Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eyelusion.8205


From Eyelusion:

“The Guild Wars 2 Support Team,

I’m replying again because this wait is ridiculous. It’s been 9 days since I sent this ticket.

I fully understand the need to look deeper into accounts you think might be behaving incorrectly, but I didn’t do any botting. Does a bot:

1. Play 400 hours on one character, mostly in WvW?
2. Get over 5,000 kills in WvW?
3. Complete the Wintersday achevement?
4. Get all mini endless potions and minis for Wintersday?
5. Never sell gold?
6. Buy approximately $150 in gems with money, not gold?
7. Buy Wintersday presents from the gem store?
8. Buy black lion keys from the gem store?
9. Complete 40% of the map?
I can keep going. What I did was farm in an area and you mistakenly think I was botting.

Because this ban is now 9 days old, I’m getting seriously close to the end of my patience.

If my account isn’t reinstated soon, I’ll be forced to demand for a full refund of all gems purchased in your game and I will not touch it again. I do not want to do this, but your obvious avoidance of reasonably responding to your false botting accusation and ban is more than insulting and a deficiency of good service.

I’ve been upset, but I’m getting mad now. If this continues without an appropriate response, I will pursue action.



Incident: 130109-002425

Thank you for whomever read this post and reset my account so I can use it again. Although I believe it took way too long, I’m happy to report I have full access and nothing was taken from my account.

Ele’s Pwn J00!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xqzmehh.4630


I would friendly request someone here to look into this case 130103-000288
My friend is contacting the support for 2 weeks now but they denie to give him any information about why he got banned. They keep denying to actualy read his ticket and in first weeks did not reply at all only gave posts back with messages every of the 200 banned got.

Gaily had it under review since last week but he got unpatient after another week and updated his ticket with the question what actualy was under review. I realy wish he would read it and contact him cause how support handles him is pure madness…

He is requesting simple information like why he got punnished the same as players who abused the mithril version. Or if he would have been punnished the same if there only was an unproffitable orichalcum version and no proffitable mithril version. And they denie to give it to him.
What madness is it if you ban a player and don’t give him information with why he exactly got banned and what he is blamed for.

If you only look at his case and forget about the other real exploiters it basicly is that he got permabanned for testing what a new recipe can offer without getting any suspision that he was “exploiting”. Because to be fair who thinks of exploiting when he is making loss on testing something and doesn’t see sudden price changes in the required mats. He just kept doing it over a 100 times to check the gained glob per exotic(1.2)

At least give him information why the devolopment team decided to also ban the orichalcum version. They did it with mithril(huge profit + destroying mithril/t5 snowflake market on porpuse).
So something like we thought that persons who do something over a 100 times must have been making profit.

He probaly even is the only person who made the orichalcum version over a 100 times cause who the kittens make a recipe over a 100 times when they are obviously making a loss. So why not give him a personal treatment in stead of threating him like the 199 others who kittened up the market and made 300 G proffit in a few hours.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: 18 January 2013

130109-002425 Resolved
130109-000300  Resolved
130109-000140 Resolved
130106-002397 Final response sent yesterday
130104-003085 Final response sent yesterday
130103-001729 Agent responded yesterday
130106-002397 Final answer sent today
130103-000288 Final answer sent today
121219-001928 Final answer sent yesterday; the account cannot be released or reenabled.
121117-000122 Final answer sent today
121227-003320 Final answer sent 1/15
130103-000131 I followed up on this again today
130103-003231 I followed up on this again today
130104-000818 I followed up on this again today
121227-002593 I followed up on this again today

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xqzmehh.4630


130103-000288 Final answer sent today
So you are also denying to help my friend?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Huiwu.5713


130103-000288 Final answer sent today
So you are also denying to help my friend?

Yeah,121117-000122 Final answer sent that means I can’t get my account released? if it is,I’d be really disappointed and It will be hard to re-regist a new account and create a new character to continue playing,because I’ll have to restart from ZERO and I’m sure that I won’t have a lot of fun anymore.

(edited by Huiwu.5713)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Albus.8614


Hi Gaile,

I’m very grateful that you looked into ticket 130106-002397, for which you posted “final answer sent today”. Support says again that I cannot reactive the account. This matter was simply a billing mistake, and I don’t understand why I cannot just pay the balance owed to regain the account. I hoped that as a business, ncsoft/anet would not want to deny money from a willing customer.

I was hoping as the liaison to support you would in some way be able to intercede on my behalf. As of right now, it seems like support (not you) doesn’t really care whether I play or not, and that makes me feel pretty bad considering how long I’ve been a supporter of this game.

If there is any kind of appeal process, or anything else you can do to help, I would greatly appreciate it.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hiooih.4603


I wrote a fairly large post about a friend’s ticket that has been going on for about a month and my thread was closed and I was told to post here. The base of it is that my friend is not the most patient person and did not actually read what was replied to him and did not give them anything they needed to help him with his account. The base of it is that his account one day was disabled as the credit card owner (his father) denied the charge because he did not recognize NCsoft was the charge for Guild Wars 2. With the refunded money, he bought a new serial code and attempted to put it on his account and he still could not log in. In the ticket they asked for order #s and the first serial code he had on his account and he only replied with the second one several times as again he didn’t read through it and felt that the 2nd code was more useful than anything. He has now, after over a month given up trying to get back his account and shown me the message stream between him and Anet which prompted me to make such a thread here to see if I can get back his account for him. I have access to both the first and second serial codes, as well as purchase numbers and would be more than willing to provide them so the situation can be fixed in a non-public thread/PM.
The issue stream in question is:
Blocked/Suspended Account [Incident: 121222-000291]

Thanks in advance.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xmAmBox.9483


Hi Gaile,

I am writing this on behalf of my friend.

His guildwars 2 account has been terminated due to botting, extended unattended play, using macros, or similar behavior.Attempting to automate gameplay through any means or attempting to circumvent idle-time restrictions in any way is in violation of the user agreement and rules of conduct.The account closure is permanent.

This is the 2nd time his account was ban due to the same reason, the previous time he got ban was when he was in a cof p3 , this time after wvw-ing he got banned once again.

There was a update on the ticket by admin but there was no response to it.
could you look into it. Thanks in advance

Ticket 130118-000360

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sea.9241


Hi Gaile Gray, Im writing this for my friend because he couldn’t get access in the forum page, his ticket was 130118-000215, theres was a update from 1 admin on friday 18/01/01 about transfering ticket to the support team, however, he waits for 3 days already and theres no response/updated email yet. In addition, care you please followed up for him please,he got banned because selling/buying golds in real money, however, he didn;t buy or sell he just lend his friend some money, the details are in the ticket,

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhino Nuts.6208

Rhino Nuts.6208


it was said to be replied but my friend cant see the reply. anyway he didnt play the game because of exam and boom! he was banned. accused of gold selling. He did transfer some gold but that was just between him and me. no one else.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kendra Nightwind.8734

Kendra Nightwind.8734

Gail; thank you for spurring the techs to look at my case (130105-002862). The issue is turning out to be quite a nightmare and well beyound the scope of what I had hoped would be needed to correct.
I never thought it would be such a nightmare to reenable e-mail authentication.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: 21 January 2013

130118-000360 Resolved
130118-000215 Resolved
121109-000541 I followed up on this today
130105-002862  Under review; thank you for the detailed report
130106-002397 We have no control over this, as it was a charge-back. I’m sorry but we cannot release the account.
121222-000291 Final answer sent 1/20, and it was explained that we cannot release this account, since it was involved in a charge-back. You are welcome to start a new account, but this one is permanently terminated.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hiooih.4603


Update: 21 January 2013

130118-000360 Resolved
130118-000215 Resolved
121109-000541 I followed up on this today
130105-002862  Under review; thank you for the detailed report
130106-002397 We have no control over this, as it was a charge-back. I’m sorry but we cannot release the account.
121222-000291 Final answer sent 1/20, and it was explained that we cannot release this account, since it was involved in a charge-back. You are welcome to start a new account, but this one is permanently terminated.

Hi Gaile, I told my friend that he would have to make a new account however when he attempted to use the second serial code he bought to register (which he paid for and the charge was not denied like how the account was terminated in the first place) And it gave him the error “Serial code already registered” when he entered it in. In your reply I was under the impression that the account is banned as the first serial code is no longer valid and he should make a new account and the second code would work. I’m not sure how your systems would say that two codes would be registered to the banned account. Can you see about releasing the second code that was purchased or refunding the money? The order number is 31099385 for you to look it up.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hi Gaile, I told my friend that he would have to make a new account however when he attempted to use the second serial code he bought to register (which he paid for and the charge was not denied like how the account was terminated in the first place) And it gave him the error “Serial code already registered” when he entered it in. In your reply I was under the impression that the account is banned as the first serial code is no longer valid and he should make a new account and the second code would work. I’m not sure how your systems would say that two codes would be registered to the banned account. Can you see about releasing the second code that was purchased or refunding the money? The order number is 31099385 for you to look it up.

This is something that your friend needs to continue to discuss with Support. It sounds like something they’ll need to research from the codes on up.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhino Nuts.6208

Rhino Nuts.6208


anyone checking on this? i dont see the update here.

Case 1: He was online for a short while to gain the gold achievement that he has already voice out to support, “130107-000823”, support agreed. But he still got banned.

Case2: He was having exams , so he didnt log on for multiple days, just one. perhaps his account got compromised.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: esadora.2574


Dear Gaile
I am writing on behalf of my boyfriend Sanctus.3725, trouble ticket reference 130122-000013.
It has been several days since he appealed to remove the ban on his account on the false allegation of gold trading. I myself together with his best friend have already testified to his innocence and awaiting a reply on the matter. We have sent our emails with our explanation and testimony to your support staff, and they assured us a hasty respones but have not come back to us at all.
Please do take note that we are avid fans of Guild Wars 2 and would very much love to support the game for many years to come as long as it is here and running. My boyfriend runs a guild and is beloved by its members, so stripping him away is putting alot of us in distress as he leads us daily in our WvW activities.
On the verge of begging, please look into this matter for us. We look forward to a hasty reply. On behalf of myself, my boyfriend and his best friend, we thank you for looking into this matter with haste in advance.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: 24 January 2013

130122-000013 Resolved
130104-000818 Resolved
130119-001946 Agent responded today

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ham.3614


continuation of 130107-002285. new support ticket is 130125-000659 since the old one is closed. same issue. /facepalm

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: devilzu.5893


check this pls

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brutalis.9231



please check this incident:
Login issues [Incident: 130121-000041]

User is still waiting for a response and has not been able to resolve the issue with the automated system.

Thank you.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

[Incident: 130121-001351]

CD key info was requested days ago, and I provided it. Got a quick response saying it was “escalated” but haven’t heard from you guys since.

I understand it might take some time but given the fact that the first 2 replies (non-automated) came within the same day it kind of feels like you forgot about me

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hakenden.7306



Please check on 130125-000113. I am using my friend’s account to post this message.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sectator.2314


Ticket Number: 130125-000010

Incident Number: 130125-002095

Account Name: Squirrelbane.2510

Was perma banned 3+ days ago for suspected gold selling. He sent ~10g to a friend he has had on his list since Beta and his ticket hasent been reviewed yet. He has updated his ticket quite a few times even included his passport to prove he is in fact not a gold seller. He has 3-4k hours between GW1 and GW2, and has supported this game since the beginning.

Please take a look at his ticket, he is one of the most honest guys i know and has put a ton of work into his account (including getting a legendary) and he deserves to have his account restored.

RESOLVED, much thanks

(edited by Sectator.2314)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valinerya.6713


Ticket number: 130123-002266

My ticket was forwarded to another team the day I submitted it, but I never got any response. Thank you for looking into this!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hands.9018


Check this please .. already 3 days

I know how loyal this guy is .. he brought me to this game and he is too addicted to it.. help him or im sure he will get sick all he does is talking about this game and how amazing it is.
I know he will never buy gold it seems some bad people dragged him to exchange currencies from another game to GW2 which to be honest even me, didnt know its not allowed. so please take a look and rethink about it.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dheath.3968


I submitted a ticket for a refund. The last response I got was the automated response on December 28, 2012. The incident number is 121228-002364

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


So, my account was permanently banned for….what I don’t know.

I was told that I was banned for botting, unacceptable behavior, using macros or something else – none of which I have ever done. My account has never been hacked, I’ve never bought gold or anything of the such.

My account was banned WHILE I was playing WvW.

What caused this and how can I be sure that this won’t happen again?

Incident: 130127-002255

The Royal Guard –
Isle of Janthir

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shar.6873


After an hour of posting this incident was resolved. Thank you very much! We appreciate your hard work

Blocked/Suspended [Incident: 130125-000092]

Dear Gaile,
We hope this message finds you well. We request for your assistance in the ticket stated above.
The account was banned due to gold/items trading for real money.
Nothing of the sort happened. This is a big mistake.
Gold/items were exchanged between real life family (which I am a part of) members.
Proof of ownership via Key Codes/ Order numbers/Name and pertinent info per account was given/IP addresses and even a Birth Certificate was sent in.
There is no response yet after 4 days.
Please help us in restoring the account that was blocked.

(edited by Shar.6873)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Waffles.1084


I am posting behalf of a friend who cannot post on forums due to a permanent ban for gold selling and exchange for real world money. I was helping my friend with his crafting titles and sent crafting materials through mail. I assure you we did no engage in anything that is against the rules of EULA. I sent a small amount of gold to him so he could pay the listing fees for the Black Lion Trading Company to sell his stuff he crafted.

[Incident: 130125-002095]

(edited by Waffles.1084)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I am posting on behalf of a friend who cannot post on forums due to a permanent ban,

Account name: Ethereal.3294
Ticket: 130125-002260

thank you

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CDillio.3451


Ticket Number: 130127-000083
Account name: CDillio.3451

Haven’t heard back from support other than automated responses, have no idea why my account is suspended. No information has been given to me.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vomitory.2534


Reference #: 130127-000357
Account Name: Vomitory.2534

One of my character names has been deemed “inappropriate” for some reason. I was sitting afk ingame when my account was logged out and i log back in to find that my main char’s name (vomitory) has to now be changed. Im guessing someone decided to report my name. I was wondering if it was possible to remove the name from the list. I do not see why that name is so wrong when i have used it countless times in other games. There are far worse names that i have come across during my playtime.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jam Clock Eye.4329

Jam Clock Eye.4329

Ticket #: 130125-000372
Account name: CHiLLiN.9265
I’m writing this on behalf of my guildmate and friend who cannot access the forum himself. Ticket was filed on 1/24th for unjust banning of account due to accused RMT / Gold selling. This person is the leader of my guild and an active player on the server. He is not a bot, nor does he cheat / buy gold. I can testify to this and we would like to see that proper justice is done with the reinstatement of his account. He has provided adequate information and even shown pictures of guild events in order to prove to you he is not a bot. If you would like I can also get other guild members to come on and testify on his behalf. Thanks Gaile.

Commander Catnip

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: uly.2058


Support ticket#: 130122-001149
Account name: Saban.1986

Hi, I have been waiting for 7 days for the response from the Senior Support Team to assist on account login issue. The support ticket is 130122-001149. My brother couldn’t log in the account after sending 30 gold to me to buy some runes and help me to complete my armor. Is there anything wrong with it? The next day I even return him 10 gold but he told me account was banned for no reason. We’d like to know what’s going on and if you need any testify that he is a genuine player, just PM any of our guild members in game randomly at any time. Everyone in guild knows him as a helpful person. Kindy revert asap as the whole guild is waiting for him.

(edited by uly.2058)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sock Mullet.9563

Sock Mullet.9563

Ticket reference: 130126-000663
Account Name: Zyklus.7289

Dear Gaile,

Just writing in to check that status of my brother’s Guild Wars 2 account. I had just convinced him to finally buy the game, but within 4 or so hours of playing (we had only reached ~level 10 and were just doing our first WvW match together) he was wrongfully banned mid skirmish with the opposing factions – apparently for using a third party program.

It has been just over 72 hours and his ticket that he put in has not been resolved, despite following the recommended steps in appealing a wrongfully terminated account.

He has been a hardcore gamer for around 10 years and has never botted or used any third party programs or hacks and I have no idea what could possibly have flagged his account for this type of behaviour.

Would really appreciate some help in rectifying the matter please! He is itching to play, but it has been a shame his initial impression of the game has been slightly spoiled by a wrongful ban.


Tom and Matt.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Athena.2710


Ticket reference #1 (Waiting since Thursday) : 130119-002283
Ticket reference #2 (New ticket) : 130128-002005
Account Name : Meowy.3056

Dear Gaile,

On the French forum, moderator block my post and they don’t help me. I have been waiting for 7 days for the response from the Senior Support Team to assist on my account bann issue.

I think I was bann automatically because I’ve sent 100 gold at my friend. Sorry if the ticket is in French.

Thank you,

PS : It is the account of my friend.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluesins.5167


Hello , my friend just got banned one hour later after mailing 30 lodestones and got no response from support in three days , can you please check his support ticket and account? Ticket number 130128-000440 account name Valthox.3429

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TTGP.8517


since my friend is blocked and it seems like he cant even post here i am doing it for him:

ticket reference: 130125-001038
account name: Jongkata.3192

Dear Gale,

I have been banned for using a 3rd party program. i submitted the ticket 4 days ago and the reply said I use third party. After that I replyed the mail. Since then i got no answer from cs. I did not use a 3rd party program. If you look into my account you will see that i dont even play very much, so there is no reason to use a cheat or hack be it farming, dungeon running or wvw.
I am sharing my internet over a splitter with multiple parties in my house, could that have triggered a flag?
I’m sorry for troubling u but I really want to continue playing GW2 as soon as possible.

Thank you and Best Regard,
Edward Chin

that posted he normally plays together with me and if its any help i can assure u he did not bot or hack.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Foreverzero.1082


Edit: Ticket #: Hacked Account [Incident: 130126-003031]?

I stopped playing the game a while back, and my account was hacked shortly after. My friend noticed someone was farming on it 24/7 and so I reset all the information for my account and email. I didn’t start playing the game again immediately. But now I would like to, but my account is now deactivated because of suspicious activity. Please help.

I created a ticket for this issue on 1/26 and they said my ticket was transferred to the account support department. I haven’t received any confirmation that my ticket was transferred or contact from anyone. I sent a request for some information on the status of my ticket, but there was no reply.

Also, I tried making contact using my support account, but apparently my password is wrong or I forgot it. I tried to reset my password but the email never came. I sent a request for my username to see if I was really failing, but the request for that came through. So I don’t know, maybe my support account got disabled too?

(edited by Foreverzero.1082)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hanferdo.9826


Ticket #: 130127-001362

Dear Gaile,

My account (entourage.2914) was wrongfully terminated after receiving gold/materials from this account which is belong to my brother (as in a real family). I’ve included as much details as possible in the ticket filed to the support team, but I haven’t heard anything from them…

I’d really appreciate if you could review my case. Although I did not include any birth certificates, but the credit card used to purchase both accounts (Hanferdo.9826 and entourage.2914) was in fact the same card (and thus, has the same last four digits—which is included in the ticket), which, in my opinion, somewhat proves the real-life relationship between Hanferdo.9826 and entourage.2914.

Thank you for your help in advance!


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xina.1963


My friend’s account (Styrka.2065) with Incident: 130127-000208 has been in limbo since Saturday with no reply.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: 29 January 2012

130107-002285, 130125-000659 Resolved
130121-000041 Resolved
130121-001351 Resolved
130124-001151 Resolved
130125-000010 Resolved
130125-000092 Resolved
130125-000113 Resolved
130125-000607 Resolved
130125-001038 Resolved
130125-002260 Resolved
130126-000663 Resolved
130126-003031 Resolved
130127-000083 Resolved
130127-002255 Resolved
121228-002364 This was resolved last November. You were never charged for the game, so no refund is due you.
130127-000208 Under review
130127-001362 Under review
130119-002283 Under review; please continue to discuss with reviewing agent.
130125-000372 Under review; please continue to discuss with reviewing agent.
130128-000440 Your friend was suspended for a chat violation
130125-002095 Agent responded 1/28
130127-000357 Agent responded 1/28
130122-001149  Final answer was sent to your brother in December; will not be responded to again.
130123-002266 I followed up on this today

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eclipses.7152



While technically resolved, it does nothing to answer my question. I have access restored to my account, but I don’t even know why I was banned. I don’t even know why it was restored.

What happened? How can I make sure it doesn’t happen again? I didn’t even get an apology for the interruption of service.

The Royal Guard –
Isle of Janthir

(edited by Eclipses.7152)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager



While technically resolved, it does nothing to answer my question. I have access restored to my account, but I don’t even know why I was banned. I don’t even know why it was restored.

What happened? How can I make sure it doesn’t happen again? I didn’t even get an apology for the interruption of service.

From what I’m seeing the extensive notes involving your account, it appears your account was compromised. We retrieved your account from the control of a hacker and returned it to you. I do not feel that an apology is called for, since we were not at all involved in nor responsible for the fact that the account was hacked.

I’m glad that you’re back in the game. You’re welcome to discuss this with the team via the ticket if you have additional questions.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Valinerya.6713


Re: 130123-002266

Thank you for fixing my problem! Much appreciated!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: uly.2058


Appealing to response to “130122-001149 Final answer was sent to your brother in December; will not be responded to again.”

Dear Gaile,

I find it ridiculous to ban my brother’s account for sending me 30 gold. In the December, he was helping our guildie to craft a legendary weapon and supported him with some gold to buy materials. This is a gesture of giving a friend an e-Christmas gift during Christmas. He was then maligned for gold selling and banned for the 1st time. We verified with proof of purchase and testimonials that he is NOT a gold trader. It was then cleared that he did not break any of your clauses such as ‘engaged in gathering items to be sold for cash or other items with real world value.’

2 weeks ago, he sent ONLY 30 gold to help me on crafting 2 runes and got banned. I even returned him some gold right after I run a few runs of raids the next day. Does this break any clauses of ‘engaged in gathering items to be sold for cash or other items with real world value.’ at all?? Why is he banned again???? Please check the game log to verify.

Support ticket#: 130122-001149
Account name: Saban.1986

(edited by uly.2058)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Llyrx.3497


Hello I’m posting on behalf of a friend Valthox.3429.
The ticket number 130128-000440.

Four days have passed since he was permanently banned and he has filed an appeal with no luck of a reply as of yet, as he was an active player of 8+ hours a day this has been quite distressing for him and he has asked me to post here on his behalf in hopes that he may soon get a response to his appeal.

Thank you.

Kiridono – GL of RE
Overseer of NEO Alliance

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rwolf.9571


Posting for a friend, hope it gets resolved!

Ticket Reference: 130127-000318

User : Feral Lightningpaws.2359

“I did not participate in any gold selling yet my account was permanently banned for no reason. I submitted a ticket 5 days ago and only to receive a generic reply to the legal documentation of the game. No action was taken to release my account back. Can someone in the support team look into this matter? I am unable to post on the forum as such.”

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eclipses.7152



While technically resolved, it does nothing to answer my question. I have access restored to my account, but I don’t even know why I was banned. I don’t even know why it was restored.

What happened? How can I make sure it doesn’t happen again? I didn’t even get an apology for the interruption of service.

From what I’m seeing the extensive notes involving your account, it appears your account was compromised. We retrieved your account from the control of a hacker and returned it to you. I do not feel that an apology is called for, since we were not at all involved in nor responsible for the fact that the account was hacked.

I’m glad that you’re back in the game. You’re welcome to discuss this with the team via the ticket if you have additional questions.

This is preposterous. My account wasn’t hacked. When you disabled the account for being hacked – it was actually ME playing in WvW.

If my account HAD been hacked, all of my gold, high level ores and what have you would have been sold. If someone had tried to access my account other than me – I would have received an email that xxx was trying to access from xxx (which I did back in October and since changed my password) – but since then I did not.

Your system is faulty. I wasn’t hacked.

The Royal Guard –
Isle of Janthir

(edited by Eclipses.7152)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tigruma.2630


Hello, I’m posting for a friend.

Ticket reference: 130127-002358
Account Name: Constmar.3214

“It’s been 3 days already and no reply to the ticket, can you check it and unblock his account?”(seems he got banned for botting,yet his account is only 10 days old and he just made it to lv 80