High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BSMO.4560
So here is what happened to me just about 3 hours ago. First, I have an email and password dedicated to GW2 and nothing else. I also have the mobile authenticator enabled. I am 100% sure there are no trojons, or keyloggers on my computer. I logged on this evening and was put into a Lions Arch overflow server. I was standing at the bank when I was asked to ping my Twilight in /say, which I did. About 1 minute later I was disconnected to the character select screen, I jumped back in the game and was disconnected almost instantly. Jumped back on, disconnected again but this time a message popped up saying something along the lines of the account being used from another location. I immediately went to the account management page and tried to access my account but of course my password had been changed. I was able to reset it to a totally never before used password and log back on. In a period of maybe 3 minutes the hacker had got all my gold, t6 mats, and a good bit of my other mats. Of course when I logged back on I imagine the hacker got kicked to the character select screen and so we battled for control back and forth for a few minutes. Here is the strange part tho, once I stopped getting kicked I went to log into account management only to discover my password was changed again! Within maybe 8 minutes of me setting it to a totally unique password the hacker had changed it! This time I was unable to reset it and created a support ticket. Support was able to help me get control of the account again but I’m not at all sure that it will stay that way considering how quickly and easily it was hacked in the first place.
Most of the people who have been hacked in this thread have had it done via support tickets. If they kept changing your password like that, it sounds like your computer has been infected with a keylogger. However, it doesn’t make sense if you’re positive you had the mobile authenticator enabled, unless they used said keylogger as a proxy somehow, which would fit in with one of the posts above who said he had mobile authentication enabled and lived alone and yet his account was hacked without any other IPs accessing it.
I don’t think his pc was infected but even with full protection he got hacked !!
Why ?? The response is simple : someone can have acces to arena net ‘s database, the hacker only need to pick up wealthy people then he’ll receiving information to log into the target’s account and stole everything.As me, Proxy Violence was in Lion arch overflow ’s server and said something on channel then be hacked !!!
There ’s obviously a failure so be carefull !! Until Arena net give us an answer players should avoid Lion Arc and WvW as much as they can, especially wealthy ones.
Stop and think: If the database had been hacked, hundreds of thousands of accounts would have been stolen. That is not what happened. Flat out not what happened. The situation has nothing to do with Lion’s Arch, or World-versus-World, or anything of that sort. These are individual cases, and we will work to help the account owners back onto their accounts.
I hope you’re right that’s nothing to fear but how and why we’re hacked then ? We did everything to protect our account : pc safe, 2authentificators, new emails + hard pass and there s still hack attempt, so why is the problem ?
We can’t feel in confident anymore while playing GW2 …