Refund Questions
Task manager showing too much CPU usage just for running the game which isn’t happening prior to 09/02 update
Good day. I’d like to follow up in my refund request as the game doesn’t properly work on my computer…
We definitely will assist you with this refund. Our team is working around the clock to get people into the game — many of them innocent victims of account compromises where a hacker uses externally-acquired credentials to steal the account. However, we appreciate that you’d like your issue handled, as well, and ask for a little more patience as it is processed.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Lastly, the result after I ran the program included in the support ticket.
Thanks for your kind response
Albee, Anet reported that there are some known issues with the GTX drivers. While they don’t give an ETA on when they’ll fix that, or when Nvidia will do an update, you should reconsider playing after the fix.
But it’s been a while. This is worse than getting banned. At least you know that after the ban expires, you get to play the game right away.
But it’s been a while. This is worse than getting banned. At least you know that after the ban expires, you get to play the game right away.
In the OP you say since 2nd of Sept. The above post was made on the 5th of Sept.
3 days is not that long…
The answer is quite simple i think.
There is an effect that your GPU cant handle as i see you have a SLI setting and that means you don’t lack graphical processing power.
When the GPU doesn’t handle a certain effect, the CPU takes over and does it for him but the CPU isn’t equipped for graphical processing and because of that you see a dip in FPS.
Fiddle around with the graphical settings of the game until you find whats killing your fps and don’t use it.
As OppositeVector said… I managed to get game running pretty smooth on waaay slower comp than yours, old core2 duo 2.8Ghz and ati radeon 4850.
try turning off EVERYTHING in display settings and then see result, and then turning on one by one.
You comp should be more than enough to run decently.
Like I said, the game was running fine prior to the 09/02 update. My FPS goes above 50 then all of a sudden after logging out and applying the 09/02 update my FPS went down to 6-10FPS. I haven’t changed any setting nor added/removed any hardware. I only have 1 GPU so no SLI is involved.
I don’t think this is a problem with the CPU as prior to the 09/02 update it was just running at 40% CPU usage then after the update it now reaches 100% which really slows down everything in my computer.
I’ve changed the graphic settings from the recommended to absurdly low and the only improvement I get is 1FPS.
Again, this is not an issue with my computer but with the optimization of the game with the NVidia GTX hardware. It’s as if it wouldn’t like to use the GPU at all.
If you think 3 days isn’t long enough, I have nothing against your opinion. All I can say is I pre-purchased the game because of the headstart access and being down for over 3 days is quite unacceptable. I can barely click on any enemy when playing at 10FPS nor use any skill.
Sorry but I’ve just had enough.
(edited by Albee.3521)
With those specs you should be able to play indeed. But I guess we all have to understand that the game is still very new and the optimizations have been applied last. As you said it happend in the last patch,..
I’m sure if you have some patcience and just report it as a bug it will be resolved in a decent amount of time.
As for me I’m having some heavy FPS drops in WvW with a new high spec system I just put together. I think all we need is some time and trust in Arenanet ; )
All I see in your settings is “High” and etc. Turn off the Anti-Aliasing, Lower Shadows/Shaders and Post Processing and you’ll be fine from there.
Actually Albee I bet it’s the overclocking during the beta weekends they had a known problem with factory overclocked Nvidia cards, if the clock speeds were REDUCED to the Nvidia Factory Default speeds the problems cleared up.
Looked it up the factory speeds are:
Core: 633MHz stock
Memory: 1134MHz stock
Shader: 1404MHz stock
Try using one of the available tools out there to set your speeds down to those and see what happens.
(edited by Drintar.1246)
Have you even tried playing on anything but high settings?
Ok so I am done waiting for support to get to my ticket to simply move my purchase code from one account to the correct one. I would much rather get a refund and purchase a new copy and fix my own problem. Does anyone have insite on how to do this? Thanks.
You will need to do this through the credit card company you purchased the game with. I just started the process about 15 minutes ago with mine as I am also tired of waiting. Its fairly simple, some can be done over the phone immediately, some you might have to fill out a small amount of paperwork.
Good luck,
Any update on this? It’s almost a week!
Hi Albee, if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions, I’m willing to try and help you iron this one out – we might be able to fix it.
Are you running the 304.79 (beta) driver set?
Do you have a profile for GW2 under “mange 3d settings”? (Nvidia Control Panel → Manage 3d Settings → GW2.exe in the dropdown)
Date Created: 08/27/2012
RESOLVED 9/9, 3:32pm
I do remember seeing a post recently (Grenth only knows where now) but the poster claimed they were having terrible graphics problems with an Overclocked GPU, they cut the overclocking back and the problems disappeared altogether. Just thought this might help.
It’s not the overclocking. I have a SPARKLE Calibre Series X580 GeForce GTX 580 (Fermi) 1536MB 384-bit GDDR5 which comes OC’d by default, and I don’t have this problem.
And the latest beta driver is 306.02, not 304.79.
I run with all default settings for the driver, and everything in game set to high or ultra (where available, except shadows, which is left at high) at 1920×1080.
Hi Albee, if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions, I’m willing to try and help you iron this one out – we might be able to fix it.
Are you running the 304.79 (beta) driver set?
Do you have a profile for GW2 under “mange 3d settings”? (Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3d Settings -> GW2.exe in the dropdown)
I’m running 304.79 right now. Previously I was on 306. GW2 on Nvidia is currently at default but I have already tried tweaking the settings by turning off unnecessary stuff yet I get the same FPS.
Hi Albee, if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions, I’m willing to try and help you iron this one out – we might be able to fix it.
Are you running the 304.79 (beta) driver set?
Do you have a profile for GW2 under “mange 3d settings”? (Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3d Settings -> GW2.exe in the dropdown)I’m running 304.79 right now. Previously I was on 306. GW2 on Nvidia is currently at default but I have already tried tweaking the settings by turning off unnecessary stuff yet I get the same FPS.
I dont mean to beat a dead horse…
Is your SLI actually disabled in the NVIDIA control panel? I realize that running on one core means it is not taking advantage of the SLI but if it is enabled then it might still be causing problems. I ran into a similar problem with crossfire….
good luck hope this helps
Hi Albee, if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions, I’m willing to try and help you iron this one out – we might be able to fix it.
Are you running the 304.79 (beta) driver set?
Do you have a profile for GW2 under “mange 3d settings”? (Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3d Settings -> GW2.exe in the dropdown)I’m running 304.79 right now. Previously I was on 306. GW2 on Nvidia is currently at default but I have already tried tweaking the settings by turning off unnecessary stuff yet I get the same FPS.
I dont mean to beat a dead horse…
Is your SLI actually disabled in the NVIDIA control panel? I realize that running on one core means it is not taking advantage of the SLI but if it is enabled then it might still be causing problems. I ran into a similar problem with crossfire….
good luck hope this helps
Good day,
I only have 1 GPU, no SLI and definitely no Crossfire.
I hope I can make you guys and Anet understand how bad I really feel for this game.
Here are video comparisons of GW2 and CS:Go running on the same machine and I really hope you understand how frustrating this is for me.
(Sorry for the crappy quality of the iPhone cam and sorry for my hand being shaky. I’m holding my phone in 1 hand while the other fiddles with the mouse and keyboard).
Guild Wars 2
At this point I really lost all hope. A-net, you provide no support at all. You have a Live Chat that only provides assistance for five hours in a week. Imagine that.
You have a phone number
(5122256359) but can’t get to anyone nor even have someone get back to me after leaving all my contact details and waiting for days. So please, just respond to my request will you? Please?
(edited by Albee.3521)
Yeah I am waiting for my serial code to be moved as well. 5 days without a reply and 7 days without being able to play
(Sorry for the delay, I was helping someone with a new build)
In gfx options, on the “Render Sampling” dropdown… Are you using “supersample” or native?
I saw it switch once while you were changing presets – looked like it went from super to something else.
I can’t run supersampling without lag, personally. I used the ultra/high default, then switch sampling to “Native”.
Also, I used FXAA over the other options.
Could also try turning reflections and shadows to medium – see if that setup helps.
Also, what’s your cpu utilization/temp while the game’s running? Would also be curious to know what your gpu temps are under load, if you don’t mind checking.
Date Created: 08/27/2012
RESOLVED 9/9, 3:32pm
Hi Albee, if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions, I’m willing to try and help you iron this one out – we might be able to fix it.
Are you running the 304.79 (beta) driver set?
Do you have a profile for GW2 under “mange 3d settings”? (Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3d Settings -> GW2.exe in the dropdown)I’m running 304.79 right now. Previously I was on 306. GW2 on Nvidia is currently at default but I have already tried tweaking the settings by turning off unnecessary stuff yet I get the same FPS.
I dont mean to beat a dead horse…
Is your SLI actually disabled in the NVIDIA control panel? I realize that running on one core means it is not taking advantage of the SLI but if it is enabled then it might still be causing problems. I ran into a similar problem with crossfire….
good luck hope this helpsGood day,
I only have 1 GPU, no SLI and definitely no Crossfire.
I hope I can make you guys and Anet understand how bad I really feel for this game.
Here are video comparisons of GW2 and CS:Go running on the same machine and I really hope you understand how frustrating this is for me.
(Sorry for the crappy quality of the iPhone cam and sorry for my hand being shaky. I’m holding my phone in 1 hand while the other fiddles with the mouse and keyboard).
Guild Wars 2
At this point I really lost all hope. A-net, you provide no support at all. You have a Live Chat that only provides assistance for five hours in a week. Imagine that.
You have a phone number
(5122256359) but can’t get to anyone nor even have someone get back to me after leaving all my contact details and waiting for days. So please, just respond to my request will you? Please?
Personally I am sorry that you are having trouble on a compatible machine, and it would please me to know if you find a resolution to your issue. I think the reason that everyone is trying to get you to try different things is because we want to help you in some way and that is the best way we know how. We understand the situation your in, and I thank you for taking the time to create the examples if you figure it all out please make a stop back here to let us know how it all worked out and everything.
Yeah I am waiting for my serial code to be moved as well. 5 days without a reply and 7 days without being able to play
same here…
You will need to do this through the credit card company you purchased the game with. I just started the process about 15 minutes ago with mine as I am also tired of waiting. Its fairly simple, some can be done over the phone immediately, some you might have to fill out a small amount of paperwork.
Good luck,
I hope you understand the ramifications of charge backs. I haven’t yet seen what ANet plans to do with all of these people threatening charge backs, but it’s likely to be similar to other video game companies. For example, Valve will ban your entire Steam account and you will lose access to all of your games that you’ve purchased licenses over the occurrence of a single charge back. Companies this day and age don’t play around. Be warned.
The only thing I can come up with that may help is if you go into your Nvidia Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings and turn the following to ‘application controlled’ – AA, AF, Vertical Sync. This may or may not help, personally I hope it does.
Yeah I am waiting for my serial code to be moved as well. 5 days without a reply and 7 days without being able to play
same here…
We can be the three serial code musketeers, then. Or something. Seems like we all have similar problems and we all just went over our 5th day with not much luck on our tickets.
Yeah I am waiting for my serial code to be moved as well. 5 days without a reply and 7 days without being able to play
same here…
We can be the three serial code musketeers, then. Or something. Seems like we all have similar problems and we all just went over our 5th day with not much luck on our tickets.
Hate to discourage you or anything but there is a thread with quite a few people having this issue:
I strongly encourage you to contact Support to ask about a refund rather than submitting a “charge back” on your credit card. We will work with you on the matter of a refund. Please note that getting a refund or doing a charge back can have long-term consequences on your account. I advise that you learn about that before starting the process, although of course you are welcome to do as you choose.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I strongly encourage you to contact Support to ask about a refund rather than submitting a “charge back” on your credit card. We will work with you on the matter of a refund. Please note that getting a refund or doing a charge back can have long-term consequences on your account. I advise that you learn about that before starting the process, although of course you are welcome to do as you choose.
This would be great advice, if Support would ever respond…
dude… in your screen shot pretty much everything is near max. Turn it down the 275 cant handle it.
(Sorry for the delay, I was helping someone with a new build)
In gfx options, on the “Render Sampling” dropdown… Are you using “supersample” or native?
I saw it switch once while you were changing presets – looked like it went from super to something else.I can’t run supersampling without lag, personally. I used the ultra/high default, then switch sampling to “Native”.
Also, I used FXAA over the other options.
Could also try turning reflections and shadows to medium – see if that setup helps.Also, what’s your cpu utilization/temp while the game’s running? Would also be curious to know what your gpu temps are under load, if you don’t mind checking.
It was using Native and Subsample during the video. About CPU utilization, I’m not at home right now to check it but when I did earlier it was pretty much the same as what I posted before.
Now about the GPU temp, what I did notice though is that when GW2 was still running fine on my machine, I heard the fans being louder. After it decided to not work, the GPU fans just sound normal. I believe running GPU-Z 2 days ago and notice that the temps sit at around 50-60 degrees when GW2 is open and about 65-70 degrees when running CS:GO. If I remember correctly my idle temp was around 45 degrees. I play in an airconditioned room most of the time so I dunno if it helps.
(edited by Albee.3521)
Hi Albee, if you wouldn’t mind answering some questions, I’m willing to try and help you iron this one out – we might be able to fix it.
Are you running the 304.79 (beta) driver set?
Do you have a profile for GW2 under “mange 3d settings”? (Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3d Settings -> GW2.exe in the dropdown)I’m running 304.79 right now. Previously I was on 306. GW2 on Nvidia is currently at default but I have already tried tweaking the settings by turning off unnecessary stuff yet I get the same FPS.
I dont mean to beat a dead horse…
Is your SLI actually disabled in the NVIDIA control panel? I realize that running on one core means it is not taking advantage of the SLI but if it is enabled then it might still be causing problems. I ran into a similar problem with crossfire….
good luck hope this helpsGood day,
I only have 1 GPU, no SLI and definitely no Crossfire.
I hope I can make you guys and Anet understand how bad I really feel for this game.
Here are video comparisons of GW2 and CS:Go running on the same machine and I really hope you understand how frustrating this is for me.
(Sorry for the crappy quality of the iPhone cam and sorry for my hand being shaky. I’m holding my phone in 1 hand while the other fiddles with the mouse and keyboard).
Guild Wars 2
At this point I really lost all hope. A-net, you provide no support at all. You have a Live Chat that only provides assistance for five hours in a week. Imagine that.
You have a phone number
(5122256359) but can’t get to anyone nor even have someone get back to me after leaving all my contact details and waiting for days. So please, just respond to my request will you? Please?Personally I am sorry that you are having trouble on a compatible machine, and it would please me to know if you find a resolution to your issue. I think the reason that everyone is trying to get you to try different things is because we want to help you in some way and that is the best way we know how. We understand the situation your in, and I thank you for taking the time to create the examples
if you figure it all out please make a stop back here to let us know how it all worked out and everything.
I will. I know a guy who as an i7 and a GTX 260 having the same thing
The only thing I can come up with that may help is if you go into your Nvidia Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings and turn the following to ‘application controlled’ – AA, AF, Vertical Sync. This may or may not help, personally I hope it does.
Thank you for the feedback. I already tried this before but I didn’t notice any improvement.
I strongly encourage you to contact Support to ask about a refund rather than submitting a “charge back” on your credit card. We will work with you on the matter of a refund. Please note that getting a refund or doing a charge back can have long-term consequences on your account. I advise that you learn about that before starting the process, although of course you are welcome to do as you choose.
This would be great advice, if Support would ever respond…
As it has been stated in the daily updates, they are working with hacked and blocked accounts first. I am sure they will get to these issues soon and I hope so too since I don’t want to lose all my fellow players
But yeah I would recommend waiting just a little while longer and letting them sort out the hacked accounts first? Then you would be able to see if they are willing to help, right?
I strongly encourage you to contact Support to ask about a refund rather than submitting a “charge back” on your credit card. We will work with you on the matter of a refund. Please note that getting a refund or doing a charge back can have long-term consequences on your account. I advise that you learn about that before starting the process, although of course you are welcome to do as you choose.
This would be great advice, if Support would ever respond…
As it has been stated in the daily updates, they are working with hacked and blocked accounts first. I am sure they will get to these issues soon and I hope so too since I don’t want to lose all my fellow players
But yeah I would recommend waiting just a little while longer and letting them sort out the hacked accounts first? Then you would be able to see if they are willing to help, right?
The reason I want a refund(And already requested a chargeback) is because they won’t respond to my hacked support ticket. It’s been over 120 hours without an actual response…
You will need to do this through the credit card company you purchased the game with. I just started the process about 15 minutes ago with mine as I am also tired of waiting. Its fairly simple, some can be done over the phone immediately, some you might have to fill out a small amount of paperwork.
Good luck,
I hope you understand the ramifications of charge backs. I haven’t yet seen what ANet plans to do with all of these people threatening charge backs, but it’s likely to be similar to other video game companies. For example, Valve will ban your entire Steam account and you will lose access to all of your games that you’ve purchased licenses over the occurrence of a single charge back. Companies this day and age don’t play around. Be warned.
I am well aware of any “ramifications” thank you for the “warning”. Its pretty simple to use a new account name and credit card or paypal information to purchase a new copy of the game, if I do decide to take a chance with it again. This entire situation is extremely unprofessional. Being a business owner myself for 22 yeas now I can say the lack of communication on Anets part is horrible, I have not received one response in 7 days.
Some of us have been waiting for over a week now while others are posting they have had their issues handled in 2 days. To top it off my account was not even logged into by another person, i contacted them within minutes of receiving an email saying my account password had been changed, then a gm responded to my ticket stating he shut my account down and asked for some simple information before he would turn it back on, which i sent in immediately. This company has now taken my personal top spot over ATT as the leader in horrid customer service, congratulations.
To the person who just suggested making a new ticket, I attempted that 2 days ago, within minutes it was updated to “duplicate”. That can be taken several different ways, how did i take that, well I’ll tell you. took the time to read my ticket AND my follow up ticket and rather than release my account or take 10 seconds to respond with something as simple as “we are getting to you”, they just shoved it aside once again.
Gaile, you suggest we open a new ticket asking for a refund? I must ask, how long would that take to get a response to?
Yeah I am waiting for my serial code to be moved as well. 5 days without a reply and 7 days without being able to play
same here…
We can be the three serial code musketeers, then. Or something. Seems like we all have similar problems and we all just went over our 5th day with not much luck on our tickets.
Hate to discourage you or anything but there is a thread with quite a few people having this issue:
Oh yes, I know about that thread. I posted in it around the same time my issue came up.
…And today is 6 days without a single (not even automated) response.
I am right with everyone here. I will probably be contacting my bank and getting a charge back. I just went through this on a different purchase for my mom, helping her get her money back from a very unprofessional company with no customer service just like this one…..I have submitted a ticket and updated it multiple times and it has been 6 days without a reply. absolute garbage. I was able to change my password my account is just banned…I provided all my purchased information as well.
Just tired of game companies thinking they are some “class” above the consumer….just done with it and will be taking whatever legal matters I can with refund and telling everyone I know about the poor service………as if they dont have a firestorm of bad pr everywhere now.
I am also going thru my cc company to demand a refund as Anet have just this minute suspended me without warning or reason. The last thing i remember in game was 4 ppl on /m giving someone who asked a genuine question abuse and getting a goldspam msg. and I GET BANNED!? totally unnacceptable. Have submitted an appeal but from readon these forums its clear by the time they respond with an undoubtably auto reply the suspension will be up. I refuse to play a game where such actions can happen for such a long time with such poor customer support. I thought i got away from such poor support when i stopped playing D3 hehe
WAR – Karak-Azgal
I am right with everyone here. I will probably be contacting my bank and getting a charge back. I just went through this on a different purchase for my mom, helping her get her money back from a very unprofessional company with no customer service just like this one…..I have submitted a ticket and updated it multiple times and it has been 6 days without a reply. absolute garbage. I was able to change my password my account is just banned…I provided all my purchased information as well.
Just tired of game companies thinking they are some “class” above the consumer….just done with it and will be taking whatever legal matters I can with refund and telling everyone I know about the poor service………as if they dont have a firestorm of bad pr everywhere now.
hope it all goes well mate. It seems they now have our money and think they can treat us like kitten. I suspect they would be a bit better had they had a monthly fee but as is they are utterly unnacceptable with their attidude and terrible support. Ill be going thru my cc company on monday as I know there will be zero response from my ticket
WAR – Karak-Azgal
You will need to do this through the credit card company you purchased the game with. I just started the process about 15 minutes ago with mine as I am also tired of waiting. Its fairly simple, some can be done over the phone immediately, some you might have to fill out a small amount of paperwork.
Good luck,
I hope you understand the ramifications of charge backs. I haven’t yet seen what ANet plans to do with all of these people threatening charge backs, but it’s likely to be similar to other video game companies. For example, Valve will ban your entire Steam account and you will lose access to all of your games that you’ve purchased licenses over the occurrence of a single charge back. Companies this day and age don’t play around. Be warned.
but i doubt many of us have any other game with Anet so charge back will just send them a message to improve their customer support. I got mine off their website so will be going thru cc, kinda wish i purchased the retail version from my local so i could just take it back to the shop (i know the boss)
WAR – Karak-Azgal
“Will Guild Wars 2 be solo-able?
Yes. You will be able to advance your character to the maximum level without ever joining a group if you so desire. Most content will be designed in a solo-friendly way, though often with mechanisms for scaling up in difficulty when more players are involved. This will give players the option to experience the game whichever way they prefer."
What i liked about guild wars, i could do things without relying upon others all time. I found it annoying. I got tired of the drama and all the garbage that comes with it. I went into this being told everything is solo able.
I don’t mind the fact that there are dungeons and they are optional okay fine. But where it goes wrong is the story. The last quest in it is a dungeon. I was and amkitten off because i wont get to see the ending ever as i do not want to do dungeons. I personally prefer exploring, questing and pvp.
I want a refund of my prepurchase and gem store money purchases. I don’t take kindly to this and this whole “everything is soloable” is on several websites. THIS IS FALSE ADVERTISING.
(edited by Goth.6820)
Please contact Support and they will help you!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Has been a week already guys