(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)
List of Mesmer Bugs (Older Thread)
And none of that is even getting into the other issue on downed skills lately, and this is more frustrating in wvw, but also an issue in pve and (I assume) pvp. It’s bad enough many of them cannot be activated if a target goes in stealth, which is ‘by design’, but to add insult many times lately they are on a 10-15 second cooldown the moment you are downed (seen this happen on multiple classes actually). This, the fact it needs a target to work, along with the downed 2 not teleporting very far away, makes me ask what is the point in even having the skill?
The downed thing is bull*hit to me, I don’t even know why is there. Is so frustrating, after downed alone 2 mesmers they have, while downed, killed me because they have created those Illusions. So even though you may be better than the enemy you can not win if u don’t have the numbers. So 2 is better than 1 even though 1 can down them both.
This game is flawed by design, unbalanced, buggy, rushed and I don’t think they can do anything to fix it so let the poor Anet be.
Well, lets be accurate:
he didnt say he was aware of “all this issues”, he said he will be looking at one of them. which means: taking a look, then doing… well…. whatever for the next 5 months…
like when its raining, ur house has no roof and someone says, “well i will take a look at the colour of this one brick above the door”
well and whenever they take a look at something they broke it will take at least 6 months to get fixed. another patch and we get tooltips…seriously? i feel like anet is mocking us cause this has to be a very bad joke!
Isle of Kickaspenwood
The downed thing is bull*hit to me, I don’t even know why is there. Is so frustrating, after downed alone 2 mesmers they have, while downed, killed me because they have created those Illusions. So even though you may be better than the enemy you can not win if u don’t have the numbers. So 2 is better than 1 even though 1 can down them both.
This game is flawed by design, unbalanced, buggy, rushed and I don’t think they can do anything to fix it so let the poor Anet be.
Ok let me try to understand your post, and if I’m getting this wrong, please clarify because it is hard to understand.
You downed 2 mesmers, and they used the downed skill to teleport and create a clone, and they proceeded to stack confusion on you from downed and you died (or just directly attacked you and you died)? You are aware that downed players can do a lot of damage to you right? Especially if you are zerker, and I’m going to assume you weren’t at full health as you tried to stomp?
But onto your point, you are complaining that you lost a 1v2 even after you downed both of them? You did well to down both. But the clones created from downed are so easy to kill and so easy to identify as clones since, you know, they don’t have the icon above them that downed players do. The finish counts as a skill so I assume it would trigger confusion damage. And if you are complaining about downed existing, just think of all the times you’ve rallied… wvw/pve/whatever… If you have played for any length of time, I am sure there are many times that has happened in your favor, so keep in mind without downed there would be no rally at all. To remove downed now would require a rework of so much.
If you see the stomp as the only real victory in a fight, then I feel sorry for you in your future fights, because stomp isn’t the only way to kill someone when they are downed… Trust me, PvE mobs are well aware of this.
(edit: quote kept failing and I was determined to fix it, so apologies to anyone that was confused by this ever changing post in the past couple minutes)
(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)
Mod deleted thread about distorsion bugged working as an evade rather than an immunity how it was before. They copied here grouch Jon Davis reply we had there so i think i have to report it here.
Distorsion bugged it works like an evade now.
If possible fix it soon pls!
You downed 2 mesmers, and they used the downed skill to teleport and create a clone, and they proceeded to stack confusion on you from downed and you died (or just directly attacked you and you died)? You are aware that downed players can do a lot of damage to you right? Especially if you are zerker, and I’m going to assume you weren’t at full health as you tried to stomp?
The 3rd downed skill of the mesmers is a illusion that attacks, don’t know its name right now. I had low hp and no skill charged, I was at the limit, is not easy to fight 1v2, but that is not the point. The point is that you have no chance 1v2, sometimes not even 1v1, once I have downed a warrior twice and he eventually killed me. Bug or not, I don’t know, but I have lost that one even though I was better… twice. The dumbest part regarding the downed… things is that the players have more hp when they are downed than when they are up, takes ages to kill a downed guy. Stomping sucks, takes a lot of time so is not efficient in a game where the duration of the skills is calculated in 1/4 of a seconds. There should be just a matter of time before a downed guy will die but instead they get ultra super powers… GJ Anet.
Let’s talk about the bugs and how the list is getting bigger instead of smaller, rather than balance/l2p issues.
The only bug with mesmer downed skills I’m aware of is the rogue not attacking (same as the warden), which is on the list.
Let’s talk about the bugs and how the list is getting bigger instead of smaller, rather than balance/l2p issues.
The only bug with mesmer downed skills I’m aware of is the rogue not attacking (same as the warden), which is on the list.
The problem is that it’s almost impossible to tell which “bugs” are failed attempts at balance and which are legitimate quirks or errors in patching.
Was Power Block “bugged”? I think it’s highly questionable and I’m not the only one. Is distortion currently bugged? If so, how on earth do you even introduce a bug like that? Was removing protection from on-cast Chaos Armor a “bug fix”? LoS? Blurred Frenzy? (I’m sure the devs would love for you to think that last one was just bug-fixing).
The guise of making every single change under the auspices of “bug-fixing” is getting tiring, and it’s starting to come off as a cheap means of deflecting criticism.
Let’s talk about the bugs and how the list is getting bigger instead of smaller, rather than balance/l2p issues.
The only bug with mesmer downed skills I’m aware of is the rogue not attacking (same as the warden), which is on the list.
The problem is that it’s almost impossible to tell which “bugs” are failed attempts at balance and which are legitimate quirks or errors in patching.
Was Power Block “bugged”? I think it’s highly questionable and I’m not the only one. Is distortion currently bugged? If so, how on earth do you even introduce a bug like that? Was removing protection from on-cast Chaos Armor a “bug fix”? LoS? Blurred Frenzy? (I’m sure the devs would love for you to think that last one was just bug-fixing).
The guise of making every single change under the auspices of “bug-fixing” is getting tiring, and it’s starting to come off as a cheap means of deflecting criticism.
Well, 2 possibilities:
1. They have some codes that they have to modify in order to modify the game. I guess those codes are a mess, they don’t know which part does what. They should hire 2 Chinese to make order in their code.
2. They just don’t care, many of their bugs brings them money, just read the threads about all the “buggy” loot and about all the loot nerfing. No new features for ages (now the same living world is back with nerfed loot)… well, except new items in the gem store, they make a lot of money and they do not care about the regular sucker who wants to play. So we support Anet by buying items in the gem store so they can create even more items in the gem store.
(edited by EPurple.3427)
Let’s talk about the bugs and how the list is getting bigger instead of smaller, rather than balance/l2p issues.
The only bug with mesmer downed skills I’m aware of is the rogue not attacking (same as the warden), which is on the list.
The problem is that it’s almost impossible to tell which “bugs” are failed attempts at balance and which are legitimate quirks or errors in patching.
“This skill seems bugged because I think it is supposed to do X but Y happens instead” is reasonable discussion. Since Anet is really bad at communicating their intentions and also really bad at writing changes in patch notes, obviously we have to make assumptions for X.
On the other hand, “Two downed mesmers managed to kill me once” is really not relevant.
On the other hand, “Two downed mesmers managed to kill me once” is really not relevant.
No is not, only the problem that worry you is. :P
Found a new Mesmer bug introduced in the last patch , Mirror Blade does not give Might anymore, I don’t know if gives Vulnerability.
And, good news, Distortion has been fixed a few moments ago.
(edited by EPurple.3427)
well there has been a patch and i am glad this got fixed.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Found a new Mesmer bug introduced in the last patch
, Mirror Blade does not give Might anymore, I don’t know if gives Vulnerability.
Tried it and it does still give both might and vulnerability.
Good morning mesmers,
Regarding Distortion:
I’ll look into this as soon as our designers start trickling into the office (it’s only 7am here).
Thanks for grabbing my attention,
Thank you for the bug fix!
Found a new Mesmer bug introduced in the last patch
, Mirror Blade does not give Might anymore, I don’t know if gives Vulnerability.
Tried it and it does still give both might and vulnerability.
Yea, it seams that the patch also fixed that.
Concerning the question which “bugs” are bugs and which ones are attempts of balancing i would say everything not doing what the tooltip tells is a bug. For example:
The wardens tooltip is not: “on cast the warden rolls a d10 on 1-4 it attacks, on 5-7, it stares, on 8-9 it attacks somewhen within a minute, and on 10 it does something elso surprising you” → bug
Temporal curtain tooltip is not: “gain swiftness crossing it, but only when you dont have any swiftness” → bug
Nice to see the distortion bug fixed promptly.
(Not nice it appeared in the first place and we had to panic and PM devs to get it fixed.)
Apparenlty, it was fixed at the cost of Pyro being banned.
Anet, I don’t even…
It’s getting beyond ridiculous, seriosly.
Nice to see the distortion bug fixed promptly.
(Not nice it appeared in the first place and we had to panic and PM devs to get it fixed.)
Not really, they said “•Updated the description of this buff to indicate invulnerability.”
The description is still “Evades all attacks” instead of “invulnerability”.
Does the same thing as the Blur buff from Blurred Frenzy but have different names. ROFL
Anyway, a new bug, when I use auto attack with great sword (while I am Mesmer) after some time it does not show the flying text with the damage amount anymore.
Aaaaaaaaand another one. I was killing a golem which was 1/2 in water. I have created the illusions while I was on the land, the illusions where in the water because the golem was 1/2 in the water and the illusions where not attacking. So Berserker Illusions if are cast in the water are useless, they just stay there.
(edited by EPurple.3427)
Nice to see the distortion bug fixed promptly.
(Not nice it appeared in the first place and we had to panic and PM devs to get it fixed.)
Not really, they said “•Updated the description of this buff to indicate invulnerability.”
The description is still “Evades all attacks” instead of “invulnerability”.
Yup, tooltip still says “evade all attacks”.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
iWarden still bugged. Cast it and watch it do nothing.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Aaaaaaaaand another one. I was killing a golem which was 1/2 in water. I have created the illusions while I was on the land, the illusions where in the water because the golem was 1/2 in the water and the illusions where not attacking. So Berserker Illusions if are cast in the water are useless, they just stay there.
That’s an old one. Land illusions apparently can’t swim; well, it makes sense for me to an extent.
I found a neat little trick. Now I am not sure if this is a bug or intended, but might as well put it here. If it is not a bug, then gg, glad to be of help fellow mesmers, that will be 2 g each.
Bonus +1 Mantras whitout the trait (kind of)
Step1: Equip a mantra
Step2: Equip Harmonious Mantras trait from the dueling line
Step3: Use mantra get 3 charges
Step4: De-Equip Harmonious Mantras
Step5: Enjoy your 3 charges
So, bug or feature?
It’s been like that for a while, pre-patch even.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Bugs that took a long time to fix? There was this thing called parry haste where bosses instantly killing tanks and this was not fixed until Wrath of the Lich King in 2008. (WoW was released in 2004)
Ah I remember that one, that was really interesting, because for the longest time the devs wouldn’t believe their system did these swing timer 75% resets on parry.
It was a specific player addon which made it possible to properly parse the combat log to the point of showing the extra swing speed, when it happened and how much damage it was, IIRC.
Apparenlty, it was fixed at the cost of Pyro being banned.
Anet, I don’t even…
It’s getting beyond ridiculous, seriosly.
As far as I know, calling for Dev-spamming is a bannable forum thing. I mean, the moderators don’t exactly make the rules, they just enforce them.
Apparenlty, it was fixed at the cost of Pyro being banned.
Anet, I don’t even…
It’s getting beyond ridiculous, seriosly.
I’m glad they fixed it so fast but I indeed was afraid of seeing Pyros head roll.
Apparenlty, it was fixed at the cost of Pyro being banned.
Anet, I don’t even…
It’s getting beyond ridiculous, seriosly.As far as I know, calling for Dev-spamming is a bannable forum thing. I mean, the moderators don’t exactly make the rules, they just enforce them.
Be realistic, Carighan. Calls for “Dev Spamming” would not be needed or done, if Mesmer had a better record, RE: bug fixes.
As for the Mods: There’s the letter of the law, and the spirit of same. Think you might swing Pyro a break, all things considered?
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Yup, tooltip still says “evade all attacks”.
Now I get it, they where not talking about the tooltip, they where talking about the flying text, when someone hit u while you are under the effect of Distortion now it sais Invulnerable instead of “Evaded!” BUT the Blur buff (from 2nd small sword skill) has the same description, Evades… but does not say Invulnerable while you are hit. So, they both have the same tooltip but different flying text and both buffs have different name but theoretically they do the same thing…. Doh…
No, EPurple … that is not just a tooltip issue. You see, Distortion is a “pure” Invulnerability. As for Blurred Frenzy, it once provided “Blur” as a sort of “Not-Distortion-but-good-enough” Invulnerability. This was changed some months ago, where the “Blur” became an Evade.
(That would have been fine, but the move was then hit with a second nerf, in the form of a lengthened C/D. Meh )
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
No, EPurple … that is not just a tooltip issue. You see, Distortion is a “pure” Invulnerability. As for Blurred Frenzy, it once provided “Blur” as a sort of “Not-Distortion-but-good-enough” Invulnerability. This was changed some months ago, where the “Blur” became an Evade.
(That would have been fine, but the move was then hit with a second nerf, in the form of a lengthened C/D. Meh)
C/D? whats that? Anyway, at least they have fixed Distortion but if they focus so much on fixing the tooltips (instead of fixing more important issues) they should be aware of the Distortion tooltip and probably change the icon for Blur.
But I wonder when will they nerf the Necromancers and the Thiefs and all the condi spam, I consider those really big balance issues.
C/D = Cooldown.
Nothing wrong with Necro or Thief, honestly. Especially when both have garbage access to Stability, and can generally be bounced around/interrupted like noone’s business.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
C/D = Cooldown.
Nothing wrong with Necro or Thief, honestly. Especially when both have garbage access to Stability, and can generally be bounced around/interrupted like noone’s business.
I don’t know you but I usually want to kill them, not to play football with them. Theifs heal too fast. This may be also a bug because if Thiefs go into a Shadow Refuge they heal but other classes will still be agro, in combat, and they wont. If they have problems they just run.
Necro… well, Necro suck, they just spam condi and run around, no skill at all.
Hey guys,
- discussing skills which behaviour seems illogical enough to be considered bugs is fine in the Bugs subforum,
- but discussing balancing issues and other classes’ skills is derailing the thread and is a sure way to getting it closed for being “exhausted” and “bumped for no reason”.
Back to the topic;
I noticed in the Labyrinthtmmht Cliffs today that Portal got reset on character death. Has it always been the case?
yeah if u die your portal is gone.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Talking about Portal I have noted a thing, not sure if it has been reported. While trying to help a friend to get a crystal I used portal, one at the where the crystal was and then I went to a WP and placed another portal. The portal showed up normally but it wasn’t no one could interact with it. At first I thought it was a failure by placing on a bad ground but then I thought it could be because it was out of range. I think it shouldn’t work at all when out of range, it gave me the impression I could use it that far.
Just to check if it was really out of range, the crystal was one above the roof of those houses hanging on a wall at north, at 3rd level. The waypoint was Sky Docks Waypoint.
reason for that was u were out of reach. portal has a range and if u are past it, it wont work. if u have been a golem portal bot for a while u will get the feeling for the range. it did take me a while too to learn when i started. it actually helps with the mini map too.
but we did ask the devs for a range indicator for portal as it can be very annoying. my old guild used to count while doing portal chains, but it would be nice t have a clear visual or something that blocks us from using it if out of range.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
reason for that was u were out of reach.
but we did ask the devs for a range indicator for portal as it can be very annoying.
it would be nice t have a clear visual or something that blocks us from using it if out of range.
Yes that was what I meant. I couldn’t figure out that I had passed the range because nothing indicated that. I could simply “drop” the portal but it didn’t work at all. A range indicator or at least not “dropping” the portal when out of range (like skill failing with a warning instead really making the portal on ground) would be great.
yeah thats a problem for mes for sure. same problem with phantasms that go on full cd if target is out of range. we need better indicators for out of range stuff for sure
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Hey guys,
- but discussing balancing issues and other classes’ skills is derailing the thread and is a sure way to getting it closed for being “exhausted” and “bumped for no reason”.
We where talking about bugs, not healing when the enemy is out of combat, and healing itself, is a bug and a balance issue in the same time. Discussing about balance issues as long as they where provoked by bugs are OK in this thread but thanks for the advice. I guess no one wants this thread closed until Anet will make this class playable.
Another bug, I don’t know if it was noticed, Illusionary Wave does not work if the enemy is too close to you even though you have Melee Attack Assist option (in the General Options) activated.
Does anyone know what causes the Warden to not attack, i did the asura cube fractal twice this week and the warden NEVER!!!!!!! attacked in the last fight.
Warden’s been kittened ever since the one patch where they “fixed” him to follow your enemy. Go figure, most Mesmers used him as a stationary reflector/Whirl Finisher.
With how long most Mesmer bugs take to get dealt with, expect 6-12 more months of this bullkitten.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
iWarden is kind of more broken then before atm no? it would usually attack the normal sized charackters and most ppl in pvp normally, and wouldnt work on rly small or somewhat big charackters, now it doesnt even work in pvp 80% of the time
Does anyone know what causes the Warden to not attack, i did the asura cube fractal twice this week and the warden NEVER!!!!!!! attacked in the last fight.
Tilted surfaces are the largest problem for Warden AI, and as you could see, Harpy fractal is almost 100% tilted surfaces. Just worst case scenario.
My guess is that it happens because of the inconsistencies in computing the distance from the middle of the target (the point where all projectiles fly to) to:
- a) the middle of the Warden (which determines whether it should move or not),
- b) the range to the Warden’s attack bubble.
When the pathing algorithm commands “ok, we’re near enough, stop!” but the attack algorithm commands “wait, we’re not close enough!”, the Warden bugs out.
Still, I had a staring Warden yesterday in the Gauntlet on a completely flat surface.
Can someone make a list with Mesmer skill that work because I am sick and tier of searching.
(edited by EPurple.3427)
2 more hilarious bugs reported recently:
Goodness. As if Mesmers didn’t have enough problems? Been holding off of trying the Gauntlet again, specifically due to the Liadri bug. As for the Anomaly, I can’t directly confirm this one (been running my Engi for Fractals), but I’m not one bit surprised.
You’re not a Mesmer unless you get (at least!) one weirdo bug per patch, it seems. >_<
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
oh well dont worrie. our bugs are gonna get fixed next year in june instead of getting buffs like all the other classes, because in anets logic bugfix=buff and active work on the class…..
Isle of Kickaspenwood