The hatchery bugged?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Annara.4961


OK .. number XXX complaining about getting stucked in The Hatchery…
I see there are several threads and topics made about this issue. I also see Anet tried to fix it several times, but appearantly that didn’t help.

I tried this personal story quest about 6x and I’m giving up. The quest just won’t continue after reaching Tchkik (after rescuing and talking to his friends Vrackan and Yikuk). Tchkik just lost his friend Kittaka and is moarning about it and then….. nothing

When can we expect the solution to this bug or can we get a get-around?

Thanks and Cya

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: omegawarlock.5712


#$%@ you tchkik #$% you ncsoft !$% you arenanet
(#$% is not slang ) @#$%ing bug piece !#$

(edited by Moderator)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: ZerviZ.4783


I have tried it 3 times today and still no luck . I have killed every single mob/egg before reaching each skrit and still gets stuck on the third one.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Kitiandra.7418


Same here, stuck in this storyline. The last scritt Tchkik won’t move and no enemies that are suppose to appear (according to a wiki), appear

Edit: ah just read the post from the developer earlier in this thread (page 1) that it’s fixed and will be in the next update (probably the 5th of november). Thanks!

(edited by Kitiandra.7418)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Manetherin.9416


I will add to the squeaky wheel in hopes to influence an expedited release of the fix.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tucker.4068


New patch pushed out about an hour ago, still hasn’t fixed this.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Danzig.2051


Sigh…still bugged after latest patch

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: phor.7952


Yet another person who can’t progress. Pretty bewildered as to why this wouldn’t be a priority fix.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: silverpaw.2450


Yes this quest is bug.. I try 6 time’s but to same… not work…

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Pushing this to the top since it seems to have been forgotten. We’ve seen a good handful of small updates the past few days and none addressing this. This isn’t a small concern- it’s completely game breaking for those of us with the quest. We literally cannot progress any farther in our story.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Silvermink.1456


I did this quest about a month ago, when did it break? I did it with 2 people.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Aiv.8402


Well people my message as a person who is hindered by this is, to just level at first I was in confusion then I simply just did my map now I’m lvl 80 and pretty geared and having lots of fun. I’m upset its not fixed but the game is great and there is so much more to see:) Arenanet has some issues with their priorities but hey I know it will get fixed and in the meantime there is Halloween stuff you can lvl or you can roll an alt and you can always come back since no monthly fee.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: tanglad.2510


Having it bugged for this long with all the recent updates is ridiculous. Thank you for fixing it and trying to push it but I can’t believe why it hasn’t been released yet!

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Poke Storm.7983

Poke Storm.7983

Come on now this bug is really still an issue i just got done with my 11th attempt after the first day it came about i understood after the second ok thats not too bad after the 3rd day ok well what the hell after the 4th day with patches every single one of those days you expect it to be fixed but now after over 5 days this is insane and nobodys even replying to posts on here anymore what is going on, and we should be rewarded for this you people say, “Oh well playing without a monthly fee is your gift” well ya know what I did buy the game and i baught a game thats supposted to work and when it doesnt that makes it a major inconvience and any other public service supplied to people when they mess up like this they make it right. Really though thats besides the point I just want to be able to finish my story this is giving everybody else who doesnt take this path an advantage, another good point as to why we do diserve something for the trouble.

I simply cannot believe this isnt fixed yet, Holloween crap is cool and all but the main story to the actual video game should be your primary concern!

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Wezz.3780


I simply cannot believe this isnt fixed yet, Holloween crap is cool and all but the main story to the actual video game should be your primary concern!

This, i cant understand how this isnt your what you aim to fix first as it is breaking the GAME itself and howh ard can it be to put a fix in with the Halloween patches.

im Shocked to see what they claim takes “priority….” what would be more improtant then fixing the MAINSTORY of your game ?…
Seems rly stupid to me that this have been broken for so long… gess im just gona have to do everything at 80.. thanks for kittening up my gaming experience of your game.

As we go on we remember, all the times we had together.
As our lives change, Come whatever, We will still be friends forever.
Sarah / Camille Shirayuki – Warrior / Mesmer

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Safarijacksa.3850


This game has been a real pleasure to play but this bug is really irritating especially as it’s on the main story arc.

I would say that this should be a critical priority update. Please fix it as soon as possible.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Kayt.3014


if you actually look on the wiki and see the only thing they updated yesterday- they made a ledge in Lunatic Inquisition unreachable. So, why prioritize a ledge over a quest bug?

And somone said somthing about wanting somthing for compensation? the only thing they’d be able to give you are lion keys. I’m 63 now (still on this quest though) so that’s two i should have got, one for hitting 50 one for 60 but ill never get them before the events over now.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: LULU.3069


I used to have the same problem until a friend of mine joined party and came in instance with me. Maybe I got lucky, but it wouldn’t hurt to try

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Principe I.1492

Principe I.1492

i have the same problem

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: phyrr.4750


Actually this is a really pressing issue. As the story line quests gives a lot of exp, doing story quests while you level in zones makes you balanced with the zone you’re currently leveling in. Now as the story is broken for me, i find myself almost constantly under-leveled in the zone i’m in, making it harder to complete quests and exploring.
I finish an area “prematurely” (do all the quests, explore most of the map etc. I rarely bother with 100% though) and move on to the next, not really ready for the new area level-wise.

I’m 67 now, struggling to survive in Frostgorge Sound. I can’t go back because i already finished everything in Sparkfly Fen, Iron Marches, Fireheart Rise and i can’t continue because i’m too weak.

With my main 80 i never had this problem, because the exp from story line made sure i was always at a balanced level in every zone, all up to 80. Going to try and craft for a while to catch up on exp.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Morkin.9502


It is still bugged, please fix it…

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Morkin.9502


Please fix it…as soon as possible
Lot’s of players stopped levelling ’cos of this bug.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Dio.8317


Fix it please… We can’t even make our main quest…..

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Daryaonfire.4751


same problem here. please fix, i do bug report 1 day ago and still nothing.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Can we please get an update? Last post from someone stating we haven’t been forgotten was 2 pages and 4 days ago. Those of us hit by this bug can NOT progress with our characters any farther. This is about as game breaking of a bug as you can get for those who chose the vigil storyline…

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: ElectTheDead.3798


Vigil storyline? I’m Priory and i still have that bug. Guess both storylines end up in the same place eventually.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


Bump. I’m stuck on this now as well.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: horus.7628


seriosly this needs to be fixed earlyer then november im 55 allrdy and still cant do the kitten hatchery i have had to go to all 50-60 zones just to get to 55 lol personal story should come above halloween and i agree with other posts how hard is it to add the fix to a halloween update

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Azzanadra.6841


You know, the least they could do is disable that story option so more and more people don’t continue to get permanently stuck on this quest.

It is absolutely ridiculous that after all this time, nothing’s been done and more people like myself are now also stuck.
If you won’t fix or disable it, let us choose a questline thats NOT broken

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Rand.2973


PLEASE hurry and fix. I appreciate all that you’ve done, but this is ridiculous. It’s the MAIN story. I paid for a game that would work well without any bugs. Now I’m stuck without being able to progress. I know it sounds like I’m a huge whiner, but I’ve been bearing with this for awhile. I could care less about the Halloween events (as I’m sure many others as well).
At the very least, let us go back and choose the other option or something. All I’ve been doing is farming and fighting and it’s gotten quite bland. I do other things every now and then too but it really does get old fast. I’m almost at 70 right now since I have nothing else to do.
You’d think they’d notice with all the people who have this problem and at least say something or update us on it.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


This bug existed before I bought the game.

I’m now level 51 and my storyline is stuck, unable to proceed because nothing been done to fix it or to disable it or to warn us about not choosing this path.

I myself updated the wiki to at least notify other players that this chain is bugged.

Can we get an expedited patch here? Lots of people are sitting around twiddling their thumbs getting very frustrated with this game.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Fogo.9475


I am also stucked. Nothing happens after the last NPC. As was mentioned before. The storyline quest gives a Major Exp boost. Without that exp we suffer to go on.
Please fix ! thanks

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Danemaru.2589


Still bugged. Please fix as fast as possible .

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Joshyp.6129


Please hurry up and fix this, I am now level 69 and yet still no fix. Been trying this for the last 4 days now -.-

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: herojuana.3195


Ive also got this bug, tried numerous ressing orders and nothing worked, also tried a party member too but nothing. Whilst its an annoying bug Ive just moved on to the next zones and you can continue lvling without the story quest, so those saying the game is ruined/stalled just move on, anyway Ive already done the entire story as my warrior and trust me the rewards for completing it are not even worth bothering with.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Wezz.3780


Bah seems im gona have to stop play for a while…
this game isnt as fun to level in without the story..
tbh its rly lame without the story.
Looking in the 5th to see if its fixed, stupidity level at 100%

Edit: @herojuana.3195
No but its not as fun to level up another char without the story when i picked the vigil cuse i are with the order of whisperers on my 80. and its pritty gamebreaking for Most ppl when the main story dont work.
you know there are ppl out here that CARE about the story in games.

As we go on we remember, all the times we had together.
As our lives change, Come whatever, We will still be friends forever.
Sarah / Camille Shirayuki – Warrior / Mesmer

(edited by Wezz.3780)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tyber Valens.5148

Tyber Valens.5148

I must say I am very surprised that this bug hasn’t been fixed yet. Players unable to proceed with the storyline mission shouldn’t be told to wait for the next update. This isn’t a minor problem.

Templar Valens – Human – Guardian
Server: Maguuma

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: ElectTheDead.3798


I’m kinda dissappointed that you bothered to fix a ledge in a mini game but not a major bug keeping tons of players from progressing their story line.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: herojuana.3195


I dont wanna kitten about patches, timescales etc, but maybe what should happen is A-net at least warn people its bugged.

However the ledge in the mini game effected 100% of people ? , this “minor” story situation and yes it is minor as its not game breaking in all honesty wont effect as many.

Also if your playing guild wars for the story jees let me know if you find one……

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Budkai.7491


Same problem here, cleared the whole room and kept all the skritt alive. Still no progress

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Zenith.1234


Bugged as well, this is extremely game breaking and extremely annoying, I use story line quests to get me to 80 quickly…………..why did I even pick this stupid option….?

@herojuana, That is extremely inconsiderate to say that and it is a major bug not minor, also the story is amazing, maybe you should take some reading courses.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Arkvan.3561


Meh, guess it’s back to level alts until Nov 5th. Shame, I love these personal story lines. ;/

No one hears you.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: herojuana.3195


Its not inconsiderate its putting things in perspective “game breaking” that’s way off the mark.

The story in this game is only a small part of what the game offers in fact its possibly the smallest part of the game and not having it is far from game breaking.

Anyway Zenith no need to get personal with me I can read just fine, however its mostly Audio, so me noe needz to readz …..

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Zenith.1234


Saying a “story quest” is minor is very laughable and inconsiderate. A story is one of the “Major” aspects of MMORPG’s and if the story cannot be completed it is very game breaking.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Shadyia.8706


The Hatchery is still bugged. Please fix this!

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tolmos.8395


It’s Monday, we know you guys are at work! Please push this patch through already (I mean, it’s already confirmed to be FINISHED). Don’t make us wait until Nov 5 to be able to play our main characters! I mean, I’m already level 80 and haven’t been able to progress past the level 45 story quest? That’s insane!

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: mikefang.4182


Just adding my two bits to this pile: I’ve also tried The Hatchery several times now and it won’t let me complete the mission.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Mist.8569


Just pinching in and adding my voice to the choir:

Considering the choice to pick one out of three races is shared by all three affiliations in the story, this issue will affect 1/3 of the players workign on new characters since this bugged. Add the number of people rerolling or just starting to teh number of people that are already stuck, this must be enough people to make this a priority.

Come on, it’s 1/3 of everyone making new characters… It does matter enough for a hotfix, right?

Blades, 80 warrior
Tempestria, 80 elementalist
Gamers With Jobs – GWJ- NSP

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tobby.2479


What a surprise !! I just got this bug. Then google on internet then found this forum when i read from page 1. It likes from 5 days agos and bug still not fix. Interesting indeed.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Venese.1405


This is definitely bugged. Have tried it three times now; same thing happens. As a result, the character cannot advance her story. Definitely needs a fix.