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Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Lazaar.9123


There was a bug that automatically gave some people HoM achievements, so it is currently disabled while they work on a solution to reverse it.

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Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

All my chars wear the title ’Flameseeker’ which I earned by gaining 41 HoM points the old fashioned way.

Now whenever I see someone displaying the GWAMM title I instantly think, ’exploiter’ and hate them a little. This is how this bug has affected people, it has removed respect for a title that should be highly respected as it took massive commitment and a lot of skill to earn legitimately.

I don’t know how Anet can fix it but I do know it needs fixing sooner rather than later.

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Posted by: Mithras.2805


I bought the addition of Guild Wars Eye of the North recently. I wanted to get a unique skins for points of Guild Wars 1. When you come up to an NPC I have this message " That content has been temporarily disabled . Please try again later . "

I think this option should be enabled again . I do not understand why has been temporarily disabled .

Please fix it .

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Posted by: Yulien Anton.6714

Yulien Anton.6714

Indeed. Allow us to access the skins! I don’t give two kittens about titles, I just want the skins I earned playing GW Classic…

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Posted by: Yulien Anton.6714

Yulien Anton.6714

It’s been two+ weeks already. I guess pretending to be airplanes took up all their resources…

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Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


It’s been temporarily disabled due to a bug a couple of weeks ago that allowed non-GW1 players to get an automatic GWAMM title (and access to HoM skin/item rewards, if HoM remained open to them). Thus, it’s closed until they can sort it all out.

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Posted by: Mithras.2805


Of course . The only thing is that this problem has not been forgotten and fix.

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Posted by: Zephyrion.5913


Its been like this for 2 weeks now, I tried to contact GW2 in many ways to simply get more info over this. All I know now (and thats from players, NOT from Arenanet) is that there was a glitch that made the game crash and something that le t players gain rewards without earning them. Some more feedback on this problem is very apreciated Arenanet.

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Posted by: Noein.1685


Here is the post discussing it:

People making new characters and completing a certain story quest after the patch randomly received max guildwars 1 titles. Giving them the title “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals” and the HoM/Achievement points that come with it. So they have closed down the vendor until they remove the title and benefits from those who received them illegitimately.

Unfortunately i too earned HoM points the day this all went down here i am waiting for my white raven

EDIT: Ok this post was made in another topic related to this subject, so obviously they merged the topics.

That which has no life.

(edited by Noein.1685)

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Posted by: bain of man.6857

bain of man.6857

merged them so they can ignore both of them simultaneously, get used to the idea that neither thing is gonna be fixed :/

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Posted by: ReV.6097


Is it possible that they took down the lv10 personal story temporarily, because of it?
Check my thread, and you’ll get what i mean.

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Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Noein.1685


Is it possible that they took down the lv10 personal story temporarily, because of it?
Check my thread, and you’ll get what i mean.

Very possible considering that was the method of acquiring the title. I guess that gives them one more reason to fix this issue.

That which has no life.

(edited by Noein.1685)

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Posted by: Therodin.2970


So i think a good question is if they truly can’t find the time to fix the problem, how long will HOM remain closed?

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Posted by: Rhuarc.6280


Is it possible that they took down the lv10 personal story temporarily, because of it?
Check my thread, and you’ll get what i mean.

No. The bug about getting HoM on creation occured when simply completing the intro (and getting level 2). Also, I’ve completed level 10 story on new characters a couple of times within the last 2 weeks and had no problem. Seems like you have a new bug on you.

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Posted by: Spacerogue.9127


Here is the post discussing it:

People making new characters and completing a certain story quest after the patch randomly received max guildwars 1 titles. Giving them the title “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals” and the HoM/Achievement points that come with it. So they have closed down the vendor until they remove the title and benefits from those who received them illegitimately.

Unfortunately i too earned HoM points the day this all went down here i am waiting for my white raven

EDIT: Ok this post was made in another topic related to this subject, so obviously they merged the topics.

I was just about to post a bug report for a personal starting story that missed parts, playing a new char, not planning to do the whole story but I really appreciate the BL chest key that comes at the end of the starting story. Glad I keep an eye on this post (considering getting GW1 when its on sale, would also like that white raven a lot ! )

Could have at least somehow let the player know I mean the gap is a tad too obvious, a simple ’We’re sorry for the inconvenience but this content is temporary disabled, we’re looking into the issue, in the meantime you’ll be advanced a few steps in the future.’ even ingame mail would do ,not picky here ,just left me a bit confused.

PS; Noein I love your name, one of the best anime’s I have ever seen.

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Posted by: Yulien Anton.6714

Yulien Anton.6714

I honestly don’t expect this to be fixed until the 7th at the earliest. It seems like too big of a bug to address in a hotfix, midweek. Quite frustrating since I earned enough HOM points in the middle of this crisis to finish the armor set I was working towards >,<

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Posted by: Noein.1685


PS; Noein I love your name, one of the best anime’s I have ever seen.

Thanks haha, haven’t stopped using the name since i first saw it.

Lets all pray a fix comes to us on patch day at least, anet seems to be ignoring the issue though

That which has no life.

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Posted by: RoRo.8270


Well I don’t think anyone talks about that it effects the actual gameplay. This game however is a lot about cosmetics no matter if it is skins, titles or minis.
I do fully agree that it is not something Anet should put their main focus onto. But only because you don’t care about cosmetics as it seems doesn’t mean others don’t aswell. So you also have to respect those who do and not make them feel guilty because they do.

Literally the entire thread has been composed mostly of people whinging about how someone else’s title somehow nebulously affects their gameplay experience. Which is tripe.

GW2 is not Barbie Dress Up Island or whatever. Sure, there is a focus on cosmetic upgrades (as opposed to stat grind in other MMOs) but these are neither the main thrust of the game NOR do they affect actual, concrete gameplay.

Which means the only logical conclusion is a select few players feeling oppressed because someone else got something they didn’t by bug/mistake/deal with the devil. This makes no sense at all, since several have admitted they DON’T have the title, and have no plans to shoot for it, making it of little to zero value in the first place.

As I said before, if you’re worried about what other people have that you don’t, you’re going to have a bad time. Focus on the social aspect of GW2, go play a dungeon or guild rush with your guild, and realize that sitting around in LA with some rare skin is NOT gameplay, its ego stroking in a video game, which is quite sad.

How is gw2 not a Barbie dress up? Most of the updates encompass gemstore skins.

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Posted by: RembulanBiru.8274


Yeah… I just finished my 50/50 HoM points I’ve been working on ever since the launch of Guild Wars 2. Just the other day I got my last point, then I created my first character. First it didn’t even give me a HoM stone, but yet my second character did. I just want my mini pets .-.

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Posted by: gettodachpr.7168



Here’s a long shot… Any news on when HoM is going to be enabled again? Recently purchased gw2 after enjoying gw1 back in the day, really would love my goodies, but the thing’s down…


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Posted by: gettodachpr.7168


I mean… There’s threads out there about it, but you know… Maybe some nice dev might, you know, like…You know, like, give us some inside info, an inside scoop into all of this. I know you’re out there, hook us up my man. One love. Peace!

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Posted by: Jorn Wolfgang.3712

Jorn Wolfgang.3712

Agreed would be nice to know if this is going to come back. I have been playing through the first game again to unlock stuff. I hit the 15 mark last month and got the message that it was disabled.

I found plenty of people linking to why it went down. But I too would like to know if or when is it coming back?

I just want to make sure I am not spinning my wheels grinding out stuff from the original series if the fix is down the road with no eta.

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can find the answer in the threads on this subject. It would be nice to post in the HoM thread, as save the mods some work.

Good luck.

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Posted by: Kaleban.9834


How is gw2 not a Barbie dress up? Most of the updates encompass gemstore skins.

So, like all of the Living Story? The cutscenes, voice over, new zones, new enemies, skill updates, etc., etc.

That’s secondary to a few gemstore skins in your mind?

Look, regardless of my disagreement with others in this thread as to the importance of a title bug (and skins which few if any even use), you cannot make the argument that GW2 is ABOUT skins. Well, you technically can, but it would be a foolish argument.

Easiest way to make the case is to ask yourself what you spend more total game time doing, sitting in LA emoting with your new Legendary, or playing the game with your guild, doing world completion, hitting PvP and/or WvW, running a dungeon or fractal set, etc.

If you can honestly say that you spend more time staring at your character standing around doing nothing, then I guess I’m wrong and very sad for you. I will admit I’ve spent time re-skinning and dyeing my characters’ armor, but that time spent is nowhere near the amount I’ve spent playing the game itself.

And as I’ve said, the bug should get fixed, but it is of little importance when there are critical skill and profession bugs/issues that have been around for months or even years without a fix.

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Posted by: kolompi.1287


And as I’ve said, the bug should get fixed, but it is of little importance when there are critical skill and profession bugs/issues that have been around for months or even years without a fix.

“Critical skill and profession bugs” are not ruining a company’s reputation and do not generate that much discontent among players who have been supporting the company for years.

Maybe it’s dumb, but it’s human nature and we’ve seen it happen before. There is a “final step” for everyone that once Anet oversteps that, they’ll leave. It’s different for everyone (ascended crafting, no precursor crafting for ages, no new content, etc.).

This is just one thing, yes. There are other things, yes. But the way Anet is treating this case is just not ok. I understand for them this is yet another “raging idiots” thread and they’ll fix it – at some point, maybe in a year(?) – but that’s exactly the problem. If you make two games (GW1 included) that have titles that you can earn, make people earn those, then hand out those titles for free… you can’t sit on your hands waiting for it all to go away. In the end these are customers and perhaps Anet does not care but an unhappy customer is not a returning one.

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Posted by: Chibiko.8654


I recently started to play on the EU servers. After a week of play I had this strange occurrence where I 40 silver suddenly disappeared (they found their way just as mysteriously back in my wallet a week later, I think), but even more strangely I also had acquired almost 1k achievements, and a lot of titles. I have no idea how it happened. I have 4 chars on my account, one is level 23 the rest are level 2. 2 humans, 1 charr, and one 1 sylvari.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: RoRo.8270


How is gw2 not a Barbie dress up? Most of the updates encompass gemstore skins.

So, like all of the Living Story? The cutscenes, voice over, new zones, new enemies, skill updates, etc., etc.

That’s secondary to a few gemstore skins in your mind?

Look, regardless of my disagreement with others in this thread as to the importance of a title bug (and skins which few if any even use), you cannot make the argument that GW2 is ABOUT skins. Well, you technically can, but it would be a foolish argument.

Easiest way to make the case is to ask yourself what you spend more total game time doing, sitting in LA emoting with your new Legendary, or playing the game with your guild, doing world completion, hitting PvP and/or WvW, running a dungeon or fractal set, etc.

If you can honestly say that you spend more time staring at your character standing around doing nothing, then I guess I’m wrong and very sad for you. I will admit I’ve spent time re-skinning and dyeing my characters’ armor, but that time spent is nowhere near the amount I’ve spent playing the game itself.

And as I’ve said, the bug should get fixed, but it is of little importance when there are critical skill and profession bugs/issues that have been around for months or even years without a fix.

You make a lot of sweeping generalizations. Just because the game is mainly focused on your characters appearance doesn’t mean that person sits in town staring at their own character all day. There are not a few skins like you have mentioned yourself. Getting gear in this game is trivial after that every piece of gear you get is aesthetic. Oh and I do not own a legendary like you somehow came to the conclusion of.

I don’t know how you can compare the actual content updates to skins and say they are minimal. If you want I can go through the past quarter and we can compare how many updates were skins and how many were content.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: RoRo.8270


I don’t even care that this isn’t fixed or probably won’t be for the longest time and this is coming from someone with gwamm and champion of the God’s. What annoyed me the most is anet seemed to want to push the patch that created this issue just to push the patch. It’s clear there was little testing done by looking at all the bugs that patch created. Ones I can remember are skill timings, perma invisible players, story mission bugs, and more that I can’t remember atm.

How is gw2 not a Barbie dress up? Most of the updates encompass gemstore skins.

So, like all of the Living Story? The cutscenes, voice over, new zones, new enemies, skill updates, etc., etc.

That’s secondary to a few gemstore skins in your mind?

Look, regardless of my disagreement with others in this thread as to the importance of a title bug (and skins which few if any even use), you cannot make the argument that GW2 is ABOUT skins. Well, you technically can, but it would be a foolish argument.

Easiest way to make the case is to ask yourself what you spend more total game time doing, sitting in LA emoting with your new Legendary, or playing the game with your guild, doing world completion, hitting PvP and/or WvW, running a dungeon or fractal set, etc.

If you can honestly say that you spend more time staring at your character standing around doing nothing, then I guess I’m wrong and very sad for you. I will admit I’ve spent time re-skinning and dyeing my characters’ armor, but that time spent is nowhere near the amount I’ve spent playing the game itself.

And as I’ve said, the bug should get fixed, but it is of little importance when there are critical skill and profession bugs/issues that have been around for months or even years without a fix.

You make a lot of sweeping generalizations. Just because the game is mainly focused on your characters appearance doesn’t mean that person sits in town staring at their own character all day. There are not a few skins like you have mentioned yourself. Getting gear in this game is trivial after that every piece of gear you get is aesthetic. Oh and I do not own a legendary like you somehow came to the conclusion of.

I don’t know how you can compare the actual content updates to skins and say they are minimal. If you want I can go through the past quarter and we can compare how many updates were skins and how many were content.

Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

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Posted by: Kaleban.9834


You make a lot of sweeping generalizations. Just because the game is mainly focused on your characters appearance doesn’t mean that person sits in town staring at their own character all day. There are not a few skins like you have mentioned yourself. Getting gear in this game is trivial after that every piece of gear you get is aesthetic. Oh and I do not own a legendary like you somehow came to the conclusion of.

I don’t know how you can compare the actual content updates to skins and say they are minimal. If you want I can go through the past quarter and we can compare how many updates were skins and how many were content.

I actually didn’t make any generalizations, simply stated fact. Also, the usage of “you” and Legendary was to mean any player in the general sense, not you specifically.

Quantity /= Quality. The Heart of Thorns expansion may bring more content than all of last year’s monthly updates and LS releases combined. Just because its ONE expansion does not make it inferior to the multitude of smaller content patches released thus far. Releasing an update that includes Caithe’s Dagger in the gemstore is not more significant than the start of LS Season 2 for example.

And you may have missed it, but I contend that the game is NOT focused on character appearance, that’s you in your Barbie Dress Up post. Yes, the game’s gear treadmill is lateral instead of linear (more skins instead of more stats), but that doesn’t mean that the game itself revolves around skins acquisition.

Heck, with more than five players on screen you can’t see your weapons anyways with all the F/X going off, much less PvP or WvW. People don’t play those modes in the hopes of catching a glimpse of Frostfang or Eternity zooming by on a player rocking full Ascended skins. They play for the fun, competition and thrill of victory.

So no, GW2 is not about skins, unless you the player decide to ignore the vast array of content available.

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Posted by: Photonman.6241


This is some serious kitten. I just got back into my old GW1 account a week or two ago so I could farm up some of the skins I didn’t have. I pretty much only played Factions and so didn’t have too many of the statues. I go through unlock a bunch of stuff and get all excited, gonna get my fiery dragon sword and orrian baby chicken and stuff, and… locked… I’m gonna open a ticket cause I’ve been waiting for weeks for this stuff. I’ll post how it goes. Fingers crossed…

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Posted by: serenke.4806


So no, GW2 is not about skins, unless you the player decide to ignore the vast array of content available.

And that is exactly why we see so many players in simple dungeon/crafted/wvw gear and dyes are cheap and nobody is using any expensive weapons. Nowhere. Not in pve, pvp or wvw.

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Posted by: Satenia.9025


And you may have missed it, but I contend that the game is NOT focused on character appearance, that’s you in your Barbie Dress Up post. Yes, the game’s gear treadmill is lateral instead of linear (more skins instead of more stats), but that doesn’t mean that the game itself revolves around skins acquisition.

Heck, with more than five players on screen you can’t see your weapons anyways with all the F/X going off, much less PvP or WvW. People don’t play those modes in the hopes of catching a glimpse of Frostfang or Eternity zooming by on a player rocking full Ascended skins. They play for the fun, competition and thrill of victory.

So no, GW2 is not about skins, unless you the player decide to ignore the vast array of content available.

Titles – which this thread is originally about – are something you display for others to see. This is rather obvious due to the fact that everyone but yourself can see the title you select (unless being targeted).

Thanks to this bug, it’s no longer possible to differentiate between who got the title legit through a rather huge effort and who got the title for free thanks to a bug. This effectively renders displaying the title obsolete – if not to say hurtful (I don’t wish to be mistaken as a bug abuser).

With skins, it works quite similarly. If a prestige suddenly becomes easily available, players feel cheated in their accomplishments.

Whatever your personal motivation to play the game may be is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. There are people who do care for titles and skins and as long as they do, there is prestige attached to them (and also a hefty price, if trade-able).

Lastly, thank you for honouring the thread by staying on topic.

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Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Topic is slowly left to sink. Goodbye HoM.

(edited by Aidan Eighthrain.8612)

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Posted by: Mithras.2805


I hope that soon would fix it . It’s been 21 days since Gaile Gray is spoken in this topic . You have to remind them of this problem .

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Posted by: Satenia.9025


Please don’t let our GW1 efforts remain cheapened

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Posted by: bain of man.6857

bain of man.6857

and give us back access to the skins, pets, and minis we EARNED.

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Posted by: Roan.5194


I won’t let this thread die, i worked my butt off for my rewards and now i can’t have them? I will be posting this everyday if it is necesarry for them to get the fix going

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Posted by: Wyrdfell.8327


I just reached 30 hom points and I can’t get my black widow. Really? Please fix this already. I want my pet.

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Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


We haven’t forgotten this issue and hope to have some information to provide as an update really soon.

I think everyone would agree that it’s better to go through a brief period of disabled access rather than allow the acquisition of a whole lot of unearned titles. But of course the best thing would be to get everything aligned so we can kick start the HoM and you can access it.

Again, very sorry for the delay and I’ll post when we have any new info on this.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

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Posted by: bain of man.6857

bain of man.6857

thanks for updating us gaile, look forward to a fix soon fingers crossed

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Posted by: Mithras.2805


I am glad that this issue is not forgotten . I do not write as a person who has benefited from the bug on achivments . But the person who played Guild Wars 1 earned a modest 10 points. I know I was not deleted from receiving awards from the Hall of Monument.

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Posted by: Therodin.2970


People who benefited from the bug already have all the titles they can get from it, what you are stopping people from getting is the items that they can buy with 39 HOM points the bug gave them. Thanks for the communication though.

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

People who benefited from the bug already have all the titles they can get from it,

In her post, she mentioned that one of the goals is to change that, before re-enabling the HoM NPC.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

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Posted by: Therodin.2970


People who benefited from the bug already have all the titles they can get from it,

In her post, she mentioned that one of the goals is to change that, before re-enabling the HoM NPC.

In the most recent post? or an older one?

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Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Priority has been upgraded from Soon™ to Real Soon™. I’m also not sure 21 days qualifies as a “brief period,” but at least Gaile tries to feed the hamster once in a while.

In other news, buy more meese… mooses… mice?

Recently returned to…
Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

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Posted by: Noskcaj.5126


Thanks a lot Gaile. Update much appreciated. I’m antsy for my Black Widow that I earned over two weeks ago. :-)

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Posted by: Firebaall.5127


We haven’t forgotten this issue and hope to have some information to provide as an update really soon.

I think everyone would agree that it’s better to go through a brief period of disabled access rather than allow the acquisition of a whole lot of unearned titles. But of course the best thing would be to get everything aligned so we can kick start the HoM and you can access it.

Again, very sorry for the delay and I’ll post when we have any new info on this.

I prefer it to be fixed properly, rather than quickly. This also includes removing the unearned rewards/titles from players that shouldn’t have them.

Thanks for getting this taken care of.

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Posted by: Argos Helios.4965

Argos Helios.4965

Still disabled

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Posted by: Jade Anabelle Woods.2549

Jade Anabelle Woods.2549

Well… Content temporarily disabled=Not fixed…
For about a month now. I want my black moa for my ranger. I’m getting kinda mad. Fix it! (please)

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Posted by: Kamikae.9536


I realized I hadn’t unlocked all my HoM reward skins in the wardrobe, went there today, and got “This Content has been Temporarily Disabled”. I want to know if anyone knows why this is disabled, and when it is going to be turned back on!

rMBP 15-inch, Late 2013 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB