Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ONEone.4823
what is this good news we are waiting for? seriously. i’m on about 120 hours of waiting for a resolution, i’ve been told i was in a priority, i updated my ticket numerous times. and now i get my hopes up that maybe i get to play today. this is really getting on my nerves and i’m tempted just to give up and hope that my support ticket asking for a refund goes through.
i really like this game and was enjoying exploring it.
ticket: 120902-003411
Everyone else — we’re looking at your incidents and find that a lot of them are positioned to be answered very soon. I expect to be able to update with more good news in the morning.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bernkastel.9071
Hello. My friends account was hacked and can not get into his account so he wanted me to post here to ask why it’s taking so long. it has been over 72 hours with no help at all. He has posted all the correct info in his ticket.
His ticket number is: 120903-003044
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Imzadi.6709
18 hours since the last Gaile post/reply/assistance. Hopefully, it is due to them getting to the meat of the problem to fix issues that seem to have fallen through the cracks.
Gaile you are missed!!!!! You are like the hand that reaches out as a last ditch effort to help those who are slowly, but surely, dying a slow and agonizing death.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ONEone.4823
she posted in a different thread an hour ago. she’s still out there, i’m sure she’s afraid to come out of her hiding spot to face all of us angry nerds…
18 hours since the last Gaile post/reply/assistance. Hopefully, it is due to them getting to the meat of the problem to fix issues that seem to have fallen through the cracks.
Gaile you are missed!!!!! You are like the hand that reaches out as a last ditch effort to help those who are slowly, but surely, dying a slow and agonizing death.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Zattin.6490
And I have yet to receive a single response other than the auto-reponse… This is a joke, what is the turn around time for most of these?
I’m glad that I’ve now been banned almost longer than I’ve even played the game. It’s almost charge back time. Plenty of other games out there for me to sit around and wait on this poor customer service.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Smokey.1604
Writing on behalf of roommate who is still unable to access his account. Original ticket opened on 09/01/12 – Incident # 120901-021801. He received the automated response asking for the proper info (account name, etc) and replied immediately with that information.
He subsequently opened an additional ticket, as instructed, to prioritize the first ticket. This ticket is Incident # 120903-011739. He has closed that ticket as requested by support staff and updated original ticket.
One post from support says:
If you are awaiting a response from Support about your compromised (hacked) account, please know that this is the team’s top priority and an agent will respond to you as soon as possible.
Please do not submit duplicates tickets.
Please do make sure your ticket includes all the information requested here.
Please do change your password, and do it again if the agent suggests you do so after he/she has helped you regain access to your account.
Thank you for your patience. I will merge threads about this topic into this thread to keep things organized.
However now a recent post from support states:
As Mike O’Brien wrote today: “We have now completed prioritized requests submitted prior to Sunday, September 2. If you have an older ticket for a hacked account or blocking login issue that has not been completed, that means it’s not correctly prioritized. Submit a new ticket using the above instructions, and in the title write, “Blocking Login – Ticket submitted <date> – Ticket number xxxxxx-xxxxxx” (fill in the date and ticket number of your existing ticket), and we will prioritize your existing ticket.”
Rather confusing as we’re being told to not submit more tickets, yet then being told to do so.
Should he open a new ticket to try and get this resolved or not?
Thank you for your time.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Zattin.6490
And after skimming this board, I see that it isn’t just me who is receiving horrible customer support.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: coolmoon.7219
I have updated my ticket report from the ban I received at August 31st hoping that it will speed up the process of reviewing my ticket and hopefully lifting the block from my account it received for what I assume was a hacker taking control of my account and attempting transactions for/with real-world money. I’ve posted my ticket on the forum before and have got no answer to this date. My “account appeal” message contains the information you have requested. This is my only ticket posted/created.
The tickets reference number is 120831-016450
(edited by coolmoon.7219)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Terexyntl.3281
Wifey’s issue has been open since 9/2. I posted on this forum on 9/5 and did get a request for more information after about 5 hours. We provided the information and are eagerly awaiting the next response (and hopefully resolution) to the issue.
Her ticket # is 120902-011084
When the Wife ain’t happy, NOBODY is happy… ;-)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Smokey.1604
…and magically within minutes of posting this – he receives a resolution email from support.
Thank you?
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Zattin.6490
…and magically within minutes of posting this – he receives a resolution email from support.
Thank you?
I still haven’t
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dmanns.6750
I would like a response as well. I put a ticket in a couple days ago and havent had a response.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Zattin.6490
Dmann, I just saw this on the first page. I just submitted my incident number. Worth a shot
Ticket: 120905-008229
Posting this on behalf of my boyfriend’s account. His account was hacked several days ago and he has received no response from support.
Thank you!
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Airala.8629
I’m posting on behalf of a user on GWGuru2 who is unable to log into the website here and post for themselves.
This is the info they provided regarding their tickets:
120902-003419 original ticket lodged 1st september 2012
120904-000270 was lodged on the 3rd september 2012
They are a Hotmail user who has not received the authentication emails, though they have received automated support responses and other GW2-related emails from you at that same email address. It’s only the authentication emails they are not receiving. They have whitelisted and followed the instructions for updating their ticket as provided for in the original post in this thread.
Their thread on Guru can be found here:
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Makutoma.6704
So my real account was hacked (someone changed the e-mail). I was surprised to note that Arenanet does not require a verification of e-mail change. Oh well. Please give me back my account.
Ticket is:
Been waiting since noon EST of Aug 31st to have my account unbanned. My support ticket # is 120905-000036. My previous Support ticket number is 120831-015403.
My ticket also includes my login-ID,My serial code , Character Name
Copy/Pasted from my support ticket
On Aug 30th I received multiple emails stating that someone is trying to log-in to my GW2 account. On the morning of Aug 31st my account was banned for RMT. On Sept 3rd, I was contacted by GM Verminthrax that s/he had reset my password, and I followed the link to change my email from the randomly generated one. After changing my password, I try to log-in only to see that my account is still banned. Now, I have received no reply since then from anyone.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Euphoria.2960
Try this post – it is sticky – the post will be merged into it anyways.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: chestonu.8059
@GaileGray – Welcome back, GG! We miss seeing you in Lion’s Arch! Old GW1 WPE player here, who has been with ArenaNet games since the very beginning!
Now down to business.
I am posting on behalf of my wife, who cannot log in for many days now. She also as a result cannot log into these forums.
Her ticket details are as follows:
ORIGINAL DATE: 09/01/2012 – Priority service requested
Ticket Number: 120902-002853
USERNAME: Nifrodel.6804
ORIGINAL SUBJECT: Unable to log in.
CURRENT SUBJECT: Log-In Blocked – Authentication E-Mails Not Received
Response from Austin, (Which my wife found, in her words “completely useless” and incensed her)
= = =
Please try authenticating your email address at this time. If you need additional assistance, let us know.
NCsoft Account Support
= = =
Unfortunately, this response was not very helpful.
- She cannot receive authentication e-mails
- She has quadruple-checked her spam settings to ensure your emails are not blocked
- There are 2 possible e-mail addresses for this account (available in the ticket history). Please use the one matching her USERNAME – NOT THE OTHER ONE
We are unsure which e-mail address to check, though neither one receives any e-mails from your system. What we want is to have Authentication REMOVED from the account, so that she can log in. Then she can make changes to her password, e-mail address, etc – whatever is necessary to make sure this does not happen again, going forward.
= = =
Subsequent ticket information:
Date: 09/04/2012
Ticket: 120904-002896
Subj: Authentication email not received
Date: 09/03/2012
Ticket: 120903-007676
Subj: Hacked Account (possibility)
Please! We believe you’ve made a great game, but the Customer Service experience is ruining it for your players!
= = =
P.S. – I work as a Quality Control supervisor for a national callcenter internet helpdesk, which services over 70 different companies. I have a decade of experience in CS/Helpdesk, so I know the stress you guys are under! It is, as we say at my company, like ‘juggling monkeys’. I have also helped train literally hundreds of new reps/techs. It seems to me that you may need help training your new CS/HD staff. If you are looking for tips on how to streamline and get your staff through tickets faster and more efficiently, or how to work with your reps if they are having problems, PM ME! I am always available to help share my experience, both in how to work with customers, retain their loyalty, solve their issues quickly and efficiently, and still get through the mountainous queue.
– [CERN] Commander, Tarnished Coast
– “The best weapon anyone can have, is a sharp mind.”
(edited by chestonu.8059)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mafres.7903
Hey all, bought a dye pack worth 200 gems i got no mail afterwards, and that was 2 days ago, when will/will i ever get my dye set?
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Euphoria.2960
Try this post – it is a sticky – your post will be merged into it once a moderator sees it – I encourage you to delete this post and post in Players Awaiting Help
I just now got my account back on 20 minutes ago. I posted my issue up 11:58AM on 9/2/2012. To give you an estimated time on how long you may be waiting.
Lucky for me, the hacker left all my money and gear untouched. He must’ve not of gotten around to it so I’m very fortunate. I wish you the same luck, and i would say you have about 1 or 2 days of waiting left to go. and yes it’s longer than the 72 hour rumor.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: anonymouse.9053
If you weren’t able to read messages in your email account (hypothetically speaking) due to something such as your email account being hijacked, or you getting a new ISP and forgetting to transfer your gw2 email to the email of the new ISP, or your email provider having problems and not delivering mail, etc., you would not be able to change your email address with gw2 if they required you to have access to your “old” email account. There are pros and cons to requiring that the player have access to the email address he used when signing up for the game.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: anonymouse.9053
I just now got my account back on 20 minutes ago. I posted my issue up 11:58AM on 9/2/2012. To give you an estimated time on how long you may be waiting.
Lucky for me, the hacker left all my money and gear untouched. He must’ve not of gotten around to it so I’m very fortunate. I wish you the same luck, and i would say you have about 1 or 2 days of waiting left to go. and yes it’s longer than the 72 hour rumor.
Glad to hear it!! Now make sure your new password is long and complex and don’t use it anywhere else!
Glad you got your hacked account back and up and running with a support ticket created on the 2nd. It would be really nice if my wife was able to play the game with her serial number linking issue that occured 3 DAYS BEFORE THAT. With a support ticket created on the 31st.
I Posted on the FIRST page when that sticky was made, still haven’t been helped.
I’m in the same boat as Khang, I’ve had one response that was of no help so I’m about out of luck I think. Account hacked the 30th (around 11 pm) Ticket created the next morning one reply three days later, and nothing since. I suppose I should be lucky I got anything at all…
Yeah, unfortunately it’s being prioritized so that those who were hacked get fixed first, maybe because data like credit cards and such are attached. not necessarily first though because other issues are also being dealt with, but probably at a much slower rate. But, I definitely feel for you Khang, it wasn’t a fun wait, and i bet you’re probably a lot more frustrated than I am, waiting longer than me. Sorry to hear that.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: wizgamer.7123
Hi, just wondering if any of you have had more success with the Guild Wars 2 Support. My account was hacked (like the others, meaning no clicking on phishing e-mails, just having information stolen from other websites) and I have yet to get my account back. They replied after four days to say it was returned back to me, but when I tried to login it said I was banned for hacking/illegal practices, which obviously had to have been done when the account was hacked by goldsellers. It’s been a week without the account and the support has been terrible. Has anyone had better luck via Reddit or the Wiki? This is really terrible you know. Even if my credentials were lost due to similar account info on a fansite, I feel like they shouldn’t let someone change the e-mail without first confirming the change with my previous e-mail. This still hasn’t be fixed.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Should I just get a chargeback and notify the credit card company? I kind of feel scammed. Regardless of whether having the same account information on a related website (I think it was Blizzard btw), I feel like my purchase warrants at least better support than this.
I posted in the other thread days ago too but nothing has changed, My account is still banned [for the generic TOS/ROC breech] supposedly for being compromised.
I’ve updated the ticket with all the needed info.
Frustration level is through the roof.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: revolution.4506
I am still waiting to hear SOMETHING from my support ticket. I have followed all the directions, including resubmitting as a hack with proper information.
My post is on page 3 of the waiting for help sticky.
I think 5+ days and no response is a disrespectful way to treat a customer, and I am becoming frustrated.
I would like to know the exact reason for the ban, and how much longer it is going to take someone to figure out how to reverse it. Otherwise, I would like a refund issued so that I can move on.
Thank you.
This is the most recent ticket, resubmitted according to the wiki instructions:
Blocking Login – Ticket submitted <09/01/2012> – Ticket number 120902-002345
My account was hacked sometime in the beginning of the week (and banned while the hacker was at it) and haven’t been able to play since monday (7.9.2012). I have tried to reach your support team via incident tickets at the support site (have made three of them now), and by telling several times what has happened on your twitter and Facebook sites. I haven’t gotten any response from anywhere yet, and now I found this place to try my luck.
My reference numbers are:
Where the most top is the latest. My friends are level 80 already and are losing the starter-shine on the game, which means a big minus on my gaming experience.
Would you please now try and help me ArenaNet, so I can play your very nice game?
I have also posted on your other forum subjects without result.
Yours sincerely – Noppa
and does anyone know if updating a question bumps your ticket even further back in the Queue?
That’s a fair question, and I’ve positively grilled people about that, to make sure that my encouraging folks to update their tickets will not move them back in the queue. I’m told by everyone that the update will not change the order in the queue, but that the extra information in the ticket can make it possible to resolve things in one wave, instead of having to go back, get more info, wait for the update, etc.
So you’re ok to update: It will not change the order in the queue and may help to speed things up.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morningstar.3587
My boyfriend has received multiple keys for his digital deluxe edition.
He only bought one copy, but they created different accounts… none of which can be used.
His pre-release account with 3-day headstart characters is also unavailable and we’re afraid he might lose his character names.
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cheiron the Centaur.1829
I’m moderator for, and we have several members on our forum with tickets that are still not resolved, all of whom are locked out of their accounts and are unable to log in to this forum. So I am posting for them:
The first person, ticket #: 120825-024308
He received an email that he should be able to get back into his account, but over 24 hours after that email he still receives error 3023 when he tries.
Second person, ticket created on September 3 (early morning), no response yet.
Ticket #: 120903-008798
Third person, ticket created also September 3 (early morning), no response yet.
Ticket #: 120903-006566
Please let me know what I can tell these people.
My account was hacked sometime in the beginning of the week (and banned while the hacker was at it) and haven’t been able to play since monday (7.9.2012). I have tried to reach your support team via incident tickets at the support site (have made three of them now), and by telling several times what has happened on your twitter and Facebook sites. I haven’t gotten any response from anywhere yet, and now I found this place to try my luck.
My reference numbers are:
120904-005382Where the most top is the latest. My friends are level 80 already and are losing the starter-shine on the game, which means a big minus on my gaming experience.
Would you please now try and help me ArenaNet, so I can play your very nice game?
I have also posted on your other forum subjects without result.
Yours sincerely – Noppa
The reason that you’re not hearing back is pretty obvious, if you will look at this thread. There simply are people who have been waiting longer. Plus, you’re creating multiple tickets and adding to the Twitter and Facebook flow. NONE of that will expedite the issue; NONE of it will move you up in the queue, and in fact multiple tickets will slow down your response.
I encourage you to put all the information you have in your first ticket and close the others. Then wait, please, because while we consider your issue important and want to help, we want to help everyone who has issues, and they really have been waiting far longer than you have.
Thank you for understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
My boyfriend has received multiple keys for his digital deluxe edition.
He only bought one copy, but they created different accounts… none of which can be used.
His pre-release account with 3-day headstart characters is also unavailable and we’re afraid he might lose his character names.
That ticket was created today. You really need to be patient; this is not an old ticket by any stretch of the imagination.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
What I need to know is that if I sent the prioritized ticket per your instructions on the 31st, and you claim to have everything done up to the 3rd, why am I still out of luck. Am I not being looked at? Did you not really get that far down the line? What is the explanation for why I am still waiting?
Dude — may I call you that?
That is exactly what I am trying to figure out. And that’s why I appreciate people providing their ticket numbers.
This isn’t a “Go to the Head of the Class” ticket. I can’t promise that we can wave a magic wand and resolve all these issues. However, with this information, we can dig down into the reason that a ticket from August 31st has not been resolved, when one from September 3rd has been.
If you have been wait, say, more than five days, post your ticket number here, so we can look into the system and try to work out any kinks or glitches.
Thanks for all your help, everyone.
I’ve been waiting since the 29th. My ticket number is 120829-014884.
Here’s what I learned today: Unbanning account and sending a new password. You should be fine now.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tyrraeth.7683
and does anyone know if updating a question bumps your ticket even further back in the Queue?
That’s a fair question, and I’ve positively grilled people about that, to make sure that my encouraging folks to update their tickets will not move them back in the queue. I’m told by everyone that the update will not change the order in the queue, but that the extra information in the ticket can make it possible to resolve things in one wave, instead of having to go back, get more info, wait for the update, etc.
So you’re ok to update: It will not change the order in the queue and may help to speed things up.
I have a similar question, apologies if this isn’t the perfect place for it, but:
How can we make sure our tickets are correctly prioritized? At 240hrs in, I have this sinking feeling that mine is misprioritized and I’d really like to do everything I can to help CS help me.
Date Created: 08/27/2012
RESOLVED 9/9, 3:32pm
Here’s an update on several account in this thread.
120829-014884 Unbanned today.
120831-017562 Currently under review as Hacked. Will be assisted soon.
120831-021636 2 tickets. Currently under review as Hacked. Will be assisted soon.
120901-000739 Currently under review as Hacked. Will be assisted soon.
120901-029729 3 tickets. Currently under review as Hacked. Will be assisted soon.
120902-011084 3 tickets. Currently under review as Hacked. Will be assisted soon.
120823-004501 3 tickets. In the queue for assistance
120829-012357 Answered today.
120831-016351 3 tickets. In the queue for assistance
120831-011910 Should be good to go.
120830-007078 Sent response and new password today.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Ticket: 120905-008229
Posting this on behalf of my boyfriend’s account. His account was hacked several days ago and he has received no response from support.
Thank you!
The ticket is one day old.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I was wondering how long it normally takes to resolve accounts that have been hacked. My friend was hack on 9/1/12 ticket number 120906-001145. Hes email was change and is not able to use the Gw2 forums so i am writing this for him. He hasn’t heard anything about his account and wants to know what steps to take next to get his account back. Can someone please help
The ticket is from today. If there’s an older one, I’d like that number. Thanks.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morningstar.3587
My boyfriend has received multiple keys for his digital deluxe edition.
He only bought one copy, but they created different accounts… none of which can be used.
His pre-release account with 3-day headstart characters is also unavailable and we’re afraid he might lose his character names.
That ticket was created today. You really need to be patient; this is not an old ticket by any stretch of the imagination.
the two accounts given to us from ‘one’ of the cd keys are ‘the shadowdove.2748’
and ‘the shadowdove.9710’
we still haven’t used the other cd key given to us for the ‘same account’.
it is 9/6 here and the issues have still been around since 9/2.
We appreciate the fact that you are keeping on top of the issues.
just trying to make a smooth transition from years of gw1 to gw2. .
So far, not so smooth.
(edited by Morningstar.3587)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SoftKitty.6549
Phlesh.1674 (at least before it was hacked and changed)
Going on 4 days in now.
GaileGray: What about updates for my GF’s ticket, she still has yet to hear from anyone.
My Girlfriends account was hacked and they changed her email 3 days ago. (sometime between 9/2/12 and 9/3/12).
She was not sent any type of “Verify E-mail Change” or anything, this is ridiculous.
Every single account I have ever had for forums, games, etc… all send some type of “Click here to verify you made this change” when e-mail or password or any type of change happens.
Whenever she attempts to log into her account here or the game; she gets the following error message:
“The email address you entered was not found, If you have an active game account, please try again, if you’re still having trouble, please contact customer support.”
The only thing that she was able to do was make a Support Account.
Her CD-Key, account name, full display name are all written in the support ticket that you can reference below.
Ticket number: 120903-009654
What is the ETA that you will start hitting the 120903-xxxxx ticket numbers?
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SoftKitty.6549
“She was not sent any type of “Verify E-mail Change” or anything, this is ridiculous.”
This is a very good point Xieon and something that definately needs to be suggested. This may be the first account I’ve had where someone can just change the email address/username without having to respond to a confirmation email. My email account’s password is different from my game password, so had this kind of thing been in place, they never would’ve been able to totally shut me out.
my 72 hour ban has now been instated for a week. This is just unacceptable. I believe I will be doing a chargeback by the end of the day. Get your kitten together ANET
We don’t have one-week blocks. If your suspension changed, that would be because you had a second infraction, and the extension would make it two weeks.
If you want me to look at this, include a ticket number and a screenshot of the message you’re receiving.
Also, doing a chargeback is a very bad idea. It creates issues for everyone involved. For instance, if an account has HoM privileges and then is involved in a charge-back, those HoM privileges are lost because that account is closed through the charge-back. I recommend against it.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Imzadi.6709
Gail.. thank you!! You stated above that there were three tickets in my que … they have all been closed except one when I posted my first post here.
Gail.. thank you!! You stated above that there were three tickets in my que … they have all been closed except one when I posted my first post here.#120831-016351 3 tickets. In the queue for assistance (Only ONE Ticket is open and this was since yesterday. It has ALL the info in the ticket. Outstanding since 8/31.)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sinclair.3106
I actually have 1 ticket (Closed all the others) and my initial 72h bann is still ON without reason because a support answer (After the first 72h) was “we will unbann you within 72h” … 150h+ pass and still bann.
Since 08/30/2012