Annoying Sound Bug

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Dridia.9461


Same problem here, this sound is really annoying. it happened every time i’m with a lot of people in WvW. Need to mute the client if you don’t to be annoyed by that sound .. >.<

Dridia Swan – Les Sauvages [LS]
Augury Rock

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Bobbi.6801


Its pretty obvious that some people don’t read the thread before they post. If you look about 16 posts up from this one you’ll see i already posted the answer on how to fix it. Turn your sound quality slider back 1 notch or to the halfway mark on the slider bar.

That’s not a fix. That’s a workaround of the problem. People want to use max sound quality. People spend alot of money on good sound systems, ofc they wanna max the ingame quality of sound. But yeah, its a temporary workaround.
People read your post, but since the problem has not yet been fixed, they continue reporting the problem for Anet too see.

By your logic, we should now shut up and everyone report to anet that it has been fixed? No.

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Bobbi.6801


Also, turning down sound quality didnt help one bit. Still got the sound 5 minutes after entering WvW
Sry for double post, edit post is not working for some reason

AMD FX-8350 @5Ghz |Radeon HD 7970GHZedition|16gb 1600mhz DDR3 ram|OCZ agility 3 120gb|Gigabyte UD3

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Siliconhobbit.4361


Update: I’m not sure if this is relevant but this evening while I was in WvW operating a Ballista, the enemy was coming in hard and fast and the MOMENT one of them dropped a Meteor Swarm on my head, the sound bug popped up.

/shrug Could be something, could not….either way just figured I’d post about it.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Rusc.4978


I’ve also started to get a sound bug with the attack charging sound that some mobs make (ex: ettins before they club smash) when I’m running around the middle of a PvE zone.

I always look around, thinking I’ve aggroed something, but there’s never a mob around. The noise is just occurring randomly. It’s making me paranoid.


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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Kloaked.5379


There’s this really odd beep that comes through instead of any game sounds. I know it’s the Guild Wars 2 client because when I close it, it goes away. It started during The Shatterer, Tequatl and Claw of Jormag, all three times. It’s extremely annoying and the only way I can turn it off is to reset the Guild Wars 2 client.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Jayshua.5068


Putting the Sound Quality Setting 1 down from the Highest seems to do the trick for my wife and I. We both use the Realtek HD Audio Onboard Sound, not sure if that is common with the rest of you or not!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: grifflyman.8102


The wailing audio bug has happened 5 times for me today while in Cursed Shore, each time I was doing events with large groups…

I’m sure it has to do with some combination of sounds or abilities being used…

Has this been happening to anyone ells on an increasing level?!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Milennin.4825


Yeah, it happened to me a few times a month ago or so, then it got fixed in a patch. But recently it started happening again, only in fights with a lot of people or NPC’s.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: CC Eva.6742


CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator


Hi everybody.

Thanks for bringing this to out attention. We will proceed to pass it on to the team and also to move this to the Game Bugs subforum.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Victor.5819


Every time I set the audio quality to high, the wailing bug appear when too much sound happen at the same time. It used to happened in WvW, but it happened even in popular DE now.

I tried with higher settings with every patch, but the annoying bugs happens sooner or later at critical time.

I have to lower the audio quality to mid to avoid the problem, I personally prefer high audio quality.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Arosa.2647


I had that problem too. Mine was at Orr whenever i summoned a jagged horror underwater >_<

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Papaisalim.2951


Guys, i fixed my audio issue. All you need to do is restore defaults of audio. I had changed sound quality to highest. Now im playing WvW with no audio issues. Try this, i hope it works.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Bridget Morrigan.1752

Bridget Morrigan.1752

I am going to add that I am still getting this bug. 3 times last night, during Shatterer, Claw of Jormag and WvW.

Note: I have deliberately NOT changed my audio slider settings off of highest so I can continue to check and see if this issue has received a fix. I do not intend to use a workaround, as I appreciate the sound quality of both the game and my computer system. (My husband often tells me to turn it down.)

Please continue to work on this. Thank you.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ASB.4295


I finally experienced the oscillating tone bug as well, twice. Details follow:

Location: Straights of Devastation
Time: Day
Event: Kill Priest of Balthazar
Player Density: High

Location: Malchor’s Leap between Lyssa’s and Dwayna’s Temple, closer to Dwayna’s
Time: Night
Event: None active (After “Kill Priestess of Lyssa”)
Player Density: Low(Was high at the Lyssan Temple)

Note: The oscillating tone does persist through map travel and character switches. I tried minimizing the game and setting all audio sliders to zero, but the only way to get rid of it for me is restarting the game.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: swilkers.5938


Here as well. I just mute the game and listen to music but I really would like to hear some things when they happen guys. Seriously? Fix this crap.

Blackgate Server
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Vanio.4957


Same here. Happens ALWAYS now in WvW after some random time.

I actually think it depends on the amount of players on screen just like that terrible bug we had in beta and shortly after launch where your whole game would crash if you get too many characters on screen…

And not fixing this for a month+ now is getting on my nerves as well. I do not play WvW much these days because of this bug…

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: wolfslady.4953


This happened to me 10! Yes 10 times yesterday! I was playing with 4 guild mates farming karma from events where there were alot of people and it was happening every 20 to 30 minutes. Once it did lock up my computer but that normally does not happen. I updated my sound drivers, video drivers, bios but that did not seem to fix it. Its very annoying for several reasons 1. I have to restart 2. I lose my stack of luck for magic find and have to rebuild the stack after each restart. 3. If its a big event say jormag I have to take my headset off and finish the event to make sure I get credit for being a part of it!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: juicedsid.4130


im also getting this happen more frequently , its not just in large groups either, it has happend in dungeons. also there is a sound bug with summoned creatures that get a 500% volume increase over every other sound (especially the fire imp). with hunters pets you can cure it by removing the pet and re summoning it.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: IamPerps.1329


This is a very frustrating bug and in my opinion, un-exceptable. This bug has made my client crash when I’m in big world event boss fights like Claw of Jormag and Shatterer. It has happened 10 times to me just today. Right before the death of the boss the sound bug kicks in and the client crashes. When get logged back in the event is over, the chest is not there and I get no reward or karma.

This needs to be fixes ASAP! This was not affecting me up until a day or 2 ago with the latest patch. This is still a problem and something else needs to be done to fix it. It is preventing character progress. Multiple other people in the area during these events are complaining the same thing so it’s not just me!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ApeBit.4205


I’ve been having an audio bug that makes some audio volumes go higher than others. My audio settings are on really low and every now and then some audio will just go through the roof. Say during a boss battle a thiefs pistols start making very very loud sounds and the battle takes about 10 minutes. Take a guess how annoying those sounds get during those 10minutes.

“When life gives you lemonade, make lemons and life will be all like WHAAAT?!”

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Linell.3572


Hmm, I thought this was something that is happening only to me but it seems it’s quite serious problem.

When it happens I usually lower gw2 sounds (in windows) to minimum so that it doesn’t give me a headache. And then restart after boss fight has been done. :>

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Morkath.9702


Aye, still get this (loud sonar sound overwriting all GW2 sounds)…almost every large boss DE I get it (Behemoth, Claw of Jormag etc.).

It only affects the game client, teamspeak and video/music from other applications still work even though they can barely be heard with the siren/sonar blaring.

Only solution is to restart client.

Soundblaster Xfi Fatality Prof on windows 7 64bit, latest drivers (though being creative they probably haven’t updated them since Win7 launched).

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Naashkyr.3942


Same issue as everybody else has been having.

I’ve tried switching from my PCIe sound card (Creative X-FI Extreme) to my integrated motherboard Realtek sound card both with up-to-date drivers and I still get the problem.

Happens randomly in WvW usually when alot of fighting is going on around (thus alot of different audios being played).

It requires a game reboot to fix (or just muting the sound), speakers or headset changes nothing and it very rarely also crashes at the same time this happens. This has actually been most of my crashes since the game’s pre-launch day.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Daisai.5879


Also having this problem, only happened to me while being in wvw.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: bluedeltawolf.3759


I have the same problem, its so hard to explain how it sounds to someone who has never heard it before. But you ( the person who started this thread ).. seem to have come the closest. It has been driving me nuts since release, happens on at least 10 occasions in 1 playing period ( 5-10 hours ). It happens on my guardian too so i dont know if it is a pet problem only, but definately happens to my ranger pets. Loud echo noise followed by lots of thumping and ( painfully ) loud footsteps like books being banged on a table in a big echoey cave. Almost impossible to describe. Sometimes it sounds like Massive bears pawing at a door…. weird and very annoying. I was thinking of changing headset to a different brand because i read on another forum about logitech headset problems. Although none of those problems were anything like ours. If anyone has a fix or workaround for this please enlighten me. Its the only problem i have with GW2.. its otherwise perfect. <3 Arenanet.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Yitsul.8342


the bug occurred in Crucible of Eternity path 1, always happens in claw of Jormag

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: CyberZombie.2796


I have been having this happen more often lately. Seems to happen most of the time when there is a lot of stuff going on… occurs frequently in the Claw of Jormag or WvW.

It sounds like the emergency broadcast system sort of… a pulsing sound. I am using a plantronics USB headset. I have tried alt tabbing out of game, but it actually persists even when the game is not in focus. I have also tried switching the in game sound from the headset to main speakers and back, but the sound persists until the client is restarted. Also lately is has been freezing the GW2 game when it has happened.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Lord Blizzards.1735

Lord Blizzards.1735

Same thing as described above is happening to me.
Sound gets suddenly replaced by the monotone tune like from a beacon or something. Once it even resulted in a complete freeze of the game after a few seconds.

“Fortunately” until now it only happened in WvsW when some large battles take place.

I’m using a Logitech G35 headset.

Nothing works, like changing settings of the sound, only completely logging out of the game

Guess I better stay away from big battles…

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Gerke.7695


Having the same issue. Somethimes it will hapen a few times in a row with like 15 minutes between them. I’m doing allot of events with big fights and allot of people involved maybe thats the cause.

Please any answer from the tech team?

A gamer has no life, but have multiple lives.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Tindahbawx.5317


Guess I’ll just keep bug reporting it when it happens?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Viv.5210


I have this exact same problem, and it started happening at the same time it started happening to you. When I play GW2, it doesn’t take long until one side of my headset’s audio cuts out and is replaced by an single-note pulsating tone. The only way to get rid of it is to completely close the client. It’s very annoying and I’ve ended up just taking my headphones off most days and listening to music or TV instead. Googled the issue and found this thread. Glad to know it’s not just my hardware.

Side note – I’m using Razer Megalodon headset, and it’s always the left side’s audio that goes out. I’ve also adjusted quality settings in game to no avail.

Check out my channel on Youtube!

(edited by Viv.5210)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Mojo.8431


for me this seems to be directly tied to the incredibly poor performance when there are large numbers of players in an area
and I only seem get the issue when my sound was set to highest quality

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: WarPig.3807


Same happening for me, now more frequently than ever since the last patch. Usually occurs when there is a lot going on (large WvWvW fights, or dragon fights usually)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Valorwing.2865


Could they at least update us on this? Its been a month since their last update. Matter of fact I wish they were like Riot or, kill me for saying this, Blizzard. These two companies have learned that having a few of their people post in the forums often makes a happier forum community. Anet could learn from their example. I WANT some sort bait I can bite.

Jaded Imperfection

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Zambie.3405


I’ve been having this happen since the week the game was released. Changing the sound options in game after it happens has never fixed it for me. It used to result in my game crashing within a few seconds about 10% of the time, but now it has been crashing my game a lot more often.

Using either my on-board audio or my sound card results in the same issue.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: UnrealTravis.9016


I have been having this issue for sometime I noticed it first day of release. I notice it anyplace I go questing, dungeons, WvW, major cities, places no one is even near by. No other sounds going on. I do not even have my sound set to anything fancy. I keep everything on very low settings due to using a sub par laptop. I tried different settings and have not had much luck with fixing it. As many have already stated reporting it as a bug has not yielded any luck. I just wanted people to know the issue is not local to WvW or even large amounts of people / sounds going off. I notice it anyplace I am in the world no sound or lots of it.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Milennin.4825


In large events with a lot of players and mobs around, the sound stops working and only getting a beeping noise. It sometimes crashes the game too.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Cisza.9540


Same. Got the beeping voice in speakers and headphones same time, but any other sound (like from Skype or music in the background) is still working properly. Happens once a day (once every 4 hours).

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Gerke.7695


Still getting the annoying buzz sound…. many times!

A gamer has no life, but have multiple lives.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Gerke.7695


i have it again! It realy happens allot!!!

A gamer has no life, but have multiple lives.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


happend to me twice yesterday…

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Angelus.1042


Guys this sound bug is causing massive system issues.

3 bios resets after the crash.

USB ports stop working after it happens I have to completely shut down and wait then cold boot.

After a few minutes of the sound bug this happens…

The Error that pops up at the blue screen sais something like…

“There was an error with a signal/instruction being sent to the second core. It was interepted and halted”

I cant get it to save the dump file… however it has something to do with a process/instruction or something not getting to the second or whatever core its halting/freezing and its crashing the system.

I have an I7 3930K – So its apperantly my 2nd core not getting an instruction. It could be the same with others or it could be different cores depending on the layout.

I want to play but Im afraid this is gonna break ny system!!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Gerke.7695


SOLVED ( maybe!!! ):
Maybe i know how to solve this problem. What i did is: I changed my audio device in-game from default to my VIA HD audio chip. And i change the sound quality from high to the middle. So far i didnt hear the buzz. It’s a bit short to be sure if this works. But so far it worked for me!
Give it a try i’d say!!

A gamer has no life, but have multiple lives.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: lBANKAll.2183


Holy fk i hear this noise every single time im in a big fight in wvw very fking annoying must fix soon. And sometimes game crashes For months now

Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Aveneo.2068


SOLVED ( maybe!!! ):
Maybe i know how to solve this problem. What i did is: I changed my audio device in-game from default to my VIA HD audio chip. And i change the sound quality from high to the middle. So far i didnt hear the buzz. It’s a bit short to be sure if this works. But so far it worked for me!
Give it a try i’d say!!

Hmmm, I also did not have any issues since my previous encounter. Checking up on my audio menu it seems that at some point I set the Sound Quality from the highest setting to the middle.

So it may be entirely possible that setting the Sound Quality to Highest Quality may cause this bug to happen.

At any rate, I have no issues at all anymore ever since I put the slider in the middle. Heck, I couldn’t even hear any improvement anyway :P

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Daisai.5879


You could try to turn off the clock aswell in the game, it could be related to the alarm you get.
I just did a wvw with the clock turned off and didnt have the bug.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ClintonD.8620


Happened to me again tonight…well, not quite, but close. Was in WvW and the audio in heavy battles was getting choppy, which usually precedes the “alarm”. Luckily, I didn’t get the “alarm”.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Angelus.1042


You could try to turn off the clock aswell in the game, it could be related to the alarm you get.
I just did a wvw with the clock turned off and didnt have the bug.

moving right along…

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: midnightjazzy.7415


yeah this is a huge problem for me too, it always happens when im at a boss. It started when i was in a big WvW Zerg, and i thought it was my headphones, but it wasn’t. Next thing i know i disconnected. it happens every day, all day.