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My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Well, after some testing on the target dummies in Lions Arch last night I’ve come across that Grenade skills have not only been reduced in their damage (which is somewhat ok) but what is worse have a random spread pattern applied.
That means, unless you center your AoE circle and are standing still a random amount of 1-3 grenades hit with no way of you actually controlling it unless absolutely centering your AoE cricle on the target .
Meaning if you place the AoE circle @ the outer bounds of the target a random amount of grenades hit. I haven’t done any math about that yet but around ~25-40% chance that only 2 of em are hitting their target even with the Grenadier Trait.
I guess it ’s due to the wide spread pattern that is applied now (and seemed absolutely random to me even while standing still at around ~200-600 distance). It wasn ’t like this about a half year ago. I noticed that odd changes around then @ underwater combat (thread is somewhere lost in these subforums) and it seems like they silently merged that changes to overwater combat too.
So AreaNet – what ’s the reason to apply a random spread that is not taking in any kind of distance, or movement into consideration to a SKILL SHOT (!) that is not automatically targeted and only does a resonable amount of damage right now (compared to overall damage and similiar skills)?
To make things worse, when moving around the spread is even more random and sometime the grenades are flying oddly sidewards – not in any direction you’ve aimed at at all. And no I’m not an unexperienced grenade user, as I’ve been using them to great success since the headstart.
I do understand that you don’t want grenades to be overpowered like the were a half year ago, but that spread pattern makes it a gamble that is not controllable by skill most of the time.
And a little side question:
Is it just how I feel about it or did the improved travel speed got rolled back as well?
Discussion Topic can be found in the Engineer Subforum:
Link to my Thread from 7 months ago where I’ve tracked simliar changes in Underwater combat first (it was perfectly fine on land at that time):
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Nothing new yet. I guess ? :-/
Let me requote the GM response from quite a few days ago:
Response Via Email (Chantal) 07/28/2013 04:09 PM
Hello (name removed),Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
I understand that you find a possible bug with the grenade skills not being precise when targeting with the Area of Effect. We appreciate your submission. Someone will be answering your particular questions on your forum post as soon as possible.
If you have any other questions or concerns about any other issue please, let us know.
GM Sheyla
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.