Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Druydo.2354


my reference number is #121113-003557
Bought the game this saturday and in 4 days which is today, i am being suspended by some account issues which are not explained, first time such thing happening in more then 10 years of MMORPG experience, please, i am asking you Gaile Gray to deal with it or enlighten me or any kind of explanation according to issue which i dont think there are any, as soon as possible….
thanks in advance

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BearArms.1654



Only posting it again because you said you were using your last update as a mark and my ticket number was posted before that post. Sorry if this is unnecessary.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silver.5427


My account was wrongfully banned. Please review my ticket. I submitted the ticket 3 days ago. Haven’t received a response as of yet.

[Incident: 121111-000266]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gene Rojo.4207

Gene Rojo.4207

121010-002397 My Ticket is not being announced here Gaile Gray. I’ve been monitoring your post about the tickets and i can’t seem to find my ticket 121010-002397. It’s about a fake Fraudulent purchase which is not true coz i bought the game from an original retail store here in the Philippines. This is the 4th Day. Please do something about this.

My Ticket 121010-002397

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Layzie.3581


Posting again as my account is still closed.

Ticket # 121111-003008

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Quasimodo.6529


I was banned on 11/08 for botting. Before this i were in the 80lv area farming for the events for karam and also play WvW, dungeons everyday! I have sent two tickets for
complaining my situation. But the reply were made me so disappointed. Its just like
a botter. If i was wrong i won’t post too much complaints. Its wasting my time and wasting your time! As a foreign player, i confess i used VPN software to improve my
game speed, but it won’t make me be the automate gameplayer. I have two lv80 characters now and be the manual player all the time. I need some fair and satisfied response, please!

Incident: 121109-000601
Incident: 121108-001076

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager



Only posting it again because you said you were using your last update as a mark and my ticket number was posted before that post. Sorry if this is unnecessary.

This is precisely correct and thank you. If I have a marker (in my big ol’ post just above) then I know the ones below are more current then going back pages on the forum posts. Thanks for understanding.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Breeze.1273


Hi Gaile
Just saw ur thread above.
looks like u working so hard. thx for ur effort no matter how this will end up.
alright, let’s make it short and precise.
I got two tickets up now.
both are not on ur list above.
both are more than 3days old.
ticket no. and status are following :

121106-003136 (In progress)
121111-001909 (Updated)

I thought I’v closed older ticket but when I just checked it a min ago, it turned into
‘in progress’ with no another response. just reporting.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dime Baggins.1058

Dime Baggins.1058

Re-posting because my account is still closed 3+ days and not listed above:

Reference # 121110-002927

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chronus.1398


Ok so I submitted a ticket last week about being wrongfully suspended for apparently “not paying” but when I contacted pay pal about it they said everything was fine and that they had contacted arena net about it. But this was 4 days ago and I sent the ticket in 5 days ago I got 2 responses the first day but now nothing. What do I do?
If someone could look into this that would be nice. Sorry if this is wrong spot to post but getting a little tired of waiting. Thank You.
[Incident: 121109-002076]?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: davidmendesgd.3586


Reference Number: 121110-003034

3+ Days, still not even a single response to the ticket. It’s like there is 0 acknowledgment from Arena Net on this automatic anti-botting ban problem.

Question: Why does your system still continue to ban people if there are SO many customers having trouble?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kcchang.3168


Posting again, my account is still blocked and not in the list.

1. Ticket #121108-000371

2. bought from official website the with my own credit card

3. I called the bank. They authorized the payment and give me the auth code: 555756

Purchased on 11/6/2012 [GMT+8]
Was Playing on 11/7/2012 [GMT+8]
When I logged in on 11/8/2012 [GMT+8], it was blocked

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CodingYokai.2570


Hi Gaile,

My ticket number: #121110-000361

Quick summary: My serial code is from a physical retail copy of Guild Wars 2. But I was banned. The supporter said “The Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create your Guild Wars 2 game account was initially purchased from our site fraudulently.” That make no sense to me.

In my ticket. I attached a photo taken the serial code in the Guild Wars 2 box.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Quin.8327


Incident: 121110-002029
been 3 days

I was farming gold in Cursed Shore by hand. First I got pulled back a couple of times (rubber banding). Next I got logged out it seemed. Treid to log back in to find the banned for botting message.
I farm by hand not with third party applications.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: EASE.3096


My ticket number: 121111-000203
Date Created: 11/10/2012
Status: Updated

Before my account is terminated, I was doing my personal story, exploring the map in Cursed Shore. During this time I finished some dynamic events in Cursed Shore, and also went to Wayfarer Foothills to explore map. Thus, all the things were finished by myself when I was in front of my computer. Therefore, I really can’t understand why my account is terminated due to botting, or macros or similar behavior.

been 4 days

(edited by EASE.3096)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hinzi.2761


[Incident: 121111-002801]

account was banned 3 days ago, on the 11th. wasn’t doing anything that should have gotten my account flagged…..unless it is against the rules to group with your hubby while playing…both our accounts were banned…his was reinstated the next day, I still haven’t gotten an email regarding my ticket. Thank you in advance for your time in fixing this.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluerebelmedia.9514


My account was banned and I’ve been accused of using a stolen credit card to buy a fraudulent copy of the game.

- Ticket submitted November 11th.
- Purchased November 8th.
- Purchased through
- I WAS charged. No, it’s not pending, I’ve been charged.
- I’ve sent support the CC billing info, zip code, address etc. through my support ticket.
- Sent PDF copy of the confirmation from the bank that I was charged through my support ticket.

No response since they said I was using a stolen credit card on 11/11. It’s now November 14th, I’ve updated my ticket multiple times with helpful and useful information proving my innocence of the crimes (literally) Anet is accusing me of and proving they have my money.

At this point Anet has committed a fraud by taking my money and not delivering the product. I’d like the situation rectified as soon as possible and expect an apology for being accused of criminal actions when there was none, and being forced to wait days for an answer on a mistake completely made by ArenaNet who had no problem taking my money.

Ticket ID: 121111-001892

(edited by bluerebelmedia.9514)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Camel Jockey III.2176

Camel Jockey III.2176

Ref Number: 121009-003053

Hey, so my problem is I accidentally disputed all of my GW2 charges since I didn’t know the connection between ANET and NCSOFT, which understandably, is my fault. When I got a reply (about 2 weeks after cancelling one) Hurricane Sandy moved into New York for bit. Due to that and other college related issues, I hadn’t been able to cancel the disputes. However, they are finally cancelled now and its been a week and a half and not reply. I really hope I can make the Lost Shores event this Friday. :/

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bwoy.6721


My problem was still processing?
You said it was a reason to sell gold.
Sure to check my logs.
I have never earned more than 20 Gold.
it is even the story of a recently
I bought the jam with gold
And I bought bank space with jam.
Is this problem?
I know cash transaction consists of 100 gold units.
I have never had more than 20 gold.
You need to determine exactly what my log.
It’s not my fault.
Give me my account back.

Ticket no. 121110-000383
Created date 11/09/2012

(edited by Bwoy.6721)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarK.1839


Not in the ticket list, no answer apart from the copy paste fraudulent code response everyone else got. If something did happen in the billing system, I don’t want to be paying twice for the game ;/

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KILO.6483


Ticket/Reference #: 121112-000152

Purchased on: November 8, 2012
Purchased from:
Credit card charged, charge still “pending”

No resolution. Still waiting…

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ziofanoo.2917


“121105-002749 Under additional review”
8 days old ticket
your kind update post is 3 days ago
neither email updates or follow ups received yet
please, my support account is bugged, tell your mates to reply or follow up by mail


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Save.5137


Hello sirs.
I’ve update the ticket days ago and I just want an answer if possible.
Thank you

Ticket : 121108-002387

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Saske.8426


I decided to head to Frostgorge Sound to gather mats while i waited for the Jormag event when my screen when black and get the error code when i try to log back in, saying my account have been terminated due to botting (with no warning)
plz look at my data I have done nothing wrong I don’t juse bots or macros I only play more then 12 houres in a day
I whas gathering mats en killing trolls that whas all en waithing for the Jormag event

Ticket: 121112-002293

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jarik.2476


Hi i got wrongfully accused of botting 121106-002921 ticket is closed without explanation
after 6 days, could be that it has been bouncing in wrong queues.
I have reopened new ticket yesterday 121113-001761.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drangon Cat.7984

Drangon Cat.7984

My account has been closed for a week, I also submit a ticket. The reply say me to use the third party software, but I didnt use any third party software, because the use of third party software will lose the fun of the game. I don’t know if my communication program let you mistake is the third party software, I just stood in one place and then take a shower, after came back he said my account was closed. If I use third party software please tell me what the program, I can find out and then give you explain.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: qian qian momery.4085

qian qian momery.4085

My account was wrongfully banned. Please review my ticket. I submitted the ticket 3 days ago. Haven’t received a response as of yet.Thank you for your concern for me. In order to continue to play my game, sincerely hope that you will know my situation investigation as soon as possible. Because I am innocent, so I’m looking forward to your survey, hope can prove that I have not fault.
[Incident: 121109-001276,121109-000618]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Icy Prawn.9402

Icy Prawn.9402

Wrongfully banned for selling gold when i wasn’t even active for weeks

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arbalest.9064


Reference number: 121110-002355

I originally posted it on day 3 but no response. It is now day 4. I was wrongfully banned for “botting” but I have never used any third party program or did any exploits. Please unban my account as soon as possible.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deeter.8743



Please review my ticket. Banned on the 11th with the message on relog of botting, macro’s, extended gameplay ectera. Yep guilty of playing the game with my wife for a long time as a ranger, she is one too so suspect we are perceived as bots. I received a ban she did not at the time. Please make whole. My guild war experience thus far, hacked account and banned twice with the message above.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drachdhar.7016


Incident 121111-002238

7th day…

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: batmanben.1597


It’s been over three days without a response. If I could get some feedback on ticket: 121111-001561, I’d really appreciate it.



Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fashion Palace Hall.8213

Fashion Palace Hall.8213

My Reference # 121110-002727, no reply has been three days.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nataya.2561


Trouble to speed up my review

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


Still no final answer if my account will be reinstated. Ive provided all the info i can. Even my ID and so on.

Its 17 days now (i think)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Herpyderp.5312


Ticket number: 121110-002751 (10/11/2012)
I bought the game on, but my payment is stuck on pending. So my account is suspended. I’d just like some sort of official answer, because so far noone replied me, I only know things because of my browsing through the forums.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jsx.6057



Posting again, now approaching 4th day of the ban without a single response.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gepetto.5402



Please review my ticket
Banned under false accusation of botting.

Ticket #121110-002535

(edited by Gepetto.5402)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jpathomas.4203


Subject: Blocked/Suspended Account
Reference #121110-003125
Status: Updated
Date Created: 11/10/2012

My account was banned on Sat the 10 of November. Today, the 13th, I see in my bank account that my purchase has been refunded. Let me be clear: I did not ask for a refund, I asked that my account be fixed.

For the love of God would someone please tell me what is going on here? I have heard nothing at all from support.

And so day 4 begins.

I am still waiting for someone in support to contact me about this situation.

Thank you

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: poohy.9423


I just want to know if it’s possible to get back my banned account with new serial code. Waiting over 3 days, is it hard to answer?
My ticket: 121109-001805

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daelowana.7319



5 plus days

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jsx.6057



Account banned 11/10. Not a single reply after the initial copy/paste response for submitting a ticket.

Approaching the 5 day mark in a few hours.

Unban my account and fix your ban bots.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluerebelmedia.9514


My account was banned and I’ve been accused of using a stolen credit card to buy a fraudulent copy of the game.

- Ticket submitted November 11th.
- Purchased November 8th.
- Purchased through
- I WAS charged. No, it’s not pending, I’ve been charged.
- I’ve sent support the CC billing info, zip code, address etc. through my support ticket.
- Sent PDF copy of the confirmation from the bank that I was charged through my support ticket.

No response since they said I was using a stolen credit card on 11/11. It’s now November 14th, I’ve updated my ticket multiple times with helpful and useful information proving my innocence of the crimes (literally) Anet is accusing me of and proving they have my money.

At this point Anet has committed a fraud by taking my money and not delivering the product. I’d like the situation rectified as soon as possible and expect an apology for being accused of criminal actions when there was none, and being forced to wait days for an answer on a mistake completely made by ArenaNet who had no problem taking my money.

Ticket ID: 121111-001892

This is the response I just got:


I apologize for the delay in our response; we have an unusually high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible. I apologize for any confusion regarding previous responses sent prior to this response reaching you today.

This Guild Wars 2 game account has been permanently closed. The attempted purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create this account was voided as the transaction was found to be fraudulent in nature.

In addition to the permanent closure of the game account, the credit or debit card used in the transaction has been permanently blocked in our system. There is no option to have this account reopened or to have the block removed from the game account.

If you wish to access the Guild Wars 2 service going forward, you will need to purchase a serial code from another authorized retailer. A list of authorized retailers can be found here:

There is no further assistance we can provide for this issue.

Matt S.
NCsoft Payment Review

So, you CHARGED ME and I sent you CONFIRMATION of the charge, and the credit card billing info showing you it was a valid card, and the PDF from the BANK showing you that you took my money, and you HAVE my money. Yet you still tell me it was fradulent and there’s no way you can reactivate my account.

You’re admitting to stealing my money. I played for one day.

Honestly, you people should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. This goes way beyond overwhelmed support staff, this is outright abuse and theft. You call your users criminals, ban their accounts and steal their money.

This doesn’t end here.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daelowana.7319



I apologize for the delay in our response; we have an unusually high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible. I apologize for any confusion regarding previous responses sent prior to this response reaching you today.

This Guild Wars 2 game account has been permanently closed. The attempted purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create this account was voided as the transaction was found to be fraudulent in nature.

In addition to the permanent closure of the game account, the credit or debit card used in the transaction has been permanently blocked in our system. There is no option to have this account reopened or to have the block removed from the game account.

If you wish to access the Guild Wars 2 service going forward, you will need to purchase a serial code from another authorized retailer. A list of authorized retailers can be found here:

There is no further assistance we can provide for this issue.

Matt S.
NCsoft Payment Review

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lee.7594


Issue 121108-002434

Purchased the game from their website with my own credit card. After playing two days they claim my purchase was fraudulent. My credit card was not charged for the game purchase.
While playing I purchased $54 worth of gems on the same credit card. They have refused to refund that purchase. I no longer care about the account I just want my $50 back since I will never get to use the gems. There response was:


I apologize for the delay in our response; we have an unusually high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible.

This Guild Wars 2 game account has been permanently closed. The attempted purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create this account was voided as the transaction was found to be fraudulent in nature.

In addition to the permanent closure of the game account, the credit or debit card used in the transaction has been permanently blocked in our system. There is no option to have this account reopened or to have the block removed from the game account.

If you wish to access the Guild Wars 2 service going forward, you will need to purchase a serial code from another authorized retailer. A list of authorized retailers can be found here:

There is no further assistance we can provide for this issue.

Matt S.
NCsoft Payment Review

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daelowana.7319


Issue 121108-002434

Purchased the game from their website with my own credit card. After playing two days they claim my purchase was fraudulent. My credit card was not charged for the game purchase.
While playing I purchased $54 worth of gems on the same credit card. They have refused to refund that purchase. I no longer care about the account I just want my $50 back since I will never get to use the gems. There response was:


I apologize for the delay in our response; we have an unusually high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible.

This Guild Wars 2 game account has been permanently closed. The attempted purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create this account was voided as the transaction was found to be fraudulent in nature.

In addition to the permanent closure of the game account, the credit or debit card used in the transaction has been permanently blocked in our system. There is no option to have this account reopened or to have the block removed from the game account.

If you wish to access the Guild Wars 2 service going forward, you will need to purchase a serial code from another authorized retailer. A list of authorized retailers can be found here:

There is no further assistance we can provide for this issue.

Matt S.
NCsoft Payment Review

Ouch. Double whammy. When was the last Support update in this thread? I can’t seem to find one from today.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Corwin.4120


im waiting 5days.
im updated my ticket for information.
look at the last ticket please.


i have no idea ArenaNet review my account or not.
still no change on my account. and sure no response about review.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Igopewpew.8693


Hello Gaile,

You must be the only hope left for all the people that have been banned for the screwup of Anet’s payment process. Even though Anet charged my credit card and took the money, AND banned me for over a week already I got this response:

Response Matt S. via Email 11/14/2012 11:06 AM

I apologize for the delay in our response; we have an unusually high ticket volume which we are working through as quickly as possible.

This Guild Wars 2 game account has been permanently closed. The attempted purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create this account was voided as the transaction was found to be fraudulent in nature.

In addition to the permanent closure of the game account, the credit or debit card used in the transaction has been permanently blocked in our system. There is no option to have this account reopened or to have the block removed from the game account.

If you wish to access the Guild Wars 2 service going forward, you will need to purchase a serial code from another authorized retailer. A list of authorized retailers can be found here:

There is no further assistance we can provide for this issue.

Matt S.
NCsoft Payment Review

They took the money, banned my account for fraudulent kitten MAKING ME WAIT FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK. blocked the credit card and tell me to pay for a new game while it was legally purchased of their own site.. Being called a fraud while Anet is stealing the money ? Btw the mail is saying “you will need to purchase a serial code from [B]another[/B] authorized retailer.” this means that the game WAS bought from an authorized retailer but now we have to buy another game code from ANOTHER authorized retailer ? Oh my is that admitting that Anet’s own retail system screwed up bigtime and we need to use a different one?

I’ve been calm and patient for so kitten long but this really really crossed the line. Accusing people of committing fraud this directly, while stealing the money from their bank accounts/credit cards. This is what we call a SCAM. Yet I’m still here waiting for a solution but all I get are copy paste messages that say the same thing and add more punishment on top of another. Really ? Is that how patient people get rewarded ?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ziofanoo.2917


“Hi xxxxx,
After reviewing the issue, it appears that your account was blocked in error. Your account is now released and you should be able to log in to Guild Wars 2. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.


well, happy end! (november the 5th ticket)
guys, take your time and they will do the right thing.
want to thank Gaile and support team for their work.

(btw, im off for busines on the next two days anc cannot play, LOL)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Janaina.3290


G’day from Australia,

Ticket: 121111-002836

Topic changed from “account banned” to “hacked account” to currently “restored account”.
Got a reply this morning that I should be able to log in.
I changed my password just like support said.

When I do attempt to log in I get kicked out saying that my grace period is over or “server was unable to authenticate your gameplay privileges”