Minons / level scaling / Flesh of the Master
Having this issue/bug aswell.
Another bug or odd thing is, when my minions die this way it does NOT trigger Death Nova.
When the Minions die, the minion’s summon skill goes in cooldown, and the bodies sit in their last spot a few seconds before vanishing.
I can confirm this as well. The trigger seems to be the scaling, although not sure if it’s trait related as well?
This kills ALL of the minions I have running around with me. All 5 equipped + spawned Jagged Horrors.
Theoretical build – MM/Reaper (WIP): http://goo.gl/0Drlka
(edited by Duleshna.7430)
You can add my name to this list. I was out trying to find those 2 new hearts in Plains of Ashford and they just kept dieing. I was looking in the wrong area for the hearts, but still, I could not figure out why the all died every few minutes.
Me too. Already filed 2 bug reports. Thought it might be connected with the transition from water to ground, but it could be level related. Didn’t check it yet, but as it happens when walking from one part of a map to another (touching) part, it could be that it happens when your level is adjusted. I hope they will address this problem quickly, as it is very irritating, although it reminds me of GW1 where the minions had a limited life.
Just tested it and it is definitively scaling related. Summoned a minion when I was level 6 and walked to level 4 area and boom, same happened the otherway around. Submitted a 3rd report informing Anet about that
(edited by Beowulf.5739)
Also that trait causes you minions to disappear when you go into down state.
Don’t see why Anet decided to mess around with a trait that worked perfectly fine before. But now thanks to this kitten up all us minion masters have to find a different trait to use until they fix it.
There were some changes to the Flesh of the Master in the latest release to guard against misuse of the trait (see https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-September-9-2014). I am guessing the update is sensitive to level changes.
I posted this same bug in an earlier thread, but no one responded to that one, so I’ll add my voice to the crowd here. Until this is changed, I basically can’t play my minion necro in under-80 zones, unless I change his traits. Uncool.
Same experience here. Please fix this, ANet!
Just tested it again. The patch just now did nothing for the minion issue.
The patch didn’t help. But if you run a different Trait until they fix it. Then you don’t run into this issue.
Blah. Was hoping they’d have fixed it by now. But maybe they’re still trying to track down the cause. As long as it’s on their radar and it will get fixed though.
Another note. Harmonious Mantras are also affected by this bug. It seems that level scaling acts as temporarily un-slotting these traits. Causing things like your minions to die with flesh of the master. With harmonious mantras, you lose your extra mantra stack when scaling.
(edited by PseudoNewb.5468)
me as well. i keep reporting it as a bug each time it happened as i wasnt sure why they were just randomly disappearing. someone mentioned this in a post i had put up elsewhere but i didnt quite understand it. i have been using t his build and toon for almost 2 years. changing it wont work. this is an integral part of the toon that needs to be fixed. thanks
Good thing they immediately fixed the steal bug. shows were their priorities are laying.
Yep the patch from earlier today did not fix this. Changed lvl areas and poof minions despawned. wouldn’t be so bad if the timers for the resummon didn’t have a full countdown every time .
I think ANet should disable the changes made to the Flesh of the Master until they find another way to prevent players from abusing the trait or put in a quick fix in. Would setting a field (attribute/property) on the minions indicating (created with Flesh of the Master Enabled) and periodically verify that the trait is still enabled, when not nuke them work?
Would just like to know that the issue is in the works, even a quick fix until something better can be done would help.
(edited by Shadow Myth.6132)
Would just like to know that the issue is in the works, even a quick fix until something better can be done would help.
They are working on a slow fix.
I honestly don’t even know what the reason for change was … apparently some kind of Adv abuse ?!? And yeah out of all my toonz/characters, this (my Necro) was my 1st, and like some others I’ve grown very accustomed to my build. That said – my Minions keep dying when I (attempt) to cross a map. Very frustrating – plz, PLZ, PLZZZZ fix this, it’s driving me crazy. Luckily I have other toonz I can play ITM, but it must suck real bad for new players who’s Main/1st toon is a Nerco. Anywayzzz – thanx for your Time, Patience and Understanding.
I just noticed the same problem with my minions. Can someone please confirm if this is a bug or a new “feature” of the patch? If it is a bug, how soon will it be fixed? Right now, this is making my minion master virtually unplayable!
Hoping for a fix tomorrow >_>
same here…already wrote 2 bug reports but no reaction…
I have noticed it and sent an in-game ticket but it would be wise if everyone did the same. I looked at the trait and it does seem like thats the problem. When u switch lvl areas within a map the game thinks u reassigning the trait.
Has Anet had anything to say about this. Or should we get ready or a “it’ll get fixed when we have the next big LS update in Nov” wait?
One more necro voice. This “issue” really is crap. Like there’s even any “advantage” in PvE anyway. Another case of fixing something that wasn’t broke, breaking it in the process, and they dragging their feet to fix it.
video of the bug in action
So a new patch just went live a short while ago. Any word on whether the minion bug fix was an unannounced part of it?
Sorry Zax, that’s the first thing I thought of but NO. It STILL happens. This is unacceptable. This is GAME BREAKING IF YOU RUN MM IN PVE.
I just recently noticed this bug on my necro. I summon all my minions, and several seconds after they are all spawned, they will all die at the same time and all the abilities go a cooldown.
I just removed flesh of the master trait until Anet fixes this issue. As long as you don’t have that particular trait applied, then your minions won’t spontaneously die. I’ll just wait until I see an update with “fixed flesh of the master bug” before I add that trait back in.
Adding my name to the list. My poor minions keep falling to their faces which really doesn’t help at my quest for world domination. Jokes aside, I would love to see this fixed if possible. ^^
Still no fix, not sure when Tuesday patch went into effect.
since last post another patch, no fix and no response from devs
(edited by Sehson.2930)
Also add my to the list , .. my minions are an important part of my play style .. making it very tedious to do anything except stand in a safe spot and do nothing …
I too am having problems with the minions dieing when they try to cross over a level up or down scale zone, in water or on land. Anet got back with me via e-mail and said: “The hotfix released on September 16th fixed stability issues and should have taken care of the problem you’ve experienced with your minions. If this issue persists, please keep an eye out on the forums as well as the official website for news regarding upcoming patches and fixes.” They are trying but it still did not fix the problem. The minions are still dieing. I will be waiting for any patches that fix this problem.
It’s Flesh of the Master.
It’s killing them whenever scaling changes.
It also kills them if you move the trait in the trait panel without removing it. Like from a master to Grandmaster slot.
That should not happen. Minions scale like players, and moving the trait between the master and grandmaster slot doesn’t affect their health. So that should not kill them either.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
same problem here..despawning minions..still..10 days and still can’t play my necro.. for me it’s minions or nothing when it comes to necromancers..and so far it’s been nothing..i swear NCsoft and Anet both hate Necromancers..but i love my minions, even if they don’t. i bet if our minions was doing insane damage or 1-hit kills. It would have been fixed before the day was over. lol
Same problem here. Just switched to my necro from warrior and noticed this issue. It makes me so mad. Minions are life, minions are love <3. Please devs, fix it
Same problem here. Just switched to my necro from warrior and noticed this issue. It makes me so mad. Minions are life, minions are love <3. Please devs, fix it
lol i think it makes all minion masters mad..i know i am..
this is a GAME BREAKING BUG … please, Anet, can we have it fixed!