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Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

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Posted by: Fujin.2159


My sword named Vision Of The Mists bugged. Here is a picture. it looks like i have 2 mists in my hand and its very annyoing. And i attached how to needs to be looked originally sry for my poor english.


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Posted by: Efyx.8926


Heavy armor

race: Charr

Barbaric coat, mixed with T2 cultural armor leg plate (Legion Tasset). A part of my belly is missing.

pit’s fighter coat (pve version) i don’t know the pvp name.
Mixed with many Shoulder skin (on this attachment barbaric pauldron
Shoulder from the chest armor is clipping through the pauldron.


Barbaric pauldrons
It’s clipping with itself.


T2 cultural helm Charr Legion Visor
Face change for a pink furless one

Barbaric armor = knight armor in PvP
Precision: Pit Fighter coat not pit fighter chest


(edited by Efyx.8926)

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Posted by: Strzalka.9451


Armor Art Issue

The Guild Backpack is the issue I am currently having trouble with. When I equip and view the Guild Backpack while having any Asura Tier 1 Cultural Armor equipped, the Guild Packpack goes horizontal through my body, and looks more like a reverse fanny pack than anything else.

I have equipped with numerous other armors/weapons and had no issues. I also have tried with Asura Cultural T2 armors and do not have the problem.

Only 1 piece of Asura Cultural T1 armor needs be equipped for the backpack to get messed up.


Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard

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Posted by: smartidiot.2695


female T3 human cultural light armor issue

the front part of armor piece stretch all the way to the back when the character is running or in action, it feels like the armor didn’t weighted/skinned properly.


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Posted by: Xanandithras.2498


Norn, Male, Elementalist

Wearing: acolyte cowl of divinity 52, acolyte shoulders of divinity 52 (hidden), strong magician coat of the eagle 51, strong magician gloves of the traveler 51, strong magician legs of Lyssa 56, acolyte shoes of the flame legion 44.

I’m sure this is related to the coat, but whenever I wear it a black triangular area appears at the base of my character’s neck at the bottom of his mohawk. It goes away whenever I change into any other chest armor style.

Also: any update regarding a fix for elementalist’s post transmutation <element> eye headgear dissappearing?


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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

The sunken ship in the Sanctum Harbor in Lion’s Arch. You can get stuck in it if you decide to try and explore it through the normal doorways and go into the cargo hold that is sunken into the ground.

There are also major camera issues with it where you get to almost any point in the ship and you can see through it.

Also, not a single one of the ships in the harbor have their anchors actually touching the ground, but they’re all angled and curved like they do and technically have too much slack to be of use


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Posted by: CRutgerX.3057


I found a severe bug where you can walk through the texture of an entire mountain. as you can see in the picture there is a wooden ledge going across the mountainside, if you jump on it and follow it to the other side (doing so you can already go through the texture). you can jump on a platform in front of you from which you can walk through almost everything. including several points where you will get stuck and need to teleport out of and/or will fall to your death through the texture


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Posted by: KnattyDreads.1856


Savant Helm (Asura Tier 3 Cultural Helm), Light Head Armor, Transmuted to Exotic

Asura, Female, Mesmer

Missing mark/hair after equipping the helm after the Halloween update, I am positive that the hair area should have color marking/hair before the update – attached a screenshot of my character (AAA1.jpg) and other screenshot I found on the web to see the comparison.

I would like to confirm this post. There was a hair color/marking prior to the original halloween patch. Since then it is just a bald head with the helmet floating on it.
Asura, Male, Mesmer.

-Emhry Bay-
Call of Fate [CoF]

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Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

Order of whisper boots(medium) has an issue with the little knife part.

The right boots knife clips inside the legs, but not the right one.

Also the icon for inquest helm(medium) is showing a wrong icon, which is the sorrow embrace helm.

The one in PVP locker shows the appropriate one.

Asura, Female.


Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

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Posted by: IntravenousPink.1849


Hello there,

After the first Halloween patch, the Nightmare Pants (and in a greater scale the Nightmare Armor) for Human Females has been going from bad to worse. It’s a shame that such a lovely armor skin got, unintentionally I hope, downgraded. Anyway, to keep things short, I will post textual and pictorial evidence as well as a full listing of my current equipment. I hope this post helps to fix this beautiful armor.

Description of the issue;
On the 23rd of October (about half a day after the Halloween event went live in the UK’s GMT time) I noticed on my Character Selection Screen that my Female Human’s Nightmare Pants had gone awkwardly short. I rushed online and checked the issue with a couple of friends (a Female Sylvari and a Female Norn) and none seemed to have the issue with the same armor piece. I thought that it was due to the Halloween update. I immediately reported it as a bug. A couple of days later, I noticed that not only the skirt is shorter, but it also leaves a ‘blank spot’ where the Top and the Pants connect, making them look as if they aren’t meant to be together. None of these issues were noticed before the 23rd of October!

The beauty of the armor is based on its lengthy couture (well, planture!), and should be fixed as soon as possible!

Full Equipment consists of;
Head: Nightmare Cowl of the Nightmare
Shoulders: Nightmare Mantle of the Nightmare
Chest: Nightmare Vestments of the Nightmare
Hands: Nightmare Gloves of the Nightmare
Legs: Nightmare Pants of the Nightmare
Feet: Varying between Light Aurora Shoes of Melandru and Cleric’s Exalted Boots of the Nightmare

Thanks in advance!


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Posted by: mimidori.9506


Don’t know how to quote the person above but I have to confirm (hey we’re wearing the same karma shoes but now it just looks silly

It started about a day after the first halloween patch and still hasn’t been fixed! ONLY female humans have this issue and it doesn’t seem to matter what other armor you have equipped. Human female is my only main cries and this is the prettiest armor in game, please return it to its previous look!

One thing to add:
Elementalist “eye” headpieces from character creation becomes invisible after transmutation. It is only visible in character selection and no where else. This issue has been there since launch and wasted many people’s trans stones as well as the skin. Now we have no visible headpiece.

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Posted by: Phalanix.7542


Dunno if anyone’s posted this, but on my Human characters (and guildmates), the Mad King’s Memoire back item that we got for the Halloween event disappears whenever we do a /emote action. Such as waving, dancing, cheering, etc. Whenever the action performs, the “book” disappears, then re-appears when the animation completes.

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Posted by: Mojo.8431


Rascal armor on Charr clips with sheathed weapons


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Posted by: Otters.1567


I have posted about this issue and reported it, it’s been like 3 weeks and nothing has changed so i’m just going to post it again on here. This graphical bug only happens to asura. Back items are turned horizontal with no way to fix it. It gets pretty annoying running around places with back items sideways on you, especially if your’e an engineer, you look dumb with a sideways grenade kit on your back. You should definitely fix this issue. Here is picture to give you an idea of what this looks like.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

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Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I transmuted Stone Eye (ele started headgear) onto my level 80 exotic headpiece (Exalted) and the Stone Eye is now invisible in-game and on the Hero screen. It shows up on the character select though.

I know this problem has existed since Beta though. >.< At least according to what I found when trying to look it up.

Race: Female Sylvari
Class: Elementalist

Attached is Character Select and in-game/Hero panel:


(edited by Katreyn.4218)

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Posted by: spacemayu.4817


Visual Glitch With Backpack On Asura

Wearing the Protean Helm as an Asura causes the backpack to disorient itself.

It’s the tier 1 cultural medium helm.

The backpacks I have tested are the universal multitool pack and all the backpacks that spawn with the engineer kits (they all glitch in the same way). Hiding the helm with it still equipped will return the backpack to normal orientation.

This is a deal breaker for me. I want to wear the protean helm but I it looks weird when I use any engineer kits. Please fix this!


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Posted by: mimidori.9506


So since the Nightmare Pants now look ridiculous on human females, I got an Arah set. Now the Corrupted Orrian Pants are bugged as well. It’s not probably facing the front, it’s tilted to the right.


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Posted by: wildcode.5403


2 issues reguarding Queen Jennah.

1. Her top does not fit her correctly allowing her to show more than a royal should at certain angles,

2. Her royal highness has chosen to go commando under that dress.

Royalty should dress with modesty, and dignity. Queen Jennah must have skipped those parts of her etiquette lessons.

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Posted by: Bloodlust.3672


please fix the front hair clipping problems while running. it’s most noticeable on bright hair. some examples…


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Posted by: Jubelas.7284


To further show what i have posted before, here is another comparisson between the Noblemans armor sets. The ones the Merchants or NPCs wear look to be in mint condition, new and perfectly shinny while the ones the playes get are cracked, and rusty and with black patches all over. I believe that given the fact this armor (as some others) is an endgame armor that requires a lot of effort to get, it would be nice to see it fixed, and the textures improved so it looks mroe liek what the merchant or NPCs wear than what we are getting atm.

The ugly/dirty we got

The Npc’s one (shiny and outstanding)

Comparing the leg ingame context, yep a fix is need


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Posted by: Bloodlust.3672


stately helm

clipping on the side of this human hairstyle…


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Posted by: Sheiikii.7986



Rooming issue present near the plaza on top of the stairs.

Screenshot with location attached.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to Plaza of Lyssa.
2. Go to the the location showed in the attached screenshot or movie.
3. Move camera in order to make it clip with the support beam behind the character.

Notice that when the camera clips with the beam, the gameworld disappears.



Multiple rooming issues present in the “kitchen” near the chef at Minister Wi’s Party.

Screenshot with location attached.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Advance with the main quest until reaching the quest “A Society Function”.
2. Go to the the location showed in the attached screenshot or movie.
3. Move camera as shown in the two movies.

Notice the gameworld disappears in several instances.

I`m pretty sure that all the rooming issues are caused by the same asset, but i’ve shown all 3 locations anyway.

Made two posts but apparently i need to wait for someone else to post so i don`t double post. Which is not really smart in a bug reporting thread. I might even spot 20 bugs per day. What then ?


(edited by Sheiikii.7986)

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Posted by: Zoul.1087


Pact avenger animated in preview, however the in game weapon does not show same animation.

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Posted by: Lokheit.7943


I’m a Male Human Thief, recently I got the Duelist armor chest piece (part of my ideal armor you can see :P), and the problem is that there is a red line that crosses the piece vertically from neck to belly, no matter the dyes and the graphics settings.

I couldn’t tke a better resolution pick, but you can see it, specially in the darker zone of the armor.

Something similar happens on the same armor piece on the back depending how much I’m zooming in and out, it shows mostly in the bottom area, but sometimes it crosses the entire back.

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Posted by: Loic.4367


I’ve posted on this before, but I have the same problem as Lokheit, having a vertical red line appearing in the center of the Vigil Garb. The line is more visible when the camera is zoomed out, but completely invisible once it’s close enough.

Examples attached, yo.


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Posted by: Speeder.6042


I’m posting a clipping issue on the female human tier 3 cultural armor – Assassin’s Vest. As seen on the screenshot, the right leg clips through the side part from the vest. This happens regardless of leggings worn (or not) in any animation state where the right leg is lifted. Examples being dancing, kneeling, standing on a bent surface, etc.. This is a quite highly visible clipping issue.

(Non-bugreport:) There is an awfully big clipping issue on the front left side of the vest not included in the screenshot! Only part of the armor I dislike…


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Posted by: Geebag.1672


In “To The Core”, I wish I would be able to scroll back more. I find it hard to see stuff behind the giant golem.


[ Jar Jar aka Geebag “The Videosandwich” ]

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Posted by: Geebag.1672


Stuck in this mountain in Mount Maelstrom, can’t get down. Probably have to map-travel.


[ Jar Jar aka Geebag “The Videosandwich” ]

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Posted by: Mander.2506


Female, Norn, Engineer

Studded Leather boots stuck on my default dyes (Tea Jeans/Orchid), cannot change dyes. Attempting to unequip boots or re-equip a new pair results in game crash.

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Posted by: NameStlr.6971


Nightmare Heavy armour on a male sylvari.
There is this Yellow brown colour that cannot be dyed. It ruins the armours look. Please make it part of the dye-able part of the armour.
Guild members with the same armour with different races find certain colours placed in the bottom left dye slot die the colour away (however it does not work for me).
I also read a thread on 3rd party forum that said it has something to do with changing or removing dye and that a colour will stick.

Please give us some feedback on the countless issues posted without any reply.


(edited by NameStlr.6971)

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Posted by: Vilaptca.6037


Male Human Necromancer wearing the full Mad King’s set. I seen it has already been brought up before about your character’s face sticking out of the headgear. But when you jump into water, the boots glitch out. They pretty much disappear around your knees on the back side.

To fix this I have to go into my Hero screen, unequip the boots, and then equip them again.


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Posted by: Genei.7502


Got stuck in the Ossuary of Unquiet Dead map. At the point where asked to “Descend into the Ossuary’s lower chambers” I got stuck in some ruins.


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Posted by: wildcode.5403


strong swindler pants has glove as icon.

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Posted by: Deavon.3297


Both ghastly greatsword and longbow are bugged. The effect appears completely random.I am sure you are aware of the issue, im just sad it has to take this long for you to fix this simple bug.

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Posted by: wildcode.5403


dont know if anyone else noticed this but in the “Help the priory workers excavate Rata Pten” heart, when the picks of the workers hit the ground they are on their side :/

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Posted by: Ducky.6190


I think the first issue I want to bring to light fits into art bugs, but I could definitely be wrong. It may just be a coding issue, I’m not 100% sure, but it’s definitely a bug that should be addressed and fixed.

In the PVP locker, the armor shows up as the Masquerade armor set, but when you try it on, it has more of a witch doctor look to it. I have yet to be able to find this armor set anywhere within the PVE aspect of the game, although there seems to be an over abundance of Karma vendors that sell armor sets that resemble the Shadow set, even though at least one of them is named “witch doctor”. Also, while doing a Google search for suggestions as to where this armor can be bought, I discovered that the areas people were buying this armor in the Beta are, in fact, areas that now have the excess of Shadow Garb skin look-alike Karma sets.
I’m looking for this armor for my Asura Female, but since Asura Females don’t have the same armor look as the other race Females, I’ll post screenies of both Asuran and Human females wearing a preview of the armor that seems to be completely missing from game.
!! !!
!! !!

The second issue I’ve noticed is a clipping issue on my Asuran Female Necromancer.
It doesn’t really seem to matter what armor bottoms I wear, anything that flares out even a little clips any one handed weapons I’m wearing, so that they’re half covered by my armor, and half sticking out. I’ve included sceenshots from both sides of two separate armor set bottoms.
!! !! !! !!

My last issue is with the Shadow Garb Helm. I only recently noticed it while trying to mix and match armor sets. The Helm seems to have its own set of shoulders attached to it, which I don’t remember it having when I originally got it. This set of “shoulders” covers any other shoulders I try to wear with them so that you can’t see them unless I hide my helmet, the appearance of which is the whole reason I want to mix and match armor sets in the first place. The first two screenshots are of the Shadow Garb Helm showing, worn with the Shadow Garb Mantle, and with it hidden. (There’s a slight difference in the look between the actual Mantle, and the shoulders that now seem to be a part of the Helm.) And the second two are of the Shadow Garb Helm worn with the Tactical Mantle, the first showing the helm, and the second having it hidden.
!! !! !! !!

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Posted by: Bloodlust.3672


when our character is dead, the handle of greatsword sticks out of the character’s head. can it be fixed?


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Posted by: Kaschner.1982


Corrupted Spear and Corrupted Harpoon Gun graphics are reversed. This needs to be fixed!

Male Human Warrior.

(edited by Moderator)

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Posted by: Shatters.7315


Ghastly shortbow

-Take a screenshot of the issue
See attachment

-Take a screenshot of your equipment on the Hero Panel (H)
See attachment

-List your Race, Sex and Class
Asura, Male, Thief.

-List the names of every piece of armor/clothing/weapon equipped (this includes the level requirement) when you encountered the issue
Not the issue, tried out the weapon with alot of different armor sets.

-If you can, list where you acquired the item (which NPC, what map location, which dungeon, etc…)
Ascalon catacombs tear vendor in Lions Archs.

The blue glow/particle effect, like on all ghastly weapons, is bugging/dissappearing after shooting the ghastly shortbow a few times, sometimes it doesnt even show at all(yes, it was night-time, my ghastly dagger and sword DID glow). This happened in alot of different area’s in the past few days. The weapon is transmuted, but it had the same problem before i transmuted it.


(edited by Shatters.7315)

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Posted by: ThaArchivist.3579


Found phantom terrain. photo below.


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Posted by: Secret.2415


Pretty glaring art issue. I’m wearing the Heavy Twilight Arbor armor (Nightmare Pauldrons/Nightmare Cuirass/Nightmare Gauntlets) as well as T2 Sylvari Cultural armor (Warden Leggings) where only part of the armor is being colored, while the rest of the armor stays the same green color. It’s pretty annoying!


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Posted by: Isengard.2134


Pretty glaring art issue. I’m wearing the Heavy Twilight Arbor armor (Nightmare Pauldrons/Nightmare Cuirass/Nightmare Gauntlets) as well as T2 Sylvari Cultural armor (Warden Leggings) where only part of the armor is being colored, while the rest of the armor stays the same green color. It’s pretty annoying!

Glad I’m not the only one experiencing this, it seems it’s only affecting male Sylvari using heavy cultural or TA armour. And the colour that cannot be dyed over is always the same as the default skin colour.

If you have black dye could you try dyeing one of your TA pieces black? I’ve got an issue where after applying black dye to a TA piece doesn’t save and it gets reverted to “Dye Remover”, as if the current issue isn’t enough of a headache.


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Posted by: Profano.9514


Tha Asura Tier 3 Peacemaker sword is still bugged and don’t make any glow.

The Sleeping Bard [TSB] | The Bard,

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Posted by: Bloodlust.3672


when combining female starter medium armor with the 2nd body type, the pants stick out of the shirt. in this screenshot, you can see the patch of green on the side…


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Posted by: Grimm.7265


Character : Female Norn Necromancer
Armor : SheepSkin Armor (T1 norn armor) Light Armor Lvl 35

I recently (6 november 2012) transmutated the shoulder pads and the leggings with some superior armors (their statistiques are on the screen shots). In the transmutation i only kept the SheepSkin armor skin and kept the statistiques of the other armor. Now those two armor pieces have the superior armor’s dye as default and cannot be dyed the way the sheepskin armor was. I can apply any other dye except the ebony one (which was the one applied on my sheepskin armor).


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Posted by: Avari.8954


Race: Human

When ever my(or anyone I see) character puts on a head piece such as the Celebration Hat or Winged Headpiece the she would go bald. I’m not exactly sure when I started to notice this, but I think it was a little bit before Halloween.

I’ve attached a picture showing how it use to look, and how it looks now.


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Posted by: Esplen.3940


Asuran Tier 2 Cultural Armor, Genius Leggings, appears to create a misplaced back AND shield effect. (I do not have a picture with a shield, however I can confirm that it does affect shields as well.)

This visual error only seems to occur when wearing the aforementioned armor.

Mad Memoires [: The Complete Edition] and shields will turn from their natural upward poise to a full horizontal and vertical change (90 degrees in both axis).

Picture 1 shows Mad Memoires AND an environmental weapons’ back piece placed in an odd angle.

Picture 2 shows just Genius Leggings and Mad Memoires in the odd angle.

Picture 3 shows normal Mad Memoires position with a different pair of pants.

Note: The bug occurs with clothes on, I just took the clothes off to show that the root of the problem appeared [to me] to be the pants. Everything else in my wardrobe has changed since I first saw the problem.


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Posted by: Coltz.5617


This one must of be one of the more unique ones. Here is a helmet that changes my face to that of all the NPC Chars with the same helmet on.

Race: Char
Gender: Male
Armor: Char Cultural Armor Tier 2
Legion Visor

When I put the Tier 2 Legion Visor on, my characters face changes into an orange / red char with blue eyes. My Char character’s face is blue and white and have completely different features.

Here are is a side view image that shows the sudden change from blue fur to orange scales. This is one of the best looking helm/armor in the game, hope this gets a looked at and perhaps changes.

Thank you for making such a great looking game,


- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

(edited by Coltz.5617)

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Posted by: contageous.6037


Not sure if anyone else has come across this problem while gathering like I did but… Occasionally after gathering with a sickle or a pick axe I’ll see a “Candy Corn” from the Halloween event pop up for like a split second or so in place of the object I just gathered from. So if I just finished mining iron ore, then a candy corn would pop up for like a second and disappear soon afterwards. I don’t have a picture yet but I will try to get one because the way its happens is just too fast and hard to anticipate. Oh right, I haven’t had this problem while gathering with an axe but just with a pick axe and sickle. Hope my description was detailed enough and helps.

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Posted by: aliquis.9180


Asura Female Ranger

The ears are sticking out through the helm. I have worn this helm for 6-8 weeks without this problem. I just noticed the ears yesterday. As you can see, the effect is devastating.

The armor style is the Berserker’s Prowler set which I crafted. It was transmuted with crafted exotic armor to retain the look.


“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet