The outstanding Hatchery Bug

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: screech.3290


I am just happy to see that the issue is going to be fixed. I have only been stuck here for a few days and am slightly annoyed at it, only slightly though. I can imagine how frustrating it must be to have been stuck on this particular quest for a month or longer. Cheers guys try not to be too angry about all of this, ANet is trying and we can’t expect things to be fixed instantly, Rome was not build in a day, heck even god had to take some time creating the garden of eden. So if all powerful omnipotent beings need time so does ANet.

Thanks Jeffrey your awesome!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: SuperSnoco.4761


Hurry up, Next week!!! Arah is waiting to get spanked and I need to get through the Hatchery to do it!!

Thanks for all your help and work, Jeffrey. This is super frustrating but glad to know someone’s paying attention!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


I apologize if my reply seemed curt, but I’m trying to funnel people towards one thread so I don’t have to spend all day updating multiple threads with info.

Stickying this thread may help reducing duplicate threads.

And afterall between the locked thread and this thread we do now have over 600 replies and 18,000 views. With hundreds of unique posters.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Raigne.9846


This is another case of something that looks simple but is actually fairly complex. The issue is that the same day that I made the fix to this story step, some changes were made to the music system that required an update to all story steps. Unfortunately, this meant that my fixed version was no longer compatible with Live, since it had references to the new audio changes in it, but Live did not have the new changes yet. Ultimately, it was deemed too risky to rush out the new audio changes (since they would affect every story step), which is why this (seemingly minor) fix has been delayed for so long, and why it’s part of a major update, and hasn’t been pushed out with the smaller updates we’ve made since this bug was fixed.

THANK YOU. The delay now makes sense to me. I feel a lot better about how things are being handled now. Sucks I can’t do my story quest yet, but I am glad to know we’re not being left hanging needlessly.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ragnarok.5708


Regardless of when we finally see this bug fixed, I really thing they need to take a long and hard look at how fixes and new content are prioritized. In a market where your customers have a pretty large choice of games, it is the difference between being successful or not.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Tolmos.8395


In the future, if possible, I would strongly suggest putting out a hotpatch to mark or make unavailable bugged story arcs. Not everyone is going to check the forums before making every choice in their gameplay, to make sure whatever it is they choose isn’t bugged, so it would be very helpful to have that information in the game when it becomes available to you guys.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Guy Tuvia.8914

Guy Tuvia.8914

hi what about the quest many people cant finish is
and my last time trying to finish it was two weeks ago +-
what can i / you do to fix it ?!
thank you …

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Covered in detail in:

TL;DR version: fix will be in next week’s content update.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Guy Tuvia.8914

Guy Tuvia.8914

it *
thank you for ansoring realy fast !!
can’t wait to continue your game <3

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Master J.7062

Master J.7062

I’m one of the many who’s story quest has been bugged several times.
1. My story quest the first time skipped several steps, but i decided to finish the quests where i was put because i started the game with my boyfriend. We finished the story quest together.
2. Several days later my story quest gets reset and I have to start all over again… Reported it and they just told me to deal with it.
3. Now… The Hatchery is bugged.
It’s extremely frustrating that it’s taking weeks to get this fixed when they can fix other bugged issues so quickly.. >.>

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


It’s not a matter of priorities, it’s just bad timing, really. A general audio fix went in about 2 hours before the bug was reported here and I fixed it, and unfortunately, the audio fix left the story step incompatible with Live. In the upcoming update they’ll be adding the audio fix, so the fixed story step will also go in.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Highestlander.5743


Thanks for the update on the Hatchery bug. This has been frustrating, but I’ve found plenty of other activities to do in the mean time. Definitely empathize with you and all of the complexities you must deal with. Appreciate the hard work everyone does at ArenaNet. Have had a blast playing GW2 and have already felt I have received a lot of value out of the game. Keep up the good work

(edited by Highestlander.5743)

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


I hit 80 tonight. This bug existed before I bought the game. The game was a bit bland without a storyline.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Sarapu.2815


The thing is im lvling fast…and in 1 or 2 days in reaching 80…but my story quest is at lvl 45..Im not getting the xp from the quests..thats unfair

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Askaer.8451


How Anet can be this slow to fix a bug that hinders MAIN story is beyond me. this should be the main priority over everything else. who the hell cares about adding endgame content when some of us are’t even allowed to get there. how the great have fallen

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Gibson.4036


Is there any way to disable the quest as an option?

I took this quest today and am now stuck on my personal story. There’s no way I’m going to check the wiki and forums before I do every single story quest.

I understand bugs. They take time to fix. It’d be nice, though, if there was some way to steer people clear of the story quests that will completely stop your progress until they are fixed.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ryan.2356


It’s not a matter of priorities, it’s just bad timing, really. A general audio fix went in about 2 hours before the bug was reported here and I fixed it, and unfortunately, the audio fix left the story step incompatible with Live. In the upcoming update they’ll be adding the audio fix, so the fixed story step will also go in.

When was that? Was that the 9/9 patch that affected The Hatchery?
“The Hatchery” You can no longer do the final step before doing the intermediate steps.

Has this actually been broken for 2 months?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Murcelago.2596


I just read the whole thread, and it looks like this quest is being broken for quite a long time. Lucky me that I got stuck not a month ago but just now when I have to wait just a mere week to continue playing =)

By the way, is there some list of “dead ends” in storyline? I’m going to create a new character but I’m afraid of getting trapped in one of those bugged quests again

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: OxygenKREDS.3908


The mission “The Hatchery – LvL 45 Durmand Priory” is bugged from a lot of time…
Could you do something about that ?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Oreos.2814


There’s already a couple huge threads about it.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Blackblade.3728


I swear the next time I report a bug I am gonna include that the dye drop rate is also extremely high! :p

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: ZhangoSqu.5219


As a developer myself, it astounds me that when it was realized the fix for this quest was made on a branch of the code that included other changes that would not be pushed out as quickly, that the fix was not then also made on a branch of the code that could be pushed out prior to the audio fixes. This is just bad management.

Here’s to it being fixed (finally) in the next content update.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Destroyer.2684


i have tried several times to rescue the skitt but once ive found them all in the hatchery, it just will not progres, have seen others with same issue, when will this bug be rectified as i cannot progress until this is sorted… thanks

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Promithes.1368


same issue, bump for attention

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Hani.2780


hi there,
i have been doing this quest for the past 3 days but still i’m not able continue after i rescue tchkik the quest just stop i dont what i’m supposed to do i clean the whole area but still no use the quest just stopped i appreciate it if you can help me out this like send me to next part where i can continue ^^

thank you very much for the awesome game

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Funset.7893


The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Mazthoril.6731


So…. When world of warcraft experienced a large number of server crashes shortly after a patch, they gave all players unlimited “rested” experience for 2 days as a gesture to make up for the frustration and delay they had been caused….

What is ANet going to give us by way of a gesture? I mean, surely, they don’t expect people to sit tight for almost a month and then not give them ANYTHING for the (avoidable) trouble?…

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Hangis.6573


Hey, I can’t do the hatchery (lvl 45), because after the third task, I don’t get a new task.
Please fix that problem. Thanks!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: arryelek.1375


Please fix this. It’s been broken since forever. I among many other have the same problem and want to actually continue my personal story. I’m lvl 65 but stuck at this part way back to lvl 45 part and cannot go on. This bug is one of the major ones and needs to be attended.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Smiter.3861


Please see this for assistance. Well known bug and of great consternation for many of us.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: CoolBoy.1908


Im having problems with the hatchery it just stuck with no more directions.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: CoolBoy.1908


Same here that hatchery fd up stuck in the same story log tried it 3 times and clear the whole dungeon. what a waste of TIME

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Atu.3072


Same exact issue here. Please give us an official update as to the situation,

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Darkworldz.2413


spent 2 hours trying to figure out if i had missed a skritt to revive.. then i decided google for a walkthrough.. and realized it was a bug.. How could something like this be missed by Anet??!!!!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Rehnzo.4167


I’m also warrior 48 and this hatchery dosen’t work at all

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Rehnzo.4167


I’m also warrior 48 and this hatchery dosen’t work at all

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Bonhomme.4210


The personal story quests are supposed to bring level-relevant rewards (XP+loots, money …)
If we’re forced to go on and level without these rewards from 45-80, what will we earn when we are finally able to do the story ?
Will there be extra money (WoW style, once max lvl, every quest XP you could earn is converted into money)
Will there be anything ?
Or are we stuck with that loss and poor customer relations ?

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: snograt.1745


Thanks for the update, Jeffrey. I’ve been ranting about this issue for a while and your explanation has certainly explained the month delay. I’d assumed it had to do with incompatibility with the recent massive updates and it looks like I wasn’t far wrong.

Not long now before my Ranger can sample the delights of Orrian undead.

At least I think that’s a good thing

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


Please stop treating Guild Wars 2 like it’s a subscription MMO. There are other aspects of the game to enjoy, and filtering your rage into the forums will not help the fix come any faster. I understand your rage.

However there is a thread made about this issue already. Please direct all rage into this thread.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: fugara.3206


This is the first time in a mmorpg that you canot get a responce" in game "from a gm all games have bugs but if you know about it then dont leave the players wait for 13 days you can skip this part of the q in a instant ( with the help of a gm ) and help them enjoy the game rather spent our time reading forums and trying to see what is going on after all the bug was your fault thanks for your time ( sorry if i made some mistakes in english )

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Cecep.9482


I cant make this quest, and i started it like 2 weeks ago.
So, fix this please.
The quest is for lvl 45 and i’m 55!

C’mon guys, more commitment please!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

There is a substantial thread bout it on

One of the dev’s have been commenting bout what the cause is, when it is going to be fixed and why it takes such a long time to fix it.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Edge.4180


Appreciate the detailed explanation there on the last few pages. Thanks!

That said, it seems like having changes introduced into the build that can delay your ability to apply critical fixes like this for over a month is a problem that could use some attention (so that this sort of thing doesn’t happen).

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Arci.3842


I have problem with personal Q Hatchery 2 weeks it is bugged. When i revive 2 skirtts then my Q no continue. I look on it on internet and in my Q it no continue please fix it.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Promithes.1368


As someone who played WoW for half a decade, played SWTOR and EVE, I have to say I am a little disappointed that such a crucial quest is bugged. In SWTOR when a story mission was bugged that became the dev’s first priority because not only was the quality of play affected but the player’s companions were unable to be unlocked, so it meant that players could not progress. I understand that a fix will affect the whole game but when the developers say they have it in testing and are going to roll out next patch, that to me shows a lack of customer appreciation. My suggestion to ArenaNet is if you want players to be generally happy with your game, make them feel like you care about them. Closing threads after a rep gives an answer we won’t like is not the way to ensure client loyalty. I would rather have the game go down for a few hours every week and have the rest of the time run smoothly than hit bugs every 2-3 levels because ArenaNet doesn’t want to do scheduled maintenance each week, even small patches every two weeks for bug fixes is fine, i just dont understaand why you wouldnt fix bugs asap and wait for a large patch to implement them

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Promithes.1368


It’s not a matter of priorities, it’s just bad timing, really. A general audio fix went in about 2 hours before the bug was reported here and I fixed it, and unfortunately, the audio fix left the story step incompatible with Live. In the upcoming update they’ll be adding the audio fix, so the fixed story step will also go in.

sorry for my earlier rant jeff, it was not aimed at you nor can I blame you for this turn of events, and I do appreciate you being upfront about it. I am glad you went to fix it and hope that my story missions in the future will not be bugged, but if they are we know who will fix em asap for us…. Jeffrey Vaughn, King of Coding

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: phor.7952


Jeff’s updates to this issue have been very much appreciated.

We now understand why this bug fix took so long to make it to Live; but like many others in the thread, I would still like to hear about if the team considered other options outside of just waiting for the fix to hit Live.

As soon as you knew the fix was going to have to wait for the next content patch, would it not have been possible to simply skip everyone who was stuck on this quest to the next quest? (or roll everyone back a quest so they could choose a different arc and continue progression?)

If that’s not currently possible, then I think the team should definitely look into creating a tool to help accomplish this in the future.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: laki.7986


Please guys fix this asap.I really miss this awesome quest,and im already lvl66.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Ofelion Equitas.8706

Ofelion Equitas.8706

Jeff’s updates to this issue have been very much appreciated.

We now understand why this bug fix took so long to make it to Live; but like many others in the thread, I would still like to hear about if the team considered other options outside of just waiting for the fix to hit Live.

As soon as you knew the fix was going to have to wait for the next content patch, would it not have been possible to simply skip everyone who was stuck on this quest to the next quest? (or roll everyone back a quest so they could choose a different arc and continue progression?)

If that’s not currently possible, then I think the team should definitely look into creating a tool to help accomplish this in the future.

I think Phor has a -very- good point with his last paragraph. It should definitely be considered.

The outstanding Hatchery Bug

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Posted by: Cybernoize.4568


Was googling this quest since i got stuck in it and found posts from Anet from about 18 days ago on the forum telling us it will be fixed…

Not going to do a flame thread here but I honestly don’t get why it has to take 18 days to fix a bug.

Loving the game but I want to play the story as well.

For Pony!