Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Freyar.3254
It would be lovely if the support site worked like it should.
Emmeh — have you simply responded to the emails that you receive related to your ticket? I think there’s a “respond within these lines” thing, but the emails DO get into the tickets. Could you give that a try?
And we are deeply sorry for the miscommunication and know that it is frustrating.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Hey, I’m Deathel.5380 and I’m writing from my friends account.
120830-007078 ticket from 30.08. i recived response but with invalid account name, i guess i should be prioritized too… 120904-003063 here is prioritizing ticket with more accurate data.
please do something, waiting for a week to be able to play is a bit too much, dont you think?
You should find you’re all set to go now.
Everyone else — we’re looking at your incidents and find that a lot of them are positioned to be answered very soon. I expect to be able to update with more good news in the morning.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
This is the original email response -
Please read this entire message as it will speed up the process to resolve this issue for you. This message is being sent to everyone reporting a possible account compromise.
If you have not already included this information, please reply with the following information:
1. If your Guild Wars 2 account name has been changed, provide theaccount name (your secure email address) you want it changed back to.
2. What is your complete Guild Wars 2 Display Name (if you have it)?
3. What is your 25-digit Guild Wars 2 Serial Code?
You will not “lose your place in line”. Obtaining this information will allow us to help you quicker and more efficiently.
We appreciate your understanding during this busytime.
/end email
There doesn’t appear to be any “respond within these lines” area of the email from support.
Ok, guys. I’m surprised to see some of you who have been out for several more days than I expected. And that tells me that your issue may have been put in the wrong queue. So again, please choose your oldest ticket, and update it with as much information as you can give (see my post above). Change the subject line (if you can) to Hacked Account (if that’s what you know happened) and then resubmit.
Then, close the others, because they are not needed and only clog the queues. The oldest tickets should be worked on first, so I’m going to gather some numbers from various posts in this forum and ask our top agents to give them a look. Will post when I know more, but if you can take the steps I’ve outlined above, that would help you (and us) a lot!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. After days of waiting my daughters account has been fixed she is playing and very happy! =)
That is great news. Thanks to both of you for your patience!
Again, I expect that many more of you will be saying this very soon!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Freyar.3254
I just responded to my ticket in my mail. Just reply to it, and put the response at the top. Leave the rest alone, the system seemed smart enough.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DarkTemplar.1725
got one reply in another thread here on forums
from 30.august. still waiting without a respond for already 3 days. updated it yesterday but nothing changed yet. maybe someone in this forum can help me. please. i am missing this game but cannot log in for almost a week.
account should have been unblocked 30h ago. but did not.
Updated details again as suggested by Freyar.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SoftKitty.6549
Phlesh.1674, posting from my wife’s account here on the forum. I saw no place that would allow me to change the subject name in my ticket, but I did update it as instructed in this thread. Ticket number is 120903-012740. I am now 4 days in to this mess. I just need my email address/username changed back from whatever it was changed to by the hacker that apparently got ahold of it.
I have nothing but sympathy for what your team must be dealing with, as I’m a developer who has to support customers myself, but I’d really like to hear SOMETHING soon.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Baringo.1734
Thanks for the info, it seems i’ve done it correctly this time. Created a new with the date and ref# and closed the other ticket I had.
I hope this gets looked at faster.
I closed my redirecting ticket to my older ticket. But i kept my 9 day old german support ticket open as i think/hope/guess that i may get an answer someday.
But i also made a “new” ticket (3 days old) with the english support as i can priorize tickets there with tags (Hacked account) which is impossible with the german support… so no i won’t close that ticket :P
I closed out my additional tickets as per this post. Please don’t be steering me in the wrong direction, Gaile =/
lovely, that doesn’t help me. i created a new ticket (as suggested) and closed my old one (as suggested). i guess i will see if i can re-open my old ticket or i will be waiting even longer for a response…
Any idea on when the ‘prioritised’ tickets prior to Sept 2nd are actually going to be complete then?
Can each of you give me your 12-digit incident or ticket number (or numbers)? Please post them in your post above, when possible, to add to the thread. Thank you.
Sry just woke up (8am germany :P). Thx gaile for the first human response i ever got. I updated my first post with my ticket nr (oldest:120828-008637). I hope i will finally be able to finish the starter areas (maybe tomorrow please).
Ticket 120828-008637
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dudemanjac.5184
Ok, guys. I’m surprised to see some of you who have been out for several more days than I expected. And that tells me that your issue may have been put in the wrong queue. So again, please choose your oldest ticket, and update it with as much information as you can give (see my post above). Change the subject line (if you can) to Hacked Account (if that’s what you know happened) and then resubmit.
Then, close the others, because they are not needed and only clog the queues. The oldest tickets should be worked on first, so I’m going to gather some numbers from various posts in this forum and ask our top agents to give them a look. Will post when I know more, but if you can take the steps I’ve outlined above, that would help you (and us) a lot!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. After days of waiting my daughters account has been fixed she is playing and very happy! =)
That is great news. Thanks to both of you for your patience!
Again, I expect that many more of you will be saying this very soon!
I’m not gonna lie. I’m scared to close my posts, but I will do it now.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Unicornius.6728
My first ticket 120831-008189
First Hacking my account and before your password no work.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Arkulin.3421
Hi, first I want to congratulate you on amazing game, features and all those little things that make game unbelievable.
Now, I have an open ticket on my 2nd account from 8/22/2012, #120822-002717
Last time support has asked (8/30/2012) me to fill as much info as I can as I did the same day and 8 days has passed and I still did not receive any answer.
I know my problem is not a big one as hacked – login issues accounts, but I have “worked” very hard in GW1 and I would love to have my problem solved or just to get an answer that info that I provided is good or not and that you are working on it.
Thank you.
(edited by Arkulin.3421)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sinclair.3106
What the …. i have no account support but i filled the form and send it.
Don’t tell me that this is why i receive response in my mail but i am still banned ? oONo, that is not why. You do not need to have a support account to get help! (What’s your ticket number?)
Here it is : 120831-009379
Good morning. I’m also waiting since 31. August now. There was already an answer, that the account will be unbanned in the next 48 hours. Four days later an nothing happened. Could you please look over the ticket?
Number: 120831-013227
Ah and it is in German. Hope that will be no problem.
Thank you very much for your help.
(edited by Kizna.4287)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dudemanjac.5184
Okay so this is interesting. I closed all but my first ticket. I tried to log in just for giggles and now it is telling me that it is unable to access the log-in server and giving me 42:0:9001:3927. Ticket number is 120830-003200
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: St Jimmy.5703
Hi, my friend account got hacked and his account name was changed to something else… please help im.
Account name is:
His display name is: Rivion.2374
Ticket Number: 120903-012058
Ok, guys. I’m surprised to see some of you who have been out for several more days than I expected. And that tells me that your issue may have been put in the wrong queue. So again, please choose your oldest ticket, and update it with as much information as you can give (see my post above). Change the subject line (if you can) to Hacked Account (if that’s what you know happened) and then resubmit.
Then, close the others, because they are not needed and only clog the queues. The oldest tickets should be worked on first, so I’m going to gather some numbers from various posts in this forum and ask our top agents to give them a look. Will post when I know more, but if you can take the steps I’ve outlined above, that would help you (and us) a lot!
I’ve got a ticket that was submitted right after 3-day headstart on Saturday the 24th in regards to an improperly linked Guild Wars 1 account for my Hall of Monument rewards and my character name reservations.
Ticket Number is: 120825-002495
I’ve updated this ticket four times since the 24th, submitted 8 additional documents to prove that I have an “____@ncsoft” Guild Wars 1 account name not the ‘e-mail based’ login for GW1 yet the account that is linked to my Guild Wars 2 account is not the same account.
The last I heard from Support was this:
Response Hybris via Email 08/30/2012 12:51 PM
The issue you’re reporting does not actually seem to be a login issue.
I’m transferring your ticket to a member member of the In gameTeam to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible
Thank you for your patience,
NCsoft Account Support
That was on the 30th, I’ve yet to hear from anyone from support since then and it’s been a full week as of today and I’ve been in game for hours a day (got my first 80 yesterday morning!) and have never been contacted by anyone. The ticket status is listed as ‘In Progress’ but it really can’t be that complicated an issue to just fix my account linkage can it?
Thanks in advance!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: zgiety.9524
Today i got a response from someone named Bryan. It is another person who seem to not know what he is doing. He restored my account to my email, but the password he provided me with is not working. Also i wrote totally diffrent email that i wanted my account be restored to, it is second time that i got a reply from support and nothing comes up with it.
Ticket number: 120830-007078
Just end this case please…
Don’t want to sound like a nag, but I’ve been waiting for 12 days now to get help. Someone should please help. I need a serial code moved to another account, I’ve been in contact with Aiden and he says I should contact support. So please, I hope I get helped soon. Everything is in there, so it’s not the problem. I proved account names and serial codes and the reason what went wrong(Anet’s slipup actually, not blaming them anything but it’s why I need help). Could be that, based on the title, they think I don’t need help anymore(headstart is long gone) but my characters and stuff is on the old account. So I need that retail account moved, or ….
ticket: 120826-011456
(edited by Vewen.8016)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RedPuppet.1385
Why isnt anybody responding to the tickets? I should be unbanned since Monday and still got no answer on my ticket. Already updated it but nothing… May u please checkt that for me?
Ticket Number: 120831-007656
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
Blocked Account – Ticket submitted August 30 – Ticket number 120830-007345 [Incident:120904-000568]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
Still hoping to get some progress on this. Day 8 starts today. I have faith in you, Gaile.
(this is technically both the original ticket and the secondary re-prioritized ticket as I am unable to log onto support and fix it.)
Blocked Account – Ticket submitted August 30 – Ticket number 120830-007345 [Incident:120904-000568]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Amestre.7286
I’m posting for a friend since he’s locked out on the forums.
Ticket #: 120831-004357
Submitted: 08-30-2012
Thank you.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sillens Umbra.3218
i would apreciate some feedback…. becouse i want to have to buy another game to get my problem fixed….
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: painkiller.4738
I’ve had a very similar problem. Its going on 8 days for me with nothing but generic auto responses from the support side and the run around here. Best of luck to you. Blocked Account – Ticket submitted August 30 – Ticket number 120830-007345 [Incident:120904-000568]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Illumina.3198
alright i give up 6 days now…2 days after i got “help” and im still waiting for that SAME ticket to be looked into so i actully recive HELP
i have every piece of info i can provide on my tickets didnt create 8 of them and yet im still waiting
they say they are proccessing the stuff within 72 hours…well what about those OVER 72 hours are we forgotten? because i dont think its right that someone whos been waiting 72 hours is looked after before someone whos been waiting over 144 hour has a properly prioritized ticket with all the info you could need
personally thats what i thought these fourms where put up for so people who have been waiting for over the normal time,who have seem to have fallen thru the cracks of the system can get help yet it seems its just false hope…youve created these threads yet i havnt seen anything done ON THE FOURMS to help…it seems like everything thats being done is still from the support site…so…really whats the point of this? to make people FEEL like they might get help even tho its been well over the normal time frame?
i understand that most of the staff on the fourms dont have access to customer support and i completely understand there are THOUSANDS of tickets and even more duplicates that waste space and im more then willing to wait my turn but the company needs to get 1 or 2 of the support staff instead of looking at tickets they should be looking into all the complaints from people 4+ days waiting on here then look into those tickets because this is stupid ive followed every procedure laid out and recived no actual help AT ALL
anyway hope you get this sorted but after 6 days of my vaction being wasted on waiting for support to do their job im out.great game a-net too bad a good chunck of players dont get to play
(edited by Illumina.3198)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: akurion.3012
Hi there,
guildmate can’t login (wrong password), his unresolved ticket is: 120830-006425 from 30 august.
Account is: nightmahr.2450
please help him, thanks
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Salokz.2491
Hello GaileGray,
my friend got hacked 7 days ago and still doesnt have his account back. Could you please check his ticket?
This is his german ticket: 120830-016564
and this is his english ticket: 120904-010754
Please help him to get his account finally back. Thanks!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Valimare.4362
- 120831-011270 (aug 30) ive received an email saying that my account has been fixed but when i log in with my new details it says ive been perma banned. i would attempt to say this is funny but its kinda just a kick in the nutz. im not even sure if the email i got says i can play or if my account has been re-issued and i have to wait for something else to happen in order to play (im going to assume the latter do to my inability to play…).
Ticket 3002:1008:1:462
Date 02/09/2012
This is the Ticket Number for my brothers account, he is not able to login since he registered his Account. He has one Ticket in German, too, written on 28/8/2012 Ticket ID: 120828-013039 and still got no answer. So PLEASE help him dudes
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Xceptional.7985
3.5 days ago I got permabanned.
Now this is probably to blame on myself for acting like a fool in the chat
I sent a ticket but replaced that one with a new ticket yesterday.
The new ticket ID is Incident: 120905-008337
Can you take a look at it?
I know I crossed the line (badly) and I am really sorry for that but I really hope you guys will at least look at my plea.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Daemon.1562
hi so my friend got hacked on 29.8
he submitted a ticked right after and got his account back after 120h but the problem is the english support changed his email to the one he created and sent a new password which he changed right after but 2h later the german support restored his account again (not necessary) changed the email to the old 1 and sent a new password again and now all 3 passwords (en,de,changed) are not working. He followed all instructions from the status page how to create tickets for hacked accounts or blocked login. Blocking Login – Ticket submitted 29.8 – 120829-011451 and since he got the game on 27.8 he could play about 40h in the last 10 days pls help! greets
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dragoshade.3257
To all who have been hacked and have an ncsoft account.
Login (Or navigate there through google)
After logging in on the right you should see a picture of gw logo with someone else’s e-mail next to it, click this link..
Copy the persons e-mail (you will need this to log into gw2) and then click on change password – under actions. Change it to something random (but write it down so you don’t forget) – make sure you are changing the password for gw not for the ncsoft account.
Open Guild Wars 2, copy in the other persons e-mail, and type in your new password. Once logged in you should be able to update your login/username to something you can use.
This worked for me, best of luck. If it works for you too, please spread the message.
(edited by dragoshade.3257)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Velren.6391
Our Guild Leader has the problem of not getting any Authentication E-Mails.
He checked his spam Folder and added the noreply address to his whitelist and still he doesn’t get any E-Mail… To his first Ticket, which he opened on 08/31/2012 he recieved a answer, telling him that he should be able to verify his ticket in a “few days” one day afte he followed this tutorial to deactivate the Authentification System on his account: and opened a new ticket (120903-009558) according to the description. He also closed his old Ticket (120831-020256) in order to get a quicker answer. But still his new ticket remains unanswered. He wasn’t able to log in for a week now and he is losing his patience. So are we, the fellow guild members. We cannot manage our guild like this!
He even considered to buy a new version of the game, as he has lost all the hope of getting his account back. We talked him out of it and told him to be a bit more patient.
I hope you can do something about this
- A little guild, hoping to get his Leader back
Posting for my friend, it’s been a week since he made his ticket, so he remade it and he still hasn’t recieved a reply. He did everything you said to do on this post and closed out all his other tickets. Can you help him please? He was hacked and the hacker changed his email.
Still waiting to get a response to a ticket that was created 8/31. I followed all the new ticket submission procedures and still have yet to hear back from anyone.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JesseAs.5137
My ticket ref is #120901-010514
I’ve been waiting and waiting and haven’t had any reaction yet. My ticket should be prioritized because it got hacked and banned for something I didn’t do. I do still have my account and imidiately changed my password after this happened.
I also read some where that they resolved the tickets to those which are made on 9/03. So why isn’t my ticket resolved which is made on 9/01
Hope you guys can help me, and I understand you work around the clock to resolve this for not only me but hundreds of people.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: JesseAs.5137
What I need to know is that if I sent the prioritized ticket per your instructions on the 31st, and you claim to have everything done up to the 3rd, why am I still out of luck. Am I not being looked at? Did you not really get that far down the line? What is the explanation for why I am still waiting?
Dude — may I call you that?
That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. And that’s why I appreciate people providing their ticket numbers.
This isn’t a “Go to the Head of the Class” ticket. I can’t promise that we can wave a magic wand and resolve all these issues. However, with this information, we can dig down into the reason that a ticket from August 31st has not been resolved, when one from September 3rd has been.
If you have been wait, say, more than five days, post your ticket number here, so we can look into the system and try to work out any kinks or glitches.
Thanks for all your help, everyone.
I’ve also been waiting for more then 5 days now and nothing has happend ever since.
I understand that you are working as hard as you can and all. but it has been a long time now
my ticket is from 9/01 and the ref is #120901-010514
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Snipes Woodland.4038
i have been waiting since 31/8 i realize that there is a lot going on over there at a-net but this is getting a bit annoying ticket number :120831-012902
thanks for a great game ;D hope u guys can resolve my ticket soon
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: General.6254
Thank you for helping.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sslick.7106
Logging In [Incident:120903-012154]
Still waiting assistance
Error Code 3002.1008.1:462
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sleepz.6945
Everyone else — we’re looking at your incidents and find that a lot of them are positioned to be answered very soon. I expect to be able to update with more good news in the morning.
On behalf of my friend: Deminent.9123 has been locked out of his account since 08.31 and has the following tickets regarding his E-mail / Account name does not belong to an account.
Priortized ticket: 120905-002469
First ticket on the matter: 120831-015265 (August 31st)
(serial code is in first ticket)
Been a week for me now – closing out my other tickets didn’t do jack. My ticket is 120831-017385, I would like an update, a response, SOMETHING! You had ‘three meetings before noon’ yesterday to implement all your big ideas, and nothing has happened yet. This endless game of dragging people out is getting old. Fast.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: leemouse.1765
I’m not sure what hacking etc. means, but my ticket is from last month. I messed up the codes. I just wanted one email deactivated, and the other activated.
Ticket Number is 120830-015908
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Uc Night.8290
my 72 hour ban has now been instated for a week. This is just unacceptable. I believe I will be doing a chargeback by the end of the day. Get your kitten together ANET
My friends (Ezin.6570) account was hacked. Somebody simply changed his login email.
His ticket named “hacked account” from 09/03 – 120903-011973 is still waiting. He also
updated his ticket with all the information needed and closed all other tickets from
2 of his support accounts.
Any chance to info us when hacked account tickets from 03/09 will be done?
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Uc Night.8290
Ok, I understand prioritizing tickets. But my accounts been banned for a week now with no response. Can the Karma weapons exploit appeals tickets get a look taken at them yet please?
Compromised account from Sept. 3rd.
72 hours without a response (other than mass email)
Ticket: 120904-000241
Please help ANet I love you folks!
P.S. I am partially responsible for the delicious cupcakes you received.