, she used his tail to shape sheaths for her daggers, as moniker for everyone else: she don’t forgive and don’t forget those who waste Blood lives.
She has but one dream: to prove that powerful magic is as good as BFS for the Black Citadel and to have her existance acknowledged, becoming a tribune for the Blood Legion.
Under her command, the former Pyrespark is now the Pyreguard: an elite unit of magic users Charr, skilled in fighting Flame Legions with the same weapons.
After the defecting of her father from the Flame Legion, she is conflicted with the ideas she had of him… and with her new emotions:
“The price you pay for bringing up my heritage as a negative is: I collect your kittening tail!”
She’s the (mean) mother of her men (or maybe the big sister), but she has a soft center: two to be precise. She’s a glutton for cheesy meat and strong whisky (her tiger charr backpack is always full of them) and she is thirsty for powerful magic knowledge. The Durmand Priory was an easy choice…
9/10 – Love anything with the name Pyre in it Raksha sounds unique. Has a dangerous but eloquent ring to it.
Name: Advantage (Iron Legion)
Short and skillful engineer. If hes ever on your side, at least you’ll have the Advantage
6.5-7/10 Advantage. Slightly clever name, though it would make more sense if he had a backstory to make the unusual name. Otherwise, it’s just a word in place of a name. But at least a B+ for originality.
Mine is Sinra Snowclaw. Large female charr warrior somewhat modeled after a snow leopard, white fur with grey spots and splotches, loves the Shiverpeaks, loyal and protective (sometimes too much) with friends.
8/10 – I like your name and it sounds good for a charr, but I think “Claw” is just soo popular…
Mine female charr is called Lilac Fulgur Blackstorm → She’s an Ash Legion thief with white-gray fur, really white hair and lilac eyes. I know that first name isn’t really lore-friendly, but I just wanted something original ;> Oh, and about Blackstorm, she’s from Storm Warband (You know, coming like the storm…) and black is because she strikes from the shadows and she’s… white! Yes, it’s a bit ironic
Uvisea… – Didn’t give her a last name on creation unfortunately. Regretting that now as I’m going to have to get a name changer for 800 Gems :P
Anyway, Uvisea is a female Charr elementalist. Since she was a cub she had a natural ability to flame & earth magics, which was likely passed down from her father who ended up deserting his warband for the flame legion. She’s spent most of her life proving herself against hey fathers reputation.
Any idea’s for a surname? I was thinking flamepaw, fireblood, firestone, something like that..
^Playing with names and the white color of her fur, I would say Bonefire…
But it has to fit with her Legion, so if Ash maybe… Pyresmoke? Bonesmoke? Darksmoke?
Something like that.
Dunno about Iron… an Ele wouldn’t fit very well with engs and tinkerers, imo.
eerr.. the guy before me didnt say a name, ill go with 2, my iron legion charr is Draco Dragonbane – ranger
my ash legion is Shendu Cursedfur – a necro
Kiel Replacement Movement
“Viktor Rageclaw” I even have a character sheet! http://www.guildwars2roleplayers.com/forum/m/2737230/viewthread/5662241-viktor-rageclaw-sor-tc
Draco Dragonbane – DANOUDADAN! (if in the, “Bane Warband”)
Shendu Cursedfur – I’m actually going to give this a 5. I wouldn’t wanna be in a cursed warband. o.o
Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community http://www.gaiscioch.com/
“Viktor Rageclaw” I even have a character sheet! http://www.guildwars2roleplayers.com/forum/m/2737230/viewthread/5662241-viktor-rageclaw-sor-tc
Draco Dragonbane – DANOUDADAN! (if in the, “Bane Warband”)
Shendu Cursedfur – I’m actually going to give this a 5. I wouldn’t wanna be in a cursed warband. o.o
thats my warband you’re talking about!! theyre all necros btw
Kiel Replacement Movement
“Viktor Rageclaw” I even have a character sheet! http://www.guildwars2roleplayers.com/forum/m/2737230/viewthread/5662241-viktor-rageclaw-sor-tc
Draco Dragonbane – DANOUDADAN! (if in the, “Bane Warband”)
Shendu Cursedfur – I’m actually going to give this a 5. I wouldn’t wanna be in a cursed warband. o.o
I’ll give Viktor Rageclaw a 8.5 good name and great character development.
My charr’s name is “Draken Kingsroar”.
(edited by Thesiuss.2679)
“Draken Kingsroar” is awesome! 9/10, really like the Kingsroar part. Is he a shouts Warrior?
“Argos Steelemayne” is my Warrior of the Blood Legion.
7/10. Steelemayne doesn’t really… show off if you know what I mean.
“Tarreth Stormscream” is my warrior.
Tarreth Stromscream, I give it a 10/10, sounds very lore to me, the first name, not a Roman one, but still strong enough, and the second name, I suppose “storm” is the name of the warband? I like it, sounds pretty good for a charr warrior!
I tend to stick with lore names, so my engineer charr is called Gnaeus Harshblast, he is part of the Iron Legion and the Harsh warband and a specialist in explosives. The first name is Roman… I like this new facet of the charr been like the Romans, a militaristic empire and thus representing that through the names
Gnaues Harshblast, 8.5/10 I really like the play with vowels and it sounds very charlike Harshblast is amazing for an engineer :P
My Charr warrior is"Rhendahk Razeflint" pronouced as “R-ain-dock, Raise-flin-ht”
8/10 Rhendahk sounds a little strange for a charr but to be honest the alliteration does lend it well to Razeflint. Although I’m wondering if he’s from the the Flint warband or the Raze (like in razing the castle) warband. Also- does he use the rifle much? (flintlock, harr harr.)
Grazzt Mercykiller. From the Killer warband. He’s a zealot who seeks to bun to ash or crush all the enemies of the charr. Otherwise he’s simply loyal and devoted to his comrades, including his childhood sparring partner Reeva, who befriended him after they defeated a foe together in younger days. His father’s arrest stunned him into being a bit more merciful.
He’s finished being decked out in CoF armor, but with his Zealot’s Mantle shoulders and a possibly a draconic helm. I also want to get him Entropy as a main hammer.
Attached my backstory, it was kinda long, but thought some would be interested in how he became Mercy killer. TLDR: His innocence was spoiled by meeting someone so vile he felt no Mercy for them. So he killed his Mercy and meted out his view of justice on them. He's a little off but overall good.
8/10 I enjoyed the back story and Mercykiller has a nice ring to it.
My Charr’s name is Khan Ur, direct descendent of the original primus imperator.
7/10 – Being called Khan-Ur (meaning primus imperator) is just a title rather than a name, instead of Queen Jennah you’d be just Queen. If it was Khan Ur ……. that might be more cool – divisive!
I have 2 Charr:
Mikrall Defiantclaw – Guardian and also a play on my name (all with variations of Mike)
Kara Doomtooth – Female Ranger.
6/10 Defiantclaw doesn’t work that well for me
8/10 Kara Doomtooth is just awesome
I have:
Riptooth Spiritborn – guardian
Ankor Spiritflight – ranger
Mean Fiercespirit – mesmer
all of the Spirit warband
and Simba Wildfire – warrior
All of those names get a 9/10 from me except for Simba wildfire he get a 6/10 because simba really.
My Charr is Erox Bloodfur. he got the name Bloodfur after a fight with a group of separatists.
8/10, gets points for being a good Charr name, and for a bit of back story.
My warrior is my first character, though I dont play him much anymore.
Singran Blackfur, of the Black smoke warband. He got the Blackfur name after a run in with a fire shaman burned all his fur off. Sure it all fell off the next day, but his bandmates will never let him live it down.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
I like his backstory a lot. The name is good, but it doesn’t quite flow on the tongue. Overall though, great job!
My most recent charr is Thorn Gorecrow. Her mother hated humans intensely, and when the alliance was made, her mother tried to desert and join the Renegades—and take Thorn with her. However, Thorn’s mother was stopped and killed for treason. Thorn herself was placed in an Iron Legion fahrar, but she never forgot her mother’s death, and blamed it on the alliance. Years later, she was banished from her warband after they discovered her consorting with renegades. Now, she hates the Iron Legion almost as much as she hates humans. Eventually, she joined the Gore warband of Blood Legion, for the promise of power. Her new legionnaire aims to become the Imperator of Blood Legion, and then work toward undermining the alliance. Thorn Gorecrow intends to see her legionnaire’s ambitions succeed.
I really like the bitterness your character has and the way it goes with that name, but something just doesn’t feel right about it. Though that might just be me being picky. :P
Aelia Burningsoul was born into Flame Legion. She grew up there and never questioned her role in the Legion. However, one day her mate was killed by the Blood Legion, and when Aelia tried to avenge him, she was prevented from doing so by the soldiers of her Legion. Blind with fury, Aelia burned down all those who stood in her way, discovering her gifts as an Elementalist. Upon seeing these gifts however, one of the higher ranking soldiers managed to subdue her, and locked her up, preparing to execute her the next day for treason, turning against the Legion, killing soldiers, and above all, stepping out of line with her duty as a female. Later in the night, Aelia was rescued by an Ash Legion female, who was spying on the Flame Legion. Aelia was taken to the Black Citadel and soon joined the Ash Legion, in the female’s warband. She still hates the Blood Legion for killing her mate, though the Flame Legion is pretty high up on that list too.
8/10, I like it, although I’d love to know the origin of the first name as well. Mine, I will admit, is more joke reasons than anything else.
Greck Howlbane – If ever asked about how he was named, he flatly says that his mother was clearing a hairball at the time she was asked what to call him. His last name comes from his early years in the Iron Legion when he was still training in the field. A thinker and healer by trade, he was working on bring back a fallen comrade from the brink of death and angrily hushed him when he cried out in pain because he didn’t want their position being given away to the ghosts in the area. At first it began as a jibe type nickname, but as others grew to accept his naturally quiet and exacting nature, it stuck as a name of honor for him.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
Greck made me laugh a little especially with the back story. Howlbane sounds pretty boss too.
Mine is Taykaru Greymayne. He’s a warrior who was named after his ancestor (Tayku Greymane) who helped take back Ascalon from the humans.
I also have his brother Blade Greymayne (because he uses a bow…..).
Finnally Mortolk Vale the necromancer. No story really. He just is.
(edited by Tayku.7019)
Mortolk Vale — 9 for Mortolk, 6 for Vale, I’ll round up and give it an overall 8. Mortolk seems like an especially good name for a Charr Necromancer. Charr naming conventions make “Vale” seem like half of a surname, and the name “Vale” itself sounds more like half of a stereotypical elven or halfling name rather than a Charr name.
Coeurl Deathclaw, Charr thief and member of the Ash Legion. Coeurl is my main, and I like to say he created himself. I had no intention of playing a Charr, but I got curious about whether or not you could make one to look like a black panther and created him just to see what he would look like.
Then I started playing him and found him to be so much fun that he overtook my previous main, a Sylvari necromancer.
Coeurl’s fur is solid black with no pattern. He has lambent green eyes, which are about the only part of him that is visible when he is hiding in the shadows. He stands a bit shorter than most Charr, but he makes up for his lack of size with a combination of agility, precision, and tenacious ferocity. He used to run with a pistol/pistol and dagger/dagger set but has grown to favor a pistol in his main hand and a dagger in his off hand.
The name “Coeurl” comes from “Black Destroyer”, an old short story by sci-fi author A. E. van Vogt. In that story, Coeurl was a black-furred, predatory alien that looked like a large panther with tentacles sprouting from its shoulders. If you are wondering, yes, that story is the origin of the Dungeons and Dragons monster the Displacer Beast. The first line of the story is “On and on Coeurl prowled!”
Of course “Deathclaw” comes from the Fallout series of video games. With their talons and hunched posture, Charr look a little like Deathclaws to begin with, and I gave Coeurl the black, forward-pointing horns that looked the most like Deathclaw horns.
Coeurl Deathclaw – 10/10. excellent name, and love the backstory.
My charr is a ranger, Rita Farstrider.
Rita, because that’s my cat’s name in real life. Farstrider, because she’s a ranger, and it just felt right.
I like Rita even though it doesn’t necessarily sounds charr-like it sounds cat-like and it fits well with the last name.
I love Farstrider for a Charr ranger.
My Charr is a necromancer: Dachr Deathspawn
9/10, I like it a lot. Dachr sounds very charry to me, even though I’m not sure how to pronounce it. I don’t know whether the last name is meant to be ‘Death spawn’ or ’Death’s pawn’ but either way I like it. The only reason why I didn’t give full 10/10 is that I’m not such a big fan of names that tells you the profession so clearly but that’s just me
I have two Charr:
Grawl Drunkenrage, warrior. (My first character, back then I didn’t know there was race ‘grawl’ in the game. I was thinking about Grawl the demon lord from Homm series.)
Amon Grimjoy, engineer.