Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I am invited in 5 guilds but i cant join them all. I always get a messege of a network error
World: Fort Aspenwood
Symbioticologistz [TECH],
Dragon Toe Smasherz [FANG],
Cookie Jar Raiderz [LOVE],
Plantea Cromohazardz [TREE],
Bootleged War Katz [BOMB]

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ichikov.3246


Guild: Neo Gaming Age Force Europe [NGAF]

Issue: Invited to join the guild. Click to join from ‘G’ menu, get error message: 3040:1002:3:1930:101

I’m currently a member of 4 guilds. Can join and represent each one without an issue.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fayel.7589


I can’t invite anyone to the guild, I invited some people the first day, but couldn’t invite anyone else since the second. Been like this for a week, it keeps saying it’ll get fixed on the wiki, but each path nothing happens. I try to invite someone and nothing happens, no error, nothing. I have people who’d like to join and i can’t invite them :(

Ehmry’s Bay
Etera [Eter]
Issue: Guild invites broken. No error, just nothing happens when I click invite.

Was fine the first day I made it.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rimo.8953


Seafarer’s Rest – Midline Crisis [MC]

Opened a support ticket on Day One of the Headstart launch that my Tome of Influence did not award any influence. No response yet, and no influence added to guild.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yodi.4831


anytime I get a invite and try to accept I get Network Error.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Andres.8513


Apparently, I have a bug that my friends don’t have, in which opening the guild panel puts me in a weird state of lag (can’t say anything, but I can see other people moving) and then disconnects me after a few seconds (this only happens if the online members list doesn’t load right away), and if I take too long to close the guild panel, I’ll be met with a disconnection when I log in again, since the panel will still be open. This applies to the friends list too.

I’m in the following guilds: Clear [CLR] (2 members) & Test Queue Please Ignore [QQ] (441 members).

This issue has been happening for about 1 week, and it’s pretty frustrating having to log in several times before I’m able to see who’s online.

PS: this is the code I get on disconnect: (Code=3032:1002:3:3939:101)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bere.5390


Guild: Usva [Usva]
Server: Ring of fire

Problem: As guild leader I can’t edit ranks and therefore cannot use influence or edit the guild message of the day. Glad to see that I am not alone with this problem as these fellows seem to be having the same problem.
Post 18312
Post 22754

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyran Foxfire.4139

Kyran Foxfire.4139

Guild emblems are not viewable for me in the the guild window regardless of guild I am representing. ( I am in three). All I see is what appears to e a sliver similar to a skill slowly unlocking. This is not true of all members of the guild, but a random few. Bug report and screen shot submitted last night. Thank you.

Try dragging the guild window closer to the top-left of the screen and the emblem may appear.

This used to affect everyone in our guild, but yesterday those with nVidia cards could see it anywhere on the screen while those with AMD cards still had the issue. I don’t know if that proves anything or is simply a fluke, but I thought I’d share.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dablis.7265


Grievance guild on Jade Quarry sever. Our original guild with 250 members, and lots of Influence. The guild just disappeared one day after patch, we were unable to recreate because the name was taken. We had to create a secondary guild.

We would like our original guild reinstated, and our influence transferred. Finestra Starbreeze (NightAngel.8932) is the guild leader, we (all 200+ of us) would really like our guild back, and at the very least some communication because we have received none.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: luminathor.2839


Guild emblems are not viewable for me in the the guild window regardless of guild I am representing. ( I am in three). All I see is what appears to e a sliver similar to a skill slowly unlocking. This is not true of all members of the guild, but a random few. Bug report and screen shot submitted last night. Thank you.

Try dragging the guild window closer to the top-left of the screen and the emblem may appear.

This used to affect everyone in our guild, but yesterday those with nVidia cards could see it anywhere on the screen while those with AMD cards still had the issue. I don’t know if that proves anything or is simply a fluke, but I thought I’d share.

Holy carp, that actually works. There’s an invisible, fixed position on the screen to the left of which, the emblem displays without issue. To the right of it, it doesn’t. Dragging the guild window across the screen, you can actually see it disappearing across this mystery threshold, like someone put another window on top of it that only affects the emblem. I can’t even begin to imagine the cause.

When Arenanet finds the time, I would desperately love to hear the explanation of this one – it’s bound to be amusing.

Thanks for the tip, and hopefully it’s something we won’t have to do in the future!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CrunchyChicken.5284


Not really a bug per-say and if there’s a better place to post this please let me know.

The issue I’m having is with permissions within the guild. It seems that the only way to let member invite new players is to also give them the ability to promote/demote and even kick players of lower ranks. This really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

I propose to remove the ability to invite new players from “Admin of lower ranks” and make it a separate permission.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Annelia.8124


The Tome of Influence failed to work on 26th August 2012. I was representing my guild at the time. Server Desolation, clan [Zel]. I reported the bug via the ingame system and have also opened a ticket, number [120829-013294], which contains a lot more information.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rafn.8461


I’m still not seeing my guild. We had 200+ members before it got bugged last Saturday, where we couldn’t see any guild members or influence points, and all the progression was gone. After you tried to fix it on thursday, our guild disappeared, but people is able to see the guild tag by our names.

We haven’t been able to progress at all, for a week, and we have probably lost alot of members. We’re not able to communicate with our guild members, so they might even think that we’ve shut down our guild. I seriously hope you’re not underestimating the importance.
Guild: Haste
Tag: HsT
Server: Far Shiverpeak

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: DirtyBooze.2581


Guild&Tag: Warhost [WOG]
World: Tarnished Coast
Owner: DirtyBooze.2581

We disappeared the morning of August 30th after the previous night’s maintenance. We had over 45 members (if I remember correctly), some guild size upgrades too (because I could) our influence upgrades were as follows:

Politics 1
- Guild Emblem Template
Art of War 1
Economy 1
Architecture 2
- Guild Workshop
- Guild Stash (which would have been done the next day)

I checked to see if it was somehow disbanded, but when I tried to recreate the old guild with the same name and tag, it, to my relief, informed me that the name was already taken. Which in my mind means it’s in fact just not showing and inaccessible as opposed to being deleted. I haven’t met anyone from that guild who has seen it on their list, since this happened.

Some of my members, including myself, even invested their Tomes of Influence shortly before the disappearance. I finally got a response to my 8 day old support ticket yesterday (which looked like it was copy/pasted, and just told me to to keep watching the daily status updates)

We really want our guild back, we made a temporary one with a different name but the same tag, (please inform me if that will be an issue)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cinnabarista.9475


Another one here for failed Tome of Influence: I submitted a bug report, but not a ticket. I was both leading and representing the guild.
Character: Slipper
Guild: Coalition of Ginger Snaps [CoGS]
Server: Stormbluff Isle
August 26th in Rata Sum near the tailoring station

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SmoothMelody.2703


I, too, am experiencing the 3040 Network Error code.

Guild: The Ironclaws [IC] of Tarnished Coast (US)
Error: See Attached

Keep in mind that while I’m playing currently on Piken Square (EU), the error began while I was still on Tarnished Coast. I don’t know if it is relegated to a single guild only, as I haven’t tried to join any others.

I have a theory however. This may have been caused by joining a guild while representing another guild, and the network becoming skewed somehow. But that’s just the speculation of a single player.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Beeb.7403


Bladefall guild on Stormbluff Isle is working again for SOME people, but not the guild master or a few members. We are in the guild but not representing according to the people that can see the guild, but it does not show up on the guild list and we cannot gain influence for the guild. As the guild master is not currently in the guild he cannot queue new upgrades.
Also, we still have approximately the same influence we had 2 days ago and upgrades, but will we be compensated for the influence we gained when we our guild didn’t exist for a day and a half?
A response would be so very, very welcome.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Twinklin.5724


Guild: Tyrian Artistry
World: Jade Quarry

I am having trouble inviting some people to guild. I sent invites to 2 different people today. 1 was able to accept right away and the other does not receive the invite no matter how many times I try.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blegs.7024


I am the leader of my guild and I cannot promote people, do upgrades, or edit the message of the day. Also when editing ranks everything is greyed out except for “New Member Start Here” and “Edit Ranks”.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kyran Foxfire.4139

Kyran Foxfire.4139

Guild emblems are not viewable for me in the the guild window regardless of guild I am representing. ( I am in three). All I see is what appears to e a sliver similar to a skill slowly unlocking. This is not true of all members of the guild, but a random few. Bug report and screen shot submitted last night. Thank you.

Try dragging the guild window closer to the top-left of the screen and the emblem may appear.

This used to affect everyone in our guild, but yesterday those with nVidia cards could see it anywhere on the screen while those with AMD cards still had the issue. I don’t know if that proves anything or is simply a fluke, but I thought I’d share.

Holy carp, that actually works. There’s an invisible, fixed position on the screen to the left of which, the emblem displays without issue. To the right of it, it doesn’t. Dragging the guild window across the screen, you can actually see it disappearing across this mystery threshold, like someone put another window on top of it that only affects the emblem. I can’t even begin to imagine the cause.

When Arenanet finds the time, I would desperately love to hear the explanation of this one – it’s bound to be amusing.

Thanks for the tip, and hopefully it’s something we won’t have to do in the future!

It sounds like just an odd issue with a UI mask. The good news is after tonight’s update that was just deployed, the emblem no longer vanishes for any of us now! Woot!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Madvillain.3905


I cannot join guilds, i keep on getting code 3040 1002 3 1930 101, check your internet connection. It has been going on for 5 days now. Any help would be much appreciated.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leiard.4532


Apparently, I have a bug that my friends don’t have, in which opening the guild panel puts me in a weird state of lag (can’t say anything, but I can see other people moving) and then disconnects me after a few seconds (this only happens if the online members list doesn’t load right away), and if I take too long to close the guild panel, I’ll be met with a disconnection when I log in again, since the panel will still be open. This applies to the friends list too.

I’m in the following guilds: Clear [CLR] (2 members) & Test Queue Please Ignore [QQ] (441 members).

This issue has been happening for about 1 week, and it’s pretty frustrating having to log in several times before I’m able to see who’s online.

PS: this is the code I get on disconnect: (Code=3032:1002:3:3939:101)

Both my gf and I have exactly the same issue. We’ve tried opening the Guild window om various computers, with Anti-Virus and Firewall switched off, but yet we are still getting Code 3032:1002:3:3910:101 (Network error .) and then the client “crashes”.

I logged a [Incident: 120830-010005] with support nearly 10 days ago now. Yesterday (9 days after the call was logged), I received this “generic” copy-and-paste reply from support:

Hi there,

I apologize for any delay in responding due to the large influx of petitions we’ve been receiving.

Please forgive the “form letter” nature of this response, but it does cover the most common support requests we’ve been receiving and we want to get you into the game as quickly as possible.

You’ve indicated that you received an error code so I want to make you aware of the most common error codes and their causes. Please visit our Knowledge Base article found at and let us know if the information doesn’t help to resolve your issue.

I told them that Code 3032 does NOT appear on that page.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DrCharme.1829


Another one here for failed Tome of Influence, used it immediatly after creating the guild and didn’t get credited.
I submitted a bug report in-game. I was both leading and representing the guild.
Character: DrCharme
Guild: Long Island Ice Team [ICET]
Server: vizunah square
August 25th/26th near Rata Sum

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SeraNoxa.9583


Server: Aurora Glade [EU]
Guild: Myller

im the guild leader and i cant iniate any guild upgrades, everything is greyed out. even though we have enough influence.

Regards Seranoxa

SeraNoxa – Elementalist

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mobocaster.3925


I made a guild, and I have the influence to start working on an upgrade, but the ADD button under the upgrade is grey’d out and won’t let me select it. I cannot promote members of the guild to higher ranks. When Editing the permissions of the individual ranks, I can’t seem to uncheck boxes already checked. I can make new ranks, but I can’t delete them afterwards.

I have the same problems as stated above. Additionally I can’t access any permissions when I try editing ranks (checkboxes greyed out/unclickable), so basically I have no permissions even tho I am the guild leader. I have been able to delete some ranks, but not others.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crazyguy.3276


I made a guild, and I have the influence to start working on an upgrade, but the ADD button under the upgrade is grey’d out and won’t let me select it. I cannot promote members of the guild to higher ranks. When Editing the permissions of the individual ranks, I can’t seem to uncheck boxes already checked. I can make new ranks, but I can’t delete them afterwards.

I have the same problems as stated above. Additionally I can’t access any permissions when I try editing ranks (checkboxes greyed out/unclickable), so basically I have no permissions even tho I am the guild leader. I have been able to delete some ranks, but not others.

We are having the exact same problem. I am the guild leader but i am unable to give anyone permission to do anything or even change there member level.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Melvoid.1850


I have the problem that i have used my guild influence item but the influence has never appeared for my guild (Gravity Storm,Ring of Fire) the pvp item seems to have applied the bonus glory but not the guild chalice, also never been able to edit guild emblem have been stuck with dragon on purple background which i guess is the default.
I waited this long because i assumed it was a common known issue and would be sorted later, any news on this would be gratefully recieved.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KitKat.1695


Wiki Status Page

Oh, wait guild issues are not even on the radar anymore. Why can we not get a simple response to what is going on to resolve our issues. PLEASE RESPOND TO US.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rafn.8461


Wiki Status Page

Oh, wait guild issues are not even on the radar anymore. Why can we not get a simple response to what is going on to resolve our issues. PLEASE RESPOND TO US.

Yes, the support is amazing, isn’t it? Why they can’t give us a response, when we’re few hundreds (thousands?) having this issue… Right now it looks like they think that they’ve fixed the issue, now that their “fix” worked for some people.

My issue is still present:
We’re still not seeing each other, in the guild. We had 200+ members before it got bugged last Saturday, where we couldn’t see any guild members or influence points, and all the progression was gone. After you tried to fix it on thursday, our guild disappeared, but people is able to see the guild tag by our names.
We haven’t been able to progress at all, for a week, and we have probably lost alot of members. We’re not able to communicate with our guild members, so they might even think that we’ve shut down our guild. I seriously hope you’re not underestimating the importance.
Guild: Haste
Tag: HsT
Server: Far Shiverpeak

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NightAngel.8932


Guild: Grievance [GVNC]
Issue: Invisible Guild Bug

I am the guild leader for Grievance/Dark Grievance on Jade Quarry. I created it with Nightangel but my main is Finestra Starbreeze. We launched our guild within 30 minutes of the server going live during head start. After a 2am CST Patch on Wednesday morning (8/29/12) the guild disappeared. There for a while only a few members who said they could see the guild but that they were only a guild of one. After the next day’s patch even they did not have access.

We had 254 members before the guild disappeared. I was one of the people that was completely kicked out and the guild was no longer visible to me.

As mentioned by my members we had everyone use their tome of influence and before the Grievance guild disappeared and we had researched the following:

Politics: Level 3
- Guild Emblem
- Guild Armorer
- Guild Weapons

Architecture: Level 4
- Guild Vault
- Workshop
- Guild Treasure Trove – was in process of being built. I think we were less than 12 hours shy of this finishing.

After waiting for any word of recovery we decided to create Dark Grievance to keep our community going. This was meant as a temporary guild until Grievance was restored. We have probably lost members/new recruits due to this mishap. I would like to see Grievance restored with the researched influence build in tact and the influence we have earned thus far in Dark Grievance transferred over to Grievance.

Last night I spoke to some of my guild mates who told me that Grievance was back for some folks. Everything was in tact but not everyone can see it. As far as I know NONE of my officers or myself can see it, it is still invisible. It seems some of us can see it and most of us cannot. We are relieved that things are still in tact. Now if we can get everyone to see the guild we will be doing great.

Grievance GW2 Guild Leader
Home: Devonas Rest

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: luisdp.9837


I’ve encountered many bugs in many different games. However I’ve never encountered a game where a guild just magically deletes itself. I’m not trying to troll here, I’m just really frustrated. Sure we reformed the guild but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth and my gaming communities mouth. Any response to this issue would be greatly appreciated. I see there are guilds that lost 200+ members. There are literally thousands and thousands of people out there that think they have been kicked from a guild they were proudly representing or have no clue what happened. In those people’s mind what will they think about the guild wars 2 gaming community? There thought isn’t going to be a good one because they are going to think… “Man I got kicked out of this guild, why? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

I’m pretty frustrated that my guild lost one week’s worth of work with no hope to regain that lost time. I won’t and neither will my existing guild mates spend a penny on this game unless this bug is properly taken care of with the proper guilds restored and merged into new guilds. I think this is a fair solution and should not be overly difficult to achieve. Guilds are the core in guild wars 2 so this should have a very very high priority I imagine. If not I’m playing the wrong game.

Sincerely one of your biggest advocates and fans who convinced over 50 people to purchase this game.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fishboy.2914


seriously wtf is up with guilds, i cant access the build queue, i can’t see upgrades, i cant access the guild bank, wtf, i cant upgrade anything even tho i have the influence, sure its a great game but the guild system is so buggy did you even Q&A it during beta?

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: steelheart.8907


seriously wtf is up with guilds, i cant access the build queue, i can’t see upgrades, i cant access the guild bank, wtf, i cant upgrade anything even tho i have the influence, sure its a great game but the guild system is so buggy did you even Q&A it during beta?

No doubt!
It’s been 2 weeks. It’s time to get this nipped in the bud!

Guild: Grievance
Server: Jade Quarry
Guild Leader: Nightangel

Problem/Issue: More than half the Guild can see the Guild in anyway, shape, or forum. Including ALL of the Officers! Imo this is linked to your overflow servers. We’ve had several invites (in our tempoary guild that we should never had to create) that could not “join” unless they were in their main server.


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morrik.2618


Hey there,

Not sure if it’s just my guild, however when I woke up this morning I found that our guild had lost all of it’s upgrades. Didn’t have much, bought 1st and 2nd level politics and the guild emblem; however this morning it says that we have no upgrades. Slightly frustrating but I figured I would bring it to everyone’s attention

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Atrocity.5794


Not really an issue, but seeing as there is no forum for requesting/asking about future features, could we please get guild alliances at some point? It was a great thing in GW and I’m surprised it didn’t make it on GW2

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: savantus.3297


Have a question about this issue, since it doesn’t state it anywhere. Guild names are unique, noone else is allowed to copy them. Does that also hold true to the guild tag associated with the guild? Because it does let you copy the TAG of a guild, which is what I think has happened to all the guilds that dissappeared and have issues losing rank powers to edit, invite, kick. So anyone can go around making guilds to grief 100+ members for 1 silver if this is what is causing the problem.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thomachine.5681


Our guild “The Crusaders of Darkness” on Blacktide currently only has me as a guild leader but i am litterally treated as a member. The only thing i have acces to is editing guild ranks and all that allows me to do is change the name of them.

The ranks were like this upon creation of the guild.
Is this an issue that can be resolver or would we have to recreate the guild? ( Not favorable )

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: magicthize.5603


I created a guild on the first day of play during the preorder headstart. I had tried inviting other people but it didn’t work. I didn’t know at the time the that there were problems with the guild system so I left/disbanded the guild to try and recreate it to see if it resolved the issue. Since the name was then taken and I wasn’t able to retrieve it (even as the original creator) I had to create a (rather naff) alternative.

I’d really like to get the original guild name back as the alternative annoys me.

Guild: We Are Geeks
Server: Ring of Fire
Guild Leader/Creator: Talyn Sol

I did try and resolve the issue via the ticket system but got only standard cut and paste replies.

I’ve since created We R Geeks. I’m sure you can understand my loathing.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nakashima.7560


Heya =]

I’m having an issue with joining my boyfriends guild, and he has the same issue when trying to join mine. We both get the same error message, which is the following:

“Network error .

Please check your internet connection and try again.

We both dont actually have a network issue, as this happens while being logged into an mmo and neither of us gets booted off, all works fine exept joining guilds. I’ve been having this issue trying to join other guilds, too. It just won’t work for me. Any way around this? We’ve tried being on different networks, doesnt ive a difference.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Magnus Kingmaker.4765

Magnus Kingmaker.4765

My Guild’s name is God’s Frozen Chosen, our tag is GFC and we play on the Isle of Janithir world.

I created this guild so my family and a few friends can link together and play together. After earning some influence points I wanted to start our architecture research so we can get a guild bank. However when I go to the guild screen, the buttons are grayed out and I cannot select to add them to the building queue.

Just as a test I went to speak to the guild registrar and tried to increase my guild size, the response I received was “You must have invite permissions” I started the guild and I am marked as the guild leader! Why can’t I make changes to the guild, I was able to invite two of my family members the day I created the guild, but nothing since.

Very frustrating to not have the rights you paid for. I’m the leader but can’t make any changes to the guild, very strange.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dr Dulittle.9782

Dr Dulittle.9782

Our guild is the Phoenix Warrior NetWork. I was an original member and a founder so i was able to build/que upgrades for the guild. We had done several upgrades to the guild one of which was the guild stash/bank. My account name was tested by the hackers last week and my account was deactivated till i could recover it. During this time i had my friends kick me from the guild. When i recovered my account i was added to the guild again. But now after i rejoined the guild my guild menu shows no upgrades done as if they never were and i can not access my guild bank and the in game message says that our guild stash has not been researched but all of the other guild members show all of the upgrades that we have done and they can access the guild bank. Figured i should report as a bug.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wakani.1829


Im currently Unable to create a guild, as are all members of my team,

Would like to know why,

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Enryuu.9218


Hi ,

Im having trouble with other members accessing guild stash they have the permission but it says i havent built it , on my screen i have the stash built and its almost completely filled with items ( no im not mistaking it for my bank ) , so i then tried making them second in command even leader along side me and still it says the same thing please help

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Warm.8135


Last weekend the guild became bugged to the point that it’s unusable. Nobody in the guild sees each other or is able to chat via the guild chat. The guild progression isn’t showed anymore, and we’re not able to build anything. This has been like this since Saturday morning. This has seriously affected the guild now that the guild hasn’t been able to progress since Saturday morning and we’re not able to see who are still in the guild, and who have left. We had over 200 members..

And when the update did hit the servers yesterday the guild did Disappear

Guild name: Haste // Tag: HsT // Server: Far Shiverpeaks

Pls help us soon we have been losing alot of players, influence and building time


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arcwind.2618


Having the same problem as Magnus Kingmaker.
I made a guild for me and a couple friends and as leader I noticed something was wrong when I had absolutely no privileges at all. I can’t edit ranks (including my own), upgrade the guild, or do pretty much anything.

Edit: The guild’s name is Men Of Scroll. If it can be fixed please do so.

(edited by Arcwind.2618)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zenty.3596


I made a guild, and I have the influence to start working on an upgrade, but the ADD button under the upgrade is grey’d out and won’t let me select it. I cannot promote members of the guild to higher ranks. When Editing the permissions of the individual ranks, I can’t seem to uncheck boxes already checked. I can make new ranks, but I can’t delete them afterwards.

I have the same problem with my guild except that I can’t choose more permissions to any rank (only have the one which give me permissions to edit ranks, new members and the basic permissions) and I can’t add messages of the day and we have some influence points so we don’t want to remove the guild and try making a new one.
Guild Name: The Dark Sactums Assembly
Guild Tag: [DSA]

Edit: also the same problem as Magnus Kingmaker

(edited by Zenty.3596)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fay.2735


Hey, I’m the leader of Destiny’s Edge on Desolation EU and here is a list of bugs/complaints I have about the guild system that I hope will be addressed.

- My number one complaint is the Guild Armour it’s far too expensive considering the fact that it looks awful, Sorry but it just doesn’t look very well made and it doesn’t go well with all the nice looking detailed higher up gear. For the price I would’ve expected something detailed, awesome looking that will go with most outfits. Same goes for the Guild Weapons they look pretty awful al though at least they aren’t overpriced so I don’t mind those as much. Please add some nicer guild armour alternatives that you can sell for the higher price and make the current ones more affordable (20 silver).

- Can’t add/stack items in guild vault, You have to take the items out, stack them in your inventory then put them back in. This is really quite tedious. A separate tab for crafting materials (Like the one you get in your own bank) would be so helpful as well as the crafting materials just take over the bank far too much. Maybe an option in your inventory to deposit crafting materials in guild vault.

- MOTD would be nice to be able to edit the message rather than having to rewrite it entirely each time.

- I would love a way to tell when the last time was a member logged in and how long they haven’t been representing for. With a large guild it’s hard to keep track of whose been on how long or who hasn’t been representing much. It would also be great if we could see the last character the person was logged in with in the roster so we can see their profession, level and crafting professions. Also the sorting filter system doesn’t really work well either.

- A chat channel for certain members of the guild would be greatly appreciated (Admin/Officer chat).

- Maybe an option to see the dots of guild members on your map would be cool too although that’s just an idea.

- A way to queue for WvW as a guild. What I mean by this is that when a guild wants to do WvW together someone can do a ‘join as guild group’ option which makes a window pop up for all online guild members where they can agree to come along or not (A bit like personal story line instances). Then you get put in queue as a group and when there’s enough room for all of the guild members that wanted to come you all join at the same time. (Perhaps have a limit of 20 people to keep things fair).

Or at least some sort of method that makes it easier for a guild to do WvW together, I always felt like WvW was made for guilds to war against other guilds over keeps not just entire worlds (It is guild wars after all :P) but it’s almost impossible on some worlds to group up because of the insane waiting queue’s. At least with the above method you might have to wait longer but you all get in together.

Anyway, Those are my suggestions, ideas, bug reports and complaints. Thanks for reading.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

(edited by Fay.2735)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


Guild: Shacknews
World: Maguuma (US)

We reached the 300 member cap tonight and the guild leader wasn’t on, so I decided to go ahead and apply for the increase license since I was told that anybody can do it. The NPC gave me all of the dialogue options, I applied for the license, he said congrats and then took my money. No upgrade. We’re still at the 300 member cap. If I talk to him again, his new price is 2G instead of 1G, which means he’s talking about the 500 member cap.

Basically, I spent money and we didn’t get our cap increased!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dhajra.5413


Bladefall guild on Stormbluff Isle is working again for SOME people, but not the guild master or a few members. We are in the guild but not representing according to the people that can see the guild, but it does not show up on the guild list and we cannot gain influence for the guild. As the guild master is not currently in the guild he cannot queue new upgrades.
Also, we still have approximately the same influence we had 2 days ago and upgrades, but will we be compensated for the influence we gained when we our guild didn’t exist for a day and a half?
A response would be so very, very welcome.

Again, this! It’s been 4 days now! Even after submitting a formal support ticket my only response was a carbon copy of the auto-generated response I had received 2 days prior (none of which was helpful; otherwise I wouldn’t have submitted a ticket in the first place)!

I realize there are a lot of things you guys are busy working on, but c’mon this is game-breaking—I can’t (as Guild Leader) invite, queue upgrades, or even use those upgrades for my members. I can’t even communicate with them since you have to be representing to see gchat!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Beeb.7403



Guild: Bladefall [BDF]
World: Stormbluff Isle
Members STILL unable to see guild: Arc Knight, Pinobee (at least these two)

It has been 4 days now of ticketing in game and posting on this thread with no response and no addressing the issue in the notifications and announcements. Our guild has not been able to progress AT ALL since the guild leader (Arc Knight) and officer, the only two that can invite, are still unable to see the guild. The guild cannot queue new upgrades, we cannot earn any influence for it, we cannot communicate with them in guild chat, and there is little point in participating with them in WvW. We cannot progress as a guild if we don’t have our guild, which makes this game very silly since we cannot earn anything for the guild in Guild Wars.
I realize also that the team is working on a lot of other issues as well, but as there has been no response to this issue whatsoever, I’m not even sure that you are working on this, or have been reading this giant thread full of others that just want to be able to play the game as intended.