Dragon chest bugged

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

This DR thing is way too harsh, I can understand why they are doing it, but it needs easing a bit.

Yeah of course people should be discouraged from staying in the same spot farming the same stuff over and over again.

But to hit normal, even fairly hardcore players hard with it is just wrong.

People should be encouraged to play, now people think, why bother I’ll probably get nothing for doing whatever.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Thing is, this should not be the way DR operates, I am literally hitting DR by NOT doing anything. Seriously, the first thing I do once I get home from work is check dragon timer, login, make some food, kill a dragon and yup, no chest. Somehow not playing the game for a good 10 hours makes me hit DR?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Skribulous.3521


There is DR on the dragon chest??? That is news to me.

I on the other hand have been saying this for months. DR is a stupid mechanic and shouldn’t be implemented.

Why not just get rid of DR entirely in the meantime until all this loot problems are fixed?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


I for one don’t really mind DR, I mean it may be true that if they really wanted to be against botting then they should give higher rewards but a tighter DR, that way people can get good loot and move on. no harm caused, normal players get good loot and move on while botters get hit with DR.

The real problem is right now, we have clear evidence that DR is causing issues with the dragon chest to the extent it is not even spawning since the 28th Jan patch. This is clearly not working as intended and is grieving players every minute this bug exist. God knows all the hundreds of chest lost by players everyday. I for one have lost at least 10 chest. That’s like 60 or so potential items/precursors :o They should take immediate emergency action if something as broken as this happens. As I said before, else this is similar to lost karka, players putting effort in large DE but was stripped of their reward because of a bug that wasn’t their fault :/

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: visiouscatlover.2406


Alright, to test if it was DR, I went to bed and woke up (8 hours) and saw that a dragon was up and killed teq, and guess what, nothing. I’m sorry i’m a bit mad about this but how could I still have DR if i didn’t play for 8 hours?

this may not be a bug with DR but something else maybe

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Just when I thought what could be worse than killing a dragon and getting a bunch of blues…

Bam! No rewards at all! Makes you start to appreciate those 5 blues. Well played… well played.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: fiquare.2537


I killed Tequatl twice and got Gold Medal without seeing any chest,
but this didn’t happen when I killed Shatterer and Claw of Jormag.

The only thing I did before killing Tequatl is Jumping Puzzle.
I finished one in WvW and went to Tequatl, and got no chest.
Second time, I finished one in Lion’s Arch and went to Tequatl, and got no chest again.

Does jumping puzzle activate DR?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Ebavisu.1793


Juist done Tequatl the Sunless and the Shatterer, both times no chest.
There can be no DR because I was afk for 2 hours before it, and i did both of the dragons on a other character.

I only have this problem at the dragons, all the other chest still spawn for me.
So this means that DR or the chest is bugged at the dragons.


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: andreibianu.8051


This has happened to me 2 times already . Did the whole event from start to finish , got the gold medal completion thingy and then surprise , surprise ! No chest…..oh well just 5 blues lost but god kitten is it irritating.
Anyone else having this problem ?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Alright, to test if it was DR, I went to bed and woke up (8 hours) and saw that a dragon was up and killed teq, and guess what, nothing. I’m sorry i’m a bit mad about this but how could I still have DR if i didn’t play for 8 hours?

this may not be a bug with DR but something else maybe

it’s a dr bug because you only not get chest when you hit a specific dr tied to the dragon where your exp is less than what you should get.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: mrstealth.6701


If this is DR tied to only the dragon meta events, I have no idea how I’ve not triggered it yet. For the past couple days I’ve barely done anything other than dragon events. Standing around in those area chatting in map/guild or with the game minimized 20+ minutes before the spawn windows, or waiting out Claw’s 75 minute window. There must be at least some outside factor to it. Has anyone not getting chests also noticed any amount of DR in other rewards (even a slight drop, as DR should work on a degrading scale)

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: visiouscatlover.2406


Alright, to test if it was DR, I went to bed and woke up (8 hours) and saw that a dragon was up and killed teq, and guess what, nothing. I’m sorry i’m a bit mad about this but how could I still have DR if i didn’t play for 8 hours?

this may not be a bug with DR but something else maybe

it’s a dr bug because you only not get chest when you hit a specific dr tied to the dragon where your exp is less than what you should get.

No, I got the right amount of exp and karma and all that stuff. Just like my screenshot i posted on my other post. And considering I did not even go on for about 8 hours, I’m out of DR if i was even in it(which i probably wasn’t in at all). I think its a bug of the chest just not appearing, and a dr bug as well, meaning I think there is more then 1 problem related to not getting any chest after doing the event. and I say ‘may’ because how am i supposed to know what the problem actually is

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Alright, to test if it was DR, I went to bed and woke up (8 hours) and saw that a dragon was up and killed teq, and guess what, nothing. I’m sorry i’m a bit mad about this but how could I still have DR if i didn’t play for 8 hours?

this may not be a bug with DR but something else maybe

it’s a dr bug because you only not get chest when you hit a specific dr tied to the dragon where your exp is less than what you should get.

No, I got the right amount of exp and karma and all that stuff. Just like my screenshot i posted on my other post. And considering I did not even go on for about 8 hours, I’m out of DR if i was even in it(which i probably wasn’t in at all). I think its a bug of the chest just not appearing, and a dr bug as well, meaning I think there is more then 1 problem related to not getting any chest after doing the event. and I say ‘may’ because how am i supposed to know what the problem actually is

No, look at your screenshot again, you got 12k exp from dragon chest. That is reduced exp already. You should be getting 17,780 exp from jormag in a normal situation. The DR bug varies, you can get as low as 723 exp and really random numbers like 4836 or more. Anyways, this is either a bug with the DR or a bug with their new downscaling system.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: zerofill.1980


I just had this happen to me as well after killing the Shatterer. I noticed the reduced event XP/karma and got no chest, despite getting gold for the event. It does appear that DR is incorrectly triggering as there is no way I should have been anywhere close to DR. Hopefully they sort this out quickly.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Beeca.9467


Ya i have had the same problem last 2 Teq,s i have done no chest with Necro.
But all other dragons dropping chests with ranger

80-Guardian /80- Mesmer

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Snowflake.1295


This is really aggravating me. After a nice break overnight, I log on this morning straight into the fight with Claw. I receive a gold for it and yet no chest. Later on after messing about in Queensdale on a different character, I attempt Shatterer. I receive a gold and still no chest. Recently, I was at Tequatl after having been logged out for 2 hours. Got gold (806xp, 16 karma, and 8 copper). No chest.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I’ve had this happen twice now. The first timewas at Shatterer, I had been playing a while swapping across characters doing things all across the world. This time I had just logged in after 4hrs of not playing and did not receive one at Claw. For both instances I was awarded with gold achievement status.

PS~ I also got the “sound bug” at claw right b4 the end

PPS~This is starting to pop up in map chat more and more…so whatever it is it’s getting worse

PPPS~Just happened for a third time at Shatterer after a re-log to fix the sound bug from claw

Serenity now~Insanity later

(edited by Essence Snow.3194)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


I’ve been trying to get more notice of this topic because it is very real and it is getting worst. With each day, it is getting worst and worst for me (almost no chest after at least 10 total kills per day) and more and more people complaining about it. A lot of people can still get their chest but a lot of people can’t!

Just to add from something I read from another post, I feel this is very much like the lost karka issue since it is "ongoing" and it is becoming "very common".

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I’ve been trying to get more notice of this topic because it is very real and it is getting worst. With each day, it is getting worst and worst for me (almost no chest after at least 10 total kills per day) and more and more people complaining about it. A lot of people can still get their chest but a lot of people can’t!

See that’s the issue I have, when the 1200 post thread about the nerf to drops in the open world reached critical mass and they opened a new thread accusing the players of having “perceived” the drop loss, everyone was on the Devs side saying “yeah stop the farmers! they’re the reason for everything wrong! who cares if they leave the game!” and now here we are seeing this play out. I’m watching to see if you guys get the same treatment by the devs we did, to see if they close this thread and open another one after it reaches a very large number of posts, and see if your complaints go unanswered because that’s what’s been happening to us ever since Nov. Right after Jon Peters made the statement that they love legit farmers and they are doing everything in their power to make sure that DR doesn’t affect real players, BAM they nerfed the very last Dragon event that was still dropping rares/exotics so that it started dropping nothing but blues and greens. smh….

DR has killed many a game when the devs haven’t listened to their players and they ended up driving away everyone but the RP crowd and having to shut down their business. This keeps up it’s going to be sooner rather then later.

I was one of the ppl affected by the wvw bug. If your not familiar with it…many players did not have wvw bonuses for months (I had over 1k hours play w/o the bonuses). It took them 1 month to acknowledge the bug, another month to reply stating the bug had been fixed, and another month to put in the fix (for some reason it had to wait to be lumped in with another content patch).

If that is any indication of urgency then I have to say it looks like we are kol (kitten out of luck) for a while.

Unlike the open world dr issue, we can prove this one much like we did with the wvw bonuses, which at least gives some semblance of weight.

Getting hit by all these “bugs” for extended periods of time really starts to hit home once you consider the summation of what’s lost.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Dataslave.9871


Had this happen to me tonight, killed Tequatl, chest didn’t spawn. Prior to killing the dragon, I took a few hours break from playing, and before that I had simply leveled an alt from 44-46, doing events.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


What I don’t understand is, they know something is very broken here, and it seems like they’re going to take a long time to figure it out since they haven’t acknowledged a fix on this yet. So why not spare us however many potentially amount of days we going to be grieved and temporary remove this new downscaling or DR kitten? I imagine anet does have some kind of rollback mechanism for certain updates if it goes horribly wrong?

The funny thing is, I think it’s going to be at least another week if not more for a fix to be applied and no one is going to be compensated for the hundreds of items they’ve put effort in :/

I really want to have faith… i really do.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Cardstar.1963


Killed priest of melandru last night and no chest at the end for anyone, also killed the champion at the end of the Plinx event and no drop.
If its DR kicking in then surely some people would get it and not others, unless if any one person had had the DR kick in then it screws it for everyone?

<paste generic, tired historical quote here>

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Hmm outside of dragon chest I haven’t encountered this. Was this a defense against melandru or attack? because defending doesn’t give you chest but attacking does.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Cardstar.1963


Ah, that might be it then. Its the spider when its attack isn’t it? I cant remember it being there at the end.

<paste generic, tired historical quote here>

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Well generally, the attack one takes a lot longer. I haven’t encountered any chest bugs in orr anyways. The only bug I did get from grenth was invisible chest that was still openable.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Sitael.4680


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

Can you please explain what it realy means?

Does it means: if someone is doing his daily in one area, he will enter DR in any case and got less Exp, less Karma etc. from Events nearby?

Dose it mean: if someone is waiting for a Dragon and meanwhile doing other events/kills nearby, he will enter DR in any case and got less Exp, less Karma and at the end no chest from the Dragon event?

Dose it mean, it is generally a DR on events, so if someone is doing events for his daily achievement he will enter DR in any case and got less rewards for that???

Can you please explain, why it is at all a DR on events?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

This really is very simple.

Lose the DR.

That is all.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Horst Hortensie.5420

Horst Hortensie.5420

I also had an invisible splendid chest the last days, so please check if it is just invisible.

The complaints are only regarding dragon chests, why should there be a difference to other final enemies on the maps? Anyone knows if this happens p.e. with the fire elemental in Metrica?
Maybe is culling the problem and not DR. Does culling affect the perception of a player nearby (from the view of a dragon)? I note this, because both Dragons affect the map to zoom out, but other enemies do also.

Some open informations about DR would be nice. Now I feel dumb, when I work on exploration and guide myself into DR.
I’m not the great loothunter, soloed some group events just to know if I could do it alone (even solo the loot isn’t worth it). Did one group event postpatch with a random stranger. He got nothing (died at 1% enemy health) and I got a blue item (Champion Risen Devourer). I explored to map before up to 60-65%.

Slow clap for the great puppet player.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Vixein.9263


This is still going on. I have missed out on 7 Tequatl chests now in the last 3 days. It’s only happening on 1 character at the Tequatl event so far. It’s getting really really frustrating. Is there any news on this or did it get shuffled to the back burner?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I also had an invisible splendid chest the last days, so please check if it is just invisible.

The complaints are only regarding dragon chests, why should there be a difference to other final enemies on the maps? Anyone knows if this happens p.e. with the fire elemental in Metrica?
Maybe is culling the problem and not DR. Does culling affect the perception of a player nearby (from the view of a dragon)? I note this, because both Dragons affect the map to zoom out, but other enemies do also.

Some open informations about DR would be nice. Now I feel dumb, when I work on exploration and guide myself into DR.
I’m not the great loothunter, soloed some group events just to know if I could do it alone (even solo the loot isn’t worth it). Did one group event postpatch with a random stranger. He got nothing (died at 1% enemy health) and I got a blue item (Champion Risen Devourer). I explored to map before up to 60-65%.

In my cases they definitely were not there as there was nothing to interact with. It is very obvious to where a chest spawns during such an event as the other players mob it’s location.

In terms of other chests.. I have had no issues with the fire elemental or frozen maw chests.

Ofc I am only one account so that may be taken as a grain of salt.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


I also had an invisible splendid chest the last days, so please check if it is just invisible.

The complaints are only regarding dragon chests, why should there be a difference to other final enemies on the maps? Anyone knows if this happens p.e. with the fire elemental in Metrica?
Maybe is culling the problem and not DR. Does culling affect the perception of a player nearby (from the view of a dragon)? I note this, because both Dragons affect the map to zoom out, but other enemies do also.

Some open informations about DR would be nice. Now I feel dumb, when I work on exploration and guide myself into DR.
I’m not the great loothunter, soloed some group events just to know if I could do it alone (even solo the loot isn’t worth it). Did one group event postpatch with a random stranger. He got nothing (died at 1% enemy health) and I got a blue item (Champion Risen Devourer). I explored to map before up to 60-65%.

In my cases they definitely were not there as there was nothing to interact with. It is very obvious to where a chest spawns during such an event as the other players mob it’s location.

In terms of other chests.. I have had no issues with the fire elemental or frozen maw chests.

Ofc I am only one account so that may be taken as a grain of salt.

Yea, the dragon chest is simply not there at all. There’s a difference between invisible chest and non existent chest, i.e spamming f gets us nothing.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Zeroshi.5629


I’d like to also point out, if it hasnt been addressed already, that Melandru and Grenth do not spawn chests either. For me today, Melandru was the first event I’ve done, so I don’t understand why I would be on DR.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Were you guys on defense or attack? As I mention before, when you attack chest spawns at the end, on defense, nothing spawns at the end.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Twice today i have not received a chest, once on Shatterer with my Ranger, once on Tequartl with my Necro… nice to know i’m wasting my kittening time with this game.

This is pathetic – good thing Elder Scrolls On-line is just around the corner.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Fuz.5621


So, I just did a Shatterer event. Got a gold medal for it, but the chest didn’t spawn for me.
This is the THIRD time this happens to me after last patch.
Fix it asap.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


I have a thread on this called Dragon chest bugged, probably should just merge to one, keep it alive. But yeah, it’s still happening, basically if you see that you’re getting less event completion exp than usual, you won’t get a chest along with it too. Happens most often with shatterer and teq, less with jormag but still occurs. I have a sneaking suspicion it’s because dragon jormag has crystals before hand which give event completion which somehow “unbugs” whatever anet put in.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: rudenick.6057


I’ve had this issue twice. I got gold medal after defeating dragon, but chest didn’t appear. I waited, spammed “interact” key but nothing happened. It Could not be fault of DR, becaue i logged in just to kill Tequatl, didnt do any events, just waiting for the dragon. I’m so disappointed, what if i lost my extremely rare chance to get precursor which i try to hunt for such a long time?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Funky.4861


Wow, i didn’t know dragon chests (or events in general) had DR- that’s borderline crazy when u consider DR was introduced to reduce botting (i have never seen a bot doing an event). The DR needs to be removed completely from meta-event chests and i’d argue from event chains also. DE’s are a major part of pve content- why on earth would you want to discourage/penalise the playerbase for doing them? It’s not like the chests are handing out 4 rares and an exo every time…

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Funky.4861


However, shatterer also has pre-events. Maybe if u did one of the pre-events it would un-bug shatterer?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Fuz.5621


Done another Shatt.
Got a gold medal and no kitten chest.
Fourth time in two days.

Will I get compensation for this?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: bakuyuki.4136


I’ve had the same dragon chest bug on my husband’s account. Its been about 10 dragon chests in a row and anet has not responded to any of his tickets. Sometimes its been hours between chests. At others we would hop on one of his alts and there would be no chest. Now it is happening on all his toons.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Mistkul Gai.2847

Mistkul Gai.2847

I have this issue as well.

My ranger is my main character so I use him most of the time. I bounce around doing the daily and when a dragon pops up, I portal over there and do that event. I’ve never missed out on a chest. I even got a rare drop from the Jornag chest once despite the fact I only joined in the final minute of the event.

Unfortunately that is my only level 80 character at the moment. I keep earning a ton of experience on these dragon events for a guy that really doesn’t need experience. So I decided to get one of my junior characters over to the Shatterer, which is a level 50 area. My guardian was around level 44 or so, and I managed to get him to the Shatterer even though he’s not quite ready for that area. The Shatterer event is pretty easy though. I did that event with that guy several times and everything went well. I really only use this guy to fight the shatterer and nothing else. Most other things I have to switch over to my ranger. So this guy does nothing but fight the same dragon over and over again.

I noticed one time he got 3k experience and the chest did spawn as it should. The next time he got 2200 experience and no chest. The time after that, 1000 experience and no chest. I started to wonder if there was some DR type thing, so instead of switching to another character immediately I wandered around for a while gathering and killing a few things. I stayed in the same map though. So the event comes around again, and I get 100 experience and no chest.

I’m pretty sure the timers are account specific. If you get a magic find boost that lasts 30 minutes, then sign off and come back a day later, you will still have 29 minutes remaining on that boost. I think time essentially stands still for each character when you aren’t actively using them. I can see how this DR thing would kick in if you essentially did the same event 10 times in the last 30 minutes of your characters perceived lifespan. To you that may be a week, but for that specific guy it’s less than an hour.

Still, I would like to have some feedback that indicates I have DR affecting me. Perhaps a timer so I can see when it goes away. I may fight the shatterer with this guy, and then switch to my ranger for the next 5 hours of playing time. It seems like the DR timer could at least apply to your entire account instead of just counting the time spent on that particular character. I am farming the event for experience with my lower level guy, but I’m not bot farming it or anything like that. I’m also doing a lot more in the game than just shatterer, it’s just that I’m using another character. I’ve got a slot for each character type. That’s going to be hard to manage and keep track of DR for each one of them.

I’m going to experiment by taking my guardian to another map, idling and doing some random events. Then I’ll switch back to Shatterer and see if I fare any better with the rewards. It may be that you can’t have certain characters specialize in certain areas and you have to make sure that you rotate their usage around the map.

Doing a large scale event only to get cheated on the experience, karma, and chest reward does take the fun out of the game.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Fuz.5621


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

Explain this.
In details.
We have DR on dragon chests?

Seriously, this is HUGE, it’s a major hit to your credibility (well, what’s left of it).
You “forgot” to tell us that there is DR on events too?

Apart from the “lack of memory”… do you realize that there is no fun way for us to play the game anymore? We can’t farm orr, we can’t farm events… what the hell are we supposed to be doing?
And what else have you nerfed/ninjafixed without telling us?

(edited by Fuz.5621)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Mistkul Gai.2847

Mistkul Gai.2847

Update to my previous post.
I took my guardian (missing Shatterer chest victim) over to Queensdale for an hour or two. I did some events there, some farming.. but mostly afk.. then hopped over to Shatterer. Got gold medal again, only 3600 experience (better than the 100 from last time) but chest did appear. I’m guessing if the experience is too low, no chest. There is some DR thing that is limiting the experience. If it gets too low, no chest.

I’m AFK at shatterer now. Not sure if you have to leave maps, of if you can just afk anywhere. Doesn’t seem like a good idea for Anet to encourage people to afk and burden their servers needlessly. I don’t play the game 24 hour a day. I play a bit, then take a break. I usually logout but I will leave it on while I’m afk if it gets rid of whatever this DR thing is.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Yari.7502


Just came to say that this happened to me at Dwayna. Rest of the about 10 people got the chest, but for me it was non-existent. Got the golden event medal. Weird thing is I hadn’t done any events on that map or on that character any near time before that main event. I didn’t even participate the pre-events of that event line.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: SMac.1476


Lost 3 chests today, two Jormag and one on Teq. First I thought it was just a bug, but the second time a number of people were in the same boat.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Kazador.9754


No chests for me as well.. it happened 4 times now. 2x on Tequatl and 2x on Shatterer. I’ve done it on different characters. I was there from the start of the event, to the end. Ofc, I got the gold reward, but no chest.

I’ve attached a screenie to prove it.


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: poziix.7285


Just did Jormag. Gold gold medal completion but no chest.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Just got home from 12 hours of Superbowl parties and participated in 3 dragons and my dailys, nothing else. 2/3 dragon chest did not appear…Teq and Shatterer. I had 1 non chest prior to going out today as well. I am sending in bug tickets with every non chest and in doing so am spamming support. Plz take a look into this.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon chest bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I got a similar problem, 4 times this week I got absolutly no reward from Jormags Claw at all, no chest or event medal. I didnt use guesting feature. Also did more than enough damage I think, my guardian is using berserker build currently.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.