Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Mystiq Angelic.8193

Mystiq Angelic.8193

Armor art issue (clipping)

Race: Human
Sex: Female
Scholar Profession: Mesmer

Armor type: Light armor
Armor name: Masquerade Leggings

General overview:

Masquerade leggings in particular has a larger size than standard size leggings, thus effecting Greatswords of all models to be properly displayed. The following attachments will show 2 human female models standing side by side of each other to better demonstrate the clipping issue of Masquerade leggings with a standard size leggings. Both models have Ghastly Greatsword equipped to show a relative comparason between the two. The clipping issue is even more pronounced with certain Greatswords that have thinner greatsword blade such as Vision of the Mists.


(#1) GW845, (#2) GW820, (#3) GW822, (#4) GW825:
The greatsword appears to pierce through Masquerade leggings and over half of its greatsword blade is completely hidden by it. These screenshots were taken from different angles to better showcase the issue, and to give a relative accurate comparison with another female human model in standard size leggings and identical greatsword.

(#5) GW839, (#6) GW842, (#7) GW843:
These 3 screenshots show the clipping issues from a frontal view. As I described earlier, the greatsword blade appears to pierce through the large size Masquerade leggings. The portion of the greatsword blade should not be visible inside the leggings. The standard placeholder for greatswords is overlapping with the large size Masquerade leggings. The angle of greatsword placeholder for Masquerade leggings may need to be adjusted slightly tilted upwards vertically to better fit with its size with minimal clipping issues.

Thank you for reviewing, and my special thanks to the team that fixed the clipping issue for Masquerade leggings with one hand weapons and off hands. I very much appreciate the art work without clipping.


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Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Gempulse.9463


As you can see in my attached image, the light-armored gloves from the Honor of the Waves Explorable dungeon are visually bugged, and bug frequently.

In my screenshot, my character (Male Asura) is in-game, compared to my character in the “Hero” [H] screen. My character in-game has the visual bug on the gloves, while my character being portrayed in the “Hero” screen does not.

I have found that the cause of this bug is very simple. The visual bug occurs only when and if you take your character into water. As soon as you jump into water, the gloves get that weird gray visual effect and the effect stays on your gloves when you come out of water, as well. Moreover, one can remove the visual bug by simply un-equiping and re-equiping the gloves. It’s an easy fix, but the bug occurs quite often, because for some reason I swim a lot?

Also, I have a few friends with this set of dungeon armor and I’ve tested to see if this visual bug occurs on their side too, and it does. On every set of Svanir light armor that I’ve seen.

Please fix this bug as it is very annoying to me.


(edited by Gempulse.9463)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: DuoMaxwell.8019


This only appeared after the patch. An invisible stomach line has appeared with my armor set, just like the winged armor invisible stomach line.

Assassin’s Coat
Vigil Leggings
Noble Mask
Noble Gloves
Duelist Pauldrons
Rawhide Boots

All are transmuted.

Same issue as this person, the recent patch a few minutes ago did not fix it, human female, assassin’s coat and vigil leggings, transmuted. For some reason I can’t upload screenshots because my internet is being terrible atm.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Paladwin.5026


Hey, I don’t think much detail is needed for my problem, but whenever you use the chimeric prism focus skin from Hall of Monuments, it also becomes sheathed… I’m not sure whether thats a problem or not but it looks really bad in my opinion.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: GeoX.5046


A minor bug
A transmuted Mystic horn bow with a Perl bow
It does not show up right in the shop, as you can tell from the screenshots.
Note it still works correctly in game, and looks like a mystic horn bow, this just scared me a little in the shop when i thought it turned back :/

Also on a more serious note, why can’t i see my shoulders on the medium CoF set? Is it sompose to look like that?


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Luchs.1302


race: norn
gender: female
profession: guardian
weapon isssue: Foefire’s Essence (lvl 80 exotic greatsword)

I’ve been told by many ppl that the chain on the sword is glitchy. they see the chain standing up right, and sometimes depending when/where i’m holding the sword, it could look “inappropriate” >_>;;
i don’t have a screenshot because i don’t see it, but others do.
please fix asap, i spent a lot of time making the sword ._.
thank you very much.

+ Luchetta + Luchet + Kino Deluche +
+ Yare Yare +
+ Jade Quarry ++

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: livEVIL.6701


please fix… these 1handed weapons are floating next to the player and looks out of place.

- Human, Female and Mesmer
- Masquerade armor set

p.s. this was taken after the most recent patch today. it never looked like this before… please fix it, thanks.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Symphlion.8651


It`s a shame but my female human guardian has some clipping problems with the hair in regard to the protectors chest gear. It seems the hair is coming through ( just the small tails on the front ) and I would like for that not to happen.

I provided a screenshot so you can see for yourselves. Thanks in advance!


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Rayti.6531


I have a very interesting graphics/skin bug using the Gavebeorn Breather of the Afflicted in combination with a Shadow Armor Set (actually it’s a Carrion Exalted Set transmuted to a Shadow Set, don’t know if this is also important to reproduce the bug).

When going into the water whilst wearing the breather, it destroys the skin of the gloves and the shoes, by overwriting it with the skin of the breather (or at least that’s what I guess is happening). Please find attached a screen shot of this phenomenon.

The skin can only be brought back to normal by un- and reequipping the armor.

When not wearing the breather, the skin remains intact when going into the whater.

Gempulse.9463: I think, that in your case it could also be caused by the aquatic helm. What kind of breather are youe wearing?


(edited by Rayti.6531)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: burndtjamb.5610


Armor art issue (clipping)
Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Scholar Profession: Thief
Armor type: Medium
Armor name: Trapper Coat and Whispers Gloves

I’ve dyed the section of the Trapper Coat that is clipping through the Whispers Gloves.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Grebcol.5984


Race: Norn
Sex: Male
Scholar Profession: Ranger
Weapon type: Shortbow
Weapon name: Aether Shortbow

This bow is to high on the back,this looks really stupid.

First pic shows the normal position(corrupted shortbow)
Second pic shows the issue


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Archbrage.5160


I’ve literally tested every single style of MEDIUM coat armor on a male CHARR, and every single one puts a trench-coat or skirt-like look. That is disgusting, when Charr do their racial run it looks horrendous specifically because you can see up their cone of coat tails.

Major suggestion every male and medium armored Charr has suggested…. GET RID of Coat Tails…. make coats stop at the waist, clipping problem completely avoided

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

race: Human
profession: Warrior
gender: male

weapon: Foefire’s Essence

details: the chain that is attatched to the pommel of the sword has been co-ordinated off-center, and hangs approx. 1 chains width to the left side at all times, both when on the back and in use.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Female Human Thief

This has probably already been reported but there’s a graphical glitch with the vigil pants.
It runs along the stomach. Chest piece is the duelist skin.


Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: yumedust.8596


Race: Asura
Profession: Elementalist
Gender: Female

I’m having issues where if I equip gloves on my elementalist the hair is missing on the front sides and I can see her scalp if I remove the gloves the hair goes back to normal.

She is using the mighty embroidered crafted set. The first image shows the issue with gloves equipped the second shows the hair is normal without gloves equipped


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: ChickenInABlender.2531


As an addition to this previous post by Coltz, here are two screenshots showing the problem items. The Pirate Harpoon has the icon and model for the Pirate Speargun, and the Pirate Speargun has the model and icon for the Pirate Harpoon.

Character shown is a Norn female mesmer, but I have had this happen with an Asuran male engineer, a Human female warrior, and a Human male elementalist.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Profession: Warrior

The String on the longbow Ganadriva seems to be scaled for some other race.

SAME issue here. For a named exotic it’s disheartening to have this issue. Also, A.Net, there are other bows that have strings looking like this, please investigate Ganadriva and the other bowstrings if you at all can.

Race: Charr
Sex: Female
Class: Ranger

Screenshot attached, please note that I transmuted Ganadriva down to a Level 1 bow so I can use the skin as I level.


(edited by Idolicious.6091)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Issue: “Truyere’s Leggings” (Light – same skin as “Tactical Leggings”) has visible, bright red ‘underwear.’ The red ‘underwear’ does NOT dye to match the color of the actual leggings, so it is very distracting/disgusting (eww).

In the screenshot, you can see I am dyed all of one color – Iron dye – yet the bright red ‘underwear’ is clearly visible. Since I am Charr, as I run (on all fours), EVERYONE gets a nice view of my bright red ‘underwear.’ Not cool…and kinda gross.

PLEASE NOTE: The red ‘underwear’ bleeds red onto the base of my tail, also the chains around the waist have a weird mix of red in them too. These are difficult to see in the screenshot but definitely visible in game.

Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Class: Necromancer


(edited by Idolicious.6091)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Darrio.6098


- Armor issue
- Weapon issue

Race: Sylvari
Sex: Male
Class: Ranger

“Evergreen shoulder” – t1 sylvari medium armor shoulder (Location: The Grove
NPC: Annamh, gets transmuted on exotic medium shoulder), have vizual conflict in chest zone with “Orrian Reward Breastplate” – exotic medium chest from Arah dungeon (Location: Lion Arch NPC: Officer Hetja)

When moving, shoulder constantly touches “Dragon Ridge” around breastplate

Also “Orrian Reward Breastplate”, through of the wide skirt, have conflict with any bow’s on Sylvari male race. In a standing position the bow is always inside the armor skirt, which is annoying. And this problem is not only with this armor, that’s true to any other armor with broad skirt.

Also irritates shooting arrows with low Sylvari standing archery pose. Many medium armor have skirt’s and with that pose, with wide apart legs, armor stretched quite indecently.

Maybe you should change the animation of shooting more closer to the human, not so much bend legs for shooting, get hands and legs more up, current pose too low to the ground.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Nitross.6987


I really like my Anonymity Hood on my thief and I’ve transmuted it up to my level 80 armor. It’s always difficult to match armor pieces from different sets – for instance the hood’s collar is often higher than the collar of the armors – but, usually, if you use the same color there is no problem as the parts just seem to blend together.

The Anonymity Hood, however, has a particular issue : all colors look darker on it.

For instance, if I use “Ebony” on the collar of the Duelist Armor and on the hood, I get a black hood and a dark grey collar.

It’s annoying that the hood is always a tone darker than the other armor parts.


- Fort Aspenwood -

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Nike.2631


Race: Norn
Gender: Female

It seems that every 1-handed sword has the same incorrect scaling factor. The handles look ridiculous for the charcter to try and wrap a hand around it and the point of the blade is burried inches (or feet) into the ground when the weapons are stowed in the non-combat stance.


“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Ranulf.9285


Race: Human

Gender: Female

Equipment: Pistols, Daggers, Hip sheathed equipment in general.

Armor Type: Medium (Leather coat, possibly other coats as well)

Problem: For at least some of the medium armor coats (especially leather, as shown), the weapons float too far away from the body. It’s kind of an irritating thing, and I’m positive it wasn’t like this in the past. Could this be fixed so the pistols do a better job of resting on the body? Please and thank you!


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Maz.8604


Sylvari, Female, Thief

Swindler Coat

The sharpness of the coat when it moves to accommodate for running legs. I put a similar coat (Swindler coat, not the exact same item, but a Swindler coat) on my female Asura Thief. No sharp points on the Asura, it’s a smooth ‘flourish’ or whatever.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Ojike.3179


I hope its a bug anyway..

Asura Female Mesmer Greatsword skill Spatial surge doesnt spin as on the other races, screenshot is attached.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Foeralk.9587


Graphical Issue: Weird shield/engineer pack placement

Problem with asura t1 armor as shown


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Idolicious.6091


I really like my Anonymity Hood on my thief and I’ve transmuted it up to my level 80 armor. It’s always difficult to match armor pieces from different sets – for instance the hood’s collar is often higher than the collar of the armors – but, usually, if you use the same color there is no problem as the parts just seem to blend together.

The Anonymity Hood, however, has a particular issue : all colors look darker on it.

For instance, if I use “Ebony” on the collar of the Duelist Armor and on the hood, I get a black hood and a dark grey collar.

It’s annoying that the hood is always a tone darker than the other armor parts.

I can confirm this, and as I also like my Anonymity Hood, would like to see the colors/filter re-balanced.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Aenyan.8921


Peacemaker’s Longbow has clipping issues with the Twilight Arbor chest piece (Nightmare Breastplate) and also with the Ascended Quiver back piece. Shortbows have the same issues, both with the chest and the quiver; however it is more apparent with the larger skin of the Peacemaker’s.

The quiver back piece also does not show in the Hero nor is there a “Preview” available if you right click it in the inventory.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Aznkenshin.3602


Armor/clothing art issues (placement, clipping)
Human Male Guardian

While running (W) with Protector’s Armor + Sunrise, lots of clipping occurs.

- Vigil Helm, req80
- Jofast’s Pauldrons, req80
- Protector’s Armor, req80 | Acquired from Firenzia [Cultural Armorsmith Tier 3] in Divinity’s Reach
- Draconic Gauntlets, req80
- Orrian Legguards, req80
- Protector’s Footgear, req80
- Sunrise, req80 | Acquired from Mystic Forge and hundreds of hours of work.

I am wearing arguably the most expensive chestpiece + the most expensive greatsword. Please look into this clipping issue.

Thank you.


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Posted by: xPyrowolfx.6023


Odd weapon holding/holstering
Weapon problem : Wisteria ( focus )
race: sylvari
class: necro
Sex: female

This focus is sticking out like gravity is pulling it oddly shouldn’t it just free and fall loose downwards?


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Posted by: Camulos.7869



I notice my OOW daggers now fold when put away and the gears spin. It folds at the rivets on the blade. This wasn’t the case when I first bought them.

So my question is? When do I see the same on my whispers shortbow, my whispers spear, whispers speargun? I see the rivets and I see the gears, but no folding and no spinning.


Expensive set, please fix:

Pistols clip
Daggers clip
Long hair clips collar
Any way to seperate colors from the neck and chest panel? I hate that the chest panel is lizard skin and the neck is cloth but have to be same color.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Account.9832


Sylvari cultural armor (T1, medium, boots, female) clips through character’s feet and ankles, and doesn’t allow correct application of dyes:


- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Scylipt.6598


The Clerics Dragonic helm has the caption “this item is currently obscured by another” even if it is the only item i am wearing.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: sanzo.6104


Race: Asura
Sex: Male
Class: Necromancer
Armor Type: Light Armor
Vendor Name: Officer Veros
Armor Name: Flame Legion Vestments

Hello, If it’s possible can you change the skirt length of the “Flame Legion Vestments” as the same of the “Flame Leg Guards”? thank you.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: YingMasters.2051


Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class: Thief

Helm: Emblazoned Lv80
Shoulders: Emblazoned Lv80
Coat: T3 Human Cultural Lv80
Leggings: T3 Human Cultural Lv80
Boots: Order of Whispers Lv80

There is a small seam showing on the side of the waist of the character model when wearing the T3 Human Cultural Coat and Leggings.


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Posted by: Vesper.4768


Race: Asuran
Sex: Male
Class: Engineer
Name of Armor causing the Clipping: Protean Coat

Today i decided to buy the chest piece from the asuran T1 Armor Vendor, little did i know as soon as i equip the chest piece my characters shield seems to shear through his waist. I tried this with my Priory’s Historical Shield, and i also tried it with my other shield Kryta’s Embrace, in both instances the shield went though my characters waist. I then decided to see if i had the same problem with another chest piece, so i put on my Invaders Rawhide Vest, when i put on my Vest the shield went back to normal, so it definitely is a problem with the Protean Coat itself.

Thanks for reading my post hopefully this can be fixed quickly, would hate to have wasted a Fine Transmutation Stone, but hey stuff happens :P


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Hexis.1708


-race: norn
-sex: male
-profession: guardian

-armor: heavy
-head armor: vigil helm lvl 80
-shoulder armor: heavy whispering pauldrons of divinity lvl 80
-chest armor: stag mail lvl 80
-leg armor: heavy arcon gauntlets lvl 80
-foot armor: heavy whispering boots

-sword: pact avenger of accuracy
-shield: pact tower shield

as you can see the shield and the sword is covered by the cloth on the back of the chest armor


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Faline.3952


Issue: Armor/clothing/art issue

Norn Female, level 80 Mesmer
Wearing a combination of T1 & T2 Racial armor.

Items involved:
Sheepskin Doublet of the Pirate (lvl 80 exotic armor)
Havroun Leggings of the Pirate (lvl 80 exotic armor)

Every time I go underwater both the top and my boots are getting this awkward, ugly white “thing”(?). I can clear this up by switching to my towns clothing (or re-equip)

Attachment below will show the problem, hope it can be fixed :/


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Weapon: Vision of the Mists

Issue: When previewed, Vision of the Mists looks as it should, but when equipped it shows up as two greatswords overlapping each other.


Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

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Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: goldenfiver.2031


Race: Charr
Profession: Warrior
Armor: Citadel Of Flame heavy armor set

Problem: A hole (?) in the legguards. Looks like a funny X just under the chest part. Seems like the legguards and chest just wont cover the entire section of the body. NPC’s wearing the set (the armor set vendot itself) doesnt have the problem.


(edited by goldenfiver.2031)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: LadyHorus.8214


Race: Sylvari
Class: Mesmer
Armor: Twilight Arbor Light Armor
Gender: Female

I noticed when I equip the top piece of this armor, there is a small seam/gap between where her waist and hips connect. It is only really visible from the back and not the front. Still enough to where I notice it and it starts to bug me after a while.

Any fix to this issue would be appreciated.


Rosangela Marie: 80 Mesmer • Rosangela: 80 Elementalist
My Artworks! - Lady Horus Gaming

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Shadestrike.4372


Class: Necromancer
Race: Human
Sex: Female

The Bull’s Mantle shoulder piece clips quite badly with the left shoulder of the human tier 2 cultural piece Aristocrat’s Mantle. I have made the Aristocrat’s Coat black and the areas clipping white for easier visibility.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Coltz.5617


2 Clipping issues with one armor.

Armor: Norn Cultural 2

Clipping: with godskull edge and my characters hair.


- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Karrie Fuchs.9320

Karrie Fuchs.9320

Race: Norn
Sex: Female
Class: Warrior

Helmet: Heritage Warhelm of the Pack (level 80 transmuted)
Pauldrons: Heavy Aurora Pauldrons of the Pack (level 80 transmuted)
Chestpiece: Stag Mail of the Pack (level 80 transmuted)
Gauntlets: Whispers Gauntlets (level 80 untransmuted)
Legpiece: Stag Chausses of the Pack (level 80 transmuted)
Boots: Barbaric Boots of the Pack (level 80 transmuted)

Issue with: Whispers Gauntlets (Heavy) — Acquired from Armor Requisitioner Betje in Chantry of Secrets

As you will see in the screenshots below, when the Whispers gauntlets are equipped alongside the Stag Mail, severe clipping through the body of my character occurs. This is most plainly viewable with a hammer, but I also included screenshots with a Greatsword. I have also included screenshots showing the the Whisper Gauntlets render perfectly fine with the chestpiece (Stag Mail) unequipped.

The line drawing through my character’s body when wielding the hammer is being drawn from the wrist and then through the body. When idle, you can also faintly see some of the glitch.


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Posted by: Simon.8513


Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Profession: Warrior
Armor: Primeval armor
Bug: Chin goes through helmet all the time


(edited by Simon.8513)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Race: Norn.
Sex: Male.
Class. Warrior
Armour: Stag Mail (Heavy Cultural T3 chestpiece)

The neck becomes discoloured when wearing this chestpiece. Below are screen shots from the Hero panel (where it looks fine) and in-game (where the issue occurs)


I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

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Posted by: notebene.3190


It seems the last patch broke the model for the medium armor: Vigil Leggings

There is now a rather noticeable seam in the midsection of the character where previously there was none. I have taken a screenshot of the problem and placed it next to a screenshot taken just yesterday for comparison: (Bug.png, Bug2.png)

I’ve included a screenshot of the character panel: (Bug3.png)

Equipment is as follows:
Head: Trooper’s Mark of Balthazar
Shoulders: Berzerker’s Duelist Pauldrons of Grenth
Torso: Berzerker’s Duelist Coat of Balthazar
Gloves: Carrion Duelist Gloves of Rage
Legs: Vigil Leggings of Hoelbrak
Boots: Murmur Boots (Lvl 79 Karma armor, “Fine” rarity)

Weapon set 1:
Berserker’s Pistol of Bloodlust
Berzerker’s Pistol of Earth


Berzerker’s Dagger of Grawl Slaying
Berzerker’s Dagger of Grawl Slaying

The issue seems to persist even after the removal of all other equipment as well:(Bug 4.png)

I came out to report this same thing. The light winged legs had a problem, at least 3-4 weeks or more ago when I used to wear them.

Currently wearing the Vigil on my Ranger as well, and notice the seam.

Kudos on thinking to test it with ‘just’ the pants, I hadn’t thought of that. Until I saw that, I had assumed it was an issue possibly with top/bottom combinations, and not really one piece by itself, but how it interacts with another piece. Apparently that isn’t (always?) the case.

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Posted by: Black Sheep.2694

Black Sheep.2694

Race: Charr
Sex: Male
Profession: Warrior

Each shield I use clips through the arm and shoulder.


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Posted by: Negativity.5801


Race: Norn.
Sex: Male.
Class. Warrior
Armour: Stag Mail (Heavy Cultural T3 chestpiece)

The neck becomes discoloured when wearing this chestpiece. Below are screen shots from the Hero panel (where it looks fine) and in-game (where the issue occurs)

It generally (emphasis on generally) seems to appear fine in bright light (Daytime), however any lighting changes seems to exacerbate the issue (Dungeons, Nighttime, Shadows). Since the neck is part of the armor mesh with Norn T3 Stag Mail, it seems to share the same properties and isn’t affected the same way the male norn base model textures are, so lighting is affecting the norn head and neck textures differently making the neck significantly darker.

As far as guidelines go:

Armor: Stag Mail, Stag Chausses, Vigil Shoulders, Vigil Gauntlets, Vigil Greaves, Draconic Helm
Dyes: Abyss, Ash
Weapon: Corrupted Skeggox, Corrupted Bulwark, Ghastly Sword, Ghastly Warhorn


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Race: Human
Sex: Female
Class. Elementalist
Armour: Noble Set (Caudecus’s Manor level 80 exotic armor)

As you can see on my attachment, parts of my gear are “untextured”.

UPDATE: The colors change whenever I go underwater… Now I can confirm it. When going underwater my character loses textures on those parts, maybe it’s a problem to the “swimming” animation of that particular piece of cloth? When I exit the water it remains “bugged” but the preview is fixed.


(edited by maddoctor.2738)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Armor: Slayer’s Vest (transmuted, so I don’t know the level. It’s mid 30s from the personal story, I think.) Happens when only this piece of armor is equipped, as well as with any other armor.

The neck is discolored horribly from the head. In the hero panel it looks fine, but when it’s exposed to any kind of lighting (aka anywhere in the actual game world,) it looks awful.