Annoying Sound Bug

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Makovorn.1706


I apologize for the lack of the updates on this issue; I can assure you all that we are still working on this. We attempted a potential fix with the last patch, but after checking the crash reports, it looks like it didn’t solve the problem. While we will be continuing to work on a solution, you may encounter this less frequently in the meantime if you lower your sound quality.

Thank you for your continued patience while we work on this bug.

Many thanks for the feedback Jason! Wishing you guys all the best in solving this one.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Copenhagen.1257


Okay, well I don’t know if this is covered in the forums anywhere, I tried to do a search for it, but all I get is the normal sound stopping altogether. I’ve had this happen once or twice. Not really a big deal, I think it was because I alt-tab’d out and back in that caused it. Maybe a ventrilo thing or not.

But the main problem I wanted to discuss is the fact that I don’t hear the voice overs of my character while playing. I’ve watched a few walk through videos on how to get some vistas, POI’s, and I can hear there character talking, when they activate skills, are they are about to die. Why does my character not talk? I hear other characters say stuff around me too, but I can hear anything my character says.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Tim.9850


Its definitely still doing it. It stopped doing it for a week for me recently, now its back to doing it again.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Just want to update on the sound bug. It’s happening a lot more frequent since this update and whats worst is it seems within 5-10 minutes, I would get an anet error which would kick me out of the game. Obviously, in some situations I can restart the client because i’m in the middle of a battle/dungeon or DE event but this error just doesn’t give me a choice anymore.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Hrefna.7529


I just had this bug happening again…after not having had it for like 2 months. It was during the Jormag fight btw and it happened twice.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Neevil.5613


If you go to your sound options and put Sound Quality, Music Interval, and Mixing Buffer Size on the lowest setting it should fix the issue. It drove me crazy a few months back, but this seems to have completely fixed it….too bad the sound has to suffer.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

I’ve been getting a no sound bug where all sounds just randomly stop and then all of a sudden they just all rush in at once.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Bankstercide.7514


Thanks for the reports, everyone! This is an issue we’ve been tracking for a while now, and I’ve heard we may have a fix for it in the next few days. If you continue seeing it, please let us know.

I’m letting you know.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Blackhearted.1264


Why is this bug still not fixed? It’s been known about since launch. There’s been plenty of time to find it, figure it out and fix it. There’s no excuse for this to still be here, for this to still happen and for it to even been here in the first place since every other pc game i’ve EVER seen has not had this problem.

Get yourselves in gear arenanet. Fix crash bugs with your game that were reported MANY months ago. If you can’t fix your own code, then license code from someone who knows how to make proper audio code.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


FYI – Submitted a ‘technical support ticket’
It seems Arenanet does not have any support customer service.
All customer support tickets are submitted to NcSoft as publishers of Gw2.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Audster.3120


I too am experiencing this sound bug. Usually happens during events involving a lot of people, thankfully not all the time, but it does get annoying when it crashes the game shortly after.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Itachi Hitokiri.6348

Itachi Hitokiri.6348

Appreciate feedback greatly, I have since lowered my sound quality by one increment and haven’t had the problem since. I haven’t engaged in any large battles so that may also be a reason as well.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


If you go to your sound options and put Sound Quality, Music Interval, and Mixing Buffer Size on the lowest setting it should fix the issue. It drove me crazy a few months back, but this seems to have completely fixed it….too bad the sound has to suffer.

Thank you for your suggestion Neevil! I shall try this today and see if it resolves or minimises the issue. Your post is a wonderful example of players helping players.

Arenanet long ago surely could have provided some such helpful suggestions.
If a fix cannot be found (and yes friends and myself are still experiencing the problem since last patch), perhaps, given the difficult nature of reproducing the bug and thus testing, perhaps Areanet could provide players with a ‘guideline’ or poll form to complete to better troubleshoot rather than the current 17 pages of random posts. Thanks.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Aerin Dark Water.6283

Aerin Dark Water.6283

Interesting, this “sound bug” never happened to me until it attacked when I was fighting the Claw of Jormag (about a few days ago) with a mob of players. I asked my party if they heard it and they said they didn’t. I then tried to fixed the sound options and the game froze. Had to force shutdown and reboot my system. Haven’t had a repeated issue since. So no clue if it fixed or I’m just lucky.

But seriously, when it first had I thought aliens were trying to contact me. Heehee.

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: DathanielCHR.6453


Good to know you guys are trying, but yes it’s still an issue. Just crashed twice vs. Claw of Jormag due to this bug. Hopefully next patch will see it updated.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Copenhagen.1257


Just to update.

I fixed my problem, where I could not hear my own character’s voice overs. I had my headset plugged into my Logitech speaker system’s main control. I took it out and plugged it into my front headset jack in my PC and it fixed the problem that I was having.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: FindAndSeek.6728


I have also recently (since the last update) been getting the same bug or issue in relation to doing the Claw of Jormag it only happens on this one dragon event the others are all fine, And I tend to get it during the second half of the fight when he crash lands.
It starts with the pulsating sound/noise and then few seconds later I get a crash report & kicked from the game, this has happened several times & sometimes more than once or twice during the 1 event, so far it has yet to cause me to crash during the chest spawning luckily.
But needless to say it’s rather annoying especially when you know its going to happen.

Thanks Anet in advanced for any fixes.

Miss Find And Seek – Society of Souls [Argh] – Desolation
Yeyyyyy can’t wait for the Expansion and the return of Guild Halls!!!

(edited by FindAndSeek.6728)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Sarys.6520



There is a “game-break” type bug on the audio-engine. The bug is know since the 2 past months.

Bug description :
If a player has set his “Sound Quality” parameter on “Top Quality”, an annoying loud sound could happen while playing on event / WvsW.
The only way to stop the sound is to stop and relauch the game. Which means => GAME BREAK. Priority 01 ! No one can leaving the studio haha :p

=> video found on youtube with the bug happening :

Let’s get back to the serious thing :

- Set the Sound Quality at “Top Quality”
- Participate at a massively frequented event or battle.
- Rage-throw your headphone and watch your ears bleed.

After a lot of test, bug is happening on every hardware (integrated card : RealTek, Creative XFI, external : Motu MK3).

Bug is caused by the audio-engine’s limiters.
When there is too much instances of sound, a global limiter is applicated on the player’s client. When this global limitation is stressed, it breaks and provoke the annoying sound.

Do you guys have some news about it ?

All the best,

(sound designer/integrator IRL)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Raine.1394


I only suffer from visual bugs (culling) during events of even moderate size. And, it is far worse after the 1/28 patch. It’s now a consistent, universal problem rather than an episodic problem. But, it sounds like the audio issue should be acknowledged with a time to fix statement.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Masters.4956



I’ve been having this really annoying sound bug issue with Guild Wars 2.
This problem occurs during large battles with a lot of people.
The sound overrides all sound and the only solution at this time is to stop the software and restart it. What is causing this?

Apparently, it is a common issue.

I’ve had the same problem just now, with the same exact sound as the video. It happened at the Claw of Jormag event, just as we were about to finish.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Wolffii.9732


Same issue here. Happened to me on my new gamecon usb headset twice 2/10/13. Never had an issue if i just use my 5.1 speakers.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Tralaicious.3895


I just started getting the bug today It is the first time since game launch.. well actually ever I have had it happen to me. Because of this, it is defiantly a game bug and not a hardware or driver issue. I have completed many dragon fights before this without issue, it only started tonight with Teqault and Jormag. Same issue happens, sound cuts out followed by either a sine wave effect, or a client crash. As reported it is easily fixed by restarting the game, but it can throw you out of the game at the most inconvenient times.

….. just got thinking, is it possible that it could be an error-nous sound file crashing the Audio engine from a player equipping a certain item? Just seems strange that I only had this issue today when its been happening for months, and it always has the factor of a high population in the area when it happens.

(edited by Tralaicious.3895)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Anodyne.1549


This hadn’t happened in months until the last couple days, so I assumed it was fixed, but it has happened twice this evening within about 15 minutes of each other (in WvW like most seem to report). Once crashed the game, the other occurrence did not. I encourage the team to keep working on it. Thanks much!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Durzio.2956


Also having this issue, and i’m just standing around in Caledon Forest. This Computer is freaking brand new!

Edit: everyone else appears to get this problem only in largely populated areas, but i’m getting it everywhere with no provocation. turning my sound quality down doesn’t help.
I’ll be patient because I love this game,but please hurry guys :/ i wanna enjoy this computer.

(edited by Durzio.2956)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Gambit.8425


The Fix has been posted a few times, but since even the GM doesn’t seem to know about it, i will post it again. Changing sound settings does NOTHING to reduce the sound bug from happening.

There’s a file called Local.dat in the Guild Wars 2 folder inside My Documents folder on C: drive. This file has the login settings to your game, and every time you login it grows, it starts out from under 2MB and from there it keeps expanding and expanding…

Once it reach a magic limit for your system, mine is over 30MB, the sound bug will start appearing. The game will also become more sluggish overall even on a supercomputer, but it’s more subtle since the performance decline happens over time.

Now delete Local.dat and you will see that the sound bug won’t happen for, probably, weeks to come and as a bonus the game will run much smoother than before. Continue deleting that file whenever the sound bug comes back. Remember, you have to rewrite the login account the first time when you do, nothing else AFAIK is saved in that file.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Zedd.8239


The Fix has been posted a few times, but since even the GM doesn’t seem to know about it, i will post it again. Changing sound settings does NOTHING to reduce the sound bug from happening.

There’s a file called Local.dat in the Guild Wars 2 folder inside My Documents folder on C: drive. This file has the login settings to your game, and every time you login it grows, it starts out from under 2MB and from there it keeps expanding and expanding…

Once it reach a magic limit for your system, mine is over 30MB, the sound bug will start appearing. The game will also become more sluggish overall even on a supercomputer, but it’s more subtle since the performance decline happens over time.

Now delete Local.dat and you will see that the sound bug won’t happen for, probably, weeks to come and as a bonus the game will run much smoother than before. Continue deleting that file whenever the sound bug comes back. Remember, you have to rewrite the login account the first time when you do, nothing else AFAIK is saved in that file.

I deleted the file and I lost all of my graphics settings (not a huge loss). So it appears it also saves that information there as well. My sound settings and key bindings appeared to be unaffected.

As for overall performance, I haven’t noticed any significant difference since deleting the file.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Gambit.8425


Good to know, I run with the standard high settings myself. I was mostly worried about losing the key settings the first time i deleted Local.dat, and while checking I also noticed that the sound settings stayed the same, so I figured the same would apply to graphics.

I have no idea how this file affect the game so much, cause even at 30MB it’s not large by todays standards. But for me there’s a huge difference to the game after deleting it at that size in everything from loading-times (even on a SSD) to the performance with WvW-zergs on the screen.

What size were your Local.dat up to before deleting?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Zedd.8239


Good to know, I run with the standard high settings myself. I was mostly worried about losing the key settings the first time i deleted Local.dat, and while checking I also noticed that the sound settings stayed the same, so I figured the same would apply to graphics.

I did experience a weird issue when I first started the game up after deleting the file. I couldn’t run foward. The key for this, W, remained unchanged but it simply didn’t respond. Everything worked fine once I restarted the client.

If anyone else tries this to do this fix, make sure you back up your old local.dat file first. Chances are everything will be fine but it’s a good thing to do regardless.

I have no idea how this file affect the game so much, cause even at 30MB it’s not large by todays standards. But for me there’s a huge difference to the game after deleting it at that size in everything from loading-times (even on a SSD) to the performance with WvW-zergs on the screen.

That’s weird. I can’t say I’ve experienced those kinds of differences at all. I’m not sure why a 30 MB file would impact performance so much either. After all the game is always loading from a 17 GB data file…

What size were your Local.dat up to before deleting?

It was about 43 MB. After about 5 logins since deleting the file, it’s up to 1.82 MB.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Rei Hino.5961

Rei Hino.5961

Yes that is the same sound I hear during alot of things on screen especially in wvw. witch of coarse in the middle of a wvw battle if your in combat mode and crash. Repair Cost! having the logout cause a penantly while in combat mode was a bad idea if a person wanna log out as they are being finished I don’t care they have to login (One loading screen) and get back to the WVW map (Second loading screen) if it isn’t qued so they can’t even get back so it not like it helps then he saved his repair cost but hurt his server. (and also it takes speed to quick logout also especially under the beat down of a zerg)

(edited by Rei Hino.5961)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Ever since this last patch the sound bug has gotten worse. I’ve experienced it more often now in the middle of the Claw of Jormag dragon event. Its gotten so bad that I’ve had to reboot to get back into the game and missed out on the chest.

Today a guild mate grouped with me had that happen twice within 15 minutes during the Jormag event and had to completely reboot. This time he got a note pop up on his screen asking to send a report to Anet. But he said nothing has been forthcoming with regards to those reports he’s been sending, so now he just does not report it any longer. He feels it is not something wrong with his system since it appears to happen only on dragon fights and nothing else.

I do wish Anet would get this annoying thing fixed. I’ve been hoping to see an improvement but have not seen any yet.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: The Eternal Grace.3157

The Eternal Grace.3157

I’ve had this bug on and off since release. It’s honestly ridiculous that it hasn’t been fixed yet.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Timothy.7204


I know I will not be buying any expansions until this bug is fixed, because it would just be a waste of my money. Its ridiculous. No other games that I play has this problem.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Axiarus.2376


I apologize for the lack of the updates on this issue; I can assure you all that we are still working on this. We attempted a potential fix with the last patch, but after checking the crash reports, it looks like it didn’t solve the problem. While we will be continuing to work on a solution, you may encounter this less frequently in the meantime if you lower your sound quality.

Thank you for your continued patience while we work on this bug.

So I have to lower my game quality/experience until this is fixed. This problem has been here since release.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Aciele.5983


Hey guys,

this bug happened to me today for the very first time, but twice now. Maybe it is because i switched to the english speach version from yesterday to today?
I know some guys in my region having this sound bug, too on a “non english sound version” of the game though.

Im using an Intel Gigabyte mainboard, cpu E8400, AMD grafics 4890oc. the sound is onboard, win7 64bit, 8GB ram.
Maybe people should start to write down their system specs, prolly this helps a bit.

I am trying to run the game with a lower sound quality for now and i will report if this problem is gone by that.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Xystus.3241


I remember this being an issue a long time ago and thought it was fixed.

I was fighting Tequatl the Sunless yesterday and it happened for the first time in ages.
At a seemingly random point in the event, I lost all sound and it was replaced with a oscillating boop sound.

I am running Windows 7 fully patched and using a Logitech G930 headset, latest drivers.

Xyssi – Asura Guardian
Xystus Furtim – Human Theif
Server: Stormbluff Ilse

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Aura.9530


This might just be my two cents here; but perhaps if ANet introduced some sort of sound toggle on/off feature. This would at least allow players who have the sound bug to turn off the sound, preventing the game from crashing due to (no offense) poor coding.

At least from my experience; I have tried adjusting the sliders every which way, with no results. Even with the sounds turned all the way down the bug still persists, because the sound can’t be turned off.

But at least by adding a turn on/off feature; this can allow players some relief, while they finally decide to invest in quality of programming over quantity. And yes, you can mute GW2 in windows; but that does nothing to help the in-game programming. So you’d still have the sound bug/crash; but you won’t hear it.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: gndgnd.3124


Glad I’m not the only person with this. The sound and the game itself crashes 9 out of 10 times on Jormag battle, usually 1-2 minutes before Jormag dies, preventing me from getting the chest … . I cannot turn off the game after it freezes, I have to shut down the whole system.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Monkey Fritz.9052

Monkey Fritz.9052

Same issue, with a lot more people on my server doing Boss events it happens at least twice a day now. It rarely crashes the game (once or twice) but I always have to close the out of the client to get it to stop.

(I really worry about my sound system, it’s just the right frequency to blow a few speakers if it happened when I had the volume up.)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Exuza.4519


Whenever I participate in the “Shadow Behemoth” fight, the sound bugs and and I crash. First time it happened when the boss was at 30%, when I logged it was dead and there was no chest, not sure if it was due to the crash, not very familiar with the game’s mechanics, kinda new to the game. Second time I managed to loot the box, and then crashed after a few seconds.

W7 64, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatality.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Dark Lord.9562

Dark Lord.9562

This bug has stopped to show up as often as it once did, I fought the Shadow Behemot today and then I did not encounter this bug, but when I fought Tequatl a while before Behemot I got this bug. I did not crash however but the sound started to loop like"woo woo woo"

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Bauztodawa.6584


I used to only get this on Jormag, but since the last patch I am now getting it on all 3 dragons. Sometimes the client crashes, sometimes it doesn’t. Just crashed me 3/4 through Shaterer and missed chest this time.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384

Just started getting this. Happened on Jormag, crashed, got back on and was denied my loot. Next I went to Teq and it happened immediately, restarted GW2, set the quality lower (thanks to map chat) and finished the fight.

Now I can’t even turn up my sound quality from when I set it low without the game crashing. Really would like a fix for this, GW2 happens to sound nice when you aren’t kicked off for wanting to hear it.

Disciple of Quag

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


This bug has gone on since game release. I just upgraded MB & CPU and sound drivers though still Realteck, thinking that might fix it, but no, again had it numerous times since.
Someone posted pages back a minor fix in sound options that minimises it from deafening to bearable. Not logged in nor going through the 17 pages of posts to find it, but might help minimise it.
It’s not just on dragons, in wvw in large battles, solo in remote areas. There seems no pattern to it and as it is intermittent it is difficult for programmers to track.
It should however be a top priority like so many other bugs before continuing to introduce new content that breaks other fixes ad infinitum.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

(edited by Siliconmana.3816)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Krystality.6894


I’ve expressed my dissatisfaction regarding to how this is being handled by ArenaNet more than once; however, it has come to a point where I really can’t do any large events such as Claw of Jormag, Shatter, Shadow Behemoth, Tequatl the Sunless, WvWvW, and any other World Events where they are many participants.

At this point, it is, almost, very clear that ArenaNet has no idea what the issue and how to resolve it; otherwise, a bug, that can easily be categorized as “game breaking” since release of the game, would have been fixed long ago. Had I known that this would not have been fixed for months, I would have requested a refund upon my first few encounters with this bug…I am sorry for the harsh words but you folks need to step up your game and resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: synk.6907


Ouch. Had this crop up again on me in dragon fights this morning a couple times. It was even followed by a client crash twice on Claw of Jormag (fortunately upon getting back in I was able to join the same fight on an Overflow and still loot a chest). I had previously been able to tap the sound setting down one notch and avoid this, but I guess not anymore.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Darkflame.7201


I’m still having this alarm sound bug in WvW lately, is there any workaround for this sound glitch/bug?

The only solution i could find is to reset my GW2 client, which can be annoying and time consuming when there is WvW queue’s during busy times.

Any help here would be appreciated

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Exuza.4519


Lowering sound quality(middle at the moment)does seem to make it appear less frequently, I just got it today again on the Shadow Behemoth though. Hope you come up with a solution soon.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Chrissy Chan.4573

Chrissy Chan.4573

I tried changing audio settings and it just forced a client crash. This is the second time it’s happened to me in the past week during Claw of Jormag and of course that mean logging back into an overflow T_T.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Riaky.8965


I don’t play video games with music at all, I set all the volume to the lowest possible and I still getting this. Is there anyway to disable music/sound completely so I can stop getting this bug?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Theslayernl.5219


I only have this bug on Jormag and I can confirm that lowering it from Highest quality to halfway it fixes the bug, then after Jormag I crank it back to Highest and continue playing. I am using a Audigy Soundblaster SE

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