Another 100% Map Completion no reward thread
I just had a thought:
If you have submitted a ticket and if you tried the trouble-shooting steps in this thread, consider updating your ticket. You do that by responding to any e-mail with your ticket number in the subject line.
You could say:
- “I did the trouble-shooting steps Gaile posted in the forum and I still have not received my Map Complete reward.”
-OR-- “This issue is resolved, I no longer need help”
You see, we have a few ways we might respond to a player with Map Completion issues. If you’re still having problems, and if agents know you’ve already done some of the things they’d normally suggest, then they can reclassify your ticket more efficiently.
This isn’t a requirement, by any means. Your ticket will be attended to either way! But updating your ticket may speed up all responses, and that’s a good thing.
Done and done.
I’ve completed 100% for the 2nd time, have zoned in and out of every map 3-4 times, done a side-by-side comparison of all maps to those on the GW2 wiki, visited Chantry of Secrets like 10 times, got the new POIs in Lion’s Arch, made sure to get the new waypoint/POI/Vista in Lornar’s Pass where the Marionette event took place.
I even went an unfogged sections that aren’t required, like the Griffonrook Run jumping puzzle in Lornar’s Pass and Diedre’s Steps in Mount Maelstrom.
I’ve confirmed I also have a map completion badge next to my name from a friend.
I already had the title from doing map completion once before, so nothing changed there of course.
Would appreciate some more updates on what is being done to address this.
They will probably tell us np just make another toon and do completion again. ..
I already did that… this time I discovered LA poi before completing last map, and I received gifts. So this is 100% bug connected with these new poi in LA.
Here is some information may or may not help you stop panic.
Thank you for contacting our team about a game issue that you experienced. The Guild Wars 2 Development Team is aware of this issue and team members currently are working on addressing it. Please keep an eye on the official forums for any future updates and announcements regarding Guild Wars 2. You can reach the forums via this link:
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
While we would like to contact every of our players and sending information of when issue like these are resolved the Support Team is unable to do this. We recommend keep an eye on our Official Forums for any update and announcement regarding this matter.
So, what the support team member is trying to tell me is, there are actually some ppl working on this problem. There would be an announcement if they resolved this bug.
To be honest it still makes me feel crap because I’m not sure when and how will they fix it. I’m still glad see ANet faces this bug and try to resolve it.
Hope they can work this out soon.
Have same problem.
Have all maps done, all vista, poi, etc. Log menu says 100% done.
But i didnt get reward.
I did LA explo a day before “LA patch” came, coz i wasnt sure if i would be able to do LA after patch- so it means i got LA reward chest. and today when i was looking for last missing pois to complete world explo i found there are some in LA, so i went to LA overflow and did last poi-ofc i didnt get LA reward, but i also didnt get World Explo rewar. This may be the problem-i had LA done before patch, and now i finished missing LA poi.
Does anyone have news?
News that it is still broken, yes. For a long time I knew for a fact the last thing I had to do was clear Fields of Ruin. I finally take the time to do it, but do not get my reward. I look, missing one POI. I knew I already had Chantry, so it had to be something new. Sure enough, the POI right next to the drill in LA. I go in and get it, still no rewards. This isn’t my first 100% completion, I know what the requirements are – it’s just broken. I’m sure they’ll fix it some day and a chest will be waiting when I log in, it was just a very disappointing end to my evening.
All right, so after almost 6 days of waiting, I finally got an answer for my ticket – and it couldn’t be more disappointing:
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team regarding your World Completion rewards.
The “Been there. Done that.” title is intended to be awarded to a player when a single character on his or her account has visited every location required for World Complete. In your case, it appears that the title was awarded prematurely, and one or more required locations have not yet been visited.
To receive the rewards for fully exploring the world, please carefully review each map for missing Points of Interest, Skill Challenges, Renown Regions, and Waypoints with the single character with whom you are trying to finish the task. The most common areas that are missed are World vs. World maps, Chantry of Secrets, and the various city maps, such as Divinity’s Reach, Black Citadel, etc.
Once your selected character has visited every required area, you will receive the rewards.
GM Jamie Green
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
Seriously? is that some kind of an already written and copy pasted comment?
This is the purest fact they are not doing anything about this issue, nor care about it.
This is how you treat your customers? Absolutely disappointing.
Idk bout your ticket response but..
Thank you for contacting our team about a game issue that you experienced. The Guild Wars 2 Development Team is aware of this issue and team members currently are working on addressing it. Please keep an eye on the official forums for any future updates and announcements regarding Guild Wars 2. You can reach the forums via this link:
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
GM Anduril
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
Is what they sent me
Viennotair/ Sar (r’s x 9)
Its just a bug, ANet most fix it, no another ways.
Im itching to make The Dreamer, all I need is my reward for 100% map completion! hoping for a fix this week, lets go!
i would be happy enought if they would send me my world explo scrools in mail, thats all i need…
Same problem – have everything at 100% since last night. Got the title etc… no reward.
Revisiting the cities and walking around the chantry of secrets didn’t help.
first invisible teqa, then invisible award, what next?
No rewards until now… =\
I completed the map 100% and NOT WON [Gift of Exploration], received only the title and archiving, I have:
301 heart
512 waypoint
727 points interece
202 skill point
all maps 100%, even up to Lion’s Arch (on attack) with his new 2 full points interece.
I retraced every step Suggestion:
Gaile Gray ArenaNet Support Liaison
“Here are some troubleshooting steps:
Log into the game with the character que has the world 100% completion.
Go to Bloodtide Coast via Lion’s Arch and enter the Chantry of Secrets.
Make Sure That You have Claimed the “Sanctum of Secrets” Point of Interest Within this map instance.
Some of the skill challenges require you to consume an item. If this item has been consumed in a zone other than the one in Which the skill challenge is located, you will not receive the rewards for 100% completion world. Revisit every map in the game and que may resolve your issue and grant you your items. "
and also:
“Generally we find que players are resolving the problem by revisiting each The Following cities.
- Lion’s Arch
- Rata Sum
- Black Citadel
- Divinity’s Reach
- Hoelbrak
- The Grove "
Nothing, NOT WON THE [Gift of Exploration]
yes I have read, nothing solved my gold spent catching waypoints of a lada to another, picking cerrendo maps asura gates, gave nothing solution.
I won the title and archiving, the [Gift of Exploration] I wanted for my legendary not received.
dont do anything. the updated bug it. lots of us wait more then a week now. there is nothing we could do on our side. the support just keep giving us excuse. dont know when they gona fix this.. so disappointing.
happened to me too. Last 2 POIs were in updated Lions Arch. Then nothing. I do however have the star next to my character name.
Honestly, one of the most time consuming and glitchiest achievements in the game.
I just finished map completion for the second time… and nothing. I knew from my previous experience that this achievement was buggy when I did it last time (a YEAR AGO!). So…. I did the usual revisit of the Chantry of Secrets, revisited EVERY map AGAIN (what a waste of 20+ silvers!) and still nothing. It really, really diminishes the effort I put into getting world completion, and I didn’t even get the utterly anti-climatic reward of my Gifts of Exploration.
so disappointing.
me too have the star next to my character name.
i waited for 4 days already. some of us wait a week..
another day without answer or perspective (5 days until now)
ur ticket answer will be a copy and paste email.. everyone is the same.
Just w8 some months, or open with another character, but first do stupid LA, its may helps.
I really hope they fix this soon… Gift of exploration is the only thing I need to craft my legendary, and it was disappointing enough to not be able to finish it as I thought. I just hope they would get back to us and send the Gifts. It sucks so much that I have to wait right now >.<
Just adding my name to this growing list.
Completed the map about 3 days ago with the PoI in Lions Arch(Under Attack) near the drill being the last one I needed.
Sent in a support ticket (including ss) and have yet to hear anything back.
Hopefully this gets resolved sooner rather than later.
i waited for 4 days already. some of us wait a week..
A week??!
That’s odd. Maybe they’re putting this on the backburner or waiting for the regular patch cycle instead of hotfixing it?
A bug as serious as this should not take a week to fix in any game :/
And Im usually not one to want to rush things along.
I submitted my ticket days ago and got the exact same reply as the OP. The fact that the GM didn’t even look into my account to see the that I actually have 100% map complete is what upsets me, Thanks GM Ashe for doing such a detailed analysis of the support ticket and bug involved.
I’m not going to go waste 50+ silver waypointing around to double check the facts I already know, unless aNet wants to remove my waypointing costs, because I did each map 1 by 1 until completed.
Above is a screenshot taken in-game.
Next update there will be a new POI or Vista for us to view to fix this, and they’ll say “See! You missed one!”.
My first legendary that I spent literally months grinding towards… and now stopped in its final tracks because of a bug that refuses to get hotfixed How anti-climatic.
My first legendary that I spent literally months grinding towards… and now stopped in its final tracks because of a bug that refuses to get hotfixed
How anti-climatic.
My first to world completion had been holdin me up. I’m not a pve person and don’t enjoy anything that’s a grind or carrot on a stick. So I finally finish map completion that’s taken me since the games release. I’ve been sitting on the lover precursor for a year. This bug happens and is so well timed it feels fake.
Of course it would bug when I need it and it looks like the fix will take awhile. With the copy and paste replies. I’ve got no faith it will be fixed this week, timing is everything and it’s fubar right now.
i know whats happened, because of the new poi thats has been implimented in LA due to the new patch it think we have not completed LA (the system) and there fore who ever completed LA before the patch and then went back to get the patch will not get the rewards :p BIG bummerbecause its all i need for my legendary ;O hopefully you devs can fix it soon
I just had a thought:
If you have submitted a ticket and if you tried the trouble-shooting steps in this thread, consider updating your ticket. You do that by responding to any e-mail with your ticket number in the subject line.
You could say:
- “I did the trouble-shooting steps Gaile posted in the forum and I still have not received my Map Complete reward.”
-OR-- “This issue is resolved, I no longer need help”
You see, we have a few ways we might respond to a player with Map Completion issues. If you’re still having problems, and if agents know you’ve already done some of the things they’d normally suggest, then they can reclassify your ticket more efficiently.
This isn’t a requirement, by any means. Your ticket will be attended to either way! But updating your ticket may speed up all responses, and that’s a good thing.
Done and done.
I’ve completed 100% for the 2nd time, have zoned in and out of every map 3-4 times, done a side-by-side comparison of all maps to those on the GW2 wiki, visited Chantry of Secrets like 10 times, got the new POIs in Lion’s Arch, made sure to get the new waypoint/POI/Vista in Lornar’s Pass where the Marionette event took place.
I even went an unfogged sections that aren’t required, like the Griffonrook Run jumping puzzle in Lornar’s Pass and Diedre’s Steps in Mount Maelstrom.
I’ve confirmed I also have a map completion badge next to my name from a friend.
I already had the title from doing map completion once before, so nothing changed there of course.
Would appreciate some more updates on what is being done to address this.
Same situation here. Got an email saying my title was awarded prematurely blah blah.
i know whats happened, because of the new poi thats has been implimented in LA due to the new patch it think we have not completed LA (the system) and there fore who ever completed LA before the patch and then went back to get the patch will not get the rewards :p BIG bummerbecause its all i need for my legendary ;O hopefully you devs can fix it soon
The misjudgment of conditions for gift of exploration causes this problem. I believe ANet could fix this very soon.
I’m more concerned about how will they recover this problem for us. As I mentioned, the support team member told me they can’t just give player the gift of exploration.
Maybe a new POI in LA map with the fixed code in next patch? Hmmm.
But anyway, it’s ANet’s problem and I wonder why don’t they fix the previous map completion problem.
This bug happens and is so well timed it feels fake.
hehe I know right? Boggles the mind.
Of course it would bug when I need it and it looks like the fix will take awhile. With the copy and paste replies. I’ve got no faith it will be fixed this week, timing is everything and it’s fubar right now.
I’ll bet you they already have a fix for this but are waiting for the March 4th update to implement it along with all the other content of the patch for convenience sake. :/
why they need to hold us up? and why no new reply from anet staff any more.
Guys, guys chill, i just got this from ANet-
This is a mass reply to anyone currently experiencing an issue with map/world completion. We are aware of an issue causing players to not receive rewards properly and are working on a process to address these issues. Please be patient while we work through tickets as this may take some time. Rest assured that we’re working to get you taken care of.
You may reply (I’m human!) if this message doesn’t address your specific issue and we’ll get it looked at asap.
Game Support Lead
Now stop QQ’ing, and wait
Viennotair/ Sar (r’s x 9)
I have read all of the forums and put in a good amount of effort to learn as much as possible about this issue. I have done every in game resolution to trigger the reward and nothing has worked. I’m getting the hint that this may be a larger issue since the last 2 POI were added to LA. I submitted my ticket on 2/24/14 and have received the following message reply 24 hours later stating:
“We are aware of an issue causing players to not receive rewards properly and are working on a process to address these issues. Please be patient while we work through tickets as this may take some time. Rest assured that we’re working to get you taken care of”
I know what everyone is going through and I’m really sorry to all of you. This is certainly a very very, painful pill to swallow.
But lets all take a deep breath and finally breath a little and take a closer look at the reply I did get from them.
“We are aware of an issue”: Ok so they know that were not getting the goods here
“Working on a process to address these issues”: Ok so they are working on it
“working to get you taken care of”:
Ok this means we’re all going to get the reward right?
I would certainly assume this will be the case here based on this reply I got we just have to wait a little while longer and you will get your reward.
…Right Anet?
Guys, guys chill, i just got this from ANet-
This is a mass reply to anyone currently experiencing an issue with map/world completion. We are aware of an issue causing players to not receive rewards properly and are working on a process to address these issues. Please be patient while we work through tickets as this may take some time. Rest assured that we’re working to get you taken care of.
You may reply (I’m human!) if this message doesn’t address your specific issue and we’ll get it looked at asap.
Game Support LeadNow stop QQ’ing, and wait
I received that too, well… i’ll wait a bit
Arenanet help! please say something!
Its been 9 days now since my first ticket to the support about bug with the gift of exploration i got the star next to my name and the achivement title “been there done that” (i have been sending 1 ticket every 24 hour still no answer). It would be nice if they at least answered and said " your Problem will be solved shortly" i wouldnt care to wait like 1 month but i feel like i am knocking at an empty house :P… Plz solve this problem as soon as possible cause it seems that many players have tha same problem!!!
dev answer was like “do map completion again with another toon basically..” i wonder if this bug is fixed? since im about to 100% with my mesmer
As someone metioned before – he explored map and received gifts, but his last poi was NOT in LA. So it would be great if you could make it and give us a feedback if it really works – lot of players concerned of this bug will know if there is point of finishing map successfully.
reply from anet, looks good!
This is a mass reply to anyone currently experiencing an issue with map/world completion. We are aware of an issue causing players to not receive rewards properly and are working on a process to address these issues. Please be patient while we work through tickets as this may take some time. Rest assured that we’re working to get you taken care of.
at least they’re doing something about it unlike some game companies that ignore their customers
Waiting waiting waiting…
Keep waiting.
Please fix it and post the announcement saying you have fixed the bug and recovered our gifts of exploration!!
Please ANet!!
In all fairness, not dissing you anet but this bugg was obviously going to impact players with pre completed LA and was quite obvious it would alter things, im not trying to argue but just stating, maybe an employee of anet can inform us on this thread what the devs are ccurrently trying to do, couldnt hurt to tell us maybe some programmers could help you guys if you’re struggling to fix it?! who knows.
Add me to that list too. Just completed map completion with the last being the new POI in sanctum harbor out at that drilling machine and now no chest with my 2 tokens. Come on Anet, why is there something new broken with every patch.
Am I legendary yet!?
I wish i read this before completing the world, my last point was in the new LA by the drilling machine. Got the achievement but no reward. I’m NOT doing this on another character. This is all I need for my legendary I have been slaving at for the past week. Any news on a fix if there is one?
~~400 Scribe~~
Let’s keep this post at the top of this forum.. Anet needs to be motivated to fix it faster