Missing player-sent mail after patch

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Brixton.5782


When the patch went live each character got two mail messages: a story message and a regular message. The regular message apparently counted toward the maximum of 10 player-sent mail messages. Unlike previous mail messages like that, however, instead of expanding your box above the limit of 10 messages, it cannibalized existing mail messages. This was really bad if you just logged into each character to fill your wallet and then checked your mail to see a bunch of your mail was erased.

Is there a way to recover the mail messages overwritten by the patch? I lost several messages full of exotics that my bank was too full to carry coughbecauseofaccounttokens.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Citri.9540


This happened to me as well. I’m very disappointed because I lost a stack of carrots

Hopefully they will recover your exotics and my carrots

hi im citri u can find me twerking on Blackgate or on citriplays.tumblr.com

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: banana.9038


I lost mail as well. Had the revelry star cake recipe in there (item due to buying a rich coffer off gem store) and a rare hammer to mark the start of making a legendary, not sure if anything else.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sonia.7910


Same here. I had 7 messages in my mail account. My husband decided to send me 4 dyes (two of them rares) and I decided I would take them from my mail after arranged the inventory. 8 messages. So I switched between 4 characters to share items between them before fetching the dyes. When I returned to my main to fetch the dyes I found 4 stupid useless kitten messages saying “Enjoy your new wallet!!!” and my dyes had dissapeared because, well, that made 12 messages. Now why on earth did you need to send ONE message per character instead of a general one for the wallet new??? I want my dyes back!!!!! Please fix it!!!

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Malganis.7468


The messages over your limit are normally held in the system until your mailbox is under 10 messages. Did you delete the old messages and then see if your missing messages come back?

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Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sonia.7910


I did, and they didn’t come back. The problem is these messages were ALREADY received, I just didn’t fetch the dyes because I didn’t have space in the inventory. Then the ANET messages ate them (I don’t understand why newer messages are deleted instead of older ones) and never retrieved. Right now my messages are 7/10 but my dyes didn’t come back ;_;

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Brixton.5782


The messages over your limit are normally held in the system until your mailbox is under 10 messages. Did you delete the old messages and then see if your missing messages come back?

I did. I tried clearing, relogging, relaunching, tried removing an old message even after I was under the limit just to see if it jumpstarted a queue or something. No effect. Missing exotics and carrots.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Azurfire.1964


I lost my free lightning kite went I logged into my alts because of this. Is there anyway I can get it back?

Also, we seem to have 2 of these threads going:

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Eddy.7924


I also lost all my mail, 36/10 then after the hotfix / patch that happened about 2 hours ago, that forced me to reload client, my mail is gone

That’s a lot of gold

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Figlarny Sztylecik.5697

Figlarny Sztylecik.5697

Same here, I had around 20/10 mails from my husband full of salvagable items for my monthly and lost them all after patch

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Zunte Delphiki.9456

Zunte Delphiki.9456

Same here, I also lost a couple of mails with rares, sigils and runes

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

Same thing happened to me – lost a number gem purchases from the black lion trading post

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Was this fixed? Won’t be able to play for a few days.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Figlarny Sztylecik.5697

Figlarny Sztylecik.5697

No, unfortunately it’s still bugged.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sonia.7910


I reported it to the support team and they told me they were working on it. I hope it is true and they can solve it sooner or later ;_;. This patch seems to have quite a bunch of bugs.

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: applecup.3047


This just happened to me. Lost a friend’s everlasting toymaker’s tonic they were lending to me. Not amused.

[III] Third Legio, Aurora Glade
An Officer and a Gentlewoman

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: GENoverkill.9875


Lost karka chest, yes i kept it still. aswell as bag expansion and winter custome emails from black lion

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: mobile storage.1294

mobile storage.1294

Yup just before good old anet deleted all the extra mails to accommodate their wallet messages .Lost a lot of stuff to this and would hope they resolve this since a lot of items were gem purchases.
If not then i might just have to take a very long break from this disaster

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

Lost over 3 sets of armor from gems and money from donations….

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: mobile storage.1294

mobile storage.1294

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Serenity.6149


Same. Had 7/10 messages with stored items and just noticed they’re all gone. >.<

I’m just glad I got twelve of the same message (I got one for all twelve of my toons, and I logged onto every single one immediately after patch so that the wallet would collect any and all currencies), or else I’d really feel bad. (sarcasm)

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Red.3572


Same here. I lost one of the new sets of armour skins that I paid good money for because of this. I mean I like Anet a lot and spend more than my average share on gems to support them, but to lose ‘real’ money because of this and not have them even say anything really makes we not want to bother any more…

I just really hope my ticket gets replied to…

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sohee.6957


Hi… I have the EXACT same problem. My partner sent me a surprise gift (Phoenix Armour) I usually keep his messages in my inbox so didn’t loot the armour set yet, because I wasn’t planning on using it just yet. After maintenance, the mail was gone! After reading the support forums, I came to the conclusion that I should write a ticket for something like that, before first asking for help on the forums.

After I sent a ticket, I got a reply saying:
-Exact date and time (including time zone) when you received mail with the armor
-Estimated date and time (including time zone) when you believe the armor was lost.

We cannot guarantee that any restoration will be possible, but this information will certainly help us in our investigation.

I tried giving the most accurate times I could (who would remember exact times??)… and even a screenshot of the very personal message I got from my partner, right before he sent me the store gift. (Mail even said “Gift to follow..” at the very end.) Also, in game mails DON’T have dates or times on them!!! Instead it just says “2 days ago”.

I got this reply:
We have concluded our investigation into the lost item that you reported. We were not able to verify this particular item loss in our records. It’s not possible for the Guild Wars 2 Support Team to provide this restoration without independently verifying it. I’m very sorry that we were not able to do more for you this time. If the user wants his gems back he would have to contact us himself but I cannot guarantee any restoration.

That’s just unacceptable and I’m heartbroken!! I’m now trying to get an answer on the forums – and telling me to “Send a ticket to our support team” won’t cut it…

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sonia.7910


This is discouraging, Sohee. I have not received a reply to my ticket myself but I’m afraid we all are going to get the same reply. I’ve only contacted Support once before and I also got a “We’re sorry we can’t fix your problem” message and that makes me wonder why are they there then?

Also it seems it is not a new problem, I found this thread from June:
And this person seems to have had the same bug. Of course this time it has affected to much more people, so maybe they will put more effort to solve it but I have my doubts.
Really disappointing. Compared to other people I have been lucky not to have lost much (all the items are more or less easy to find in game) but it kitten es me off that my husband had waited so long to send me the dyes and decided to do it just the day of the bug.
Or maybe we shouldn’t rely on mail anymore for out partners to send us gifts – seems we female gamers will have to continue asking them real-life roses and jewelry instead of in-game ones, even if we prefer the virtual ones…. (trying to be cheerful even if I’m not in the mood…)

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

@Sonia.7910, it is not exactly the same bug as him. He let his mailbox overflow, where as, as far as I know, ours never actually went to overflow, messages were just deleted and replaced with the new wallet message.

And yeah… I have a bad feeling in my gut that I just lost over 25$ worth of in game items…

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sonia.7910


It is because our mailboxes overflowed with the bunch of “Enjoy your wallet!” messages we received (I still wonder why on earth did they think we needed ONE MESSAGE per character). At least that was my problem and I understand it has been the other people here’s problem too. Even if our mailbox had enough space when we logged in (I had 7/10 messages, that meant 3 free slots) the kitten 4 “Enjoy your wallet!” messages plus the one I received in the middle made 12/10… so the system just ate the two newest ones, because… well it seems my 4 dyes and 3 crafted clothes weren’t as important as reading 4 times they had made that awesome new feature…

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

The reason this is not exactly the same bug is that it never went to overflow, as you put it: it ate the mail. I never had my inbox go beyond 10/10, not sure about other people though. The messages just seemed to slide in place of other messages. So it is a bug with the message and overflow messages, but not the same bug he encountered. He encountered a bug with too many messages in his mailbox for too long of a time it seems.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sonia.7910


OK maybe not the exact bug, but a similar problem indeed. I have the feeling the mechanics involved in his bug are related, but I suppose we should let the devs judge it. I just wish they would give us a reply here. Seems the mods in this forum aren’t as active as in the Account Issues one, where this has been reported too.


Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Red.3572


Seems my own issues has been escalated. Hopefully they’ll look at my gem purchase history and figure our that my purchased armour set vanished into thin air…

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

Keep on asking on the support if I will be getting a refund, but it seems like the replies keep on skirting around the question I am asking…. I really hope they solve this issue and refund us, otherwise I may never support Anet by buying a gem card again if this is how we get treated :/

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sonia.7910


I received a new reply to my ticket saying it was a problem that appeared after a recent game update (oh really?? Thanks for the information!) and that they’re looking into it. At least it is not a “no-no”. Hope they solve it. I supposse it has affected too many people to neglect it this time.

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: applecup.3047


I got this response to my ticket yesterday:

Thank you for the information you provided us.

We’re looking into a problem related to the in-game mail system that appeared after a recent game update. Once we have more information to share with you, we will update this ticket again.

Thank you for your patience!

So it seems they are aware of the problem and looking into it. If you haven’t already raised a ticket i would recomend doing so, attach a link to this thread in your ticket so they know what you’re talking about

[III] Third Legio, Aurora Glade
An Officer and a Gentlewoman

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: V Man.8512

V Man.8512

Same, just noticed it happened to me too. I only lost some random cooking materials but still… not good.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Hunny Bunny.3506

Hunny Bunny.3506

I lost aether medium gear that my friend has sent me as a gift because of this, expecting official response

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

I got that same exact message by them, but they still have not answered my question if I will be able to get refunded….I want my 30$ worth of purchases back….

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: StinVec.3621


I’ve now included this thread in my Tracker – Living Story/Game Update Bugs thread. I’m very sorry to see this situation and what is apparently not being done to correct it.

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Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: banana.9038


Still waiting on a response for this bug. Come on red!

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Red.3572


Still not a response so far. It’s quite disappointing to be honest. I assumed it wouldn’t take this long as all the information is there to see, even at a glance.

These items (armour skins) can not be traded, so they can only be used or destroyed. You’d think someone would have responded to that by now right? Yeah…

My theory is that Anet are working on a game-wide fix and would rather do that than fix the issues individually. Even if that’s the case, it’s pretty sad that they haven’t responded, their support used to be so good in the original game…

I’ll give it another day and I’ll try and contact them again.


A Jaded, trust maligned, utterly disappointed gamer.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sohee.6957


No new updates? I also received the reply telling me that they will contact me when they have things sorted out or something…
I see they have added new items on the gem store… There is NO way I ever buy gems again unless they fix my/our issue. Actually, I’m not sure I would even continue playing GW2 if that is the case.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I’m following up on this now. Apologies for the quietness on this issue, and quite honestly I’m not certain that each of you are experiencing the same thing, but I’m sure the team will look at this very soon!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sonia.7910


Thanks Gaile for following up, at least that gives us some hope.
But seriously, if it is not the same thing, it sounds very similar to me. As far as I understand (at least that’s what happened to me) our experience was:
- We had X mail messages containing goods in our mail. Already received and aknowledged, but for whatever reason (full inventories, lazyness, or just being silly enough to think there was no proble to log in our alts before so we could organize things like inventories or the new wallet feature) none of us had retrieved the goods from them.
- The “Enjoy your New Wallet” message arrived. We received ONE PER CHARACTER, instead of a general message, and that message arrived each time we logged into each one of our alts. That could mean up to 8 messages… In my case it was 4.
- The overflowing “Enjoy your New Wallet” messages erased the NEWEST already existing messages so they could make their way to our mailboxes, no matter whether those messages had items attached to them or not, and no matter if these items were just stacks of carrots or items purchased in the gem store.
Please let me know if anyone thinks their issue is different to what I have tried to explain (English is not my mother tongue so I probably couldn’t make it more clear).

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Holger Danske.2184

Holger Danske.2184

I lost 2 “please return this – my inventory is full” letters full with rares I send to my girlfriend. She returned them (I saw them in my inbox). After the patch they were both gone.

Today I had the same bug again (luckily only with a recipe – I dont send valuable stuff at the moment). This time it happened right before my eyes, so now I am very sure what caused it:

I switched through storage characters and everyone of them received that “you have a new purse” mail -> my inbox went to 12/10 -> 2 letters were overwritten and gone when I deleted mails (8/10).

I hope this wont happened again in the future, because it was totaly unneeded to get the “you have a new purse” mail for every single character! Loosing rare items (or for some people worse) makes it even more uncalled for!

P.S.: Thanks for the purse anyway! I don’t want to sound too harsh. There are so many great features comming up this year!!

(edited by Holger Danske.2184)

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Exceptionl.8972


I didn’t use any smilies, yet I clicked the Disable smilies button on the bottom because there is nothing to smile about here.

So much stuff was lost here due to this oversight, and I feel bad for everyone who is plagued by this issue. I just posted on another forum about this, and yes it happened with that last patch but I’m glad I started looking into it now as there is more activity on the issue. I only wish I didn’t lose things that are irreplaceable such as gemstore skins from the past, or past event skins.

Anyway, Thinking about it logically, I don’t happen to know much about server storage and data with games. If somehow all the mail in the system could be looked at pre-patch and restored that would be great but somehow I doubt that is possible. I used to run a server for a game called Ragnarok and had player message problems a few times in which I had to “rollback” the entire server to restore things to a better state. It was an emergency though because apparently a player learned how to hack into mysql and change parameters giving his account GM access. Anyway, I guess all we can do is hope for the best and that anet has some sort of mail backup or history so that we can get our items.

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Red.3572


Well I hope now that it has somewhat of a spot-light on it, we’ll get some fixes soon. I’ve been wanting to apply the armour skin to my celestial set for about a week already!

Frantically updating support ticket…

Adding reference number: 130808-000067

(edited by Red.3572)

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sonia.7910


Good idea. I’m adding my ticket number too.


Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: cerberus.1937


I don’t know what is going on with random player sent mail disappearing from the mail tab, but I only have 1 question.

Will we get the mail that disappeared back?

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: applecup.3047


I don’t know what is going on with random player sent mail disappearing from the mail tab, but I only have 1 question.

Will we get the mail that disappeared back?

I certainly hope so :T I’m out 25g after replacing my friend’s tonic, but at least I’m not out real money.

my own ticket number is 130807-002617.

[III] Third Legio, Aurora Glade
An Officer and a Gentlewoman

Missing player-sent mail after patch

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Posted by: Sonia.7910


Yeah, even if fixing the bug would be a good deal, I think I would be content myself too if my items were somehow replaced, if it is impossible to rescue them from the limbo they were sent.

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Update: Top programmers are looking at this, and this is a priority for us. I’m sorry for the delay, but wanted you to be sure to know it’s definitely known, and definitely being examined and worked on!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: applecup.3047


Update: Top programmers are looking at this, and this is a priority for us. I’m sorry for the delay, but wanted you to be sure to know it’s definitely known, and definitely being examined and worked on!

thanks for keeping us updated gaile it is appreciated.

[III] Third Legio, Aurora Glade
An Officer and a Gentlewoman