The hatchery bugged?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: gladson.9130


Please fix this error, we need to end the personal history of our characters

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: rsegames.3916


Amazing, still broken, just put a npc to talk sayng “Im sorry, this kitten is bugged, take all these itens from the skritt storyline and never try to do this again” and we jump all the skritt storyline, at this point i dont care about this part anymore, just let us all to pass from this.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Wezz.3780


Amazing, still broken, just put a npc to talk sayng “Im sorry, this kitten is bugged, take all these itens from the skritt storyline and never try to do this again” and we jump all the skritt storyline, at this point i dont care about this part anymore, just let us all to pass from this.

Great idea, THAT cant be to hard to get done fast, put him just as you enter the hatchery.

im so sick of being Punished for picking skritt story that i dont give to kitten about the story anymore and that is comming from a lorefreak.

“The Hatchery” You can no longer do the final step before doing the intermediate steps.

lol….. since that day its bugged?

Also this… it it for real? its ben bugged this long and you still have not done anything to Warn new players that picking it.

Dissable the option to pick Skritt before new players pick it and quit cuse they cant complete storyline

As we go on we remember, all the times we had together.
As our lives change, Come whatever, We will still be friends forever.
Sarah / Camille Shirayuki – Warrior / Mesmer

(edited by Wezz.3780)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: matteo.8596


this personal mission is bugged can fix him as soon as possible thanks arena net

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Arris.3604


arena net…… why ? ;P

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Ralja.6475


I’ve kept all the skritts alive and it didn’t worked, also i’ve almost cleansed all the cavern and nothing changed: it seems there’s no workaround for the bug so far.

(edited by Ralja.6475)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: raddoc.2086


Oct 30 PM, same problem, still bugged.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: chrisclark.8604


still bugged. I guess I shouldn’t have to wait too horribly long now will I?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: stonedmixer.8243


i am playing my 3rd toon, my first toon was chosen the hylek, 2nd toon chosen ogres and so unlucky i choose the rat while the questline is bugged… i’ve been waiting for more than 2 weeks but got nothing fix… and my necro is alreay hitted 80 without those BS main story quests…. big thank to anet…….. its just so freaking ridiculous….

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tolmos.8395


It’s surreal how long this massive and game breaking bug has been allowed to continue. It’s really sobering, actually. It drives home the fact that no, this is not a subscription based game and no, you will not receive the same speedy hotfixes you have become accustomed to in those games.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Irishdragon.6430


This has been broken for nearly 2 weeks and apparently there’s miscommunication whether this will be fixed on the 5th of November or the 15th of November. Irregardless, either is too long for a quest that is a “Show Stopper” and nearly 6 pages of complaints that not enough is being done about. Now i hate to be the one to get angry enough about this that I post it again, but I sincerely think this is being ignored and not enough is being done quickly to satisfy players. I’m tired of hearing the excuse “some bugs are more complex than it may seem” yea, other MMO’s have said same thing, and failed because of their inability to prioritize and use common sense. I don’t care about excuses, and neither do the numerous posts from players complaining about this major bug. Give us a set date, AT LEAST. And for the respect of your players howabout announcing this bug on a scale that new players or alts know this is bugged and don’t get screwed for 2+ weeks before they can move on.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: AgaveGal.7216


Very disappointed to have spent 90 minutes of my evening trying over and over to get the mission to complete (not to mention that my lvl 47 Guardian was getting whomped on by all those crab things who were only lvl 45 – reminder to ArenaNet to make sure the personal story stuff CAN be done solo!), only to find out the mission’s been bugged for a MONTH AND A HALF and likely won’t be fixed for at least another TWO WEEKS!!! That’s waaaayyy too long to let something as significant as the personal story line drop by the wayside. Not a happy customer.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Tolmos.8395


If I remember right the bug is because the game checks to see if those that are found are still alive and also it needs to be done in the exact order it shows on your log. If either of these conditions are met before all are found, it bugs up and progress is halted. For some reason all the named Skritt cannot die until the very end. Some of them can’t be ressed either when I last did it.

I attempted the mission again. This time I cleared the entire room of all enemies first, then rezzed the 2 downed Skritt when there was nothing that could possibly kill them alive. I then returned those 2 Skritt to Tchkik… who did nothing. Unfortunately, the method of keeping all of the Skritt alive did not work for me.

I went back and did it a second time. This time I cleared the room of all aggressive mobs, then made sure to be very specific in the order I rezzed the 2 skritt + talked to Tchkik. The one closest to the door first → the one in the middle of the room → talk to Tchkik. Again, no change.

(edited by Tolmos.8395)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Rigormortis.7620


makes me wonder how the support will be in the future some of us play these games for a long time and spend alot on them so maybe this is another swtor this is a small bug with alot of people stuck please dont make this the regular response to issues

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Odd… I guess it broke even worse than when I had done it a month ago.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Keith.4723


Nov 01, same problem, still bugged.

This is my third times report this bug, please check it .

The bug is after i talk with NPC"Tchkik " ,it nothing happen.

But actually it will happen "Get the skritt scouts to safetly "


Please..Please check it …..because i cannot countinue my story

Please reply if u get this messagea

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Pages.9801


Yep. Still bugged. Please fix it. It’s a game breaking bug, just get on to it.
Oh and it cost me a heap of silver to fix my armor which I’m not happy about.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: gortz.7589


Yes still broken … I tried all ways and unsuccessfully.
Arena finally fix the bug!

(another unhappy user)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: elcino.1048


hi, gm are days that I try to complete the mission the mission completed hatchery me but not the end of the quest.
P.S. sorry for my bad English but use a translator

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: dovla storm.9605

dovla storm.9605

Yeah I can’t finish this quest Pls fix it guy’s, thank you.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Agonaar.9612


Still bugged tried 2 times right now !!!!

Romanian Spirits [SoR]

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Budkai.7491


I’ve just started WvW and forgot all about the story quests. It’s really fun and good xp!

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: MikePt.4902


Bugged for me too, i tried it now for my 20 time.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: alebelmor.9170


someone from arenanet said they would fix the bug 1. November but it is still bugged please arenanet fix it

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: alebelmor.9170


bugged hatchery

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: alebelmor.9170


someone from arenanet said they would fix the bug 1. november but it is still bugged please arenanet fix the bug

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Von Helvete.4791

Von Helvete.4791

Seriously I don’t get the " i tried it XX amount of times" and " I am going back to WoW" posts it is a freaking GAME! I played it through ONCE realised it was bugged and I am waiting, you know that little thing called “patience” sounds like many people don’t actually know what it takes to implement a so called “simple fix” like this.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Dane.9480


In the old days (before the internet) a game was actualy finished when it was released
(well some of them anyway) :p
There was no patching or/and hot fixes.
Nowadays it seems every game comes out as beta release,
and the gamers who buy the game is the beta testers :/

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Matt Murdock.1536

Matt Murdock.1536

I too am stuck on this bug. My story can’t continue at this point. I love this game and I hope this get fixed soon.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Mirar.3465


Can you get a GM to reset you back so you don’t pick Skritt or at least not this mission?
Or push you past the mission?

GMs in LoTRO would do that. On the other hand, it’s a subscription game. (For GM support it still is.)

I expect no fix. Maybe I should delete the character and start over?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Koimi.3874


I’m stuck on this too. After saving the first two Skritt, Tchkik will just stand there after saying his lines. No other parts of the quest spawn even after clearing the entire room. Tried this twice now.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Blacksmith.8679


Why oh why did I choose the Skritt? Now my Charr is victim to the bug…now he’ll need a flea dip to rid himself of them.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


I personally don’t have this bug. Though my leveling partner does, and I couldn’t convince them to pick the Quaggan. I’m however done with this section of my personal story, but my partner is still stuck on this quest. Could this be fixed so we can atleast level together? This is rather annoying to deal with.

“Have you done your personal story?”
“No. Still bugged. Then a lot of self-censored explitives on how ArenaNet is lazy on fixing this. "
“I’ll just hang here at the Battle of Fort Trinity then… and wait for your progression to pick up.”

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: dethdealer.5042


im having a issue with it too cant get past saving the 2nd one

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Ragnarok.5708


I am very disappointed that this (or any, for that matter) story line quest has gone for so long without being fixed, yet Halloween patches arrive on a daily basis. Frankly, the longer I play, the more warts I’m finding on this MMO.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Siobhan.3582


The Hatchery is level 45 step in personal story.

It is bugged. you rez all the npc’s per the storyline but they will not move or continue.

Tried it 3x and same result.

This is huge bug as it breaks our ability to move the story forward.

That one person.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Siobhan.3582


How is this NOT fixed?? I made a new vigil player. Had no clue about the bug.

NPC still gave me the choice to pick a broken quest that is game breaking (for our story)..

The quest xp is a big part of leveling your character. There is NO excuse to not turn off the npc choice if you can’t fix this for over a week.

I really sucks that they are allowing players new to the quest line to be dragged into this mess.

That one person.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Wezz.3780


This have been reported by MANY players and its been bugged for ages, and they dont care enough to prevent new players to pick it or to make a quick patch for it as its not important enough.
here the link to where we all hang around. —→

As we go on we remember, all the times we had together.
As our lives change, Come whatever, We will still be friends forever.
Sarah / Camille Shirayuki – Warrior / Mesmer

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


Could we get a moderator’s input on this?

I personally fear this might get out of hand with the vast amount of people stuck on here.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Jim Riven.3241

Jim Riven.3241

lvl 70 now and really looking forward to all the exiting developments in the story that I have missed while mapping 43% of available content.
Oh I just know its gonna be fun

To all the other people posting and moaning, its only been a few months now that this has been bugged, and they did give us the whole Halloween event with mad kings and lag and extreme queues and no bugs at all and instant updates if any were found so please try and be a little more fair when you complain about 1 simple game breaking bug that they have had a fix for for over 14 days.
They will implement it in there own good time, and remember, we just buy the ability to play the game, not the game itself.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Raigne.9846


Been patiently watching this thread for a week now. Spent about $50 on Halloween. This game is worth a monthly fee, in my opinion, so I am happy to buy more to keep it going. I also understand the need for QA, since code is recycled and fixing this could cause a bug elsewhere. That said, for it to take a month because you don’t want to release it until the next content patch when you are patching temporary event stuff daily is ridiculous. I initially bought the game for the story, because I want to continue the story of a game I loved and played for 7 years. The Halloween content is nice, but the core game should come first.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: OrionSteel.1736


same problem =( im stuck

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: biggs.4702


lvl 70 now and really looking forward to all the exiting developments in the story that I have missed while mapping 43% of available content.
Oh I just know its gonna be fun

To all the other people posting and moaning, its only been a few months now that this has been bugged, and they did give us the whole Halloween event with mad kings and lag and extreme queues and no bugs at all and instant updates if any were found so please try and be a little more fair when you complain about 1 simple game breaking bug that they have had a fix for for over 14 days.
They will implement it in there own good time, and remember, we just buy the ability to play the game, not the game itself.

This is irrelevant and incorrect. The Halloween event has nothing to do with this, don’t even bring it up. And EULA terms also have nothing to do with this and are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if I bought the game or the ability to play the game. That has no bearing on this.

Although, you could say I bought the ability to finish my story quest.

Story quests are a major component of the game. This is not some minor issue and there is no need at all for you to show up here and try to render people’s concern insignificant.

The obstacle is the path.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: SuperCoolioJohn.4785


I like how we aren’t getting any further input on this subject. It is very reassuring.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


New patch, somebody check it?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: SuperCoolioJohn.4785


I did again and it is still broken.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Doom Hope.8120

Doom Hope.8120

Still not the Hatchery…
Personal Story

“The Battle of Fort Trinity”—Fixed a bug that could prevent progress on the “Defend the gate” objective.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: SuperCoolioJohn.4785


So they fixed Battle for Fort Trinity but didn’t fix this? That doesn’t matter to me at all since I won’t see that part until this part is fixed.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Raigne.9846


Also fixed the story mode Caudecus’s Manor bug. Little irritated.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Jim Riven.3241

Jim Riven.3241

Some people need to understand sarcasm, others need to to fix this bug, lets play a game of guess who!