Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?
Race: Human (/any)
Gender: Female (/any)
Profession: Ranger (probably also /any)
Weapon: Zenith Recurve Bow (but probably also applies to many others)
Issue : Smoky/cloudy weapon effect cuts, very obviously, through to the front of character; both in the face area and also in the thigh area.
Possible Solutions: Maybe it is possible to, somehow, make character models take precedence over weapon effects?
Alternatively, limiting the weapon effect to the side facing away from the character (at least when the weapon is stowed) would, presumably, also work.
Race: Human
Sex: Male (issue may also exist on female)
Profession: Thief
Armor Set: Inquest Shoulder
Description: After the patch that shows locked dyes, i can’t change that equpment’s colors because it shows one of the dyes (Midnight Purple) is locked but that dye is used so it must be unlocked.
1. Midnight Purple used Color Picker (no color customization)
2. Dye on the caracter
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Issue: Black Feather Wings and shield interaction.
Armor: Reading Glasses, Luminescent top/shoulders/legs/gloves/shoes, Diamond Aegis Shield, Glyphic Mace
As you can see in the screenshot, the wings attach themselves to the shield when it is drawn.
Race: Human (any)
Gender: Male (any)
Class: Elementalist (or any other class that can use a staff or a scepter)
Weapon: The Crossing, Pact Scepter
Issue: Strange shader/texture appearance
Both weapons look as they should when I log in, but as soon as I open the Hero screen – the Pact Scepter (or the chain part of The Crossing staff) turns misty-white.
This only occurs when shaders in the graphic options are set to High.
Also, I’m not the only one seeing this glitch – a friend of mine is playing GW2 too, and he confirmed seeing my weapons change color as I switched shaders quality or opened the Hero screen. Our computers are completely different (I have a stationary PC and he has a laptop), but we both run Nvidia graphic cards.
Also, I play with all graphic settings maxed and I never had any performance or visual problems except for this.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Issue: Adventurer’s Mantle doesn’t hide my characters big beard
Admiral of The Seven Seas
Piken Square
This isn’t a huge deal, but it was something I noticed on a pair of pants.
Inquest Breeches (light armor) have a clipping bulge. It looks like the pant part of the half-robe are a bit too poofy at the top, causing a male human’s crotch to clip right on through.
Basically, the Char’s ear physics are completely messed up while swimming. This happens both under water and while swimming on the surface. The ears look like they are pointing forward and up in the air rather than backwards like they’re supposed to. It’s not a game breaking bug, but I would be nice to see this patched if for nothing but my own sanity.
Also, this may just be a problem with my computer or something, so it would be nice of others could confirm this too.
Carapace armour leggings.
Sylvari/Norn/Human females.
Dear ANet. Please consider upping the quality of the female Carapace leggings textures. We can’t even see how the colours are supposed to blend on the upper part of the butterfly pattern.
Back Weapon Armor Clipping
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior
Item: Carapace Breastplate (transmuted from Inquest Breastplate)
No matter what weapon is equipped on the back, whether it’s a rifle or a great sword of any type, the weapon appears closer to the body than normal; and thus, it clips through your back pretty severely. It does this no matter where you are, as well as both in the hero panel and in game . I took a screen shot of me not wearing any chest piece so you can see that the sword is further away from my back when I am wearing the chest piece. Hopefully this issue can be resolved as it is slightly annoying seeing half my great sword clipped through my back all the time. =)
Charr New female face
The eye ball clips with the eyelids and end up outside them… This is extra visible in /kneel position. Also the lip looks strange when doing /kneel
Edited: Its also very visible when doing /threaten
2 pictures added..
top one when doing /kneel
Bottom one when just standing
The settings for the face is that I use wide/big eyes… play around with it and u’ll see it.
(edited by Frostfang.5109)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Mesmer , Necromancer , Elementalist (All light armor – profession)
Armor: Every leggings / pants / Skirts
Issue : Seamline near character’s hip
I started to encounter this bug since Auguest 2014 and have reported in game for once or twice before.
There is a seamline near character’s hip and I can see through it to the terrain behind as shown in the pictures . This happened to most of the legging / pant / skirt skins or even when I unequibed it (only underwear is left) the seamline is always there.
The bug effects only to my toons who wear light armor only (Mesmer , Necromancer , Elementalist ) those who wear Medium / Heavy armor seems to be safe from this bug so far.
*note : the seamline seems to be see through-able when my toon was wearing leggings / pants / Skirts but if I unequibbed them(only underwear was shown) I cant see through the seamline but it’s still there.
Please fix this bug Anet
Thank you very much in advance.
My Female Norn Ranger appears to be heavily shadowed. It shows up like this on my screen as well as to other players. It seems to have happened after using a total makeover kit. I’ve tried changing the graphics, removing all equipment, and restarting, but nothing works. The problem only seems to be happening on this character and none of my other ones.
Edit: I added two more screenshots.
(edited by Mufasa.5674)
Female charr New face and hairstyles
- Both Mohawk hairstyles hover over the neck in some parts, leaving a gap where u can see in, under the hair. (no harir change for me today…
) See pictures.
- The bandana in the dreadlock hairstyle clips with the facial spikes. See picture.
- The neck and the area where the head meets the neck has a funny shape with the new face. It is as if the neck is made too low. See picture. When the original faces are used there is a smooth arc from neck to head without any bumps or lumps.
Edited: Better picture of neck and better description of neck issue.
These little things limits u’rs options so much if u’re really into creating a genuin and good look for u’r character.
(edited by Frostfang.5109)
Rifle has made the jump animation look twitchy and not smooth….
Basically when you have a rifle out on engineer/warrior and you go to jump it isn’t the smooth animation like it should be
Seems to happen on male human and sylvari
Don’t really see the point in a screenshot as it isn’t really a clipping issue, but animation. As far as I’m aware it happens on all armor types (tested on heavy human tier 3 and magitech armor)
Edit: Was using the predator, but I tested it on other rifles too and it still happens
Also happens with the bifrost (human female)
(edited by Swinnuh.4759)
New Female charr face and hairstyles – again!!!
The hairstyle (the original spiky one) doesn’t stick to the neck… There is a gap between the hair and the neck. (the neck seems too low/thin again) This is SO annoying and I also wasted a hairstyle kit for no good reason. The bug can’t be seen from the side. Almost every hairstyle is broken in some way with the new face! See picture.
Every single face should work with every single hairstyle!! Pls take some more time looking at these things before releasing them! These sort of things makes me really tired.
Edit: A better picture
(edited by Frostfang.5109)
Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Profession: Warrior and Guardian
Armor Set: Dreadnought helmet only
Repro steps:
1. Create new warrior or guardian Charr character.
2. Equip Dreadnought helmet.
3. Use Total Makeover Kit and pick one of the new Charr face types. The one that looks like lion.
Result: The cheeks/nose will clip through the helmet.
Can you pass this to art team? This is so far the best looking Charr helmet and most of the new faces are causing this issue.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Profession: Elementalist
Item: Flame Eye
When unchecking the option to show head gear, namely Flame Eye, the item is still shown on the character in game even though it has vanished from the paper doll. Restarting the game or moving to a new area does not remove it from the in game character model.
Unequipping the item still shows it on the in game character model, but restarting the game with it unequipped removes it from the in game character model.
You can see in this screenshot that the option to show the head item has been unchecked, and that the head item is hidden on the paper doll, but it is still showing on the in game character model.
the hobosack on making more important additions to the game.
Like golden pigs for the gem store” – Gern.2978
Race: Human (/any)
Gender: Female (/any)
Profession: Ranger
Weapon: Crimson Lion Short Bow Skin (probably also some other short bows)
Issue : Beautiful skin but, unfortunately, the top of the bow cuts deeply into the back of the char’s head as she runs.
Comments: I think this is a fairly important issue, as far as this kind of thing goes, as it breaks the feeling of “immersion” if you constantly see a weapon cutting into your char’s head in such an obvious way.
I know some people think stuff like this is trivial, in general.
But this is after all an extremely visual/style-based game, which charges us real money for gold to buy these vanity skins (or for keys to open chests in the hope of getting one).
As such, they could reasonably be viewed as a product in their own right, which we have purchased separately from the game itself.
Therefore, I would imagine quite a lot of other people would think it matters that they have been properly designed and tested, at least to basic standards, before being put on sale.
Possible Solutions: Maybe you could angle the bow a little more, so that the top of it ends over the char’s shoulder, rather than directly above his, or her, head?
Alternatively, maybe it would be possible for the bow to be made to not lean as far forward as it currently does, as the char runs?
Thank you for your time.
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Profession: Warrior
Issue: Guild heavy armor seems to mirror the emblem vertically across the middle rather than display the emblem normally. This happens only with the heavy version of the armor. The light and medium armors do not exhibit this behavior.
Note: This does not happen with my male Asuran guardian or female Asuran engineer. Nor does this occur with my male Sylvari mesmer.
(edited by countcake.8245)
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Profession: Guardian
Issue: dye channel with heavy luminescent armor, some of the dye channel keeps resetting and can’t be changed to any other color ( at least in my case is chest and leggings)
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Profession: Engineer
Issue: Super Shield skin clips through head (this is not just a hair clipping issue).
Solution: Reduce shield scale to match size when stowed on back, or change angle of shield on arm.
Race: All
Gender: All
Profession: All
1. The two south tunnels in Mount Maelstrom (inside the volcano) each have 1 spot in them where your character will go invisible to you and everyone else.
2. Caledon – Great Jungle Wurm also has a spot where this happens.
Back item and weapon will sometimes show up, commander tag always visible.
Solution: Give me back my body!
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Profession: Ranger
Hairstyle: Hair from the makeover kit
Issue: Clipping issue showing hair going through the character model’s head during combat.
As you can see, there is no issue when the character model doesn’t do anything. But as soo as you attack, the clipping problem begins with the hair on each side of the face. Other hairstyles don’t have this issue I think and it’s been like this ever since it was first released with the other hairstyles in the gemstore.
I think it would only be fair to get this problem solved (doesn’t need to be now as I know you guys are really busy with the expansion) as you do have to pay gems to get this specific hairstyle.
(edited by HiroYourFriend.2708)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Profession: Ranger
Armor: Glorious Brigandine
Weapon: Twilight
Issue: Twilight greatsword going through the character model’s back as he moves.
In the first picture you can see the greatsword looks very nice on the back, no problem here. But as soon as you see him run, show in second picture, you can see the greatsword going through his back.
I think Twilight is probably too close to the back, making this issue happening. I could use a backpack big enough to hide it, but I thought it might be a good idea to post it here to know if it’s something that could be solved.
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Profession: elementalist
Armor: Priory body, gloves, legs and shoes, exalted mask/acolyte mask, havroun shoulders.
Weapons: Mystic Staff.
Issue: When I am wearing the exalted mask at first, everything is fine. But the clipping starts when I put on the transmuted Acolyte mask, which was first the stone eye.
When I put the acolyte mask on, the stone eye suddenly appears with it on the mask, even if I take the mask off and put the exalted mask on, the stone eye stays as if it was part of my character model. (first image)
The most annoying part of it though is that the stone eye is visible when I start running in first person (second image).
It has really annoyed me that the stone eye is visible since you start to concentrate on it.
If there is any more information needed, I am happy to post more screenshots.
Please post them in this thread if you come across any sort of bug that fits in the following categories:
- Inappropriate resemblance to female reproductive parts
General Guidelines:
-Take a screenshot of the issue (attached)
-Take a screenshot of your equipment on the Hero Panel (H) (attached)
- Norn, female, Mesmer
—If the issue relates to clothing/armor/weapons—
- Dire exalted pants transmuted to luminescent pants
- Crafted, earned via bandit crests in Silverwastes.
Issue: character art/face animations/face rigging
Race/class: Charr/female/specific face (standard)/class probably irrelevant, but engineer.
Description: during animations, mostly emotes, my character’s left fang, sometimes right one, pops out of the jaw, like on attached screenshots. I haven’t noticed this issue much during standard animations (idle: during looking around, tusk pops out while turning far left/battle: didn’t noticed), but it’s visible during cutscenes while talking, so I guess it’s tied to advanced face animations. Left side is more affected than right.
Additional info: Character has been recently remade with the makeover kit. Character’s body build is the most thin one.
Screenshots below.
(edited by Marge.4035)
Race: Norn
Sex: Female
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Twilight/Inquest Shield
As you can see, in the pictures there are a lieu of glitches that were happening to me that are very easy to see. The twilight can just clip through my body most of the time, and the inquest shield just completely ignores that my arm is there… You will see my arm going completely through it.
Hello Anet,
Category: Weapon art issues – placement
Race, Sex and Class: All
Issue: Characters hold 1h swords and daggers wrong. A sword should be held just below the cross guard, there should be no gap. Screen below.
This issue has been bugging me since launch. After seeing how beautiful and rich this game is, this just feels like its somehow unfinished and cheap. Also ruins (my) immersion into the game. Please fix this issue, I would highly appreciate it. Thanks.
Carapace armour leggings.
Sylvari/Norn/Human females.Dear ANet. Please consider upping the quality of the female Carapace leggings textures. We can’t even see how the colours are supposed to blend on the upper part of the butterfly pattern.
Another screenshot to show that the overall texture quality of the female Carapace Leggings is very poor.
This is the Female Heavy Carapace Leggings on a Sylvari:
When I try to play my characters run around with their arms out, and I dont like it. They look like they are imitating air planes or something. Also I have a helm on that I cant take off either and I dont think it should be on in the first place.
the thoughtless potion – horns are bugy … when u turn they dont turn and stay in the same position when u used the potion
Weapon: Foefire’s Essence
Issue: It’s missing one of its glowing effects when sheathed. The attachments are a comparison between Power (that has the effect) and Essence, respectively. The missing glowing effect is fine when Essence is unsheathed.
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?
Hello Anet,
Armor/clothing art issues: clipping
Norn, Male, Warrior (largest body type)
Problem: Scallywag chest and Barbaric gloves have clipping error on the elbow. Gloves should be a bit larger an/or rotated a bit to the back. Or make elbow piece smaller.
Thank you.
Hello Anet,
Category: Weapon art issues – placement
Human, Female, Warrior (probably applies to other races and genders too)
Problem: sheated placement of Lord Faren’s rapier is too low. See comprison to Bonetti’s rapier, which is placed right, just above the hip. Please adjust placement a bit higher.
Thank you.
Hello Anet,
Category: Weapon art issues – placement
Human, Female, Thief (probably applies to human male and sylvari)
Weapon: dagger main / pistol off-hand (any skin)
Problem: pistol is not aligned to the hand properly. Axis of the barrel should be the extention of the hand. See comparison to charr.
Again, in a game with this much effort already put into graphics, this seems unfinished and out of place. I kindly ask to fix this issue. Thanks.
P.S.: after any attack, only for a split second, the pistol is in the proper postion, but then snaps back to the above mentioned wrong position.
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Elementalist
My female human, Yumiko Emi Ishida has the red eyes, like in a camera; still it seems to be with blue eyes that it happens. I had this eye color since launch.
I use the default Canthan faces (heavily edited) for my girls and it seems her eyes have a red reflection in the pupils like a camera flash was used on her.
I don’t know if its the eye color or the face choice.
Edit: confirmed by another player: its the face type not eyes.
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
Race: Any
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior, Guardian (Heavy armor)
Arah Heavy Chestplate has this undyeable turtleneck that really stands out and seems out of place. I attached a screenshot of the issue on my Norn (other races are also affected). Cheers.
Light Armor
“Forgeman Raiment”
armor adds 2 ugly “bracers” at the character , they being influenced by the armor coloring (as you can see red armor makes em smudgy brown, black would make them gray)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Mesmer (Light armor)
I noticed the armor clipping when using a total makeover kit on him – the clipping seemed to disappear when changing his body shape/size of my character to the slimmest possible human, but I didn’t want a scrawny looking mesmer (I think the slimmest one didn’t have any issues from memory, but I didn’t want a skinny mesmer!).
I went with a broader shoulder and more bulkier mesmer. I knew the bigger body shape had some slight clipping issues but went along with it anyway because that was the look I was going for and it was the body shape I wanted.
The clipping issues are around the heritage mantle (shoulder piece) clipping into the shoulders of the ascalonian performer vestments (top), thighs clipping into the dangly bits of the inquest breeches (pants), and some slight clipping with the chaos greatsword to the right of the heritage mantle on the back of the character.
This doesn’t have to be a priority (I know y’all are busy with HoT), but I certainly would love it if it were to be resolved one day, when there is time, so that he looks as best as he possibly can
Many thanks in advance.
Edit: Forgot to mention the armor and weapons:
Mask of the Jubilee
Heritage Mantle
Ascalonian Performer Vestments
Radiant Vambraces
Inquest Breeches
Illustrious Footwear
Chaos Greatsword
(edited by Zaoda.1653)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Thief
On the assassins armor set there is a clipping issue for longer hair styles where it clips through the back of the collar.
Not sure if anything can be done about this but if there can be, thanks in advance!
(edited by Alterus Karek.9830)
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Guardian
Heavy Radiant Legs clip pretty obviously on the character’s right leg (left side when looking at them). Probably an issue with Sylvari+Norn males too. The clip shows up in the hero panel, in the world, and in the preview screen so here’s the chat code: [&C9YVAAA=].
I’m not able to get online atm so I’ll try to come back and post a screenshot. It’s been bugging me since I unlocked them last night.
For we have held fast our ground and our loyalty to Tyria each and every day…
And it is time the Six show their blessings. Freedom for ALL doers of great and wondrous things!
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Class: Guardian
I want to point this clipping bug, cuz it’s really awful. With huge male norns, all the weapons stowed on the back, Greatsword, Staff, Rifle, Longbow, Shortbow and Hammer get inside the armor’s back. It’s really ugly, since it’s a very obvious and huge clipping, also a new gem store outfit and i hope this can be fixed anytime soon. I heard some clipping happening with charrs as well, but not sure.
(edited by Eckenhart.2816)
Race: Human
Gender: FemaleIssue: Black Feather Wings and shield interaction.
Armor: Reading Glasses, Luminescent top/shoulders/legs/gloves/shoes, Diamond Aegis Shield, Glyphic MaceAs you can see in the screenshot, the wings attach themselves to the shield when it is drawn.
This seems to happen with all back items when drawing shield.
1. Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Issue: Accessory in new hairstyle stays one color
2. Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Body of Koda
Issue: Clips with weapons such as longbow and shield, but also clips through itself at left leg.
3. Weapon: Kodanroar
Issue: Apparently this warhorn clips right through the leg
(edited by Headcase.4618)