Karka Chest Distribution [merged]
Gaile, yesterday you told us to wait until today and submit tickets if we didn’t get a chest in the mail but feel we should.
Now, I’ve just read your post that tells us your people are still looking into the issue of people not receiving anything. Should we wait for the results of that, or file our tickets anyway so our circumstances can perhaps be taken into account as part of that investigation?
Thanks for keeping us posted.
If you already filed a ticket, that’s fine. But there is no need to file a ticket. The team is already working on a resolution, and whether there is or is not a ticket on file will not affect the future distribution.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Gaile, could you please let us know the reasoning behind the criteria for the second wave of distribution? I really appreciate the amount of feedback you are giving, and I am concerned by the continued use of “those who qualified”. Those of us who really wanted to participate in the event and couldn’t are also feeling very put out by being put so far behind the curve, and it would be nice to know that ANet is at least considering those of us in other timezones, and with other commitments. Especially when most of us put so much effort into the first two stages. I’m sure you are more aware than I am of the amount of community division this is causing.
Thank you again for the feedback though, and again to ANet for at least trying to sort this out.
Im curious too about the criteria behind the distribution. I attended at the even for 2 hours, and had to leave shortly before the final event started to go to work. Considering that some people joined just at the final event, played for 10 minutes and got the chest i am curious if people like me, who had to leave at some point of the event, also are qualified for the chest. Thanks for taking the time Gaile, really appreciated
so when they figure this out and fix the distribution problem…… all that means is the people who got chest in mail will get another chest in mail and most of the same people who didnt will be out of luck again. fun fun
A little bit offtopic:
I wonder how you actually figured out, who attended and is worth getting a reward. Have your coders written a script to browse the databases to search for the relevant criteria or, since it took you rather long, were there some poor people who had investigate on their own. If so, i would suggest to give em a bonus or at least sponsor them a 3-course dinner
However you achieved this (eventho it didnt worked all perfect) i would like to thank the boys and girls that were forced to make this happen. I bet you had a lot of nasty work the last days
so when they figure this out and fix the distribution problem…… all that means is the people who got chest in mail will get another chest in mail and most of the same people who didnt will be out of luck again. fun fun
Oh goodness! That is not what will happen at all.
Let’s see what happens, knowing that individual who continue to have issues can, of course, submit a support ticket to discuss their individual situation. I think those numbers will be very low, btw.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Let’s see what happens, knowing that individual who continue to have issues can, of course, submit a support ticket to discuss their individual situation. I think those numbers will be very low, btw.
I’ll go submit a support ticket. Thank you for your help (not being sarcastic)
Gyr Wolfchild: Norn Ranger lv71
Fenris Wolfchild: Human Thief lv80
In response to recent suggestions:
- No, if someone gets a second chest it’s a mistake and not an indication that somehow they are “more valued.” We’re not going to get into a teeter-totter of “give this, give that” to try to even it out beyond what someone earned.
- No, we’re not going to give a chest to every Guild Wars 2 player.
Kindly realize that negative, unhelpful, demanding, and whine-filled posts are not welcome, are not of value, and have been and will be deleted, not because we’re trying to pretend there isn’t a issue, but because we’re working to correct the issue. Off-topic posts with ill-thought demands just do not help!
We made an error. A lot of upset people have managed to control themselves, to post helpfully, and to wait with much-appreciated patience for us to correct our error. Thank you to those (many) of you who have shown your good will. We will do our best to get this corrected ASAP. And please remember, if there are individual issues after we’ve made a more broad-based remedy — and we’ll let you know about that — we’ll help you individually through a support ticket. (If you submitted a ticket and get your chest, kindly go into the ticket and close it out so agents can focus on continuing issues.)
Thanks for understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Let’s see what happens, knowing that individual who continue to have issues can, of course, submit a support ticket to discuss their individual situation. I think those numbers will be very low, btw.
I’ll go submit a support ticket. Thank you for your help (not being sarcastic)
Why? We have not made any changes to correct the issue, so please submit only after the fix is in place and only if your situation has not been resolved.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
In response to recent suggestions:
- No, if someone gets a second chest it’s a mistake and not an indication that somehow they are “more valued.” We’re not going to get into a teeter-totter of “give this, give that” to try to even it out beyond what someone earned.
- No, we’re not going to give a chest to every Guild Wars 2 player.
Kindly realize that negative, unhelpful, demanding, and whine-filled posts are not welcome, are not of value, and have been and will be deleted, not because we’re trying to pretend there isn’t a issue, but because we’re working to correct the issue. Off-topic posts with ill-thought demands just do not help!
We made an error. A lot of upset people have managed to control themselves, to post helpfully, and to wait with much-appreciated patience for us to correct our error. Thank you to those (many) of you who have shown your good will. We will do our best to get this corrected ASAP. And please remember, if there are individual issues after we’ve made a more broad-based remedy — and we’ll let you know about that — we’ll help you individually through a support ticket. (If you submitted a ticket and get your chest, kindly go into the ticket and close it out so agents can focus on continuing issues.)
Thanks for understanding.
So if i’m reading this right your basicly saying,… we are sorry people got 2 chests and people who did not attend got chests, but hey we will make it right by trying to give more chests,.. but everyone else who fell out of the rng.. though luck?
Well that decides it for me,… no more moneyspending on Gw2
(and no i did not attend the event, i was “over” it i didn’t care anymore,… till everyone around me got lootmails for no reason at all)
Gaile, could you please let us know the reasoning behind the criteria for the second wave of distribution? I really appreciate the amount of feedback you are giving, and I am concerned by the continued use of “those who qualified”. Those of us who really wanted to participate in the event and couldn’t are also feeling very put out by being put so far behind the curve, and it would be nice to know that ANet is at least considering those of us in other timezones, and with other commitments. Especially when most of us put so much effort into the first two stages. I’m sure you are more aware than I am of the amount of community division this is causing.
Thank you again for the feedback though, and again to ANet for at least trying to sort this out.
Gail basically said forget about everyone getting chest.
Which in my mind means, they could care less about the people in other time zones, or with real life commitments. (Like me I was working a 12 hour shift that day.) Since you could not be there at the time ANet wants you to, you are out of luck. Don’t care about you.
Everything about the whole Lost Shores Event was poorly planned and executed. And their so call fix for the chest fiasco, also poorly planned and executed.
I’m not getting a chest, don’t deserve a chest, since I wasn’t there at their beck and call for the final event. But I also think it’s not right to leave the extra chests, and items from them, in the game messing up the game economy even more with the new wave of precursors that will now be on the market.
ANet 2014 – Play how we tell you to play.
Gaile, I feel sorry for you and the rest of the dev team that are trying to solve this. I know you guys will come through in the end as you always do. I will keep an eye on this thread to see when you guys update the script.
Gaile, I’m really concerned by those two bullet points. Could you give me your personal opinion here, as you clearly do care (and have taken a lot of time to respond patiently), and because you already acknowledged the Australia problem.
What is you opinion of how a person who was unable to attend this event due to either living in the wrong timezone, having life commitments, or both, is supposed to feel about the way ArenaNet regards them? At this stage it seems that the larger objections to one time events are being ignored in favour of attempting to address the technical difficulties. I realise this isn’t what you are doing, but I don’t see how the two bullet points you presented can lead to anything other than a massive ‘tough luck’ to the people who struggled through the first two phases as best they could, then were forced to go out and do real life things.
In response to recent suggestions:
- No, if someone gets a second chest it’s a mistake and not an indication that somehow they are “more valued.” We’re not going to get into a teeter-totter of “give this, give that” to try to even it out beyond what someone earned.
- No, we’re not going to give a chest to every Guild Wars 2 player.
Kindly realize that negative, unhelpful, demanding, and whine-filled posts are not welcome, are not of value, and have been and will be deleted, not because we’re trying to pretend there isn’t a issue, but because we’re working to correct the issue. Off-topic posts with ill-thought demands just do not help!
We made an error. A lot of upset people have managed to control themselves, to post helpfully, and to wait with much-appreciated patience for us to correct our error. Thank you to those (many) of you who have shown your good will. We will do our best to get this corrected ASAP. And please remember, if there are individual issues after we’ve made a more broad-based remedy — and we’ll let you know about that — we’ll help you individually through a support ticket. (If you submitted a ticket and get your chest, kindly go into the ticket and close it out so agents can focus on continuing issues.)
Thanks for understanding.
So just to clarify, the people that never attended the final event who recieved chests your saying grats your lucky you can keep them. The rest of the player base that that didnt attend the event and didnt get the chest your saying tough luck?
From a players perspective ie your community that seems rather bad customer service, essentially treating your player base differently. Looking at it another way you could be accused of giving some of your player base an unfair advantage (pre cursers, bags, exoctic) while some got it for free in there mail for doing nothing other players have to work towards getting those items that could take months or longer. The track record of arenanet since GW2 has been in decline through various one of events and server failures, examples like this do nothing but worsen the reputation and expectation of GW2.
Also your previous comments about struggleing to find anyone thats actually recieved the chest and did not attend the event? i have compiled 13 different posts on the previous page on the official forum of users freeley admitting they either were not online or were online but didnt attend the event. (no doubt there are hell of alot more that just havnt posted)
Also on the subject there is still no clarification on who is exactly entitled to the chest i mean i was trapped ouside the game not able to log in for hours some people dc’d right at the end, other users who recieved chests didnt attend the final event but did complete the first 2 events? Some users were simply online when the event was happening either before during or after and recieved the chest so when does entitlement actually start? some clarification would help
On a more persoanl note i am slightly concerned by the pure lack of understanding the the community reps have on how this looks from a players perspective. its ok to give some players loot/rewards and not others even though both sets of player did or didnt do the same thing? its the same as one day saying you know what we will give all players starting with the letter A a precurser today i am sure our community wouldnt mind that (how do you think the other players would feel )
(edited by Elatus.7091)
Ok, at this point I’m shaking my head wondering if you recent posters are even reading what I’m writing. Perhaps the fact the ridiculous posts were removed doesn’t make it clear. Let me try again:
“Please just give everyone a chest, even if they haven’t logged in since August.”
No. That would be wrong.
“Please give me 3 chests because I read on the Internetz that someone got 3 and I will think you don’t love me if you don’t give me the same number.”
No. That also would be wrong.
Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress. If you earned a chest and you get a chest, that’s good. Otherwise, what do you suggest: We give every 10 chests? But what about the guy who already had one? He has 11! Oh wait, we need to give everyone 1 more chest. But that gal over there had one from looting and one from mail, so now we need to give…
Do you see? It’s not doable! It’s not reasonable! It’s not a good expenditure of dev resources to look at 2 million accounts and try to “balance” this.
The answer is: If you earned a chest, you should be given one. And that is what the team is trying to do for you, even as I write. Please be patient and please, please be reasonable.
Lastly, we’ve looked into the “I didn’t attend the event” people, as we’ve been able, and maybe they forgot the attended, maybe they don’t know the parameters, but we haven’t found the proverbial “My computer wasn’t turned on the entire event, my account was not accessed, and I still got a chest.” At this point, again, this does not impact you and your account and if, somewhere and for reasons we cannot ascertain, someone gets a chest without attendance at the event, then, well, I suggest you just let it go.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
I’m not sure why the suggestion that has already been brought up, which says to patch things up by simply giving a chest to everyone who has not received one in the mail yet, is getting shut down. From an unbiased viewpoint, I see that as the only fair solution.
Here is my breakdown of the issue:
Let’s consider the problem at hand logically. The devs who told you “The script was thoroughly tested and there is no way there could have been a mistake” clearly overlooked something in the code because we have had plenty of people bring up cases that suggest otherwise. There is no need for anyone to take blame for that though, because it’s software and bugs are bound to happen. However, the first step is to acknowledge that the script failed.
The cases of failures that occurred can be summed up into these categories:
1. Player participated in event but did not get a chest
2. Player participated in the event, got a chest, and then got another one
3. Player did not participate in the event and got a chest
Rather than trying to repair the damage which would take days and would be guaranteed to still leave some people unsatisfied, why not just implement a quick fix and let people move on? I can guarantee you that if you keep trying to patch the script up to find only the people who deserved a chest but did not receive one, you will only dig yourself into a deeper hole. This approach would most likely lead to more people who did not deserve the chest getting one, some people getting a second mailed chest, and definitely some people who participated in the event still not getting a chest.
Instead, I would like you to seriously consider the obvious solution that will satisfy everyone – just send a chest to everyone you have not sent one to yet. I know you aim to do what’s fair, but that is no longer an option since people who did not deserve chests received them. At this point, you need to focus on what will satisfy the player base. Please consider putting the customer first and bring this idea up to the team.
Thanks for reading, I hope you are able to find the best solution.
EDIT: I would like to add that I am not just talking out of my puppy. I have a phd in computer science and 5 years as a software engineer under my belt. Please take my advice when I say that you are solving the wrong problem. Send the people their chests, and let your devs work on game content and future events…
(edited by Kuzzi.2198)
Just for the record, I can not agree when you say: “Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress.”
Who is buying the percursors from the TP? And with what gold? When you have a system that mixes in-game gold with gems bought with real money in my opinion you can not say it does not impact us.
Best regards,
I’m not sure why the suggestion that has already been brought up, which says to patch things up by simply giving a chest to everyone who has not received one in the mail yet, is getting shut down. From an unbiased viewpoint, I see that as the only fair solution.
I appreciate that you’re trying to help, and thanks for the ideas. I can tell you why it won’t work, and you can see that in this very thread:
- But they got one and I attended. Give me two.
- But you accidentally gave my friend a chest and he already looted, where I was disconnected and couldn’t loot. Give me another.
- I wasn’t able to join because I was cleaning my mother’s basement.
Ok, I’m joking about the third one. But honestly, we’re seeing all sorts of ideas, and believe me, every one of them has been considered and the only fair system has been developed and will continue to be refined until it addresses the issue for everyone as fairly as possible.
Will it be even-Steven? I guess not, with the errors made. Will it be ok? Yes, I think it will, if people will realize that there is no easy and complete solution that addresses every single possible aspect of this, and that, in the end, those who earned the chest will get one.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Ok, at this point I’m shaking my head wondering if you recent posters are even reading what I’m writing. Perhaps the fact the ridiculous posts were removed doesn’t make it clear. Let me try again:
“Please just give everyone a chest, even if they haven’t logged in since August.”
No. That would be wrong.
“Please give me 3 chests because I read on the Internetz that someone got 3 and I will think you don’t love me if you don’t give me the same number.”
No. That also would be wrong.
Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress. If you earned a chest and you get a chest, that’s good. Otherwise, what do you suggest: We give every 10 chests? But what about the guy who already had one? He has 11! Oh wait, we need to give everyone 1 more chest. But that gal over there had one from looting and one from mail, so now we need to give…
Do you see? It’s not doable! It’s not reasonable! It’s not a good expenditure of dev resources to look at 2 million accounts and try to “balance” this.
The answer is: If you earned a chest, you should be given one. And that is what the team is trying to do for you, even as I write. Please be patient and please, please be reasonable.
Lastly, we’ve looked into the “I didn’t attend the event” people, as we’ve been able, and maybe they forgot the attended, maybe they don’t know the parameters, but we haven’t found the proverbial “My computer wasn’t turned on the entire event, my account was not accessed, and I still got a chest.” At this point, again, this does not impact you and your account and if, somewhere and for reasons we cannot ascertain, someone gets a chest without attendance at the event, then, well, I suggest you just let it go.
what are the parameters ?
I also find it hard to believe that the amount of players that have reported not attending the event that have recieved chests just all of a sudden forget they were even there? what we calling this GW2 Mass Amnesia does it come with a health warning?
However if these “parameters” your talking about means just being logged in at some point in the day on said event either before during or after then that is more understandable as alot of these players were online at some point during that day (didnt attend event though)
Actually clarifying what these parameters are would probably put alot of the community at rest and i can’t see a negative to simply telling us
(edited by Elatus.7091)
Hi gail I did not attend the Event (at the time it happened) but did receive a mail.
I attended the First days event and the second day the event chains were broken all day for me, the third day i attended the event many hours after it had been completed (because of my timezone is AUS) i missed the actual third event as i was working..although i did login to the event that day.
Sadly i hope i get to keep my mail contents even though i missed the Actual event?
Just for the record, I can not agree when you say: “Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress.”
Who is buying the percursors from the TP? And with what gold? When you have a system that mixes in-game gold with gems bought with real money in my opinion you can not say it does not impact us.
Best regards,
That’s what I’m worried about as well Red. They market is going to get (getting) yet another flood of precursors, and skewing the prices. While it may make the precursors less expensive for a bit. The lower items will come up in cost like last time, because of a flood of new gold to be had.
ANet 2014 – Play how we tell you to play.
Gaile, I’m sorry, I realise you must be very tired and frustrated at this stage, but I think that last response was unfair.
““Please just give everyone a chest, even if they haven’t logged in since August.”
No. That would be wrong.”
Many posters at this stage have expressed in detail exactly why they think this would not be wrong. Currently, no response has been given regarding the treatment of customers in non-North American timezones, and those who had other commitments on the day. This short, unexplained claim that giving everyone a chest would be wrong is unhelpful. Players are happily accepting half, a third, up to a fifth or a sixth of the amount of chests awarded to lucky players, and those who were able to attend the event. It is hardly a ridiculous request, and it at least deserves an explanation, or at least some kind of apology to fans in difficult timezones.
“Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress. "
Surely the effect that these chests had on the trading post (as well as possibly the gem store) hasn’t gone unnoticed. This has had an impact on players who haven’t even heard of the chests. Again, these are points that have been raised on the forums, and I’m surprised you would be so dismissive of them.
Again, thank you and ANet for your time and hard-work on this.
EDIT: In response to your reasoning in the post added while I was typing, do you really not consider there to be a difference between “I got one and he got two” and “I got zero and he got one”? One is twice as much, and one is infinitely as much. Given that the main difference involved in the system is who lives where, who’s lucky, and who has other things that demand their time, I don’t see why minimising the difference is such a problem. People are complaining, and your only objection seems to be that some people will still complain…
(edited by CrashTestAuto.9108)
Hi gail I did not attend the Event (at the time it happened) but did receive a mail.
I attended the First days event and the second day the event chains were broken all day for me, the third day i attended the event many hours after it had been completed (because of my timezone is AUS) i missed the actual third event as i was working..although i did login to the event that day.
Sadly i hope i get to keep my mail contents even though i missed the Actual event?
I think you will get a chest. I cannot say for certain, though, so please wait for the remedy.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Gaile, I’m sorry, I realise you must be very tired and frustrated at this stage, but I think that last response was unfair.
““Please just give everyone a chest, even if they haven’t logged in since August.”
No. That would be wrong.”Many posters at this stage have expressed in detail exactly why they think this would not be wrong. It is hardly a ridiculous request, and it at least deserves an explanation, or at least some kind of apology to fans in difficult timezones.
Yes, it would be wrong to give everyone a chest, because some people attended the event, participated, did their level best to kill the boss, etc. We’re being more than lenient, but giving a chest to everyone — even if they never logged in the whole weekend — would be seen as a way to diminish the time that those who participated put into the event. We’re being generous in giving chests, but giving to non-participants would be seen as unfair by a large number of our players.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Just for the record, I can not agree when you say: “Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress.”
Who is buying the percursors from the TP? And with what gold? When you have a system that mixes in-game gold with gems bought with real money in my opinion you can not say it does not impact us.
Best regards,
Very few of the initial loot drops contained precursors. Presumably, the drop rate is similarly low for the mailed-out chests. And the number of people likely to get an extra chest with a slim chance of a precursor (and an even slimmer chance for a very valuable one, like Dawn or Dusk) is even smaller. Doing something like giving a chest to everyone or anything else like that to try to make it absolutely equal would have an even bigger impact on the economy than an extra few precursors slipping their way onto the TP “unfairly.”
What do you mean you can’t make them even?
People that had 0 get 2, people that had 1, people that got more well call them mistake.
so how is that not even, everyone got 2. Or do what you are trying… someone got 1 someone got 2
There! Was that so hard Gaile? ^^
Players ARE reasonable, as long as they are not left completely in the dark. What has been so upsetting the last weeks is that all we got were standard cookie-cutter responses. Players are not stupid, some of us have been doing mmo’s for decades at this point, and most of us are able to recognize when someone is actually talking cooperate to us, which often feels outright insulting because it gives the impression that the company does not give a kitten about us as customers (and to be fair, most companies past a certain size do not give a kitten since they take their customers for granted.). Something as simple as putting aside an hour or two to just communicate with us and actually respond rather than simply bundle up threads and throw in the occasional “be nice to us when we screw you over or we delete your post.”, goes a long way towards adressing concerns.
Hell, it is possible that a simple bit of discussion during the world event, when the first concerns came up could have gone a long way towards preventing the PR disaster that it was. Good work actually communicating, and I hope that we will see you guys do that more often in the future in conjuction with things like this.
I’m not sure why the suggestion that has already been brought up, which says to patch things up by simply giving a chest to everyone who has not received one in the mail yet, is getting shut down. From an unbiased viewpoint, I see that as the only fair solution.
I appreciate that you’re trying to help, and thanks for the ideas. I can tell you why it won’t work, and you can see that in this very thread:
- But they got one and I attended. Give me two.
- But you accidentally gave my friend a chest and he already looted, where I was disconnected and couldn’t loot. Give me another.
- I wasn’t able to join because I was cleaning my mother’s basement.
Ok, I’m joking about the third one.
But honestly, we’re seeing all sorts of ideas, and believe me, every one of them has been considered and the only fair system has been developed and will continue to be refined until it addresses the issue for everyone as fairly as possible.
Will it be even-Steven? I guess not, with the errors made. Will it be ok? Yes, I think it will, if people will realize that there is no easy and complete solution that addresses every single possible aspect of this, and that, in the end, those who earned the chest will get one.
This really tickles my funnybone “will it be okay? yes i think it will”
methinks you have NO CLUE how the net works “and yes you can ban/kick me of the forum’s i’m done with this anyways”.
You made a mistake with the lost shore.. okay damage done, not too much of a deal.
A month later you do the EXACT same kitten, thinking oh the playerbase is too stupid to see it anyways.
And now your telling us that you are going to use the same exact method that utterly failed and is making your game look like kitten “but hey we are refining it?”
I have no more words,… the stupid it hurts.
Hi gail I did not attend the Event (at the time it happened) but did receive a mail.
I attended the First days event and the second day the event chains were broken all day for me, the third day i attended the event many hours after it had been completed (because of my timezone is AUS) i missed the actual third event as i was working..although i did login to the event that day.
Sadly i hope i get to keep my mail contents even though i missed the Actual event?
I think you will get a chest. I cannot say for certain, though, so please wait for the remedy.
Sorry you misunderstood my post, i have received the chest in the mail, even though i turned up many hours later to the event (after it happened), so technically i shouldn’t have received it?
But i have got the mail.
Hi gail I did not attend the Event (at the time it happened) but did receive a mail.
I attended the First days event and the second day the event chains were broken all day for me, the third day i attended the event many hours after it had been completed (because of my timezone is AUS) i missed the actual third event as i was working..although i did login to the event that day.
Sadly i hope i get to keep my mail contents even though i missed the Actual event?
I think you will get a chest. I cannot say for certain, though, so please wait for the remedy.
Dante said he already got a chest by mail even if he did not participated in the last event. Congratulations on your honesty Dante..:)
Is he receiving another chest as you say?
At this point, again, this does not impact you and your account and if, somewhere and for reasons we cannot ascertain, someone gets a chest without attendance at the event, then, well, I suggest you just let it go.
Sorry Gaile, this is beginning to seem like a dog pile but the quoted bit manages to be awful and insulting at the same time.
As people have asked, what are the parameters to determine who “earned” their chest? What of the login server not letting people log in to the event?
Actually clarifying what these parameters are would probably put alot of the community at rest and i can’t see a negative to simply telling us
That is not my decision to make. I will ask the team members involved in the distribution if they’re comfortable providing this level of information. Please understand that it’s later in the day here at the studio and even if they do give me the details and their ok to post, I may not be able to do that for a while.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Just for the record, I can not agree when you say: “Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress.”
Who is buying the percursors from the TP? And with what gold? When you have a system that mixes in-game gold with gems bought with real money in my opinion you can not say it does not impact us.
Best regards,
Very few of the initial loot drops contained precursors. Presumably, the drop rate is similarly low for the mailed-out chests. And the number of people likely to get an extra chest with a slim chance of a precursor (and an even slimmer chance for a very valuable one, like Dawn or Dusk) is even smaller. Doing something like giving a chest to everyone or anything else like that to try to make it absolutely equal would have an even bigger impact on the economy than an extra few precursors slipping their way onto the TP “unfairly.”
I can not agree with you. In my event of the 100 players there about 20 spammed the chat with their newly earned percursors.
Do you think 20% is low?
Hi gail I did not attend the Event (at the time it happened) but did receive a mail.
I attended the First days event and the second day the event chains were broken all day for me, the third day i attended the event many hours after it had been completed (because of my timezone is AUS) i missed the actual third event as i was working..although i did login to the event that day.
Sadly i hope i get to keep my mail contents even though i missed the Actual event?
I think you will get a chest. I cannot say for certain, though, so please wait for the remedy.
Gaile dont think you read his post properly :P
At this point, again, this does not impact you and your account and if, somewhere and for reasons we cannot ascertain, someone gets a chest without attendance at the event, then, well, I suggest you just let it go.
Sorry Gaile, this is beginning to seem like a dog pile but the quoted bit manages to be awful and insulting at the same time.
As people have asked, what are the parameters to determine who “earned” their chest? What of the login server not letting people log in to the event?
That’s a fair question, but if someone didn’t log in (and I’m assuming you mean for the full 72 hours?) how would we know? I honestly cannot say if there is an “attempted log-in” record, and at what point does that “earn” a chest? As I said, I’m not in a position to make these decisions, but I’m also unsure how other players would feel — “He never logged in and he got a chest? I attended all weekend and I get the same? This is unfair.” (And I don’t know that I disagree, but I see your point, too!)
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I can not agree with you. In my event of the 100 players there about 20 spammed the chat with their newly earned percursors.
Do you think 20% is low?
If it were 20% across every instance of the event, then no, it would not be low. It wasn’t anywhere near that high at the event I attended. I think it’s unlikely that 20% of all players who attended overall got precursors.
Ok Gaile,
We understand that someone above your pay grade is calling the shots on this one and you must align by the orthodoxy.
But please do not write posts like the last ones you wrote, completely different from the Gaile we are used to hear and answer us.
By the way, your forum is the only one where we get answers.
Yes, it would be wrong to give everyone a chest, because some people attended the event, participated, did their level best to kill the boss, etc. We’re being more than lenient, but giving a chest to everyone — even if they never logged in the whole weekend — would be seen as a way to diminish the time that those who participated put into the event. We’re being generous in giving chests, but giving to non-participants would be seen as unfair by a large number of our players.
But those who participated in the event get two (at least). Current situation (ignoring today):
1) Some people, in certain timezones and with no commitments, got to play the event and got a chest.
2) Some people, in certain timezones and with no commitments, got to play the event and got no chest.
3) Some people live in timeones that ANet is giving the impression they don’t care about, and some people who have real lives that ANet is giving the impression they don’t care about get neither the opportunity to play the event, nor the chest.
By giving everyone a chest, this changes to:
1) Some people, in certain timezones and with no commitments, got to play the event and got two chests.
2) Some people, in certain timezones and with no commitments, got to play the event and got one chest. They feel better than before, though still lose out a little.
3) Some people live in timeones that ANet is giving the impression they care about, and some people who have real lives that ANet is giving the impression they care about, don’t get to play the event, but get one chest.
Are you really not seeing why so many people are advocating the second option?
Just for the record, I can not agree when you say: “Some people were accidentally sent a second chest. That does not impact you and that should not cause you distress.”
Who is buying the percursors from the TP? And with what gold? When you have a system that mixes in-game gold with gems bought with real money in my opinion you can not say it does not impact us.
Best regards,
Very few of the initial loot drops contained precursors. Presumably, the drop rate is similarly low for the mailed-out chests. And the number of people likely to get an extra chest with a slim chance of a precursor (and an even slimmer chance for a very valuable one, like Dawn or Dusk) is even smaller. Doing something like giving a chest to everyone or anything else like that to try to make it absolutely equal would have an even bigger impact on the economy than an extra few precursors slipping their way onto the TP “unfairly.”
I can not agree with you. In my event of the 100 players there about 20 spammed the chat with their newly earned percursors.
Do you think 20% is low?
Unfortunately you saying that “20% of people got precursors” is ludicrous. Consider that not everyone posted about what items they got and that people are MUCH more likely to post about it if they did get a precursor.
I think Anet should have just given everyone a chest, whether they attended or not. Anet messed up in making it a one time event in the first place, regardless if everyone was given the head’s up as to when it would happen and that it would only happen once. People have jobs and lives and to expect everyone to schedule that around one event is ridiculous. Not to mention Anet didn’t take into account that some players might have issues getting logged in, or with crashing that would prevent them from attending the event let alone looting the chest. So Anet realized this, I think, and so they decided to make up for it by sending out chests, but they botched that too for all the reasons that the posts in this forum point out. If they had just given every player a chest, I think it would have prevented all the QQ’s, and made the majority of players happy. Even those who attended and got the loot wouldn’t mind getting more loot. I’m hoping future events are better planned out, and truly take into account technical issues as well as the human aspect. After all, if the event happens at noon for some players, it’s also happening at midnight for others and all times in between. That alone makes it difficult for everyone who wants to attend to be able to attend, let alone having crash/connection issues that might prevent them from attending. What harm would it have been to let the event occur multiple times over the course of 1 or 2 days? Just make the first loot of the chest by an account the ‘rare’ loot, and subsequent loots by the same account more common?
- Not everyone who got a chest in the event got a second chest later. Some did, yes, and they may keep the chest or — better still! — pay it forward by sharing with someone else. But most who got the chests didn’t get a second one.
I’ve known you for years (GW1 Ascalon gatherings, good days) and I am honestly so disappointed at your approach on this. Despite your commendable effort in soothing the community, this has to go on a “how not to do customer care” manual somewhere.
You are basically saying that so many people will wrongfully get an extra chest while others (and I don’t mean the ones with disconnecting issues, who have to yell to get what it’s due) will finish the event empty handed.
Every other MMO company has seen itself in this situation and has done the right thing. Please, please, please stop alienating your fan base and do the right thing too.
A player who has been hooked to GW since 2004 beta weekends.
I do see your point but, really, what do you suggest? That everyone who got one chest get a second? Interesting idea, but did you read my post above? Honestly, how does that work? What about the guy who looted three bosses and got a chest. Do we send everyone three more to balance him? The person who couldn’t join — and I’m very sympathetic with that! — does he get one for trying? Two because someone else got two? Or… more?
Player “Fred” joined the event, put in many hours, finished the event, and looted the boss. He got a chest. He did not get a second chest, but he got what he earned, so that seems ok.
Player “Mary” did all the same, but somehow, through an error, she was mailed a second chest. What’s the best remedy? Give everyone else a second chest? But for some, that would be their first chest, so they’d need two, I guess, and for some, that would be three more than they already got, and…
Well, the head just spins.
I think you guys are reading more heat into my words than I intend. I really want to explain and to help with this situation, and I hope you’ll understand I’m trying very hard to explain how difficult it would be to balance this even while understanding that you would like everything to be corrected. But with connection issues, with some players successfully looting, others unable to do so for one reason or another, and then the (admitted) errors in distribution, I’m just not at all sure what is truly fair for all players. Because there are so many different players involved: participants, out of timezone people, disconnected players, players unable to join a server, non-participants, recipients of multiple rewards…
Please bear with us, and do understand we are doing our level best to come to the best resolution, even if that may not be the resolution that you, personally, would desire. In the greater picture, I believe the resolution that the devs will choose will be the most fair resolution possible.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Please read before writing. I said that from the 100 people with me about 20 spammed chat with newly acquired percursors.
Any doubts now?
We are not saying that people that got Chest + One in mail another one just balance it. Surely your script must have log and just go trough and see who got it… send the rest one.
EDIT: At least that’s my idea. We’ll see what’s yours
But those who participated in the event get two (at least).
No, not everyone who participated was mailed a chest. It wasn’t that simple. The chests were mailed — with some admitted errors — to those who participated and who we believe had not received a chest.
Yep, errors were made. But nope, not everyone who was there got a second chest.
We are not saying that people that got Chest + One in mail another one just balance it. Surely your script must have log and just go trough and see who got it… send the rest one.
But yeah I don’t even care for it anymore, just these last two days were wierd, and I guess some people got rich by mistake
That’s what we tried to do, yes. Unfortunately, it seems it wasn’t possible to accurately ascertain who got a chest and who did not so some got another one.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I Just have to say I do apreciate Gaile taking the time to post as much as she has in this thread and attempted to anwser questions to the best of her ability. I myself may have come across a little harsh in some of my posts however i am atempting to show the other side of what people are feeling at the min and what questions need to be anwserd.
I also understand that gaile dosent have the final say and its “higher ups” that actually make those decisions. I like others are just wondering who actually gets the chest.
My situation was i completed the 2 first events i was then logged in all the way to the point event 3 started i got a dc well my game crashed like it does in fractals evry 5 mins with black screen of death then i coudlnt log in until after the event ended. Even when i logged back in it was still buggy and it said there was no one in the guild for a short time (we have over 150 peeps in guild)
I also hope gaile that you do see it from a players perspective having people that got the chest that didnt attend any of the events but were simply online seems very unfair for players that tried to participate in the event and got dc’d or couldnt even log in :/
anyways thanks so far i am sure the whole community although currently useing you as a punching bag do appreciate your help and activity on the forum. your the first point of contact so you seem to have to soak up all these complaints
I read it again and I understand what you meant now. However, yes I do still have doubts. A 20% drop rate for precursors would be insane, I’m pretty sure it would just break the game. Even the unique skins at Halloween had a much much lower drop rate than that an they weren’t worth nearly as much. I suppose I don’t have any logical evidence to dispute this other than the fact that it just makes no sense for it to be that high.
I also hope gaile that you do see it from a players perspective having people that got the chest that didnt attend any of the events but were simply online seems very unfair for players that tried to participate in the event and got dc’d or couldnt even log in.
Oh gosh yes, I do see that very clearly! I only wish there was a way to make everyone happy!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
While I appreciate all you’re doing for us, Gaile, I think you might be overthinking things on a scale similar to how some may be reading too much heat into your words.
Take my situation, for example:
I played the first part of the event, despite horrific lag.
I skipped the second part due to commitments elsewhere, however I was online & playing.
I couldn’t attend the third part, IE, the final boss & reward chest part, because I couldn’t even get past the client.
If I was lucky enough to get an authentication email, it would time out.
If I was lucky enough to get it to authenticate, the game would outright refuse to load.
I performed all standard & some advancedtroubleshooting on my PC, laptop & router throughout a good few hours.
Baring in mind I had ZERO problems earlier that day (event day) & ZERO problems the day after. It was purely the event day evening where I could not log in what-so-ever.
As I understand your posts (I’ve read them all throughout this thread), similar situations to mine, you’ve said you would think I’d receive a chest. Well I haven’t (just checked while writing this). I understand there’s problems but…really…
It’s going to be impossible to balance “fairness for every single individual in every single situation”, you’re right. You are inevitably right & anyone who denies that point is just being stubborn.
So what’s the best bet? What if you roll out this “dev teams chosen fair fix” & people who tried in vain to attend but couldn’t, don’t get a chest?
Surely it’s better to rectify the problem en masse & ensure everyone has at bare minimum one chest, as the original intent for the event?
I’ve gotta be honest, I won’t be the only one VASTLY disappointed if I end up potless, despite a “fairest possible fix”.
Thanks again for all you’re doing & if you read this, thanks for taking the time. Just needed to get myself heard, as I’m sure you can understand.
Just want to know, what is the team going to do with those “lucky” ones who receive a chest incorrectly (either already gotten the chest from the event itself, or those who did not attend and gotten the mail)? Are the other players just going to let it go again? This is beginning to look like the whole karma fiasco again, where those who exploited the game got away with it and the others was suppose to move on….
Not saying that those who incorrectly receive the chest from the mail should be punish, (since it’s not their fault at all for receiving the mail), but compensation should be given to the others who didn’t receive 1 at all.
BTW, I don’t think anyone will come forward and admit that they incorrectly receive a chest. Its like admitting to a crime. People are afraid that their acc will be investigated and their chest remove.